Oath of God
- Ha. Meem. (42:1). Ayn. Seen. Qaaf (42:2).
Note: Every surah (chapter) in the Quran is unique one way or the other, and this sura is unique as it begins with 2 sets of Quranic initials which serve as God’s oath to affirm the subsequent statement(s) to reflect the message while the Quranic initials are the lower level physical proofs of the numerical structure of Quran being the frequencies of the occurrences of Quranic initials in the respective surah. The total of the letters in the initial, Ha.Meem in the Arabic text of 7 surahs from 40 through 46 is a multiple of 19 [292 (Ha) + 1855 (Meem)] => 2147 (19x113) as detailed in the table below, and the total of the letters in the initial, Ayn.Seen.Qaaf in surah 42 is a multiple of 19 [98 (Ayn) + 54 (Seen) + 57 (Qaaf)] => 209 (19×11) as shown in the below as well, while the letter in the initial, Qaaf in surah 42 and surah 50 occurs 57 times in each surah, which is also a multiple of 19 => 57 (19x3) and the total is 114 (19x6) being equal to the total number of surahs in the Quran.

It is God who has revealed to Muhammad and to those before himself
- Thus that He reveals to you (Muhammad) and to those from before of you is God – the Almighty, the Wise (42:3). To Him belong whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth, and He is the High, the Great (42:4).
Note: By taking oath referring to 2 sets of Quranic initials God has confirmed that He is One who has revealed to Muhammad and to those before himself.
God is Guardian over those who are in the earth
- It almost does the heavens to shatter of their above, and the angels glorify with praise of their Lord, and ask forgiveness for those in the earth. No doubt; indeed, God – He is the Forgiving, the Merciful (42:5). And those who take protectors other than Him; God is Guardian over them, and you are not of an advocate over them (42:6).
Note: The heavens are about to shatter for those who take protectors other than God, while the angels are consistently glorifying with praise of their Lord asking forgiveness for those in the earth, and God is Forgiving and Merciful, and He is Guardian over them.
God has given Quran to His prophet to warn His servants
- And thus that we have revealed to you (Muhammad) an Arabic Quran that you may warn a central community and whoever is its around, and you may warn a Day of the Gathering, there is no doubt in it; a party will be in Paradise, and a party will be in the blazing Fire (42:7). And if God had willed, He could have made them a single community but He admits whomever He wills into His mercy while the wrongdoers have neither a protector for them nor a helper (42:8). Or have they taken protectors other than Him? While God – He is the Protector, and He gives life to the dead and He has power on everything (42:9). And whatever you have differed from any matter in it, then its judgment belongs to God. That is God, my Lord, upon Him I have put trust and towards Him I turn (42:10).
Note: The prophet was commanded to warn people with an Arabic Quran as given about Day of the Gathering when a party will be in Paradise getting into God’s mercy being their Protector and a party will be in the Blazing Fire being the wrongdoers having no protector or helper for them. Even, there may have dispute in it but the ruling is with God while the prophet had put his trust and turned to Him.
God multiplies us and supports from His treasures
- Initiator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from yourselves and mates from the animals. He multiplies you with it. There is not anything like Him, and He is the Hearer, the Seer (42:11). To Him belong treasures of the heavens and the earth. He increases the provision for whomever He wills and reduces. Indeed, He is Knower of everything (42:12).
Note: God is not only Initiator of the heavens and the earth, He has made spouses from us to multiply us while He supports us from His treasures either increasing or reducing provision for whomever He wills.
God has commanded us not to divide the religion what He has decreed for us
- He has decreed for you of the religion what He had enjoined Noah with it, and which we have inspired to you (Muhammad), and what we had enjoined Abraham with it, and Moses, and Jesus. That you shall establish the religion and do not divide in it. It has been difficult for the idolaters which you (Muhammad) call them to it. God chooses to Himself whomever He wills and He guides to Himself whoever turns (42:13). And they had not divided except after what had come to them the knowledge out of opposition between themselves. And if it had not preceded a promise of your Lord for a specified term, surely, it would have been settled between themselves. And indeed, those who have been made to inherit the scripture after of them, surely are in disquieting doubt from it (42:14). So for that then you shall invite and shall be straight as that you have been commanded, and do not follow their desires and shall say, “I have believed in what God has sent down from a scripture and I have been commanded to do justice between yourselves. God is our Lord and your Lord. To us is our deeds and to you is your deeds. There is no argument between ourselves and between yourselves. God will gather ourselves and to Him is the final return.” (42:15). And those who argue about God after what has been responded to Him, their argument is invalid with their Lord, upon them there is wrath and for them there is a severe punishment (42:16).
