
God’s messenger of covenant unveil Quran’s math coding


In the early 7th century God has sent down the Quran, a reminder and the final edition of His scripture for the world (33:40), and has made certain covenants, promises and prophecies in it that are destined to fulfill at the right time to guide humanity in the right direction. The covenant placed in all scripture (3:81) including the Quran (33:7) to send a messenger after delivering all the scripture has been fulfilled in 1974 followed by the fulfillment of the prophecy to produce a creature from the earth (27:82), i.e., the computer that has intelligence to compute most accurate calculations faster than human being. Through the fulfillment of the related prophecies, the code of the Quran (74:30) has been unveiled by God’s leave to bring people back to His revelations presenting physical proofs as well as to guard every aspect of the revealed Quran against any human intervention to continue to exist a pure Quran until the end of the world as promised in the Quran (15:9). If we understand that there is no coincidence when God is concern, then whatever takes place has taken place according to His master plan, and it would help us find the right way to lead our life reflecting on the fulfillment of His promise and prophecies.

a. Covenant, prophecies and promises in the Quran

The code of the Quran has been unveiled in 1974 through a messenger of God by God’s leave upon fulfillment of the related prophecies and promises in the Quran. The prophecies and the promises connected with the unveiling of the Quran’s code as detailed out in the pertinent verses of the Quran are given below according to the order of revelation of the Quran:

[74:30] Over it is nineteen
Note: 19 mentioned in the verse is a prophetic sign for the messenger associated with the fulfillment of the covenant.

[27:82] And when has fulfilled the punishment upon them, we have brought forth for them a creature from the earth speaks to them that the people have been with our revelations do not ascertain.
Note: The prophecy in the Quran to produce a creature from the earth for authenticity of the Quran to bring people back to the Quran when the majority people are away from God’s revelations when disgrace, deviation and excessive transgression has fulfilled the punishment upon them.

[15:9] Indeed, we have sent down the reminder, and indeed, we will certainly be protectors of it.
Note: The divine promise to protect the Quran from any distortions is directly connected to the unveiling of the Quran’s code, which also serves as an evidence to avoid the myth around the traditional Muslim arena that the invisible force will come down to protect it when any extraneous materials are attempted to inject into it.

[3:81] And when God has taken a covenant of the prophets: “Surely, what I have given you from scripture and wisdom, then there has come to you a messenger confirming that which is with yourselves. You must believe in him and must support him.” He said: “Have you affirmed and taken My covenant on that?” They said: “We have affirmed.” He said: “So you shall bear witness, and I am with you among the witnesses.”
Note: Here is a major covenant taken from every prophet, i.e., placed in every scripture sent down to humanity, and the covenant in the Quran is a confirmation to send a messenger after delivering all the scripture is destined to unveil the code of the Quran by God’s leave upon fulfillment of the covenant.

[33:7] And when we have taken their covenant from the prophets, and from you (Muhammad), and from Noah, and Abraham, and Moses, and Jesus, son of Mary. And we have taken from them a solemn covenant.
Note: Here is the indication that the covenant in (3:81) is also placed in the Quran which is given to Muhammad as well as an assurance for us to eliminate any doubt from our hearts about Muhammad not being a messenger of the covenant while mentioning Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus by name that the covenant is placed in the scripture given to them.

Mathematical confirmation

There are 4 verses across 4 suras where the divine promise and prophecies are mentioned in the Quran while there is an indication of the code of the Quran in another verse of another sura. Therefore, there are 5 verses across 5 suras to confirm the unveiling of the Quran’s code followed by the fulfillment of the connected promise and prophecies. If the relevant sura and verse number are added, the total is a multiple of 19 => 361 = 19 x 19 as shown in the table below:


Note: The unveiling of Quran’s code, which is 19 is connected with the fulfillment of the divine promise and prophecies in the Quran at the appropriate time. Thus the number 19 is a common denominator of the numerical data derived from the Quran as well to serve as a sign from God for the messenger.

b. The message sent with the messenger

The concept of mathematical coding of the Quran is around us for a while but the message sent with the messenger is not fully understandable to many of us for lack of clarity. It has been pointed to several verses associating with the Arabic word, dhikr in the Quran without providing any clear evidences. In fact, the message sent with the messenger is a reminder for the humanity, which is detailed out in the following verses of sura 74 of the Quran to lead it to the right path:

[74:30] Over it is nineteen.
Note: A hint of 19-based mathematical coding of the Quran and a prophetic sign for the messenger who has unveiled the code by God’s leave.

