
Surah al-Mujaadilah (Surah 58: Revelation Order 105)

Freeing a slave is an expiation for estranging wife as mother

  • Certainly, God has heard a statement of whoever disputes to you about her husband and complains to God, and God hears both of your conversation. Indeed, God is Hearer, Seer (58:1). Those who among you estrange as mothers of their wives, they are not their mothers; their mothers are not except those who have given birth to them. And indeed, they say surely an evil word and a lie, while God is surely Pardoner, Forgiving (58:2). And those who estrange as mothers of their wives, then they can go back to touch each other is freeing of a slave before that for what they have said. That you are admonished to it. And God is Cognizant of what you do (58:3). But whoever does not find (a slave to free), then is fasting for two months being consecutive before that they touch each other. But whoever would not be able (to do fasting), then is feeding of sixty needy. That is that you believe in God and His messenger. That is God’s limits, while there is a painful punishment for the disbelievers (58:4).
  • Note: Even our common sense dictates that who is our mother, while God has clearly defined it so that we do not abuse it. Thus, those who have committed sin estranging their wives as mother can only have sex with their wives after expiating by freeing a slave or fasting for two consecutive months or feeding sixty poor people, and there is a painful punishment for those who will violate God’s limits.

A humiliating punishment for the disbelievers is a God’s system

  • Indeed, those who oppose God and His messenger have been disgraced like that of those who had been disgraced before themselves. And certainly, we have sent down clear revelations, and there is a humiliating punishment for the disbelievers (58:5). A day God will resurrect them all, then He will inform them of what they had done. God has recorded it, while they have forgotten it. And God is over everything as a Witness (58:6).
  • Note: Those who oppose God and His messenger have been disgraced as God has sent down clear revelations and there is a humiliating punishment for the disbelievers. A day God will resurrect all of them and will inform them of what they had done as He had witnessed all things, while He had recorded it as well.

No secret counseling except for uprightness and righteousness

  • Do you not see that God knows what in the heavens and what is in the earth? There is no secret counsel of three except He is fourth of them, nor of five except He is sixth of them, nor less than that, nor more except He is of them wherever they have been. Then He will inform them of what they had done on a day of the Resurrection. Indeed, God is Knower of all things (58:7). Do you not see of those who have been forbidden from the secret counsel, then they return to what they have been forbidden from it? And They hold secret counsel for sin and aggression and disobedience to the messenger. And when they have come to you, they have greeted you with what God does not greet you with it, and they say among themselves, “Why God does not punish us for what we say?” Hell is sufficient for them, they will burn in it how worst has been the destination (58:8). O you who have believed when you have held secret counsel, then you do not hold secret counsel for the sin, and the aggression, and disobedience to the messenger, but you shall hold secret counsel for the uprightness and the righteousness. And you shall fear God, the One to Him you will be gathered (58:9). The secret counsel is only from the Satan that he may grieve those who have believed, but he has not been harmful of them in anything except by God’s permission. And upon God is that the believers should put trust (58:10).
  • Note: God has forbidden secret counseling for sin and aggression and disobedience to the messenger, which is only from the Satan but it can be held for the uprightness and righteousness fearing that we will be gathered to Him and He is Knower of all things.

The true believers do what God has commanded them to do

  • O you who have believed, when it has been said to you, “You shall make room in the assemblies,” then you shall make room for you, God will make room for you. And when you have said, “You rise up,” then God will raise those who have believed among you, and those who have been given the knowledge in ranks. And God is Cognizant of what you do (58:11). O you who have believed, when you have consulted with the messenger, you shall offer charity before your consultation. That is better for you as well as purer. But if you do not find (anything for charity), then indeed, God is Forgiving, Merciful (58:12). Have you been afraid to offer charities before your consultation? Then when you do not do, while God has been kind upon you. So, you shall establish the salah and shall give the zakah, and shall obey God and His messenger. And God is Cognizant of what you do (58:13).
  • Note: The believers should make their efforts to do what God has commanded them to do, and in certain circumstances when they are not able to do certain things as commanded but they should not fail to do what He has decreed for them. Thus, Salah and Zakah are two important practices of Islam they should never fail to do under any circumstances.

  • Do you not look at those who have taken a people as allies, God has angered upon them? They are neither among you, nor among them. They swear upon the falsehood, while they know (58:14). God has prepared a severe punishment for them. Indeed, they have been evil for what they have done to achieve (58:15). They have taken their oaths as a cover that they have hindered from God’s path; so for them there is a humiliating punishment (58:16). Neither their wealth, nor their children will help them against God in anything. Those will be companions of the Fire, they will be dwellers in it forever (58:17). A Day God will raise them all, then they will swear to Him as they swear to you, and they think that they will be on something. No doubt! Indeed, they are the liars (58:18). The Satan has overcome upon them that he has made them forget remembering God. Those are a party of the Satan. No doubt! Indeed, a party of the Satan – they are the losers (58:19). Indeed, those who oppose God and His messenger, those are among the humiliated (58:20).
  • Note: God has forbidden the believers to befriend those who swear upon the falsehood , He has angered upon them and has prepared a severe punishment as they hinder people from His path as well being a party of the Satan, and a party of the Satan will never succeed.

The true believers never love those who oppose God and His messenger

  • God has decreed: “Surely, I will overcome – I and My messengers.” Indeed, God is Powerful, Almighty (58:21). You will not find a people who believe in God and the Last Day love whoever has opposed God and His messenger, even if they have been their fathers, or their sons, or their brothers, or their relatives. Those – He has decreed the faith in their hearts and has supported them with inspiration from Him, and He will admit them to gardens flowing the rivers of their underneath as dwellers therein forever. And God has been pleased with them, and they have been pleased with Him. Those are a party of God. No doubt! Indeed, a party of God – they are the successful ones (58:22).
  • Note: The true believers never ally those who oppose God and His messenger, even they may be their nearest relatives, while God has assured them that He will admit them to gardens flowing the rivers of their underneath wherein they will be abiding for forever. Thus, a party of God will be the successful ones

Surah al-mujaadilah (Surah 58: The Dispute) is a later revelation and a short surah consisting of 22 longer verses addressing a dispute of a woman about her husband reflecting that only a party of God are the successful ones. Thus, the believers who are able to avoid those who oppose God and His messenger (message), even they are their nearest relatives like fathers, sons and brothers, God will admit them to gardens flowing the rivers of their underneath wherein they will be abiding forever.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (07/15/2022).