
Quran is a means to enrich souls to deserve reward at God


God has sent down the Quran from the Horizon of the High being it in the Mother Book with Him and in a Protected Tablet to guide the people of the world. He has given unique characteristics to it including mathematical coding of it, the final edition of His scripture and a messenger which is reciting His clear verses to the believers to bring them out from the darkness into the light until the end of the world that the believers will make their efforts to enrich their souls knowing the truth from it and their remembrance of God in it to receive their reward from their Lord when they will meet Him, which is not too far from now:

  • God is in the High Horizon and Quran is in the Mother Scripture with Him and in a Protected Tablet and here is a hint for us to believe that every scripture He has sent down is an edition of the Mother Scripture, while He has blessed us to know from Quran that He has sent down 19 scripture given to 20 prophets, and He has given the same scripture to both Moses and Aaron:
  • [53:7] And He has been in the Horizon of the High.
    [43:4] Indeed, it is in the Mother Scripture with us, is surely Wise, High.
    [85:21] Nay, it is a glorious Quran,
    [85:22] in a Protected Tablet.

  • God has sent down the Quran and has prefixed 29 surahs with 14 sets of Arabic letters known as Quranic Initials. These initials play many significant roles as proofs of the Quran to be divine but the set of initials, Alif Laam Meem prefixed to Surah 2- al-Baqarah serves as a gateway between specific words given us for our salat prayer in Surah 1- al-Faatihah, and words of guidance given us to follow to perfect our beliefs and practices from Surah 2- al-Baqarah to Surah 114- al-Naas not to recite a surah or a part of any of it from words of guidance to corrupt our salat prayer as it would be giving guidance to God Who has sent down the guidance from the Horizon of the High:
    [2:1] Alif Laam Meem.
    [2:2] That is the scripture, there is no doubt in it, is a guidance for the righteous.
  • God has sent down the Quran as a guidance for mankind, a statute book, and a scripture of best hadith being consistent to each other, and a messenger of God and a seal of the prophets:
  • [2:185] Ramadan which is a month, has been sent down in it the Quran (shahru ramadaana alladhee unzila feehi al-qur’aanu) as a guidance for mankind and clear proofs of the guidance and the statute book. So, whoever has witnessed the month from you, then he should fast in it, and whoever has been sick or on a journey, then a specified number from other days. God intends the ease for you, He does not intend the hardship for you, and that you may complete the specified number, and that you may glorify God through which He has guided you, and that you may appreciate.
    [39:23] God has sent down a scripture of the best Hadith being consistent to each other. The skins of those who fear their Lord shiver from it (Quran), then their skins and their hearts soften up to God’s message. That is God’s guidance; He guides with it (Quran) whomever He wills, and whomever God lets go astray, then there is no guide for him.

  • God has sent down the Quran to have in it our remembrance of Him, while the believers shall worship God being sincere to His religion avoiding idol worship, which is a horrendous sin:
    [21:10] Certainly, we have sent down a scripture to you; in it there is your remembrance (of Me). Do you not then understand?
    [39:2] Indeed, we have sent down to you the scripture with the truth that you shall worship God being sincere to Him in the religion.
    [4:48] Indeed, God does not forgive that to be associated partner(s) with Him, while He forgives what is other than that for whomever He wills. And whoever associates partners with God, then certainly, he has committed a horrendous sin.
  • It has been a clear instruction from God for the prophet to recite from a scripture of his Lord what has been revealed to him and establish the salat prayer being it the greatest way to remember God:
  • [18:27] You (Muhammad) shall recite what has been revealed to you from a scripture of your Lord. There is no modifier of His words, and you will not find any refuge other than Him.
    [29:45] You (Muhammad) shall recite what has been revealed to you from the scripture, and shall establish the salat prayer. Indeed, the salat prayer prevents from the immorality and the evil deed, while surely, God’s remembrance is greatest, and God knows what you (all) do.

