
God has placed orders in Quran exceptional way to obey it

God has assigned many attributes to the Quran while He has also stated His certain orders in it in an exceptional way that we may pay our special attention seeking His pleasure to be guided to the straight path. The following are a few of many that may help us derive appropriate messages from many verses in the Quran:

  • God is a Protector of those who believed in Him, and He brings them out of the darkness to the light (2:257) while He has given His own description to confirm His existence to establish it in our hearts even though we do not see Him:

[24:35] God is a light of the heavens and the earth. The allegory of His light is like a concave mirror with a lamp in it; the lamp is in a glass, the glass is as if it were a bright star lit from a blessed oil producing tree (olive tree), which is neither of the east nor of the west, its oil gives off light even if it is not touched by fire. Light upon light. God guides to His light to whomever He wills. And God cites the examples for the mankind, and God is aware of everything.

  • God spoke to Moses directly during the appointment at Mount Sinai (4:164, 7:142), and made the mountain to crumble when Moses wanted to see Him. It is not only a great historical event but also a surprising physical proof that God does exist and the destruction of the mountain may be a sign of how the mountains will be made to crumble into pieces when the world comes to an end:

[7:143] And when Moses had come at our appointment, and his Lord spoke with him, he said, “My Lord, let me look upon You.” He said, “You cannot see Me. Look at the mountain; if it stays in its place, then you can see Me.” Then, his Lord had manifested Himself to the mountain, and He made it to crumble. Moses fell unconscious. When he had returned to normal, he said, “Glory be to You. I repent to You, and I am the first of those who believe.”

  • God: there is no god except He, who will gather us on a Day of the Resurrection in which there is no doubt (4:87), and He will set up the scales of justice, and the earth will be within His fist while the heavens will be folded in His right hand:

[21:47] And we will set up the scales of the justice on a day of the Resurrection, so that no soul will be wronged in the least, and even if it has been weight of a mustard seed, we brought with it. And it has sufficed with us as reckoners.
[39:67] And they have not given God His true value. The whole earth will be in His fist on a day of the Resurrection, and the heavens will be folded in His right hand. Glory is His, and He has been so High above what they associate (with Him).

  • God is the author of the Quran (2:23, 10:37, 4:82) while He has so efficiently designed it to serve as our guidance assigning so many attributes such as examples, allegories, proofs, wonders, knowledge and wisdom that it is not possible to produce it or a part of it even if the human and the Jinn were united together to do that:

[2:23] And if you have been in doubt from what we have sent down to our servant, then bring of a chapter (surah) of like of it, and call upon your witnesses other than God if you have been truthful.
[10:38] Or do they say, he (Muhammad) has invented it? Say: “Then bring of a chapter (surah) like of it, and call upon whoever you have other than God if you have been truthful!”
[11:13] Or do they say, he has invented it?” Say: “Then bring of ten invented chapters (surahs) like of it, and call on whoever you have other than God if you have been truthful.”
[17:88] Say, “Surely, if the human and the Jinn had gathered together in order for that they would bring of like this – the Quran, they could not bring of like of it, even if they had been supporters of them to other.”

  • God has told us more than 25 times in the Quran to obey God and the messenger, which He has also specified that Quran is an honorable messenger should be obeyed being trustworthy possessing power from an Owner of the established Throne as the Quran as a messenger of God recites His revelations to the people:

[81:19] Indeed, it is surely a word of an honorable messenger.
[81:20] Possessor of power from an Owner of the established Throne,
[81:21] to be obeyed being trustworthy.

  • God guides those with a light and a clear scripture that has come from Him to bring them out of the darkness to the light as well to lead them to a straight path, who seek His pleasure (5:16). Thus, our salvation is attained by knowing the Quran, the God’s final message to humanity but the mere recitation of it without learning anything from it does not bring any real benefits for us to be our guidance:

[16:98] So, when you read the Quran, then you shall seek refuge with God from the Satan, the rejected.
[33:40] Muhammad has not been a father of anyone of your men, but has been a messenger of God and a seal of the prophets, and God has done being Knower of everything.

