All praise to God who has created us and has given a term in the earth
- All praise to God Who has created the heavens and the earth, and has made the darkness and the light. Then those who have disbelieved in their Lord deviate (6:1). He is Who has created you from clay, then He has decreed a term, and a term is known with Him. Then you doubt (6:2)! And He is God in the heavens and in the earth. He knows your secret and your declaration, and He knows what you earn (6:3).
Note: God has not only created us giving a term on the earth but He also knows our secret and declaration, while the disbelievers will face the consequence for their deviation.
There are signs around making easy for us to reflect for believing in sovereignty of God
- Whatever sign comes to them from their Lord, they turn away from it (6:4). Then indeed, they have denied in the truth when it has come to them, so there will bring to them a news of what they have done to mock with it (6:5). Have they not seen how many of generations we have destroyed before of them? We had established them in the earth what we have not established for you. And we had sent abundant shower upon them from the sky and made the rivers to flow from underneath of them; then we had destroyed them for their sins, and had established other generations after of them (6:6). And if we had sent down to you (Muhammad) a scripture in a parchment, and they would have touched it with their hands, surely, it would have said those who have disbelieved, “This is not but a clear magic.” (6:7). And they said, “Why has not been sent down an angel with him?” And if we had sent down an angel, surely, the matter would have been decided, then they would not be granted respite (6:8).
Note: Whatever signs come from God the disbelievers will consistently deny them but they cannot escape the consequence when it comes to them.
God is our Protector
- And if we had sent an angel, we would have made him a man, and we would have made them confused as they are confused now (6:9). And certainly, there has been mocked with messengers before yourself (Muhammad), so has surrounded those who had ridiculed from them, what they have done to mock with it (6:10). Say, “Travel in the earth, then see how has been an end of the rejecters” (6:11). Say, “To whom belongs what is in the heavens and the earth? “Say, “To God.” He has decreed the mercy upon Himself; surely, He will gather you on a day of the Resurrection, there is no doubt in it. Those who have lost their souls, they do not believe (6:12). To Him belongs what dwells in the night and the day. He is the Hearer, the Knower (6:13). Say, “Is there other than God should I take as protector, Initiator of the heavens and the earth, while He feeds and is not fed?” Say, “Indeed, I have been commanded that I would be first who has submitted, and do not be with the idol worshipers.” (6:14). Say, “Indeed me, I fear, if I had disobeyed my Lord, there is a punishment on a great day (6:15). “Whoever is prevented from it that day, then He had mercy on him, and that is the greatest success” (6:16). And if God touches you (Muhammad) with affliction, then there is no remover of it except He. And if He touches you (Muhammad) with good, then He has power over everything (6:17). And He is the Supreme over His servants, and He is the Wise, the Cognizant (6:18).
Note: God has bestowed mercy upon Himself and has sent messengers to us to guide us but the rejecters will face the consequences on a Day of the Resurrection in which there is no doubt.
God has revealed the Quran to Muhammad to warn the people with it
- Say, “Which of a thing is greatest in testimony?” Say, “God is a Witness between me and you, and there has been revealed to me this – the Quran that I may warn you with it and whoever has reached. Do you indeed surely testify that there are other gods with God?” Say, “I do not testify.” Say, “He is indeed One god, and indeed, I am innocent of what you associate.” (6:19). Those whom we have given them the scripture recognize it (Quran) like that they recognize their children. Those who have lost their souls, then they do not believe (6:20). And who is more wicked than whoever has invented a lie about God, or has denied in His revelations? Indeed, the wicked will not succeed (6:21). And a day we will gather them all, then we will say to those who have associated partners, “Where are your partners those whom you had done to claim?” (6:22). Then it would not be their plea except that they have said, “By God our Lord, we had not been the idol worshipers (6:23). Look how they have lied against themselves and have lost what they had done to invent (6:24).
Note: God is a witness between prophet Muhammad and the people that He has revealed the Quran to him to warn the people with it confirming that there is no god except God, and He has made it as simple as to believe for the people of the scripture like that they recognize their children, while those who are lost have invented a lie about God and have denied in His revelations will not succeed for turning them wicked as well as making them the idol worshipers, while they will deny their polytheism on a day He will gather them.