[74:31] And we have not made guardians of the Fire except angels, and we have not made their number except a warning for those who disbelieved, that it may ascertain those who have been given the scripture (Jews and Christians) and may increase faith of those who have believed (Muslims), and may not doubt those who have been given the scripture (Jews and Christians) and the believers (Muslims). And that may say those in their hearts there is a disease (hypocrites) and the disbelievers, “What has God meant by this allegory?” Thus, God misguides whomever He wills and He guides whomever He wills. And none knows your Lord’s soldiers except He. And it is not except a reminder for the human race.
Note: both it (hiya) and a reminder (dhik’raa) in the last phrase of the verse are in the feminine form. According to the basic Arabic grammar rule, masculinity is by default and for femininity, it has to be something special to reflect this gender.

[74:32-34] Nay, (I swear) By the moon. And the night when it has departed. And the morning when it has brightened.
Note: This is an oath of God consisting of 3 elements to strengthen our hearts to reflect on the reminder.

[74:35] Indeed, it is surely one of the greatest (reminders).
Note: The reminder is confirmed followed by an oath of God and the sum of the digits of surah and verse # i.e. 74:35 is 19 [7 + 4 + 3 + 5].

[74:36-37] A warning for the human race. For whoever has willed among you to advance or to stay behind.
Note: The reminder as mentioned in 74:31 is a warning whether it is accepted or rejected when it comes to them.

Mathematical confirmation

Quran is a reminder for the world, which has been repeatedly mentioned in the Quran while the mathematical coding of the Quran is also a reminder for the human race when it has come to them (74:30-37). The name of the message being mathematical coding hints in (74:30) and the core message as the reminder in (74:31). While 19 is a common denominator of the Quran’s mathematical system as well as a sign to support the messenger destined to unveil it coded in the message found in (74:30) being a great sign (74:35) have been confirmed by God taking an oath referring to the moon, the night and the morning (74:32-34) to warn the most advanced community of the world among them whoever wishes to advance or to stay behind (74:36-37) has been mathematically confirmed found in 8 verses of sura 74 as shown in the table below:

Note: This is a mathematical confirmation of both the message and a sign for the messenger precisely coded in a particular set of verses in the Quran. This confirmation is also an exact answer for the common question of many if God has sent the messenger to us, then what is the message sent with him.

c. Purification of Garment

God has designed and perfected the Quran in the Arabic language and sent it to the world with certain prophecies and promise with regard to the protection of the Quran from any distortions. God’s promise in the Quran to protect it from any distortions are the allegorical instructions for removal of such distortions through his messenger has reflected in the following verses of the Sura 74 (Al-Mud’dath’thir – The Hidden one) followed by the fulfillment of the promises and prophecies as specified in the above set of verses:

Removal of extraneous from our garments
[74:1] O you the hidden one,
[74:2] You shall stand that you shall warn.
[74:3] And your Lord that you shall glorify.
[74:4] And your garments (thiyaabaka) that you shall purify.
[74:5] And the uncleanliness (extraneous) that you shall remove.
[74:6] And you should not expect to get beyond.
Note: The allegorical instructions related to the removal of extraneous from our garments (Quran). Garment is the symbolic usage of Quran. The Arabic word, thiyaaba, meaning garment is also found in 7 other verses of the Quran and in some context its symbolic usage can be confirmed as well.

Details of messenger destined to purify the Quran
[74:11] Let Me deal with the one whom I created.
[74:12] And I gave him abundant wealth.
[74:13] And children to witness.
[74:14] I made easy for him.
Note: A messenger is chosen by God and He supports His messenger to make his job easy for him, which is the case from the past.

[74:15] But he expects that I should give him more.
[74:16] No, he has been stubborn to our signs.
[74:17] I will punish him.
Note: The messenger is a human being and it is not unusual to make mistakes, and may share something from his own vision. This might be a warning for us to accept information upon verification even from a messenger.

