
Review of instances of Hadith and Sunnah in the Quran


Hadith and Sunnah are very familiar to us, often as matching pairs with Quran such as Quran and Hadith, and Quran and Sunnah. While there is lot of usages of them among many of us being hadith as ‘sayings’ and sunnah as ‘practices’ of the prophet, but we are not aware that what they actually mean based on Quran, the guidance and mercy for the humanity in the highest height of civilization. However, both these Arabic words, Hadith meaning saying, narration, statement etc., and Sunnah meaning way, practice, system etc. are found in the Quran in different context, and let us review them to understand what they actually mean and the review may help us to find the truth for leading a righteous life avoiding centuries-long ignorance, innovations, misinterpretation and misconception.


There are 36 instances of “Hadeeth” in its different Arabic grammatical forms in the Quran that can typically be translated to report, narrate and statement based on context. Out of 36, there are 28 instances in noun forms that refer to saying, narration, statement, story, history etc. However, here are the full English translations of 28 verses having 28 instances of “Hadeeth” in its derived noun forms:

[4:42] On that day, those who disbelieved and disobeyed the messenger will wish if the earth were leveled with them; but they will not be able to hide any intention (hadeethan) from God.
Note: The disbelievers will wish to be leveled with earth to escape punishment, which is not hidden from God.

[4:78] Wherever you may be, death will overtake you, even if you are in fortified towers. If any good befalls them, they say: “This is from God,” and if any evil befalls them, they say: “This is from you (Muhammad)!” Say: “All is from God.” So, what is wrong with these people, they seem not to understand an statement (hadeethan)!
Note: None can escape death. Whether good or bad is from God, and the messenger should not be blamed for any bad on them. It is a simple logic that people need to apply for their better understanding.

[4:87] God: there is no god except He. He will surely gather you on the Day of Resurrection – there is no doubt about it. And who is more truthful in saying (hadeethan) than God?
Note: There is no god except God who will gather all of us on the Day of Resurrection, is a statement of the most Truthful One.

[4:140] And He has revealed to you in the scripture that if you hear God’s revelations being rejected with it and ridiculed with it, then do not sit with them until they engage in conversation (hadeethin) other than that, then you would be like them. God will gather the hypocrites and the disbelievers together in Hell.

[6:68] And when you see those who engage having fun with our revelations, then turn away from them until they engage in conversation (hadeethin) other than that; and if the devil causes you to forget, then do not sit after the reminder with the wicked people.
Note: Those who believe should not sit with those who ridicule God’s revelations, if they do, they will be punished as the hypocrites and the disbelievers.

[7:185] Did they not look at the dominion of heavens and earth, and all that God has created, and that perhaps, that their term has come near? So, which Hadith (hadeethin) besides this (Quran) do they believe in?
Note: There is no Hadith besides the Quran.

[12:6] And thus, your Lord has chosen you (Joseph), and He has taught you the interpretation of dreams (al-ahadeethin), and He has perfected His blessings upon you and upon the family of Jacob, as He perfected it for your forefathers Abraham and Isaac before that. Your Lord is Omniscient, Most Wise.

[12:21] And the one who bought him (Joseph) to Egypt said to his wife: “Make his stay generous, perhaps that he will benefit us or we may take him as a son.” And thus, we established Joseph on earth, and we taught him the interpretation of dreams (al-ahadeethin). And God is powerful over His affairs, but most people do not know.

[12:101] “My Lord, You have given me sovereignty and taught me the interpretations of dreams (al-ahadeethin). Initiator of the heavens and earth, you are my protector in this world and the Hereafter. Let me die as a submitter, and count me with the righteous.”
Note: Here is about the story of Joseph who has been established on earth and has been taught the interpretations of dreams.

[12:111] In their stories, there is a lesson for the people of intelligence. It is not a fabricated Hadith (hadeethan), but a confirmation of what was before it (Quran) and a detailed explanation of all things, and a guidance and mercy to a people who believe.
Note: Quran is an authentic Hadith having detailed explanation of all things, and a guidance and mercy for a people who believe.

[18:6] Perhaps, you would do your utmost in grief over them that they do not believe in this narration (al-hadeethi).
Note: This verse deals with prophet’s grief over those who made a blasphemous statement: “God has begotten a son!”

