
Surah Aal Imran (Surah 3: Revelation Order 89)

Oath of God

  • Alif.Laam.Meem. (3:1).
  • Note: This is an oath of God referring to a set of Quranic initials consisting of Arabic letters Alif, Laam and Meem. In addition, this set of Initials is found prefixed to 6 surahs and their total count in the Arabic text in these surahs is a multiple of 19 => 19874 (19x1046) as shown in the table below, which is a factual that the Quran is from God to eliminate any doubt from our hearts and what has been stated in it is nothing but absolute truth:

    Note: Data obtained from the updated count of Quranic initials, Alif.Laam.Meem published in the website of

There is no god except God

  • God: there is no god except He – the Living, the Eternal (3:2).
  • Note: By taking oath referring to a set of Quranic initials, Alif. Laam. Meem God affirms that there is no god except He – the Living, the Eternal, who has sent down to Muhammad the scripture with the truth confirming what was before of it the Torah and the Gospel. It is also noteworthy that the Torah has been given to a number of Jewish prophets including Moses and Aaron, while the Gospel has been given to Jesus, and Jesus has been taught both the Torah and the Gospel.

Sending down of scripture is God’s system of guidance from the past

  • He has sent down to you (Muhammad) the scripture (Quran) with the truth, confirming that which was before of it (Gospel); and He has sent down the Torah and the Gospel (3:3). Before of (it) there was guidance for the people, and He had sent down the statute book. Indeed, those who have disbelieved in God’s revelations, for them there is a severe punishment, and God is Almighty, Possessor of retribution (3:4). Indeed God – anything cannot hide from Him whether it in the earth, or it in the heaven (3:5).
  • Note: From the past there is God’s guidance for the people through the statue book. Those who have disbelieved in God’s revelations will suffer a severe punishment as no one can hide from Him in the heavens or in the earth.

God has created and taught us that there is no god except He

  • He is the One who shapes you in the wombs how He wills. There is no god except He – the Almighty, the Wise (3:6).
  • Note: God has created us how He wills and has given us faith with our birth that there is no god except He – the Almighty, the Wise. Then how could we accept the corrupt shahaadah adding Muhammad’s name as a messenger of God to it to make us losers nullifying our all deeds (4:48, 4:116)?

Quran consists of clarified verses as well as analogies

  • He is One who has sent down to you (Muhammad) the scripture; of it there are clarified verses – they are foundation of the scripture, and others are analogies. So, as for those in their hearts there is perversity, then they follow what has made analogy of it seeking the discord and seeking its interpretation, while none knows its interpretation except God and those who are well-founded in the knowledge – they say, “We have believed in it. All is from our Lord.” And none will take heed except possessors of the understanding (3:7). “Our Lord, You do not deviate our hearts after when You have guided us and grant mercy for us from Yourself. Indeed, You are the Grantor (3:8). Our Lord, You are a Gatherer of the people on a day there is no doubt in it. Indeed, God does not break the promise.” (3:9).
  • Note: God has sent down the Quran with clarified verses and analogies. The clarified verses are foundation of the scripture while the interpretation of analogies is known to God and those who are well founded in knowledge and their interpretation by those who are not blessed by Him may cause confusion or conflict among the believers to misguide them. However, all of them are from God and those who are guided believe in all knowing that God is the Grantor and He will gather all of us on a day wherein there is no doubt as He does not break His promise.

Disbelievers are fuel of the Fire for making them pleasant to the worldly life

  • Indeed, those who have disbelieved will not help them of their wealth, nor their children in anything against God. Those – they are fuel of the Fire (3:10). Like a behavior of a people of Pharaoh and those who were before of them, they had denied in our revelations, then God seized them because of their sins, and God is severe in the punishment (3:11). Say to those who have disbelieved, “You will be defeated and will be gathered to Hell and a miserable is the resting place.” (3:12). Certainly, it has been a sign for you in two hosts, which had met – one group fighting in God’s path, and another was disbelievers. They saw them of their twice a sight of the eyes. And God supports them with His help whomever He wills. Certainly in that there is a lesson for possessors of the vision (3:13). It has been made pleasant for the people is love of the desires of the women and the children, the treasures of the hoarded of the gold and the silver, and the trained horses, and the livestock and the crop fields. That is enjoyment of the life of the world, while God – with Him has the excellent place of return (3:14).
  • Note: Those who have disbelieved and have denied in God’s revelations and have their desires for the enjoyment of the world, their wealth will not help them prevent from being the fuel of the Hell, a miserable is the resting place instead of the excellent place of return.

The believers who deserve the Paradise

  • Say, “Should I inform you of better than that: for those who have feared at their Lord, there are gardens flowing the rivers of their underneath being dwellers therein forever and pure spouses and pleasure from God?” And God is Seer of His servants (3:15). Those who say, “Our Lord, indeed, we have believed, so forgive our sins for us, and protect us from a punishment of the Fire.” (3:16). They are the steadfast, and the truthful, and the obedient, and the givers of zakat, and the seekers of forgiveness in the dawn (3:17).
  • Note: Those who have believed and have feared God and have asked forgiveness for their sins and  have done the righteous deeds, for them there are gardens abiding therein forever with pure spouses.

There is no god except God

  • God has borne witness that there is no god except He, and so has done the angels and possessors of the knowledge established with the justice: there is no god except He – the Almighty, the Wise (3:18).
  • Note: God Himself has borne witness that there is no god except He, and He has also taught it to the angels and the possessors of knowledge established with justice: “There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise.” But what we see in the declaration of our faith: “There is no god except God” has been corrupted by adding Muhammad’s name as a messenger of God to it, which has made Islam a religion of personality cult nullifying our all deeds as well as making most of us losers in the Hereafter while they believe that they are doing great. However, whoever wants to extend the given statement of declaration, it is only permissible to append attributes of God such as: “There is no god except God – the Almighty, the Wise”, “There is no god except God – the Living, the Eternal” or “There is no god except God – the Gracious, the Merciful” but it is a horrendous crime to append “Muhammad as a messenger of God” to it that nullifies all works.

