Surah Yuunus (Surah 10: Revelation Order 51)

 A set of Quranic initials prefixed to the Surah is an oath of God

  • Alif.Laam.Reh. That is of signs (Quranic initials) of the scripture, the wise (10:1).
  • Note: By taking oath referring to a set of Quranic initials: Alif.Laam.Rah, God has confirmed that this set is one of the signs of the wise scripture to have no doubt about it in the hearts of the believers while we know that the Quranic initials have multiple roles. Thus, this set of Initials is found prefixed to 5 surahs and their total count in the Arabic text of 5 surahs is a multiple of 19 => 9481 (19x499) as shown in the table below, which is a lower level factual that the Quran is from God:

    Note: The occurrence of these three Arabic letters is maintained at frequency of 499 in the Arabic text of five surahs, which is a divine guard to exist the pure Quran against an attempt of any distortion as guidance to be the straight path for the believers until the end of the world.

 What is revealed to Muhammad is a warning and good news for the people

  • Has it been a wonder for the people that we have revealed to a man from them that you shall warn the people and shall give good news to those who have believed that for them there will a honorable position at their Lord? The disbelievers said, “Indeed, this (man) is a clever magician!” (10:2).
  • Note: By taking oath referring to alif.laam.reh, a sign of the scripture, the wise, God affirms that Muhammad has not been a magician, and what is given to him has been a warning for the people and a good news for the believers to attain honorable position with their Lord.

 Compensation of believers and disbelievers

  • Indeed, your Lord is God, the One who has created the heavens and the earth in six days, then He has established (Himself) on the Throne to dispose all matters. There is no intercessor, except after His permission. That is God, your Lord; so you shall worship Him. Will you then not take heed? (10:3). To Him is all of your return. God’s promise is truth. Indeed, He originates the creation, then He repeats it that He may reward those who have believed and have done the righteous deeds with the justice, while those who have disbelieved, for them is a drink of boiling fluids and a painful punishment for what they have done to disbelieve (10:4).
  • Note: God has created the heavens and the earth, and He disposes all matters while to Him is our return, which is His true promise. Thus, He originates the creation and repeats it to reward those who have believed and have done the righteous deeds with the justice while those who have disbelieved, for them there is a drink of boiling fluid and a painful punishment for what they have done as disbelievers.

 God has given us signs to reflect while He guides us to the Paradise

  • He is the One who has made the sun radiant, and the moon a light and has determined for it phases that you may know a number of the years and the counting. God has not created that, except with the truth. He explains the signs for a people to perceive (10:5). Indeed, in the alternation of the night and the day, and what God has created in the heavens and the earth, are signs for a people who fear (Him) (10:6). Indeed, those who do not expect our meeting, and have been pleased with the life of the world and have been satisfied with it, and those – they are heedless from our signs (10:7); those – their abode is the Fire for what they have done to earn (10:8). Indeed, those who have believed and have done the righteous deeds, their Lord guides them by their faith to be in gardens of the Bliss flowing the rivers of their underneath (10:9). Their prayer therein is: “Glory is Yours, O God,” and their greeting therein is: “Peace,” and the end of their prayer is: “All praise to God, Lord of the worlds.” (10:10).
  • Note: God has given many signs, and those who are heedless to them, their abode is Hell while those who can perceive them expecting their meeting with Him, He guides them based on their faiths and deeds to the Paradise flowing the rivers underneath, wherein they will be greeted with peace, and their end prayer is all praise to God, Lord of the worlds.