[20:9] And has there come to you (O prophet)the story (hadeethu) of Moses?

[23:44] Then we sent our messengers in succession. Every time there came to a nation its messenger, they denied him. So we made them follow one another, and we made them history (ahaadeetha). So away with a people who do not believe!
Note: The history is made as a lesson for the believers to stay away from the disbelievers including the indication of passing humanity through multiple periods of guidance.

[31:6] And among the people, there are those who accept idle tales (lahaw al-hadeethi) to mislead from the path of God without knowledge, and to take it for a mockery. These have incurred a humiliating retribution.
Note: Here is a warning not to practice God’s religion based on any sayings considering them religious laws and teachings, which would be a mockery and those who do so will have a humiliating retribution.

[33:53] O you who believe, do not enter the prophet’s homes except that you are invited for a meal, without awaiting its preparation.But when you are invited, you may enter, and when you finish eating, you shall leave, without staying for a conversation (lihadeethi). This used to hurt the prophet, and he was shy to tell you. But God is not shy of the truth. And when you are to ask them (his wives) for anything, then ask them from behind a barrier (hijaabin). This is purer for your hearts and their hearts. And it is not for you to annoy the messenger of God, nor that you should marry his wives after him. That, indeed would be a gross offense in the sight of God.
Note: This is about the relationship of the believers with the prophet’s family, especially when they visit to his homes. They were allowed to speak with prophet’s wives but behind a barrier to maintain purity of the hearts of them as well as his wives. It is also noteworthy that the Arabic word, hijaaban in the verse meaning screen or curtain should not be misinterpreted to Burqu, and is an order from God for the Muslim women to wear it to cover head to toe or cover their heads. However, the women’s dress code in the Quran is to cover their chests with an extra piece of cloth to protect them from the unrighteous men, which is an advice not a commandment as there is no indication of punishment for them in this world or in the Hereafter if they violate the dress code.

[34:19] But they said: “Our Lord, lengthen the distance between our journeys,” and they wronged themselves. So we made them history (ahaadeetha), and we scattered them into small groups. Indeed, in that are signs for everyone who is patient, thankful.
Note: God has made history with those who wronged themselves to be lessons for those who are patient and grateful.

[39:23] God has revealed a scripture of the best hadith (ah’sana al-hadeethi kitaaban) being consistent to each other. The skins of those who fear their Lord shiver from it, then their skins and their hearts soften to God’s message. That is God’s guidance, He guides with it (Quran) whomever He wills. And whomever God lets go astray, then there is no guide for him.
Note: Quran is the best Hadith, with which God guides whomever He wills, and also misguides whoever goes astray.

[45:6] That is of God’s signs we recite to you (Muhammad) with the truth. Then, in which Hadith (hadeethin) other than God and His revelations do they believe?
Note: God’s revelations recited to prophet Muhammad, is His Hadith that the believers are to believe.

[51:24] Has there come to you (O prophet) the story (hadeethu) of the honorable guests of Abraham?

[52:34] Let them produce a Hadith (bihadeethin) like this (Quran), if they are truthful.
Note: Quran is a God’s Hadith and none will be able to produce it.

[53:59] Are you wondering at this statement (al-hadeethi)?

[56:81] Are you disregarding this statement (al-hadeethi)?

[66:3] The prophet had trusted some of his wives with a certain statement (hadeethan), then one of them spread it, and God let him know about it. He then informed his wife a part of it, and disregarded a part. She said: “Who informed you of this?” He said: “I was informed by Omniscient, Most Cognizant.”
Note: This is a conversation between prophet and his wives. However, nothing is hidden from God.

[68:44] Therefore, let Me deal with those who reject this Hadith (al-hadeethi); we will lead them on whence they never perceive.
Note: Those who reject God’s Hadith, i.e., Quran, He will lead them to the path other than His path what they would not realize.

[77:50] Then in which Hadith (hadeethin), other than this (Quran), do they believe?
Note: God’s revelations recited to prophet Muhammad, is His Hadith that the believers are to believe.

[79:15] Has there come to you (O prophet) the story (hadeethu) of Moses?

