- Taa Haa (20:1)
Note: Taa Haa. as an oath of God being at the beginning of the surah affirms the miraculous story of Moses in the surah including other events and commandments stated in it. However, the initial Ta Ha prefixes Surah 20, while the initial Taa Seen prefixes surah 27 and the initial Taa Seen Meem prefixes its surrounding surahs 26 & 28. The letter Haa is also found in surah 19. Thus, an intricate interlocking relationship links these overlapping Quranic Initials produce a total which is a multiple of 19 => 1767 = 19x93 as shown in the table below. The interlocking initials H, TH, TS and TSM prefix surahs describing the miracles of Moses, Jesus, and the uncommon occurrences surrounding Solomon and his jinns.
- We have not sent down the Quran to you (Muhammad) that you may distress (20:2). Except a reminder for whoever fears (20:3). A revelation from Who has created the earth and the high heavens (20:4). The Gracious has established on the Throne (20:5). To Him belongs what is in the heavens and what is the earth, and what is between them, and what is beneath the ground (20:6). And if you speak out of the word, then indeed, He knows the secret and hidden (20:7). God: there is no god except He. To Him belongs the graceful names (20:8).
Note: The Quran is from the Creator of the earth and the high heavens as well as the Most Gracious established on the throne to remind those who fear Him. God knows the secret and hidden, and there is no other god besides He who has the most beautiful names.
- And has there come to you a story of Moses? (20:9). When he had seen a fire, then he said to his family, “Stay here; indeed, I have perceived a fire that I can bring of a burning flame from it or find a guidance at the fire.” (20:10).
Note When Moses saw a fire he had left his people and had come to a fire if he could bring guidance from it.
- Then when he had come to it, he had been called, “O Moses (20:11). Indeed Me, I am your Lord; take off your sandals. Indeed, you are in the sacred valley of Tuwa (20:12). And I have chosen you (Moses), so listen to what is revealed (20:13). Indeed Me, I am God; there is no god except I. So, you shall worship Me and shall establish the salat prayer for My remembrance (20:14). Indeed, the Hour is coming; I will almost hide it that each soul is compensated for what it strives (20:15). So you do not avert you from it; whoever does not believe in it (the Hour) and has followed his desire that you perish (20:16). What is that in your right hand, O Moses?” (20:17).
Note: God informed Moses when he was in the sacred valley of Tuwa that the Hour (the end of the world) is surely coming but He will keep it hidden from the people until certain time while whoever has disbelieved in it will perish.
- He said, “This is my staff. I lean on it, herd my sheep with it, and I use it for other purposes.” (20:18). He said, “Throw it down, O’ Moses.” (20:19). He threw it down, whereupon it turned into a moving serpent (20:20). He said, “Pick it up; do not be afraid. We will return it to its original state (20:21). And place your hand under your arm; it will come out white without a blemish; another proof (20:22). We thus show you some of our great signs.”(20:23).
Note: God showed Moses some of His great signs when he physically spoke to Him.
- “Go to Pharaoh; indeed, he has transgressed.” (20:24). He said, “My Lord, expand my breast for me (20:25). And make my task easy for me (20:26). And untie a knot from my tongue (20:27). So they can understand my speech (20:28). And appoint an assistant for me from my family (20:29). Aaron, my brother (20:30). Strengthen me with him (20:31). Let him be my partner in this task (20:32). That we may glorify You enough (20:33). And commemorate You enough (20:34). You are Seer of us.” (20:35). He said, “Certainly, you have been granted of your request, O Moses (20:36).
Note: Moses’ request was granted when he asked for support to face with Pharaoh, a great tyrant.
- “We had blessed you another time (20:37). When we had inspired to your mother what is inspired (20:38). That cast him into the box, then throw it into the river. Then let the river cast it on the shore to take him by an enemy to Me and an enemy to him.’ I bestowed love upon you from Me, and that you shall be raised under My eye (20:39). When your sister walks to, then she says, “Shall I direct you whoever can nurse him?” Thus, we had returned you to your mother, that she may cool her eyes and may not grieve. And you had killed a person, then we had saved you from the distress; and we had tested you with a test. Then you had stayed for years among a people of Madyan. Then you had appeared on a decreed time, O Moses (20:40).
Note: Moses had been favored in several occasions.
- I have chosen you for Myself.” (20:41). Go, you and your brother with My signs, and you (both) do not waver in remembering Me” (20:42). “Go, both of you to Pharaoh; indeed, he has transgressed (20:43). Speak to him nicely; he may take heed, or become reverent.” (20:44). They said, “Our Lord, we fear lest he may attack us, or transgress.”(20:45). He said, “Do not be afraid, for I will be with you, listening and watching (20:46). So go to him (Pharaoh) and say, “Indeed, we are (two) messengers of your Lord. So send Children of Israel with us and do not torment them. Certainly, we have come to you with a sign from your Lord, and the peace upon whoever has followed the guidance (20:47). Indeed we; certainly, it has been inspired to us that the punishment will be on whoever has denied and has turned away.’ ” (20:48).