Religion with God is Submission and Quran is a complete scripture

  • Indeed, the religion with God is Submission; and had not differed those who have been given the scripture except after what has come to them the knowledge out of jealousy between themselves. And whoever disbelieves in God’s revelations, then indeed, God is swift in the reckoning (3:19). So, if they argue with you (Muhammad), then say, “I have submitted myself to God and whoever has followed me.” And say to those who have been given the scripture and the gentiles, “Have you submitted?” Then if they have submitted, then certainly, they have guided, but if they have turned back, then only upon you (Muhammad) is the conveyance. And God is Seer of the servants (3:20). Indeed, those who have disbelieved in God’s revelations, and kill the prophets without justice, and kill those of the people who order with the justice, then you shall give them a news of a painful punishment (3:21). Those are the ones – has become worthless of their deeds in the world and the Hereafter, and for them there are no helpers (3:22). Do you not see to those who have been given a part of the scripture? They are invited to a scripture of God to judge between themselves, then a party of them turns away and they are the averse (3:23). That is of that they have said, “The Fire will not touch us, except for a limited number of days.” And they have deceived them in their religion what they have done to invent (3:24). Then how will it be when we have gathered them on a day, there is no doubt in it? Each soul will be paid what it has earned, and they will not be wronged (3:25).
  • Note: God has given us religion and we are individually responsible for submitting to Him and to follow the complete scripture to be aware that the Quran is the final edition of God’s scripture, while both religion and scripture have been completed with the revelation of Quran to judge disputes between the people, and people should not deceive themselves inventing anything about the religion. When a party of people turns away from God’s religion and His revelations, then the only responsibility for the prophet of the clear conveyance, and He will pay every soul what it has earned on a day, there is no doubt in it.

The sovereignty in the heavens and the earth belongs to God

  • Say, “O God, Owner of the dominion, You give the dominion to whomever You will, and You take away the dominion from whomever You will, and You honor whomever You will, and You humiliate whomever You will. In Your hand is the good. Indeed, You have power over everything (). You merge the night into the day and merge the day into the night, and You bring forth the living from the dead and bring forth the dead from the living, and You give provision to whomever You will without reckoning.” (3:27). The believers would not accept the disbelievers as allies other than the believers, and whoever does that then he has not been with God in anything except that you fear a protection from them, while God Himself warns you and to God is the final return (3:28).
  • Note: In God’s hand is all good and He wants us to reflect that He has power over all: He gives kingship to whomever He wills and takes away it from whomever He wills, He honors whomever He wills and humiliates whomever He wills, He causes the night into the day and causes the day into the night, He brings forth the living from the dead and brings forth the dead from the living while He provides for whomever He wills without reckoning, and to God is the final return and the believers will not accept the disbelievers as allies and whoever does that fearing them he has nothing from God.

God is aware of everything

  • Say, “If you conceal what is in your breasts or declare it, God knows it. And He knows what in the heavens and what is in the earth. And God has power over everything.” (3:29). A day every soul will find what of good it has done is presented, and what of evil it has done. It will wish if that there is a great distance between its good and its evil. And God Himself warns you, and God is Compassionate with the servants (3:30).
  • Note: Nothing is hidden from God whether it is concealed or declared in our breasts, and whether it is in the heavens or in the earth. On a day every soul will present of what good it has done and of what evil it has done, and will wish that there is a great distance between its good and its evil.

God loves the believers for following of His message given to them

  • Say: “If you have committed to love God, then you shall follow me (what He has given me), God will love you and He will forgive your sins for you. And God is Forgiving, Merciful (3:31). Say: “You shall obey God and the messenger.” Then if they have turned away, then indeed, God does not love the disbelievers (3:32).
  • Note: Here is a commandment for the people that those who love God shall follow the messenger (message) are the believers and those who turn away from the messenger (message) are the disbelievers, while God only loves the believers. The message in 3:31 has been further clarified in 3:32 not to have any confusion about the commandment to follow what has been given to prophet Muhammad, i.e., the Quran.

Mary belongs to a family of Imran

  • Indeed, God has chosen Adam, and Noah, and a family of Abraham, and a family of Imran among the people of the world (3:33). A progeny of one from other. And God is Hearer, Knower (3:34). When Imran’s wife said, “My Lord, indeed, I have vowed to You dedicated what is in my womb, so accept from me. Indeed, You are the Hearer, the Knower.” (3:35). Then when she delivered her, she said, “My Lord, indeed, I have delivered her a female. God knows of what she has delivered and it has not been the male like the female. And that I have named her Mary and that I seek refuge for her in You and her offspring from the Satan, the rejected.” (3:36). So her Lord has accepted her a gracious acceptance and has brought her up a gracious upbringing, and has put her in care of Zakariya. Whenever Zakariya had entered upon her in the chamber he found provision with her. He said, “O Mary, from where is this for you?” She said, “It is from God.” Indeed, God provides for whomever He wills without reckoning (3:37).
  • Note: A woman from the Imran’s family, who had vowed to God what was in her womb as dedication. When she had delivered a female, She named her Mary and sought refuge for her in God from the Satan, the rejected while He accepted her prayer. Mary was brought up in care of Zachariah and she had been so righteous that she used to have provision from God.

Call of Zachariah and sign given to him to have a pure offspring

  • When Zakariya had invoked his Lord, he said: “My Lord, grant for me a pure offspring from Yourself; indeed, You are Hearer of the prayer.” (3:38). Then the angels called him while he was standing to pray in the prayer house, “Indeed, God gives you good news of John, onfirming with a word from God, and an honorable and honest, and a prophet from the righteous.” (3:39). He said, “How can it be for me a son, and certainly, the old age has reached me and my wife is sterile?” He said, “Thus that God does whatever He wills.” (3:40). He said, “My Lord, make for me a sign.” He said, “Your sign is that you will not speak to the people for three days, except with gesture. And you shall remember your Lord much, and shall glorify in the evening and the morning.” (3:41).
  • Note: Mary’s provision from God inspired Zachariah to invoke God to have a pure offspring and God gave him good news of John through the angels. When he asked for a sign, God gave him a sign of not speaking to people for three days except with gesture and to remember Him as much as he could.

Angels visited to Mary with a news of the Messiah

  • The angels said, “O Mary, God has chosen you and has purified you, and has preferred you over women of the world (3:42;). “O Mary, you shall be obedient to your Lord, and shall prostrate and bow down with those who bow down.” (3:43). That is from a news of the unseen we reveal to you. And you had not been with them when they drew their raffles which of them will take charge of Mary, and you had not been with them when they argued (3:44). When the angels said, “O Mary, indeed, God gives you good news with a word from Him, his name is the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary with honor in the world and the Hereafter, and of those who are brought closest (3:45). And He will speak to the people in the crib and maturity, and will be with the righteous.” (3:46). She said, “My Lord, how would be a son for me, while a man does not touch me?” He said, “Thus that God creates whatever He wills. When He has decreed a matter, then He only says to it, ‘Be,’ so it is (3:47). And He will teach him the scripture and the wisdom, and the Torah and the Gospel.” (3:48).
  • Note: The angels visited Mary and informed her that God has chosen her and has purified her and has preferred her over women of the world. They also gave her good news with a word from God about the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, who will speak to people in the crib as well as in the maturity while he will be taught the scripture and the wisdom as well as the Torah and the Gospel.

Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary was a messenger to Children of Israel

  • And (He will make him) a messenger to the Children of Israel (would say to them): “That I certainly have come to you with a sign from your Lord that I can design for you from the clay like a shape of the bird, then I will breathe into it, so it will become a bird by God’s permission. And I can cure the blind and the leper, and can give life to the dead by God’s permission. And I can inform you of what you eat and what you store in your homes. Indeed, in that there is surely, a sign for you, if you have been believers (3:49). And confirming that which was before myself of the Torah and that I make lawful for you after that which has been forbidden upon you. And I have come to you with a sign from your Lord. So,  you shall fear God and shall obey me (3:50). Indeed, God is my Lord and your Lord; so, you shall worship Him. This is a straight path” (3:51).
  • Note: Jesus, son of Mary has been a messenger of God to children of Israel who came to them with great signs from his Lord and said to them that God is my Lord and your Lord and you shall worship God, which is a straight path to Him.

The disciples of Jesus were submitters

  • Then when Jesus had perceived the disbelief from them he said, “Who are my helpers to God?” The disciples said, “We are helpers of God, we have believed in God, and you (Jesus) shall bear witness of that we are submitters (3:52). Our Lord, we have believed in what You have sent down and we have followed the messenger; so, record us with the witnesses.” (3:53).
  • Note: The disciples of Jesus who had believed in God and what was revealed to him and had followed him were submitters.

Termination of Jesus’ life on earth and raising him to God

  • And they had plotted while God has planned and God is best of the planners (3:54. When God said, “O Jesus, indeed, I am Terminator of you and Raiser of you to Me, and Purifier of you from those who have disbelieved, and I am Maker of superior of those who have followed you (Jesus) to those who have disbelieved on a day of the Resurrection. Then to Me is all your return, then I will judge between yourselves in what you have done to differ in it (3:55).
  • Note: When the disbelievers had plotted against Jesus to kill him, then God also planned to save him, while He is the best planner. He had terminated his life and had raised him to Him to get rid of the disbelievers, and had promised his believers to make them superior over the disbelievers on a day of the Resurrection.

Reward of the disbelievers and the believers

  • “So, as for those who have disbelieved, then I will punish them a severe punishment in the world and the Hereafter, and for them there are no helpers.” (3:56). And as for those who have believed and have done the righteous deeds, then He will pay them their reward. And God does not love the wrongdoers (3:57). That we recite it to you of the verses, and the reminder, the wise (3:58).
    Note: It is God’s system that He will punish the disbelievers a severe punishment in the world as well as in the Hereafter as He does not love the wrongdoers, while the believers who have done the righteous deeds He will pay them their reward distinguishing between the disbelievers and the believers based on what is being recited to His prophet.

An analogy between creation of Jesus and Adam

  • Indeed, an example of Jesus with God, is like an example of Adam; He has created him from dust, then said to him, “Be,” so he was (3:59). The truth is from your Lord, so you would not be with the doubters (3:60). Then whoever has argued with you (Muhammad) in it after what has come to you of the knowledge, then say, “Come, we call our sons and your sons, and our women and your women, and ourselves and yourselves, then we pray to call God’s curse upon the liars.” (3:61). Indeed this, surely, it is the narration of the truth. And there is no god except God. And indeed God, surely, He is the Almighty, the Wise (3:62). If they have turned away, then indeed, God is Knower of the corruptors (3:63).
  • Note: To God the creation of Jesus is like that of Adam, is the true narration eliminating any doubt about the birth of Jesus, son of Mary, which has been confirmed in the wise reminder, and those who have turned away from it are the corruptors as it has come from God, while there is no god except He.

Abraham had neither been a Jew nor a Christian but a monotheist Submitter

  • Say, “O people of the scripture, come to a fair agreement between ourselves and between yourselves that we do not worship except God, nor do we associate partner anything with Him, nor does take of us to other as lords other than God.” Then if they have turned away, then say, “You shall bear witness of that we are submitters (3:64).O people of the scripture, why do you argue about Abraham, while there had not been sent down the Torah and the Gospel except after of him? Do you not then use intellect?” (3:65). Here you are those who have argued about what for you any knowledge of it. Then why do you argue about what has not been for you any knowledge of it? And God knows, while you do not know (3:66). Abraham had neither been a Jew, nor a Christian; but he had been a Submitter of Monotheism, and He had not been among the idol worshipers (3:67). Indeed, best are the people of Abraham those who have followed him and this prophet (Quran), and those who have believed; and God is a Protector of the believers (3:68.
  • Note: There is controversy around Abraham between the people of the scripture (Jews and Christians) and the people of the Quran (Muslims) while the Quran confirms that to God the believers are those who practice the rites of religion given to Abraham and follow the Quran given to Muhammad, and God is a Protector of them while Abraham has been a monotheist submitter.

Jews and Christians mislead themselves for making efforts to mislead the believers

  • A group from a people of the scripture had wished, if they could lead you (the believers) astray, and they do not lead astray except themselves, while they do not perceive (3:69). O people of the scripture, why do you disbelieve in God’s revelations, while you bear witness? (3:70). O people of the scripture, why do you confound the truth with the falsehood and conceal the truth, while you know? (3:71).
  • Note: A group from a people of the scripture (Jews and Christians) who have made efforts to mislead the believers but God knows they have misled themselves denying God’s revelations they have witnessed and confounding the truth with the falsehood that they know.

Jews and Christians will not accept you unless you follow their religion

  • And a group from a people of the scripture said, “You shall believe in which has been sent down to those who have believed at beginning of the day and shall disbelieve at its end that they may return (3:72). And you do not believe except for whoever has followed your religion.” Say, “God’s guidance is the (true) guidance that is given to one like of what has been given to you or they may argue with you about your Lord.” Say, “The bounty is in God’s hand; He gives it to whomever He wills. And God is Encompassing, Knower.” (3:73).He chooses with His mercy whomever He wills, and God is Possessor of the great bounty (3:74).
  • Note: God has warned the believers from Jews and Christians by their efforts not to be misguided as guidance does not come from any people or groups except God what He has confirmed through His revelations including the truth should not have any doubt about it while the bounty is with His hand.

