
Surah al-Sajdah (Surah 32: Revelation Order 75)

Oath of God

  • Alif. Laam. Meem. (32:1).
    Note: This is an oath of God referring to a set of Quranic initials consisting of Arabic letters Alif. Laam and Meem. In addition, this set of initials is found prefixed to 6 surahs in the Quran and their total count in the Arabic text in them is a multiple of 19 => 19874 (19x1046) as shown in the table below, which is a factual that the Quran is from God to eliminate any doubt from our hearts and what has been stated in it is nothing but absolute truth:


    Note: Obtained the updated count of the Quranic initials, Alif.Laam.Meem published in the site,

A revelation of the scripture from Lord of the worlds

  • A revelation of the scripture without any doubt in it is from Lord of the worlds (32:2). Or do they say, “He (Muhammad) has fabricated it (Quran)?” Nay, it is the truth from your Lord that you (Muhammad) may warn a people, has not come to them any warner before yourself so that they may be guided (32:3).
    Note: By taking oath referring to Quranic initials, Alif.Laam.Meem God has affirmed that there is no doubt in what has been revealed to Muhammad is a revelation of the scripture from Lord of the worlds is the truth to warn a people that they can guide them while the disbelievers may say that he has fabricated it. Thus, here is a confirmation of what has been assigned to him as hadiths and sunnah he has recited are fabrications.

God controls all matters being Creator of heavens and earth

  • God is the One who has created the heavens and the earth, and whatever is between them in six days, then He has established Himself on the Throne. There is no protector for you other than Him, nor is there any intercessor. Do you not then take heed? (32:4). He controls the command from the heaven to the earth, then it ascends to Him in a day has been its measure is one thousand year of what you count (32:5). That is Knower of the unseen and the seen; the Almighty, the Merciful (32:6),
    Note: God has created the heavens and the earth in six days and has established Himself on the Throne. So, there is no protector other than Him, and what we need to reflect that He controls everything in them being Knower of the unseen and seen, and His command from the heaven to the earth, then to Him in a day measures to one thousand years that we count in the earth.

Creation of human and his reproduction on the earth

  • The One who has perfected everything He has created, and has started creation of the human from clay (32:7). Then He has made his progeny from an extract of a despised liquid (32:8). He has shaped him and has breathed into him from His spirit. And He has made for you the hearing, the eyesight, and the understanding; rarely are you thankful (32:9).
    Note: God has created the human shaping from clay and blowing into him, then He has provided a means to produce its progeny from an extract of a despised liquid and has given hearing, the sight and the understanding but he turns to unthankful to Him except a few.

Punishment of the disbelievers followed by the resurrection

  • And they said, “When have we disappeared in the earth, will we surely be a new creation?” Nay, they are disbelievers in meeting of their Lord (32:10). Say, “The angel of the death, the one who has been placed in charge of you will put you in death, then you will be returned to your Lord.” (32:11). If you could see when the criminals being hanging down their heads before their Lord: “Our Lord, we have seen and we have heard, so return us and we will do as righteous. Indeed, we are ascertainers.” (32:12). And if we had willed, surely, we would have given every soul its guidance; but the word from Me has come true; surely, I will fill Hell with the jinn and the human together (32:13). So taste of what you had forgotten a meeting of this day of yourselves; indeed, we have forgotten you, and taste a punishment of the eternity for what you had done to accomplish (32:14).
    Note: God has ensured the punishment of the disbelievers on a day of the resurrection, who had been doubtful in it and had forgotten their meeting with their Lord, even they will ask God to send them back to do the righteous deeds being His commitment to fill the Hell with the disbelievers among the human and the jinn, while we are returned to our Lord through putting in death by the angel in charge of it.

Those who truly believe in God’s revelations prostrate and glorify Him

  • Only believe in our revelations those who when they have been reminded with them fall down being prostrators and have glorified their Lord with praise, and they have not been arrogant (32:15). They call their Lord in fear and hope forsaking their sides from the beds, and they spend from what we have provided them (32:16).
    Note: The true believers in God’s revelations are those who fall down being prostrators, and glorify and praise Him when reminded with them, not being arrogant, and they call their Lord in fear and hope, and spend from what He has provided them.

