
Surah al-Baqarah (Surah 2: Revelation Order 87)

A gateway between specific words and words of guidance

  • Alif.Laam.Meem (2:1).
  • Note: Quranic initials have multiple roles being (1) elements of God’s statements of oath, (2) the factual evidence for occurring at certain frequencies in the Arabic text of the respective surah(s) that the Quran is from God and (3) are signs that hint to predict when the world will end based on the survival of the revealed Quran as coded in them, while the initial, Alif.Laam.Meem prefixed to the surah 2: al-Baqarah has a special role as a gateway between specific words given in the surah 1: al-Faatihah and words of guidance given from the surah 2: al-Baqarah to the surah 114: al-Naas.

A scripture has been sent down as a guidance for the righteous

  • That is the scripture, there is no doubt in it, is a guidance for the righteous (2:2).
    Note: By taking oath referring to a set of Quranic initial, Alif.Laam.Meem God has affirmed that He has sent down a scripture from the Horizon of the High, which is a guidance for us having no doubt in it to become righteous, while there are 7 pairs or 14 sets of Quranic initials (15:87) that prefix 29 surahs in the Quran, which are mysterious to the so called Islamic scholars.

Those are successful who are on guidance from their Lord

  • Those who believe in the unseen, and establish the salat prayer, and spend from what we have provided them (2:3). And those who believe in what has been sent down to you, and in what has been sent down before yourself, and with the Hereafter they ascertain (2:4). Those are on guidance from their Lord, and those – they are the successful ones (2:5).
  • Note: God has given criteria that those who believe in the unseen, establish the salat prayer and spend from their provision given by Him, while they also believe in what has been revealed to them and in what has been revealed before of them and have ascertained about the Hereafter that they are on guidance from their Lord and they are the successful ones.

A terrible punishment for the disbelievers

  • Indeed, those who have disbelieved – it is same for them whether you warn them, or you do not warn them, they do not believe (2:6). God has sealed on their hearts and on their hearing, and on their vision there is a veil; and for them there is a terrible punishment (2:7).
  • Note: The disbelievers cannot believe in the guidance sent down from God, nor can they meet criteria given by Him to become righteous, while for them there is a terrible punishment.

The evil behavior of the hypocrites

  • And among the people whoever says, “We have believed in God and in the Last Day,” while they are not with believers (2:8). They seek to deceive God and those who have believed, and they do not deceive except themselves, while they do not realize (it) (2:9). In their hearts there is a disease, so God has increased them in disease, and for them there is a painful punishment of what they have done to lie (2:10). And when it has been said to them, “Do not spread corruption in the earth,” they said, “Indeed, we are reformers!” (2:11). No doubt! Indeed, they are corrupters, but they do not realize (it) (2:12). And when it has been said to them, “You shall believe like that the people have believed,” they said, “Should we believe like that the fools have believed?” No doubt! Indeed, they are the fools, but they do not know (2:13). And when they (hypocrites) have met those who have believed, they said, “We have believed,” but when they have gone away to their devils, they said, “Indeed, we are with you; we are only mockers.” (2:14). God mocks with them, and prolongs them in their transgressions to wander (2:15). Those are the ones who have bought the straying with the guidance. So their commerce has not profited, nor have they been the guided ones (2:16).
  • Note: The hypocrites say by their mouth that they believe in God and the Last Day but they want to deceive God, while they deceive themselves. They are liars and there is disease in their hearts and they spread corruption in the earth. There is a painful punishment for them as they have lied to commit sin.

The hypocrites being deaf, dumb and blind will not be able to return

  • Their example is like an example of one who has kindled a fire, then when it has illuminated what is around him God has taken away of their light and has left them in darknesses, they do not see (2:17). Deaf, dumb, blind that they will not return (2:18). Or like a rainstorm from the sky, in it there are darknesses, and thunder, and lightning. They put their fingers in their ears from the thunderclaps in fearing the death. And God is Encompassing of the disbelievers (2:19). The lightning almost snatches away their sight. Whenever it has flashed for them, they walk in it, and when it has darkened, they have stood still. And if God had willed, surely, He would have taken away their hearing and their sight. Indeed, God has power over everything (2:20).
  • Note: God has cited two examples about the hypocrites who cannot return to God because of behaving like deaf, dumb and blind.

God has commanded people to worship Him making no rival to Him

  • O mankind, you shall worship your Lord, One who has created you and those who before yourselves so that you may be righteous (2:21). One who has made the earth a resting place for you, and the sky a canopy and has sent down water from the sky, then He has brought forth with it provision from the fruits for you. So you do not make rivals to God, while you know (2:22).
  • Note: God has not only created mankind but He has also made provision for them in the earth so that they can worship Him to become righteous making no rival to Him.

A challenge for the disbelievers to bring like a surah in the Quran

  • And if you have been in doubt of what we have sent down to our servant, then you shall produce of a surah like of it, and shall call upon your witnesses other than God, if you have been truthful ones (2:23), So if you cannot do and you can never do, then you shall fear the Fire that its fuel is the people and the stones has been prepared for the disbelievers (2:24).
  • Note: God has warned those who have disbelieved in the Quran that you should fear the Fire whose fuel is people and stones as they cannot even produce a surah in the Quran, even they disbelieve in it.

Compensation for the believers are pure spouses and good provision

  • And you shall give good news to those who have believed and have done the righteous deeds that for them are gardens flowing the rivers of their underneath. Every time they have been provided provision from them of fruit they have said, “This is what we have been provided before.” And they have been given of it in resemblance. And for them there are purified spouses therein, and they will be dwellers therein forever (2:25).
  • Note: The believers who have done the righteous deeds will be in gardens wherein they live forever having pure spouses and good provision.

God has set example with a tiny fly to a larger one to reflect the truth

  • Indeed, God does not shy to set forth an example of a mosquito, even what is greater of it. So, as for those who have believed, then they know that it is the truth from their Lord. As for those who have disbelieved that they say, “What has God intended by this example?” He lets go astray many with it and He guides many with it. And He does not let go astray with it except the disobedient (2:26).
  • Note: God has cited example with a tiny fly to a larger one in the Quran to reflect as mentioned in 22:73 with the fly and in 29:41 with the spider that Quran is the truth from God, and He guides with it those who have believed in it but He lets go astray with it those who have disbelieved in it. Thus, the Quran guides the believers but misguides the disbelievers.

Life and death is a sign to believe in God

  • Those who break God’s covenant after its ratification, while they cut what God has commanded with it to be joined, and they spread corruption in the earth. Those – they are the losers (2:27). How do you disbelieve in God, while you have been dead, then He has given life to you? Then He will cause you death, then He will give life to you, then to Him you will be returned (2:28).
  • Note: Life and death may be a best sign for the disbelievers to believe in God not to be losers.

God’s plan to send a representative to the earth

  • He is One who has created for you all what is in the earth, then He has turned to the heaven and has designed it seven heavens, and He is Knower of everything (2:29). And when your Lord said to the angels, “I am placing a representative in the earth.” They said, “Will You place in it whoever will spread corruption in it and will shed the blood? While we glorify with Your praise and sanctify for You.” He said, “Indeed, I know what you do not know.” (2:30). And He taught Adam the names all of them. Then He presented them to the angels, then said, “Inform Me of the names of these, if you have been truthful ones.” (2:31). They said, “Glory is Yours. There is no knowledge for us except what You have taught us. Indeed, You are the Knower, the Wise.” (2:32).
  • Note: God’s plan to send a representative to the earth followed by the creation of the earth and the heavens, while He tested the angels to expose Iblis an arrogant among the angels, who has been eventually sent down to the earth.

Among the angels Iblis has been exposed to be disobedient and arrogant

  • He said, “O Adam, inform them of their names.” Then when he had informed them of their names, He said, “Did I not say to you? Indeed, I know secrets of the heavens and the earth and I know what you declare, and what you have done to conceal.” (2:33). And when we said to the angels, “Prostrate to Adam,” then they had prostrated except Iblis; he had refused and had been arrogant and had become a disbeliever (2:34).
  • Note: Of the angels Iblis had refused to prostrate to Adam being proud of himself. Thus, he became disobedient and arrogant for violating God’s command.

Descent of Adam and his spouse from the Paradise to the earth

  • And we said, “O Adam, live you and your spouse in the Paradise, and eat both of you from it freely wherever you wish, but do not approach this – the tree, then you would be the wrongdoers.” (2:35). But the Satan had made them fall from it, and he had driven them out from what they had been in it. And we said, “Go down you all as enemy of you to other, and for you there will be a dwelling place and a provision for a while.” (2:36). Then Adam had received words from his Lord, so He had turned to him. Indeed, He is the Redeemer, the Merciful (2:37). We said, “Go down you all from here, then when guidance comes to you from Me, so whoever has followed My guidance, then there is no fear for them, nor will they grieve (2:38). And those who have disbelieved and have denied in our revelations, those are companions of the Fire – they will be dwellers in it.”(2:39).
  • Note: Adam and his spouse had violated God’s command as well while they asked for their forgiveness to their Lord as found in 7:23, then He had sent them down to the earth for their forgiveness while they had received words from Him to ask for their forgiveness and also had received advice for their children that those who will follow His guidance will have no fear, but those who will deny His guidance will be in the Fire. Thus, God has given us specific words in the surah 1-al-Faateha in the Quran as was given to Adam and his spouse, is a final guidance for mankind as children of Adam to become righteous, which we use in the 5 times salat prayer seeking His guidance to the straight path for our successful return to the Paradise.