Jews and Christians lie about God

  • And from a people of the scripture there is whoever, if you entrust him with a lot, he will return it to you, and from them there is whoever, if you entrust him with a single dinar, he will not return it to you except that you have kept standing over him. That is of that they said, “It has not been any obligation upon us about the gentiles. And they say the lie about God, while they know (3:75). Nay, whoever has fulfilled of his pledge and has feared (God), then indeed, God loves the righteous (3:76). Indeed, those who purchase with God’s promise and their oaths for a small price, those – for them there is no share in the Hereafter, nor will God speak to them, nor will He look at them on a day of the Resurrection, nor will He purify them, for them there is a painful punishment (3:77). And indeed, of them surely a group – they distort their tongues with the scripture that you may think it, is from the scripture, while it is not from the scripture, and they say, “It is from God,” while it is not from God. And they say the lie about God, while they know (3:78).
  • Note: Those who have said that the gentiles cannot be trusted with a single dinar is a lie, and the gentiles are those who do not read or know or follow the scripture, even when they distort the scripture with their tongues, which is not in the scripture is also a lie. Those who have fulfilled their pledges and have feared God are the righteous while those who purchase with God’s promise and their oaths for a small price there is no share for them in the Hereafter and there is a painful punishment, even God will not speak with them nor will He look at them nor will He purify them on a day of the Resurrection.

People to be Lord’s worshipers with what has been given to them

  • It has not been for a human that God gives him the scripture and the wisdom and the prophethood, then he says to the people, “You shall be worshipers of me other than God, except you shall be worshipers of Lord of what you have been to teach the scripture and of what you have been to study (it).” (3:79). Nor would he order you to take the angels and the prophets as lords. Would he order you in the disbelief after when you have been submitters? (3:80).
  • Note: Prophets are those who have been given scripture, who cannot order people to worship them (prophets) or angels to make them disbelievers except to be worshipers of Lord according to the teachings of the scripture what they are studying. Despite the clear order, it is unfortunate that God’s religion has been corrupted by introducing personality cult, which is not hidden from those who have vision.

God’s covenant with the prophets to send a messenger upon delivery of all scripture

  • And when God had taken a covenant of the prophets: “Surely, whatever I have given you from a scripture and wisdom, then there has come to you a messenger confirming that which is with yourselves. You must believe in him and you must support him.” He said: “Have you affirmed and taken My covenant on that?” They said: “We have affirmed.” He said: “So, you shall bear witness, and I am with you among the witnesses.” (3:81).
  • Note: Here there is an indication that every prophet has been given scripture from a Mother of the scripture with God (43:4 as well as a confirmation of a major covenant of God with the prophets to send a messenger upon delivery of all scripture given to them, which makes explicit that this covenant has been placed in every scripture immediately followed by the definition of prophet given by God so that we do not confuse between prophet and messenger. It is also noteworthy that the covenant has been placed in the Quran given to Muhammad mentioning him 2nd person singular masculine pronoun in (33:7), a (complete) scripture of God (3:23), which is the final edition of God’s scripture given to Muhammad mentioning by name in (33:40). The covenant has fulfilled in 1974 through unveiling of the concept of Quran’s mathematical coding (74:30), while the detail of the message given to the messenger is found in (74:30-37) and the detail of the messenger is in (74:11-29).

Punishment for the deniers of a messenger of the covenant

  • So, whoever has turned away after that, then those – they are the disobedient (3:82). Do they then seek other than God’s religion while to Him has submitted whatever is in the heavens and the earth in willingness and unwillingness, and to Him they will be returned (3:83)? Say, “We have believed in God, and what has been sent down to us, and what has been sent down to Abraham, and Ismail, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the Patriarchs, and what has been given to Moses, and Jesus, and the prophets from their Lord. We do not make distinction between anyone of them, and we are submitters to Him.” (3:84). And whoever seeks other than Submission as religion, will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter, he will be with the losers (3:85). How would God guide a people who have disbelieved after their faith and have witnessed that the messenger is truth, and has come to them the clear proofs? And God does not guide the people of the wrongdoers (3:86). Those – their recompense is that there is God’s curse on them, and the angels, and all of the people (3:87). They will be dwellers in it (Hell). The punishment for them neither will be lightened, nor will they be reprieved (3:88). Except those who have repented after that and have reformed. Then indeed, God is Forgiving, Merciful (3:89). Indeed, those who have disbelieved after their faith, then have increased disbelief, their repentance will not be accepted; and those – they are the strayers (3:90). Indeed, those who have disbelieved, and have died while they are disbelievers, then will not be accepted the earth full of gold from anyone of them, even if he had offered as ransom with it. Those – for them there is a painful punishment and for them there are no helpers (3:91).
  • Note: When this great covenant has fulfilled, and the messenger has come with the clear proof, those who have turned away from it are seeking for other than God’s religion have made them losers in the Hereafter except those who have repented and reformed before their disbelief has increased turning them to strayers. For them there is no guidance from God, while those who have disbelieved and have died as disbelievers, He will not accept even an earth full of gold as ransom from them, they will have painful punishment and there are no helpers for them, is also an indication that there is no intercession for the disbelievers.

Certain criteria to be righteous

  • You cannot attain the righteousness unless you spend from what you love. And whatever you spend from a thing, then indeed, God is Knower of it (3:92). All the food has been made lawful for children of Israel, except what Israel had made unlawful upon himself before the Torah was sent down. Say, “So, come with the Torah, then recite it, if you have been truthful.” (3:93). So, whoever has fabricated the lie about God after that, then those – they are the wicked (3:94).
  • Note: The believers can attain righteousness by spending from their wealth, and not committing crimes of making unlawful what God has made lawful as well as of fabricating a lie about Him.

Commandment to follow the religion given to Abraham

  • Say, “God has proclaimed truth that you shall follow a religion of Abraham – Monotheism, and he had not been with the idol worshipers.” (3:95). Indeed, the first House has been established for the people is that which is in Bakkah, a blessed and a guidance for the people of the world (3:96). In it there are clear signs, a standing place of Abraham, and whoever has entered it has made safe. And for God upon the people is pilgrimage to the House, whoever has been able to make a path to it, and whoever has disbelieved, then indeed, God has sufficiency than the people of the world (3:97).
  • Note: Pilgrimage is one of the religious rites given to Abraham, a monotheist submitter, is performed to the House at Bakkah (Makkah), which is a clear sign of a blessed and a guidance for the people.