 The extravagant are foul weather friends

  • If God hastens the evil for the people, their hastening is for the good, surely has been decreed their term for them. Thus, we leave those who do not expect our meeting in their transgression to wander (10:11). When the adversity had touched the human being, he would have called us on his side, or sitting, or standing. Then when we have removed his adversity from him, he has passed on as if he does not call us for adversity had touched him. Thus that there has been made fair-seeming for the extravagant what they have done to accomplish (10:12).
  • Note: When God hastens an evil for the people for their good as their term ends leaving the transgressors in wander who do not expect to meet their Lord. When adversity touches the people have called their Lord being sincere but when it has passed as if they do not call their Lord for what had touched them for making them fair-seeming their deeds for the extravagant


 God has made successors on earth destroying the guilty people

  • And certainly, we have destroyed the generations before yourselves when they had wronged and had come to them their messengers with the clear proofs, and they had not done to believe. Thus that we recompense the people who are the criminals (10:13). Then we have made you successors in the earth after themselves that we see how you do (10:14).
  • Note: God has replaced many generations of people on earth destroying the wicked people to see how the next generation of people do, which may be a lesson for us to do the righteous deeds expecting His meeting.

 Evil is whoever has denied God’s revelations or has invented lie about Him

  • And when is recited our clear revelations to them said those who do not expect our meeting, “Bring us a Quran other than this, or change it.” Say, “It would not be for me that I can change it on behalf of myself. I do not follow except what is revealed to me. Indeed, I fear a great punishment of a day if I had disobeyed my Lord.” (10:15). Say, “If God had willed, I would not have recited it to you, nor would He have made known to you about it. Then certainly, I have stayed lifetime among you of its before. Will you not then think of?” (10:16). So whoever is more evil than one whoever has invented a lie about God, or has denied in His revelations. Indeed, it is not (that) the criminals will succeed (10:17). And they worship other than God which cannot harm them nor can it benefit them, while they say, “These are our intercessors with God.” Say, “Do you inform God of what He does not know in the heavens nor in the earth?” Glory is His and He has exalted Himself too high what they associate (with Him) (10:18). And it has not been the people except one community, then they have differed. If it had not been a word from your Lord has preceded, surely they would have been judged between themselves about what in it they differ (10:19). And they say, “Why has not been sent down a sign (miracle) to him from his Lord?” Then say, “Indeed, the hidden belongs to God; so wait; indeed, and I am with you among the waiters.” (10:20). And when we have given a taste of mercy to the people after an adversity had touched them, then they have a plot against our revelations. Say, “God is is more swift in planning.” Indeed, our messengers record what they plot (10:21).
  • Note: The wicked people denied God’s message (Quran) with excuses even asking for a miracle that they wanted to see with the prophet and worshiped other than God even expecting intercessors while the prophet has been with His message and had followed it fearing Him. The wicked people also plotted against God’s revelations even they have been favored after the adversity.

 The disbelievers are foul weather friends

  • He is the One who makes you to travel in the land, and the sea until when they have been in the ships, and they have sailed with a good wind and have rejoiced with it; there has come to it a violent wind and has come to them the waves from every place and they have assumed that they have been surrounded with them. They have called God being sincere to Him in the religion: “Surely, if You have saved us from this, we will surely be with the thankful ones.” (10:22). Then when He has saved them, then they rebel in the earth without the truth. O the people, your rebellion is only against yourselves, an enjoyment of the life of the world. Then to us is your return, when we will inform you of what you had done to accomplish (10:23).
  • Note: The disbelievers are foul weather friends and they cannot realize that their rebellion is against themselves for the temporary enjoyment of the world while they will be informed what they had done when they return to God.

 God has cited an example to reflect

  • Indeed, an analogy of the life of the world is like water we have sent down it from the sky, then the plants on the earth have absorbed of it from which the people and the animals eat, until when has taken the earth its adornment and has beautified, while its people have thought that they have power over it. Our command has come by night or by day that we have made it as if it did not flourish yesterday. Thus that we explain the revelations for a people to reflect (10:24).
  • Note:  The people should think that even God has made the earth adornment and beautified but He can make it barren at any time.

