The significance of the Quranic initials were unknown to us for long and the old Islamic scholars called them “Mysterious letters” as the meaning of these letters were not known to them. Hence, the notion passed down to us that their meaning is only known to God or between God and the prophet. However, the occurrences at certain frequencies of the Quranic initials in the respective sura or a group of suras are the physical evidences that the Quran is from God and serve as tool to protect it even from the letter level distortion associated with the unveiling of the mathamatical coding of the Quran. But we know now that they play multiple roles to help us better understand certain crucial matters from the Quran being repeatedly mentioned as signs of the clear and wise Quran/scripture. Their position at the beginning of certain suras also serves as an oath of God to give us an assertion of the truth not to have any doubt in the relevant matters including contributing to our belief, practice, history, events, His laws and teachings as mentioned in the respective sura of the Quran.
Quranic initials as oath of God
29 suras in the Quran prefixed with 14 sets of Arabic letters consisting of 1 to 5 letters that serve as oaths of God are described below:
- (By) Alif Laam Meem (2:1)
Note: This oath affirms that there is no error in this scripture, is a guidance for the righteous (2:2). In addition, the history, laws and the teachings of God as stated in this sura and throughout the Quran are also very crucial to the believers. This set of initials is also the gateway between the specific words given by God (sura 1: al-Fatehah) for our prayers being children of Adam (7:23, 2:37) and the words of God for our guidance (sura 2 to sura 114) to be followed to become righteous (2:2).
- (By) Alif Laam Meem (3:1)
Note: This oath affirms that there is no god except God, the Living, the Eternal, and He sent down to you (Muhammad) this scripture with the truth, confirming that which was of before its, and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel (3:2-3). In addition, the history, laws and teachings of God as stated throughout the sura are also very crucial for the believers to reflect.
- (By) Alif Laam Meem Saad (7:1)
Note: This oath consisting of 4 Arabic letters affirms that this is a reminder for the believers to strengthen their heart including the heart of the message bearer not harboring any doubt about the scripture to be the revelation of God. We may also reflect on the crucial event relating to Adam and Eve who were sent down on earth for redemption of their sin (including ours) when they were duped by the Satan and asked for God’s forgiveness (7:20-24). In addition, the history and the teachings of God as stated throughout the sura are also very crucial to the believers.
- (By) Alif. Laam. Rah. This is of signs of the scripture, the wise (10:1)
Note: This oath consisting of 3 Arabic letters extended by a statement that this is of signs of the scripture, the wise affirms that is it a much wonder for the people that we inspired a man like them to warn the people, and give good news to those who believe that they have attained a position of prominence at their Lord? Of course, the disbelievers said, "This is a clever magic!" (10:2). In addition, the history, laws and teachings of God as stated throughout the sura are also very crucial to the believers.
- (By) Alif. Laam. Rah. This is a scripture whose verses have been perfected, then have been explained in detail, is from a Most Wise, Most Cognizant (11:1).
Note: This oath consisting of 3 Arabic letters including an extension of this is a scripture whose verses are perfected and explained in detail, is from a Most Wise, Most Cognizant affirms the statement “That you are not to worship except God. Indeed, I am to you from Him a warner and a bearer of good news.” (11:2).
- (By) Alif. Laam. Rah. This is of signs of the scripture, the clear (12:1).
Note: This oath consisting of 3 Arabic letters including an extension of this is of signs of the scripture, the clear affirms the statements: indeed, we have sent it down an Arabic Quran, that you may understand (12:2). we narrat to you (Muhammad) the accurate history in what we have revealed to you of this Quran, even though you had been among the unaware of before its (12:3). In addition, the history and the teachings of God as stated throughout the sura are also very crucial to the believers.
- (By) Alif. Laam. Meem. Rah. This is of signs of the scripture. What has been revealed to you (Muhammad) from your Lord is the truth, but most people do not believe (13:1).
Note: This oath consisting of 4 Arabic letters including an extension of this is of signs of the scripture. What has been revealed to you (Muhammad) from your Lord is the truth, but most people do not believe affirms that God is the One who raised the heavens without pillars that you can see, then assumed all authority including many other signs of God. He committed the sun and the moon, each running for a predetermined period. He controls all things, and explains the revelations, that you may attain certainty about meeting your Lord. In addition, the history and the teachings of God as stated throughout the sura are also very crucial to the believers.
- (By) Alif. Laam. Rah. A scripture we revealed it to you (Muhammad), that you may bring the people out of darkness into the light by permission of their Lord to the path of the Almighty, the Praiseworthy (14:1).