[85:17] Has there come to you (O prophet) the story (hadeethu) of the troops?

[88:1] Has there come to you (O prophet) the news (hadeethu) of the Overwhelming?

It is noteworthy that out of the above 28 verses, there are references to Quran as God’s Hadith stating best, authentic and only Hadith that the believers are to believe to lead a righteous life in the following 7 verses: 7:185, 12:111, 39:23, 45:6, 52:34, 68:44 and 77:50.


There are 16 instances of “Sunnah” in its derived noun forms in the Quran that can be translated to way, practice, example, system etc. Here are the full translations of 11 verses having 16 instances of “Sunnah” in its derived noun forms:

[3:137] Precedents (sunanun) in the past have been set for you, so travel in the earth and see how the consequence of the deniers was.
Note: Precedents have been set for us to see the consequence of the deniers.

[4:26] God wants to make clear to you and guide you to the ways (sunana) of those before you, and redeem you. And God is Omniscient, Most Wise.
Note: God guides the believers like the same way as He has done for those before us.

[8:38] Say to those who disbelieved: “If they cease, then what is past will be forgiven for them, but if they return, then they deserve the precedent (sunnatu) of the earlier generations.”
Note: God forgives the disbelievers if they believe but if they return, then their consequence will be as same as the earlier generations.

[15:13] They do not believe in it (Quran), and this is the way (sunnatu) passed from the earlier generations.
Note: Many people did not believe in the Quran and this evil behavior of the disbelievers has passed down from the earlier generations.

[17:77] A system (sunnata) to whomever certainly, we have sent before yourself (Muhammad) of our messengers, and you cannot find that our system (lisunnatinaa) has any change.
Note: God’s system to support His messengers came down from the past, and there is no change in His system.

[18:55] What prevented the people from believing when the guidance came to them, and from asking the forgiveness of their Lord, except that the way (sunnatu) of the earlier generations, or the retribution that came to them before?
Note: A guidance at any time from God is an opportunity for the people to believe in it and ask His forgiveness without behaving like the way of the people of the earlier generations who deserved retribution.

[33:38] There is no blame on the prophet in doing anything that God has imposed upon him. Such is God’s system (sunnatallahi) with the people from the past. And God’s command is a plan decree.
Note: This is in reference to the event when the prophet had married his adopted son’s divorced wife but he had not done anything wrong except to carry out God’s command, which is His system from the past as it was also the duty of the previous messengers to carry out God’s command. It is also noteworthy that God has eliminated any of our confusion to misunderstand this instance to be prophet’s system using <strong>sunnatallahi (God’s system) in the verse.

[33:62] Such is God’s system (sunnatallahi) with the people from the past, and you will not find any change in God’s system (lisunnatillahi).
Note: This is in reference to taking capture and killing of those who are cursed by God, and this is His system from the past and there is no change in it.

[35:43] Arrogance on earth, and plotting evil; but the evil plot does not encompass except on its own people. Then do they expectother than the way (sunnata) of the earlier generations? You will not find any change in God’s system (lisunnatillahi), and you will never find any change in God’s system (lisunnatillahi).
Note: Those who plot evil and their evil plotting encompass their own people without any exception. This is God’s system from the earlier generations, which will never change.

[40:85] But their belief did not benefit them, when they saw our retribution. Such is God’s system (sunnatallahi) that has been established with His servants. And the disbelievers were lost there.
Note: The disbelievers are losers on the Day of Judgment, which is a God’s system that God has established with His servants.

[48:23] Such is God’s system (sunnatallahi) which is from the past, and you will not find any change in God’s system (lisunnatillahi).
Note: God gives victory to the believers over the disbelievers when they fight against each other, and this is God’s system from the past which never changes.

It is noteworthy that out of the above 11 verses, there are references to God’s Sunnah stating that there is no change in God’s system in the following 6 verses: 17:77, 33:38, 33:62, 35:43, 40:85, and 48:23.

