
Surah al-Zumar (Surah 39: Revelation Order 59)

A revelation from God to worship Him being sincere to Him in His religion

  • A revelation of the scripture is from God – the Almighty, the Wise (39:1). Indeed, we have sent down to you the scripture with the truth that you shall worship God being sincere to Him in the religion (39:2). No doubt, to God belongs the religion is the perfect one, and those who have taken protectors other than Him: “We do not worship them except that they may bring us near to God in nearness.” Indeed, God will judge between themselves in what they dispute in it. Indeed, God does not guide whoever he is a liar, a disbeliever (39:3).
  • Note: God has sent down the Quran with the truth to worship Him being sincere to Him in His religion as the perfect religion belongs to Him, and on a day of the Judgment He will be Protector of those who have practiced His religion being sincere to Him.

God is the One, the Supreme

  • If God had intended that He would have taken a son, surely, He could have chosen whomever He wills from whatever He creates. Glory to His, He is God, the One, the Supreme (39:4). He has created the heavens and the earth with the truth. He rolls the night over the day, and rolls the day over the night. And He has committed the sun and the moon, each running for a specified term. Undoubtedly, He is the Almighty, the Forgiving (39:5).
  • Note: God is Creator and Sovereign over all things and it is not befitting for Him to have a son except blasphemy, while He has created the heavens and the earth, and rolls the night over the day and rolls the day over the night as well has committed the sun and the moon to run for a specified term.

God has created humans from a single soul

  • He has created you from one soul, then He has made its mate from it. And He has sent down for you eight kinds of livestock. He creates you in your mothers’ wombs, creation after creation through trimesters of darkness. That is God your Lord; to Him belongs the dominion. There is no god except He. Then how are you deviated (39:6)?
  • Note: He has created us from a single soul to worship Him as there is no other deity for us other than Him that we may be appreciative to Him.

God likes gratefulness of His servants and dislikes their ungratefulness

  • If you disbelieve, God is independent of you. And He does not like ungratefulness of His servants and if you appreciate, He likes it for you while no one will be bearer of burden of another. Then to your Lord is your return when He will inform you of what you have done to accomplish. Indeed, He is Knower of what is in the breasts (39:7). And when adversity had touched the human, he called his Lord turning towards Him; then when He had blessed him with a favor from Himself, he forgot what he had done to call towards Him before and set up rivals to God to mislead from His path. Say, “Enjoy with your disbelief for a while; indeed, you are of dwellers of the Fire.” (39:8).
  • Note: Disbelievers being ungrateful to their Lord misguide them leading to be the dwellers of the Fire while the believers being grateful to their Lord guide them leading to be the dwellers of Paradise.

The steadfast are paid back their reward in full

  • Is he whoever a devotee to hours of the night prostrating and standing in fearing the Hereafter and expecting his Lord’s mercy? Say, “Do those who know and those who do not know equal?” Only possessors of the understanding will take heed (39:9). Say: O My servants, those who have believed, you shall fear your Lord. For those who have done good in this world, there is good and God’s earth is spacious. Only the steadfast will be paid back their reward in full without counting (39:10).
  • Note: Possessors of the intelligence take heed while they believe and fear God and do good deeds. These are the steadfast who are paid back their reward in full.

God’s commandment to worship Him being sincere to Him as a submitter

  • Say, “indeed me, I have been commanded that I worship God being sincere to Him in the religion (39:11). And I have been commanded that I would be first of the submitters.” (39:12). Say, “Indeed me, I fear the punishment of a great day if I have disobeyed my Lord.” (39:13). Say, “I worship God being sincere to Him in my religion (39:14).”
  • Note: The prophet was commanded to worship God being sincere to Him in the religion as a submitter (Muslim) as well as not to be disobedient of his Lord, and the expression “innani-i or indeed me” indicates the commandment to be associated with prophet’s life time activities like reciting the Quran to his contemporaries, and he had obeyed His Lord what he was commanded to do. However, this command was for every one who had believed with him as well as every submitter down the generations.