To disbelievers what has been revealed to Muhammad is a tale from the past
- And of them there is whoever listens to you (Muhammad), but we have placed veils on their hearts to prevent them from understanding it (Quran), and deafness in their ears, if they see every sign, they will not believe in it (sign), until when they have come to you to argue say those who have disbelieved, “This is nothing but tales of the past” (6:25). And they forbid from it and keep away from it, and they destroy none but themselves, while they do not perceive (6:26). And if you could see when they have been made standing over the Fire, they have said: “Oh! It would be that we could be sent back, we would not deny with our Lord’s revelations, and we would be with the believers!” (6:27). Nay, it has become evident for them what they have done to conceal before. And if they have been sent back, surely, they would have returned to what they have been forbidden from it; and indeed, they are surely liars (6:28). They said, “There is nothing except our life of this world, and we will not be resurrected” (6:29). And if you could see when they have been made to stand before their Lord! He would have said, “Is this not with the truth?” They would have said, “Yes, by our Lord.” He would have said, “So, taste the punishment of what you have done to disbelieve” (6:30). Certainly, there has lost those who denied in meeting of God, until when the Hour has come to them all of a sudden, they said, “Oh! Our regret for what we have neglected in it (Hour).” And they will bear their burden on their backs; no doubt, it has been evil what they bear (6:31).
Note: Following God’s revelations, i.e., the Quran is our means to save us from the Fire on a Day of the Judgment but most people disbelieve in it saying that this is nothing but the tales from the past. They keep themselves away from it and forbid others from it, even those who listen to it fail to understand it for having veil around their hearts and deafness in their ears placed by God for their disbelief.
Rejecting God’s messengers is a human tragedy
- The life of the world is not but a play and amusement, while the abode of the Hereafter would be better for those who fear (God). Do you not then reflect (6:32)? Certainly, we know that it may grieve you (Muhammad) what they say. Then indeed, they do not deny you, but the wrongdoers deny in God’s revelations (6:33). And certainly, there has been denied messengers before yourself (Muhammad), while they have been patient for what they have been denied, and they have been harmed until there had reached them our help. And there is no changer of God’s words; and certainly, there has come to you (Muhammad) a news of the sent ones (6:34). And if it has been difficult their aversion for you, then you have been able to seek a tunnel in the earth, or a ladder to the sky that you come to them with a sign. And if God had willed, He would have gathered them to the guidance; so do not be of the ignorant ones (6:35). Indeed, those who listen will respond, and the dead – God will resurrect them, then to Him they will be returned (6:36). They said, “Why has not been sent down a sign (miracle) to him from his Lord?” Say, “Indeed, God has been powerful over to send down a sign, but most of them do not know” (6:37).
Note: Though rejecting God’s messengers is a human tragedy but those who reject messengers do not reject them except God’s revelations. The prophet is advised to be patient as well as not to be an ignorant. If God had willed, He would have gathered all to the guidance, while the duty of messengers is to convey the message and who will accept or reject is God’s concern
Deaf and dumb deny in God’s revelations being in the darkness
- And neither of a creature in the earth nor a bird flies with its wings, but are communities like you. We have not left out of anything in the scripture; then to their Lord they will be gathered (6:38). And those who have denied in our revelations are deaf and dumb being in the darkness. Whomever God wills, He sends him astray, and whomever He wills, He places him on a path is straight (6:39). Say, “Have you seen if there has come to you God’s punishment or has come to you the Hour, do you call other than God if you have been the truthful?” (6:40)? Nay, you call Him alone that He removes what you call to Him if He has willed, and you forget what you associate (6:41). And certainly, we had sent to communities before yourself, then we had seized them with the adversity and the hardship, that they may humble (6:42). Then why not when there had come to them our punishment they would have humbled? But there had become hardened their hearts, and the Satan had made fair-seeming to them for what they had done to accomplish (6:43). Then when they had forgot what they have been reminded with it, we had opened for them gates of every thing until when they have rejoiced in what they have been given; we had seized them suddenly then when they were stunned (6:44). Thus, there has been cut off the remainder of the people those who have done wrong, and all praise to God, Lord of the worlds (6:45).
Note: The Quran has everything including reminders to do the righteous deeds but the devils have hardened the hearts of the rejecters to make them losers adorning their deeds in their eyes.