  • God has sent His messenger with the guidance and a religion of the truth being the scripture and the religion two handles to hold fast to Him to prevail His religion over any of it, which God has sufficed as a Witness:
  • [9:33] He is the One who has sent His messenger with the guidance and a religion of the truth that He would make it prevail over the religion of any of it, even if has disliked the idolaters.
    [48:28] He is the One who has sent His messenger with the guidance and a religion of the truth that He would make it prevail over the religion of any of it. And has sufficed with God as a Witness.
    [61:9] He is the One who has sent His messenger with the guidance and a religion of the truth that He would make it prevail over the religion of any of it, even though has disliked the idolaters.

  • God has sent down the Quran that we can perfect practices of His religion distinguishing the right way from the wrong way completing His blessing upon mankind, while all the God given rites of Submission we practice today existed before the revelation of the Quran and He had ordered His prophet to continue practices of a religion of Abraham – Monotheism:
  • [2:256] There is no compulsion in the religion. Certainly, it has made distinct the right from the wrong. So, whoever disbelieves in the false deities and believes in God, then certainly, he has grasped with the strongest bond, there is no break of it. And God is Hearer, Knower.
    [3:19] Indeed, the religion with God is Submission; and has not differed those who have been given the scripture except after what has come to them the knowledge out of jealousy between them. And whoever disbelieves in God’s revelations, then indeed, God is swift in the reckoning.
    [3:85] And whoever seeks other than Submission as religion, will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter, he will be with the losers.
    [5:3] … Today, I have perfected your religion, and I have completed My blessing upon you (all), and I have decreed Submission as a religion for you (all). …
    [8:35] And it has not been their salat prayer at the Shrine (Ka`bah) except playing and amusing. So, taste the punishment of what you have done to disbelieve.
    [16:123] Then we inspired to you (Muhammad) that you shall follow a religion of Abraham – Monotheism, and he had not been an idol worshiper.

  • God has sent down the Quran and has given us in it as many words as we need to remember Him as well as to do the righteous deeds obeying His commands and laws:
  • [18:109] Say, “If the ocean had been ink for my Lord’s words, surely, the ocean would have run out before that my Lord’s words would run out, even if we had brought with like of it as (ink) supplement.”
    [31:27] And if that whatever of trees in the earth were pens, and the ocean were (ink) adding to it after of it to seven oceans, God’s words would not have run out. Indeed, God is Almighty, Wise.

  • God has sent down the Quran with the truth, and those who are blessed with knowledge will recognize the truth, believe in it and readily accept it as God guides the believers to a straight path:
  • [22:54] And that it may know those who have been given the knowledge that it is the truth from your Lord, so they believe in it, then it may humble their hearts to it. And indeed, God surely guides those who have believed to a straight path.
    [6:126] And this (Quran) is a straight path to your Lord. Certainly, we have detailed the revelations for a people to take heed.
    [17:9] Indeed this, the Quran guides to that which is exact straight and gives good news to the believers those who do the righteous deeds that for them there is a great reward.

  • God has sent down the Quran and has made it a source of His laws detailing with knowledge of guidance and mercy as well as completing His word with truth and justice giving us an exact scenario what will happen to those who had forgot a scripture detailed it with knowledge of guidance and mercy to them on a day we meet Him:
  • [6:114] Is there then other than God should I seek as judge, while He is the One who has sent down to you the scripture is a detailed one? And those whom we have given them the scripture know that it is a sent down from your Lord with the truth. So, do not be with the doubtful ones.
    [6:115] There has completed Word of your Lord truth and justice. There is no modifier of His words. He is the Hearer, the Knower.
    [7:52] And certainly, we had brought to them of a scripture we have detailed it with knowledge as guidance, and mercy for a people to believe.

  • God has sent down the Quran as a messenger of God and the last edition of His scripture, which recites clear verses of God to bring out those who do the righteous deeds into the light giving a good news of Paradise wherein they will be abiding forever:
  • [33:40] Muhammad has not been a father of anyone of your men but has been a messenger of God and seal of the prophets, and God has done being Knower of everything.
    [65:10] God has prepared a severe punishment for them. So, you shall fear God, O you possessors of the understanding those who have believed. Certainly, God has sent down to you a message,
    [65:11] a messenger (Quran) to recite to you clear verses of God that it may bring out those who have believed and have done the righteous deeds from the darknesses into the light. And whoever believes in God and does as righteous, He will admit him into gardens flowing the rivers of their underneath as dwellers therein forever. Certainly, God has been good for him as provision.