Note: This oath consisting of 3 Arabic letters extended by a statement that a scripture we revealed it to you, that you may bring the people out of darkness into the light by permission of their Lord to the path of the Almighty, the Praiseworthy affirms that those who give priority to this life over the Hereafter, repel from the way of God, and seek to make it crooked and they have gone far astray (14:3) while your Lord has decreed: "The more you thank Me, the more I give you." But if you turn unappreciative, then My retribution is severe (14:7). In addition, the history and the teachings of God as stated throughout the sura are also very crucial to the believers.
- (By) Alif. Laam. Rah. This is of signs of the scripture and a clear Quran (15:1).
Note: This oath consisting of 3 Arabic letters extended by a statement that this is of signs of the scripture and a clear Quran affirms that certainly, those who disbelieved will wish they were submitters. Absolutely, we have revealed the reminder, and, absolutely, we will preserve it. We have sent (messengers) before you to the communities in the past and every time a messenger went to them, they ridiculed him. In addition, the history and the teachings of God as stated throughout the sura are also very crucial to the believers.
- (By) Kãf Hã Yã `Ayn Sãd (19:1).
Note: This oath consisting of 5 Arabic letters affirms that God responded to the secret call of Zachariah. He gave him a sign not to speak to his family that He is going to fix them to have a son because of their old age and his wife’s sterility as well. Gabriel visited to virgin Mary to give her good news to be a mother of a son. The Jesus birth is a portent for the whole world and he spoke as a new born. In addition, the history and the teachings of God as stated throughout the sura are also very crucial to the believers.
- (By) Ta. Ha (20:1).
Note: This oath consisting of 2 Arabic letters affirms that we have revealed the Quran to you that you may distress except for whoever fears. In addition, the history and the teachings of God as stated throughout the sura are also very crucial to the believers.
- (By) Ta Seen Meem (26:1).
Note: This oath consisting of 3 Arabic letters affirms that this is of signs of the scripture, the clear and even the prophet has killed himself they may not become believers including the history of the previous messengers with their respective community.
- (By) Ta Seen. This is of signs of the Quran and a clear scripture (27:1).
Note: This oath consisting of ‘2 Arabic letters with an extend of this is of signs of the Quran and a clear scripture affirms that this scripture is a guidance, and good news, for the believers (27:2), a barrier exists between the two seas (27:61) and when the punishment is due against them, a creature will be produced from the earth to speak to people when they are not certain about our revelations (27:82) including the story of Solomon and Sheba as well as other messengers.
- (By) Ta Seen Meem (28:1).
Note: This oath consisting of 3 Arabic letters affirms that this is of signs of the scripture, the clear (28:2) and what is recited to you herein some history of Moses and Pharaoh, truthfully, for the benefit of people who believe (28:3). You shall not worship beside God any other god. There is no other god beside Him. Everything perishes except His presence. To Him belongs all sovereignty, and to Him you will be returned (28:88).
- (By) Alif. Laam. Meem (29:1).
Note: This oath consisting of 3 Arabic letters affirms that test is mandatory for humans to expose the truthful and the liars (29:2-3). This scripture is a miracle for people who believe being a mercy and a reminder (29:51).
- (By) Alif. Laam. Meem (30:1).
Note: This oath consisting of 3 Arabic letters affirms that God grants victory to whomever He wills. He is the Almighty, Most Merciful (30:5). God never breaks His promise – but most people do not know (30:6). Thus, He has cited for the people in this Quran all kinds of examples. Yet, no matter what kind of proof you present to the disbelievers, they say, "You are falsifiers." (30:58).
- (By) Alif. Laam. Meem (31:1).
Note: This oath consisting of 3 Arabic letters affirms that this is of signs of the scripture, the, and a guidance and mercy for the righteous (31:2-3). In addition, the appreciativeness of Luqman is stated throughout the sura.
- (By) Alif. Laam. Meem (32:1).
Note: This oath consisting of 3 Arabic letters affirms that the book is, without a doubt, a revelation from the Lord of the universe. It is not fabricated but the truth from your Lord, to warn people (32:2-3). In addition, the history and the teachings of God as stated throughout the sura are also very crucial to the believers.
- (By) Ya Seen (36:1). And the Quran, the Wise (36:2).
Note: This oath consisting of 2 Arabic letters added by a statement of the Quran, the Wise affirms that indeed, you are certainly of those who have been sent on a straight path having a revelation of the Most Merciful Almighty that you can warn a people, not of their parents were warned, so they are the heedless (36:3-6), and His teachings as stated throughout the sura are also very crucial for the believers such as sending of 3 messengers while there was only one believer.
- (By) Saad and the Quran possessing the reminder (38:1).
Note: This oath consisting of a single Arabic letter including an extension, and the Quran having the reminder affirms the history of the disbelieving people of Noah, `Aad, Pharaoh, Thamud, Lot, and Woods including David’s exemplary piety and the Great Feud in the High Society that caused the exile of the human being on this earth (38:67-85).