God’s favors upon Children of Israel and their evil behavior

  • O Children of Israel, you shall remember My favor, which I have bestowed upon you, and shall fulfill of My covenant, I will fulfill of your covenant, and shall fear only Me (2:40). And you shall believe in what I have sent down confirming that which is with you, and do not be a first of disbeliever in it and do not exchange of My revelations for a small price and Me alone that you shall fear Me (2:41). And you do not mix the truth with the falsehood and conceal the truth, while you know (2:42). And you shall establish the salat prayer and shall give the zakat and shall bow down with those who bow down (2:43). Do you order the people with the righteousness, and you forget for yourselves, while you recite the scripture? Will you not then understand (2:44)? And you shall seek help with the patience and the salat prayer, and indeed, it is surely, difficult except on the humbles (2:45), those who believe that they will meet their Lord and that they will return to Him (2:46).
  • Note: God has commanded the children of Israel to believe in the Quran, which has been sent down confirming what has been with them as well as not to exchange of His revelations with a small price and not to mix the truth with the falsehood and conceal the truth.

  • O Children of Israel, you shall remember My favor which I have bestowed upon you and that I have preferred you over a people of the world (2:47). And you shall fear a day when no soul will avail anything from another soul, nor will there be accepted any intercession from it, nor will there be taken any compensation from it, nor will they be helped (2:48).
  • Note: They shall fear God knowing a day that no soul will help another soul and there is no intercession, nor is there any compensation from it.

  • And when we had saved you from a people of Pharaoh, inflicting you with a horrible of the punishment to slay your sons and spare your women. In that there was a difficult test from your Lord (2:49). And when we had parted the sea for you that we saved you and we had drowned a people of Pharaoh while you watch (2:50). And when we had made an appointment of Moses for forty-nights, then you had taken the calf after him, and you had been wrongdoers (2:51). Then we had pardoned from you after that so that you may appreciate (2:52). And when we had given Moses the scripture and the statute book that you may be guided (2:53). And when Moses said to his people, “O my people; indeed, you have wronged your souls by taking of you the calf. So, you shall repent to your Creator and shall kill your egos. That is better for you with your Creator.” Then He had turned to you; indeed, He is the Redeemer, the Merciful (2:54).
  • Note: If they had repented to their Creator after their wrongdoing killing their egos, God would have turned to them as He is the Redeemer and the Merciful.

  • And when you said, “O Moses, we will not believe until we see God in manifestation.” Then the lightning had struck you, while you were looking (2:55). Then we had revived you after your death so that you may appreciate (2:56). And we had shaded the clouds over you and had sent down the manna and the quails to you, “You shall eat from the good things what we have provided you.” They had not wronged us, but they had done to wrong to themselves (2:57).
  • Note: God has revived them after their death and has sent down manna and quails for them that they may appreciate Him, but they had wronged themselves.

  • And when we said, “Enter this – the town, then shall eat from it as much wherever you have wished and enter the gate as prostrators and say, “Repentance.” We will forgive your sins for you and will increase (your reward) as the good doers” (2:58). But those who had wronged had changed a word other that which has been said to them. So, we had sent down a punishment from the sky upon those who had wronged because of that they had done to disobey (2:59).
  • Note: God had sent down punishment from the sky when they had wronged changing a word other than what was said to them.

  • And when Moses asked for water for his people, then we said, “Strike the stone with your staff.” Then there had gushed forth twelve springs from it. Certainly, every people knew their drinking place. “Eat and drink from a provision of God, and do not act like wicked in the earth being corruptors.” (2:60).
  • Note: God has advised them to eat and drink from His provision, but not to act like wicked in the earth being corruptors.

  • And when you said, “O Moses, we cannot endure on one kind of food, so call your Lord for us to produce for us from what the earth grows of its beans, and its cucumbers, and its garlic, and its lentils, and its onions.” He said, “Would you exchange that which is inferior to that which is better? Go down to Egypt, then indeed, there is for you what you have asked for.” And there had been struck on them the humiliation and the misery, and they had brought upon themselves wrath of God. That was of that they had done to disbelieve in God’s signs and kill the prophets without the justice. That was of that they had disobeyed, and they had done to transgress (2:61).
  • Note: There has been the humiliation and the misery upon them for disbelieving in God’s signs and killing prophets without justice.

  • Indeed, those who have believed, and those who have turned to Jews, and the Christians, and the Sabians – whoever has believed in God and the Last Day and has done as righteous, then for them their reward is with their Lord, and there is no fear on them, nor will they grieve (2:62). And when we had taken your covenant, and we had raised the Mount over you: “You shall hold what we have given you with strength and shall remember what is in it so that you may be righteous (2:63).” Then you have turned away after that. So, if it were not for God’s grace upon you and His mercy, surely, you would have been with the losers (2:64). And certainly, you have known those who had transgressed in the Sabbath among you. So, we said to them, “You shall be despised apes.” (2:65). So, we have made it a deterrent punishment for whoever before him and whoever after him, and an abomination for the righteous (2:66).
  • Note: God has punished them among those who had turned away from what God has given them to hold and to remember what is in it to appreciate Him and had transgressed in the Sabbath.

  • Moses said to his people, “Indeed, God commands you that you slaughter a cow.” They said, “Do you take us in ridicule?” He said, “I seek refuge in God lest I would be with the ignorant ones.” (2:67). They said, “Call your Lord for us to make clear for us what it is.” He said, “Indeed, He says, Indeed, it is a cow, neither old, nor young – a middle aged between that.” So, you shall do what you are commanded.” (2:68). They said, “Call your Lord for us to make clear for us what its color is.” He said, “Indeed, He says, indeed, it is a yellow cow in its color is bright pleasing to those who see.” (2:69). They said, “Call your Lord for us to make clear for us what is it? Indeed, the cow look alike to us, and indeed we, if God wills, surely will be the guided ones.” (2:70). He said, “Indeed, He says, indeed, it is a cow is neither in ploughing the land, nor to water the field, is sound having no blemish in it.” They said, “Now you have come with the truth.” So, they had slaughtered it, even they had not been near to do (2:71). And when you had killed a person, then you disputed in it, while God who had brought forth what you had done to conceal (2:72). So, we said, “Strike him with a part of it.” Thus that God gives life to the dead and shows His signs so that you may reflect (2:73).
  • Note: God has commanded them to slaughter a cow to bring forth with it what they had concealed, while He had revived the dead to witness that who had killed him.

  • Then has hardened your hearts after that, so it was like the stones or stronger in hardness. And indeed, from the stones surely there are which gush forth the rivers from it, and indeed, from it surely there are which split, so from it the water comes out, and indeed, from it surely there are which fall down for fear of God. And God is not unaware of what you do (2:74). Do you then expect that they will believe for you, while certainly there has been a party of them who hear God’s word, then they distort it after what they had understood it, while they know (2:75)?
  • Note: They possess the hardened hearts like stones, even harder than that to believe, while a party of them who hear God’s word have distorted it after they have understood.

  • And when they have met those who have believed, they said, “We have believed,” And when they have gone away of them to other, they said, “Do you tell them of what God has open to you that they argue you with it at God? Do you then not understand?” (2:76). Do they not know that God knows what they conceal, and what they declare? (2:77). And among them there are gentiles who do not know the scripture except wishful thinking, nor do they do except guess (2:78). So, woe to those who write the scripture with their hands, then they say, “This is from God,” that they trade with it for a small price. So, woe to them for what has written their hands, and woe to them for what they earn (2:79).
  • Note: Even God knows what they conceal and declare, while they trade His revelations for a small price. Thus, woe to those who distort the scripture with their hands.

  • And they said, “The Fire will not touch us, except for a number of days.” Say, “Have you taken a pledge from God that God will not break His pledge? Or do you say about God what you do not know?” (2:80). Yes, whoever has earned evil, and his sin has surrounded him with it, then those are companions of the Fire, they will be dwellers in it forever (2:81). And those who have believed and have done the righteous deeds, those are companions of the Paradise, they will be dwellers in it forever (2:82).
  • Note: Among them who have disbelieved and have earned evil will be in Hell wherein they will live forever, and who have believed and have done the righteous deeds will be in the Paradise wherein they will live forever, and there is no exception of it.

  • And when we had taken a covenant from the Children of Israel: “You shall not worship except God and to be good with the parents and the relatives and the orphans and the poor, while you shall speak nice to the people and shall establish the salat prayer and shall give the zakat.” Then you had turned away, except a few from you, and you were averse (2:83). And when we had taken your covenant: “You will not shed your blood, nor will you evict yourselves from your homes,” then you had ratified, while you witness (2:84). Then you are those who kill yourselves and evict a party of you from their homes, supporting one another against them in the sin and the transgression. And if they come to you as captives, you ransom them, while it has been forbidden for you their eviction. So do you believe in part of the scripture and disbelieve in part? Then what should be the recompense for whoever does that among you, except a disgrace in the life of the world, and on a day of the Resurrection they will be sent back to a most severe punishment? And God is not unaware of what you do (2:85). Those are the ones who have bought the life of the world for the Hereafter. So, the punishment will not be lightened upon them, nor will they be helped (2:86).
  • Note: God has taken a covenant from them what they have disobeyed as well as they have done evil, while they believe in a part of the scripture and disbelieve in part to be disgraced in world, while their punishment will not lightened in the Hereafter.

