
Surah al-Taghaabun (Surah 64: Revelation Order 108)

Glorifies God whatever is in the heavens and the earth

  • Glorifies God what is in the heavens and what is in the earth. To Him belongs the Kingdom and to Him is (all) the praise, and He has power over everything (64:1).
  • Note: The Kingdom consisting of the heavens and the earth belongs to God and all praise belongs to Him, while whatever is in the heavens and in the earth glorify Him, and He is powerful over everything.

God is Creator of the heavens and the earth, and whatever is in them

  • He is the One who has created you that among you there is a disbeliever and among you there is a believer. And God is Seer of what you do (64:2). He has created the heavens and the earth with the truth, and He has designed you that He has made good your shapes, and to Him is the final return (64:3). He knows what is in the heavens and what is in the earth, and He knows what you conceal and what you declare. And God is knower of what has the breasts (64:4).
  • Note: God has created the heavens and the earth with the truth, and has created the humans in good shapes; among them there are believers and disbelievers. He knows what they conceal and what they declare, even what they think, and to Him is their final destination.

Consequences for turning away from messengers with clear proofs

  • Does not come to you news of those who had disbelieved before? So they had tasted a consequence of their affairs, and for them there is a painful punishment (in the Hereafter) (64:5). That is of that there had been to come to them their messengers with the clear proofs, then they said, “Does the human being guide us?” So, they had disbelieved and had turned away. And God has been self-sufficient. And God is Rich, Praiseworthy (64:6). Those who have disbelieved have claimed that they will not be resurrected. Say, “ Yes, by my Lord, surely, you will be resurrected, then surely, you will be informed of what you have done, and that is easy for God.” (64:7). So, you shall believe in God, and His messenger and the light which we have sent down. And God is Cognizant of whatever you do (64:8).
  • Note: God has informed us that in the past those who had disbelieved also claimed that they will not be resurrected, which is very easy for Him had tasted the consequence, while He had sent His messengers with the clear proofs and had directed them to believe in Him, His messenger and the light He had sent down.

A Day of Gathering is a Day of the Gain and Loss

  • A day He will gather you is a Day of the Gathering. That is a Day of the Gain and Loss. And whoever believes in God and does as a righteous, He will remove his evil deeds from him and will admit him to gardens flowing the rivers of their underneath as dwellers therein forever. That is the greatest success (64:9). And those who have disbelieved and have denied our revelations, those are companions of the Fire as dwellers therein. And it has been worst the destination (64:10).
  • Note: Those who have believed in God and have done the righteous deeds will admit to gardens as dwellers therein on a Day of the Gathering are the winners, but those who have disbelieved and have denied His revelations will be dwellers of the Fire are the losers.

Upon the messenger is only conveyance of the message

  • No disaster has stricken except by permission of God. And whoever believes in God, He guides his heart. And God is knower of all things (64:11). So, you shall obey God and shall obey the messenger, but if you have turned away, then upon our messenger is only the conveyance of the clarifying message (64:12). God: there is no god except He, and upon God then should put trust the believers (64:13).
  • Note: Those who believe in God as well as obey Him and His messenger, He guides their hearts, while the only duty of the messenger is to convey the message. Since there is no god except God, the believers should put trust upon Him.

Our wealth and children are a test for us

  • O you who have believed, indeed, from your spouses and your children could be enemies to you; so you shall beware of them. But if you pardon, and overlook, and forgive, then indeed, God is Forgiving, Merciful (64:14). Your wealth and your children are a test, and God with Him there is a great reward (64:15).
  • Note: Wealth and children are a test for the believers, while there is a great reward with God for them. So, we should not make us losers being proud of our wealth and children.

What we need to do to be the successful with God

  • So, you shall fear God what you have been able, and shall listen (to Him), and shall obey (Him), and shall spend (for Him), is better for yourselves. And whoever is saved from his greediness, then those – they are the successful ones (64:16). If you loan God a good loan, He will multiply it for you, and will forgive you. And God is Appreciating, Forbearing (64:17). He is Knower of the unseen and the seen; the Almighty, the Wise (64:18).
  • Note: Those who fear God listen to Him, obey Him and spend for Him avoiding greediness from themselves to be the successful ones, and He wants us to loan Him a good loan that He will multiply for us and will forgive our sins being Appreciating and Forbearing, while we must reflect that He is Knower of all whether hidden or declared, the Al-mighty and the Wise is the One who can give us what we need.

Surah al-taghaabun (Surah 64: The Gain and Loss) is a later revelation and a short surah consisting of 18 longer verses has addressed a Day of the Gain and Loss upon gathering before God. The reward for the believers are with Him and He has spelled out in brief for them in the surah what they need to do fearing Him to be the successful ones on that day. The believers will enter gardens flowing the rivers of their underneath as dwellers therein forever are the winners, while the disbelievers will be in the Fire, the worst place of return as dwellers therein forever are the losers.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (08/26/2022).