
God has given us way to see truth deriving fact from Quran

God has sent down Quran to guide mankind to the truth and to a straight path bringing them from the darkness into the light until the end of the world, and He wants the believers to explore it to find the truth in it as well as to derive fact from it to strengthen their faith and perfect their practices to be sure when they are in the Hereafter they have found what God has promised in it understanding the true meaning of a messenger is reciting the clear verses of God to us to bring out the believers from the darkness to the light:

[46:30] They (jinns) said, “O our people, we have heard a scripture (Quran) has been sent down after Moses confirming that which was before of it (Injeel) to guide to the truth and to a straight path.”
Note: How crucial this verse is to reflect when the surah and verse numbers are added, the sum is a multiple of 19 => 46 + 30 = 76(19x4).

[65:10] God has prepared a severe punishment for them. So, you shall fear God, O you possessors of the understanding those who have believed. Certainly, God has sent down to you a message,
[65:11] a messenger (Quran) to recite to you clear verses of God that it may bring out those who have believed and have done the righteous deeds from the darknesses into the light. And whoever believes in God and does as righteous, He will admit him into gardens flowing the rivers of their underneath as dwellers therein forever. Certainly, God has been good for him as provision.
Note: the above two verses confirm that the message, the Quran sent down to us is referred to be a messenger here. Thus, we can interpret a messenger to be an angel messenger, a human messenger or a message messenger in different contexts that many of us may be unaware of it.

[39:18] Those who listen to the Word (Quran), then they follow best of it; those are whom God has guided them; those – they are possessors of the understanding.

God has given us a scripture of Arabic Quran with detailed of its verses, but most of the Arabs have turned away from it, not listening to it making coverings on their hearts, deafness in their ears and a barrier between them and the prophet, which has been an awareness for the prophet and so is the believers down the generation:

[41:1] Ha.Meem.

[41:2] A revelation from the Gracious, the Merciful.

[41:3] A scripture of Arabic Quran has been detailed its verses for a people who know.

[41:4] A giver of good news and a warner, but has turned away most of them as they do not hear.

[41:5] And they said, “Our hearts are in coverings of what you call us to it, and in our ears there is deafness, and between us and you (prophet) there is a barrier. So do (for yourself), indeed, we are doing (for ourselves).”
Note: By taking oath referring to a set of Quranic initials, Ha.Meem God has affirmed that He has given an Arabic Quran for the people as a giver of good news and a warner detailing its verses, but most of the Arabs have turned away from it for their evil behavior, while there has also been found in other surah of the Quran that the Arabs are worse in disbelief and hypocrisy (9:97) and consider spending in the cause of God to be a loss for them (9:98) and are persistent on hypocrisy (9:101) as detailed below:
[9:97] The Arabs are worse in disbelief and hypocrisy, and most likely that they do not know limits what God has sent down to His messenger. And God is Knower, Wise.

[9:98] And among the Arabs there is whoever considers what he spends is a loss, and he await the misfortunes for you. Upon them there will be a misfortune of the evil. And God is Hearer, Knower.

[9:101] And from whoever around you of the Arabs are hypocrites, and from a people of the city. They have been persistent on the hypocrisy; you (prophet) do not know them, we know them. We will punish them twice, then they will be returned to a great punishment.

  • A powerful scripture has come from God and God has confirmed that there is misrepresentation of its verses but there is no falsehood in it, while it is an Arabic Quran with detailed verses is a guidance and healing for the believers and none should disbelieve and dispute in it except those who have deafness in their ears or those who have blindness to it, but whoever does righteous deeds, he does for himself and whoever does evil deeds, he does for himself as well:

There is misrepresentation but no falsehood in Quran
[41:40] Indeed, those who misrepresent about our revelations cannot hide from us. So, is he whoever is thrown into Hell better or is he whoever comes secure on a day of the Resurrection? Do whatever you wish. Indeed, He is Seer of what you do.
[41:41] Indeed, those who have disbelieved in the reminder when it has come to them, and indeed, it is surely a powerful scripture.
[41:42] The falsehood cannot come to it before of it, nor after of it, a revelation from Wise, Praiseworthy.

