
Surah al-Qamar (Surah 54: Revelation Order 37)


The world witnessed 4 breakthroughs in the last (20th) century in 4 different fields: (1) Biological Science (Structure of DNA), (2) Information Technology (building of computer and computer programming), (3) Astronomy (Landing of human on the moon) and (4) Theology (unveiling of Quran’s mathematical coding). Thus, the world’s technological advancement and human civilization get into a new age ‘Information Age’ when knowledge is our capital, and logic and proofs are our strength to lead our life in a meaningful way. Today, we do not just assume what we did in the past but we apply our logic and look for proofs to support our understanding of any matter to do it right way.

The discoveries of DNA being the hereditary materials and computer to automate tasks faster than human occurred in the mid-50th while the human landed on the moon in the late 60th and the unveiling of Quran’s mathematical coding confirming the message in the Quran being divinely coded with the prime number 19 occurred in the mid-70th of the last century. But the discovery of Quran’s code is not as popular as the other discoveries. The main reason is that it is a spiritual breakthrough and both visible and invisible enemies are active against its spreading; even a majority of those who believe in the Quran is heedless to this awesome discovery without realizing what they are doing! In addition, those who have other faiths may not see its significance in their way of living to please our deity due to jealousy on their part, which is usual when the new message is sent down to humanity.

However, the surah al-qamar (The Moon), which has a direct connection with at least three of the above discoveries, is detailed out below to understand the warnings given in the Quran to find our right way to get back to God to whom we belong:

Splitting moon is a sign that the end of the world is closer

  • The Hour has come closer and the moon has split (54:1). Even if they see a sign, they turn away and say: “A continuing magic” (54:2).

    Note: The landing of human on the moon in July 1969 is a sign that brought closer the end of the world, but the ignorant scholars do not pay any attention to it except misinterpreting it by supporting with a hadith reported that Muhammad split the moon by pointing at it with his finger, even claiming that half of the moon felt down in the backyard of Ali to make us fool being a satanic trick, while the traditional interpretation contradicts the Quran as the signs (miracles) given to Muhammad are limited to the Quran (7:204, 17:88 and 29:50-51).

Unveiling of Quran’s mathematical coding is a warning for humanity

  • And they have denied (the news) and have followed their desires, and every matter is as usual (54:3). And certainly, there has come to them the news, which in it is a warning (54:4). A perfect wisdom but there is no use of the warnings (54:5).
    Note: The 19-based mathematical coding of Quran was unveiled in 1974 upon fulfillment of a major covenant of God with the prophets placed in every scripture including confirmation in the Quran (3:81, 33:7), and the related prophesies in the Quran (15:9, 27:82 and 74:30) followed by the landing of human on the moon in 1969 is a warning for the human race to bring people back to His revelations but they denied and followed their ways. Thus, its acceptance and use are very limited to a small number of people around the world even though it is a blessing from God for all of us to get rid of misconceptions and corruptions introduced to His religion of Monotheism and its practices over the period of time.

Occurrences of the day the word will come to an end

  • So, you shall turn away from them; the day will come when the caller will announce a terrible event (54:6). Their eyes are humbled; they come out of the graves like scattered locusts (54:7). Racing towards the caller, the disbelievers will say: “This is a difficult day” (54:8).
    Note: God has commanded His true believers to turn away from the disbelievers of the warning, i.e., the Quran’s mathematical coding, which is a means given for those who live in a scientifically and technologically advanced world as an opportunity to save them from the difficult day while the vast majority is heedless to perfect wisdom in it to stay with their ways disregarding the given blessing.

Consequence of Noah’s people for denying the warning

  • There had denied before of them a people of Noah that they had denied our servant and said: “He was a madman and he had been rejected (54:9). So he called on his Lord: “I am defeated, so help” (54:10). Then we opened the gates of the sky with water of pouring down (54:11). And we caused springs to gush out of the earth. The water met to a command as predestined (54:12). And we carried him on an ark made of planks and nails (54:13). It was sailing on our eyes; a reward for one who was denied (54:14). And we left it as a sign. So, is there any who will have admonition? (54:15). So how was My punishment and My warning? (54:16). And certainly, we made the Quran straightforward for the warning. So, is there any who will have admonition? (54:17).
    Note: God saved those who believed with Noah while the disbelievers were drowned when he asked for His help is a warning for us as well, and has been made it straightforward in the Quran to make our reflection to avoid the consequence of the deniers.

Consequence of the people of Ad for denying the warning

  • Ad denied; so how were My punishment and My warning? (54:18). We sent upon them a violent wind, on a day of continuous misery (54:19). It was plucking of the people as if they were trunks of the uprooted date-palms (54:20). So, how were My punishment and My warning? (54:21). And certainly, we made the Quran straightforward for the warning. So, is there any who will have admonition? (54:22).
    Note: God punished the people of Ad who denied the warning through a violent wind, is a warning for us as well, which has been made straightforward in the Quran to make our reflection to avoid the consequence of the deniers.

