
Surah al-A`raaf (Surah 7: Revelation Order 39)

Oath of God

  • (By) Alif.Laam.Meem.Saad (7:1).
  • Note: This is an oath of God referring to a set of Quranic initial consisting of 4 Arabic letters Alif, Laam, Meem and Saad. In addition, the total count of this set of initial in the Arabic text of the surah is a multiple of 19 => 5301 (19x279) shown in the table below, which is a factual that the Quran is from God to eliminate any doubt from our hearts:

    Note: The updated count of Quranic initials, Alif.Laam.Meem.Saad obtained from

A scripture is given to Muhammad to warn the believers with it

  • A scripture has been sent down to you (Muhammad) that there would be no discomfort in your heart from it, that you may warn with it, and there is a reminder (in it) for the believers (7:2). You (believers) shall follow what has been sent down to you from your Lord, and you (believers) do not follow any protectors other than Him. Little is what you (believers) reflect (7:3).
  • Note: By taking oath referring to a set of Quranic initials, Alif.Laam.Meem.Saad God affirms that a scripture has been sent down to Muhammad that he may warn people with it in which there is reminder for the believers to be a hint of Quran’s mathematical coding. Thus, God has commanded His prophet and the believers to follow what has been sent down to them to stay with their Lord instead of following any allies but very few make reflection to it, while a vast majority of the believers down the generations follow the so called hadith and sunnah invented by the corruptors of God’s religion disregarding God’s commandment in which there should not have any doubt.

Destruction and punishment of the wrongdoers

  • And how many of a town we have destroyed it as there had come to it our punishment by night or they were resting (7:4)? Then it has not been their plea when there had come to them our punishment except that they said: “Indeed, we have been wrongdoers.” (7:5). Then surely, we will question those to whom has been sent to them, and surely, we will question the sent ones (7:6). Then surely, we will narrate to them with knowledge, and we have not been absent (7:7).
  • Note: Those who had been punished for their wrongdoing would know from their Lord at their meeting.

A day our destination will be determined by weighing in scales

  • The weighing that day is the truth. So whoever has been his scales heavy, then those – they are the successful ones (7:8). And whoever has been his scales light, then those – they have lost their souls, for what they have done to wrong with our revelations (7:9). And certainly, we have established you in the earth, and we have made livelihood for you in it. Little is what you appreciate (7:10).
  • Note: God has confirmed that there will be weighing on a day we meet Him and the scales will be established to determine our destination. Those who have their scales are heavy will be the winners and those who have their scales light will be the losers while the earth where we have been provided for our livelihood has been a place to appreciate Him.

Enmity between human and Satan initiated at the High Society

  • And certainly, we have created you, then we have shaped you, then we said to the angels, “Prostrate to Adam.” They had prostrated except Iblis; he was not with the prostrators (7:11). He said, “What has prevented you that you do not prostrate when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than him; You have created me from fire, and You have created him from clay.” (7:12). He said, “So, go down from here, is not for you that you would be arrogant in here. So, get out; indeed, you are with the disgraced ones.” (7:13). He said, “Give me a respite until a day they will be raised up.” (7:14). He said, “Indeed, you are with the respited ones.” (7:15). He said, “Since of that You have sent me astray; surely, I will sit in Your path, the straight for them (7:16). “Then surely, I will come to them from their before, and from their behind, and from their right, and from their left, and You will not find most of them grateful.” (7:17). He said, “Get out of here – disgraced, expelled. Surely, whoever has followed you among them; surely, I will fill Hell from you all (7:18).
  • Note: The Satan disobeyed God when he had refused to prostrate Adam being proud of himself made of the fire. He has not punished the Satan immediately but has been respited until a day of the Judgment, and the Satan promised to make ungrateful all the descendants of Adam while God had promised to fill Hell with the descendants of Adam who would follow him including the Satan.

Humans are down on earth being deceived by the Satan

  • “And O Adam, dwell – you and your wife in the Paradise, and eat both of you from wherever you wish, and you (both) do not approach this – the tree that you (both) would be with the wrongdoers.” (7:19). Then the Satan whispered to both of them to display for both of them what has been concealed of their shame from both of them. And he said, “Your Lord have not forbidden you both from this – the tree, except that you two become angels, or you two become among the everlasting.” (7:20). And he swore to both of them, “Indeed, I am to both of you surely, of the good advisors.” (7:21). Thus, he misled both of them by deception. Then when they both had tasted the tree, their shame became visible to both of them, and they both had begun to fasten over them from leaves of the Paradise. And their Lord called them both: “Did I not forbid you both from this – the tree, and say to you both that the Satan is an open enemy to you both?” (7:22). They both said, “Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves, and if You do not forgive for us and have mercy on us, surely, we will be with the losers.” (7:23). He said, “Go down as enemy one of you to another, and for you there will be a dwelling place and livelihood in the earth for a while.” (7:24). He said, “In it you will live and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought forth.” (7:25).
  • Note: Adam and his wife were allowed to live in the Paradise and to eat freely whatever they like except to get closer to a tree but the Satan deceived them and they both Adam and his wife had tasted from the tree and disobeyed God when their shame became visible to them. They had apologized to God for their wrongdoing but He sent them down to earth for their redemption where they will live and die, and will be resurrected.

