Oath of God
- Alif.Laam.Reh. That is of signs of the clarifying scripture (12:1).
Note: Alif.Laam.Rah is a sign of the clarifying scripture, which is an oath of God while we know that the Quranic initials have multiple roles. Thus, this is one of 14 sets of Quranic initials found prefixed to 5 surahs, and their total count in the Arabic text of 5 surahs is a multiple of 19 => 9481 (19x499) as shown in the table below, which is a lower level factual not to have any doubt to believe that the Quran is from God:
Note: The occurrence of these three Arabic letters is maintained at frequency of 499 in the Arabic text of five surahs, which is a divine guard to exist the pure Quran against an attempt of any distortion as guidance to be the straight path for the believers until the end of the world.
God has given us Quran in Arabic that we can understand it
- Indeed, we have sent down it an Arabic Quran, that you (all) may understand (12:2).
Note: By taking oath referring to Alif.Laam.Rah is a sign of the clear scripture, God has affirmed that He has revealed an Arabic Quran that it can serve as guidance for the believers to find the straight path for them. Hence, here is an indication that anyone whoever has access to the Quran can understand it to be his guidance.
Sign of Yusuf to be a God’s chosen one
- We narrate to you (Muhammad) the best history of what we have revealed to you (Muhammad) this – the Quran, even though you have been surely among the unaware before of it (12:3). When Yusuf said to his father, “O my father, indeed, I have seen eleven stars, and the sun, and the moon; I have seen them prostrating before me.” (12:4). He said, “My son, do not narrate your dream to your brothers, lest they plan a plot against you. Indeed, the Satan is an open enemy to the humans (12:5). And thus that your Lord chooses you and teaches you of interpreting the statements and completes His favor upon you and upon a family of Jacob as what He had completed it upon your two forefathers before – Abraham and Isaac. Indeed, your Lord is Knower, Wise.” (12:6). Certainly, there had been signs in Yusuf and his brothers for the questioners (12:7).
Note: God had chosen Yusuf to complete blessing on the family of Yaqub down the generations of Ibrahim and Isaac, and taught him the interpretation of the dreams while God is Knower, Wise.
The plot of Yusuf’s brothers against him
- When they said, “Surely, Yusuf and his brother are more beloved to our father than we, while we are a party. Indeed, our father surely is in clear error (12:8). Kill Yusuf, or cast him to a land, to be free for you to your father’s face, and you would be after that a people of righteous.” (12:9). One of them said, “Do not kill Yusuf and throw him into bottom of the well, some traveler may pick him up, if you have done as the doers.” (12:10). They said, “O, our father, do you not trust us with Yusuf? And indeed, we are surely well-wishers for him (12:11). Send him with us tomorrow to enjoy and play; and indeed, we will surely protectors for him.” (12:12). He said, “Indeed, it surely saddens me that you would take care of him and I fear that the wolf would eat him while you are not unaware of him.” (12:13). They said, “Surely, if the wolf eats him, while we are a group; indeed, we then be surely losers.” (12:14). Then when they had taken with him and had agreed that they will put him in the well’s bottom, while we had inspired to him: “Surely, you will inform them this of their affair, while they do not perceive.” (12:15). And they had come to their father weeping at evening (12:16). They said, “O our father, indeed, we had gone racing each other and had left Yusuf with our possessions, then the wolf had eaten him. And you cannot be of a believer for us, even if we have been truthful ones.” (12:17). And they had come with false blood on his shirt. He said, “Nay, there has enticed yourselves a matter for you that patience is better. And God is the One who is sought for help about what you describe.” (12:18).
Note: Yusuf’s brothers were jealous for him as he was more beloved to their father. So they had planned to take him with them promising with their father for taking of good care but they threw him in the well, while they had come home with false blood on his shirt stating that the wolf ate him when they were racing each other leaving him with their possessions.