Arabic Quran is a guidance and a healing for the believers
[41:43] It is not said to you (prophet) except what had been said to the messengers before yourself (prophet). Indeed, your Lord is surely Possessor of forgiveness as well as Possessor of painful retribution.
[41:44] And if we had made it a non-Arabic Quran, surely, they would have said, “Why has not been detailed its verses?” Is it non-Arabic or Arabic? Say, “It is for those who have believed, is a guidance and a healing but those who do not believe, there is deafness in their ears and it is for them is blindness. Those are being addressed from faraway.”
[41:45] And we have given Moses the scripture so was disputed therein. And if it had not been a predetermined promise from your Lord, it would certainly have been settled their matter. Indeed, they are in doubt about it having uneasiness.
[41:46] Whoever has done as a righteous, then it is for his soul and whoever has done evil, then it is against it, while your Lord is not in unjust to the servants.

Mathematical Confirmation

There is mathematical confirmation of what has been detailed in the above 7 verses if the relevant surah and numbers are added, the sum is a multiple of 19 -> 342 (19X18) as depicted in the table below:

Note: This is an explicit proof from a small set of verses of the Quran in surah Fassilat that God has given us a powerful scripture of Arabic Quran with its detailed verses as a guidance and healing to have no doubt in our hearts and there is no room to make any dispute in it except for the disbelievers and those who misrepresent its verses.

God has informed us that He has punished many communities in the past who had rebelled against their Lord, while He has also warned us about a disaster like that to come as well when any community deserves it for disbelieving in His message, while He does not punish any community without sending messenger to it.

Communities punished in the past for their evil behavior
[65:8] And there were many of a community had rebelled against its Lord’s command and His messengers. So, we have taken it to account a severe account and have punished it a terrible punishment.
[65:9] Then it has tasted a consequence of its affair and has been in loss as end of its affair.

Warning like a disaster of Aad and Thamud
[41:13] Thus, if they have turned away, then say, “I have warned you a disaster like a disaster of Aad and Thamud.”
[41:14] When there had come to them the messengers before of them and after of them that you do not worship except God. They said, “If our Lord had willed, surely, He would have sent down angels. So indeed, we are disbelievers of what you have been sent with it.”

Destruction of a community when it deserves it
[17:15] Whoever has guided, then he only guides for his soul; and whoever has gone astray, then he only goes astray against it. And a bearer of burden will not bear a burden of another, and we have not been punishers until we send a messenger.
[17:16] And when we have intended that we will destroy a town, we have allowed its leaders that they have disobeyed therein, so has proved true the punishment against it, then we have destroyed it complete destruction.
[17:17] And how many of the generations have we destroyed after Noah? And it has sufficed with your Lord of sins of His servants being Cognizant, Seer.

Adversity in the earth is a reminder to turn to God
[30:41] There has appeared the corruption in the land and the sea, for what has earned the people themselves that He may let them taste a part of that which they have done so that they may return.

It is God’s system and His mercy to send messengers with His reminders from time to time befitting to the community to guide and remind humanity to worship Him alone being Lord of all of us, Who controls our life and death, but most people are confused and heedless to the reminders, even among the believers there are people who give excessive focus on the messenger considering him heavenly persona instead of the message sent with him to make them idol worshipers.

[44:5] It is a command from us; indeed, we have been senders of messengers.

[44:6] It is a mercy from your Lord. He is the Hearer, the Knower.

[44:7] Lord of the heavens and the earth, and what is between them if you have been ascertainers.

[44:8] There is no god except He. He gives life and causes death: your Lord and Lord of your fathers – the ancestors.

[44:9] Nay, they are in doubt to pay attention.

  • There is mention in the Quran to watch for a day when the sky will bring of a profound smoke covering the people, which will be a painful punishment for the people and the people will ask God to relieve it from them that they will be believers, then God has informed them what was about the messenger who had come to them with a reminder but they had turned away from him saying him an educated mad. Then He had relieved the punishment letting them know a greater punishment to come, while this punishment was like a punishment of the people of Pharaoh who had denied Moses, an honorable messenger came to them in the past, and the disbelieving people were drowned in the sea, and this punishment is for denying a reminder of the Quran’s mathematical coding (74:30-37) delivered in 1974 by a messenger of covenant upon fulfillment of God’s covenant with all prophets placed in all scripture (3:81) including the Quran (33:7) associated with promise and prophesies in the Quran (27:82, 15:9, 44:13, and 74:30). We may find similarity in the punishment in both cases as the death occurs from the suffocation; even there is similarity between both punishment but the punishment from the smoke covering the people is not literal but metaphor, which is a disaster of the world-wide outbreak of COVID-19 can be confirmed from a circumstantial evidence for the future event. The punishment is relieved for a while before the great strike is another sign from God that the end of the world is near, which is predicted to be in 1710 A.H. (2280 A.D.) being a day of the great strike is also a metaphor as found in the following verses:

[44:10] So you shall watch for a day the sky will bring of a profound smoke,

[44:11] enveloping the people; this will be a painful punishment.