The Satan will try utmost to make his allies from descendants of Adam

  • O children of Adam, we have sent down clothing for you to cover your shame and as adornment, while clothing of the righteousness – that is best. That is of God’s signs so that they may take heed (7:26). O children of Adam, do not let the Satan entice you as he had driven out your parents from the Paradise, removing their clothing from both of them that their shame was exposed to both of them. Indeed, he sees you – he and his tribe from wherever you do not see them. Indeed, we have made the Satan as allies of those who do not believe (7:27). And when they have done immorality, they said, “We have found our parents on it, and God has commanded us with it.” Say, “Indeed, God does not command of the immorality. Do you say about God what you do not know?” (7:28). Say, “My Lord has commanded with the justice, while you shall stand yourselves at every masjid and shall call Him being sincere to Him in the religion; as that He has created you to return.” (7:29). A group He has guided, while a group has justified the straying on them; indeed, they have taken the devils as allies other than God, and they think that they are guided ones (7:30). O children of Adam, you shall have your nice dress at every masjid, and shall eat and drink while you do not be extravagant. Indeed, He does not love the extravagant (7:31).
  • Note: God has warned all of us about the Satan and his tribe that they cannot deceive us again on earth  commanding us to do the immorality while those who do not believe in His revelations are allies of the Satan, and God has commanded us with the justice that we stand on every masjid having nice dress to call Him being sincere to His religion to be prevented from deceiving by the Satan and his tribe.  Thus, there is a God guided group while there is also a group on the stray, who has taken allies other than God.

God has permitted good while He has forbidden evil

  • Say, “Who has forbidden adornment from God which He has brought forth for His servants and the good for provision?” Say, “It is for those who have believed in the life of the world, is exclusive on a day of the Resurrection.” Thus that we explain the revelations for a people who know (7:32). Say, “My Lord has only forbidden the evil deeds, what is apparent of it and what is concealed, and the sin, and the aggression without the justice, and that you associate with God what He does not sent down any authority with it, and that you say about God what you do not know.” (7:33). And for each community there is a term. So when there has come their term, they cannot seek to delay an hour, nor can they seek to advance (7:34).
  • Note: God has permitted good and has forbidden evil, which He has done through His revelations while He has specified the evil deeds: sins whether open or secret, aggression without justification and association with Him as He has not sent down any authority to anyone to permit or forbid anything.

The deniers of God’s revelations cannot escape punishment

  • O children of Adam, if there comes to you messengers from you to narrate My revelations to you, then whoever has feared and has reformed, then there is no fear for them, nor do they grieve (7:35). And those who have denied in our revelations, and have been arrogant from them, those are companions of the Fire – they will be abiding in it forever (7:36). So, who is more evil than whoever has invented a lie about God, or has denied in His revelations? Those – there reaches them their portion of the record until when has come to them our messengers (angels of death) to put them in death, they said, “Where is whomever you have done to invoke other than God?” They said, “They have strayed from us,” and they have borne witness against themselves that they have been disbelievers (7:37). He said, “Enter among communities, certainly has preceded before yourselves from the jinn and the human in the Fire,.” Every time a group has entered, its sister group has cursed until when they shall overtake all in it, the last of them said for first of them, “Our Lord, these have misled us, so give them a double punishment of the Fire.” He said, “For each there is a double, but you do not know.” (7:38). And first of them has said to last of them, “As it has not been any leadership for you upon us, so taste the punishment for what you have done to earn.” (7:39). Indeed, those who have denied in our revelations and have been arrogant from them, will not be opened for them gates of the sky, nor will they enter the Paradise until the camel passes through an eye of the needle. Thus that we recompense the criminals (7:40). For them of Hell is a resting place, and of their above there are coverings. And thus that we recompense the wicked (7:41).
  • Note: Those have feared God and have reformed according to His revelations have no fear for them or will they grieve while the deniers in God’s revelations cannot escape their punishment, which has been confirmed at the time of their death as well as at the meeting with God, while they have been made impossible to enter the Paradise. On a day of their meeting, they will be told to enter the Hell in groups, and when a  group enters will blame its previous group to mislead them and the last group will ask God to give double punishment of the Fire to the first group while the first group will say to the last there has been no leadership for you upon, so taste the punishment for what you have done to earn.

The believers will enter Paradise while the disbelievers will enter Hell

  • And those who have believed and have done the righteous deeds, we do not burden any soul beyond of its means. Those are companions of the Paradise – they will be dwellers in it forever (7:42). And we have removed whatever of malice is in their breasts. There will flow the rivers of their underneath, and they have said, “All praise belongs to God Who has guided us to this, and we have not been to be guided if not that God had guided us. Certainly, there had come messengers of our Lord with the truth.” And they have been addressed, “that is the Paradise you have been made to inherit it for what you have done to accomplish.” (7:43). And it has called out companions of the Paradise to companions of the Fire that indeed, we have found what had promised us our Lord is truth. So have you found what had promised your Lord is truth? They have said, “Yes.” Then an announcer between themselves has announced, “God’s curse is on the wrongdoers (7:44). Those who hinder from a path of God and seek in it crookedness, while they are disbelievers in the Hereafter.” (7:45).
  • Note: Those who have believed and have done the righteous deeds are companions of the Paradise will be abiding in it forever being guided by God as well as believing in their messengers for seeking the truth while those who have disbelieved and have hindered from God’s path seeking crookedness in it will be companions of the Fire. Both the companions of the Paradise and the companions of the Hell will find that God promise is truth.

