There are confusions and controversies around the birth and the death of Jesus, son of Mary, while God has blessed us to have confirmation from the Quran about both birth and death of Jesus. There is a very high level fact-based confirmation of the birth of Jesus from the Quran from the equality in creation of Jesus and Adam as they both have been mentioned 25 times by name in it as the creation of Jesus has been as like as that of Adam as per God is concern (3:59), even the Quran has given us more details about the birth of Jusus including pregnancy and the birth process being Mary his mother and Jesus to be son of Mary.
The birth of Jesus
The Gabriel visited Mary to give her a news of a pure son
[19:16] And recall Mary in the scripture, when she had withdrawn from her family to an eastern place.
[19:17] So she had taken a barrier from them, then we had sent to her our Spirit that he appeared to her just like a human being.
[19:18] She said, “Indeed, I seek refuge in the Gracious from you if you have been God fearing.”
[19:19] He said, “I am just a messenger of your Lord that I can bestow to you a pure son.”
[19:20] She said, “How can be a son for me, when a man does not touch me, nor do I be unchaste.”
[19:21] He said, “Thus that your Lord said, `It is easy for Me, and that we will make him a sign for the people and a mercy from us, and it has been a matter is decreed.’ ”
[19:22] So she had conceived him, then she had withdrawn with him to a faraway place.
Note: The angel appeared to Mary like a human being with a good news of a son and the birth of Jesus is a sign of God for the people of the word being virgin Mary to be his mother.
The birth process came to Mary by the trunk of a date palm
[19:23] Then the birth process had come to her by a trunk of the date palm. She said, “Oh! I wish had I died before this, and had I been a total forgotten.”
[19:24) Then he had called to her from her beneath that do not grieve; your Lord has certainly placed a stream underneath of you.
[19:25] And shake with a trunk of the palm tree towards you, it will drop ripe dates for you.
[19:26] So eat and drink, and cool eye. So if you see anyone from a human being, then say, “Indeed, I have made a vow of silence to the Gracious that I will not speak to any human being today.”
[19:27) Then She had come with him to her family carrying him. They said, “O Mary; certainly, you have brought an amazing thing.
[19:28). O sister of Aaron, your father has neither been a bad man, nor has your mother been unchaste.”
[19:29] Then She had pointed to him. They said, “How can we speak to whoever has been a child in the crib?”
[19:30] He said, “Indeed, I am a servant of God. He has given me the scripture and has made me a prophet.
[19:31] And He has made me a blessed wherever I have been and He has enjoined me with the salat prayer and the zakat as long as I have been alive.
[19:32] and being dutiful to my mother, and He has not made me an unblessed disobedient.
[19:33]. And the peace upon me a day I have been born, and a day I die, and a day I will be raised to life.”
[19:34] That was Jesus, son of Mary, a statement of the truth which they dispute about it.
Note: Jesus, son of Mary has been blessed to be a servant of God and has been given him a scripture and has been made him a prophet who had observed the salat prayer and had paid the zakah as long as he has been alive, while there is no dispute about Jesus that he has been a son of Mary to be confirmed from his birth event.
Mathematical Confirmation
Here are 19 verses in surah 19 in the Quran describing the birth of Jesus being Mary his mother, and the surah and verse numbers are added, the sum is a multiple of 19 -> 342 (19X18) as depicted in the table below:
Note: This is an explicit proof of the birth of Jesus from his birth event being Mary his mother is a blessing for us from God not to have any doubt about it confirming the statement of the truth that many people dispute about it.
Jesus to be son of Mary
Jesus has been mentioned 25 times by name in the Quran, and out of 25 he has been mentioned 16 times to be son of Mary, which are detailed below:
[2:87] And indeed, we have given Moses the scripture and have followed up after him with the messengers, and we have given Jesus, son of Mary (`eesaa ib’na maryama) the profound miracles and have supported him with the Holy Spirit. Is it that every time a messenger has come to you with what does not desire your egos, you have been arrogant? So, a party of you has denied, and a party of you kill.
[2:253] That is of the messengers, we had preferred of them over other. Of them there was whomever God had spoken to and He had raised of them in rank. And we had given Jesus, son of Mary (`eesaa ib’na maryama), the clear proofs and had supported him with the Holy Spirit. And if God had willed, there would not have fought of those who were after them after what has come to them the clear proofs; but they had differed – that of them there was whoever had believed and of them there was whoever had disbelieved. And if God had willed, they would not have fought, but God does whatever He wills.
[3:45] When the angels said, “O Mary, indeed, God gives you good news with a word from Him, his name is the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary (`eesaa ib’na maryama), to be honor in the world and the Hereafter, and of those who are brought closest.
[4:157] And their saying, “indeed, we have killed the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary (`eesaa ib’na maryama), a messenger of God.” And they have not killed him, nor have they crucified him but it has been made so for them. And indeed, those who have differed in it, are surely in doubt about it. There is no knowledge of it for them except following the assumption, while certainty is they have not killed him.