 Compensation of believers and disbelievers

  • And God calls to an abode of the peace, and guides whomever He wills to a straight path (10:25). For those who have done good has the best (reward) and multiplication. And neither darkness nor humiliation will cover their faces. Those are dwellers of the Paradise; they will be abiding therein forever (10:26). And those who have earned the evil deeds, a recompense of an evil deed is of its like, and humiliation will cover them. There is no defender for them from God. As if has been covered their faces with pieces of a darkness of the night. Those are dwellers of the Fire, they will be abiding therein forever (10:27).
  • Note: Those who God guides to a straight path will have the best reward being the dwellers of the Paradise having no darkness or humiliation on their faces while those who have done evil deeds, for them there is no defender and their faces will be covered with darkness being the dwellers of the Fire.

 Consequence of those who associated partners with God

  • And a day we will gather them all, then we will say to those who have associated partners, “Here is your place, you and your partners.” Then we will separate between themselves, while had said their partners, “You had not done to worship us alone.” (10:28). So it has sufficed with God as a Witness between us and you that we have been surely unaware of your worship (10:29). It is when each soul will know what it had done, and they have been returned to God, their Protector, the Truth, and has lost from them what they had done to invent (10:30).
  • Note: God Himself has been Witness of those who have associated partners with Him and each soul will know it when it has returned to Him.

 Truth vs. conjecture

  • Say, “Who provides for you from the sky and the earth? Does who control the hearing and the sight? And who brings forth the living from the dead and brings forth the dead from the living? And who disposes the affairs?” Then they will say, “God.” Say, “Will you not then hear (Him)?” (10:31). Thus that is God, your Lord, the Truth. So what is after the truth, except the error? Then how are you turned away? (10:32). Thus that has proved true your Lord’s word upon those who have disobeyed that they cannot believe (10:33). Say, “Is there any of your partners who can initiate the creation, then he repeats it?” Say, “God initiates the creation, then He repeats it. Then how are you deviated?” (10:34). Say, “Is there any of your partners who can guide to the truth?” Say, “God guides to the truth. Is then He whoever guides to the truth more worthy that He should be followed, or he whoever may not be guided, except that he is guided? Then what is for you how do you judge?” (10:35). And most of them does not follow except conjecture; indeed, the conjecture does not help anything against the truth. Indeed, God is Knower of what they do (10:36).
  • Note: God has taught the believers to follow the truth while the disbelievers do not follow except the conjecture, which cannot help them against the truth.

 God is the author of the Quran

  • And there has not been this – the Quran that it could be produced by other than God, but is a confirmation of that which was before of it and a detailed explanation of the scripture. There is no doubt in it, is from Lord of the worlds (10:37). Or do they say, “He has invented it?” Say, “Then bring of a surah like of it, and call whomever you might have other than God, if you have been truthful ones.” (10:38). Nay, they have denied in what they could not encompass of its knowledge, and do not come to them its (correct) interpretation. Thus that has denied those before themselves. So, you shall see how has been an end of the wrongdoers (10:39). And of them anyone may believe in it, and of them anyone may not believe in it, while your (Muhammad) Lord is Knower of the corrupters (10:40).
  • Note: God has revealed the Quran with a confirmation of what He has revealed before it and a scripture of detailed explanation, and anyone can be either a believer or a disbeliever of it, while the deniers could not encompass its knowledge nor could come to its correct interpretation.

 Role of prophet was to recite the Quran to his contemporaries

  • And if they have denied you (Muhammad), then say, “For me is my deeds, and for you is your deeds. You are free from what I do, and I am free from what you do.” (10:41). And of them whoever listens to you, while can you make the deaf hear, even though they cannot think about? (10:42). And of them whoever looks at you, while can you guide the blind, even though they do not see? (10:43). Indeed, God does not wrong the people in anything, but the people wrong themselves (10:44).
  • Note: Prophet has no other responsibility over those who have denied God’s message being deaf and blind to it except reciting to them while they have done wrong for themselves.

 God has promised a day of gathering

  • And a day He will gather them, as if they do not remain except an hour of the day, they can recognize between themselves. Certainly, has lost those who had denied in God’s meeting, and they had not been guided ones (10:45). Whether we show you (Muhammad) some of that which we promise them, or we cause you to die that to us is their return. Then God is over what they do as a Witness (10:46).
  • Note: God has promised a day of return for all of us when it would be thought that we had been in the earth for an hour while He has been Witness over those who have denied in His meeting about what they have done to accomplish.