Gathering of people before God in 3 groups for the final abode

  • And between them there is a partition, and on the heights there are people who recognize each (group) by their marks. And they have called to companions of the Paradise that peace be upon you, they do not enter it (Paradise), while they are hoping (7:46). And when there has been turned their eyes towards companions of the Fire, they have said, “Our Lord, You do not place us with the people of the wrongdoers.” (7:47). And there has called out companions of the heights to a people they recognize them by their marks, said, “There has not availed your great number from you, and what you have done to be arrogant.” (7:48). Are these those whom you had sworn that God will not have them of mercy? (But it was said,) “Enter Paradise; there is no fear upon you, nor do you grieve.” (7:49).
  • Note: There is a partition between two groups close to God while the 3rd group is far from Him on the heights, who can recognize the people of two groups by their marks separated by a partition. They will say, “Peace upon you” who are waiting to enter the Paradise while they will turn to the people of the Fire and will say to God “Our Lord, You do not place us with the people of the wrongdoers. They will also say to the wrongdoers, “Your great number has not helped you for what you have done to be arrogant”. Then the people on the heights will be called to enter the Paradise.

God has forgotten those at His meeting who had forgotten Him before

  • And it has called companions of the Fire to companions of the Paradise: “Pour upon us from the water, or of what God has provided you. They said, “Indeed, God has forbidden both for the disbelievers.” (7:50). Those who had taken their religion as amusement and play, while the life of the world has deceived them. So today, we forget them as they had forgot their day of this meeting and what they have done with our revelations to deny (7:51). And certainly, we had come to them with a scripture we explained it with knowledge of guidance and mercy for a people to believe (7:52). Do they wait except for its fulfillment? A day comes its fulfillment will say those who had forgotten it before, “Certainly, there had come messengers of our Lord with the truth. so are there any intercessors for us that they could intercede for us, or are we sent back that we can do other than that which we had done to commit?” Certainly, they have lost their souls, and there has strayed from them for what they had done to invent (7:53).
  • Note: God has given us an exact scenario what will happen on a day we meet Him. The dwellers of the Paradise will not give to the dwellers of the Hell what they asked for as there is no favor for the disbelievers from God. They have deceived themselves taking His religion as amusement and play rejecting His revelations even though He had given them a scripture explaining with knowledge of guidance and mercy. They have realized that messengers had come with the truth and there is no intercession nor is there any sending back, while they lost their souls for what they had done to invent.

God has explained His revelations that we can appreciate Him

  • Indeed, your Lord is God, the One who has created the heavens and the earth in six days, then He has established Himself on the Throne. The night covers the day pursuing it in persistence; and the sun, and the moon, and the stars are committed by His command; undoubtedly, to Him is the creation and the command. Blessed is God, Lord of the worlds (7:54). You shall call upon your Lord being humble and in secret; Indeed, He does not love the transgressors (7:55). And you do not spread corruption in the earth after its reformation; and you shall call upon Him in fear and hope. Indeed, God’s mercy is near for the good-doers (7:56). And He is the One who sends the winds as good news from His mercy until when they have carried heavy clouds, we have driven them to a dead land, then we have sent down the water with it, so we have brought forth all kinds of fruits with it. Thus that we bring forth the dead, that you may take heed (7:57). The good land produces its vegetation by permission of its Lord, while which is bad does not produce except with hardship. Thus that we explain the revelations for a people who appreciate (7:58).
  • Note: God is sovereign over all His creations, and He has shown us His signs and has blessed us with His favors. He wants us to call upon Him in fear and hope being humble, even in secret to appreciate Him while His revelations are so detailed that we should not deprive us of His mercy.

Noah was sent to a people who disbelieved God’s message

  • Certainly, we had sent Noah to his people, then he said, “O my people, you shall worship God; there is no god for you other than Him. Indeed, I fear on you a punishment of a great Day.” (7:59). The leader of his people said, “Indeed, we surely, see you in far astray.” (7:60). He said, “O my people, there has not been any error in me, but I am a messenger from Lord of the worlds (7:61). I convey my Lord’s messages to you, and I advise for you, and I know from God what you do not know (7:62). While have you wondered that there has come to you a reminder from your Lord through a man from you that he may warn you, and that you may fear, and that you may be given mercy?” (7:63). Then they had denied him, so, we saved him and those who were with him in the ark, and we drowned those who denied in our revelations. Indeed, they have been a blind people (7:64).
  • Note: God sent Noah to his people with a reminder to worship God as there is no god except He along with a warning about the punishment of an awesome day, while Noah said to his people that there has been no error in him and he conveyed his Lord’s message and he had been an advisor to them. Then God drowned those who had denied His revelations being blind while He saved the believers who were in the ark with His messenger.

Hud was sent to a people of Aad who disbelieved God’s message

  • And to Aad their brother Hud. He said, “O my people, you shall worship God, there is no god for you other than Him. Will you not then fear?” (7:65). The leader of those who had disbelieved among his people said, “Indeed, we surely see you in foolishness. And indeed, we surely think you are among the liars.” (7:66). He said, “O my people, there has not been any foolishness in me, but I am a messenger from Lord of the worlds (7:67). I convey my Lord’s messages to you, and I am a trustworthy advisor for you (7:68). And have you wondered that there has come to you a reminder from your Lord through a man from you that he may warn you? And you shall remember when He has made you successors after a people of Noah, and has increased you in a number of the creation. So, you shall remember blessings of God so that you may succeed.” (7:69). They said, “Have you come to us that we would worship God alone, and we abandon what has done to worship our forefathers? Then bring us of what you promise us, if you have been with the truthful.” (7:70). He said, “Certainly, has fallen curse and anger upon you from your Lord. Do you argue with me about names you have named them – you and your forefathers, God has not sent down any authority to them? Then wait; indeed, I am with you among the waiters.” (7:71). So we had saved him and those who with him with mercy from us, and we cut off root of those who had denied in our revelations and they had not been believers (7:72).
  • Note: God sent Hud after Noah to Aad with a reminder not to worship any god other than God, but they argued that if we worship, we will abandon what our forefathers worshiped and mentioned names that God has not sent down any authority with them while Hud said to his people, “there is no foolishness in me, I convey my Lord’s message and I am a trustworthy advisor for you.” And those who had denied God’s revelations had fallen upon them His curse and anger to cut off the root of those who had denied His revelations.