God has promised a great reward for the true believers

  • So, no soul knows what is hidden of a comfort of the eyes as a reward for what they have done to accomplish (32:17). Has then whoever been a believer like whoever has been a disobedient? They do not equal (32:18). As for those who have believed and have done the righteous deeds, then for them are gardens of the Refuge as hospitality for what they have done to accomplish (32:19).
    Note: A great joy and happiness is waiting for the true believers in gardens of the Refuge as an hospitality for what they have done.

The wicked turn away from Lord’s revelations when reminded with them

  • And as for those who have been disobedient, then their refuge is the Fire. Every time they have wished that they come out from it, they have been returned in it, and it has been said to them, “Taste a punishment of the Fire, which you had done to deny in it.” (32:20). And surely, we will let them taste of the lesser punishment (in the world) before the greater punishment (in the Hereafter) that they may return (safely) (32:21). And who is more wicked than whoever has been reminded with his Lord’s revelations, then he has turned away from them? Indeed, we will be avengers of the criminals (32:22).
    Note: The disbelievers have lesser punishment in the world before the greater punishment in the Hereafter. They will taste a punishment of the Fire and will not be able to come out of it as they had turned away from God’s revelations when they were reminded with them.

The scripture given to Moses was a guidance for Children of Israel

  • And certainly, we had given Moses the scripture, so do not be in doubt about receiving of it. And we had made it a guidance for Children of Israel (32:23). And we made imams from them to guide by our command, when they had been steadfast and had done to ascertain with our revelations (32:24). Indeed, your Lord – He will judge between themselves on a Day of the Resurrection in what they had done to differ in it (32:25).
    Note: God had given a scripture to Moses as a guidance for Children of Israel and had made imams from them to guide them by His command, and He will judge them between them what they had differed in it.

There are signs around us that we can believe in God

  • Does not it guide to them how many of the generations we have destroyed before themselves? They walk in their dwellings. Indeed, in that surely, there are signs. Do they not then hear? (32:26). Do they not see that we drive the water to the barren land, then we produce crops with it to eat their livestock from it and they themselves? Do they not then see? (32:27).
    Note: God has given sign in the destruction of the previous generations as well as in driving the water to the barren land that produces crops for them and their livestock.

On a day of the decision there is no respite for the disbelievers

  • And they say: “When will be this decision, if you have been truthful?” (32:28). Say, “A day of the decision will not benefit their belief those who had disbelieved, nor will they be given any respite.” (32:29). So, you shall turn away from them and shall wait. Indeed, they are waiting (32:30).
    Note: The disbelievers may have doubt about the day of decision, while God has confirmed that the day of the decision is surely coming, and believing on that day will not benefit those who had not believed before, and the disbelievers will not be given any respite. Thus, He wants the believers to turn away from the disbelievers and wait for it, and the disbelievers cannot escape it.

Surah al-Sajdah (The Prostration) is a short surah consisting of 30 verses but the most significant aspects that are covered in the surah: (1) surah begins with an oath of God referring to a set of Quranic initials, Alif.Laam.Meem, (2) by taking oath God has affirmed that what is given to Muhammad is a revelation of the scripture from Lord of the worlds, (3) God controls all matter being Creator of the heavens and the earth, (4) creation of human and his reproduction in the earth, (5) punishment of the disbelievers followed by the resurrection, (6) those who have believed in God’s revelations prostrate and glorify Him, (7) God has promised a great reward for the believers, (8) there is lesser punishment in the world before the greater punishment in the Hereafter for those who turn away from their Lord’s revelations, (9) the scripture given to Moses was a guide for the children of Israel, (10) there are visual signs around us that we can reflect to believe in God, and (11) on a day of the Decision there is no respite for the disbelievers.

In conclusion, what has been given to Muhammad is a revelation of the scripture from God being it the truth from Him authenticating that he has not fabricated it. Thus, those who have believed it glorify God with it have been promised a great reward but those who have turned away from it being arrogant when they have been reminded with it will taste the punishment of the Fire and they will not be able to come out of it. God has confirmed that a day of the Decision is coming followed by the resurrection, and the disbelievers cannot escape it. Such warning may help those who can reflect on the God given signs around us to believe in God and His revelation to save themselves on a day of the Decision being sure that there is no protector other than Him who has created the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them as well as human and his reproduction, nor is there any intercessor in His judgment system that many of us have failed to establish in their hearts.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (04/22/2022).