  • And certainly, we had given Moses the scripture and had followed up after of him with the messengers, and we had given Jesus, son of Mary the profound miracles and had supported him with the Holy Spirit. Is it that every time a messenger has come to you with what does not desire your egos, you have been arrogant? So, a party of you has denied, and a party of you kill (2:87). And they said, “Our hearts have wrappings.” Nay, God has cursed them for their disbelief, so a little what they believe (2:88). And when there has come to them a scripture (Quran) from God, confirming what was with them, while they had done to pray for victory before over those who had disbelieved, then when there has come to them what they have recognized, they have disbelieved in it. So, God’s curse is on the disbelievers (2:89). It has been evil that they have sold their souls with it that they disbelieve in what God has sent down in hesitance that God sends down of His grace upon whomever He chooses from His servants. So, they have drawn of wrath upon wrath. And for the disbelievers there is a humiliating punishment (2:90). And when it has been said to them, “You shall believe in what God has sent down,” they said, “We believe in what has been sent down to us.” And they disbelieve in what is behind of it, even it is the truth from their Lord confirming that what is with them. Say, “Then why did you kill God’s prophets before, if you had been believers?” (2:91). And certainly, there had come to you Moses with the clear signs, then you had taken the calf after of him, and you had been wrongdoers (2:92). And when we had taken your covenant, and we had raised the Mount over you, “You shall hold what we have given you with firmness and shall listen.” They said, “We have heard, but we have disobeyed.” And they had been made to drink the calf in their hearts because of their disbelief. Say, “It has been evil what your faith orders you with it, if you have been believers.” (2:93). Say, “If there has been the abode of the Hereafter for you with God being exclusive from the other people, then you shall wish for the death, if you have been truthful ones.” (2:94). And they will never wish for it ever, because of what has sent ahead their hands. And God is Knower of the wrongdoers (2:95). And surely you will find them more covetous of the people for life, even than those who have associated partners (with God). Every one of them loves if he could be granted a life for a thousand year, while it will not remove him from the punishment that he is granted a (longer) life. And God is Seer of what they do (2:96).
  • Note: They have not only killed the prophets unjustly but also have disbelieved in the scripture what they can recognize saying their hearts are wrapped up, while they had wished for a longer life even if it will not remove their punishment.

Gabriel has brought down the Quran from God

  • Say, “Whoever has been enemy to Gabriel, then indeed he has brought down it (Quran) into your (Muhammad) heart by God’s permission confirming what was before of it and is a guidance and good news for the believers.” (2:97). Whoever has been enemy to God, and His angels, and His messengers, and Gabriel, and Michael, then indeed, God is an enemy to the disbelievers (2:98). And certainly, we have sent down to you clear verses, and none disbelieves in them except the disobedient (2:99). Is it not that every time they have made a covenant, a party of them has thrown it away? Nay, most of them do not believe (2:100). And when there had come to them a messenger from God confirming that which was with them, a party of those who have been given the scripture, has thrown away God’s scripture behind their backs, as if they do not know (2:101).
  • Note: Since Gabriel has brought down the Quran from God, we all should believe in it including the people of the previous scripture.

Those who practice magic harm themselves

  • And they had followed what the devils recited over a kingdom of Solomon kingdom, while Solomon had not disbelieved, but the devils had disbelieved. They taught the people the magic, and what had been sent down in Babylon through the two angels, Harut and Marut. They did not teach anyone except they say, “we are only a test, so do not disbelieve.” So, they learned from these two that they cause separation between the man and his spouse with it. But they could not be of harmful ones to anyone with it except by permission of God. And they learned what harms them and does not profit them. And certainly, they had known that whoever has bought it, there is no share for him in the Hereafter. And that it has been evil for themselves what they have sold with it, if they had done to know (2:102).
  • Note: Even the magic has been sent down through the two angels but its practice makes us evil and there is no share in the Hereafter for those who practice the magic in the world.

Reward for the believers and punishment for the disbelievers

  • And if that they had believed and had feared, a reward from God would be better, if they had done to know (2:103). O you who have believed, do not say, “Look after us” but say, “Be patient with us” and listen. For the disbelievers there is a painful punishment (2:104). Neither those who have disbelieved from the people of the scripture, nor of those who associate partners would like that any good is sent down to you from your Lord, while God chooses with His mercy whomever He wills, and God is Possessor of the great bounty (2:105).

Abrogation of the miracle

  • What of a miracle we abrogate, or we cause it to forget, we bring of better than it or like of it. Do you not know that God has power over everything? (2:106). Do you not know that God to Him belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth? There is no protector nor helper other than God (2:107). Or do you wish that you ask your messenger like that Moses had been asked before? And whoever exchanges the disbelief with the faith, then certainly, he has gone astray from an evenness of the path (2:108).
  • Note: There is no protector or helper for the disbelievers as they have strayed off the right path.

The people of scripture will try their best to turn back to the disbelief

  • There had wished many from a people of the scripture if they could turn you back to disbelief after of your faith out of jealousy from among themselves after the truth what had become clear to them. So, you shall forgive them and shall overlook until God brings of His command. Indeed, God has power over everything (2:109). And you shall establish the salat prayer and shall give the zakat. And of whatever good you send forth for yourselves, you will find it with God. Indeed, God is Seer of what you do (2:110). And they said, “No one will enter the Paradise except who has been a Jew or a Christian!” That is their wishful thinking. Say, “Bring your proof, if you have been truthful.” (2:111). Yes, whoever has submitted himself to God and he is a good doer, then for him is his reward with his Lord; and there is no fear for them, nor will they grieve (2:112). The Jews said, “It has not been the Christians are on anything,” while the Christians said, “It has not been the Jews are on anything,” even though they recite the scripture. Like that said those who do not know similar to their saying. So, God will judge them on a Day of the Resurrection in what they have done to differ in it (2:113).
  • Note: The people of scripture will try their best to turn back the believers to disbelief even there is dispute between themselves, and God will judge between them on a day of the Resurrection, but the submitters are those who have submitted themselves to God and continue to do the righteous deeds, then they have no fear nor will they grieve.

God has commanded the believers to attend His masjids

  • And who is more wicked than whoever has prevented from God’s masjids to be remembered His name in them and has strived to their destruction? Those – it has not been for them that they enter them except being fearful. For them there is disgrace in the world, and for them there is a great punishment in the Hereafter (2:114). And to God belongs the east and the west; so, wherever you turn, there is God’s presence. Indeed, God is Knower being an All-Encompassing (2:115).
  • Note: Those who fear God should attend His masjids considering that both east and west belong to Him, while there are many masjids in the world which are not God’s masjids as the prayer is not established devoted to God alone therein.

God is Creator of the heavens and the earth

  • And they said, “God has taken a son!” Glory is His. Nay, to Him belongs what is in the heavens and the earth; all are obedient to Him (2:116). Originator of the heavens and the earth: and when He has decreed a matter, then He only says to it, “Be,” then it would be (2:117).
  • Note: God is Creator of the heavens and the earth and it does not befit Him to have a son.

God’s guidance is the true guidance

  • And said those who do not know, “Why God does not speak to us, or a miracle comes to us!” Like that said those who were before of them is similar to their saying. It has become alike their hearts. Certainly, we have made clear the revelations for a people to ascertain (2:118). Indeed, we have sent you (Muhammad) a good news and a warner with the truth. And you will not be asked about dwellers of the blazing Fire (2:119). And neither the Jews, nor the Christians will be pleased from you, unless you follow their religion. Say, “Indeed, God’s guidance is the true guidance.” And surely, if you (Muhammad) had followed their wishes after what has come to you of the knowledge, there would have no protector or helper for you against God (2:120). Those – we have given them the scripture to recite it as there is truth of its recitation those believe in it, while whoever disbelieves in it, then those – they are the losers (2:121). O Children of Israel, you shall remember My favor which I have bestowed upon you, and that I have preferred you over a people of the world (2:122). And you shall fear a day no soul will help another soul in anything, and no compensation will be accepted from it, and no intercession will benefit it, and they will not be helped (2:123).
  • Note: What is given to Muhammad is a good news and a warner being a guidance from God reflecting that there is no help from any other soul, nor is there any ransom, nor is there any intercession.

Abraham has been tested and made him leader of the people

  • And when his Lord had tested Abraham with words, then he had fulfilled them. He said, “Indeed, I am One who makes you a leader for mankind.” He said, “Also from my descendants?” He said, “My covenant does not reach the wrongdoers.” (2:124). And when we had made the House a place of return for mankind and a security; and you shall take a standing place of Abraham as a place of prayer. And we had made a covenant with Abraham and Ismail that you shall purify My House for those who circumambulate, and those who devote themselves, and those who bow and prostrate (2:125). And when Abraham said: “My Lord, make this city secure and provide its people with fruits to whoever has believed in God and the Last Day.” He said, “And whoever has disbelieved, then I will grant him a little enjoyment, then I will force him to a punishment of the Fire, and it has been evil is the destination.” (2:126). And when Abraham was raising the foundations of the House, and Ismail: “Our Lord, accept from us; indeed, You are the Hearer, the Knower (2:127). Our Lord, and make us submitters to You, and from our descendants a community of submitters to You, and show us our ways of worship and turn to us. Indeed, You are the Forgiving, the Merciful (2:128). Our Lord, and raise in them messenger from them to recite Your revelations to them, and to teach them the scripture and the wisdom, and to purify them. Indeed, You are the Almighty, the Wise.” (2:129).
  • Note: Abraham prayed to God to make him submitter and from his offspring and also to teach him the ways of the worshiping.

Commandment for the people to practice a religion of Abraham

  • And who turns away from a religion of Abraham, except whoever has fooled himself? And certainly, we have chosen him in the world and indeed, in the Hereafter surely, he will be with the righteous (2:130). When his Lord said to him, “Submit,” he said, “I have submitted to Lord of the worlds.” (2:131). And Abraham had enjoined his children with it, and Jacob: “O my children, indeed, God has chosen the religion for you; so you do not die except, while you are submitters.” (2:132). Or had you been witnesses when the death had come to Jacob; when he said to his children, “What will you worship after of me?” They said, “We will worship your god; god of your forefathers: Abraham, and Ismail, and Isaac – One god. And to Him we are submitters.” (2:133). That was a community certainly has passed; for it what it had earned and for you what you have earned. And you will not be asked about what they had done to accomplish (2:134).
  • And they said, “Be Jews or Christians to be guided.” Say, “Nay, a religion of Abraham – Monotheism, and he had not been with the idol worshipers.” (2:135). Say, “We have believed in God, and what has been sent down to us, and what has been sent down to Abraham, and Ismail, and Isaac, and Jacob and the Patriarchs; and what has been given to Moses and Jesus, and what has been given to the prophets from their Lord. We do not make distinction between anyone of them. And we are Submitters to Him.” (2:136). So if they have believed in like of what you have believed in it, then indeed, they are guided. But if they have turned away, then they are in dissension. So God will suffice you against them, and He is the Hearer, the Knower (2:137). It is God’s system, and who has better than God’s system? And to Him we are worshipers (2:138). Say, “Do you argue with us about God, while He is our Lord and your Lord? And for us are our deeds, and for you are your deeds, and we to Him sincere.” (2:139). Or do you say that Abraham, and Ismail, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the Patriarchs had been Jews or Christians? Say, “Are you better knower or God?” And who is more unjust than whoever has concealed a testimony with him from God? And God is not unaware of what you do.” (2:140). That was a community certainly has passed. For it what it had earned and for you what you have earned. And you will not be asked about what they had done to accomplish (2:141).
  • Note: Our religion is monotheism and its complete set of practices were first given to Abraham, which has come down to us from the past, while they were responsible for their deeds and we are responsible for our deeds.