Yusuf has been saved and established on the earth
- And there had come a caravan, then they had sent their water drawer, so he put had down his bucket. He said, “There is a good news, this is boy.” And they had hidden him as a merchandise, while God is Knower of what they do (12:19). And they had sold him for a cheap price – a few dirhams, and they had been in him any importance (12:20). And said to his wife who had bought him from Egypt, “Make comfortable his stay. It may have been that he will benefit us or we will take him as a son.” And thus that we had established Yusuf in the earth, and that we teach him of interpreting the statements. And God is Dominant over His affair, but most of the people do not know (12:21). And when he had reached his maturity, we gave him wisdom and knowledge. And thus that we reward the good-doers (12:22).
Note: Yusuf was saved from the plot of his brothers while he was brought and sold to an Egyptian for a cheap price where he grew up. When He reached maturity God taught him wisdom and knowledge.
The lady of the house had sought to seduce Yusuf from himself
- And she who in her house he has been had sought to seduce him from himself. And she had closed the doors and said, “Come on (I am ) for you.” He said, “Seeking refuge in God; indeed, He is my Lord, has made good my stay. Indeed, the wrongdoers do not succeed.” (12:23). And certainly, she had desired of him and he had desired of her if not that he had seen a proof of his Lord. Thus that we avert evil from him and the immorality. Indeed, he was of our servants being the sincere ones (12:24). And they both had raced to the door, and she had torn his shirt from the back; and they found her husband at the door. She said, “What is a recompense of whoever has intended evil with your wife, except that he would be imprisoned or a painful punishment?” (12:25). He (Yusuf) said, “She had sought to seduce me from myself .” A witness from her family had testified: “If it has been his shirt has been torn from the front, then she has told the truth and he is of the liars (12:26). And if it has been his shirt has been torn from the back, then she has lied, and he is of the truthful ones.” (12:27). Then when her husband had seen his shirt has been torn from the back, he said, “Indeed, it is of your plot. Indeed, your plot is great (12:28). Yusuf, you turn away from this. And you (his wife) shall ask forgiveness of your sin. Indeed, you have been of the sinful ones.” (12:29). And women in the city said: “The governor’s wife seeks to seduce her servant from himself. Certainly, he has impressed her love. Indeed, we surely see her in a clear error.” (12:30). So when she had heard of their conversation, she had sent for them and had prepared for them a banquet, and gave each of them a knife and said to him, “Come out before them.” Then when they had seen him, they admired him and cut their hands; and they said, “Praise to God, this is not a human – this is not but an honorable angel.” (12:31). She said, “That is the one you had blamed me about him. And certainly, I had sought to seduce him from himself, then he had saved him, and if not he does what I order him, surely he will be imprisoned and surely he will be with the disgraced.” (12:32). He said, “My Lord, the prison is better to me than what they invite me to it. And unless You turn away from me their plot I would incline to them and I would be of the ignorant ones.” (12:33)?
Note: Governor’s wife had sought to seduce Yusuf from himself but God had protected him with a sign from the involvement of evil while the lady plotted to put him in the prison for disobeying her order while Yusuf asked his Lord that the prison would be better than to prevent him from what they had invited.
Imprisonment of Yusuf with two young men
- So his Lord had responded to him that He had turned away from him their plot. He is the Hearer, the Knower (12:34). Then it appeared to them after what they had seen the signs, surely, they would imprison him for a while (12:35)? And two young men had entered the prison with him. One of them said, “Indeed, I see me to make wine,” and the other said, “Indeed, I see me to carry bread on my head, eating the birds from it. Inform us of its interpretation; indeed, we see you are one of the good-doers.” (12:36).
Note: God had saved Yusuf from the plot of the wicked being imprisoned with other two young men. He interpreted their dreams and foretold their food before it had come to them what God had taught him being His plan to establish Yusuf in the earth.
