[2:2] That is the scripture (al-kitaabi), there is no doubt (laa-rayba) in it, is a guidance (hudan) for the righteous.
[2:38] We said, “Go down from here all, then when guidance (hudan) comes to you from Me, then whoever has followed My guidance (hudaaya), then there is no fear for them, nor do they grieve.
[2:97] Say, “Whoever has been enemy to Gabriel, then indeed, he has brought down it (Quran) onto your heart (Muhammad) by permission of God confirming that which was before of it, and a guidance (wa-hudan) and good news (wa-bush’raa) for the believers.”
[2:185] Ramadan which is a month, has been sent down in it the Quran as a guidance (hudan) for mankind and clear proofs (wa-bayyanaatin) of the guidance and the statute book (wal-fur’qaani). So, whoever has witnessed the month from you, then he should fast in it, and whoever has been sick or on a journey, then a specified number from other days. God intends the ease for you, He does not intend the hardship for you, and that you may complete the specified number, and that you may glorify God through which He has guided you, and that you may appreciate.
[3:3] He has sent down to you (Muhammad) the scripture with the truth (bil-haqqi) confirming (musaddiqan) that which was before of it, and He has sent down the Torah and the Gospel.
[4:82] Do they not then study the Quran carefully? If it had been from other than God, they would have surely found in it many contradictions (ikh’tilaafan).
[4:113] If it had not been God’s grace upon you (Muhammad) and His mercy, surely a group of them would have resolved to mislead you, while they do not mislead except themselves and they cannot harm you in anything. And God has sent down to you the scripture and the wisdom (wal-hik’mata), and has taught you what you do not know. And God’s grace upon you has been great.
[4:174] O mankind, certainly there has come to you a proof (bur’haanun) from your Lord, and we have sent down to you a light is clear (mubeenan).
[5:48] And we have sent down to you (Muhammad) the scripture (Quran) with the truth (bil-haqqi), confirming (musaddiqan) that which was before of it of the scripture, and consolidating (wa-muhayminan) over it. So you shall judge between themselves with what God has sent down, and do not follow their wishes when there has come to you of the truth. For each we have made law and rite; and if God had willed, surely, He would have made you one community; but to test you in what He has given you. So you shall race for the good. To God is your return for all, then He will inform you of what you have done to differ.
[6:92] And this scripture we have sent down it is a blessed one (mubaarakun) confirming (musaddiqu) which was before of it that you (prophet) may warn a mother of the cities and whatever around it. And those who believe in the Hereafter will believe in it and they will guard on their salat prayers.
[6:126] And this (Islam) is a path of your Lord (siraatu rabbika) is straight (mustaqeeman). Certainly, we have explained the revelations for a people to take heed.
[6:114] Is there then other than God should I seek as judge, while He is One who has sent down to you the scripture is a detailed one (mufassalan)? Those whom we have given them the scripture know that it is a sent down (munazzalun) from your (prophet) Lord with the truth (bil-haqqi). So do not be with the doubters.
[6:115] And a Word of your Lord has completed truth (sid’qan) and justice (wa-`ad’lan). There is no modifier of His words, and He is the Hearer, the Knower.
[6:155] And this scripture we have sent down it is a blessed one (mubaarakun). So you shall follow it and shall fear (God) that you may be given mercy.
[6:157] Or you say, “If that the scripture has been sent down to us, surely, we would have been better in guidance than them.” So certainly, there has come to you a clear proof (bayyinatun) from your Lord, and a guidance (wa-hudan) and a mercy (wa-rahmatun). So who is more evil than whoever has denied in God’s revelations and has turned away from them? We will recompense those who turn away from our revelations with an evil punishment for what they have done to turn away.
[7:52] And certainly, we had brought to them of a scripture we have explained it (fassalnaahu) with knowledge of guidance (hudan) and mercy (wa-rahmatan) for a people to believe.
[10:94] So if you (Muhammad) have been in doubt of what we have sent down to you, then you shall ask those who read the scripture before yourself. Certainly, there has come to you the truth (al-haqqu) from your Lord. So do not be with the doubters.