[44:12] “Our Lord, remove the punishment from us; indeed, we will be believers.”

[44:13] How was for them the reminder (Quran’s mathematical coding), and certainly, there had come to them a clarifying messenger (God’s messenger of covenant)?

[44:14] Then, they had turned away from him and said, “An educated, a mad!”

[44:15] Indeed, we are relievers of the punishment for a while; indeed, you are returning.

[44:16] A day we will strike the greatest strike; indeed, we are avengers.

[44:17] And certainly, we had tested a people of Pharaoh before of them (people of present generation), and there had come to them (people of Pharaoh) an honorable messenger (Moses).

Mathematical confirmation

There is mathematical confirmation of what has been detailed in the above 8 verses if the relevant surah and verse numbers are added, the sum is a multiple of 19 -> 152 (19X8) as depicted in the table below:

Note: This is an explicit proof from another small set of verses of the Quran in surah al-Dukhan is the punishment for denying a reminder of Quran’s mathematical coding for the present generation of people who have witnessed a disaster of the world-wide outbreak of COVID-19 about 45 years after delivery of the reminder by a messenger of covenant, when he is not among us being assassinated in 1990 by the conspiracy of the disbelievers and the hypocrites.

Reviewed 40 verses of the Quran to better understand two events which are mathematically confirmed to make them authentic not to have any traces of doubt in our hearts. The first 19 verses are discussed in connection with an explicit proof that God has given us a powerful scripture of Arabic Quran with detailed verses as a guidance and healing, while the other 21 verses are discussed in connection with the explicit proof that a disaster of the world-wide outbreak of COVID-19 is a punishment of the people of the present generation for denying a reminder of the Quran’s mathematical coding delivered by a God’s messenger of the covenant. Thus, the believers should not have doubt nor should they disregard a factual what has been confirmed deriving from the details of a powerful scripture of Arabic Quran.

However, the reminder is around us about 50 years but the people are heedless to accept the message, even a disaster of the world-wide outbreak of COVID-19 cannot change their view, while those who are aware of it do not accept it for themselves nor take initiatives to share it with their families and friends just to blindly follow their forefathers not realizing what they are committing, which God has confirmed in the Quran to be a human tragedy to make them losers; on the other hand the ignorant scholars who do religion business with conjecture and guess works do not share it to their followers except to prevent them from accepting it in fear of losing their business but disregarding their consequences in the Hereafter misrepresenting God’s revelations, then still they proclaim provision comes from God. But what is unfortunate for them and us to grasp that God has sent down the Quran with built-in science along with literal instructions in 609 through His prophet to guide mankind to the truth and to a straight path, while He has sent down a reminder of its mathematical coding in 1974 through His messenger of covenant to do the same to have truth and fact from the Quran making it befitting to the community when Islam is being practiced world-wide based on traditions, man-made teachings, laws and rituals, assumptions, and lies being hijacked by the ignorant scholars and their puppets.

Thus, those who are blessed by God to see the truth and factual from the Quran using their God given wisdom as well as knowing from it that whoever believes and does the righteous deed will receive his reward from his Lord, but mere crowding to the monasteries claiming them to be part of umma what most people do, will not bring any benefit for them except being it a rumor spread by the Satan and his allies to make them losers when they will return to their Lord should repent and reform to make effective their prayers and practices to see them in a better place in the Hereafter, and the following verses may also help them to justify to make their judgment to accept the truth while a messenger (Quran) recites clear verses of God:

[39:41] Indeed, we have sent down to you (Muhammad) the scripture with the truth for the people. So, whoever has been guided, then for his soul; and whoever has gone astray, then he only goes astray against it. And you are not an advocate over them.

[41:46] Whoever has done as a righteous, so does for his soul, and whoever has done evil, so does against it, while your Lord would not be in unjust to the servants.

[45:15] Whoever has done as a righteous, so does for his soul, and whoever has done evil, so does against it. Then to your Lord you will be returned.

[29:38] And Aad and Thamud, and certainly, there has become evident to you from (destruction of) their dwellings, while the Satan had made fair-seeming to them their deeds, then had diverted them from the path, even they had been possessors of vision.

Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (01/12/2024)