What the people of scripture should follow upon revelation of Quran

  • Say, “O people of the scripture, why do you disbelieve in the revelations of God, while God is a Witness over what you do?” (3:98). Say, “O people of the scripture, why do you prevent whoever has believed from God’s path desiring it crooked while you are witnesses?” And God is not unaware of what you do (3:99). O you who have believed, if you obey a group of those who have been given the scripture, they will turn you back to disbelievers after your belief (3:100). And how can you disbelieve, and is recited God’s revelations to you, and among you is His messenger? And whoever holds fast to God, then certainly, he has been guided to a straight path (3:101).
  • Note: The people of the scripture prevent the believers of His revelations (Quran) from God’s path desiring His revelations crooked while those who hold fast to God, He guides them to a straight path is a commandment from God for both the people of the scripture and those who have believed in His revelations (Quran) to stay with Him eliminating any doubt about what the people of scripture should follow upon the revelation of the Quran, even reflecting that what has been given to them is a part of the scripture while Quran is a complete scripture (3:23).

Submitters hold fast together to God

  • O you who have believed, you shall fear God as truth of His fear, and you do not die except while you are submitters (3:102). You shall hold fast to God’s rope all together, and you do not divide. And you shall remember God’s favor upon you when you have been enemies, then He has made friendship between your hearts, then you have become brothers by His favor. And you have been on a brink of pit of the Fire, then He has saved you from it. Thus that God makes clear His revelations for you, that you may guide (3:103). And let there be a community from you to invite to the good, and to enjoin with the just, and to forbid from the evil. And those – they are the successful ones (3:104). And you do not be like those who have divided (them) and have differed after what has come to them the clear proofs. And those – for them there is a great punishment (3:105).
  • Note: God wants us not to die without being submitters, while those who have believed fear God, and invite to the good and enjoin with the just and forbid from the evil, and do not divide them are the successful ones.

All matters will be returned to God

  • A day certain faces would become white and certain faces would become black. So as for those, has turned their faces black, “Have you not disbelieved after your belief? Then taste the punishment for what you have done to disbelieve.” (3:106). And as for those, has turned their faces white, would be in God’s mercy, abiding in it forever (3:107). That is of God’s signs, we recite it to you with the truth. And God does not intend wickedness for the people of the world (3:108). And to God belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth, and to God all matters will be returned (3:109).
  • Note: On a day of the Judgment has turned certain faces black, who will taste the punishment, and has turned certain faces white who will have God’s mercy abiding therein forever.

God has raised a best community from the people with the followers of scripture

  • You have been a best community has been raised among the people to enjoin with the just, and to forbid from the evil, and to believe in God. And if a people of the scripture had believed, surely, it would have been better for them. Of them there are the believers, while most of them are the disobedient (3:110). They cannot harm you except a trouble, and if they fight you, they will turn you the backs. Then they will not be helped (3:111). It has been struck the humiliation on them, wherever that they have been found except with a rope from God and a rope from the people. They have incurred by wrath from God and has been struck the poverty on them. That is of that they have done to disbelieve in God’s revelations and kill the prophets without just. That is of that they had disobeyed and had done to transgress (3:112). They have not been the same among people of the scripture, is a community of righteous recites God’s revelations a part of the night, while they prostrate (3:113). They believe in God and the Last Day, and enjoin with the just, and forbid from the evil, and hasten in the good deeds. Those are among the righteous (3:114). And whatever of a good they do, will not be denied it, and God is Knower of the righteous (3:115).
  • Note: God has raised a best community with the revelation of Quran and if a people of the scripture would believe in it, it would be better for them, even there are believers among them but most of them were the disobedient. Thus, among the people of the scripture who recite God’s revelations (Quran) a part of a night and believe in God and Last day, and enjoin the good, and forbid from the evil, and hasten to do the good deeds are the righteous being included with a best community.

Neither wealth nor children can save the disbelievers from Hell

  • Indeed, those who have disbelieved neither their wealth nor their children will avail for them of anything against God, and those are the dwellers of Fire – they will be abiding therein forever (3:116). An example of what they spend in this – the life of the world is like an example of wind is frost has struck people’s harvest who have wronged themselves that has destroyed it. And God has not wronged them but they wrong themselves (3:117).
  • Note: God does not wrong the disbelievers but they do wrong themselves citing an example like the frost in the wind struck the people’s harvest.

Believers should not ignore jealousy of disbelievers upon them

  • O you who have believed, you do not befriend other than yourselves, they will not spare you any ruin. They have intended what has distressed Indeed, what has been apparent the hatred out of their mouths and what conceals their breasts is greater. Certainly, we have made clear the verses for you, if you have been to think (3:118). Lo! You are those – you love them, while they do not love you, and you believe in the scripture everyone of it. And when they have meet you, they said, “We have believed,” and when they have gone away, they have bitten the fingers upon you out of the rage. Say, “Die with your rage.” Indeed, God is Knower of what is in the breasts (3:119). If a good touches you, it grieves them, and if a misfortune strikes you, they rejoice with it. And if you are patient, and fear (God), their plotting will not harm you in anything. Indeed, God is Encompassing of what they do (3:120).
  • Note: God has made it clear in His revelations that the believers should not befriend other than themselves as the believers may love the disbelievers but the disbelievers will not love the believers while they grieve if the good touches the believers and they rejoice when the misfortune strike the  believers concealing their hatred out of their mouths in the breasts.

Victory comes from God

  • And when you (Muhammad) had left early morning from your family to station positions to the believers for the battle, while God is Hearer, Knower (3:121). When has inclined two groups among you that they lose heart, while God was their Protector, and upon God that the believers should put trust (3:122). And certainly, God has helped in Badr, while you were weak. So, you shall fear God that you may thank (3:123). When you (Muhammad) said to the believers, “Does not it suffice that your Lord strengthens you with three-thousand sent down ones from the angels?” (3:124). Nay, if you are patient and you fear (God), and they come upon you of their sudden (attack), this – your Lord will strengthen you with five-thousand trained ones from the angels (3:125). And God has not made it except a good news for you and that it assures your hearts with it. And the victory is not except with God – the Almighty, the Wise (3:126). That He may cut off a portion of those who have disbelieved, or may suppress them that they turn back being disappointed (3:127).
  • Note: God helped the believers in fighting to win the battle as there is no victory except from God, the Almighty while He strengthened the believers with three-thousand angels at the battle of Badr, even cutting off a portion of those who disbelieved or suppressed them that they turn back being disappointed.

God forgives whomever He wills and punishes whomever He wills

  • It has not been for you (Muhammad) anything of the matter; whether He may turn to them, or He may punish them is indeed, they are wrongdoers (3:128). To God belongs what is in the heavens and what is the earth. He forgives for whomever He wills, and punishes for whomever He wills. And God is Forgiving, Merciful (3:129).
  • Note: The Judgment is with God. He may have mercy on the disbelievers to find the right path for them but He will certainly, punish the wrongdoers. Thus, He forgives whomever He wills and punishes whomever He wills means His judgment in accordance with His established standard and law, and there is no intervening or interceding in His judgment system.