Those who are grateful to God do not associate partners with Him
- He said, “It does not come to both of you food you are provided with, except I will inform both of you of its interpretation before that it comes to both of you. That is of what my Lord has taught me. Indeed, I have abandoned people’s religion who do not believe in God, and they are the disbelievers of the Hereafter (12:37). And I have followed a religion of my forefathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. It has not been for us that we associate anything with God. That is from God’s grace upon us and upon the people, but most of the people are not grateful (12:38). “O my two companions of the prison, are different lords better or God, the One, the Supreme? (12:39). You do not worship other than Him except names you have named them – you and your forefathers; God has not sent down any authority to them. None but to God belongs the judgment. He has commanded that you do not worship except Him alone. That is the established religion, but most of the people do not know (12:40).
Note: God has defined the right religion for the believers, which is to worship Him without associating partners with Him to be grateful to Him being a blessing from Him while He has commanded us not to worship except Him alone and the judgment belongs to Him to make it very straightforward that we do not fail to do that.
Yusuf has been blessed with the knowledge of interpreting the dreams
- O my two companions of the prison, as for one of you that he will serve wine for his lord, and as for the other that he will be crucified, then the birds will eat from his head. It has been decreed the matter about which you both inquire.” (12:41). And he said to the one whom he had thought that he would be a saved one from them, “Mention me at your lord. But the Satan made him forget mentioning to his Lord, so he had remained in the prison for several years (12:42). And the king said, “Indeed, I see seven fat cows, eat them seven thin cows, and seven green ears and others dry. O my elders, explain to me about my dream, if you have been for dreams to interpret.” (12:43). They said, “Nonsense dreams, and we are not knowledgeable in the interpretation of the dreams.” (12:44). And said the one who had saved of the two, and had remembered after a period, “I can inform you of its interpretation, so send me (12:45). Yusuf, O the truthful one, explain to us about seven fat cows to eat them seven thin cows, and seven green ears and others dry that I may return to the people so that they know.” (12:46). He said, “What you will sow for seven years as usual that what you have harvested, so you shall leave it in its ears, except a little from which you will eat (12:47). Then will come after that seven hard (years) to consume what you have advanced for them except a little from what you will store (12:48). Then will come after that a year, in it will give abundant rain for the people, and in it they will press juice.” (12:49).
Note: The king was pleased to know the interpretation of his dream through the messenger sent to Yusuf and ordered to bring him to him that he would be a good advisor to him as his elders were not able to interpret his dream.
The women who cut their hands and Governor’s wife declared Yusuf innocent
- And the king said, “Come to me with him.” Then when there had come to him the messenger, he said, “Go back to your lord and ask him what is about the women who had cut their hands. Indeed, My Lord is Knower of their plot.” (12:50). He said, “What was your affair when you had sought to seduce Yusuf from himself?” They said, “Praise to God; we do not know any evil about him.” The governor’s wife said, “Now the truth has prevailed. I had sought to seduce him from himself, and indeed, he is surely of the truthful ones (12:51). That he may know that I do not betray him in the absence, and that God does not guide a plan of the betrayers (12:52). I do not declare myself free from blame. Indeed, the soul is surely an inclined of the evil, except that my Lord has bestowed mercy. Indeed, my Lord is Forgiving, Merciful.” (12:53).
Note: The truth had prevailed when the women who had cut their hands and the Governor’s wife who had sought to seduce Yusuf declared him innocent being the truthful one expecting mercy from her Lord being Forgiving, Merciful realizing that the soul has an inclination to the evil except having mercy of God.
Yusuf has been established in the earth with a trusted position
- And the king said, “Come to me with him, I will select him for myself.” Then when he had spoken to him said, “Indeed, you are today, with us a trusted position.” (12:54). He said, “Appoint me for the treasuries of the land. Indeed, I would be a knowledgeable guardian.” (12:55). And thus that we have established Yusuf in the earth to settle therein wherever he willed. We bestow our mercy upon whomever we will, and we do not let go waste a reward of the good-doers (12:56). And surely, the reward of the Hereafter is better for those who have believed and have done to fear (God) (12:57).