Salih was sent to Thamud who disbelieved God’s message

  • And to Thamud their brother Salih. He said, “O my people, you shall worship God; there is no god for you other than Him. Certainly, there has come to you a clear proof from your Lord. This is she-camel of God is a sign for you. So, you shall leave her to eat in land of God, and you do not touch her with harm that a painful punishment seizes you (7:73). And you shall remember when He has made you successors after Aad, and has settled you in the earth. You build mansions from its plains and carve out the mountains as homes. So you shall remember God’s bounties, and you do not act in spreading corruption in the earth.” (7:74). The leaders those who have been arrogant among his people said to those who have been oppressed of whoever among them believed, “Do you know that Salih is sent one from his Lord?” They said, “Indeed, we are believers in what he has been sent with it.” (7:75). Those who have been arrogant said, “Indeed, we are disbelievers in that which you have believed with it.” (7:76). Then they slaughtered the she-camel, and defied from their Lord’s command, and said, “O Salih, bring us with what you promise us, if you have been among the sent ones.” (7:77). Then the earthquake had seized them that they were dead in their home (7:78). Then he turned away from them and said, “O my people, certainly, I have conveyed to you my Lord’s message, and have advised to you, but you do not like the advisors.” (7:79).
  • Note: God sent Salih after Hud to Thamud with a clear proof not to worship any god other than God, but those who disbelieved and had been arrogant slaughtered the camel given him as a sign, and those who had denied His revelations the earthquake had seized them while the messenger’s said to them, “ I have conveyed my Lord’s message and I have advised you.”

Lut was sent to his people who were transgressors

  • And Lut when he said to his people, “Do you commit the immorality has not preceded with it anyone among a people of the world? (7:80). Indeed, you surely, approach the men with a desire other than the women. Nay, you are a people of transgressors.” (7:81). And there has not been any answer of His people except that they said, “Drive them out of your town. Indeed, they are a people to keep them pure.” (7:82). So, we had saved him and his family except his wife, she has been with those who stayed behind (7:83). And we had showered upon them a rain that you see how has been an end of the criminals (7:84).
  • Note: God sent Lut to his people those who He punished them with the heavy rain fall for practicing homosexuality while He saved him but not his wife.

Shuaib was sent to Madyan who disbelieved God’s message

  • And to Madyan their brother Shuaib. He said, “O my people, you shall worship God; there is no god for you other than Him. Certainly, there has come to you a clear proof from your Lord. So you shall give full the measure and the weight and you do not deprive of the people in their things , and you do not spread corruption in the earth after its reformation. That is better for you, if you have been believers (7:85). You do not sit on every path threatening and hindering from God’s path for whoever has believed in God, and seeking it to crookedness. And you shall remember when you have been fewer that He has increased you. And you shall see how has been an end of the corruptors (7:86). And if there had been a group from you who have believed in which I have been sent with it, and a group they do not believe, then you shall be patient until God judges between ourselves; and He is the best Judge.” (7:87). The leaders of those who have been arrogant among his people said, “Surely, we will drive you out, O Shuaib, and those who have believed with you from our town, or surely, you will return to our religion.” He said, “Even if have we been of the averse? (7:88). Certainly, we would have invented a lie about God if we have returned in your religion after when God has saved us from it. And it would not be for us that we return in it except God, our Lord wills. Our Lord has encompassed everything in knowledge. Upon God we put trust. Our Lord, open between us and between our people with the truth, and You are a best of the openers.” (7:89). The leaders of those who had disbelieved among his people said, “If you have followed Shuaib, indeed, you will then surely, be losers.” (7:90). Then the earthquake had seized them that they were dead in their home (7:91). Those who had denied Shuaib, as if they never lived therein. Those who had denied Shuaib, they had been them are the losers (7:92). So, he had turned away from them and said, “O my people, I have conveyed to you my Lord’s messages and I have advised for you. Then how could I grieve over a people who are disbelievers.” (7:93).
  • Note: God sent Shuaib to Madyan with a reminder not to worship any god other than God, and to prevent them from cheating in measuring. The earthquake seized them as they had denied His revelations while he said to his people, “I have conveyed my Lord’s message and I have advised you.”

God has sent down scripture to replace the bad with the good

  • And we have not sent a prophet in any city, except we had seized its people with the adversity and the hardship, that they may humble (7:94). Thus, we have replaced the bad in place with the good until they have increased and said, “Certainly, the adversity and the ease had touched our forefathers.” So, we have seized them suddenly while they do not perceive (7:95). And if that a people of the cities had believed and had feared (God), we would have opened upon them blessings from the heaven and the earth, but they had denied. So, we have seized them for what they have done to earn (7:96). Has then been secure a people of the cities that our punishment comes to them at night while they are sleeping? (7:97). And has been secure a people of the cities that our punishment comes to them at daytime while they are playing? (7:98). Have they then been secure from God’s plan? That no one can be secure from God’s plans except the people of the losers (7:99). And does it not guide to those who inherit the earth after its people that, if we would will, we could have afflicted them for their sins, and we could place a seal around their hearts while they would not hear? (7:100). That is of the cities we narrate to you (Muhammad) of its news. And certainly, there had come to them their messengers with the clear proofs, while they had not done to believe in what they had denied before. Thus that God places seal on hearts of the disbelievers (7:101). And we have not found any pledge for their majority, while we have found their majority are surely, disobedient (7:102).
  • Note: God sent a prophet to a city to make its people humble replacing the bad with the good. Thus, He had opened the blessings from the sky and the earth for the people of cities who had believed and had feared Him but those who had denied He seized them for what they have done to earn to inherit the earth of those who He guides after them. Those who are losers feel secure from God, which guides the believers to do righteous deeds being fearful from God. The scripture given to Muhammad has confirmed that messengers have been sent with clear proofs but God has sealed hearts of the disbelievers and most people have been disobedient.