 When term comes cannot be delayed or advanced

  • And for every community there is a messenger. So, when there has come their messenger, it has been judged between themselves with the justice, and they do not be wronged (10:47). And they say: “When is this – the promise, if you have been truthful ones?” (10:48). Say, “I do not possess power of any harm nor of any benefit for myself except what God wills.” For every nation there is a term. When there has come their term, then they cannot remain behind an hour, nor can they precede (10:49). Say, “Have you seen if His punishment has come to you by night or by day, what would the criminals hasten from it? (10:50).
  • Note: God has sent messenger to every community informing that He will judge with the justice between themselves, which is a true promise, and the messenger does not possess any power even for himself to harm or to benefit, while if the term comes to them, they cannot stay behind or advance by an hour whether it comes in a day or night.

 Equitable judgment without accepting any ransom from the wicked

  • Is then when it had occurred, you will believe in it? Now? And certainly, you have been with it to seek to hasten.” (10:51). Then it will be said to those who have wronged, “Taste the everlasting punishment. Are you recompensed except for what you have done to earn?” (10:52). And they ask you to inform: “Is it truth?” Say, “Yes, by my Lord. Indeed, it is surely truth, and you are not to be of escaping one.” (10:53). And if that for every soul who had wronged, whatever is in the earth, surely it would have sought to ransom with it, and they would have confided the regret when they have seen the punishment. And they have been judged between themselves with the justice, and they will not be wronged (10:54). No doubt; indeed, to God belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth. No doubt; indeed, God’s promise is truth, but most of them do not know (10:55). He gives life and causes death, and to Him you will be returned (10:56).
  • Note: The wicked wish to hasten the Hour but they cannot encompass the everlasting punishment for what they had done to achieve while no ransom from whatever is in the earth will be accepted from anyone of them when they have returned to their Lord.

 What is in Quran is better than what people hoard 

  • O mankind, certainly there has come to you an instruction from your Lord and a healing for what is in the breasts, and guidance and mercy for the believers (10:57). Say, “With God’s grace and with His mercy, so in that they shall rejoice.” It is better than what they hoard (10:58).
  • Note: It has been God’s grace and mercy upon mankind that He has given Quran having instruction and healing for what is in their hearts as guidance and mercy for the believers to rejoice, which is better than what they hoard for themselves.

 God is the One who had made what is lawful and unlawful for the believers

  • Say, “Have you seen what God has sent down of provision for you, then you have made from it unlawful and lawful?” Say, “Has God permitted for you, or do you invent (lies) about God?” (10:59). And what will be an assumption of those who invent the lie about God on a day of the Resurrection? Indeed, God is surely Possessor of bounty for the people, but their majority do not appreciative (10:60).
  • Note: God is a Possessor of provision and bounty, and He has made what is lawful and unlawful for the believers. Thus, if anyone other than Him makes anything lawful or unlawful for them will invent lies about God. However, He has specified what is unlawful for the believers and has ordered the believers to eat what is lawful and good for them upon revelation of the Quran (5:3) about 1455 years ago (A.H.) that we do not say: “eat this, do not eat that” to make us liar or to make us equal to God.

 God is a Witness of what we do and Knower of what happens

  • And you cannot be in a situation, nor can you recite of it from a Quran, nor can you do any deed except we have been witnesses over you when you engage in it; nor can escape from your Lord of an atom’s weight in the earth, nor in the heavens, nor smaller than that, nor greater except in a clear record (10:61).
  • Note: God is witnessing every one of us what we are doing and He is a Knower of everything what is happening in the earth or in the heavens, which is being in a clear record as well.

 God has promised a great success for the believers

  • No doubt; indeed, God’s allies – there is no fear upon them, nor will they grieve (10:62). Those who have believed and have done to fear (God) (10:63). For them is the good news in the life of the world as well as in the Hereafter. There is no change of God’s words. That is the greatest success (10:64).
  • Note: God has promised a great success of His allies in the world as well as in the Hereafter for those who have believed Him and have done in fearing Him.