Note: The king made Yusuf in charge of treasuries being knowledgeable about it when he was found innocent. Thus God established him in the earth being a good-doer with an assurance that he will have a better reward in the Hereafter as well.
Yusuf’s plan to bring his brother to him
- And there had come Yusuf’s brothers, then they entered upon him; he had recognized them, while they were not knowers of him (12:58). And when he had provided them with their provisions, he said, “Come to me with a brother of you from your father. Do you not see that I give full of the measure and that I am a best of the hosts? (12:59). But if you do not come to me with him, then there will be no measure for you from me and you will not come near me.” (12:60). They said, “We will try to get permission for him from his father; indeed, we will surely be the doers.” (12:61). And He said to his assistants: “Put their goods in their saddlebags that they can recognize it when they have come back to their people that they may return.” (12:62).
Note: When Yusuf’s step brothers who had thrown him into the well came to him to get measure, he had recognized them and had planned to bring his own brother to him.
Yusuf’s step brothers’ requested their father to send his brother with them
- So when they had returned to their father, they said, “O our father, the measure has been denied to us, so send our brother with us, we will get measure. And indeed, we will surely be protectors of him.” (12:63). He said, “Should I trust you with him, except as that I had trusted you with his brother before? But God is a best Protector, and He has most mercy of the merciful ones.” (12:64). When they had opened their bags, they found their merchandise has been returned to them. They said, “O our father, what could we desire? Here is – our merchandise has been returned to us. And we will get provision for our family, and we will protect our brother, and we get increase measure of a camel’s load. That is an easy measure.” (12:65). He said, “I will not send him with you, unless you give to me a promise by God that you will come to me with him, except that he is surrounded by you.” Then when they had given him their promise, he said, “God is a Guardian over what we say.” (12:66).
Note: Their father agreed to send his son (Yusuf’s own brother) with them (Yusuf’s step brothers) when they had a promise by God that they would come with him and he will be surrounded by them.
Their father sent Yusuf’s brother with them putting his trust upon God
- And he said, “O my sons, you do not enter from one gate, and you shall enter from different gates. And I cannot help you anything against God, the judgment is not except with God. Upon Him I put trust and upon Him should put trust those who put trust.” (12:67). When they entered from where their father had ordered them. It had not been to help them anything against God, except a need in desire of Jacob he had carried out it. And indeed, he was a possessor of knowledge what we had taught him, but most of the people do not know (12:68).
Note: Yusuf’s father told his sons to enter upon Yusuf from different gates, which was a desire of his father being possessor of certain knowledge taught by God while he sent his son with his other sons putting trust upon God as the believers only put trust upon their Lord.
Yusuf’s plan to keep his brother with him
- And when they had entered upon Yusuf, he took his brother to himself. He said, “Indeed, I am your brother; so you do not grieve for what they had done to carry out.” (12:69). Then when he had provided them with their provisions, he placed the drinking cup in his brother’s bag, then an announcer had called out, “O you the caravan, you are surely thieves.” (12:70). They said, and had turned towards them, “What is it you miss?” (12:71). They said, “We miss a cup of the king. And for whoever had come with it, there is a camel load, and I am responsible of it.” (12:72). They said, “By God, certainly You have known we have not come to cause corruption in the land nor have we been thieves.” (12:73). They said, “What is a recompense of it if you have been liars?” (12:74). They said, “Its recompense is whoever, in his bag has been found, then he will be his recompense. Thus that we recompense the wrong-doers.” (12:75). So he had begun with their bags before his brother’s bag, then he had brought it out from his brother’s bag. Thus that we had planned for Yusuf; he could not have taken his brother by law of the king, except that God wills. We raise decrees for whomever we will, and are Knower over every possessor of knowledge (12:76). They said, “If he steals, then certainly a brother of him had stolen before.” And Yusuf had concealed it within himself, and did not reveal it to them. He said, “You are in awkward position, and God knows best of what you describe.” (12:77). They said, “O you the honorable; indeed, he has an elderly father; so take one of us in his place. Indeed, we see you of the good-doers.” (12:78). He said, “It is God’s forbiddance that we take except whoever we found our possession with him. Indeed, we then surely would be of the wrongdoers.” (12:79).