  • God has cited many examples in the Quran having the wondrous nature so that people may use the Quran to be the only source of religious teachings and laws to worship Him alone doing the righteous deeds being righteous:

[13:31] And if that there had been a Quran, the mountains would have been moved by it, or the earth would have been cloven asunder by it, or the dead would have been made to speak by it. Nay, to God belongs all the matter. Does it then not know those who have believed that if God had willed, surely, He would have guided all the people? And it will not cease those who have disbelieved to strike them a disaster for what they have done, or it settles close to their homes, until God’s promise comes. Indeed, God does not break the promise.
[59:21] If we had revealed this – the Quran on a mountain; surely, you would have seen it humbled being asunder from fear of God. And that is of the examples we cite it for the people, so that they may reflect.

  • The Quran is completed with the word of God including truth and justice (6:115) as well as detailed with knowledge of guidance and mercy for a people to believe (6:114, 7:52, 11:1 and 41:3), while He has made it with an exact number of words what we need to do the righteous deeds and to practice His religion of Monotheism avoiding all kinds of idolatry that we do not accept any information from any man-made sources. Thus God has taught us with an exact number of His words, not less or not more, while He has counted the number of everything:

[18:109] Say, “If the ocean had been ink for my Lord’s words, surely, the ocean would have run out before that my Lord’s words would run out, even if we had brought with like of it as (ink) supplement.”
[31:27] And if that whatever is in the earth of trees were pens, and the ocean were (ink) adding to it after of it to seven oceans, God’s words would not have run out. Indeed, God is Almighty, Wise.
[72:28] That He makes know that certainly, they (messengers) have conveyed their Lord’s messages and He has encompassed of what is with them and has counted the number of everything.

  • The Quran is a reminder (dhik’run) in the masculine form for the world (12:104, 38:87, 68:52 and 81:27) while its mathematical coding is also a reminder (dhik’raa) in the feminine form embedded in its Arabic text to a people destined for it (27:82) to better understand the Quran, to eliminate any disputes and misinterpretation of many verses of it, and to perfect the practices of the God-given religious rites when most people do not ascertain His revelations or away from them:

[74:30] Over it is nineteen.
[74:31] And we have not made guardians of the Fire except angels, and we have not made their number except a warning for those who disbelieved, that it may ascertain those who have been given the scripture (Jews and Christians) and may increase faith of those who have believed (Muslims), and may not doubt those who have been given the scripture (Jews and Christians) and the believers (Muslims). And that may say those in their hearts there is a disease (hypocrites) and the disbelievers, “What has God meant by this allegory?” Thus, God misguides whomever He wills and He guides whomever He wills. And none knows your Lord’s soldiers except He. And it is not except a reminder for the human race.
[27:82] And when has fulfilled the punishment upon them, we have brought forth for them a creature from the earth to speak to them that the people have been with our revelations do not ascertain.

  • When it is said that the Most Gracious has gotten a son! (19:88) despite, everyone in the heavens and the earth is a servant to the Most Gracious (19:93) is about to cause a horrendous disaster in the universe:

[19:90] It almost does the heavens to shatter from it (God has taken a son), and the earth to split asunder, and the mountains to collapse in devastation.

  • Those who have believed and have done the righteous deeds are the dwellers of Paradise (2:82) but it has been forbidden for those who say God is the Messiah, son of Mary and associate partners with Him, and those who have denied with His revelations and have become arrogant from them:

[5:72] Certainly, those who have disbelieved say, “Indeed, God – He is the Messiah, son of Mary.” While the Messiah said, “O Children of Israel, you shall worship God, my Lord and your Lord.” Indeed, he whoever associates partners with God, then certainly, God has forbidden Paradise upon him, and his abode is the Fire. And there ae no helpers for the wrongdoers.
[7:40] Indeed, those who have denied with our revelations and have been arrogant from them, gates of the heaven will not be opened for them, nor will they enter Paradise until the camel passes through an eye of the needle. Thus that we reward the criminals.

