- A prophecy in Quran to emerge a creature from the earth
- Addressed Muhammad as prophet at his lifetime endeavor
- An overview on formation and organization of the universe
- Annual observance of laylat al-qadr is a man-made ritual
- Are all Arabic versions of the Quran the same in the world?
- Authorship of Arabic Quran and mathematical confirmation
- Creation and reproduction of mankind in light of the Quran
- Creation of heavens and earth and its math confirmation
- Creation of human and the first life in the Quran
- Creation of the heavens and the earth and math confirmation
- Creation of the seven heavens and of the earth like of them
- Deniers of a messenger of God cannot escape punishment
- Denying prophets/messengers with a plea is a human tragedy
- Details of fighting from the Quran and its math confirmation
- Details of the verses of the Quran having instances of nabiy
- Did the event of satanic verses make the Quran man-made?
- Does the Quran misguide?
- God has assigned half of a century attributes to the Quran
- God has forbidden usury and its mathematical confirmation
- God has forbidden usury but not the interest in commerce
- God has given us way to see truth deriving fact from Quran
- God has placed orders in Quran exceptional way to obey it
- God has used two distinct methods to send down the Quran
- God is not only an Author but also a Teacher of the Quran
- God’s commandments for the prophet that he had obeyed
- God’s messenger of covenant unveil math coding of Quran
- God’s promise of preserving and protecting the Quran
- God’s promise to be Protector of a reminder He sent down
- God’s words would not run out even seven oceans were ink
- Guidance and evidence from instances of Nabiy in Quran
- Hadith/Sunnah in view of Quran and Historical Perspective
- Is Quran man-made or revelation from Lord of the worlds?
- Jesus has been a son of Mary and its math confirmation
- Literary significance of Quranic Initials prefixed to 29 surahs
- Message vs. Messenger
- Messengers sent with messengers to messengers to recite
- Obey God and messenger vs. obey God and Muhammad
- Placement of orders in specific surah to make them distinct
- Quran a wondrous creation of God is guidance for mankind
- Quran has been given to Muhammad to serve as a warner
- Quran has clarified verses and verses which are analogies
- Quran is a means to enrich souls to deserve reward at God
- Quran is a reminder and its mathematical confirmation
- Quran is a reminder for us so is its mathematical coding
- Quran is a road map for the believers to safe return to God
- Quran is a road map for the Submitters to make Heaven
- Quran is given many attributes to guide us to a straight path
- Quran is guidance and reminder for a people of the world
- Quran is the 19th and final edition of the Mother Scripture
- Quran is the final edition of God’s scripture for the mankind
- Quran was a path straight for prophet so is it for believers
- Quran’s mathematical coding and punishment for denying it
- Rashad was inspired to unveil Quran’s mathematical coding
- Review of instances of dhik’raa and math confirmation
- Review of instances of Hadith and Sunnah in the Quran
- Review of verses immediately followed by Quranic Initials
- Role of Quranic initials and their mathematical confirmation
- Scientific theories and facts support that Quran is from God
- Sending down of Quran all at once and math confirmation
- The flood in Quran to punish a disbelieving people of Noah
- The Gracious is a teacher of Quran and math confirmation
- The Hour will remain hidden from people until certain time
- The majority has deserted Quran seeking for other sources
- The mention of a barrier between two seas in the Quran
- The method of religious practices of Islam from the Quran
- The Quran does not support the physician-assisted dying
- The Quran has given us the truth about the death of Jesus
- The Quran is a timeless and universal message
- The Quranic initials are primarily God’s statements of oath
- The references of fir’`awna in the Quran to confirm his death
- The verses in Quran referring to sending down scripture-I
- The verses in Quran referring to sending down scripture-II
- The verses in Quran referring to sending down scripture-III
- Verses in Quran as claimed to support idolizing Muhammad
- Verses in Quran referring to the names of 20 prophets-I
- Verses in Quran referring to the names of 20 prophets-II
- Verses in Quran referring to the names of 20 prophets-III
- Verses in Quran referring to the names of 20 prophets-IV
- Verses in Quran referring to the names of 20 prophets-V
- Verses in Quran referring to the names of 20 prophets-VI
- Verses in Quran referring to the names of 20 prophets-VII
- Verses in Quran referring to the names of 20 prophets-VIII
- Verses in Quran to know our right religion and its practices
- What does mean by perfect preservation of the reminder?
- What has Quran said if someone dies before the age of 40?
- What prophet told us about himself through words of God
- Why do they not study the Quran carefully?
- Why should the believers follow nothing but the Quran?