Moses was sent to Pharaoh and his people with great signs

  • Then after of them (Noah, Hud, Saleh, Lut and Shuaib) we had sent Moses with our signs to Pharaoh and his leaders, but they had been unjust to them that you shall see how had been an end of the corruptors (7:103). And Moses said, “O Pharaoh, indeed, I am a messenger from Lord of the worlds (7:104). It is an obligation upon me that I do not say about God except the truth. Certainly, I have come to you with a clear sign from your Lord, so you shall send children of Israel with me.” (7:105). He said, “If you have come with a sign, then you shall bring with it, if you have been of the truthful ones.” (7:106). So He had thrown his staff, when it was a manifest of serpent (7:107). And he had drawn out his hand, when it was white to the beholders (7:108). The leaders from a people of Pharaoh said, “This is surely an experienced magician (7:109). He wants that he will drive you out of your land; so what do you commend?” (7:110). They said, “Defer him and his brother, and send in the cities of gatherers (7:111). They will come to you with every skilled magician.” (7:112).
  • Note: God sent Moses and his brother to Pharaoh and his people with His signs to send people of Israel with them but Pharaoh and his people disbelieved Moses being a skilled magician.

Pharaoh’s magicians have been defeated, who believed in Lord of the worlds

  • And the magician had come to Pharaoh. They said, “Indeed, for us surely, there will be a reward if we have been the winners.” (7:113). He said, “Yes, indeed, you will surely, be of those who are nearer.” (7:114). They said, “O Moses, whether that you will throw, or whether that we will be the throwers.” (7:115). He said, “You shall throw.” Then when they had thrown, they bewitched the eyes of people and terrified them, and there had come with a great magic (7:116). And we had inspired to Moses that you shall throw your staff, then when it would swallow whatever they fabricated (7:117). Thus, it has established the truth and has become futile what they have done to accomplish (7:118). So they have been defeated there and has returned the humiliated (7:119). And it has been fallen down the magicians as the prostraters (7:120). They said, “We have believed in Lord of the worlds (7:121). Lord of Moses and Aaron.” (7:122). Pharaoh said, “You have believed in him before that I give permission to you. Indeed, this is surely a plot, you have plotted it in the city that you may drive out its people from it, so you will know soon (7:123). Surely, I will cut off your hands and your feet from opposite sides, then surely, I will crucify you all.” (7:124). They said, “Indeed, we to our Lord are returning (7:125). And you do not take revenge on us only for that we have believed in signs of our Lord when has come to us. Our Lord, shower upon us patience and cause us to die as submitters.” (7:126).
  • Note: When Pharaoh’s magicians had witnessed the truth, they believed in God disregarding Pharaoh’s oppression, and asked God to shower upon them patience and to cause them die as submitters. Thus, Pharaoh’s warning and oppression could not prevent the true believers from accepting the truth from Lord of the worlds.

Oppression of Pharaoh on children of Israel

  • And the leaders from a people of Pharaoh said, “Will you leave Moses and his people to cause corruption in the earth and to forsake you and your gods?” He said, “We will kill their sons and will let live their women, and we are subjugators over of them.” (7:127). Moses said to his people, “You shall seek help to God and shall be patient. Indeed, the earth belongs to God. He causes to inherit it to whomever He wills of His servants, and the end is for the righteous.” (7:128). They said, “We have been harmed before that you come to us, and after that you have come to us.” He said, “It has been your Lord that He will destroy your enemy and will make you successors in the earth, then He will see how you do.” (7:129).
  • Note: When Pharaoh and his people planned to oppress Moses and his people, Moses and his people had sought help with God and had been patient as they had believed that God will cause the righteous to be inheritors of the earth.

Pharaoh and his people were drowned in the sea

  • And certainly, we seized Pharaoh’s people of the years (of drought), and a deficit of the fruits, that they may take heed (7:130). Then when there had come to them the good, they said, “For us is this.” And if a bad afflicts them, they blame to Moses and whoever is with him. No doubt, their evil is only with God, but most of them do not know (7:131). They said, “Whatever you bring us with it of a sign that you bewitch us with it, then we will not with believers for you.” (7:132). So, we had sent upon them the flood, the locusts, the lice, the frogs, and the blood (rain) as clear signs, while they have been arrogant and have been a people of criminals (7:133). And whenever the punishment had fallen upon them, they said, “O Moses, call your Lord for us of what He has promised to you. If you have removed the punishment from us, surely, we will believe to you and surely, we will send children of Israel with you.” (7:134). Then when we had removed the punishment from them until a term they will be reaching it, then they broke (7:135). So, we had taken revenge of them that we drowned them in the sea of that they had denied in our signs and had been heedless from them (7:136).
  • Note: God seized Pharaoh’s people with the years-long drought and the food shortage. Even He sent the flood, the locusts, the lice, the frogs and the blood rain as clear signs of Moses for the arrogant people and the criminals to reflect that they send children of Israel with him. Eventually God drowned Pharaoh and his people in the sea and destroyed they had built for denying His signs and breaking their promise. Thus, He had taken revenge of the disbelieving people.