  • The creatures of God whether in the heavens or in the earth prostrate Him that include the sun, the moon, the stars, the mountains, the trees, the animals, and many of the people while many people deserve the retribution of God:

[21:79] So we gave understanding of it to Solomon, and to each we gave them wisdom and knowledge. And we committed the mountains and the birds to glorify our praises with David. This is what we did.
[22:18] Do you not see that to God prostrate what is in the heavens and what is in the earth, and the sun and the moon and the stars and the mountains and the trees and the animals, and many of the people? And many who have deserved the retribution. And whoever God humiliates, then none can honor him. God does whatever He wills.
[38:18] We committed the mountains in his service to glorify with him at sunset and sunrise.

  • To God belongs the kingship of the heavens and the earth, and the control of all matters belongs to Him as well (57:5). Thus, the falling of a large amount of hails may cause a disaster to a people of certain parts of the earth while He gathers the clouds together to come out of rain from them:

[24:43] Do you not see that God drives the clouds, then He gathers them together, then He piles them upon each other, then you see the rain coming out of them? And He sends down from the sky, the mountains of hail out of it to afflict whomever He wills, and He diverts it from whomever He wills. The flash of its lighting almost takes away the sight.

  • It may seem to us that the earth is standing still. But it moves around the sun, which takes 365 days to return to the same point while it rotates on its axis, which takes 24 hours to do the same. The scientific data confirms that the earth moves around the sun at the speed of approx. 67,000 miles per hour while it rotates on its axis at the speed of approx. 1,000 miles per hour:

[27:88] And you see the mountains appearing them standing still, while they move as moving of the clouds, is God’s system, Who has perfected everything. Indeed, He is Cognizant of what you do.

  • God has narrated the histories in the Quran in which we have a lesson for us (12:111) while He has cited all kinds of examples and the warning so that people can take heed or they may fear God, supported by the mathematical confirmation with a small set of verses given in the table below is a physical proof that if any of us whoever he/she may be, makes any point from his/her own to worship God alone or creates a drama outside the teachings of the Quran would be the exceeding of the limit of knowledge given by God:

[12:3] We narrate through you the best history of what we have revealed to you this – the Quran; even though you have been of its before certainly, with the unaware.
[17:41] And certainly, we have explained in this – the Quran that they may take heed, while it does not increase except aversion.
[17:89] And certainly, we have explained for the people of every example in this – the Quran, while most of the people had refused except disbelief.
[39:27] And certainly, we have cited for the people of every example in this – the Quran, so that they may take heed.
[20:113] And thus that we have revealed it, an Arabic Quran, and we have explained in it of the warning that they may fear (God), or it may serve for them a reminder.



God has described Himself to be a source of light, what He guides to whomever He wills. Now what we need to reflect is to grow our souls using His light, which is achieved through establishing appropriate beliefs in our hearts as well as perfect practicing of the rites given by Him. Hence, He has shared with us through His final edition of scripture that the Quran is a light and a guidance, which can bring those out of the darkness to the light and lead to a straight path, who seek His pleasure.

God has created us and He knows best who we are and what we need to do for our successful return to Him. He knows that people need different approach to reflect on Him and to His guidance, and He has provided us with all the possible ways that would help us to get back to Him redeeming our sins as well as doing the righteous deeds as prescribed by Him. Some people may reflect to God based on the straightforward commands and instructions while others may reflect on Him based on commands and instructions placed in an exceptional way when they may miss the straightforward ones or it may be vice versa. We must also remember that the Satan and his tribes are always around us to insist us on doing either less or more, even to make us confused to misguide us to make us losers in the Hereafter. However, there is no less or more for us when God is our concern if we really obey and honor Him.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (7/7/2017)