Note: Moses was commanded to go to Pharaoh with his brother, Aaron to show him a sign of God to prevent him from persecuting the Children of Israel.
- He said, “Who is both of your Lord, O Moses.” (20:49). He said, “Our Lord is One Who has given everything of its form, then He has guided.” (20:50). He said, “What about the past generations?” (20:51). He said, “Its knowledge is with my Lord in a record. My Lord does not err nor does He forget.” (20:52).
Note: Moses’s solid belief about God was tested and confirmed.
- The One who has made the earth a resting place for you and has made paths in it for you, and He has sent down water from the sky, then we have brought forth with it various kinds of plants in pairs (20:53). You shall eat and shall raise your livestock. Indeed, in that surely there are signs for possessors of the intelligence (20:54). From it we have created you, in it we will return you, and from it we bring you out once again (20:55).
Note: We are created from earth, we are returning into it and we will be brought out of it.
- We showed him all our proofs, but he denied and refused (20:56). He said, “Have you come to us to drive us out of our land with your magic, O Moses? (20:57). “We will surely show you similar magic. Therefore, make an appointment between us and you that neither we, nor you will violate; in a neutral place.” (20:58). He said, “Your appointment is the day of festival, and that the people will be assembled in the forenoon.” (20:59). Then Pharaoh turned away, then made his plan, then came (20:60). Moses said to them, “Woe to you! Do not invent a lie about God, then He will destroy you with a punishment; and certainly, he failed who had invented.” (20:61). They disputed their matter among them and they kept secret their conversation (20:62). They said, “These two are no more than magicians who wish to take you out of your land with their magic, and to destroy your best way of life (20:63). Make your plan and come as united. Whoever beats will be the winner today.” (20:64). They said, “O Moses, either of that you throw, or of that we will be first whoever has thrown.” (20:65). He said, ” No, you throw.” Then their ropes and staffs seemed to him by their magic that they were moving (20:66). So Moses had harbored a fear in himself (20:67). We said, “Do not fear. Indeed, you will be the superior (20:68). Throw what is in your right hand, and it will swallow what they made. What they made is a trick of a magician and the magician will not succeed whatever he does.” (20:69). So, the magicians had been thrown down as prostrators. They said, “We have believed in Lord of Aaron and Moses.” (20:70).
Note: God strengthened Moses when he was with the magicians and he became the winner as the magicians fell prostrate and believed in the Lord of Moses and Aaron by the grace of God.
- He said, “Have you believed to him before that I give permission to you? Indeed, he is surely, your chief who has taught you the magic. So surely, I will cut off your hands and your feet from alternate sides, and surely, I will crucify you in the trunks of the palm trees, and surely, you will know which of us is more severe in punishment and more lasting!” (20:71). They said, “We will not prefer you over what has come to us of the clear proofs, and the One who has created us. So, decree whatever you are decreeing. You can only decree for this – the life of the world (20:72). Indeed, we have believed in our Lord that He may forgive our sins for us, and what you have compelled us by it with the magic. And God is better and everlasting.” (20:73).
Note: The magicians found the truth that made them believers in God and their belief was so firm that they were not even afraid of any punishment enforced by Pharaoh.
- Indeed, he who comes to his Lord as a criminal, then indeed, for him is Hell. He will not die in it, nor will he live (20:74). And he who comes to Him as a believer, certainly, he has done the righteous deeds, then those – for them are the high ranks (20:75). Gardens of Eden, flowing the rivers of its underneath, are abiding therein forever. And that is reward of whoever has purified himself (20:76).
Note: The destination of the guilty is Hell while the destination of the righteous is gardens of Eden.
- And certainly, we had inspired to Moses that you shall travel by night with My servants and shall strike for them a dry path through the sea; do not fear for overtaking, nor to be afraid (of drowning).” (20:77). Then Pharaoh followed them with his troops, so there had covered them from the sea what had covered them (20:78). And Pharaoh had misled his people, and he had not guided them (20:79). O Children of Israel, we delivered you from your enemy, we addressed you on the right side of the Mount, and we sent down to you manna and quails (20:80). You shall eat of good things that we have provided you, and you should not transgress therein, lest My wrath descends on you. And whoever upon him descends My wrath, then indeed, he has lost (20:81). Indeed, I am surely forgiving for whoever has repented, and has believed, and has done as a righteous, then he has been guided (20:82).