Changing of direction of the prayer has been a test

  • The fools among the people will say, “What has turned them from their direction of prayer, which they had been on it?” Say, “To God belongs the east and the west; He guides whomever He wills in a straight path.” (2:142). And thus that we have made you an impartial community that you will be witnesses over the people, and the messenger will be a witness over you. And we have not made the direction of prayer, which you had been on it except that we make evident whoever follows the messenger from whoever turns back on his heels. And indeed, it has been certainly a great test except for those whom God has guided. And it has not been God that He will let go waste your faith. Indeed, God is surely Kind, Merciful to the people (2:143).
  • Note: The changing of direction of prayer from the Sacred Masjid was a great test for the believers who were the truly guided. Thus here was a great lesson for the believers that the East or the West does not matter to God but what matters to Him is to obey His command.

Restoring of direction of prayer to the Sacred Masjid

  • Certainly, we see you turning your face towards the sky. Then surely, we turn you to a direction of prayer to please with it. So, you shall turn your face towards a direction of the Sacred Masjid. And wherever that you have been, then you shall turn your faces towards its direction. And indeed, those who have been given the scripture surely know that it is the truth from their Lord. And God is not unaware of what they do (2:144). And even if you had brought to those who have been given the scripture with every sign, they would not have followed your direction of your prayer, and you will not be a follower of their direction of prayer, while not of them are followers of a direction of prayer to other. And surely if you had followed their desires after what has come to you of the knowledge, indeed, you then would be surely with the wrongdoers (2:145).
  • Note: The restoring of direction of prayer to the Sacred Masjid is to please the believers, while the people of scripture will not follow it, even though they do not follow each other’s direction of the prayer.

Quran is the truth from God

  • Those whom we have given them the scripture recognize it (Quran) like that they recognize their children, and indeed, a party of them surely conceal the truth, while they know (2:146). The truth is from your Lord; so do not be with the doubters (2:147).
  • Note: The people of the scripture know that the Quran is from God, which is the truth from Him but many of them still doubt in it.

Direction of prayer has been established towards the Sacred Masjid

  • And for everyone there is a direction he will be turning towards of it, so you shall race to the good wherever that you will be, God will bring of you together. Indeed, God has power over everything (2:148). And from wherever you have started, then you shall turn your face to a direction of the Sacred Masjid, and indeed, it is surely the truth of your Lord, and God is not unaware of what you do (2:149). And from wherever you have started, then you shall turn your face to a direction of the Sacred Masjid, and wherever that you have been, you shall turn your faces towards of its direction that there will not be any argument for the people against you, except those who have wronged from them. So do not fear them, but you shall fear Me, and that I complete My favor upon you so that you may be guided (2:150).
  • Note: God has established a direction of the prayer to the Sacred Masjid and wherever we may be and may have been we have to turn our faces towards it.

God has sent down His revelation to purify and to remember Him

  • Like that we have sent in you messenger from you to recite our revelations to you, and to purify you, and to teach you the scripture and the wisdom, and to teach you what you would not know (2:151). So, you shall remember Me, I will remember you, and you shall appreciate to Me, and do not depreciate Me (2:152).
  • Note: God has sent down His revelations to purify us as well as to remember Him so that we can appreciate Him.

Seeking God’s help through patience and practice of salat to be guided ones

  • O you who have believed, you shall seek help through the patience and the salat prayer. Indeed, God is with the patient (2:153). And you do not say for whoever is killed in a way of God, they are dead. Nay, they are alive, but you do not perceive (2:154). And surely, we will test you with anything of the fear and the hunger, and loss of the wealth and the lives and the fruits, and you shall give good news to the patient (2:155). Those who when has stricken them a misfortune, they say, “Indeed, we belong to God and indeed, to Him we are returning.” (2:156). Those on them have blessings from their Lord and mercy, and those – they are the guided ones (2:157).
  • Note: The believers will seek God’s help through patience and salat prayer even when any misfortune has stricken them with the fear and the hunger, loss of wealth and lives keeping in mind that we all will return to Him.

Walking between Safa and Marwah  is one of the rites of Hajj and `Umrah

  • Indeed, the Safa and the Marwah are from God’s rites. So, whoever has performed Hajj to the House or has performed `Umrah, then there is no blame on them that he walks within them. And whoever has volunteered good, then God is Appreciative, Knower (2:158).
  • Note: There should not be raised any dispute about the walking between Safa and Marwah to be a rite of Hajj and `Umrah.

Curse for those who conceal what God has made clear in the scripture

  • Indeed, those who conceal what we have sent down of the clear proofs and the guidance after what we have made clear it for the people in the scripture, those – God curses them and curses them the cursers (2:159). Except those who have repented, and have reformed, and have declared, then those I will redeem from them, and I am the Redeemer, the Merciful (2:160). Indeed, those who have disbelieved and have died while they are disbelievers, those on them is a curse of God and the angels, and all the people (2:161). They are dwellers in it; the punishment will not be lightened for them, nor will they be reprieved (2:162).
  • Note: God has cursed those who have concealed the truth in the scripture, and they will be in Hell, while their punishment in it will not be lightened, nor will they be reprieved except those who have repented, reformed and declared the truth. It is unfortunate to mention that the Jewish, the Christians, the traditional Muslims, even the progressive Muslims called themselves submitters have failed to declare the truth in the scripture.

There is no god except He – the Gracious, the Merciful

  • And your god is One god: there is no god except He – the Gracious, the Merciful (2:163). Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of the night and the day, and the ship which sails in the sea of what benefits the people, and what God has sent down from the sky of water, then He has given life to the earth with it after its death, and has dispersed in it all kinds of creatures, and directing of the winds and the clouds to be the controlled between the sky and the earth, surely (all these) are signs for a people to use intellect (2:164).
  • Note: There are enough signs in the heavens and the earth for the people to reflect that there is no god except God, but still they do not reflect.

Those who equal God will see their deeds as regrets on a day of Judgment

  • And among the people whoever takes other than God as equals, they love them as they love God, but those who have believed are stronger in love for God. And if he would see those who have wronged when they will see the punishment that all the power belongs to God, and that God is severe in the punishment (2:165). When has disowned those who have been followed of those who had followed, and will see the punishment, and has cut off the relations with them (2:166). And said those who had followed, “If that there is a return for us, then we would disown from them, like that you (they) disown us.” Thus that God will show them their deeds as regrets for them, and they would not be out of the Fire (2:167).
  • Note: Those who takes other than God as equals God will see their deeds as regrets for worshiping other than God on a day of the Judgment, while the followers would wish to return to the earth to worship One god but there is no exit for them from Hell.

The Satan is a great enemy for humans

  • O the people, you shall eat from what is lawful and good in the earth, and do not follow the Satan’s footsteps; indeed, he is a great enemy for you (2:168). He only commands you with the evil and the immoralities and that you say about God what you do not know (2:169).
  • Note: God has commanded us to eat what is lawful and good but many of us say that you do not eat this or that following the footsteps of the Satan.

Those who do not follow what God has sent down is shouting without hearing

  • And when it has been said to them, “You shall follow what God has sent down,” they said, “Nay, we follow what we have found our forefathers on it.” What if their forefathers had not been to understand anything, and they were not guided? (2:170). And an example of those who have disbelieved is like an example of the one who shouts at what does not hear except calls and crying as deaf, dumb, blind, so they do not understand (2:171).
  • Note: God has cited an example with those who do not follow what He has revealed in the scripture, instead they follow the traditions being the footsteps of their forefathers, they just shout but not hear making their calls and cries as deaf, dumb and blind without understanding.

What has been forbidden for us to eat

  • you who have believed, you shall eat from good what we have provided you and shall appreciate to God, if you worship Him alone (2:172). He has only forbidden for you the dead animals, and the blood, and meat of the pigs, and what has been dedicated to other than God. So, whoever has been forced without being disobedient, nor transgressor, then there is no sin for him. Indeed, God is Forgiving, Merciful (2:173).
  • Note: God has forbidden for us four kinds of meat: (1) dead animals, (2) blood, (3) meat of pigs and (4) what is dedicated to other than God eliminating any debate among us of what we should eat and what we should not eat.

Those who conceal from the scripture purchase straying with guidance

  • Indeed, those who conceal from the scripture what God has sent down and they purchase a little gain with it, those – they do not eat in their bellies except the Fire. And God will not speak to them on a day of the Resurrection, nor will He purify them. And for them there is a painful punishment (2:174). Those are those who have purchased the straying with the guidance, and the punishment with the forgiveness. So, what has endured them is the Fire (2:175). That is of that God has sent down the scripture with the truth, and indeed, those who have differed in the scripture are surely, in strong opposition (2:176).
  • Note: Those who conceal from the scripture purchase the straying with the guidance as well as the punishment with the forgiveness, they will have to endure Hell as they have eaten the fire.