 Those who Invoke partners other than God follow the conjecture

  • And their utterance should not grieve you (Muhammad). Indeed, all the honor belongs to God. He is the Hearer, the Knower (10:65). No doubt; indeed, to God belongs whoever is in the heavens and whoever is in the earth. You do not follow those who invoke partners other than God. They do not follow except the conjecture, nor do they do except guess (10:66).
  • Note: Prophet has been informed that all honor as well as whoever is in the heavens and the earth belongs to God, and he should not grieve over the insult from the idolaters.

 Those who said God has taken a son have invented a lie about Him

  • He is the One who has made the night for your that you may rest in it and the day is lighted. Indeed, in that surely there are signs for a people who can listen (10:67). They said, “God has taken a son.” Glory is His. He is the Rich. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth. With yourselves there is no authority for this. Do you say about God what you do not know? (10:68). Say, “Indeed, those who invent the lie about God, they will not succeed. (10:69). An enjoyment in the world, then to us is their return, then we will make them the severe punishment of what they have done to disbelieve.” (10:70).
  • Note: Those who cannot reflect on signs that God has made for the people have invented a lie about God. They will not succeed and will suffer a severe punishment upon their return to Him for their disbelief.

 Saving of Noah’s people but drowning of deniers

  • And you shall recite to them a news of Noah when he had said to his people, “O my people, if it has made hard for you my presence and my reminder with revelations of God, then upon God I put trust. So you shall gather your plan and your partners, then there would not be any doubt for you in your plan, then you shall carry upon me and you do not give me respite (10:71). So if you have turned away, then I have not asked you any reward. My reward is not except on God and I have been commanded that I would be with the submitters.” (10:72). Then they had denied him while we saved him and whoever was with him in the ark, and we have made them successors, and we drowned those who had denied in our revelations. Then see how was an end of those who have been warned (10:73).
  • Note: God saved Noah and those who had believed with him to make them successors while He drowned those who had denied in His revelation to wipe out the wicked people, which strengthened the faith for the believing people of Noah as well as the warning for the disbelieving people of later generations.

 God seals hearts of the transgressors

  • Then we had raised after of him (Noah) messengers to their people that they had come to them with the clear proofs, while they had not done to believe in what they had denied in it before. Thus that we place seal on hearts of the transgressors (10:74).
  • Note: God sent messengers after Noah with the clear proofs but they had been denied, and He sealed the hearts of those who had denied. Thus, the transgressors are blocked by Him because of disbelief that they cannot see the proofs sent with His messengers.

 Moses and Aaron were sent to Pharaoh and his people with God’s signs

  • Then we had sent after of them Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh and his leaders with our signs, while they had been arrogant, and had been a people of criminals (10:75). So when there had come to them the truth from us, they said, “Indeed, this is surely a clear magic!” (10:76). Moses said, “Would you say about the truth when it has come to you is this magic? While the magicians could not succeed.” (10:77). They said, “Have you come to us to turn us away from what we have found our forefathers on it and you would be for both the greatness in the earth? And we are not with believers for you two.” (10:78).
  • Note: Pharaoh and his people were arrogant and criminal, and had denied God’s signs considering them magic and continued what they had found with their forefathers.

 God had nullified magic and had established the truth

  • And Pharaoh said, “Bring to me every knowledgeable magician.” (10:79. So when the magicians had come, Moses said to them, “Throw whatever you throw.” (10:80). Then when they had thrown, Moses said, “What you have come with it is the magic. Indeed, God will nullify it. Indeed, God does not set right a deed of the corrupters.” (10:81). And God establishes the truth with His words, even if has disliked the criminals (10:82). So none had believed with Moses except descendants of his people for fear of Pharaoh and their leaders, lest he persecutes them. And indeed, Pharaoh was surely a tyrant in the earth, and indeed, he was surely one of the great transgressors (10:83).
  • Note: Pharaoh was a great tyrant in the earth, who brought the knowledgeable magicians to defeat the God’s signs while God nullified a deed of magicians establishing the truth with His words.