[74:18] Indeed, he thought and planned.
[74:19] So woe to him what he planned.
[74:20] Then woe to him what he planned.
[74:21] He looked.
[74:22] He frowned and scowled.
[74:23] Then he turned back and arrogant.
[74:24] He said, “This is nothing but a stunning magic!”
[74:25] This is nothing but the word of a human.”
Note: The messenger made every effort to understand that the Quran is from God.
[74:26] I will cast him into Saqar.
[74:27] Do you know what Saqar is!
[74:28] It does not let to stay nor does it let to leave.
[74:29] Obvious to all people.
Note: In the verses from 74:11 to 74-28, there is an allegorical description of the messenger including his accomplishments along with his intellectual punishment for making mistakes referring to Saqar. Both his accomplishments and mistakes will stay with him even when he will not be among us, are reflected in the verse 74:29. However, the messenger is chosen to deliver a specific message (reminder) to a particular generation of people and any mistakes made by any messenger do not disqualify him to be a messenger of God as the messenger is a simple minded human being as well, and this is the case from the past.

Mathematical confirmation

There are 2 distinct sets as detailed above: one set consisting of 6 verses represents the allegorical instructions of purifying the garment (Quran) and the 2nd set consisting of 19 verses represents the messenger involved with the purification of Quran. Thus, there are 25 verses in the sura, and if the relevant sura and verse # are added, the total is a multiple of 19 => 703 = 19x37 as shown in the table below:


Note: This mathematical interpretation confirms that the purification of the Quran is destined with the messenger through fulfillment of the connected promise and prophecies in the Quran, and the behavior of the messenger associated with the purification process is also confirmed.

d. Consequences of denying the reminder

The message unveiled with the messenger is the mathematical coding of the Quran, which is a reminder for the humanity to guide to the right path, and those who reject this reminder will face the consequences on the Day of Judgment. The pertinent verses that have covered the message and the consequences are mentioned below:

[74:30] Over it is nineteen.
Note: A hint of 19-based mathematical coding of the Quran and a prophetic sign for the messenger who has unveiled the code by God’s leave.

[74:31] And we have not made guardians of the Fire except angels, and we have not made their number except a warning for those who disbelieved, that it may ascertain those who have been given the scripture (Jews and Christians) and may increase faith of those who have believed (Muslims), and may not doubt those who have been given the scripture (Jews and Christians) and the believers (Muslims). And that may say those in their hearts there is a disease (hypocrites) and the disbelievers, “What has God meant by this allegory?” Thus, God misguides whomever He wills and He guides whomever He wills. And none knows your Lord’s soldiers except He. And it is not except a reminder for the human race.
Note: both it (hiya) and a reminder (dhik’raa) in the last phrase of the verse are in the feminine form. According to the basic Arabic grammar rule, masculinity is by default and for femininity, it has to be something special to reflect this gender.

[74:32-34] Absolutely, (I swear) by the moon. And the night as it passes. And the morning as it shines.
Note: This is an oath of God consisting of 3 elements to strengthen our hearts to reflect on the reminder.

[74:35] Indeed, this is undoubtedly one of the greatest.
Note: The code as well as the coding as a reminder is confirmed to be 19 followed by an oath of God and the sum of the digits of surah and verse # i.e. 74:35 is 19 [7 + 4 + 3 + 5].

[74:36-37] A warning for the human race. For whoever among you has willed that he may advance or he may stay behind.
Note: The reminder as mentioned in 74:31 is a warning whether it is accepted or rejected when it has come to them.

However, those who fail to pay heed to the reminder have to face the severe consequences on the Day of Judgment as reflected in the following verses of the Quran:

[74:38] Every soul has a pledge for what it has earned.
[74:39] Except companions of the right.
[74:40] In Gardens, they ask each other.
[74:41] About the guilty.
Note: On the Day of Judgment each group will know its final destination as well as the destination of other groups. It is the curiosity of those who will be in Paradise about the guilty who will be in Hell.

[74:42] “What has led you into Saqar?”
[74:43] They said, “We do not be with the Salat observers.
[74:44] “And we do not feed the poor.
[74:45] “And we have been indulging in vain talking with the vain talkers.
[74:46] “And we have been denying in a Day of the Judgment.
[74:47] “Until has come to us the certainty.”
Note: The guilty are in a situation of destining to Hell as they did not remember God through observing Salat and paying Zakat as they should be. In addition, they listened to or followed the idle tales without being certain about a Day of the Judgment.

