
Surah Saba (Surah 34: Revelation Order 58)

All praise belongs to God

  • All praise to God, the One to Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth, and to Him belongs all praise in the Hereafter, and He is the Wise, the Cognizant (34:1). He knows what enters in the earth and what comes out of it, and what descends from the sky and what ascends in it, and He is the Merciful, the Forgiving (34:2).
    Note: All praise to God who controls whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth as well as whatever is in between them and whatever happens in them.

The end of the world is coming to compensate all of us

  • And those who have disbelieved said, “The Hour will not come to us.” Say, “Nay, by my Lord surely, it will come to you. He is the Knower of the future. An atom weight whether is in the heavens or in the earth cannot escape from Him, nor a smaller than that or larger except being in a clear record.” (34:3). That He may reward those who have believed and have done the righteous deeds. Those – for them there is forgiveness and an honorable provision (34:4). And those who have strived in causing failure to our revelations; those – for them there is a punishment of painful humiliation (34:5).
    Note: God, the Knower of the future has confirmed that the end of the world is coming and none can escape from Him being everything in a clear record whether small or large. He will reward those who have believed and have done the righteous deeds with an honorable provision but will punish those who have tried to make failure of His revelations.

God has sent down the truth to His prophet to guide to His path

  • And those who have been given the knowledge see which has been sent down to you (Muhammad) from your Lord; it is the truth and it guides to a path of the Almighty, the Praiseworthy (34:6). And those who have disbelieved said, “Do we show you to a man who informs you when you have been disintegrated into total disintegration; indeed, you surely will be a new creation? (34:7). Has he fabricated a lie about God, or in him there is madness?” Nay, those who do not believe in the Hereafter will be in the punishment and the far astray (34:8). Do they not then see what is of their before and what is of their behind in the heaven and the earth? If we will, we could cause the earth to swallow them, or could cause masses to fall on them from the sky. Indeed, in that surely, there is a sign for every servant who turns (to God) (34:9).
    Note: What God has revealed to us through His prophet is the truth, which guides to the path of the Almighty and the Praiseworthy. The knowledgeable can see it but the disbelievers who cannot believe in the resurrection being a new creation from the total disintegration think that it is a fabrication about God being recited by a mad man. Thus, they are those who do not believe in the Hereafter will be punished for being in the far astray. If God wills, He could cause them to swallow by the earth and could cause to fall masses on them from the sky, which may be a sign for whoever turns to Him.

God has asked David’s family to be grateful to Him

  • And certainly, we had given David bounty from us: “O mountains, you shall praise with him and the birds.” And we had made the iron flexible for him (34:10). That you shall make armor and shall measure in the armor, and shall do as righteous. Indeed, I am Seer of what you do (34:11). And for Solomon the wind – its morning course was a month and its afternoon course was a month. And we had caused to flow a spring of molten copper for him. And of the jinn who worked in presence of him by permission of his Lord. And whoever from them deviated of our commands, we make him taste of a punishment of the Blazing fire (34:12). They worked for him what he willed – temples, and statues, and deep pools, and heavy cooking pots. “You shall do (righteous deeds) O family of David in appreciation.” And a few of My servants are grateful (34:13). Then when we had decreed the death to him, had not indicated to them on his death until a creature of the earth to eat his staff. Then when he had fallen down, the jinn had become clear that if they had done to know the unseen, they would not have remained in the humiliating punishment (34:14).
    Note: God has asked the Jews to be grateful to Him while He had blessed their forefathers, David to commit the mountains and the birds at his disposal to praise God with him, and Solomon to commit the wind and the jinn at his disposal. The wind had blown and the jinn had worked according to his command, while the jinn have no knowledge about the unseen.