God has defined righteousness

  • It has not been the righteousness that you have turned your faces to a direction of the east or the west, but the righteous is whoever has believed in God and the Last Day and the angels and the scripture and the prophets, and has given the wealth out of his love to the near relatives and the orphans and the needy and the wayfarer and the beggars and in freeing the slaves, and has established the salat prayer and has given the zakat; and the pledge keepers of their pledge when they have made it and the patient during the suffering and the hardship and at time of the stress, those are the ones who have made trustworthy and those – they are the righteous (2:177).
  • Note: God has defined the righteousness for us detailing out about our faith, practice, behavior and integrity.

God has prescribed the equivalent execution in the killing

  • O you who have believed, it has been prescribed the equivalent execution for you in the killing – the freeman for the freeman, and the slave for the slave, and the female for the female. But whoever has been pardoned anything for it by his brother, then there should be following up with a suitable and a payment to him with kindness. That is a lessening from your Lord and mercy. So, who has transgressed after that, then for him there is a painful punishment (2:178). And for you in the equivalent execution there is lifesaving, O men of the understanding so that you may be righteous (2:179).
  • Note: Even God has decreed the equivalent execution in the killing, but He has also left a way of lifesaving to resolve the matter compensating the victim family.

God has decreed for us to leave a Will for our heirs

  • It has been decreed for you when the death has approached to any of you, is good if he has left the will for the parents and the near relatives with being the fair, is a duty upon the righteous (2:180). So whoever has altered it after what he had heard it, then its sin is only upon those who alter it. Indeed, God is Hearer, Knower (2:181). But whoever has feared an error of a testator or a sin, then has he reconciled between themselves, then there is no sin upon him. Indeed, God is Forgiving, Merciful (2:182).
  • Note: God has ordered us to leave a fair Will before our death, even leaving a room to correct it in the case of error or sin made by the testator.

God has decreed fasting for us as it has been decreed for those before us

  • you who have believed, the fasting has been decreed upon you, as what had been decreed upon those before yourselves so that you may be righteous (2:183). A specified number of days. So whoever has been sick among you, or on a journey, then a specified number from other days. And on those who can afford it would be a ransom of feeding a poor, but whoever has volunteered good, then it would be better for him. And that fasting is better for you, if you have done to know (2:184).
  • Note: Fasting has been decreed for us for a specified number of days accommodating options for it, while it is better for us if we can do it.

Quran has been sent down in Ramadan as guidance for mankind and statute book

  • Ramadan which is a month has been sent down in it the Quran as guidance for mankind and clear proofs of the guidance and the statute book. So, whoever has witnessed the month from you, then he shall fast in it and whoever has been sick or on a journey, then a specified number from other days. God does intend the ease for you and He does not intend the hardship for you, and that you may complete the specified number; and that you may glorify God through which He has guided you, and that you may appreciate (2:185).
  • Note: God has inspired the whole Quran in the ultimate point into the heart of Muhammad (53:10) in the month of Ramadan as guidance for the people and the statute book and has ordered them to fast in the month to appreciate Him to guide them with it, while we may reflect that the sending down of the Quran took place in 2 different methods: (1) the whole Quran was placed into the prophet’s soul on the night of 27th of Ramadan (97:1) in 13 B.H (609 A.D) and (2) the Holy Spirit (Gabriel) came down with Quran piece by piece to gradually release it from prophet’s soul to his memory (heart) to read it to the people over the period of time (17:106).

God responds our call if we call Him through which He has guided us

  • And when has asked you My servants about Me, then indeed, I am near. I respond to an invocation of the supplicant when you shall call Me. So, they should respond to Me and should believe in Me so that they may guide (2:186).
  • Note: In this verse there is no reference of Ramadan fasting but there is a reference to the last phrase of the above verse (2:185) to glorify God through which He has guided us to appreciate Him. Thus, He has sent down the Quran as guidance for mankind, and if we glorify Him through Quran to appreciate Him, He will respond our call, and He wants the believers to do that to be guided.

Approaching to wives has been permitted in the nights of fasting

  • Permitted for you is the approach to your wives at nights of the fasting. They are garments for you and you are garments for them. God knows that you had done to deceive yourselves, so, He has turned to you and has pardoned from you. So, now you shall have relation with them and shall seek what God has prescribed for you. You shall eat and drink until the white thread becomes distinct to you from the black thread at the dawn. Then, you shall complete the fasting till the night. And do not have relation with them, while you are secluded ones in the masjids. That is of God’s limits, so, do not approach it. Thus that God makes clear His revelations for the people so that they may be righteous (2:187).
  • Note: Sexual relation has been permitted in the nights of fasting, which was prohibited in the past except for those who are secluded in the masjids for studying of the Quran and meditation with it.

Consuming people’s wealth by unfair means is a sin

  • And you do not consume your properties between yourselves with the falsehood, and you may present of it to the authorities that you may consume a portion of the people’s wealth with the sin while you know (2:188).
  • Note: It is a crime to consume other people’s properties fraudulently or to bribe officials to have a favor to possess other’s wealth.

New moons are timing indicators

  • They ask you about the new moons. Say, “They are timing indicators for the people and the Hajj.” And it has not been the righteousness with that you come to the houses from their backs, but the righteousness is whoever has feared (God). And you shall come to the houses from their doors so that you may succeed (2:189).
  • Note: It is righteousness to enter the house through the front doors but not to enter the house through the back doors.

Fighting is decreed in God’s path

  • And you shall fight in God’s path those who fight you, but do not transgress. Indeed, God does not love the transgressors (2:190). And you shall kill them wherever you have found them and shall drive them out from wherever they have driven you out, while the oppression is worse than the killing. Do not fight them near the Sacred Masjid, unless they fight you in it. So, if they have fought you, then you shall kill them. Thus that is a reward of the disbelievers (2:191). Then if they have ceased, then indeed, God is Forgiving, Merciful (2:192). And you shall fight them until there is oppression, and the religion would be for God. But if they have ceased, then there is no hostility except against the wrongdoers (2:193). The sacred month is the sacred month and all the violations are subject to equivalent retribution. So, whoever has transgressed upon you, then you shall transgress upon him in the same manner as he had transgressed upon you. And you shall fear God and shall know that God is with the righteous (2:194).
  • Note: Fighting is decreed for the believers until elimination of oppression and establishment of religion for God, but there is no fighting in the sacred months except the equivalent retribution, and the sacred months are those when the people come from different parts of the world to observe Hajj and `Umrah to the Sacred Masjid.

God is with the good-doers

  • And you shall spend in God’s path, and do not throw yourselves into the destruction with your hands. And you shall do good; indeed, God is with the good-doers (2:195).
  • Note: God is with the good-doers and the good-doers are those who spend in God’s path and do good.

Commandment of Hajj, `Umrah and animal sacrifice

  • You shall fulfill the Hajj and the `Umrah for God. But if you have been held back, then (offering of) whatever has been available from the animal to sacrifice; and do not shave your heads until reaches the offering to its destination. But whoever has been ill among you, or with him there is an ailment of his head, then a ransom of fasting, or giving to poor, or any other way. But when you have been secure, then whoever has taken advantage of the `Umrah to the Hajj, then (offering of) whatever has been available from the animal to sacrifice. But whoever cannot find (it), then fasting of 3 days during the Hajj and 7 when you have returned (home). That is 10 in all. That is for whoever, his family would not be near the Sacred Masjid. And you shall fear God and shall know that God is severe in the retribution (2:196). The Hajj is in well-known months. So, whoever has decided the Hajj in them, then there is no sexual relations, nor misconduct, nor arguments throughout the Hajj. And whatever you do from good, God knows it. And you shall take provision, then indeed, the best provision is the righteousness. And you shall fear Me, O possessors of the understanding (2:197). It has not been upon you any sin that you seek bounty from your Lord. Then when you have departed from `Arafat, then you shall remember God near the Sacred Monument (Muzdalifah) as that He has guided you, even though you had been before of it, surely among the strayers (2:198). Then you shall depart from wherever has departed the people and shall ask God’s forgiveness; indeed, God is Forgiving, Merciful (2:199). Then when you have fulfilled your rites, then you shall remember God as remembering of your forefathers, or greater remembrance. Then whoever from the people says, “Our Lord, give us in the world,” while there is no share for him in the Hereafter (2:200). And from them whoever says, “Our Lord, give us goodness in the world, and goodness in the Hereafter, and save us from a punishment of the Fire.” (2:201). Those – for them there is a share from what they have earned, and God is swift in the reckoning (2:202). And you shall remember God in a specified days (in Mina); then whoever has hastened in two days, then there is no sin upon him, and whoever has delayed, then there is no sin upon him for whoever has feared (God). And you shall fear God and shall know that you will be gathered to Him (2:203).
  • Note: The believers shall fulfill Hajj and `Umrah for God to the Sacred Masjid in the sacred months abstaining from sexual relations, misconduct and argument with offering the animal which has been available, but whoever cannot afford it, then 3 days fasting during Hajj and 7 days after returning homes. The pilgrims will visit `Arafat and Muzdalifah and stay at Mina for a number of days for remembering God. Upon fulfilling Hajj, the people shall remember God as they can remember their forefathers, and shall ask God for righteousness in the world as well as in the Hereafter.