Compensation for the losers and the winners

  • So, worship whatever you have willed other than Him.” Say, “The real losers are those who lost their souls and their families, a day of the Resurrection.” Undoubtedly, that is the real loss (39:15). For them there will have from above them coverings of the Fire and coverings from below them. That is (what) God frightens His servants with it: O My servants, so you shall fear Me (39:16). And those who have avoided the false deities that they worship them and have turned to God, for them there is good news. So, you shall give good news to My servants (39:17). Those who listen to the Word (Quran), then they follow best of it; those are whom God has guided them; those – they are possessors of the understanding (39:18). So whoever has he imposed a word (promise) of punishment on him? Then can you save him whoever is (already) in the Fire? (39:19). But those who have feared their Lord; for them there are lofty mansions – lofty mansions built high above them flowing the rivers of their underneath is God’s promise – God does not break the promise (39:20).
  • Note: The losers are those who worship other than God or they do whatever they wish to do, while the winners are those who fear God and avoid the false deities as well as listen and follow the word of God (Quran) given to them.

A reminder for possessors of the intelligence to reflect

  • Do you not see that God has sent down water from the sky, then He has made it flow as springs in the earth, then He produces crop of its various colors with it; then it withers that you see it being yellow; then He makes it debris? Indeed, in that surely, there is a reminder for possessors of the understanding (39:21). Does he whom God has extended his breast for Submission that he is upon a light from his Lord? So, woe to the hardened for their hearts from remembering God. Those are in far astray (39:22).
  • Note: God has extended the hearts of those who possess intelligence for Submission (Islam) having a light upon them from Him while woe to those who are in far astray for the hardening of their hearts from remembrance of God.

Quran being the best Hadith protects from a punishment on a day of Resurrection

  • God has sent down a scripture of the best Hadith being consistent to each other. The skins of those who fear their Lord shiver from it (Quran), then their skins and their hearts soften up to God’s message. That is God’s guidance; He guides with it (Quran) whomever He wills, and whomever God lets go astray, then there is no guide for him (39:23). So is he who shields of his face (from) the worst punishment on a day of the Resurrection? It has been said to the wrongdoers, “Taste what you have done to earn.” (39:24). Those who had denied before of them, so the punishment had come to them from wherever they did not perceive (39:25). So God had made them the disgrace in the life of the world, and surely, there is a greater punishment in the Hereafter, if they had done to know (39:26).
  • Note: God has given us the best word in the Quran to be guided reflecting to His reminder, while denying in it will impose the worst situation on a day of the Resurrection including humiliation in the life of the world.

Quran has every kind of example to become righteous

  • And indeed, we have cited every kind of example in this – the Quran for the people that they may take heed (39:27). An Arabic Quran, without having crookedness that they may be righteous (39:28). God has set an example of a man with him partners of quarreling and a man having an agreeing man. Do they (both) equal in illustration? All praise to God; nay, most of them do not know (39:29). Indeed, you (prophet) will be dead, and indeed, they will be dead (39:30). Then indeed you, on a day of the Resurrection will dispute before your Lord (39:31). Then who is more wicked than whoever has lied about God and has denied in the truth when it had come to him? Has not it been in Hell an (just) abode for the disbelievers? (39:32) And the one who has come with the truth and has believed in it, those – they are the righteous (39:33). For them what is they wish with their Lord. That is the reward for the good doers (39:34). That God will remove from them worst of what they have done and will reward them their reward with best of what they have done to achieve (39:35).
  • Note: God has placed every kind of example in the Quran in which there is no crookedness that we may reflect to become righteous. Those who believed and brought the truth on a day of the Resurrection will be compensated with the best while the disbelievers who lied about God and denied in the truth will be in Hell.

God is sufficient for all of His servants including the prophet

  • Is not God with sufficient for His servant? And they threaten you with those other than Him; and whomever God lets go astray, then there is no guide for him (39:36). And whomever God guides, then there is no misleader for him. Is not God with Al-mighty, Possessor of retribution? (39:37). And indeed, if you had asked them who created the heavens and the earth? Indeed, they will say, “God.” Say, “Why then have you seen what you call on other than God? If God intended harm to me, are they relievers of His harm or if He intended to me with mercy, are they withholders of His mercy?” Say, “God is sufficient for me, those who trust should trust upon Him (39:38). Say, “O my people, work your best, indeed me, I am working; then you will know soon (39:39), to whom a punishment of disgracing him, and an everlasting punishment descends upon him.” (39:40).
  • Note: God guides whomever He wills while He misguides whomever He wills. He is Grantor of His mercy while He also withholds His mercy from whomever He wills. Thus, He is sufficient for His servant, and we all should put trust in Him and should avoid any threat by anyone or anything from this world or from His creations.