History of the people of Saba

  • Certainly, there had been a sign for Saba in their dwelling place. There were two gardens on the right and the left. You shall eat from your Lord’s provisions, and shall be grateful to Him – good land and Forgiving Lord (34:15). As they had turned away, so we sent a flood of the dam upon them, and we changed of their two gardens for them into two gardens of producing bitter fruits, and tamarisks, and something of a few lote trees (34:16). Thus, we had recompensed them because of that they disbelieved. And do we not recompense except the ungrateful? (34:17). And we had made between them and between the towns which we had blessed in it of visible towns. And we had determined the journey between them: “You shall travel between nights and days being secure.” (34:18). Then they said: “Our Lord, lengthen our journeys.” And they had wronged their souls. So, we had made them precedents and had dispersed them being a total dispersed. Indeed, in that surely, there are signs for every grateful patient (34:19).
    Note: God had blessed the people of Saba with good provision having two gardens but they became ungrateful to their Lord. So, He had punished them for their disbelief by destroying them by flood as well as by changing the gardens into the gardens of producing bitter fruits, which may be a sign for the righteous.

Satan has no power over the believers

  • And certainly, Satan had found truth of his assumption about them that they had followed him, except a group of the believers (34:20). And there has been no power for him over them, except that we might make evident whoever believes in the Hereafter from whoever he is in doubt about it. And your Lord is a Protector over all things (34:21). Say, “Call upon those whom you have claimed other than God.” They do not possess an atom weight in the heavens, nor in the earth, nor for them in both of them any partnership, nor from them for Him any supporter (34:22). And the intercession with Him will not benefit, except for whom He has permitted for him, until when fear has been removed from their hearts, they would have said, “What is that your Lord has said?” They would have said, “The truth.” And He is the greatest High (34:23). Say, “Who provides for you from the heavens and the earth?” Say, “God; and indeed, we or you surely, are upon guidance, or in the far astray.” (34:24). Say, “You will not be asked about what sin we have committed, nor will we be asked about what you do.” (34:25).
    Note: Satan has found his assumption to be true except a group of the believers who know that God is powerful over all things. Those whom are associated with God neither can benefit nor can harm, while intercession with Him will not work if it is not according to His law, which means the concept of intercession is a satanic trick.

A day there is mutual blaming when God will gather us all to judge  

  • Say, “Our Lord will gather us together, then He will judge between us with the truth, and He is the Judge, the Knower.” (34:26). Say, “Show me those whom you have joined with Him as partners.” Say, “Undoubtedly; nay, He is God – the Almighty, the Wise.” (34:27). And we have not sent you except all being a good news and a warner for the people, but most of the people do not know (34:28). And they say, “When is this promise, if you have been truthful?” (34:29). Say, “For you there is an appointment day; you cannot postpone of it for one hour, nor can you advance.” (34:30). And those who have disbelieved said, “We will not believe in this – the Quran, nor in that which was of its before.” And If you could see the wrongdoers when they will be made to stand before their Lord, will throw back the word one of them to other. Those who had been oppressed will say to those who had been arrogant, “If it were not you, surely, we would have been believers.” (34:31). Those who had been arrogant (leaders) said to those who had been oppressed (followers), “Had we averted you from the guidance after when it had come to you? Nay, you had been criminals.” (34:32). And those who had been oppressed would have said to those who had been arrogant, “Nay, it was a plot of the night and the day when you order us that we disbelieve in God and we make equals for Him.” And they have concealed the regret when they had seen the punishment. And we have placed shackles around the necks of those who had disbelieved. Are they recompensed except for what they have done to accomplish? (34:33).
    Note: God has sent His prophet as bearer of good news and warner with a promise that there is an appointment day when He will gather us all to judge us. Those who have disbelieved in the Quran being doubtful in a promised day throw back the word to each other when the shackles are placed around necks of the disbelievers, the followers will blame their leaders while their leaders will blame the followers to be criminals by themselves.

God is the best Provider

  • And we have not sent any warner to any town except the wealthy ones said, “Indeed, we are disbelievers in what you have been sent with it.” (34:34). And they said, “We have more wealth and children, and we are not with those who will be punished.” (34:35). Say, “Indeed, my Lord extends the provision for whomever He wills, and restricts, but most of the people do not know.” (34:36). And neither your wealth nor your children can bring you closer to us in position, except whoever has believed and has done as righteous, then those – for them there is two-fold reward for what they have done, and they will be secure in the lofty mansions (34:37). And those who strive in causing failure to our revelations, those will be brought into the punishment (34:38). Say, “Indeed, my Lord extends the provision for whomever He wills among His servants, and restricts for him. And whatever of anything you have spent, then He will compensate it, and He is the best Provider.” (34:39).
    Note: Those who are wealthy do not believe in what has been sent assuming that they will not punished as they have failed to reflect that God is the One who can extend or can restrict provision for whomever He wills, while wealth and children cannot bring closer to God in position except those who have believed and have done the righteous deeds.