The life of the world for disbelievers while the Hereafter for believers

  • And among the people there is whoever may please you with his speech about the life of the world, even he may call to witness God on what is in his heart, while he is the worst of the opponents (2:204). And when he has turned away, he has strived in the earth to spread corruption in it and destroys the crops and the lives, while God does not love the corruption (2:205). And when it has been told to him, “You shall fear God,” the arrogance has taken him to the sin. Then his sufficiency is Hell, and surely, it has been evil the resting place (2:206). And among the people there is whoever sells himself seeking God’s pleasure, while God is Kind with the servants (2:207). O you who have believed, you shall enter into total submission, and do not follow the footsteps of the Satan; indeed, he is for you an open enemy (2:208). So, if you had slipped after what has come to you the clear proofs, then you shall know that God is Almighty, Wise (2:209). Are they waiting except that God will come to them in the dense clouds, and the angels? While all matter has been decided, and to God all the matters to be returned (2:110). You shall ask Children of Israel how many of the clear signs we had given them? And whoever changes God’s favor after what has come to him, then indeed, God is severe in the retribution (2:211). The life of the world has been adorned for those who have disbelieved, and they ridicule of those who have believed, while those who have feared (God), will be of their above on a day of the Resurrection. And God provides whomever He wills without reckoning (2:212).
  • Note: Those who do not fear God are arrogant and spread corruption in the earth and their resting place is Hell, but those who fear God seek His pleasure and God is kind with His servants. Thus, the believers shall embrace total Islam, and will not follow the footsteps of the Satan, an open enemy of mankind, while those who have failed to reflect to the clear proofs have come to them from God expect that God Himself may come down with the angels to make them believers but when it will happen all matter will be resolved.

Prophets are given scripture to judge disputes between people

  • Mankind had been a single community as God has raised up (from them) the prophets as bearers of good news and warners and has sent down with them the scripture with the truth to judge between the people in what they had differed in it. And none had differed in it except those who had been given it after what had come to them the clear proofs out of jealousy between themselves. Then God has guided those who have believed that which they had differed in it of the truth with His permission. And God guides whoever He wills to a straight path (2:213).
  • Note: Prophets are given scripture and wisdom to resolve any dispute between people, and the scripture comes with the truth, which God has sent down to guide people to the straight path.

Paradise cannot be achieved without hardship

  • Or have you thought that you will enter the Paradise, while will not come to you like those who have passed away before yourselves? The adversity and the hardship had touched them, and they had been shaken until says the messenger and those who had believed with him, “When is God’s help?” No doubt! Indeed, God’s help is near (2:214).
  • Note: Those who expect to be in the Paradise must make efforts to achieve it.

Recipients of Zakat

  • They ask you (Muhammad) what they should spend. Say, “Whatever of good you would have spent is for the parents, and the relatives, and the orphans, and the poor, and the wayfarer.” And what of good you do, then indeed, God is Knower of it (2:215).
  • Note: The believers shall spend a portion of their provision given by God, and they shall spend it for the parents, the relatives, the orphans, the poor and the wayfarer.

Fighting is decreed for the believers to strive in a way of God

  • The fighting has been decreed for you while it may be hatred to you. And it may have been that you dislike a thing while it is good for you, and it may have been that you love a thing while it is bad for you. And God knows while you do not know (2:216). They ask you about the Sacred Month whether there is fighting in it. Say, “Fighting in it is a great (sin), and hindering (people) from God’s path, and disbelief in Him and the Sacred Masjid, and driving out its people from it are greater (sin) near God, while the oppression is greater (sin) than the killing.” They will not cease to fight you until they can turn you away from your religion, if they have been able. And whoever of you turns away from his religion, then he dies and he is a disbeliever, then those, has nullified their deeds in the world and the Hereafter. And those, they are companions of the Fire – they will be dwellers in it forever (2:217). Indeed, those who have believed, and those who have emigrated and have strived in a way of God, those – they hope for God’s mercy. And God is Forgiving, Merciful (2:218).
  • Note: Fighting has been decreed for the believers for their good as the disbelievers fight them to turn them away from their religion, but there is no fighting in the sacred months knowing that the oppression is greater sin than the killing.

God makes clear about intoxicant, gambling, spending and orphan

  • They ask you (Muhammad) about the intoxicant and the game of chance. Say, “In both of them there is a gross sin, while there may have benefits for the people, but sin from both of them is greater than their benefits.” And they ask you what they should spend. Say, “The excess.” Thus that God makes clear the revelations for you so that you may think (2:219), about the world and the Hereafter. And they ask you about the orphans. Say, “Settling for them is the best. And if you join them, then they are your brothers,” while God knows the corruptor from the reformer. And if God had willed, surely, He would have put you in difficulties. Indeed, God is Almighty, Wise (2:220).
  • Note: Intoxicant and gambling are gross sin for the believers, even there may have certain benefits. From them. The believers shall spend from their excess, and settling the orphans is the best thing for them.

The believers shall not marry the idol worshipers

  • And do not marry the idolatresses unless they believe. And a believing slave woman is better than an idolatress, even if she has pleased you. And do not get in marriage to the idolaters, unless they believe. And surely, a believing slave man is better than an idolater, even if he has pleased you. Those – they invite to the Fire, while God invites to the Paradise and the forgiveness by His permission. And He makes clear His revelations for the people so that they may take heed (2:221).
  • Note: The believing men shall not marry the idol worshiping women and the believing women shall not get married to the idol worshiping men, even they please them; if they do they invite to the Fire.

Sexual relations are forbidden with the menstruating women

  • And they ask you about the menstruation. Say, “It is a disease, so you shall keep away from the women during the menstruation, and do not approach them until they get rid of. So, when they have got rid of, then you shall come to them as God has ordered you. Indeed, God loves the repenters and loves the purified ones.” (2:222). Your women are tilth for you, so you shall come to your tilth when you have willed and shall send forth good for yourselves. And you shall fear God and shall know that you will meet Him. And you shall give good news to the believers (2:223).
  • Note: The men shall not approach the menstruating women until they get rid of it, but the menstruating women cannot observe any religious activities is a misconception.

God does not accept oath mentioning Him in our utterance

  • And do not mention God as an excuse for your oaths that you do good, and be righteous, and make peace between the people. And God is Hearer, Knower (2:224). God does not take you into account for the utterance in your oaths, but He takes you into account for what has earned your hearts. And God is Forgiving, Forbearing (2:225).
  • Note: God does not bring into account of our mere utterance but He does it what is in our hearts.

Laws around divorce, remarriage and dowry

  • For those who intend separation from their wives there is waiting for four months, but if they return, then indeed, God is Forgiving, Merciful (2:226). And if they have decided the divorce, then indeed, God is Hearer, Knower (2:227). The divorced women shall wait three menstruation periods for themselves. And it is not lawful for them that they conceal what God has created in their wombs, if they believe in God and the Last Day. And their husbands have right for their back in that (pregnancy) if they wish for reconciliation. And for them there is like that the right on them, while for the men there is a decree on them. And God is Almighty, Wise (2:228).
  • Note: The men shall divorce the women when they have fulfilled their waiting period, which is 4 months, while the divorced women shall wait 3 menstrual cycles before getting married to another husband.

  • The divorce is permitted twice. Then either retaining in an amicable manner, or releasing with kindness. And it is not lawful for you (husbands) to take back anything from what you have given them (wives) anything except that they both fear that they cannot keep God’s limits. But if you have feared that they cannot keep God’s limits, then indeed, there is no sin on both of them in what she has ransomed of it. That is of God’s limits you do not transgress it, while whoever transgresses God’s limits, then those – they are the wrongdoers (2:229). So if he has divorced her (third time), then she is not lawful for him after (third time), until she marries a spouse other than him (ex-husband). So, if he (second husband) divorces her, then there is no sin on them that they return to one another if they have believed that they can keep God’s limits. That is of God’s limits; He makes it clear for a people who know (2:230).
  • Note: The divorced wife is lawful for her ex-husband for two times if they wish to get back to each other in the fair manner, but the third time she is not lawful for him except she marries another husband and he has divorced her.

  • And when you have divorced the women while they have reached their term, then you shall either retain them in a fair manner or shall release them in a fair manner. And you do not retain them to hurt that you can transgress, and whoever does that, then indeed, he has wronged to his soul.  And you do not take God’s revelation in mockery and shall remember God’s favors upon you and what He has sent down to you from the scripture and the wisdom to instruct you with it. And you shall fear God and shall know that God is Knower of everything (2:231). And when you have divorced the women, as they have fulfilled their interim, then do not prevent them (wives) that they marry their husbands when they have agreed between themselves in the fair manner. That is admonished with it whoever has been among you  believes in God and the Last Day. That is better for you and purer, while God knows and you do not know (2:232).
  • Note: You shall divorce the women when they have fulfilled their term, and when you have divorced the women, then do not prevent them if they want to marry their husbands when they have agreed between themselves in the fair manner.

  • The mothers shall suckle their children for two full years for whoever has wished to fulfill the suckling. And upon the father for him is their provision and their clothing in the fair manner. No soul is burdened beyond its capacity. Neither mother because of her child is made to suffer, nor father because of his child. And upon the heir is like that. But if they both have desired weaning from mutual consent of them and consultation, then there is sin on them. And if you have intended to hire nursing mothers to suckle your child, then there is no sin upon you when what you have paid you have given in the fair manner. And you shall fear God and shall know that God is Seer of what you do (2:233).
  • Note: The divorced mother can suckle their baby for two full years having provision and clothing from their ex-husbands and there is no sin upon them if they have mutually decided to have nursing mother who has been paid in the fair manner.

  • And those who are passed away and leave behind wives, should wait for themselves four months and ten days. So when they have fulfilled their term, then there is no sin upon you in which they do about themselves in the fair manner. And God is Cognizant of what you do (2:234).
  • Note: The widows shall wait fulfill their term, which is 4 months 10 days before getting married to another husband.

  • And there is no sin upon you by which you mention with it of a marriage to the women, or you have concealed in yourselves, God has known that you will mention them, but do not promise them in secret, except that you say a word. And do not resolve on bow of the marriage until the prescribed term reaches its end. And you shall know that God knows what is in yourselves, so you shall be aware of Him. And you shall know that God is Forgiving, Forbearing (2:235).
  • Note: There is no sin for you to indicate your intention to a woman to marry her, but do not promise in secret except the truth and the marriage shall not be held until the prescribed term has ended.