Note: The religion what God has given to all the people of the world is also the religion of His chosen ones including Muhammad, who are made to inherit the scripture to do justice among the people of all generations. Thus, Prophet Muhammad was commanded to follow what has been revealed to him to perfect his beliefs and practices based on it and to preach the people using it, while who have not responded to God, there is His wrath upon them and there is severe punishment for them as well.
The Hour is inevitable and near
- God is Who has sent down the scripture with the truth and the balance, and which makes you know that the Hour is near (42:17). Those who do not believe in it (the Hour) seek to hasten of it, while those who have believed are the fearful of it and know that it is the truth. No doubt; indeed, those who dispute in the Hour are certainly in far astray (42:18). God is Subtle of His servants; He provides for whomever He wills, and He is the Possessor of all power, the Al-mighty (42:19). Whoever has done desiring harvest of the Hereafter, we increase for him in his harvest, and whoever has done desiring harvest of the world, we give him of it but for him there is no share in the Hereafter (42:20).
Note: God has sent down the scripture with the truth and the balance letting us know that the Hour is inescapable and is surely coming. Thus, we may sow to have harvest in this world or to have it in the Hereafter while we will have no share if we have harvest in this world.
Compensation followed by the Hour (the end of the world)
- Or for them are there partners who have decreed for them the religion which God does not permit with it? And if it were not for a promise of the decision, it would surely have been judged between themselves. And indeed, the wrongdoers – for them there is a painful punishment (42:21). You will see the wrongdoers are the fearful of what they had earned and it will be the befalling with them. And those who have believed and have done the righteous deeds will be in flowering meadows of the Gardens. For them is whatever they wish from their Lord. That what is the great blessing (42:22). That is what is God gives a good news to His servants for those who have believed and have done the righteous deeds. Say, “I do not ask you any payment for it except for the love among the relatives.” And whoever earns any good, we increase good therein for him. Indeed, God is Forgiving, Appreciative (42:23).
Note: Those who followed the religion other than God’s religion, they have associated partners with Him will be judged according to a promise of the decision. The wrongdoers will be fearful of what they had earned while those who believed and did righteous deeds will be in the Gardens and would be given whatever they wish from their Lord, which is the great blessing for them. Hence, the prophet was commanded to give such good news to His servant to be a community of believers and righteous asking for no payment from them.
God knows what are in people’s breasts
- Or do they say, “He (prophet) has invented a lie about God!”? So if God had willed, He could put seal around your (prophet) mind, and God would remove the falsehood and would establish the truth with His words. Indeed, He is Knower of what in the breasts (42:24). And He is the One who accepts the repentance of His servants and pardons about the evil, and He knows what you do (42:25). He answers those who have believed and have done the righteous deeds, and increases them of His blessing. And the disbelievers, for them there is a severe punishment (39:26). And if God had increased the provision for His servants, surely, they would rebel in the earth but He sends down by measure whatever He wills. Indeed, He is Cognizant, Seer of His servants (42:27). And He is the One who sends down the rain after they had despaired and spreads His mercy. And He is the Protector, the Praiseworthy (42:28).
Note: God is aware of what the disbelievers say about the revelation given to the prophet leaving an opportunity for repentance for them as He pardons the evil of His servants. He responds those who have believed and have done righteous deeds, and increases His blessing for them, while there is a severe punishment for the disbelievers. He has given us provision as much as we need, and if He had increased it for His servants, they would rebel in the earth. Thus, He sends down rain after they had despaired.
Signs for those who have believed and put trust in their Lord
- And of His signs is creation of the heavens and the earth and of the creatures whatever He spreads in both of them. Upon He is their gathering, has power when He wills (42:29). And whatever has befallen you from misfortune is of what your hands have earned while He pardons from many (42:30). And you cannot escape in the earth, and for them there is neither a protector other than God nor a helper (42:31). And of His signs are the ships like the mountains in the sea (42:32). If He would will, He could still the wind, then they would be motionless on its surface. In that there are signs for every grateful steadfast (42:33). Or He could destroy them for what they earned while He pardons from many (42:34). And He may know those who dispute about our signs that there is no place of refuge for them (42:35). So whatever of a thing you have been given is a temporary enjoyment for the life of the world while what is with God is far better and everlasting for those who have believed and upon their Lord they put trust (42:36).