[13:1] Alif. Laam. Meem. Raa. That is of signs of the scripture. And that which has been sent down to you (Muhammad) from your Lord is the truth (al-haqqu), but most of the people do not believe.
[13:19] Then does he whoever know that what has been sent down to you (Muhammad) from your Lord is the truth (al haqqu) like whoever he is blind? Only a people of the understanding take heed.
[15:1] Alif Laam Rah. That is of signs (Quranic initials) of the scripture and a Quran of clarifying one (mubeenin).
[15:9] Indeed, we have sent down the reminder (al-dhik’ra); and indeed, we will surely be protectors of it.
[15:87] And certainly, we have given you seven of the pairs (Quranic initials) and Quran, the great (al-`azeema).
[16:44] With the clear proofs and the Psalms. And we have sent down to you (Muhammad) the reminder (al-dhik’ra) that you make clear to the people what has been sent down to them and that they may reflect.
[16:89] And a day we will raise in every community a witness upon them from themselves, and we will bring of you (Muhammad) as a witness of these people. And we have sent down to you (Muhammad) a scripture – a clarification of everything (tib’yaanan li’kulli shayin), and a guidance (wa-hudan), and mercy (wa-rahmatan), and good news (wa-bush’raa) for the Submitters.
[16:102] Say, “The Holy Spirit has brought down it (Quran) from your Lord with the truth (bil-haqqi) that He (God) may strengthen those who have believed, and is a guidance (wa-hudan) and good news (wa-bush’raa) for the Submitters.”
[17:9] Indeed this – the Quran guides to that which is exact straight (aq’wamu) and brings good news to the believers those who do the righteous deeds that for them there is a great reward.
[17:82] And we send down from the Quran is that which is healing (shifaaun) and mercy (wa-rahmatun) for the believer, and it does not increase except wickedness of the wrongdoers.
[18:1] All praise belongs to God, who has sent down the scripture to His servant (Muhammad), and He does not place to it any crookedness (`iwajaa).
[20:113] And thus that we have sent down it a Quran in Arabic (`arabiyyan), and we have detailed out in it of the warning (al-wa`eedi) that they may fear, or it may bring a reminder (dhik’ran) for them.
[20:123] He said, “Go down from here all as enemy of you to other. So when guidance (hudan) comes to you from Me, then whoever has followed My guidance (hudaaya), then he will not go astray, nor will he suffer.
[21:50] This (Quran) is a blessed reminder (dhik’run mubaarakun) we have sent down it. Are you then be deniers of it?
[22:54] And that it may know those who have been given the knowledge that it (Quran) is the truth (al-haqqu) from your Lord, so they believe in it, then it may humble their hearts to it. And indeed, God surely is a Guide of those who have believed to a straight path.
[25:1] Blessed is One who has sent down the statute book (al-fur’qaana) to His servant that he may be a warner for the people of the world.
[29:51] And does it not suffice them that we have sent down to you (Muhammad) the scripture, is recited to them? Indeed, in that there is surely a mercy (la’rahmatan) and a reminder (wa-dhik’raa) for a people to believe.
[33:40] Muhammad has not been a father of anyone of your men, but has been a messenger of God (rasuula allahi) (Quran) and a seal of the prophets (wa-khaatama al-nabiyeena) (the final edition of scripture), and God has done being Knower of everything.
[33:45] O you prophet; indeed, we have sent you a witness (shaahidan), and a bearer of good news (wa-mubash’shiran), and a warner (wa-nadheeran),
[33:46] and a caller (wa-daa`iyan) to God by His permission, and a light (siraajan) of illumination.
[34:6] And those who have been given the knowledge see what has been sent down to you (Muhammad) from your Lord; it (Quran) is the truth (al-haqqa) and it (Quran) guides to a path of the Almighty, the Praiseworthy.
[36:2] And the Quran, the wise (al-hakeemi).
[38:1] Saad and the Quran possessing the warning (al-dhik’ri).
[39:2] Indeed, we have sent down to you (Muhammad) the scripture with the truth (bil-haqqi); so you shall worship God being sincere to Him in the religion.
