
Surah al-Tuur (Surah 52: Revelation Order 76)

Oath of God

  • By the Mount (52:1). And a scripture (52:2), written in unrolled parchment (52:3). And the frequented Shrine (52:4). And the raised ceiling (52:5). And the swollen sea (52:6).
  • Note: The above 6 verses have made a statement of God’s oath referring to 5 items: (1) the mount, (2) a scripture written in unrolled parchment, (3) the frequented Shrine, (4) the raised ceiling, and (5) the swollen sea while the combination of 52:2 and 52:3 completes the 2nd statement logically being a single statement, and the Mount as a historical importance where God directly spoke to Moses.  

A day how the world will come to an end

  • Indeed, your Lord’s punishment is surely coming (52:7). There is no preventer of it (52:8). A day the heaven will shake a violent shake (52:9). And the mountains will move away by a faster movement (52:10).
  • Note: God has affirmed by taking an oath referring to 5 items from His creation that a day how the world will come to an end and there is no force that can stop it when the heaven and the earth will make a violent shake and the mountains will be removed with a faster movement.

Compensation of the deniers of the day

  • Then woe, that day to the deniers (52:11). Those are they who mock in conversation (52:12). They will be thrust a thrust to a fire of Hell (52:13). This is the Fire which you had done to deny of it (52:14). Is this then magic?  or do you not see (52:15)? Burn in it, then be patient or you do not be patient, it is same for you. You are only recompensed for what you had done to accomplish (52:16).
  • Note: On a day there is misery for the deniers as they will be thrown in the Fire to burn therein, is their compensation for what they had done to deny it, even it does not matter whether they can be patient or not in it.

Compensation of the righteous on that day

  • Indeed, the righteous will be in gardens and bliss (52:17). Enjoying of what their Lord has given them and their Lord has protected them from punishment of the Hellfire (52:18). Eat and drink with pleasure for you had done to accomplish (52:19). Reclining on lined up couches, and we have matched them with beautiful spouses (52:20). And those who have believed and their children have followed them in faith, we have joined their children with them. We have not deprived them of their deeds in anything. A pledge to every person for what he has earned (52:21). And we have provided them with fruit and meat from what they desire (52:22). They will pass cup of drink to one another, there is no bad talk in it nor is there any sin in it (52:23). There will be waiting on them by youth (servers) for them as if they are well-protected pearls (52:24). And has met one of them to other to inquire (52:25). They said, “Indeed, we have been fearful before among our people (52:26). So, God has bestowed favor upon us, and has protected us from punishment of the blazing Fire (52:27). Indeed, we have been before to call Him; indeed, He is the Kind, the Merciful.” (52:28).
  • Note: Those who have done righteous deeds will be in gardens and bliss for what they have done to earn, wherein they will enjoy food and drink being served by the youth. They will have comfortable and luxurious living being protected from the Hellfire and have been paired with the fair ones of beautiful eyes. and their children who have followed their righteous parents in faith will join with them. They have been fearful of Him and have called Him before to have His such favor while He is the Kind and the Merciful.

What has been asked prophet to share with his contemporary transgressing people?

  • So, you shall remind that by grace of your Lord you are neither of a soothsayer, nor a madman (52:29). Or do they say, “He is a poet, we will wait with him for a time of the misfortune” (52:30)? Say, “Wait; then indeed, I am with you among those who wait” (52:31). Or do their minds dictate them of this, or are they a transgressing people (52:32)? Or do they say, “He has made it up.” Nay, they do not believe (52:33)? Then let them bring of Hadith like of it, if they have been truthful (52:34).
  • Note: God has directed His prophet to share with his contemporary transgressing people who he has been and to ask them even to produce a statement of what has been revealed to him while he has been neither a soothsayer nor a madman nor a poet.

