Surah al-Hajj (Surah 22: Revelation Order 103)

The Hour will be terrible for every rebellious devil

  • O people, you shall fear your Lord. Indeed, quaking of the Hour will be a terrible thing (22:1). A day you see it, every nursing mother will forget that which she has nursed, and every pregnant woman will deliver her load, and you see the people are in intoxications while they are not in intoxications, but God’s punishment is so severe (22:2).
  • Note: The Hour, i.e., the end of the world is coming, which will be so severe for those who do not prepare them for the Hour in fearing God.

Devil guides his ally to the Hell

  • And from the people whoever disputes about God without knowledge and follows every rebellious devil (22:3). It has been decreed upon him that he whoever has allied him, then indeed, he will mislead him and will guide him to a punishment of the Blazing fire (22:4).
  • Note: Those who dispute about God without knowledge and follow devil have allied him, who guides to the Blazing fire.

There is no doubt about the Hour and the Resurrection

  • O mankind, if you have been in doubt of the resurrection; then indeed, we have created you from dust, then from a drop of semen, then from a hanging embryo, then from a developed and undeveloped fetus that we may make clear for you. And we settle in the wombs what we wish for an appointed term, then we bring you out as child, thus that you reach your maturity. And from you there is whoever is died (earlier), and from you there is whoever is returned to the age of worsening that he does not know after that any knowledge of anything. And you see the earth barren, then when we have sent down water on it, it has vibrated and has swollen and has grown every beautiful kind (22:5). That is with God that He is the Truth, and that He gives life to the dead, and that He has power over everything (22:6). And that the Hour is coming, there is no doubt in it, and that God will resurrect whoever is in the graves (22:7).
  • Note: God has given a description of our life from origin to resurrection and has included two examples referring to our life and death as well as giving life to a dead land not to have any doubt about the event of the resurrection followed by the Hour.

Whoever disputes about God will taste punishment of the Burning fire

  • And from the people whoever disputes about God with no knowledge, nor guidance, nor an enlightening scripture (22:8). Turning his neck that he misleads from God’s path. For him is disgrace in the world, while we will make him taste a punishment of the Burning fire on a Day of the Resurrection (22:9). That is of what has sent forth your hands, and that God has not been unjust for the servants (22:10). And from the people whoever worships God on an edge, then if a good befalls him, he has been content with it, while if a test befalls him, he has turned on his face; he has lost the world and the Hereafter. That – it is the clear loss (22:11).
  • Note: Those who dispute about God without knowledge and guidance, and enlightening scripture and turn their necks from an enlightening scripture mislead them from God’s path, there is disgrace for them in the world, while they will taste a punishment of the Blazing fire on a Day of Judgment, and those who worship God on condition, they have lost both the world and the Hereafter.

Losers and winners based on what we believe and practice

  • He calls other than God what cannot harm him and what cannot benefit him. That – it is the far away straying (22:12). He calls on whoever is closer his harm than his benefit. Surely, it has been an evil protector and surely, it has been an evil friend (22:13). Indeed, God will admit those who have believed and have done the righteous deeds into gardens flowing the rivers of their underneath. Indeed, God does what He intends (22:14). Whoever has been to think that God will not help him in the world and the Hereafter, then let him extend a rope to the sky, then let him cut off, then let him see whether his plan removes what enrages (22:15).
  • Note: Those who call other than God, which cannot harm or benefit them and think that He cannot help them are far astray having evil protector and friend while those who have believed and have done the righteous deeds will admit into gardens flowing rivers of their underneath.

God has given us Quran, a clear guidance that we can guide us

  • And thus that we have sent down it (Quran) of clear verses, and that God guides whomever He intends (22:16). Indeed, those who have believed, and those who have been Jews, and the Sabians, and the Christians, and the Magians, and those who have associated partners; indeed, God will judge between themselves on a day of the Resurrection. Indeed, God is a Witness over everything (22:17). Do you not see that God to Him prostrates whoever is in the heavens and whoever is in the earth, and the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and the mountains, and the trees, and the animals, and many from the people? Many upon him has deserved the punishment. And whomever God humiliates, then for him there is no bestower of honor. Indeed, God does what He wills (22:18).
  • Note: God has given us a clear guidance that we can worship Him without associating partners with Him while we may also reflect that whatever is in the heavens and in the earth prostrate Him to do it right way. He will judge the disputes between the communities on a day of the Resurrection and will humiliate many on that day.