Role and responsibilities of the prophet
- Say: “Have you thought that if God had taken away your hearing and your eyesight, and He had sealed around your hearts; which god other than God could bring to you with it?” Imagine how we explain the revelations, then they turn away (6:46). Say: “Have you thought if there had come to God’s retribution suddenly or steadily, will there be destroyed except the wicked people” (6:47)? We do not send the messengers except bearers of good news and warners, then whoever has believed and reformed, then there is no fear for them, nor will they grieve (6:48). And those who have denied in our revelations, the punishment will touch them for what they have done to disobey (6:49). Say, “I do not say to you there are God’s treasures with me nor do I know the unseen nor do I say to you that I am an angel. I do not follow except what is revealed to me.” Say, “Do the blind and the seer be equal? Then do you not think” (6:50)? And you (Muhammad) shall warn with it (Quran) those who fear that they will be gathered to their Lord; for them there is no protector other than Him nor is there any intercessor that they may fear (6:51). And you (Muhammad) do not send away those who call on their Lord in the morning and evening seeking His pleasure. You are not responsible for their reckoning nor are they responsible for your reckoning. So if you send them away, then you will be with the wrongdoers (6:52). Thus, we test them with one another, so that they may say: “Are these the ones whom God has blessed from amongst us?” Is God not aware of the thankful (6:53)? And when there has come to you (Muhammad) those who believe in our revelations, then you shall say, “Peace upon you. Your Lord has decreed the mercy upon Himself that he whoever has done evil from you out of ignorance, then he has repented after of it and has reformed, then indeed, He is Forgiving, Merciful.” (6:54). And thus that we explain the revelations, and that it makes clear a way of the guilty (6:55). Say, “Indeed me, I (Muhammad) have been forbidden that I (Muhammad) worship those whom you call other than God.” Say, “I (Muhammad) do not follow your desires; certainly, I (Muhammad) would have gone astray then, and I would not be with the guided ones.” (6:56). Say (Muhammad), “Indeed, I have a clear proof from my Lord, while you have denied in it. It is not with me what you seek to hasten of it. The decision is not except with God who narrates the truth, and He is best of the deciders.” (6:57). Say (Muhammad), “If that it were with me what you seek to hasten of it, surely, the matter would have been decided between me and you, while God is Knower of the wrongdoers.” (6:58).
Note: Since messengers are just bearers of good news and warners, the prophet was commanded to warn with the Quran to those who are aware that they will be gathered before their Lord and they do not have besides Him any protector nor do they have any intercessor so that they may be righteous. He was also commanded to not worship what they used to worship besides God and to follow what is revealed to him.
God being the Powerful One controls all matters from living to death
- And with Him are keys of the unseen, none knows them except He. And He knows what is in the land and in the sea; and not of a leaf falls except He knows it, nor a seed in the darknesses of the earth, nor moist, nor dry except is in a clear record. (6:59). And He is Who puts you to death at the night and knows what you have done in the day. Then He raises up you in it is to fulfill a specified term. Then to Him is your return, then He will inform you of what you have done to achieve (6:60). And He is the Supreme over His servants, and He sends guardians over you until when the death has come to anyone of you there has put him to death our messengers and they do not fail (6:61). Then they have been returned to God, their Protector – the Truth. Is there no doubt to Him is the judgment? and He is swiftest of the reckoners (6:62). Say, “Who saves you from darkness of the land or the sea?” You call Him being humble and in secret: “If He saves us from this, surely we will be with the grateful ones.” (6:63). Say, “God saves you from it and from every distress, yet you associate partners (with Him).” (6:64) Say, “He is the Powerful One on to send punishment upon you from above of you or from beneath of your feet, or to confuse you into sects and to have taste violence of you to other. See how we explain the revelations that they may understand.” (6:65). Your (Muhammad) people have denied in it, even it is the truth. Say, “I am not your guardian.” (6:66). For every prophecy there is a specified time, and you will know (6:67).
Note: God controls all matters whether it is in the heavens or in the earth, or in the land or in the sea including our living, death and judgment. He maintains precise record and is the swiftest in reckoning. He is our true Protector and to Him is our return and judgment. All these are explained in the revelations that we may understand to save us from the punishment, which is not too far.
Do not take religion as play and amusement
- And when you have seen those who engage in vain talk about our revelations, then you shall turn away from them until they engage in talk other than of it. And if the Satan causes you to forget, then you do not sit with the people of the wrongdoers after being the reminder (6:68). And it is not for those who fear (God) of their accounting from anything except for a reminder that they may fear (God) (6:69). And you (prophet) shall disregard those who have taken their religion as a play and an amusement, and has deceived them the life of the world. You shall remind with it (Quran) lest a soul is suffered for what it has earned; there has been for it no protector other than God nor has there been any intercessor. And if it offers every ransom, it will not be accepted from it. Those are the ones who have been punished for what they had earned. For them there is a drink of boiling water and a painful punishment for what they have done to disbelieve (6:70).
Note: God has warned that if we are deceived by the life of the world accepting religion as a play and amusement, we will suffer on a day the horn will be blown for what we have earned to disbelieve.
God’s guidance is the true guidance
- Say, “Shall we call upon other than God what cannot benefit us nor can it harm us, and we are turned back on our heels after God has guided us?” Like the one whom has enticed the devils in the earth, is confused, he has companions who call him to the guidance: “Come to us!” Say, “Indeed, God’s guidance is the true guidance, and we have been commanded that we submit to Lord of the worlds (6:71). And that you shall establish the salat prayer and shall fear Him. And He is the One to Him you will be gathered.” (6:72). And He is the One who has created the heavens and the earth with the truth, and a day He says, “Be,” then it is; His word is the truth. To Him belongs the dominion; a day will be blown in the trumpet; Knower of the unseen and the seen, and He is the Wise, the Cognizant (6:73).