  • There is no sin upon you if you have divorced the women whom you do not touch, or settle dowry for them. And you shall provide for them – upon the wealthy according to his means and upon the poor according to his means is a provision in the fair manner, a duty upon the good-doers (2:236). And if you have divorced them before you touch them, and certainly you have settled dowry for them, then a half of what you have settled dowry unless that they forgo or forgoes the one in whose hands is vow of the marriage, and that you forgo is near to the righteousness, while do not forget the graciousness between yourselves. Indeed, God is Seer of what you do (2:237).
  • Note: When you have divorced the women you have not touched her and have not settled dowry for her, then you shall provide for her in the fair manner, while when you have divorced the women you have not touched and have settled dowry for her, then a half of what you have settled dowry for her unless she forgoes it accepting it a part of righteous deeds.

To establish the salat prayer for God being obedient to Him

  • You shall be consistent on the salat prayers, including the middle prayer, and shall establish for God being obedient (2:238). So, if you have feared (God), then (you shall pray) on walking or riding. But when you have been secure, then you shall remember God as that He has taught you what you would not be knowing (2:239).
  • Note: The believers shall establish the salat prayer for remembering God being obedient to Him as He has taught them under all circumstances eliminating the concept of making up a missed prayer including what are recited in the prayer for God’s blessing of other people or asking for provision.

God has established right for widows and divorcees

  • Those who are put to death and leave behind wives, there should have a will of provision for their wives for the year without driving out (them from their houses), but if they leave (at their will), then there is no sin upon you in what they have done to be good about themselves. And God is Almighty, Wise (2:240). And for the divorced women there shall be a provision in the fair manner is a duty upon the righteous (2:241). Thus that God makes clear His revelations for you so that you may reflect (2:242).
  • Note: There should have a will for the widows for the year for provision without driving out them from the houses, and the divorced women shall be given a provision in the fair manner, which is a duty for the believers.

To learn from the past to be appreciative to God

  • Did you see to those who had left from their homes in fearing of the death, even they were thousands? So, God said to them, “You shall die,” then He had restored them to life. Indeed, God is surely possessor of bounty for the people, but most of the people do not appreciate (2:243).
  • Note: It is better for us to appreciate God instead of fleeing to escape death that we cannot.

Fighting in the God’s path is a best investment for better return

  • And you shall fight in God’s path and shall know that God is Hearer, Knower (2:244). Whoever loans God a good loan, then He multiplies it for him many manifolds? And God withholds and provides enough, and to Him you will be returned (2:245).
  • Note: We can loan God a good loan fighting in the cause of God to get its return in manifolds.

Saul as a king to the children of Israel

  • Did you see to the leaders of Children of Israel after Moses? They said to a prophet to them, “Appoint a king for us, we will fight in a way of God.” He said, “Would you have done if the fighting had been decreed upon you that you would not fight?” They said, “And what is for us that we would not fight in a path of God, when certainly, we have been driven from our homes and our children?” Then when the fighting had been decreed upon them, they had turned away except a few from them, and God is Knower of the wrongdoers (2:246). And their prophet said to them, “Indeed, God has certainly raised Talut (Saul) as a king for you.” They said, “How would be the kingship for him over us, while we are more deserving of the kingship than him, and he is not given abundance of the wealth?” He said, “Indeed, God has chosen him over you and has increased him with abundance in the knowledge and the physique,” and God gives His kingship to whomever He wills. And God is Encompassing all, Knower (2:247). Their prophet said to them, “Indeed, a sign of his kingship is that the ark will come to you in it there will be a tranquility from your Lord, and a legacy of what has left a family of Moses and a family of Aaron, carrying it by the angels. Indeed, in that there is surely a sign for you, if you have been believers.” (2:248)
  • Note: When Saul was appointed as a king for the children of Israel they were reluctant to accept him, even there was a sign from God to be a king.

  • Then when Talut set out with the troops, he said, “Indeed, God is testing you with a river, so whoever has drunk from it, then he has not been from me, and whoever does not taste it, then indeed, he is from me, except whoever has taken a slip with his hand,” They had drunk from it, except a few from them. Then when he had crossed it, he and those who had believed with him said, “There is no strength for us today against Jalut (Goliath) and his troops.” Said those who ascertain that they will be meeting God, “Many of a small army had defeated a large army by God’s permission , and God is with the patient (2:249).” And when they had come forth to Jalut and his troops said, “Our Lord, shower upon us patience, and make firm our foothold, and help us against the disbelieving people (2:250).” So, they had defeated them by permission of God, and David had killed Jalut, and God had given him the kingdom and the wisdom and had taught him that what He willed. And if it were not repelling by God the people of them over other, surely, the earth would have corrupted, but God is Possessor of bounty upon a people of the world (2:251). That is of God’s revelations, we recite them to you (Muhammad) with the truth. Indeed, you are surely, one of the sent ones (2:252).
  • Note: Talut and his troops had fought against Jalut and his troops and defeated them by God’s permission, while David killed Jalut, later he was made king and was taught what God had willed. What has been mentioned in the above verses about the kingship of Talut and the war with Jalut and killing of Jalut are truth from God.

  • That is of the messengers, we had preferred of them over other. Of them there was whomever God had spoken to and He had raised of them in ranks. And we had given Jesus, son of Mary the clear proofs and had supported him with the Holy Spirit. And if God had willed, there would not have fought of those who were after of them after what had come to them the clear proofs; but they had differed that of them there was whoever had believed and of them there was whoever had disbelieved. And if God had willed, they would not have fought, but God does whatever He wills (2:253).
  • Note: There is preference among the messengers sent to the children of Israel mentioning that God talked to Moses, while He supported Jesus, son of Mary with the profound miracles and the Holy Spirit. Even though God sent the clear proofs to the children of Israel  but they had differed, and there were believers as well as disbelievers among them, and if God had willed, they would not have fought each other.

There is no intercession on a day of the Judgment

  • you who have believed, you shall spend from what we have provided you before that a day comes there is no trade in it, nor is there any friendship, nor is there any intercession, and the disbelievers – they are the wrongdoers (2:254). God: there is no god except He – the Living, the Eternal. Neither slumber nor sleep overtakes Him. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth. Is there anyone who can intercede with Him except of His permission? He knows what is before (past) of them and what is behind (future) of them. And they cannot encompass with anything of His knowledge except of what He has willed. He has extended His Throne to the heavens and the earth, and it does not tire Him in taking care of both of them, and He is the High, the Great (2:255).
  • Note: God has let us know that there is no intercession on a day of the Judgment, neither for the believers, nor for the disbelievers as He knows their past and their future, while there is a myth around us that Muhammad will intercede for those who claim them Muslims and Jesus will intercede for those who have turned them to Christians.

Religion is given to bring the believers from the darkness to the light

  • There is no compulsion in the religion. Certainly, there has become distinct the right from the wrong. So, whoever disbelieves in the false deities and believes in God, then certainly, he has grasped with the strongest handhold, there is no breaking of it. And God is Hearer, Knower (2:256). God is Protector of those who have believed. He brings them out from the darkness to the light. And those who have disbelieved, their protectors are the evil ones, they bring them out of the light to the darkness. Those are companions of the Fire, they will be dwellers in it forever (2:257).
  • Note: God has given religion making distinct the right path from the wrong to bring the believers from the darkness to the light and the disbelievers to bring out them from the light to the darkness. Thus, religion is the strongest handhold of the believers to be in the light, while the disbelievers will bring out from the light to the darkness to be the dwellers of the Fire.

Debate of Abraham with the king when the king became stunt

  • Did you not see to one who had argued with Abraham about his Lord that God had given him the kingdom? When Abraham said, “My Lord is One who grants life and causes death.” He (the king) said, “I grant life and causes death.” Abraham said, “So, indeed, God brings the sun from the east, then bring it from the west.” So, one who had disbelieved had been stumped. And God does not guide the people who are the wrongdoers (2:258).

Here is an example that God is powerful over everything

  • Or like the one who had passed by a town, and it had been an overturned over upside down. He said, “How would God bring life this after its death?” Then God had caused him death for a hundred years, then He had raised him. He said, “How long have you stayed?” He said, “I have stayed a day, or a part of a day.” He said, “Nay, You have stayed for a hundred years. Then look at your food and your drink did not change with time, and look at your donkey, and that we will make you a sign for the people. And look at the bones how we make them, then we cover them with flesh.” Then when he had become clear for him, he said, “I know that God has power over everything (2:259).”

Abraham had reassured his heart about the resurrection

  • And when Abraham said, “My Lord, show me how You give life to the dead.” He said, “Do you not believe?” He said, “Yes, but to satisfy my heart.” He said, “So, take four of the birds, then incline them towards you, then place a piece from them on each hill, then call them, they will come to you in hurry, and you shall know that God is Almighty, Wise (2:260).”
  • Note: Abraham has reassured his heart about the resurrection. So, we should reassure our hearts about what we believe and practice, and God has given us ways to do that as He has informed us that deaf, dumb and blind cannot return.