Truth about the intercession on a Day of the Judgment

  • Indeed, we have sent down to you (Muhammad) the scripture with the truth for the people. So, whoever has been guided, then for his soul; and whoever has gone astray, then he only goes astray against it. And you are not an advocate over them (39:41). God takes the souls at the time of their death and the one who does not die in her sleep. Then He keeps the one whom He has decreed the death upon them, and sends the others for a specified term. Indeed, in that there are surely signs for a people to think about (39:42). Or have they taken intercessors other than God? Say, “Even if, have they not had anything to possess nor do they understand?” (39:43). Say, “To God belongs all the intercession. To Him belongs a dominion of the heavens and the earth. Then to Him you will be returned” (39:44).
  • Note: Quran has the truth for us to guide or misguide while God takes our souls two times when death comes to us as well as during our sleep but He returns the souls of those who do not die at their sleep confirming that the intercession belongs to God to whom we will be returned. Thus, the concept of intercession on the day of the Resurrection/Judgment by Jesus and Muhammad around us is a myth or misconception introduced by tradition.

God has reminded us how He will judge for our evil behavior

  • And when there has been mentioned God alone, has shrunk in aversion hearts of those who do not believe in the Hereafter, and when has been mentioned those (protectors) other than Him, then they rejoice (39:45). Say: “O God, Creator of the heavens and the earth, Knower of the unseen and the seen; You will judge between Your servants in what they have done to dispute in it.” (39:46). And if that for those who have done wrong, whatever all is in the earth and like of it with it they had ransomed with it from an evil of the punishment on a day of the Resurrection, while it would have appeared to them from God what they would not take into account (39:47). And it has been apparent to them evils what they have earned and have surrounded them what they had done to mock with it (39:48).
  • Note: Those who have corrupt their faith will face punishment on a day of the Resurrection with a warning that no ransom will be accepted from them, and no matter what they had done being religious observant, while the traditional Muslims around the world has corrupted their faith by adding the names of Muhammad and Ali to the God given shahaadah, laa-ilaaha illaa allah as well as believing intercession in His judgment system.

A test for the foul weather friends but no escape from God

  • So when adversity had touched the human, he called upon us, then when we blessed him a favor from us, he said: “I have only been given for intelligence!” Yes, it is a test but most of them do not know (39:49). Indeed, those from them whom of their before said it did not avail of them what they used to earn (39:50). So evils of what they earned struck them and those who have wronged of these will strike them evils of they earned and they are those who cannot escape (39:51).
  • Note: Those who have done evils being the foul-weather friends that will struck them what they have earned and there no escape from God at their meeting with Him.

All of us even being guilty have the opportunity to have God’s mercy

  • Do they not know that God increases the provision for whomever He wills and withholds? Indeed, there are surely signs for a people who believe (39:52). Say: O My servants, those who have transgressed against themselves, they should not despair of God’s mercy. Indeed, God forgives all the sins. Indeed, He is the Forgiving, the Merciful (39:53). And you shall turn to your Lord and submit to Him of before that the punishment comes to you; then you will not be helped (39:54).
  • Note: Those who committed horrendous crimes but if they repent to God and reform thereafter before the punishment comes to them, i. e, the death, God has promised to forgive their all sins.

Every soul can avoid punishment following best what its Lord has sent down

  • And you shall follow best of what has been sent down to you from your Lord before that the punishment comes to you all on a sudden, while you do not perceive (39:55), lest a soul would say, “Oh! My regret over what I had neglected in regard to God and that I had been surely with the mockers.” (39:56), or it would say, “If that God had guided me, surely, I would have been with the righteous.” (39:57), or it should say, when it sees the retribution, “If that I could have another chance, I would be with the good doers.” (39:58).
  • Yes certainly, there had come to you My revelations, then you had denied in them and had been arrogant and had been with the disbelievers (39:59). And on a day of the Resurrection, you will see the faces of those who lied about God, their faces will be blackened. Is not Hell an abode for the arrogant? (39:60). And God will save those who feared (Him) with their recompense. No evil will touch them, nor will they grieve (39:61).
  • Note: The arrogant are those who denied in God’s revelations while they cannot avoid miserable suffering in Hell on a day of the Resurrection while those who feared Him will be saved with their compensation so that no evil will touch them nor will they grieve.