[39:23] God has sent down a scripture of the best Hadith (ahsana al-hadeethi) being consistent to each other (mutashaabihan mathaaniya). The skins of those who fear their Lord shiver from it, then their skins and their hearts soften up to God’s message (dhik’ri allahi). That is God’s guidance; He guides with it whomever He wills, and whomever God lets go astray, then there is no guide for him.
[41:41] Indeed, those who have disbelieved in the reminder (bil-dhik’ri) (Quran) when it has come to them, and indeed, it is surely a powerful book (la’kitaabun `azeezun).
[41:42] The falsehood (al-baatilu) cannot not come to it (Quran) before of it, nor after of it, a revelation from Wise, Praiseworthy.
[41:44] And if we had made it a non-Arabic Quran, surely, they would have said, “Why has not been detailed (fussilat) its verses?” Is it non-Arabic or Arabic? Say, “It is for those who have believed, is a guidance (hudan) and a healing (shifaaun) but those who do not believe, there is deafness in their ears and it is for them is blindness. Those are being addressed from faraway.”
[43:4] And indeed, it (Quran) is in the Mother Book with us, is surely high (la’`aliyyun), wise (hakeemun).
[44:2] And the scripture of the clarifying one (al-mubeeni).
[44:13] How was for them the reminder (al-dhik’raa), and certainly, there had come to them a clarifying messenger?
[48:28] He is One who has sent His messenger with the guidance (bil-hudaa) and a religion of the truth to make prevail it over the religion of any of it, and it has sufficed with God as a Witness.
[50:1] Qaf and the Quran, the glorious (al-majeedi).
[53:23] These (Allat, Aluzzah and Manat) are not but names you have named them, you and your forefathers; God has not sent down any authority with them. They (idol worshipers) do not follow except the conjecture and what the souls desire. And certainly, there has come to them the guidance (al-hudaa) from their Lord.
[56:77] Indeed, it is surely a Quran is honorable (kareemun).
[57:25] Certainly, we have sent our messengers with the clear proofs (bil-bayyinaati), and we have sent down with them the scripture (al-kitaaba) and the balance (wal-meezaana) to establish the people with the justice, while we have sent down the iron, wherein there is strength and benefits for the people so that God may make known whoever helps Him in the unseen and His messengers. Indeed, God is Powerful, Almighty.
[64:8] So, you shall believe in God, and His messenger (wa-rasuulihi) and the light (wal-nuuri) which we have sent down. And God is Cognizant of whatever you do.
[65:10] God has prepared a severe punishment for them. So, you shall fear God, O you possessors of the understanding those who have believed. Certainly, God has sent down to you a message (dhik’ran),
[65:11] A messenger (rasuulan) to recite to you clear verses of God that it may bring out those who have believed and have done the righteous deeds from the darknesses into the light. And whoever believes in God and does as righteous, He will admit him into gardens flowing the rivers of their underneath as dwellers therein forever. Certainly, God has been good for him as provision.
[72:1] Say: “It has been revealed to me (Muhammad) that there has listened it a group of the Jinn,” then they said: “Indeed, we have heard a Quran is wondrous (`ajaban).
[74:31] And we have not made guardians of the Fire except angels, and we have not made their number except a warning for those who disbelieved, that it may ascertain those who have been given the scripture (Jews and Christians) and may increase faith of those who have believed (Muslims), and may not doubt those who have been given the scripture (Jews and Christians) and the believers (Muslims). And that may say those in their hearts there is a disease (hypocrites) and the disbelievers, “What has God meant by this allegory?” Thus, God misguides whomever He wills and He guides whomever He wills. And none knows your Lord’s soldiers except He. And it is not except a reminder (dhik’raa) for the human race.
[85:21] Indeed, it is a Quran is glorious (majeedun.
In short, this review may help the believers to understand that God has given them an outline of what they will explore to know and stay in His path strengthening their beliefs and perfecting their practices of the religion of Islam being practices of Monotheism, an in-born faith of mankind given by God (30:30) to ensure worshiping of God being sincere to Him, reflecting to a reminder of His guidance to be followed at the time of our descent from Him to the earth (2:38 and 20:123) and foreseeing consequences of deniers in His revelations at our meeting with Him on a day of the Judgment when He would inform us that He had brought knowledge of His guidance for a people to believe (7:52).
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (02/16/2024)