Spending our wealth in the God’s path

  • An example of those who spend their wealth in a path of God is like an example of a grain which produces seven spikes, in each spike there is a hundred grain. And God multiplies for whomever He wills. And God is Encompassing all, Knower (2:261). Those who spend their wealth in God’s path, then they do not follow as favor what they have spent nor insult, for them their reward is with their Lord, and there is no fear for them, nor will they grieve (2:262). A kind word and forgiveness are better than a charity follows it an insult. And God is Rich, Forbearing (2:263). O you who have believed, do not nullify your charities with the favor and the insult, like the one who spends his wealth for showing off of the people, while he does not believe in God and the Last Day. So, his example is like an example of a rock upon it is dust, then has fallen on it heavy rain, so has left it bare. They do not control anything of what they have earned, and God does not guide the disbelieving people (2:264). And an example of those who spend their wealth seeking God’s pleasure and ascertaining from their souls, is like an example of a garden on a height has fallen heavy rain, so, it has yielded its harvest double, even if it does not fall heavy rain, then a drizzle does. And God is Seer of what you do (2:265). Does any of you love that there would be a garden of palm trees and grapes for him flowing the rivers of its underneath, for him in it there are all kinds of fruits, and has stroked him the old age, and for him there are weak children, then has fallen on it the whirlwind, in it there is fire, then it has burnt? Thus that God makes clear the revelations for you so that you may reflect (2:266). O you who have believed, you shall spend from good things what you have earned and from what we have produced for you from the earth. And do not aim at the bad from it you would spend, while you would not have taken of it except that you close eyes about it. And shall know that God is Rich, Praiseworthy (2:267). The Satan promises you the poverty and commands you to the immorality, while God promises you forgiveness from Him and bounty. And God is Encompassing all, Knower (2:268). He grants the wisdom to whomever He wills, and whoever is granted the wisdom, then certainly, he has been granted adequate good. And none remembers except possessors of the understanding (2:269). And whatever you spend from expenditure, or you have vowed from vow, then indeed, God knows it, and for the wrongdoers there are no helpers (2:270). If you declare the charities, then it is good, while if you keep it secret and give it to the poor, then it is better for you, and He will remove from you of your evil deeds. And God is Cognizant of what you do (2:271).
  • Note: God has encouraged us to spend from our  provision given by Him as much as we can, and if we spend in proper way as He has directed us, it will increase 700 times with Him but if we spend it as favor and insult, He will nullify our charities, and it is good if we declare our charities but it is better it we keep it secret and give it to the poor.

  • It has not been on you (Muhammad) of their guidance, but God guides whomever He wills. And whatever of good you spend, then it is for yourselves, and do not spend except seeking for God’s pleasure, and whatever of good you spend will be repaid in full to you and you will not be wronged (2:272). (whatever of good you spend) For the poor those who have been wrapped up in a path of God, and they do not be able to setting out in the land. The ignorant one may think them rich from the restraint; you may recognize them by their sign, they do not ask from the people with importunity. And whatever of good you spend, then indeed, God is Knower of it (2:273). Those who spend their wealth at the night and the day in secret and public, then for them there is their reward with their Lord, and there is no fear for them, nor will they grieve (2:274).
  • Note: Whoever spends seeking for God’s pleasure, then it is for himself and will be repaid to him in full. It can be done at the night and the day as well as in secret and public.

Usury is prohibited

  • Those who consume the usury do not stand except like that the one who stands confounding him with the touch of the Satan. That is of that they say, “The trade is only like the usury,” while God has permitted the trade and has forbidden the usury. So, whomever has come to him admonition from his Lord, then he has refrained (from the usury), then for him what has passed, and his matter is with God, while whoever has repeated (it), then those are companions of the Fire, they will be dwellers in it forever (2:275). God wipes out the usury and increases the charities, and God does not like a disbeliever sinner (2:276).
  • Note: Usury is not commerce and God wipes out usury but increases charities. Those who consume usury are allies of the Satan and they will be dwellers in Hell forever.

Reward for the righteous from God

  • Those who have believed and have done the righteous deeds, and have established the salat prayer, and have given the zakat, for them there is their reward with their Lord, while there is no fear for them, nor will they grieve (2:277).
  • Note: God has assured reward for those who have believed and have done the righteous deeds as well as have established the salat prayer and have given zakat.

Usury is a gross sin

  • you who have believed, you shall fear God and shall give up what has remained from the usury, if you have been believers (2:278). And when you do not do, then you shall inform of a war from God and His messenger, and if you have repented, then for you are backs of your capitals; do not wrong, nor will you be wronged (2:279). And if the debtor has been in hardship, then postponement until ease time, and if you remit as charity, it would be better for you, if you have done to know (2:280). And you shall fear a day you will be brought back to God, then every soul will be paid in full what it had earned, and they will not be wronged (2:281).
  • Note: Those who have consumed usury should stop it being it a gross sin and should repent for their wrong doing knowing that a day they will be brought back to God.

Writing down of financial transaction

  • O you who have believed, when you have contracted one another of any debt for a fixed period, then you shall write it and a scribe shall write between of you with the justice. And a scribe should not refuse that he writes like that God has taught him. So he shall write and the one on whom is the right shall dictate. And he shall fear God, his Lord and will not diminish anything from it. Then if the one on him is the right of a limited knowledge, or weak, or he is not able to dictate, then his guardian shall dictate with the justice, and shall call for two witnesses from your men, then if there are not two men, then one man and two women you agree of the witnesses that she errs of the two, the other one of the two will remind. And the witnesses should not refuse when that they have been called. And you do not be weary whether you write it a small or a large for its term. That is more just with God and more straight for the evidence and nearer that you do not have doubt except that a transaction be present, you carry out among yourselves, then it has not been any sin upon you that you do not write. And you shall have witness when you have made an commercial transaction. A scribe should not be harmed, nor a witness, and if you do, then indeed, it is a sinful conduct for you, and you shall fear God. And God teaches you and God is Knower of everything (2:282). And if you have been on a journey and you do not find a scribe, then there should be pledges with collateral. Then if it has trusted yourselves to other, then let discharge his trust of the one who has been trusted, and let him fear God his Lord. And do not conceal the testimony, and whoever conceals it, then indeed, he is a sinful at his heart. And God is Knower of what you do (2:283).
  • Note: Any financial transaction between the believers shall be written down with details of the term having two witnesses from the men or one witness from the men and two witnesses from the women, and the witnesses must testify when required and shall not conceal anything, but if they are on the journey, they can make transaction with collateral being trustworthy.

God has power over everything

  • To God belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth. And if you declare what is in yourselves (your hearts or thoughts), or you conceal it, God will call you to account for it. So, He forgives for whomever He wills, and He punishes whomever He wills. And God has power over everything (2:284).
  • Note: God is not only Creator of the heavens and the earth, but He knows what is in our hearts and will bring it into our account.

The believers must believe what has been sent down to them

  • The messenger has believed in what has been sent down to him from his Lord and (so has done) the believers. All has believed in God, and His angels, and His scriptures, and His messengers – we do not make distinction between anyone of His messengers; and they said, “We have heard and we have obeyed, grant us Your forgiveness our Lord, and to You is the return.” (2:285).
  • Note: The believers must believe as they should believe making no distinction between any of God’s messengers and shall ask His forgiveness knowing  their return to Him.

God has made us responsible for our own achievements

  • God does not burden any soul beyond its capacity; for it what it has earned, and against it what it has earned. “Our Lord, do not bring us into account if we have forgot or we have erred. Our Lord, and do not place a burden upon us like what You have placed it on those who were before ourselves. Our Lord, do not place on us that for us no strength (to bear) with it. Our Lord, pardon from us, and forgive for us, and have mercy on us. You are our Protector, so, help us against the disbelieving people (2:286).”
  • Note: God has not placed any burden on us, while we should implore Him so that we can earn what we need to be winners in the Hereafter, even being surrounded by the disbelievers.

Surah al-Baqarah (Surah 2: The Heifer) is the longest surah in the Quran consisting of 286 verses. Its review confirms that God has given us both specific words and words of guidance as promised at the time of the descent of our parents from the Paradise to the earth that those who will follow His guidance will return to their Lord and the disbelievers and the hypocrites will not be able to return to their Lord because of their evil behavior, while the Satan on the earth is our great enemy will make his utmost efforts to prevent us from successful return to our Lord.

The surah details out the history of the Children of Israel that they had disobeyed God despite many favors upon them, and if they had repented to their Creator, He would have turned to them as He is the Redeemer and the Merciful, while the history is repeated for those who have believed in the Quran, and there is no good news for them either if they can reflect.

It also details out the dispute between the believers and the people of the scripture, while the Quran is a good news and a warner being a true guidance from God and those who have believed in it and have followed it, they have nothing to fear nor will they grieve. God’s religion is monotheism and its practices were first given to Abraham, while there is no help from another soul, nor is there any compensation, nor is there any intercession on a day of the Judgment.

God has detailed out many crucial commands in it, but if we can reflect to the following for our successful return to the Hereafter: (1) God has given us the Quran as a guidance and the statute book, (2) He wants us to call Him with which He has guided us to respond our call, (3) He has cursed those who have concealed the truth in the scripture, and they will be in Hell, while their punishment in it will not be lightened, nor will they be reprieved except those who have repented, reformed and declared the truth, while it is unfortunate to mention that the Jewish, the Christians, the traditional Muslims, even the progressive Muslims called themselves submitters have failed to declare the truth in the scripture, (4) He has cited an example with those who do not follow what has been revealed in the scripture, instead they follow the traditions being the footsteps of their forefathers, they just shout but not hear being their calls and cries as deaf, dumb and blind without understanding, (5) He will show their deeds as regrets who have worshiped other than Him on a day of the Judgment, while the followers would wish to return to the earth to worship One god but there is no exit for them from the Hell, (6) mentioning laws about divorce, remarrying the ex-wives, settlement of dowry and giving provision to the divorced women that we can reflect, (7) to be appreciative to God learning from the past, (8) fighting in the cause of God is a best investment for reward from God, (9) there is no intercession on a day of Judgment, (10) religion brings the believers from the darkness to the light, (11) spending in the God’s path increases our wealth 700 times at God, (12) usury is a gross sin, (13) God is powerful over all things, (14) believing in what God has sent down is a part of our core belief and what we do we do for our own gain or loss and (15) there is also opportunity for us to reflect to avoid many misconceptions around us if we can take God’s revelation seriously, and (16) the scripture is a source of knowledge to judge disputes between people, which guides to the straight path.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (03/17/2022).