  • God has sent down the Quran with the truth confirming and consolidating the previous scripture with it, informing us that the multiple messages have been sent down to serve as a guidance as a test for humanity at a given time:
  • [3:3] He sent down to you (Muhammad) the scripture with the truth confirming that which was before of it, and He has sent down the Torah and the Gospel.
    [5:48] And we have sent down to you (Muhammad) the scripture with the truth confirming that which was before of it of the scripture and consolidating with it. So, you shall judge between themselves with what God has sent down, and do not follow their wishes when there has come to you of the truth. For each, we have made for you a law and a clear way; and if God had willed, He would have made you one community, but to test you in what He has given you. So, you shall compete for the righteousness. To God you all will return, then He will inform you of what you had done to dispute in it.
    [35:31] And which we have revealed to you (Muhammad) from the scripture, it is the truth confirming that which was before of it. Indeed, God is surely Cognizant of His servants, Seer.

  • God has sent down the Quran and has placed allegories in it that need our special attention to reveal the appropriate message from the relevant verses:
  • [3:7] He is the One who has sent down to you (Muhammad) the scripture; of it there are clarified verses – they are foundation of the scripture and others are analogies. So, as for those in their hearts there is perversity, then they follow what has made analogy of it seeking the discord and seeking its interpretation, while none knows its interpretation except God and those who are well-founded in the knowledge – they say, “We have believed in it. All is from our Lord. And none will take heed except possessors of the understanding.”
    [24:35] God is the light of the heavens and the earth. The allegory of His light is that of a concave mirror behind a lamp that is placed inside a glass container. The glass container is like a bright, pearl-like star. The fuel thereof is supplied from a blessed oil-producing tree that is neither eastern, nor western. Its oil is almost self-radiating; needs no fire to ignite it. Light upon light. God guides to His light whoever He wills. God cites the examples for the people. God is aware of all things.

  • God has sent down the Quran and has defined the two terms, messenger and prophet. Since the scripture is found consistently associated with the term, prophet, and the prophets are those who are sent with scripture while messengers are those who are commissioned with other form of message. Thus, all prophets are messengers but all messengers are not prophets, even we may use our junior high school knowledge from the definition of square and rectangle that squares are rectangles whereas rectangles are not squares to confirm the difference between prophet and messenger:
  • [2:213] Mankind had been a single community while God has raised up the prophets as bearers of good news and warners and has sent down with them the scripture with the truth to judge between the people in what they had differed in it. And none had differed in it except those who had been given it after what had come to them the clear proofs out of jealousy between themselves. Then God has guided those who have believed that which they had differed in it of the truth with His permission. And God guides whoever He wills to a straight path.
    [3:81] And God had taken a covenant of the prophets: Surely, whatever I have given you from a scripture and wisdom, then there has come to you a messenger confirming that which is with yourselves. You must believe in him and you must support him. He said, “Have you affirmed and have accepted My covenant on that?” They said, “We have affirmed.” He said, “Then you shall bear witness, and I am with you of the witnesses.”

  • God has sent down the Quran and has made it a reminder for all the people of the world:
  • [12:104] And you are not asking them any reward for it. It is not but a reminder for the people of the world.
    [38:87] It is not but a reminder for the people of the world.
    [68:52] It is not but a reminder for the people of the world.
    [81:27] It is not but a reminder for the people of the world.

  • God has sent down the scripture with signs of a clear Quran with no contradiction in it, while He has made the Arabic Quran having no crookedness in it that the people may be righteous:
  • [15:1] Alif Laam Raa. That is of signs of the scripture and a clear Quran.
    [4:82] Do they not then study the Quran carefully? And if it had been from other than God, surely, they would have found a lot of contradiction in it.
    [39:28] An Arabic Quran having no crookedness that they may be righteous.

  • God has sent down the Quran, which makes us know that the end of the world is near, while the landing of human on the moon on July 1969 is a sign that the event is not too far from us when we will meet our Lord to face the judgment for our final compensation of either Heaven or Hell:
  • [42:17] God is the One who has sent down the scripture with the truth and the balance, and which makes you know that the Hour is near.
    [20:15] Indeed, the Hour is coming; I will almost hide it that every soul will be recompensed for what it strives.
    [54:1] The Hour has come closer, and the moon has split.