Children of Israel made inheritors on earth devoted to idols later

  • And we had made inheritors the people of those who have been oppressed at east of the land and west of it, which we have blessed in it. The best word of your Lord has fulfilled for children of Israel for that they had been patient. And we destroyed what Pharaoh and his people had done to make and what they had done to build (7:137). And we had led Children of Israel across the sea. Then they had come to a people devoted to idols belong to them. They said, “O Moses, make for us a god like what gods belong to them.” He said, “Indeed, you are a people to be ignorant (7:138). Indeed, these are destroyed what they are in it and are worthless what they have done to accomplish” (7:139). He said, “Other than God should I seek for you a god, while He has preferred you over a people of the world?” (7:140). And when we had saved you from a people of Pharaoh inflicting you a horrible of the punishment to slay your sons and to spare your women. That was a difficult test for you from your Lord (7:141).
  • Note: God made inheritors of the oppressed people in the east and the west. Thus, the children of Israel were blessed to inherit the earth because of their patience, while Pharaoh and his people were destroyed and what they had built. But it is unfortunate that those who were preferred over other people of the world devoted to idols being ignorant.

Forty-night appointment of Moses with God

  • And we had made an appointment of Moses for thirty-night, and we had completed it including ten. Thus, he had completed a set term of his Lord for forty-night, and Moses said to his brother Aaron, “You shall succeed in my people and shall reform, and do not follow a way of the corruptors.” (7:142). And when Moses had come to our appointment, and his Lord had spoken to him; he said, “My Lord, show me I can look at You.” He said, “You cannot see Me but look at the mountain, then if it has stayed in its place, then you can see Me.” Then when his Lord had revealed to the mountain, He made it crumbled to dust, and Moses had fallen down unconscious. Then when he had recovered, he said, “Glory is Yours, I have repented to You and I am first of the believers.” (7:143).
  • Note: During the forty-night appointment Moses directly spoke to God behind a barrier but he asked Him to see Him physically. God had revealed Himself to the mountain and the mountain crumbled into dust; and Moses could not see God but fell unconscious, but he had full confidence in God when he recovered.

Deniers of God’s revelations and His meeting cannot see the right path

  • He said, “O Moses, indeed, I have chosen you over the people with My messages and with My words. So, take what I have given you and be with the grateful (7:144). And we have written for him in the tablets with everything having direction and explanation for everything. So, you shall take them with firmness and shall order your people to take them with best of them. I will show you an abode of the defiant (7:145). I will turn away from My revelations those who turn arrogant in the earth without the truth; and if they see every sign, they will not believe in it and if they see the right path, they will not accept it as a path, while if they see the wrong path, they will accept it as a path. That is of that they have denied in our revelations, and they have been heedless from them (7:146). And those who have denied in our revelations and a meeting of the Hereafter, their deeds have become worthless. Will they be recompensed except for what they have done to achieve? (7:147).
  • Note: Moses was given the tablets having instruction and explanation for everything for him as well as for his people that they can find the right path for themselves but those who are heedless to them will receive their recompense for what they have done to earn.

The people of Moses worshipped an image of calf in his absence

  • And a people of Moses after of him had taken an image of a calf for it from their jewelry having lowing sound. Did they not see that it could not speak to them, nor could it guide them to a (right) path? They had taken it and had been wrongdoers (7:148). And when it has been made to fall into their hands and they had seen that they certainly had gone astray, they said, “Surely, if our Lord does not have mercy on us and forgives for us, surely, we will be with the losers.” (7:149). And when Moses had returned to his people with anger and grief, he said, “It has been evil what you have done after of me. Have you been impatient for a commandment of your Lord?” And he had thrown down the tablets, and took hold of his brother by head, pulling him towards himself. He (his brother) said, “Son of my mother; indeed, the people have considered me weak and they have been almost to kill me. So, you do not think of me the enemies, nor do you make me with the people of the wrongdoers.” (7:150). He (Moses)said, “My Lord, forgive for me and for my brother, and admit us into Your mercy. And You have mercy of the merciful ones.” (7:151). Indeed, those who have taken the calf will reach them wrath from their Lord, and humiliation in the life of the world. And thus that, we recompense the fabricators (7:152). And those who have done the evil deeds, then they have repented of its after and have believed; indeed, your Lord of its after is surely Forgiving, Merciful. (7:153). And when the anger had calmed down from Moses, he picked up the tablets, and in their inscription there was guidance and mercy for those who – they fear of their Lord (7:154).
  • Note: Moses’ people worshipped an image of calf in absence of him while his brother Aaron had been with them. When he had returned to his people, he became angry with his people and his brother and ill-behaved with his brother, even throwing away the tablets. When his anger subdued he asked forgiveness to God for him and for his brother, and picked up the tablets which are guidance and mercy for those who fear God, Who is Forgiving and Merciful for those who have repented and have believed after doing the evil deeds.

God responded to Moses’ prayer

  • And Moses had selected seventy men from his people for our appointment. Then when the quake had seized them, he said, “My Lord, if You had willed, You could have destroyed them before and also me. Would You destroy us for what has done the foolish among us? This is not except Your test; You misguide with it whomever You will, and You guide whomever You will. You are our Protector, so forgive for us and have mercy on us, and You are a best of the forgiving ones (7:155). And prescribe for us goodness in this world and in the Hereafter. Indeed, we have turned to You.” He (God) said, “My punishment – I afflict with it (punishment) whomever I will, while My mercy has encompassed all things. So, I will decree it (mercy) for those who be righteous and give the zakat, and those who – they believe in our revelations (7:156).”
  • Note: The earthquake afflicted them at their appointment when Moses prayed to God for their forgiveness and to have mercy on them while God responded to his prayer stating that He will decree mercy for (1) those who fear Him, (2) give the zakat and (3) believe in His revelations, wherein there is also an indication that zakat was decreed for the people of Moses.