Note: Whatever God has created in the heavens and in the earth is their gathering unto Him. There is no escape from it or any place for refuge. Whatever is given as a temporary enjoyment for the life of the world but what is with God is far better and everlasting for those who have believed and have put trust in their Lord.
God has let us know who are on His way or against His way
- And those who avoid gross of the sins and the evil, and when what they have angered they forgive (42:37). And those who have responded to their Lord and have observed the Contact Prayer and their affairs are consultation of theirs, and they spend of what we have provided them (42:38). And when the gross injustice befalls them, they defend themselves (42:39). An evil’s compensation is evil like it, so whoever pardons and makes conciliation, then his reward is upon God. Indeed, He does not like the wrongdoers (42:40). And surely, whoever has defended after his wrongdoing, then those are not against the way (42:41). The way only against those who oppress the people and rebel in the earth without having the truth. Those for them there is a painful punishment (42:42). And indeed, whoever has become patient and has forgiven; indeed, that is surely determination of the matters (42:43). And whoever God lets go astray, then for him there is no protector after of Him, and you will see the wrongdoers, when they see the punishment will say, “Is there any way for return?” (42:44). You will see them being exposed to it, humiliated and debased, and looking with a sneaking glance. And will say those who believed: “Indeed, the losers are those who lost their souls and their families, a Day of the Resurrection.” Unquestionably, indeed, the wrongdoers are in an everlasting punishment (42:45). And there had not been any protectors for them to help them other than God. And whomever God lets go astray, then there is no way for him (42:46). You shall respond to your Lord before a day comes there is no aversion for it from God. There is no refuge for you on that day nor is there any denial for you (42:47).
Note: On God’s way are those who avoid gross sins and forgive those who have done wrong in anger. They respond to their Lord and observe the Contact Prayer and consult their affairs among themselves. They spend from their provision, pardon and make conciliation, and defend after wrongdoing while for there is a reward from God. Against God’s way are those who oppress the people and rebel in the earth without accepting the truth, God has sent astray, and will say, is there any way of return? For them there is a painful punishment as there is no protector for them while the believers will say the losers have lost their souls and their families on the day of Resurrection. Thus, God wants all of us to respond to Him before a day comes as there is no escape or denial of it.
Prophet’s sole duty was to deliver the message revealed to him
- So, if they have turned away, then we have not sent you (prophet) a guardian over them, nor upon you except the conveyance. And indeed, when we have caused to taste the human being with mercy from us, he has rejoiced with it, and if evil befalls them for what has sent forth their hands that indeed, the human being is ungrateful (42:48).
Note: There are many misconceptions around the prophet among us while God has confirmed that his only duty was to deliver the message (Quran) revealed to him. Those who turned away from the message are grateful when they are blessed with mercy but are ungrateful when evil befalls them of what they have sent forth by their own hands.
God grants males or females or both or makes barren
- To God belongs sovereignty of the heavens and the earth. He creates whatever He wills. He grants females to whomever He wills and He grants males to whomever He wills (42:49). Or He grants them (both) males and females, and He makes barren whomever He wills. Indeed, He is Knower, Powerful (42:50).
Note: God is Sovereign being Knower and Powerful over all things and He grants males or both males and females or makes barren whomever He wills.
God has established methods to communicate with humanity
- And it has not been for a human that God would speak to him except inspiration, or from behind a barrier, or He sends a messenger that he reveals by His permission what He wills. Indeed, He is High, Wise (42:51). And thus that we have inspired to you (Muhammad) an inspiration by our command. You had not done to know what the scripture was, nor was the faith. But we have made it (Quran) a light; we guide with it whomever we will of our servants. And indeed, you surely guide to a straight path (42:52). A path of God, the One to Him belong whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth. No doubt, to God reach all matters (42:53).