  • God has sent down the Quran and has promised that He will protect the reminder (Quran), which means to us that He has coded it with an invisible guard that we know now is its built-in mathematical system having a set of signs to protect it from entering any falsehood to it and also to provide us physical proofs to strengthen our hearts, which is also another reminder for the human race:
  • [15:9] Indeed, we have sent down the reminder (Quran), and indeed, we will surely be protectors of it.
    [15:87] And certainly, we have given you seven of the pairs and the great Quran.
    [27:82] And when the punishment has fulfilled upon them, we have brought forth for them a creature from the earth to speak to them that the people have been with our revelations do not ascertain.

  • God has sent down the Quran with a unique phenomenon of the literary mathematical composition wherein He has given us literal instructions embedded science in it to have factual around our concept to strengthen our hearts to avoid misinterpretation of many of its verses as well as to perfect our beliefs and practices, being Quran’s mathematical coding is a reminder delivered by a messenger of covenant in 1974 upon fulfillment of a major covenant of God with prophets as found in the Quran (3:81 and 33:7), while the Quran itself and its mathematical coding are two different messages delivered by two different messengers of God making it a timeless message:
  • [74:30] Over it is nineteen.
    [74:31] And we have not made guardians of the Fire except angels, and we have not made their number except a warning for those who disbelieved, that it may ascertain those who have been given the scripture (Jews and Christians) and may increase faith of those who have believed (Muslims), and may not doubt those who have been given the scripture (Jews and Christians) and the believers (Muslims). And that may say those in their hearts there is a disease (hypocrites) and the disbelievers, “What has God meant by this allegory?” Thus, God misguides whomever He wills and He guides whomever He wills. And none knows your Lord’s soldiers except He. And it is not except a reminder for the human race.
    [74:32-34] Nay, (I swear) by the moon, and the night as it departs, and the morning as it shines.
    [74:35] Indeed, it is undoubtedly one of the greatest (signs).
    [74:36-37] A warning to the human race, for whoever among you wishes to advance or to stay behind.

  • God has sent down the Quran with 114 surahs with their names along with specific instructions where to put each surah in the final format of the Quran. That we know there are no disputes regarding the order of revelation of surahs and the order of arrangement of surahs in the Mus-haf, and if the corresponding revelation order # preceded the surah # is placed side by side for every surah, the resulting 468-digit number is a multiple of 19 as shown below, may be the first-line proof of mathematical coding of Quran to be easy to understand to open our mind to accept the reminder to advance instead of staying behind, which is a mercy from God to guide us when we are lost:
  • Dividend (468-digit number)


    Result (467-digit number)

    19x 27301523117953976652520427050058169027962954590239030008685141676010237933268964354858432864344592885657520278864767009227843872812808112450723072944189687442960138650760344508668182690253192070793027244854491449987129773398476621587364000576900559002437413947184777198775098878840564060038091302272420401777793621996042516751729914939093966773093099004703106679995852269969944840136689525757849526474216636954264905811531857424300563953062162691637163748480105859006


This review may help us to understand that the essential condition set by God for acquiring knowledge from the Quran is we must not seek any sources other than it as it has everything that we need to remember Him associating no partners with Him and to follow it as it guides to an exact straight path. He has given us truth and justice in it as well as religion distinguishing the right way from the wrong way being the scripture and the religion are two handholds to hold fast to Him to make the strongest bond with Him. He has given us its mathematical coding as a reminder to address disputes, distortions and innovations that have arisen seeking answers from other sources, and to have factual when Islam has been corrupted beyond imagination with traditions and innovations to bring it back to what to believe and practice according to God’s guidance and His words. It is time for Muslims to re-educate themselves about the Word of God to understand that those who believe in God and the Last Day but seek answers of their questions and concern from any other sources are disbelievers in the Hereafter. Thus, they can perfect their beliefs and practices according to what God has given them for living in a time of era to enrich their souls to receive their reward from their Lord when they will meet Him.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (12/2/2016) updated on 01/19/2024.