God is Creator and Guardian of all things

  • God is Creator of all things and He is Guardian over all things (39:62). To Him belong keys of the heavens and the earth, and those who have disbelieved in God’s revelations, those – they are the losers (39:63). Say, “Is there any other than God you exhort me to worship, O you the ignorant?” (39:64). And certainly, it has been inspired to you and to those before yourself – surely, if you have associated partners; surely, your deeds will become worthless, and surely, you will be with the losers (39:65). Yes, so you shall worship God, and shall be with the thankful ones (39:66). And they have not appraised God truth of His appraisal; and the whole earth will be at His Grip on a Day of the Resurrection, and the heavens will be folded at His Right Hand. Glory is His, and He has exalted so High from what they associate (39:67).
  • Note: Those who worshiped God associating partners with Him, all their works will be worthless as they were not able to appraise God as He should be appraised.

The final judgment with truth and justice on a day of the Resurrection

  • And it will be blown in the trumpet that whoever in the heavens and whoever in the earth have fallen dead except whom God wills. Then it will be blown in it another time that they will be standing, looking. (39:68). And the earth has shone with a light of its Lord, and the record has been placed, and has been brought of the prophets and the witnesses, and has been judged between themselves with the truth; and they are not wronged (39:69). And every soul will be paid in full what it had done, and He is best Knower of what they do (39:70). And there has been driven those who had disbelieved to Hell in groups until when they have come to it; there has been opened its gates and its guards said to them, “Did not come to you messengers from you to recite to you revelations of your Lord and to warn you a meeting of your day of this?” They said, “Yes, but there has been justified a promise of the punishment upon the disbelievers.” (39:71). It has been said, “Enter gates of Hell for abiding therein forever is a miserable abode of the arrogant” (39:72). And there has been driven those who had feared their Lord to the Paradise in groups until when they have come to it, and there has been opened its gates and its guards said to them, “Peace upon you, there have been done well; so, enter it as dwellers forever.” (39:73). They said, “All praise to God, who has fulfilled for us His promise and has made us inherit the earth, we may settle of the Paradise wherever we wish. So there has been an excellent reward of the workers” (39:74). And you will see the angels are surrounding, from around the Throne glorifying with praise of their Lord. And has been judged between them with the truth and has been said: “Praise to God, Lord of the worlds.” (39:75).
  • Note: The event of the Resurrection will start when it will be blown in the trumpet second time followed by the first time. The records will be made known to everyone and the judgment will be done between His servants with truth and justice. Those who disbelieved have been driven to Hell in groups for abiding therein forever while those who feared their Lord have been driven to Paradise in groups for abiding therein forever being greeted by its guards.


  • A revelation from God to worship Him being sincere to Him in the religion belongs to Him.
  • God is Creator and Sovereign who created us from a single soul to worship Him alone.
  • The prophet obeyed God as commanded to worship Him being sincere to Him in His religion.
  • It is not befitting for God to have a son except blasphemy being Sovereign over all things.
  • Believers guide them to be grateful while disbelievers mislead them to be ungrateful to Him.
  • Possessors of the intelligence take heed while they believe and fear God and do good deeds.
  • The losers worship other than God while the winners fear God and avoid the false deities.
  • Possessors of the intelligence reflect as well as listen and follow the word of God (Quran).
  • God has extended hearts of possessors of the intelligence for Islam having a light upon them.
  • Quran is described to be the best Hadith wherein cited every kind of example to be righteous.
  • God is sufficient for all of His servants while He has revealed the Quran with the truth.
  • God takes our souls two times when death comes to us and also during our sleep but He returns the souls of those who do not die at their sleep.
  • He has confirmed us that all the intercession belongs to Him to whom we all will be returned.
  • He has warned of the evil behavior of a people in the event of mentioning God alone to them.
  • No escape for the foul weather friends while everyone has opportunity to have God’s mercy.
  • Every soul can avoid punishment if it follows best of what has been revealed from its Lord.
  • Those who associate partners with God cannot appraise Him as He should be appraised.
  • The event of Resurrection will start by blowing in the trumpet 2nd time followed by the 1st time.
  • Records will be made known and His servants will be judged with the truth and the justice.
  • The disbelievers will be driven in groups to Hell for abiding therein forever while the righteous will be driven in groups to Paradise for abiding therein forever being greeted by its guards.
  • Upon the judgment has been issued, it has been said: “All praise to God, Lord of the worlds.”

Surah al-Zumar (The Groups) describes how the final Judgment will be done specifying compensation of eternal abode for both losers and winners while the losers will be driven to Hell in groups and the winners will be driven to Paradise in groups as well but we do not see relatedness of intercession as heard in His judgment system.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (11/29/2019).