Note: God bestowed many favors on the Children of Israel to guide them to the right path. While whoever among them has transgressed but has repented and has believed and has done righteous deeds, then He is forgiving for him.
- “What has made you to hasten from your people, O Moses?” (20:83). He said, “They are my close associates. I have hastened to You my Lord, that You may be pleased (20:84). He said, “Then indeed, we certainly had tested your people after of you, and the Samarian had misled them.” (20:85).
Note: The people of Moses were tested when he was away from them and Samarian misled them.
- So Moses had returned to his people, angry and disappointed. He said, “O my people, did your Lord not promise you a fair promise? Have you then seemed the promise to you too long? Or have you desired that anger from your Lord descends upon you that you have broken promise to me?” (20:86). They said, “We have not broken promise to you by our will, but we have been made to carry from the jewelry of the people that we cast them with thus that the Samarian has suggested.” (20:87). Then he had brought forth for them a statue of calf to have it lowing sound. Then they said, “This is your god and god of Moses, but he had forgotten.” (20:88). Do not then they see that it cannot respond any word to them, nor does it possess for them any harm or any benefit? (20:89). And certainly, Aaron said said to them before, “O my people, you have only been tested with it, and indeed, your Lord is the Gracious. So, you shall follow me and shall obey my order.” (20:90). They said, “We will not cease being devoted to it until Moses returns to us.” (20:91).
Note: Moses became angry when he found that his people had gone astray by worshiping a statue of calf even disobeying Aaron’s order.
- He said, “O Aaron, what has prevented you, when you have seen them they have gone astray (20:92). Do you not follow me so have you disobeyed my command?” (20:93). He said, “O son of my mother; do not grab by my beard nor my head. Indeed, I have feared that you would say, `You have caused division between the Children of Israel, and you do not respect my order.’” (20:94).
Note: Moses also became angry with his brother, Aaron but Aaron explained to him that it was not his fault and he tried his best to stay them away from the idol worshiping in his absence.
- He said, “then what is your matter, O Samarian?” (20:95). He said, “I have perceived of what they do not perceive with it. So I have grabbed a fistful from a track of the messenger, then I have thrown it; and thus that my soul has enticed to me.” (20:96). He said, “So go, then indeed, for you in the life that you will say, “There is no touch”. And indeed, for you there is an appointment you will never be failed it. And look towards your god that you have remained devoted to it; surely, we will burn it and will scatter it in particles into the sea.” (20:97). Indeed, your god is God Whom: there is no god except He. He has encompassed all things in knowledge (20:98).
Note: Moses also became angry with Samarian while Samarian explained to him what he has done to misguide the people. Moses let him know that now he is to wait for the consequence. But the statue of the calf was burnt and its pieces were thrown into the sea while this event teaches us that there is no other god except God.
- Thus that we narrate to you from news of what certainly, has preceded, and certainly, we have given you a reminder from ours (20:99). Whoever has turned away from it, then indeed, he will bear a burden on a Day of the Resurrection (20:100). Abiding forever in it and it has been evil load for them on a Day of the Resurrection (20:101). A Day will be blown in the trumpet and we will gather the criminals on that day blue-eyed (20:102). They will whisper between themselves, “You have not stayed except for ten days!” (20:103). We are Knower of what they will say when will say whoever of their best in a way of life, “You have not stayed except for a day.” (20:104).
Note: The reminder that comes with the news from the past confirms the consequence of those who turn away from it on the day when the horn will be blown. The criminals will whisper between them that they have not stayed on the earth except 10 days while those who have the best way of life will say they have not stayed on it except for a day.
- They ask you about the mountains. Say, “My Lord will disintegrate them into pieces (20:105). He will leave it like a level plain land (20:106). You will see neither uphill nor downhill.” (20:107) On that day, they will follow the caller without deviation from it and the voices will be humbled for the Most Gracious; you will hear nothing except a whisper (20:108). On that day, there is no benefit of intercession except whom permitted by the Most Gracious that does conform to His will (20:109). He knows their past and their future, while they do not encompass His knowledge (20:110). All faces will be humbled to the Living, the Eternal but who carried wickedness will fail (20:111). And who did righteous works, being a believer will have no fear of injustice or deprivation (20:112). And thus that We have sent down it an Arabic Quran, and we have detailed out the warning in it that they may fear (God), or it may be a reminder for them (20:113). That God has exalted Himself too high is the King, the Truth. And you (prophet) do not hasten with the Quran before, that its revelation is completed to you; and say, “My Lord, increase me in knowledge.” (20:114).
Note: The events of the day are detailed out indicating no benefit from intercession. The prophet has been warned not to hasten with the Quran before its revelation is completed to him. He has also been reminded to ask God for increasing his knowledge to stay in the right path.