- (By) Ha Meem (40:1).
Note: This oath consisting of 2 Arabic letters affirms that this revelation of the scripture is from God, the Almighty, the Omniscient (40:2) Who is forgiver of sins, acceptor of repentance, strict in enforcing retribution, and possessor of all power and to Him is the ultimate destiny (40:3) and the angels ask forgiveness for those who believe in Him (40:7).
- (By) Ha Meem (41:1).
Note: This oath consisting of 2 Arabic letters affirms that this revelation is from the Most Gracious, Most Merciful, a scripture whose verses provide the complete details, in an Arabic Quran bearing good news, as well as a warner (41:2-4) including the intention of the disbelievers on the Day of Judgment to trample them under their feet who misled them (41:29) and the rejection of Quran’s proof would be rejection of honorable when came to them (41:41-43).
- (By) Ha Meem (42:1). Ayn Seen Qaf (42:2).
Note: This oath consisting of double sets of Quranic Initials: 3 Arabic letters followed by 2 Arabic letters affirms that you (Muhammad) and those before you have been inspired by God, the Almighty, the Wise (42:3). We thus reveal to you an Arabic Quran to warn the central community and all around it, and to warn about a Day of the Gathering that is inevitable (42:7). Thus, we inspired to you a revelation proclaiming our commandments and you had no idea about the scripture, or faith, and we made this a guidance to guide whomever we choose from among our servants (42:52).
- (By) Ha Meem (43:1). And the enlightening scripture (43:2).
Note: This oath consisting of 2 Arabic letters added by a statement: the enlightening scripture affirms that we have rendered it an Arabic Quran, that you may understand preserved with us in the original master, honorable and full of wisdom informing us that many prophets were to the previous generations but every time a prophet went to them, they ridiculed him including the history of Moses with Pharaoh and example of Abraham as well as Jesus to serve as a marker to know the End of the World.
- (By) Ha Meem (44:1). And the scripture, the clear (44:2).
Note: This oath consisting of 2 Arabic letters added by a statement: the scripture, the clear affirms that the whole Quran was revealed in the blessed night with our teaching and laws explaining and clarifying all matters that we need to do righteous deeds (44:3-4) and it is His system to send messengers as He is merciful on us as well as He is the Hearer, the Knower (44:5-6). In addition, the history and the teachings of God as stated throughout the sura are also very crucial to the believers.
- (By) Ha Meem (45:1).
Note: this oath consisting of two Arabic letters affirms that the revelation of the scripture is from God, the Almighty, the Wise (45:2) informing us that the heavens and the earth are full of proofs for the believers, even in our creation and the creation of animals (45:3-4). In addition, the history and the teachings of God as stated throughout the sura are also crucial to the believers.
- (By) Ha Meem (46:1).
Note: this oath consisting of two Arabic letters affirms that this revelation is from God, the Almighty, the Most Wise informing us that the heavens and the earth, and everything between them are created for a specific purpose but the disbelievers are totally oblivious to the warnings given to them (46:3) while He has marked the age of 40 to be an opportunity like a grace period for all of us to turn to Him for doing the righteous works with repentance (46:15).
- (By) Qaf and the Quran, the glorious (50:1).
Note: This oath consisting of an Arabic letter extended by a statement: the Quran, the glorious affirms that it has been revealed to someone who came from among them as a warner was really strange for them while you (Muhammad) have no power over them but to remind them with this Quran for those who reverence My warnings including the history of the wicked people of Ad, Pharaoh, Lot, woods and Tubba.
- (By) NuN and the pen and what they write (68:1).
Note: This oath consisting of an Arabic letter (technically represents 2 letters as in pronunciation) extended by a statement: the pen and what they write affirms the great moral character of the prophet and the revelation given to him is a reminder for the whole world including other aspects stated in the sura.
The true believers trust in God, and His words are always true to them as He does not tell lies. In spite of this fact, God has affirmed certain crucial statements, the events, His laws and teachings and the history in the sura or the whole sura by taking oaths at the beginning of the suras as well as in some cases in the middle of suras referring to certain items, events and processes from His creations. However, the position of Quranic initials at the beginning of the suras is the first hand indication that these are like statements of oath of God while the extension statements followed by certain initials support it as found in ‘Qaf and the glorious Quran’ (50:1), ‘NuN and the pen and what they write’ (68:1), ‘Saad and the Quran having the reminder (38:1) etc. Thus, the Quranic initials are primarily oath of God to affirm us that His statements followed by His oath are the truth nothing but the whole truth. Though all statements of God have the same standard of truth but it is a mercy from His end that He has made some statements by taking oath so that we can see and accept the truth from Him to ensure secure return to Him for avoiding the terrible punishment of Hell when we meet Him.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (4/8/2016)