
Surah `Abasa (Surah 80: Revelation Order 24)

Mistake made by prophet is a reminder for all of us

  • He (prophet) frowned and turned away 80:1). That the blind man had come to him (80:2). And what does make you know that he would purify him? (80:3). Or he would remind so that the reminder would benefit him (80:4). As for whoever has had sufficient (80:5). That to him you give attention (80:6). And it is not upon you that he would not purify (80:7). And as for whoever had come to you to strive (80:8). While he fears (80:9). That you have distracted from him (80:10). Nay, indeed, it is a reminder (80:11). So whoever wills would have remembered it (80:12). In pages of honored (80:13), exalted, purified (80:14), (inscribed) by the hands of scribes (80:15), honorable, dutiful (80:16).
    Note: Prophet had made mistake when he distracted from the blind man who had come to him eagerly to purify him but on the other hand he gave attention to the rich man, while in general, those who are needy have more concern about God than those who are rich. However, it is a reminder for those who can remember it, which is recorded in the pages of the honored, exalted and purified scripture recorded by honorable and dutiful scribes, and there is no cover up of the reminder nor is there any way to ignore it for the believers.

The human being has destroyed himself being ungrateful to his Creator

  • Has been destroyed the human being how ungrateful he has been? (80:17). From what thing He has created him? (80:18). From a drop He has created, then He has designed him (80:19). Then He has made easy the path for him (80:20). Then He has caused him death, so has provided for him a grave (80:21). Then when He had willed, He would have resurrected him (80:22).
    Note: God has initiated the human being from a drop of mixture, then He has given him maturity and has made easy the path for him. Then He has caused him to die and will resurrect him on a day to judge him based on his record but he has ruined himself being ungrateful to His Creator.

God has supported the human what he needs

  • Nay, he would not accomplish what He has commanded him (80:23). Then the human being should look at his food! (80:24). That we have poured the water in abundance (80:25). Then we have cleaved the soil splitting (80:26). Then we have caused to grow grain in it (80:27). And grapes and green fodder (80:28). And olives and date palms (80:29). And gardens of thick foliage (80:30). And fruits and grass (80:31). A provision for you and for your animals (80:32).
    Note: God has supported the human in the earth with provision including food, water and fruits, and also our livestock that we can be grateful to our Lord but he has not accomplished His commandments.

No escape on a day of Judgment for anyone who is ungrateful to God

  • Then when there has come the deafening blow (80:33). A day a person cannot flee from his brother (80:34). And his mother and father (80:35). And his spouse and his children (80:36). For every person from them on that day will be a matter of worrying him (80:37). There are faces on that day will be bright (80:38), being laughter rejoicing at a good news (80:39). And there are faces on that day upon them will be grime (80:40), covering them darkness (80:41). Those – they are the wicked disbelievers (80:42).
    Note: On a day of Judgment everyone will be worried about him and there would be no relationship. There are faces who will be happy for good news and there are faces who will be covered with darkness for bad news and they are the wicked disbelievers.

Surah `abasa (Surah 80: He has frowned) can be reviewed reflecting that prophet has made mistake distracting from the blind man who had come to him eagerly to purify him being a reminder for all of us while there is a notion among the traditional Muslims that prophet Muhammad has been an infallible person. God has initiated the human from a drop of mixture and has supported him in the earth with provision to be grateful to Him. On a day of Judgment upon resurrection being a part of the human life, there are faces who will be happy for good news, and there are faces who will be covered with darkness for bad news and they are the wicked disbelievers.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (05/27/2021).