- And certainly, we had made a pledge to Adam before, while he forgot, and we did not find in him determination (20:115). And when we said to the angels, “Prostrate to Adam”, then they had prostrated except Iblis, he had refused (20:116). Then we said, “O Adam, indeed, this is an enemy to you and to your wife. So do not let him drive you out both from the Paradise that you would suffer (20:117). Indeed, for you that you will not suffer hunger in it, nor will you get unclothed (20:118). And that you will not suffer from thirst in it, nor will you expose to heat.” (20:119). Then the Satan had whispered to him, he said, “O Adam, do I show you to a tree of the eternity and a kingdom will never fall?” (20:120). Then they both had eaten from it, so their shame had become visible to them, and they tried to fasten around themselves with leaves of the Paradise. And Adam had disobeyed his Lord, thus, he erred (20:121). Then his Lord had chosen him, so He turned to him and guided (him) (20:122). He said, “Go down you all from here, as enemy of you to others. Then when guidance comes to you from Me, so whoever has followed My guidance, then he will not go astray, nor will he suffer (20:123).
Note: The Heavenly dispute is explained to inform us our first life as well as to understand why we are on the earth.
- “And whoever has turned away from My reminder, then indeed, for him there is a straitened life, and we will raise him blind on a Day of the Resurrection.” (20:124). He said, “My Lord, why have You raised me blind, while I had been vision?” (20:125). He said, “Thus that there had come to you our revelations, then you had forgotten them, and thus that today, you are forgotten.” (20:126). And thus that we recompense whoever has transgressed and does not believe in revelations of his Lord. And surely, the punishment in the Hereafter is more severe and everlasting (20:127). Does it not then guide to them how many of the generations we have destroyed before of them, they walk in their dwelling places? Indeed, in that surely, there are signs for possessors of the intelligence (128). And if it had not preceded a word from your Lord; surely, He has made an obligation and a determined term (20:129).
Note: There are signs and proofs that can be found in the reminder to guide them to the right path and those who disregard them they cannot evade the punishment on a Day of the Resurrection.
- So you (Muhammad) shall be patient on what they say; and shall glorify with praise of your Lord before rising of the sun and before setting of it, and from hours of the night, then you shall glorify also at ends of the day, so that you may please (your Lord) (20:130). And do not look at what we have given as enjoyment with it to others as luxury of the life of the world that we may test them in it while your Lord’s provision is far better and everlasting (20:131). And you shall enjoin your family with the salat prayer as well as to be steadfast in it. We do not ask you for any provisions as we provide for you, while the good end for the righteousness (20:132).
Note: The prophet was asked to be patient in all his circumstances, and to glorify with praise his Lord before the rising of the sun (Fajr) and before setting of it (Asr), during the part of the night (Maghrib and Isha) and at both ends of the day (Zahur) to please Him as well as to enjoin his family to do the same, which is the way to achieve righteousness.
- And they said, “Why does he not bring us of a miracle from his Lord?” Has not come to them a proof what was in the previous scrolls (20:133)? And if we had destroyed them with a punishment before of him, they would have said, “Our Lord, if You had sent a messenger to us, we could have followed Your revelations before that we humiliate and disgrace.” (20:134). Say, “Everyone is waiting, so you shall wait; then you will know who are people of the even path, and who has been guided.” (20:135).
The story of Moses with God, Pharaoh and his people is highlighted in the surah. But the most unusual event is God directly spoke to Moses and gave him certain miracles and commands. Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh to show him a sign of God but he denied it to be a magic and arranged for a contest with his magicians. In the contest Moses was the winner by the grace of God and the magicians fell prostrate and believed in the Lord of Moses and Aaron, even they disregarded any punishment to be enforced by Pharaoh. However, when he returned to his people, he found them astray for worshiping a statue of calf made by Samarian. He informed Samarian about his consequence and destroyed the statue of calf and scattered its pieces into the sea.
The events on the promised day and the consequences of the disbelievers on that day are stated including the matters related to the Heavenly disputes at our first life letting us know that Satan is our great enemy. He was not only our enemy for evicting us from the Heaven but also he is our enemy in the worldly life for misguiding us to lead to Hell as promised with God.
An Arabic Quran is revealed with warnings and signs that it may serve as a reminder for those who wish to avoid the painful retribution on a Day of the Resurrection through worshiping God alone. The prophet was asked not to hasten with the Quran before its revelation is completed to him and to pray, “My Lord, increase my knowledge.” to stay in the right path. He was also asked to be patient in the face of the utterances of the disbelievers and to establish the salat 5 times at day and night to glorify and praise his Lord as well as to enjoin his family to do the same to achieve righteousness. However, we all are waiting to come to know who are in the straight path as well as who are the guided ones.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (5/6/2016).