The disbelievers will suffer in Hell forever

  • The two parties have disputed about their Lord. So, those who have disbelieved, has been cut out garments of fire for them. The boiling water is poured over their heads (22:19). It will be melted with it what is inside their bellies and the skins (22:20). And for them there are hooked rods of iron (22:21). Every time they have wanted to come out of it from anguish, they have been returned in it: “Taste a punishment of the Burning fire.” (22:22).
  • Note: Those who have disputed about God and have disbelieved will wear garments of fire will abide in Hell forever and when they have wanted to come out of it will be returned to it.

The righteous will enjoy in Paradise

  • Indeed, God will admit those who have believed and have done the righteous deeds into gardens, flowing the rivers of their underneath. They will be adorned therein with bracelets of gold and pearls, and their garments therein will be of silk (22:23). And they have been guided to the good of the word, and they have been guided to a path of the Praiseworthy (22:24).
  • Note: Those who have believed and have done the righteous will enjoy in the Paradise being guided by their Lord.

To perform Umrah and Hajj to the Sacred Masjid

  • Indeed, those who have disbelieved and hinder from a path of God, and from the Sacred Masjid, which we have made equal for the people – the resident around it and the visitor, and whoever intends in it with a deviation of wrongdoing, we will make him taste of a painful punishment (22:25). And when we had assigned a site of the House to Abraham that you shall not associate anything with Me and shall purify My House for those who circumambulate, and those who stand, and those who bow and those who prostrate (22:26). And shall proclaim to the people of the Pilgrimage; they will come to you on foot and on every lean camel; they will come from every distant place (22:27). That they may witness benefits for them and may remember God’s name in specified days over what He has provided them with the four-footed livestock. That you shall eat from it and shall feed the needy deprived ones (22:28). Then they should complete their obligations, and should fulfill their vows, and should circumambulate of the ancient shrine (22:29).
  • Note: The Sacred Masjid established by Abraham with the permission of God to perform Umrah and Hajj by the residents around it as well as by the visitors coming from distant places to fulfill their obligations while those who have disbelieved and prevent others from God’s path will taste a painful punishment.

Animal sacrifice is a ritual associated with Hajj

  • That, and whoever honors God’s sacred rites, then it is best for him at his Lord. And has been made lawful for you the livestock, except what is recited upon you. So, you shall avoid the abomination of the idols and shall avoid the false statement (22:30). Monotheists belong to God, not being those who associate partner(s) with Him; and whoever associates partner(s) with God, then is like that he had fallen from the sky, then the bird snatches him, or the wind blows of him to a far off place (22:31). That, and whoever honors God’s rites, then indeed, it is righteousness of the hearts (22:32). For them there are benefits in it for an appointed term, then their place of sacrifice to the ancient shrine (22:33). And for each community we have made a rite that they may remember God’s name upon what He has provided them from the four-footed livestock that your god is One god; so to Him you shall submit and shall give good news to the humble ones (22:34). Those who when God has been mentioned has feared their hearts, and those who are the steadfast over whatever has afflicted them, and those who establish the salat prayer, and from what we have provided them, they spend (22:35). And the livestock we have made them for you one of God’s rites, for you there is good in it. So, you shall mention God’s name upon them in lines; then when are down on their sides; then you shall eat from them and feed the poor and the needy. Thus that we have subjected them for you so that you may appreciate (22:36). Neither their meat, nor their blood reaches God, but there reaches Him is the righteousness from you. Thus that He has subjected them for you, that you may glorify God through which He has guided you and shall give good news to the good-doers (22:37).
  • Note: God has made the livestock for us. There are many benefits from them while we can sacrifice them to the ancient shrine being the animal offering is one of His rites, which has been associated with the Hajj for the pilgrims through which they can appreciate Him, even though its meat or blood does not reach Him except our righteousness.

God helps those who help Him

  • Indeed, God defends of those who have believed; indeed, God does not love any ungrateful treacherous (22:38). It has been permitted of those who are engaged in fighting of that they have been wronged; and indeed, God has surely power for their victory (22:39). Those who have been evicted from their homes without just, except that they say, “Our Lord is God.” If it were not God’s repelling of the people – one of them by other; surely, it would have been demolished monasteries, and churches, and synagogues, and masjids wherein God’s name is frequently mentioned. And surely, God will help whoever helps Him. Indeed, God is surely Strong, Almighty (22:40). Those who – if we had established them in the earth, they would have established the salat prayer and would have given the zakat, and would have enjoined with the right, and would have forbidden from the evil. And to God is an end of all matters (22:41).
  • Note: God helps the believers to do the right things and to forbid from the evil even when they are oppressed, and repels one from the other.