Punishment in Hell for those who have denied it

  • And a day He will gather them all, then He will say to the angels, “Were these you they had done to worship?” (34:40). They said, “Glory to You. You are our Protector; other than them – nay, they have done to worship the jinn; most of them were believers in them.” (34:41). So, today, one of you does not possess power of benefit nor of harm to other, and we will say to those who had wronged, “Taste a punishment of the Fire that you had done to deny with it.” (34:42).
    Note: A day when God will gather us all, the angels will report to their Lord that those who denied Hell had worshiped the jinn will taste a punishment of Hell for their denial.

God punished the deniers of His messengers

  • And when it is recited our clear revelations to them, they said, “This is not a man who wishes to hinder you from what has done to worship your forefathers.” And they said, “This is not except a fabricated lie.” And said those who have disbelieved in the truth when it had come to them, “This is not but an obvious magic.” (34:43). And we had not given them any of scriptures they could study it, nor had we sent to them any warner before yourself (34:44). And had denied those who were before themselves, and they had not attained one tenth of what we have given them, then they denied My messengers, how has been My denial (34:45).
    Note: God had punished those who had denied His clear revelations in the past claiming them clear magic and fabricated lies.

Truth has come with what has been given to prophet

  • Say, “I only advise you for one thing that you would stand for God, in pairs or as individuals, then you would reflect. There is no madness in your friend, nor is he except a warner for you before a severe punishment.” (34:46). Say, “I have not asked you for any reward that it is for you. My reward is not except from God, and He is over everything as a Witness.” (34:47). Say, “My Lord projects to the truth, a Knower of the unseen.” (34:48). Say, “The truth has come, and the falsehood cannot initiate, nor can it repeat.” (34:49). Say, “If I have erred, then only I err against myself; and if I have been guided, then it is of what my Lord inspires to me. Indeed, He is Hearer, Near.” (34:50).
    Note: God has sent His prophet as a warner just to advise people to stand before Him in pairs or as individuals. He has sent down the truth with him, which will prevail while the falsehood cannot initiate or repeat but whoever is guided is guided for himself and whoever has erred, then he has erred for his own soul.

When the disbelievers have been seized will say they are believers

  • If you could see when they have terrified; then there is no escape, and they have been seized from a near place (34:51). And they have said, “We have believed in it,” And how was for them the receiving from a far off place? (34:52). And they have disbelieved in it before; while they utter conjectures about the unseen from a far off place (34:53). And there has been placed a hindrance between them and what they desire as what has been done with their party before. Indeed, they have been in doubt being disquiet (34:54).
    Note: When the disbelievers have been seized from a near place, then they will say we have believed but they have uttered conjectures from a far off place .

Surah Saba (Surah 34: Saba) can be reviewed reflecting to the history of people of Saba and what has been asked the Jews to be grateful to God as He had blessed their forefathers, David and Solomon. All praise belongs to God and He has sent down the truth to His prophet being a bearer of good news and warner to guide people to His path as well as to advise people to stand before their Lord in pairs or as individuals. Satan has no power over the believers while the myth of intercession around us is a satanic trick. Those who are guided are guided for themselves while those who have erred have erred for themselves. God being the Knower of the future has confirmed that the end of the world is coming and none can escape from Him being everything in a clear record whether it is small or large and He will reward those who have believed and have done the righteous deeds with an honorable provision but will punish those who have tried to make failure of His revelations. Those who have disbelieved in the Quran being doubtful in a promised day throw back the word to each other when the shackles are placed around their necks, the followers will blame their leaders while their leaders will blame the followers to be criminals by themselves. God is the One who can extend or can restrict provision for whomever He wills, while wealth and children cannot bring closer to God in position except those who have believed and have done the righteous deeds. The knowledgeable can see the truth what has been revealed by God but the disbelievers who cannot believe in the resurrection to be a new creation from the total disintegration think that it is a fabrication about God being recited by a mad man.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (03/25/2022).