Note: Yusuf planned to keep his brother with him with the charge of a thief otherwise he would not be able to keep his brother with him according to the king’s law.
Yusuf’s step brothers returned to their father without his brother
- Then when they had despaired of him, they had engaged in discussion. Their eldest said, “Do you not know that your father certainly had taken a promise by God upon you, and before you had failed about Yusuf? So I will not leave the place until my father permits me or God judges for me, and He is the best Judge (12:80). Go back to your father, then say, ‘O our father, indeed, your son has stolen, and we have not testified except of what we had known, nor have we been protectors of the unseen (12:81). And ask the city where we have been about it and the caravan which we have returned in it and indeed, we are surely truthful.'” (12:82). He said, “Nay, it has enticed yourselves something for you. So patience is better. It may have been God that He will bring to me of them all. Indeed, He is the Knower, the Wise.” (12:83). And he had turned away from them, and said, “Oh, my grief over Yusuf.” And his eyes have turned white from the grief that he was a suppressor (12:84). They said, “By God, you will not cease to remember Yusuf until you would become seriously ill, or would become of the dead.” (12:85).
Note: Yusuf step brothers returned to their father without his brother despite of their promise by God. Their father said that patience is better and it may have been that He will return to me all of them even his eyes had become white from the grief of Yusuf.
Yusuf’s step brothers had been in Egypt again
- He said, “I just complain my suffering and my grief to God, and I know from God what you do not know (12:86). O my sons, go to inquire about Yusuf and his brother, and you do not despair of God’s grace; indeed, none despairs of God’s grace except the disbelieving people.” (12:87). Then when they had entered upon him, they said, “O you the honorable, there has touched us and our family the adversity, and we have come with little valued goods, then pay full the measure to us and be charitable to us. Indeed, God rewards the charitable.” (12:88). He said, “Do you know what you have done with Yusuf and his brother when you were ignorant?” (12:89). They said, “Are you indeed, surely you, Yusuf?” He said, “I am Yusuf, and this is my brother. Indeed, God has been gracious upon us. Indeed he, whoever fears God and is patient, then indeed, God does not let go waste a reward of the good-doers.” (12:90). They said, “By God, God has certainly preferred you over us, and indeed, we have been sinners.” (12:91). He said, “There is no blame upon you today. May God forgive for you and He has great mercy of the merciful ones (12:92). Go with this shirt of mine, then throw it over a face of my father, he will regain vision, and come to me with your family all together.” (12:93)?
Note: Their father sent them back to Egypt to inquire about Yusuf and his brother. When they had entered upon Yusuf, they recognized him to be Yusuf from his question concerning Yusuf and his brother. When they realized their mistakes and repented for their sins, Yusuf sent them back to his family with his shirt to throw it over their father’s face to regain his vision and asked them to bring the whole family to Egypt.
Yusuf’s family has been established in Egypt
- And when the caravan departed, their father said, “Indeed, I can find a smell of Yusuf, if not that you may think me weakened in mind?” (12:94). They said, “By God, indeed, you are surely in your old error.” (12:95). Then when that the bearer of good news had reached, he had thrown it on his face, then vision had returned. He said, “Did not I say to you; indeed, I know from God what you do not know?” (12:96). They said, “O our father, ask forgiveness of our sins for us; indeed, we have been sinners.” (12:97). He said, “I will ask forgiveness to my Lord for you; indeed, He is the Forgiving, the Merciful.” (12:98). Then when they had entered upon Yusuf, he took his parents to himself, and said, “Enter Egypt God willing safe.” (12:99). And he had raised his parents upon the throne, and they fell down as prostrators to him. And he said, “O my father, this is an interpretation of my dream before. Certainly, my Lord has made it truth, and certainly, He has been good with me, when He had taken me out of the prison and has brought with you from the desert after that the Satan had caused discord between me and my brothers. Indeed, my Lord is Benignant to what He wills. Indeed, He is the Knower, the Wise.” (12:100). My Lord, You have given me kingship and have taught me an interpretation of the statements. As Creator of the heavens and the earth You are my Protector in the world and the Hereafter; You cause me to die as a Muslim and join me with the righteous.” (12:101). That is from a news of the unseen we reveal it to you, and you have not been with them when they have made their plan while they plot (12:102).