Order for the people of scripture to follow the gentile messenger prophet

  • Those who follow the gentile messenger prophet (Muhammad) whom they (Jews and Christians) find written with them in the Torah and the Gospel. He (the gentile prophet) commands them to the right and forbids them from the evil; and he makes lawful for them the good things and makes unlawful upon them the bad things; and he relieves from them their burdens and the shackles, which have been upon them. So, those who have believed in him, and have honored him, and have helped him, and have followed the light with him, which has been sent down. Those – they are the successful ones (7:157). Say, “O people; indeed, I am a messenger of God to you all, Whom to Him is dominion of the heavens and the earth. There is no god except He. He gives life and causes death.” So, you shall believe in God and His messenger the prophet, the gentile (Muhammad), who believes in God and His words, and shall follow him so that you may be guided (7:158). And of a people of Moses was a community to guide with the truth and with it to establish justice (7:159).
  • Note: Here is a commandment for all of us including the people of the scripture to follow the the messenger, the gentile prophet who believes in God and His words and the light what has come down to him to guide themselves to be successful like a community of Moses’ people who guided with the truth and established justice with it.

God’s favors upon the people of Moses

  • And we had divided them into twelve tribes of communities and we had inspired to Moses when his people had asked him for water that you shall strike the rock with your staff. Then there had gushed forth twelve springs from it; certainly, each community had known of their drinking place. And we had shaded them with the clouds and had sent down to them the manna and the quail: “Eat from good things what we have provided for you.” And they had not wronged to us, but they had done to wrong to themselves (7:160). When it had been said to them, “You shall enter this city and shall eat from it wherever you have wished, and shall say, “Repentance” and shall enter the gate prostrating. We will forgive your sins for you. We will increase of the good-doers.” (7:161). Then those who wronged among them had changed a word other than which has been said to them. So, we sent upon them affliction from the sky for what they had done to wrong (7:162). And you ask them about the city, which has been situating by the sea when they transgress about the Sabbath. When their fish came to them openly on a day of their Sabbath, while on a day they do not have Sabbath do not come to them. Thus that, we test them for what they have done to disobey (7:163).
  • Note: God has blessed the people of Moses giving them the good provision while He forgave them for their sins but punished those who had changed a word other than what has been said to them while the Sabbath has been a test for them and they violated it.

God’s curse upon disbelievers for preventing from spreading His message

  • And when a community among them said, “Why do you preach a people God is destroying them or is punishing them a severe punishment?” They said, “There is exoneration to your Lord, and that they may fear.” (7:164). So, when they forgot what they had been reminded with it, we have saved those who forbid from the evil, and we seized those who had wronged with a wretched punishment for what they had done to disobey (7:165). So, when they exceeded limit about what they had been forbidden from it, we said to them, “Be apes, despised.” (7:166). And when your Lord has proclaimed that He will surely send upon them until a day of the Resurrection what will inflict them a grievous of the punishment. Indeed, your Lord is surely swift in the retribution, while indeed, He is surely Forgiving, Merciful (7:167).
  • Note: God sent His messages from time to time as reminder for the people but a group of the disbelieving people prevented from spreading His message. Thus, He saved those who forbade from the evil deeds while He cursed those who disobeyed Him and exceeded limit from what has been forbidden to be despised apes and will afflict them a grievous punishment until a day of the Resurrection.

God has given us scripture not to say about God except the truth

  • And we have divided them into communities in the earth. Of them there are the righteous and of them there are other than that. And we have tested them with the good and the bad that they may return (7:168). So, He has succeeded their after successors have inherited the scripture to take this, the lower life and say, “It will be forgiven for us.” And if there comes to them a good like of it, they will accept it. Is it not a covenant of the scripture that they will not say about God except the truth and have studied what is in it? And the abode of the Hereafter is far better for those who fear (God). Do you not then reflect? (7:169). And those who hold fast to the scripture and have established the salat prayer; indeed, we do not fail to give a reward of the reformers (7:170).
  • Note: Humanity undergoes different guidance periods to test them with the good and the bad. Hence, God has sent down scripture with the truth and those who hold fast to it and establish Salat are forgiven making them successful in the Hereafter.

Those who deny God’s revelations, they wrong to themselves

  • And we had raised the mountain above them as if it was a canopy, and they thought it would fall on them: “You shall take what we have given you with firmness and shall remember what is in it that you may fear.” (7:171). And when your Lord had taken from children of Adam of their backs – their descendants, and had made them to bear witness over themselves: “Am I not of your Lord?” They said, “Yes, we have borne witness.” Lest you cannot say on a Day of the Resurrection: “indeed, we have been unaware of this.” (7:172). Or you say, “Has only associated our forefathers before and we have been descendants from their after. Will You then punish us for what has done the falsifiers?” (7:173). And thus that, we explain the revelations, and that you may return (7:174). And you shall recite to them news of whom we had given our revelations, then he had separated him from them; so, the Satan pursued him that he has been with the strayers (7:175). And if we had willed, surely, we could have raised him with them, but he adhered to the earth and followed his desire. So, his example is like an example of the dog; if you scold him, he pants, or if you leave him, he pants. That is an example of the people who have denied in our revelations. So, you shall narrate the story that they may reflect (7:176). It has been evil as an example of people who have denied in our revelations, and they have done to wrong themselves (7:177). Whomever God guides, then he is the guided one; and whomever He lets go astray, then those – they are the losers (7:178). And certainly, we have created many of the jinn and the human for Hell. There are hearts to them, they do not understand with them, and there are eyes to them, they do not see with them, and there are ears to them, they do not hear with them. Those are like the cattle; no, they are far astray. Those -they are the heedless (7:179).
  • Note: God has given us what we need to guide ourselves and no excuse will help us to escape His punishment. He has given us scripture to follow while He has cited to be a dog as an example of those who deny His revelations as the Satan pursued them to make them the strayers while He has let us know that He has created many jinns and humans for Hell being unfortunate for them that they cannot use their understanding, vision and hearing being like a cattle.