God had destroyed many communities in the past to be a lesson for us

  • And if they deny you (Muhammad), then certainly had denied before of them a people of Noah, and Aad, and Thamud (22:42). And a people of Abraham, and a people of Lot (22:43). And dwellers of Madyan. And Moses had been denied. So I had granted respite to the disbelievers, then I seized them, then how had been My punishment (22:44). So how many of a city we have destroyed it, while it was doing wrong. So it was falling on its roofs, and abandoned well, and raised castle (22:45). Do they not then travel in the land that there would be for them hearts to think of it, or ears to hear of it? Then it does not only blind the eyes, but it blinds the hearts, which are in the chests (22:46).
  • Note: From the destruction of the wicked nations: people of Noah, Ad, Thamud, people of Abraham, people of Lot, dwellers of Madyan and people of Moses in the past, we may have a lesson if we do not behave like the deaf or the blind.

God has given respite to many nations

  • And they ask you (Muhammad) to hasten of the punishment, while God does not fail in His promise. And indeed, a day with your Lord is like a thousand-year of what you count (22:47). How many of a city I have given respite to it, while it was doing wrong. Then I have seized it, and to Me is the destination (22:48).
  • Note: God has given respite to many nations, even they had demanded immediate punishment while a day of God is equal to our one thousand years, and thus, we are 15 minutes away from the Hour as per God’s concern.

Messenger has been sent as a warner

  • Say, “O the people, I am only a clear warner to you.” (22:49). So, those who have believed and have done the righteous deeds, for them is forgiveness and an honorable provision (22:50). And those who have strove against our revelations causing to be failure, those are companions of the Hellfire (22:51).
  • Note: Messenger is sent as bearer of good news and warner, and those who have believed and have done the righteous deeds, there is forgiveness and good provision for them, and those who are against His revelations are companions of the Hellfire.

Messenger/prophet can make mistake being interfered by the Satan

  • And we have not sent before yourself (Muhammad) any messenger nor a prophet, except that when he has recited, the devil has cast in his recitation, while God abolishes what the devil casts. Then God perfects His revelations, and God is Knower, Wise (22:52). That He may make what the Satan cast, is a test for those in their hearts is a disease, and their hearts are the hardened. And indeed, the wrongdoers are surely in far schism (22:53).
  • Note: On the event of mistake made by the prophet in his recitation God confirms that mistake made by any messenger or prophet interfered by the Satan is not unusual as a human being, which is also a test for the disbelievers and the hypocrites having an opportunity of making a division of the wrongdoers, while He establishes His revelations nullifying Satan’s effort.

God guides to a path, which is straight

  • And that it may know those who have been given the knowledge that it is the truth from your Lord, so they believe in it, then it may humble their hearts to it. And indeed, God surely is a Guide of those who have believed, to a path is straight (22:54). And those who have disbelieved will not cease to be in doubt of it until the Hour comes to them all of a sudden, or there comes to them a punishment of a barren day (22:55).
  • Note: Those who are knowledgeable know that what has been given by God is the truth from Him, and they believe in it and follow it as God guide to a straight path while the disbelievers will be in doubt until the Hour comes to them or the punishment comes to them.

Compensation for the believers and the disbelievers

  • The sovereignty of that day belongs to God, He will judge between themselves. So those who have believed and have done the righteous deeds, are in gardens of the Bliss (22:56). While those who have disbelieved and have denied in our revelations, then those for them is a humiliating punishment (22:57).
  • Note: Those who have believed and have done the righteous deed will be in gardens of the Bliss, while there is a humiliating punishment for those who have disbelieved and have denied in His revelations.

Special reward for those who have sacrificed their lives in the cause of God

  • And those who have emigrated in a way of God, then have been killed, or have died; surely, God will provide them with a good provision. Indeed God, surely, He is the best Provider (22:58). Surely, He will admit them an admittance is pleasing with it. And indeed, God is Knower, Forbearing (22:59).
  • Note: God will give an honorable admittance to those who have been killed or have died in the cause of Him.

We can reflect to signs given by God that He is the Truth

  • That and whoever has retaliated with like of that he has made to suffer with it, then he has been oppressed upon him, God will surely help him. Indeed, God is Pardoning, Forgiving (22:60). That is of that God merges the night into the day, and merges the day into the night. Indeed, God is Hearer, Seer (22:61). That is of that God – He is the Truth, and that what they invoke other than Him – it is the falsehood, and that God – He is the greatest High (22:62). Do you not see that God sends down water from the sky when the earth turns green? Indeed, God is Subtle, Cognizant (22:63). To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth. And indeed God – surely, He is the Rich, the Praiseworthy (22:64). Do you not see that God has subjected to you what is in the earth, and the ship sails through the sea by His command? And He holds the sky lest it falls upon the earth, except by His command. Indeed, God is Merciful with Kindness towards the people (22:65).
  • Note: God merges the night into the day and the day into the night, and sends down water from the sky, and holds the sky above the earth, and has subjected to us what is in the earth and the ploughing of the ships in the sea as proofs that He is the Truth.