Note: God uses 3 methods to communicate with humans: (1) inspiration, (2) direct speaking but from behind a barrier and (3) sending angel messenger to reveal what He wills by His permission. While He has inspired to Muhammad the scripture and the faith making the scripture a light to guide humanity to a straight path, a path of God who is Sovereign over whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth, and all matters reach Him.
- Surah al-Shuuraa (The Consultation) starts with 2 sets of Quranic initials: (1) Ha. Meem and (2) Ayn. Seen. Qaaf in the 1st and 2nd verse of the sura, which are signs of the scripture, the wise as indicated in (10:1).
- The position of these initials at the beginning of the sura clearly indicate that God is informing us by taking oath referring to those to confirm that what has been given to Muhammad, i.e., Quran and what has been revealed before it is God, the Almighty, the Wise to eliminate any doubt.
- To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth being the Most High, the Great, while the angels glorify with praise of their Lord and ask forgiveness for those in the earth.
- God is Guardian over His servants while the prophet was commanded to warn the people with an Arabic Quran about a Day of the Gathering and there is no doubt in it.
- A party who has taken God as their Protector will be in Paradise while a party who has taken protectors other than God will be in the Blazing Fire.
- God is Protector for those who have believed and has done righteous deeds getting into His mercy while the wrongdoers have neither a protector for them nor a helper.
- Whatever has been disputed in what has been revealed to Muhammad of any matter, then its ruling with God while he put his trust on his Lord and turned to Him.
- God is not only Initiator of the heavens and the earth, He has made spouses from us and supports us from His treasures either increasing or decreasing provision for whomever He wills.
- God has given a religion for all the people of the world including His chosen ones, who are made to inherit the scripture to do justice among the people of all generations.
- Prophet Muhammad was commanded to follow what has been revealed to him, i.e., an Arabic Quran to perfect his beliefs and practices based on it and to preach the people using it.
- Those who have not responded to God, there is His wrath upon them and there is severe punishment for them as well.
- God has sent down the scripture with the truth and the balance letting us know that the Hour is surely coming, which is inescapable.
- Thus, we may sow to have harvest in this world or to harvest in the Hereafter while we will have no share if we have harvest in this world.
- Those who followed the religion other than God’s religion has associated partners with Him.
- The wrongdoers will be fearful of what they had earned while those who believed and did righteous deeds will be in the Gardens and their Lord will give whatever they wish from Him, which is the great blessing for them.
- The prophet was commanded to give such good news to His servants to be a community of believers and righteous asking for no payment from them.
- God is aware of what the disbelievers say about the revelation given to the prophet leaving an opportunity for repentance for them as He pardons the evil of His servants.
- He responds those who believed and did righteous deeds, and increases His blessing for them while there is a severe punishment for the disbelievers.
- He has given us provision as much as we need, and if He increased it for His servants, they would rebel in the earth.
- Whatever God has created in the heavens and in the earth will be gathering unto Him and there is no escape from it or any place of refuge for them.
- Whatever is given as a temporary enjoyment for the life of the world but what is with God is far better and everlasting for those who have believed and have put trust in their Lord.
- Those who are on God’s way there is a reward for them but those are against God’s way there is a painful punishment for them and there is no protector for them.
- God wants all of His servants to respond to Him before a day comes when there is no escape from it or denial of it.
- There are many misconceptions around the prophet among the so called Muslims while God has confirmed that his only duty was to deliver the message (Quran) revealed to him.
- Those who turned away from the message are grateful when they are blessed with mercy but are ungrateful when evil befalls them of what they have sent forth by their own hands.
- God is Sovereign being Knower and Powerful over all things, and He grants males or both males and females or makes barren whomever He wills.
- God uses 3 methods to communicate with humans: (1) inspiration, (2) speaking from behind a barrier and (3) sending messenger while He has inspired to Muhammad the scripture and the faith making the scripture a light to guide humanity to a straight path, a path of God.
In conclusion, what has been highlighted in surah is God has clarified His methods of communication with humanity to understand how He guides and helps it, and has sent down the scripture and the religion for all generations of people to perfect their beliefs and practices. He has also confirmed our return through the Hour and the Resurrection that there is no escape from it or denial of it. Now we may sow to harvest in the Hereafter upholding the given scripture and religion but disregarding temporary enjoyment of the world accepting Him as our Protector to have far better and everlasting reward with Him as promised for those who have believed and have put trust in their Lord.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (12/13/2019).