A spacious Garden for the righteous for what they have done in the earth

  • O you who have believed, you do not consume the usury multiplied doubles, and shall fear God that you may succeed (3:130). And you shall fear the Fire which has been prepared for the disbelievers (3:131). And you shall obey God and the messenger that you may be given mercy (3:132). You shall hasten to forgiveness from your Lord, and a Garden – its width of the heavens and the earth, has been prepared for the righteous (3:133). Those who spend during the ease and the hardship, and the suppressors of the anger, and the pardoners of the people, and God loves the good-doers (3:134).
  • Note: God has promised a spacious Garden to those who have believed and have avoided the usury to increase their money in fearing God and the Fire, and have obeyed God and the messenger, and have spent from their wealth both in the ease and difficult times, and suppressors of the anger, and pardoners of the people as God loves the good-doers.

Reward for those who have asked for forgiveness after committing wrongs

  • And those who when have done immorality or have wronged their souls, have remembered God, then they have asked forgiveness for their sins, and whoever can forgive the sins except God, and they do not persist on what they have done, while they know (3:135). Those – their reward is forgiveness from their Lord and gardens flowing the rivers of their underneath, as dwellers therein forever, and has blessed an excellent reward for the workers (3:136).
  • Note: God has promised to those who have committed immorality and have wronged their souls, if they have asked for forgiveness for their sins and have remembered Him, there are gardens for them flowing the rivers of their underneath, are abiding therein forever. We may reflect how merciful is God who has left the door open for the wrongdoers to make Heaven through forgiveness and good works.

God purifies the believers while destroys the disbelievers

  • Certainly, has passed precedents before yourselves; so you shall travel in the earth, then you shall see how has been end of the deniers (3:137). This is a declaration for the people, and a guidance and enlightenment for the righteous (3:138). And you do not weaken, nor do you grieve, and you will the superior, if you have been believers (3:139). If a wound touches you, then certainly, a wound like it has touched the people. And that is of the days we alternate it among the people and that God makes evident those who have believed, and takes martyrs from you. And God does not love the wrongdoers (3:140). And that God purifies those who have believed and destroys the disbelievers (3:141). Or have you thought that you will enter the Paradise while God would not know those who have strove among you, and would know the steadfast? (3:142). And certainly, you had done to wish for the death before to meet it. Then certainly, you have seen it, while you were looking (3:143).
  • Note: God has cited examples from the past referring to the consequences of the deniers of His revelations, which may be a lesson for the believers to have the upper hand and courage in their hearts to fight in the cause of God until the victory comes, which is to expose the true believers to reward them the Paradise not being like the disbelievers who die many times before their actual deaths.

Death is a determined decree but no one dies except God’s permission

  • And Muhammad is not but a messenger; certainly, had passed away the messengers before himself. So, if he had died or he had been killed, would you have turned back on your heels? And whoever turns back on his heels, then he does not hurt God in anything, while God will reward the grateful ones (3:144). And it has not been for any soul (person) that it dies except by God’s permission, is a determined decree. And whoever desires a reward of the world, we give him from it, and whoever desires a reward of the Hereafter, we give him from it. And we will reward the grateful ones (3:145).
  • Note: There is no exception for Muhammad, a messenger of God that he will not die, even he may be killed in the battle but the message given to him does exist and the believers will uphold the message in his absence to be grateful to God for their reward as death is a determined decree to everyone but no one dies except God’s permission while He wants everyone of us to desire a reward of the Hereafter instead of desiring a reward of the world as the reward of the Hereafter is better than that of the world. Here there is also confirmation of the death of Jesus, a messenger of God to Children of Israel (3:49) as 95 (19x5) verses down the surah the verse 3:144 has confirmed the death of all the messengers before Muhammad.

God is Protector and the best Helper of the believers in all circumstances

  • And many of a prophet had fought, with him there were many devotees to Lord, that they have not lost hearts for what had befallen them in God’s path, nor have they weakened nor have they surrendered, while God loves the steadfast (3:146). And it has not been their words except that they had said, “Our Lord, forgive our sins for us and our transgression in our affairs, and make firm our feet, and give us victory over the disbelieving people.” (3:147). So, God has given them a reward in the world, while there is a better reward in the Hereafter. And God loves the good-doers (3:148). You who have believed, if you obey those who have disbelieved, they will turn you back on your heels, then you will turn back to losers (3:149). Nay, God is your Protector, and He is the best Helper (3:150). We will throw the terror into hearts of those who have disbelieved because of that they have associated a partner with God what He does not send down any authority with it and their refuge will be in the Fire and have been a miserable abode for the transgressors! (3:151).
  • Note: Those who fought with prophet were frequent worshippers of Lord, who have not lost their hearts in the battle nor have they surrendered to their enemies praying to have forgiveness for their transgression and victory while God cast terror into hearts of the disbelievers to make them losers. He wants the believers to make friends among themselves disobeying the disbelievers that they cannot turn them back to losers keeping in mind that God is their Protector and the best Helper in all situations.

Defeat in the battle has been a test for the believers

  • And certainly, God has fulfilled to you His promise that you kill them by His leave until when you have lost courage, and have fallen in dispute about the order and have disobeyed after what He had shown you what you love. Among you there were whoever desires the world, and among you there were whoever desires the Hereafter. Then He has diverted you from them that He may test you. And certainly, He has remitted from you, and God being a Possessor of blessing over the believers (3:152). When you ran while you did not look towards anyone, and the messenger called you from your behind. So, He had given you distress over distress that you do not grieve over what had escaped you, nor had what befallen you. And God is Cognizant of what you do (3:153).
  • Note: God has permitted the believers to kill the disbelievers in the battle until to achieve the victory but they turned back when they had lost courage and had fallen in dispute desiring for the materials of the world even disobeying the order of the messenger, who has been the commander, when there has been distress after distress upon the believers. Thus, the believers did not have the victory for all wars they fought against God’s as well as their enemies, while the defeat in the war has been a test for them.