Most people have difficulty to believe in the resurrection

  • And He is the One who has given you life, then He will you cause death, then He will give you life. Indeed, the human being is surely ungrateful (22:66). For every nation we have made rite, they should be of its observant. So, they should not dispute with you in the matter, and you shall invite to your Lord. Indeed, you are surely on a straight guidance (22:67). And if they have argued with you, then say, “God is Knower of what you do.” (22:68). God will judge between yourselves on a Day of the Resurrection in what you have done to differ in it (22:69). Do you not know that God knows what is in the heavens and the earth? Indeed, that is in a record. Indeed, that is easy for God (22:70). And they worship other than God what He does not send down any authority with it, and what has not been any knowledge of it for them. and there is no helper for the wrongdoers (22:71).
  • Note: Those who have difficulty to believe in the resurrection dispute with rites given by God instead of observant of them and worship other than God, to which He has not sent down any authority while He will judge on a day of the Resurrection based on record what has been done by anyone whoever in the heavens and the earth.

God has given us sign to recognize disbelievers from their evil behavior

  • And when it is recited our clear revelations to them, you can recognize the denial on faces of those who have disbelieved. They almost attack of those who recite our revelations to them. Say, “Should I then inform you of worse than that? The Fire, God has promised it to those who have disbelieved; and it has been miserable is the destination.” (22:72). O the people, an example has been set forth, so you shall listen to it. Indeed, those whom you invoke other than God, cannot create a fly, even if they have gathered together for it. And if the fly snatches away from them a thing, they cannot take it back from it; it has been weak the seeker and the sought (22:73). They have not valued God of His true value. Indeed, God is Strong, Almighty (22:74).
  • Note: God has given us a way to identify the disbelievers so that we do not ally them to make us losers. The denial on the faces of those who have disbelieved are recognized when God’s revelations are recited to them as they do not give true value to Him and His words while He has mentioned examples that they should listen to His words.

Messengers are chosen from both angels and humans

  • God chooses messengers from the angels as well as from the people. Indeed, God is Hearer, Seer (22:75). He knows what is their past and what is their future. And to God all matters are returned (22:76).
  • Note: Messengers are selected from the angels and the humans and they follow what God has commanded them to do.

God has honored Abraham to be a father of Islam

  • O you who have believed, you shall bow, and shall prostrate, and shall worship your Lord, and shall do the good, that you may succeed (22:77). And you shall strive for God true striving of Him. He has chosen you and has not made any difficulty upon you in the religion (Monotheism), a religion (Submission) of your father Abraham. He (God) has named you the Submitters before and in this (Quran) that the messenger would be a witness over you, and you would be witnesses over the people. So you shall establish the salat prayer and shall give the zakat, and shall hold fast to God. He is your Protector that He has been the excellent Protector and has been the excellent Supporter (22:78).
  • Note: God has commanded the believers to bow, prostrate and worship Him and has given them religion for true striving in His cause while He has also commanded them to follow a religion of Abraham being a father of Muslims that they establish the salat prayer and give the zakah and hold fast to Him being our best Protector and best Supporter. So, Abraham is the first messenger to whom God has revealed a complete set of practices of His religion will witness over the believers and the believers will witness over the people that it has not been difficult to establish practices of His religion given to him.

Surah al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage) may be reviewed reflecting that: there is no doubt about the Hour (the end of the world) and the resurrection while the Hour will be a terrible event for those who have not prepared for it, God has given many signs to believe in the Resurrection and those who fear God should not have any difficulty to believe in the Resurrection, God has given many signs that He is the Truth, messenger/prophet can make mistake while their duty is to deliver the message, God guides to a straight path and has given us Quran as clear guidance while the Satan guides his allies to the Blazing Fire and there is no exit from it, to perform Umrah and Hajj to the Sacred Masjid and animal offering being a ritual of Hajj, God has destroyed many nations in the past that we may have a lesson from them, God has recorded for whoever in the heavens and the earth to judge on a day of the Resurrection, the disbelievers can be recognized from their denial on their faces when God’s revelations are recited to them, and the believers do not ally them to make them losers, God has commanded all of us to follow the religion of Abraham and has honored him to be a father of Islam, which means that all the rites of Islam that we practice today have been given to him, and He has let us know that the believers of His revelations, who practice rites given to Abraham are Muslims from then, while we know from the Quran that the Quran has been revealed in the early 7th century to reshape Islam incorporating necessary update and correction in it confirming and consolidating the previous scripture to make it fit for the people of the generation as well as for the people of the generations to come until the end of the world.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (06/11/2021).