 Good news for a people of Moses who had believed

  • Moses said, “O my people, if you have believed in God, then upon Him put trust, if you have been Submitters.” (10:84). Then they said, “Upon God we have put trust. Our Lord, You do not make us a test for the wrongdoing people (10:85). And save us with Your mercy, from the disbelieving people.” (10:86). And we had inspired to Moses and his brother that you shall settle houses in Egypt for your people and shall make your houses as places of worship, and shall establish the salat prayer, and shall give good news to the believers (10:87).
  • Note: God permitted those who had believed with Moses and Aaron to observe salat prayer in their houses making them places of worship, and here is an indication being an opportunity for the believers to observe the congregational prayer in their houses when God’s Masjids are not found around.

 God had answered Moses and Aaron’s invocation

  • And Moses said, “Our Lord, you have given Pharaoh and his leaders luxury and wealth in the life of the world. Our Lord, that they misguide from Your path. Our Lord, destroy of their wealth, and harden of their hearts that they cannot believe until they see the painful punishment.” (10:88). He said, “Certainly, has been answered both of your invocation, so both of you shall be straight, and you do not follow a path of those who do not know.” (10:89). And We had made Children of Israel across the sea, then there had followed them Pharaoh and his troops in rebellion and enmity until when the drowning had taken him, he said, “I have believed that there is no god except the One in Him has believed the Children of Israel, and I am with the Submitters.” (10:90). Are you now? And certainly, you had disobeyed before and you have been with the corrupters (10:91). So today, we will save of your body that you would be a sign for whoever after yourself, while indeed, many of the people are surely heedless from our signs (10:92). And certainly, we have settled children of Israel with an honorable settlement, and have provided them with the good things that they have not differed until there has come to them the knowledge. Indeed, your Lord will judge between themselves on a day of the Resurrection in what they had done to differ in it (10:93).
  • Note: God had answered the invocation of Moses and Aaron and He made to cross the sea for the children of Israel to save them from the oppression of Pharaoh and his people and drowned Pharaoh and his people when Pharaoh had believed in God. However, He settled them an honorable settlement and provided them with the good things.

 We all need God’s guidance including His prophet

  • So if you (Muhammad) have been in doubt of what we have sent down to you, then you shall ask those who read the scripture before yourself. Certainly, there has come to you (Muhammad) the truth from your Lord; so do not be with the doubters (10:94), nor do you be with those who have denied in God’s revelations, then you would be with the losers (10:95).
  • Note: God has informed His prophet that truth has come to him from Him and has warned him not to be with the doubters and the deniers of His revelations. Thus, He guided His prophet to stay in the straight path not to be with the losers. However, we may reflect that if the prophet had stated what the so called scholars assigned to him, he would be with the losers being the misguided one.

 None can believe in God’s revelation except His permission

  • Indeed, those on them there has justified a promise of your Lord will not believe (10:96). Even if there has come to them every sign until they see the painful punishment (10:97). So why has not been a town had believed, then its faith would have benefited it except a people of Jonah? When they had believed, we removed from them a punishment of the disgrace in the life of the world and granted them an enjoyment for a while (10:98). And if your Lord had willed, surely would have believed whoever in the earth all of them together. Do you then compel the people until they would be believers? (10:99). And it has not been for any soul that it will believe except by permission of God, while He makes the wrath upon those who do not think (10:100).
  • Note: Those who have deserved a promise of God would not believe even if every sign comes to them from their Lord until they see the painful punishment. If God had willed, all people would have believed in the earth while no soul can believe except His permission and He has wrath upon those who do not think.