The disbelievers fail to reflect that God is Creator of all things

  • Have they been created from nothing, or are they the creators? (52:35). Or have they created the heavens and the earth? Nay, they do not ascertain (52:36). Or are your Lord’s treasures with them? or are they the controllers? (52:37). Or is there a ladder, they listen therein? Then let them bring their listeners with a clear power (52:38). Or are the daughters for Him, and the sons are for you? (52:39). Or do you ask them a reward that they are the burdened from debt? (52:40). Or is there the unseen with them that they write down? (52:41). Or do they intend a plot? That those who have disbelieved, they themselves are in the plotted (52:42). Or is there a god for them other than God? Glory to God, above what they associate (52:43). When they see falling a portion from the sky, they say, “Clouds, piled up!” (52:44).
  • Note: The disbelievers do not realize that God has created the heavens and the earth and all treasures belong to Him. They are unjustified and do not use their wisdom. The prophet has not asked them money for accepting the message to be burdened from debt. But they have plotted against the prophet to make him loser preventing him from spreading God’s message. They do not reflect that there is no god other than God and all glory belongs to Him, and associate partners with Him.

Punishment of the disbelievers on a day they meet God

  • So you shall leave them until they meet their day, which in it they will be fainted (52:45). A day their plotting will not avail of them in anything, nor will they be helped (52:46). And indeed, those who have done wrong, there is punishment before that, but most of them do not know (52:47).
  • Note: Prophet was asked to ignore the disbelievers as there is a day for them to meet their Lord and a misery is awaiting them. On that day their plotting will not benefit them nor will they be helped, and will be punished, which is not known to many of them.

Prophet was asked to prepare him for his Lord’s judgment


  • And you shall be patient for judgment of your Lord as indeed, you are on our eyes, and you shall glorify with praise of your Lord when you get up (52:48). And of the night, then you shall glorify Him also after setting of the stars (52:49).
  • Note: God has reminded the prophet to be steadfast and to glorify as well as praise Him at day and night to prepare him for judgment of his Lord.


  • Surah al-Tuur meaning “The Mount” named according to a word placed in the first verse of the surah.
  • It is a short surah consisting of 49 verses of which the first 6 verses are statements of God’s oath.
  • The items in the oath are: (1) the mount, (2) a scripture written in unrolled parchment, (3) the frequented Shrine, (4) the raised ceiling, and (5) the swollen sea combining 52:3with 52:2 to make the 2nd statement logically a single statement.
  • God has affirmed by taking an oath that a day the world will come to an end and there is no force that can stop it.
  • The end of the world will occur by shaking of the heaven making a violent shake and the mountains will be removed with a faster movement.
  • The day which is surely coming when there is misery for the deniers as they will be thrown in the Hellfire as their compensation.
  • Such compensation is for them for that what they have done to earn it whether they can be patient or not in it.
  • Those who have done righteous deeds will be in gardens and bliss for what they have done to earn.
  • They will enjoy food and drink therein with comfortable living being paired with beautiful partners.
  • They have been fearful of God and called Him before to have such favor from the Kind and Merciful.
  • The children who have followed their righteous parents in faith will join with their parents therein.
  • God has directed His prophet to share with his contemporary transgressing people that he has been neither a soothsayer nor a madman nor a poet.
  • He also told him to ask them to produce a statement of what has been revealed to him if they have been truthful.
  • The disbelievers do not realize that God has created the heavens and the earth and all treasures belong to Him.
  • They cannot reflect that there is no god other than God and all glory and praise to Him but they associate partners with Him.
  • They have plotted against the prophet to make him loser preventing him from spreading what God has revealed to him.
  • Prophet was asked to avoid the disbelievers as they will be punished on a day of their meeting with their Lord.
  • While prophet was reminded to glorify and praise his Lord at day and night to prepare himself for his Lord’s judgment.

In brief, by taking oath God has confirmed the final judgment followed by end of the world. The deniers and a transgressing people will be in the Hellfire and the righteous will be in gardens and bliss, while prophet was reminded to prepare himself for his Lord’s judgment as we all are responsible for our own deeds. Al-Tuur has no existence today, as God made it crumbled where He directly spoke to Moses (7:143) may be an example for us how the mountains will be removed on a day the world will end.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (11/20/2020).