Security and peace for the true believers after the test

  • Then He has sent down upon you a security in slumber after the distress overcoming a group of you, while certainly, a group of you has worried them of themselves thinking the truth other than with God – a thought of the ignorance. They say, “Is there anything of the affair for us?” Say, “Indeed, the affair – all of it belongs to God.” They hide inside themselves what they do not reveal to you. They say, “If there had been anything of the affair for us, we would not have been killed there.” Say, “if you had been in your homes, surely, there would have come out those who have been decreed the killing upon them to their places of killing.” And that God might test what is in your breasts and that He may purge what in your hearts. And God is Knower of what is in the breasts (3:154). Indeed, those who have turned back among you a day the two armies has met, only the Satan has made them slip of that what they have earned. And certainly, God has remitted from them, indeed, God is forgiving, Clement (3:155). O you who have believed, do not be like those who have disbelieved and said of their brothers when they had traveled in the land or they had been in war, “If they had been with us, they would not have died nor would they have been killed.” That God makes that a regret in their hearts, while God gives life and causes death, and God is Seer of what you do (3:156). And if you have been killed in a way of God, or you have died, surely, there is forgiveness from God and mercy are better than what they gather (3:157). And surely, if you have died or have been killed, surely, to God you will be gathered (3:158).
  • Note: God has given security and peace to the believers upon remitting what they have earned turning back in the battle field being slipped by the Satan. He has also let them know that those who have been in homes would come out towards their places where their death has been decreed upon them in response of their thoughts that if they had not participated in the fighting, they would not have been killed in the battle or they have stayed homes while they had failed to reflect that God gives life and causes death and through their death or killing would be returned to Him.

God had placed mercy into prophet’s heart to deal with the believers

  • So, because of mercy from God, you have dealt with them gently. If you had been rude and harsh to the heart, they would have dispersed from around you. So you shall remit for them, and shall ask forgiveness for them, and shall consult them in the matter. Then when you have decided, then you shall put trust upon God. Indeed, God loves those who put trust (3:159). If God helps you, then there is no overcoming for you; and if He forsakes you, then who is other than Him can help you? And upon God the believers should put trust (3:160).
  • Note: Prophet has dealt with the believers in accordance with mercy God had placed in his heart otherwise they would have dispersed from around him. He has taught him to ignore their mistakes, to ask forgiveness for them and to consult all matters with them, and to put trust upon Him as all the believers should put trust upon Him. Thus, as prophet he had no desire of his own except driven by God’s desires and what he had done or attempted to do from his own desire was a mistake for him as we see in case of marrying the divorced wife of his adopted son (33:37).

Prophet has not been above the law

  • And it has not been for a prophet that he should defraud. And whoever defrauds will bring with what he had defrauded on a day of the Resurrection. Then every soul is repaid for whatever it has earned, and they will not be wronged (3:161). Is then whoever has pursued God’s pleasure like whoever has drawn into wrath from God and his abode is Hell and has been a miserable is the destination? (3:162). They have ranks at God and God is Seer of what they do (3:163).
  • Note: Every soul will be repaid for whatever it has earned without any exception for the prophet and whoever has pursued God’s pleasure like whoever has drawn into wrath from God will be in the Hell according to their ranks at God while we know that there are 7 gates of the Hell.

Blessings for the believers from God

  • Certainly, God has favored upon the believers as He has raised messenger in them from themselves to recite His revelations to them, and to purify them, and to teach them the scripture and the wisdom, even though they have been before surely in far astray (3:164). As and when a disaster has struck you, certainly, you had struck (them) of its twice! You said, “Where is this from?” Say, “It is from yourselves.” Indeed, God has power over everything (3:165). And what has struck you a day the two armies had met by God’s permission, and that He might make evident the believers (3:166). And that He might make evident those who have been hypocrites, and it has been said to them, “Come, fight in God’s path, or defend.” They said, “If we knew fighting, certainly, we would have followed you.” They were closer to disbelief than them for the faith. They say with their mouths what has not been in their hearts. And God is Knower what they conceal (3:167). They said of their brothers, while they have sat, “If they had obeyed us, they would not have been killed.” Say, “Then prevent the death from yourselves, if you have been truthful ones.” (3:168).
  • Note: God has blessed the believers raising a messenger from them to recite His revelations, to purify and to teach them the scripture and the wisdom, which is a duty for the messenger and he did not teach any other teachings. When a disaster has struck them, it had struck their enemies twice of it that He may know the true believers as well as the hypocrites. And the hypocrites said they would fight if they knew. Thus, they say with their mouth what has not been in their hearts, and they also said to their kin not to join in the fighting to be killed there while God has warned them that can they prevent death even if they do not join in the fighting for fear of death?

Reward for those who have been killed in God’s path

  • And do not think of those who have been killed in a way of God are dead. Nay, they are alive at their Lord, are given provision (reward) (3:169). Rejoicing in what God has bestowed them of His bounty, and they give good news of those who do not join with them of their behind that there is no fear for them, nor will they grieve (3:170). They receive good news of favor from God and bounty, and that God does not let go waste a reward of the believers (3:171). Those who responded to God and the messenger, after what had befallen them the injury, there is a great reward for those who have done good among them and have feared (3:172).
  • Note: Those who have been killed in the cause of God are not dead but are alive with God as they are having provision from Him, which is also good news for those who are behind them. There is also a great reward for those who have responded to God and the messenger for what had befallen them or the injury.

The believers surely fear God, but not the Satan

  • The people of those who said to them, “Indeed, the people certainly, have gathered against you, so, you shall fear them,” while it increased them in faith, and they said, “God has sufficiency for us, He has been best – the Disposer of affairs.” (3:173). So, they have returned with favor of God and bounty. No harm touches them. And they have followed God’s pleasure, and God is Possessor of a great bounty (3:174). It is only that of them the Satan frightens, are his allies, so you should not fear them, and you shall fear Me if you have been believers (3:175).
  • Note: When a group of people among them has warned about a large gathering against the believers, which increased faith of the believers as they had followed God’s pleasure being God is the Disposer of affairs and Possessor of a great bounty while the Satan frightened those who were his allies.

The disbelievers purchase disbelief with truth will have to pay for it

  • And it should not grieve you for those who hasten to the disbelief. Indeed, they will not harm God in anything. God intends that He will not make any share for them in the Hereafter, and for them there is a great punishment (3:176). Indeed, those who have purchased the disbelief with the faith, they will not harm God in anything, and for them there is a painful punishment (3:177). And do not let him think of those who have disbelieved that we give respite for them is good for themselves. We only give respite for them that they may increase in sin and for them there is a humiliating punishment (3:178). God has not done that He leaves the believers on what you are on it until He distinguishes the evil from the good. And God has not done that He informs you of the unseen, but God chooses of His messengers whomever He wills. So, you shall believe in God and His messengers, and if you believe and fear (God), then for you there is a great reward (3:179).
  • Note: Those who have disbelieved and have purchased disbelief with the truth cannot harm God but He may respite them to increase their sin for a humiliating punishment. He does not leave the believers on what they have been until distinguishing the evil from the good and does not inform them of the unseen except choosing messengers from them while they have to believe in Him and His messengers, and those who believe and fear Him, for them there is a great reward.