 God’s system to save His messengers and those who believed with them

  • Say, “See what in the heavens and the earth.” While the signs and the warnings will not help to a people who do not believe (10:101). Then do they wait except like of those who had passed away before themselves? Say, “Then wait; indeed, I am with you among those who are waiting.” (10:102). Then we save our messengers and those who have believed. Thus that it is an obligation upon us to save the believers (10:103).
  • Note: Even the signs and warning sent with the messengers do not work for the most people but God had saved His messengers and those who believed with them.

 Monotheism is a religion for the believers

  • Say, “O the people, if you have been in doubt of my religion, then I do not worship those whom you worship other than God, but I worship God, the One who causes death to you, while I have been commanded that I would be with the believers.” (10:104). And that you shall stand yourself for the religion of monotheism, and you would not be with idolaters (10:105). And you do not worship other than God which cannot benefit you nor can harm you. So if you have done, then indeed, you will be then with the wrongdoers (10:106). And if God touches you with adversity, then there is no remover of it except He. And if He intends for you with any good there is no repeller of His bounty. He bestows with it upon whomever He wills of His servants. And He is the Forgiving, the Merciful (10:107).
  • Note: God decreed monotheism as a religion for prophet Muhammad and those who had believed with him forbidding them from worshipping other than God, which could not harm or benefit them as well as cannot be remover of adversity if it touches nor can be repeller of bounty if it is bestowed. However, in later revelations of Quran Monotheism is mapped to Submission (Islam). Thus, from the time of Abraham until the time of the revelation of Quran those who have followed God’s revelations and practiced rites given to Abraham are monotheist submitters.

 Everyone is responsible to guide himself on the truth from God

  • Say, “O mankind; certainly, there has come to you the truth from your Lord. So whoever has been guided, then he is only guided for his soul; and whoever has gone astray, then he only goes astray against it, and I am not over you of a guardian.” (10:108). And you (Muhammad) shall follow what is revealed to you, and shall be patient until God judges, and He is the best Judge (10:109).
  • Note: God has revealed the truth through prophet Muhammad, and everyone including him who wants to guide himself should follow it. Thus, a guidance what has been sent for the believers is also a guidance for those through whom it has been revealed.

Surah, Yuunus (Jonah) – Part I can be reviewed reflecting that alif.laam.reh, a set of Quranic initials is a sign of the scripture, the wise, God confirms that what is given to Muhammad has been a good news and warning for the people, the wicked people denied God’s message (Quran) with excuses even asking for a miracle that should come to the prophet with the message and worshiped other than God expecting intercessors, the believers follow the truth while the disbeliever follow the conjecture, God is an author of the Quran and prophet had no power to change it except to recite and follow it, prophet had no power to harm or benefit himself and he had no knowledge of when the Hour is coming, God guides the believers to the Paradise while the disbelievers have done evil deeds to go to the Hell, and He has sent messenger for every community to let them know that there will be equitable judgment for all upon their return to Him and no ransom will be accepted from anyone of the wicked to relieve their everlasting punishment in the Fire, and He has given the Quran, which is a scripture of a detailed explanation but the deniers could not encompass its knowledge, nor could come to its correct interpretation.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (06/25/2021).

Surah Yuunus (Jonah) – Part II can be reviewed reflecting that God has given Quran having instruction and healing in it to rejoice as guidance and mercy for the believers, He is the only One who can make things lawful and unlawful and has completed it in the religion for the people with the revelation of the Quran, He is Witness of what we are doing and Knower of what is happening in the heavens and the earth, those who invoke partners other than God follow the conjecture, those who said that God has taken a son, has invented a great lie about God, God had answered the invocation of Moses and Aaron and made the Children of Israel to cross the sea to save them from the oppression of Pharaoh and his people, we all need God’s guidance including messengers and prophets to stay in the straight path, none can believe except God’s permission, God has taken it as a responsibility to save His messengers and those who have believed with them, He decreed Monotheism as a religion for prophet Muhammad and those who had believed with him to eliminate any doubt about the religion of prophet and those who had believed with him, and He has made responsible everyone including His prophet to guide himself before the death comes to him for secure return to Him.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (07/02/2021).