God’s messenger has no madness except being a warner, a clarifier

  • And to God belongs the most graceful names; so, you shall call upon Him with them and shall disregard those who deviate from His names. They will be recompensed what they have done to achieve (7:180). And from whom we have created a community to guide with the truth and with it they establish justice (7:181). And those who have denied in our revelations, we will lead them from where they do not know (7:182). And I will give respite to them. Indeed, My plan has firmness (7:183). Do they not reflect? There is no madness in their companion. He is not but a warner, a clarifier (7:184). Do they not look at dominion of the heavens and the earth, and what of a thing God has created and that it may have been that there has certainly come near their term? So, in which Hadith after of it do they believe? (7:185). Whomever God lets go astray, there is no guide for him, and He leaves them to wander in their transgression (7:186).
  • Note: Those who deny God’s revelations have no guide and He leaves them to wander in transgression while He has firm plan to compensate them even they have been given a respite.

Prophet had no knowledge when the world will come to an end

  • They ask you (Muhammad) about the Hour: when will be its time? Say, “Its knowledge is only with my Lord. None can reveal it of its time. It is heavy in the heavens and the earth. It will not come to you except all of a sudden.” They ask you (Muhammad) as if you have knowledge about it. Say, “Its knowledge is only with God, but most people do not know.” (7:187). Say, “I do not possess power for myself any benefit or harm except what God wills. And if I had known the unseen, I would surely have increased of the good, and the evil could not have touched me. I am not except a warner and a bearer of good news for a people who believe.” (7:188).
  • Note: Here is the clear indication that the prophet had no knowledge of the future events and the description about the future events in the Quran that have been assigned to the prophets are big lies.

Association of partners with God is a human tragedy

  • He is the One who has created you from one soul and has made its mate from it that he can live with her. Then when he covers her, she has carried a light load that she has passed with it. Then when it has grown heavier, they both implore God, their Lord: “If You have given us a good one, we will surely be among the thankful ones.” (7:189). Then when He gives them a good one, they have made partners for Him in what He gives them, while God has exalted Himself too high what they associate (7:190). Do you associate what cannot create anything while they are created? (7:191). And they cannot do any help to them nor can they help themselves (7:192). If you call them to the guidance, they will not follow you. It is same for you whether you call them, or you are silent ones (7:193). Indeed, those whom you call other than God are slaves like you. So you shall call them, then they should respond you, if you have truthful (7:194). Are there feet for them to walk with them or hands for them to hold with them, or eyes for them to see with them, or ears for them to hear with them? Say, “Call on your partners, then scheme against me that do not give me respite (7:195). Indeed, my Protector is God, the One who has sent down the scripture, and He protects the righteous (7:196). And those whom you call other than Him, they cannot do any help to them nor can they help themselves.” (7:197). And if you call them to the guidance, they do not hear. And you see them looking at you, while they do not see (7:198). You shall have the forgiveness, and shall enjoin, and shall turn away from the ignorant (7:199).
  • Note: God is our Creator and Protector but many of us associate partners with Him even there is no logic to do this. Those who are made partners with Him are created and the so called partners cannot respond while they cannot help those who made them partners nor can they help themselves.

God wants us to refuge in Him when there is any suggestion from the Satan

  • And if any evil suggestion comes to you from the Satan, then you shall seek refuge in God; indeed, He is Hearer, Knower (7:200). Indeed, those who have feared (God), when an evil thought has touched them from the Satan, they remember (God) that whenever they become seers (7:201). While their brethren plunge them in the error, then they do not cease (7:202).
  • Note: Those who fear God should refuge in Him when there is evil suggestion from the Satan remembering God when the Satan becomes visible to them while the Satan’s brethren will not see him and plunge in the error.

Quran has been enlightenment, guidance, mercy for prophet and believers

  • And when you do not bring them of a sign, they say, “Why have you not invented it?” Say, “I only follow what is revealed to me from my Lord.” This is enlightenment from your Lord, and guidance, and mercy for a people to believe (7:203). And when the Quran has been recited, then you shall listen to it and shall pay attention that you may be given mercy (7:204). And you shall remember your Lord within yourself being humble, and in fear, and without being loud of the words, in the mornings and the evenings. And you do not be among the heedless (7:205). Indeed, those who are with your Lord, they do not turn away from His worship. And they glorify Him and prostrate to Him (7:206).
  • Note: Quran has been revealed through Prophet Muhammad as enlightenment, guidance and mercy for the prophet as well as for the believers that they should listen and pay attention to it when it is recited, and they should remember their Lord in the mornings and evenings using it.

Surah al-A`raaf (The Heights) can be reviewed reflecting that there are mention of the past events as well as hints of the future events in the surah and how the surah begins and ends: Quran is a guidance and mercy for all of us, there is confirmation from it that hadith collectors and those who have made sects and sub-sects are corruptors of Islam, a forty-night appointment of Moses with God adding ten-night to the original thirty-night appointment, worshiping of a calf, association of partners with God being human tragedy, the prophet had no knowledge of the future events mentioned in the Quran, while any description of any future event supported with any alleged hadiths by the so called Islamic scholars to explain it is a great lie.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (02/12/2021).