God will punish those for their saying and doing

  • And do not let him think of those who withhold of what God has given them from His bounty – it is good for them, nay, it is bad for them. Their necks will be encircled that which they have withheld with it on a Day of the Resurrection. And to God is an inheritance of the heavens and the earth. And God is Cognizant of what you do (3:180). God has heard a saying of those who have said, “Indeed, God is poor, while we are rich.” We will record what they have said, and their killing of the prophets without justice, and we will say, “Taste a punishment of the burning Fire (3:181). That is of what has sent forth your hands, and that God has not been unjust for the servants (3:182).
  • Note: God will punish the disbelievers on a day of the Resurrection based on what they have sent forth for their saying and doing while we may see that who are committing sins are respited in this life.

Denying messenger with a plea is a human tragedy

  • Those who have said, “God has promised to us that we should not believe to a messenger until he brings to us of a sacrifice consuming it the fire.” Say, “Certainly, there had come to you messengers before of me with the clear proofs and with what you have mentioned. Then why have you killed them, if you have been truthful?” (3:183). So if they have denied you, then certainly has been denied messengers before of you who had come with the clear signs, and the Psalms, and the enlightening scripture (3:184). Every soul will be tasting of the death, and you will only be paid in full your reward on a day of the Resurrection. So whoever has been pulled away from the Fire and has been admitted to the Paradise, then certainly, he has succeeded, while the life of the world is not except an enjoyment of the delusion (3:185).
  • Note: It is a God’s system that He has sent His messengers with clear signs and His messages to guide the people in a right direction being a way of pulling them away from the Fire but most people have denied them with excuses while they should reflect that every soul will be tasting death that they will be paid at the time of death while on a day of the Resurrection will be paid in full what it has earned.

Throwing away the scripture behind the back is a horrendous crime

  • Certainly, you will be tested in your money and yourselves. And certainly, you will hear a lot of insult from those who have been given the scripture before yourselves and from those who have associated partners (with God); and if you be patient and fear (God), then indeed, that is a factor of the determination (3:186). And when God has taken a covenant of those who have given the scripture: “Certainly, you will make it to clear to the people, and will not conceal it.” Then they have thrown it behind their backs, and have purchased with it a small price. So it has been miserable for what they purchase (3:187). You should not think of those who rejoice with what they have purchased, and they love that they will be praised for what they do not do. So, you should not think of them to have an escape from the punishment, for them there is a painful punishment (3:188).
  • Note: Those who have thrown away the scripture behind their back for trading with God’s revelations and those who have associated partners with God will have a painful punishment.

Imploring God reflecting to His systems in the creation

  • And to God belong dominion of the heavens and the earth, and God has power over everything (3:189). Indeed, in creation of the heavens and the earth, and alternation of the night and the day, surely, there are signs for possessors of the understanding (3:190). Those who remember God in standing, and sitting, and on their sides, while they reflect in creation of the heavens and the earth: “Our Lord, You have not created this in vain. Glory is Yours; so, save us from punishment of the Fire (3:191). Our Lord, indeed You, whomever You admit to the Fire, then certainly, You have disgraced him, and for the wrongdoers there are no helpers (3:192). Our Lord, indeed, we have heard a caller calls to the faith that you shall believe in your Lord; so, we have believed. Our Lord, forgive our sins for us, and remove our evil deeds from us, and cause us to die with the righteous (3:193). Our Lord, and give us what You have promised us through Your messengers, and You do not disgrace us on a Day of the Resurrection. Indeed, You do not break the promise.” (3:194).
  • Note: God wants His believers to remember Him when they are standing, sitting and lying down, and has given His words that we can use to implore Him reflecting Him to be powerful over everything to admit us into gardens saving us from the Fire removing our sins from us as well as letting us die being righteous. His words give us a guarantee for us to admit into the Paradise being saved from the Hell that we do not have to look for other sources for words to implore Him.

God’s response to those who implore Him

  • Then has responded to them of their Lord: “Indeed, I do not let go waste deed of a doer among you from a male or a female – one of you for another. So, those who have immigrated, and have been driven out from their homes, and have been harmed in My path, and have fought and have been killed; surely, I will remove their evil deeds from them, and surely, I will admit them to gardens flowing the rivers of their underneath – a reward on behalf of God, and God, with Him is the best reward.” (3:195).
  • Note: God has promised that He answers to those who implore Him whether a male or a female letting us know that He would not let go waste their good deeds but removing our sins from us to admit into gardens. Why should we not implore God using His words if we can have the best reward from Him?

Temporary enjoyment vs. everlasting enjoyment

  • It should do not deceive you from a movement of those who have disbelieved in the land (3:196). An enjoyment is little, then their abode is Hell, and has been miserable of the resting place (3:197). But those who have feared their Lord, for them are gardens flowing the rivers of their underneath as dwellers therein forever – a lodging on behalf of God and what is with God is better for the righteous (3:198).
  • Note: We should not be impressed by temporary enjoyment of the disbelievers as there is a miserable resting place for them while those who have feared their Lord will be in gardens abiding therein forever.

Traits that believers should possess to attain best reward with God

  • And indeed, from a people of the scripture surely, whoever believes in God, and what has been sent down to you and what has been sent down to them are humbles to God. They do not exchange of God’s revelations for a small price. Those – for them there is their reward with their Lord. Indeed, God is swift in the reckoning (3:199). O you who have believed, you shall be steadfast, and shall be patient, and shall be consistent, and shall fear God, that you may succeed (3:200).
  • Note: God has mentioned three important qualities of the believers that help them to attain a great reward with Him: (1) believing in what has been revealed to them and what has been revealed before them, (2) to be humbles to Him being steadfast, consistent and fearing Him, and (3) not to trade His revelations for a small price.

If we can reflect that Surah al-Baqarah is an abstract of the Quran while Surah Aal Imran placed just after it has addressed many disputes that we may raise reflecting to: (1) Quran consists of the clarified verses and analogies, (2) there is no god except God, (3) Mary and Jesus belong to a Jewish family, (4) the death of Jesus, (5) controversy around Abraham between a people of the scripture, (6) sending of a messenger after delivery of all the scripture, (7) punishment for deniers of a messenger of the covenant, (8) those who follow Islam are Muslims, (9) disciples of Jesus were Muslims, (10) what the people of scripture should follow upon the revelation of Quran, (11) denying a messenger with a plea is a human tragedy, (12) the people of scripture exchange God’s revelations for a small price, (13) worshiping God is a straight path to our Lord to secure our success in the Hereafter.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (12/25/2020).