Note: When Yaqub’s family entered upon Yusuf, he took his parents to himself and raised them upon the throne and informed his father that his Lord has made his dream true. His father got back his vision and he asked forgiveness of sin of his sons to his Lord. Thus, the people from Israel are established in Egypt.
The right path is to invite to God with enlightenment in Quran
- And most of the people will not be with believers even if you have desired (12:103). And do not ask them any reward for it (Quran), nor is it except a reminder for the people of of the world (12:104). And how many of a sign in the heavens and the earth are given to them, they pass by it while they are avert from it (12:105). And most of them do not believe in God except while they are being the idolaters (12:106). Have they then made secure that there comes to them an overwhelming punishment of God, or there comes to them the Hour suddenly, while they do not perceive? (12:107). Say, “This is my path: I invite to God with enlightenment – I and whoever has followed me. And glory to God and I am not with the idolaters.” (12:108).
Note: The path for the prophet and those who had believed with him was to invite to God with enlightenment, which has come in a reminder (Quran) for the people of the word, while most people those who worship God cannot do that except associating partner(s) with Him.
Quran is not a fabricated hadith but a detailed explanation of all things
- And we have not sent before yourself except men we reveal to them from a people of the towns. Do they not then travel in the earth to see how had been an end of those who were before themselves? And surely, an abode of the Hereafter is better for those who have feared (God). Would you not then understand? (12:109). Until when there had given up hope the messengers and had thought that they had certainly been denied, had come to them our help, thus there had been saved whomever we will, while our punishment cannot be repelled from the criminals among the people (12:110). Certainly, there has been a lesson in their stories for possessors of the understanding. It has not been a hadith is invented but a confirmation of that which was before of it, and a detailed explanation of all things, and a guidance, and mercy for a people to believe (12:111).
Note: Quran is not a fabricated hadith but a confirmation of what had been revealed before it, a detailed explanation of all things, a guidance and mercy for a people who believe. Here is a clear indication that hadiths as collected down the generations falsely assigning to the prophet are fabricated statements.
Surah Yusuf can be reviewed reflecting that the history of Yusuf has been highlighted in the surah, and Yusuf has been established in the earth being a good-doer; by taking oath God has affirmed that He has revealed an Arabic Quran so that we all can understand it; the right religion for the believers is to worship God without associating partners with Him to be grateful to Him and none can do it except being blessed by Him while the judgment belongs to Him; the verses at the beginning and the ending of the Surah confirm that whatever happened to Yusuf and his family happened according to God’s will and there was a good reason behind it: being a lesson for us that He rewards the good-doer; the true believers only trust upon their Lord; the people from Israel are established in Egypt making history involving events down the generations; the path for the prophet and those who believed with him was to invite to God with enlightenment in the Quran, and the Quran is not a fabricated hadith but a guidance and mercy for the believers having detailed explanation of all things confirming what was before it, which is a clear indication that volumes of hadiths as collected down the generations are fabricated statements; there are signs in the heavens and the earth to reflect to accept the truth but the disbelievers turn away from them; most people who worship God cannot do it except associating partner(s) with Him confirms that practices of religion by most people are just show offs limiting to festivities; and God may bless His servants to seek His path with enlightenment given in the final edition of the scripture to make them winners on a day of the Judgment followed by the resurrection.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (08/06/2021).