[74:48] Then the intercession of the intercessors will not help them.
Note: The intercession that they expected will not find it. Thus, intercession is a myth, which many of us expect it.

[74:49] Then what has with them, they are turned away from the warning (al-tadh’kirat)?
[74:50] As if they were like the frightened donkeys.
[74:51] Fleeing from a lion!
Note: Those who turned away from the warning connected to the reminder sent with the messenger will be like the frightened zebras fleeing from a lion.

[74:52] Nay, every one of them wishes that he may be given pages of a scroll (scripture).
[74:53] Nay, they do not fear the Hereafter.
[74:54] Indeed, this is a warning (tadh’kiratun).
Note: Those who do not fear the Hereafter will disregard this warning connected to the reminder sent with the messenger.

[74:55] So whoever has willed, he has paid heed to it (dhakarahu).
[74:56] And they cannot pay heed except that God wills. He is a source of the righteousness and He is a source of the forgiveness.
Note: Those who are blessed by God would pay heed to the reminder (Quran) as He is the source of righteousness as well as the source of forgiveness.

Mathematical confirmation

There are 2 distinct sets: one set consisting of 8 verses represents the message (reminder) while the other set consisting of 19 verses represents the consequences of those who disregard the reminder. Thus, there are total 27 verses in the sura 74, and if the relevant sura and verse # are added, the total is a multiple of 19 => 1235 = 19x65 (see details in the table below).


Note: This mathematical confirmation is a clear proof that we must focus on the message instead of the messenger and if we disregard the message, we must face the consequences on a Day of the Judgment.


Sura 74 (Al-Mud’dath’thir – The Hidden one) is named according to the 2nd word in the 1st verse of the sura, a single instance in the Quran, and the name itself indicates that there is something hidden in it. The sura is a most misinterpreted sura and we must understand the allegorical coding of information in the sura. The sura has not only focused on the number 19 as mentioned in the verse 30 and a great miracle as mentioned in the verse 35 but also connected with (1) fulfillment of promises and prophecies in the Quran, (2) unveiling of Quran’s code, (3) the messenger and the message sent with the messenger, (4) purification of Quran, (5) consequences of the rejecters of the message (reminder) and (6) the warning for the disbelievers to be a difficult day when the world comes to an end.

The prophecy in the Quran to send a messenger after delivering all the scripture has been fulfilled in 1974 through unveiling of the Quran’s code followed by the fulfillment of the prophecy to produce a creature from the earth, i.e., the computer that has intelligence to compute most accurate calculations faster than human being. The unveiling of the Quran’s built-in numerical system by God’s leave for the authenticity of the Quran to bring people back to His revelations presenting physical proofs.

This study reveals the most significant events for the scientifically and technologically advanced world in regard to unveiling of Quran’s code are: (1) fulfillment of prophecies in the Quran, (2) the message sent with the messenger, (3) purification of Quran and (4) consequences of the rejecters of the message. These events are closely connected to each other and their fulfillment is a reminder for the believing people to stay in the right path as God knows when His reminder is required to guide the humanity in the right path. Thus, there are sufficient proofs for us to understand that there is no coincidence as per God is concern but everything takes place according to His master plan that has been literary and mathematically confirmed in the study. If we understand the relationship of the fulfillment of these prophecies and promise reflecting on the warning given in certain prophecy and the reminder, we may find God’s wisdom to guide us to the straight path when the majority of us are away from His revelations as well as the people are overburdened with man-made religious practices through religious rules and regulations.

This study clearly indicates that the fulfillment of God’s promises and prophecies has occurred at the appropriate time according to His master plan. The purification of the Quran is destined with the messenger through fulfillment of the connected promise and prophecies in the Quran to continue to exist a pure Quran until the end of the world. This study also confirms that we must focus on the message instead of the messenger to eliminate centuries-long ignorance in this matter. This divine reminder prior to the end of the world is an opportunity for all of us to make sure our success in the Hereafter leading a righteous life. Those who trust God and have certainty about the Hereafter in their hearts would not disregard this divine reminder just to stay with the majority or their respective group to make them losers on a Day of the Judgment. God has not only created us with wisdom but also has given us a tool befitting to a generation we live to find the truth for perfect practices of His given rites to avoid the eternal suffering that starts at the time of our death.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (2/10/2017).