[4:171] O people of the scripture, you do not exceed in your religion, nor do you say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary (`eesaa ib’na maryama) was indeed a messenger of God and His word He had sent to Mary, and a spirit from Him. So, you shall believe in God and His messengers. You do not say, “Trinity.” You shall refrain, which is better for you. God is indeed One god; glory is His that there would be a son for Him! To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth. And it has sufficed with God as a Disposer of affairs.
[5:46] And we have followed to their footsteps with Jesus, son of Mary (`eesaa ib’na maryama) is confirming that which was in his hands of the Torah, and we have given him the Gospel, in it is guidance and light, and is confirming that which was in his hands of the Torah, and is guidance and instruction for the righteous.
[5:78] There has been cursed those who had disbelieved from Children of Israel by tongue of David and Jesus, son of Mary (wa`eesaa ib’na maryama). That was of that they had disobeyed and had done to transgress.
[5:110] When God said, “O Jesus, son of Mary (yaa’`eesaa ib’na maryama), remember My blessing upon you and upon your mother, when I had supported you with the Holy Spirit to speak to the people in the crib and in maturity. And when I had taught you the scripture and the wisdom and the Torah and the Gospel; and when you make from the clay like a shape of the bird by My permission, then you breathe into it, so it becomes a (live) bird by My permission, and you heal the blind and the leper by My permission. And when you bring forth the dead by My permission. And when I had restrained the Children of Israel from you when you had come to them with the clear proofs, then those who had disbelieved from them said, “This is not but a clear magic.”
[5:112] When the disciples said, ‘O Jesus, son of Mary (yaa’`eesaa ib’na maryama), can your Lord be able to send down to us a feast from the heaven?” He said, “You shall fear God, if you have been believers.”
[5:114] Jesus, son of Mary (`eesaa ib’na maryama), said, “O God, our Lord, send down to us a feast from the heaven, it would be for us a festival for the first of us and last of us, and a sign from You. And provide for us and You are the best the Provider.”
[5:116] And when God said, “O Jesus, son of Mary (yaa’`eesaa ib’na maryama), have you said to the people, `Worship me and my mother as gods other than God?’ ” He said, “Glory is Yours. It would not be for me that I could say what has not been with any right for me. If I had said it, then You would have certainly known it. You know what is in myself, and I do not know what is in Yourself. Indeed You, You are Knower of the unseen.
[19:34] That was Jesus, son of Mary (`eesaa ib’na maryama), a statement of the truth which they dispute about it.
[33:7] And when we had taken from the prophets their covenant, and from you (Muhammad), and from Noah, and Abraham, and Moses, and Jesus, son of Mary (wa`eesaa ib’na maryama). And we had taken from them a solemn covenant.
[57:27] Then we have followed on their footsteps with our messengers, and we have followed with Jesus, son of Mary (`eesaa ib’na maryama), and we have given him the Injeel, and we have placed compassion and mercy in the hearts of those who had followed him. While they have invented monasticism we have not prescribed it for them except for seeking God’s pleasure but they have not observed it a right observance. So we have given those who have believed among them their reward, while most of them are disobedient.
[61:6] And when Jesus, son of Mary (`eesaa ib’na maryama), said, “O Children of Israel, indeed, I am a messenger of God to you confirming that which was before of me of the Torah, and a bearer of good news of a messenger to come after of me – his name to be Ahmad.” Then when he (Muhammad) had come to them with the clear proofs, they said, “This is a clear magic.”
[61:14] O you who have believed, you shall be helpers of God like that Jesus, son of Mary (`eesaa ib’na maryama), said to the disciples, “Who are my helpers towards God,” The disciples said, “We are helpers of God.” Then a group of Children of Israel had believed, and a group had disbelieved. So we had helped those who had believed against their enemy, so they had been dominant.
Mathematical Confirmation
There is mention of Jesus 16 times to be son of Mary in the 16 verses across 8 surahs in the Quran, and if the sum of the relevant surah and verse numbers, which is 1219 is added with number of times Jesus has been mentioned to be son of Mary, which is 16, the total is a multiple of 19 -> 1219 + 16 = 1235 (19X65) as depicted in the table below:
Note: This is another explicit proof about Jesus to be son of Mary is a blessing for us from God not to have any doubt about it confirming the statement of the truth that many people dispute about it.
The review of 35 verses across 8 surahs in the Quran has not only open a door for us to have an explicit proof to eliminate any doubt about Mary to be mother of Jesus and Jesus to be son of Mary confirming the statement of the truth that many people dispute about it, but also to confirm that the birth of Jesus is a sign of God for the people of the world, and sending down of feast from the heaven for the disciples of Jesus is also a sign of God being the best Provider for all of us, and he spoke to the people as infant, and the Trinity is a falsehood, while Jesus was a messenger of God and a prophet who had come to the Children of Israel with the clear proofs and there has been commandment for him to establish the salat prayer and to pay the zakat, and he had brought a god news of a messenger to come after him, and he had neither been killed nor had he been crucified. Thus, what has been confirmed from the Quran should not have any doubt about it to the believers reflecting that God has sent down the scripture with the wisdom (2:129, 3:48, 4:113) and the truth (3:3, 5:83, 13:1, 46:30), and the wonderful Quran to guide the people to a straight path (72:1), which is a detailed scripture with the truth not to be with the doubtful ones (6:114).
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (12/29/2023)