Consequence of the people of Thamud for denying the warning

  • Thamud denied with the warnings (54:23). They said: “Should we follow him, one of us is a human being? Indeed, we will then certainly, be in astray and madness.” (54:24). “Has the reminder been sent to him of among us? He is an evil liar.” (54:25). They will know tomorrow who the evil liar is (54:26). Indeed, our sending she-camel was a test for them. So observe them and be patient (54:27). And you shall inform them that the water divided between them that each drink is attended (54:28). But they called on their friend, so he paid and slaughtered (her) (54:29). So how were My punishment and My warning? (54:30). Indeed, we sent upon them one blast that they became like the harvested straw (54:31). And certainly, we made the Quran straightforward for the warning. So, is there any who will have admonition? (54:32).
    Note: God punished the people of Thamud who denied the warning through a blast, is a warning for us as well, which has been made straightforward in the Quran to make our reflection to avoid the consequence of the deniers.

Consequence of Lot’s people for denying the warning

  • There had denied a people of Lot of the warnings (54:33). Indeed, we had sent upon them a storm of stones except a family of Lot, we had saved them by dawn (54:34), a favor from us; thus, we reward him who is appreciative (54:35). And certainly, he (Lot) had warned them of our strike, while they disputed in the warnings (54:36). And they demanded him from his guests; so we blinded their eyes, then you must taste My punishment and My warning (54:37). And certainly, the next morning, a devastating punishment struck them (54:38). So you must taste My punishment and My warning (54:39). And certainly, we made the Quran straightforward for the warning. So, is there any who will have admonition? (54:40).
    Note: God saved those who believed with Lot while He punished those denied the warning through a stone storm, is a warning for us as well, which has been made straightforward in the Quran to make our reflection to avoid the consequence of the deniers.

Consequence of Pharaoh’s family as the deniers

  • And certainly, there had come the warnings to a people of Pharoah (54:41). They had denied in all our signs. So we had seized them a seizure of Almighty, Powerful one (54:42). Are your disbelievers better than those, or for you there is an exemption in the scriptures? (54:43). Or do they say: “We are a large group helping?” (54:44). The large group will be defeated and they will turn backs (54:45). Nay! The Hour is their appointed time, and the Hour is far worse and more painful (54:46).
    Note: The people of Pharaoh were punished in this world while the far worse punishment is awaiting Pharaoh and his people followed by the end of the world.

Warning about the precise compensation on a Day of the Judgment

  • Indeed, the criminals are in astray and madness (54:47). A day they will be dragged into the Fire upon their faces, “Taste agony of punishment” (54:48). Indeed, we have created everything in measure (54:49). And our command is but one with the blink of an eye (54:50). And certainly, we have destroyed your counterparts. So, is there any who will have admonition? (54:51). And everything they have done is in the records (54:52). Everything either small or large is recorded (54:53). Indeed, the righteous will be in gardens and river (54:54), in a position of honor with a King of Powerful One (54:55).
    Note: Criminals are those who have gone astray will be gathered around the Fire while their punishment will be specified according to their records and the righteous will be in gardens and river, an honorable position with the Most Powerful King while He has recorded everything whether it is small or large.

Surah al-Qamar (The Moon) is a short surah consisting of 55 verses that has highlighted the warnings including from the past as well as from the future to find our right way back to God, is summarized below:

  • The landing of human on the moon in July 1969 is a sign and a warning that the end of the world is near that we may prepare ourselves for the day.
  • 19-based mathematical coding of Quran was unveiled in 1974 according to God’s will upon fulfillment of a major covenant of God with the prophets, which has been placed in every scripture along with confirmation in the Quran and the related prophesies in the Quran followed by the landing of human on the moon is a warning as well as a means for the human race to bring people back to His revelations.
  • Thus, the message of Quran’s mathematical coding has been delivered, which is a given means for those who live in a scientifically and technologically advanced world to save them from the difficult day while the vast majority is heedless to perfect wisdom in it to stay with their ways disregarding the blessing given by God.
  • Noah delivered the warning for his people while God saved those who believed with Noah but the deniers of the warning were drowned.
  • Hood delivered the warning for the people of Ad while God punished the deniers of the warning from the people of Ad through a violent wind.
  • Saleh delivered the warning for the people of Thamud while God punished the deniers from the people of Thamud through a blast.
  • Lot delivered the warning for his people while God punished deniers of the warning from his people through a stone storm but He saved his family.
  • The Quran has been made straightforward to understand the consequences of the deniers of the warnings in the past to serve as warnings for us to make our reflection to such occurrence repeated 4 times appending to each nation that we may avoid such evil behavior of the deniers.
  • Moses delivered the warning for the people of Pharaoh, who were punished in this world while the far worse punishment is awaiting Pharaoh and his people followed by the end of the world.
  • On a Day of the Judgment, God will gather the criminals around the Fire while their punishment will be specified according to their records as He has recorded everything whether it is small or large, and the righteous will be in gardens flowing the rivers of their underneath with an honorable position at their Lord.

This surah talks about the warnings covering the past as well as the future events including an astronomical event being a great sign when the Quran was revealed. In most cases, the message of the future events are misinterpreted providing a support from a fabrication of hadith for lacking of proper understanding, and we do not see any exception in this case as well. However, if we can reflect to the timeline of the discoveries especially to the building of computer, the event of landing human on the moon and a hint of the end of the world, we may accept the unveiling of Quran’s mathematical coding as a warning to help us achieve the goal of returning to a right place with God.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (10/4/2019).