Mathematical Confirmations

Here are two mathematical confirmations, one with only the instances of Hadeeth and the other one is the combination of the instances exclusively referring to God’s Hadeeth and Sunnah:

(1) There are 28 instances of ‘Hadeeth’ in noun forms in the 28 verses of 22 suras in the Quran, if the relevant sura # and verse # where the instances of ‘Hadeeth’, are added, the sum is a multiple of 19 =>2280 = 19 x 120 (See table below for details):.


Fact 1: This numerical analysis is a physical proof without leaving any room for confusion that there are no prophet’s hadiths that many of us believe and practice as part of our God given religion to make them idol worshipers.

(2) There are 2 distinct sets of verses in the Quran: one set consisting 7 verses across 7 suras dealing with God’s Hadith and the other set consisting of 6 verses across 5 suras dealing with His Sunnah found in total 13 verses across 12 suras. If the relevant sura # and verse # where the instances of Hadeeth referring to God’s Hadith and that of Sunnah referring to God’s system found, are added, the sum is a multiple of 19 =>1254 = 19 x 66 (See table below for details):


Fact 2: This numerical analysis is a physical proof without leaving any room for confusion that Hadith and Sunnah, which are frequently heard, are God’s Hadith and His Sunnah found in the Quran, the guidance and mercy for humanity, which we need to uphold.


The following is the summary from the review of the relevant verses in the Quran, the mathematical confirmations, and the historical view to look into the topic at a glance to have a concrete idea:

(1) Hadith and Sunnah that we are aware of from the time of revelation of Quran are in fact, God’s Hadith and Sunnah that has been confirmed with two-fold mathematical confirmations.
(2) Some of us who may consider the matching pair either Quran and Hadith or Quran and Sunnah from the Farewell Hajj speech of the prophet as a support in favor of prophet’s hadiths and sunnah are a misconception. Whatever may be the correct expression, the core message that was conveyed in his speech, was the Quran being the central focus referring to either God’s Hadith or His Sunnah but for sure, not referring to his hadith or sunnah for the assembly and for the people of the other parts of the world as well as for the subsequent generations of people.
(3) In the speech, the assembly was reminded to follow to stay in the straight path was the Quran when so called hadiths and sunnah falsely assigned to the prophet was not even collected until 200 years after his death. In addition, there is no historical evidence that the prophet had made any effort for memorizing as well as writing his sayings and practices like the Quran.
(4) The history indicates that the revelation of the Quran was almost complete when the prophet delivered the Farewell Hajj speech at Araafat except a very short sura (sura al-Nasr: Sura # 110 – Revelation order 114), which was revealed in Mina when he was completing Hajj, is a perfect timing to understand what could be the core message of his Farewell speech.
(5) Since there is no prophet’s hadith or sunnah, the volumes and volumes of Hadith books written about 200 years after the death of the prophet are innovations.
(6) The hadiths are sayings while the sunnas are practices that have falsely been attributed to the prophet, were satanic tricks to divert most people from the path of God leading to Hell.
(7) About 50 volumes of hadith books were written collecting so called prophet’s sayings and deeds. When many of us feel difficult to study and understand a single volume of God’s revelation (Quran), then God will give us additional 50 volumes of hadith books to study for His laws and teachings should not make any sense.
(8) The messenger who has been blessed to deliver the final scripture to humanity disobeyed God and preached his own words and practices instead of God given words and practices cannot be acceptable to someone who has common sense except he is driven by Satan.


Religion given by God has been corrupted with many man-made innovations and traditions, and one of these innovations is the volumes and volumes of Hadith books written about 200 years after the death of prophet. The religious rules and regulations based on such innovations contain and cover literally every aspect of life from walking, eating, laughing, sleeping – almost everything that one can think of. The rules such as how to use the bathroom and what to do in there! The details are too gross and shocking to mention. On the other hand, there have been invented many practices claiming prophet’s sunnah such as extra Salat prayers, units and recitation in Salat prayers, and Tarawih during Ramadan that impose hardship while God has placed no hardship on us in practicing His religion. Thus, when God has told us to verify and accept the truth, then why should we not do it to buy Paradise from Him in exchange of our righteous works disregarding the centuries-long ignorance to see our success instead of suffering in the Hereafter? It might be difficult for many to do but for sure, not for those who believe in the Last Day and give the topmost priority in the Hereafter.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (11/18/2016).