Note: God’s guidance is the true guidance, Who guides us being Truth, Wise and Cognizant, and to Him belongs the dominion.
The debate of Abraham with the polytheists
- When Abraham said to his father Azar, “Do you take idols as gods? I see you and your people are in far astray.” (6:74). Thus that we showed Abraham a kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and that he would be among the ascertainers (6:75). So when the night had covered him, he saw a star. He said, “This is my Lord.” Then when it had set, he said, “I do not like the ones that set.” (6:76). Then when he had seen the moon rising, he said, “This is my Lord.” Then when it had set, he said, “If my Lord does not guide me, surely, I will be with the people of the strayers.” (6:77). Then when he had seen the sun rising, he said, “This is my Lord, this is bigger.” Then when it had set, he said, “O my people, I am free of what you associate (6:78). “Indeed me, I have turned myself to the One who has created the heavens and the earth for the sake of Monotheism, and I am not with the idol worshipers.” (6:79). His people had argued with him. He said, “Do you argue with me about God, and certainly, He has guided me? I do not fear what you associate with Him except that my Lord wills anything. My Lord has encompassed everything with knowledge, then will you not take heed? (6:80). And how could I fear what you have associated, while you do not fear that you have associated with God what He does not send down any authority with it for you? So, which of the two parties has more right of the security, if you have done to know?” (6:81). Those who have believed and do not mix their faith with wrong, those – for them is the security and they are the guided ones (6:82).
Note: God guided Abraham to turn to the One who created the heavens and the earth. He explored all possible ways to find God, the Creator of the heavens and the earth. He was a monotheist and had never associated partners with God.
God has mentioned 18 prophets by name
- And that was our argument we had given it to Abraham against his people. We raise to higher ranks whomever we will. Indeed, your Lord is Wise, Knower (6:83). And we had granted to him (Abraham) Isaac and Jacob – each we had guided. And Noah, we had guided before (of them), and of his descendants: David, and Solomon, and Job, and Joseph, and Moses, and Aaron. And thus that we reward the gooddoers (6:84). And Zakariya, John, Jesus, and Elias; all were among the righteous (6:85). And Ismail, Elisha, Jonah, and Lot, and all we had preferred over the people of the world (6:86). And from their fathers, their descendants and their brothers; and we have chosen them and we have guided them to a straight path (6:87). That is God’s guidance, with it He guides whomever He wills from His servants. And if they had associated partners, surely, He would have made worthless for them what they had done to accomplish (6:88). Those were whom we had given the scripture and the wisdom, and the prophethood. So, if anyone of these would disbelieve in it, then certainly, we had entrusted with it to a people who had not been disbelievers in it (6:89).
Note: From the verses 83-86, we know 18 names starting with Noah confirming him before of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, and ending with Lot being all of them descendants of Noah, while the verse 89 confirms that all those 18 were prophets of God for giving them scripture, wisdom and prophethood, even having an explicit proof from the verse being the sum of surah and verse number is a multiple of 19 => 6 + 89 = 95 (19x5) to have no confusion in our hearts.
The prophets mentioned above by name were truly guided
- Those were whom God has guided; so, you (Muhammad) shall follow of their guidance. Say, “I do not ask you any reward for it. It is not but a reminder for the people of the world.” (6:90)
Note: The prophets named above were truly guided, and Muhammad is advised to make efforts to achieve his guidance at their level letting him know what has been given to him, is a reminder for the people of the world, referring to Quran’s mathematical coding as a reminder being the Arabic word (dhik’raa) for a reminder in the feminine gender.
God does reveal, even the disbelievers do not believe His revelations
- They have not appraised God truth of His appraisal when they said, “God has not sent down anything to a human being.” Say, “Who has sent down the scripture which had come to Moses with it a light and guidance for the people? You make it parchments to proclaim it, and to conceal a lot. You have been taught what you did not know, you nor your forefathers.” Say, “God.” Then leave them in their discourse to play (6:91). And this scripture we have sent down it is a blessed one, confirming which was before of it that you (prophet) may warn a mother of the cities and whatever is around it. And those who believe in the Hereafter will believe in it, and they will guard on their salat prayer (6:92). And who is more wicked than whoever has invented lie about God, or said: “It has been inspired to me,” while it was not inspired anything to him; and whoever said: “I will bring down like what God has sent down.” And if you could see when the wicked are in agonies of the death, while the angels are stretching out their hands: “Discharge your souls; today, you will be recompensed with the humiliating punishment for what you have done to say about God other than the truth, and what you have done to be arrogant away from His revelations.” (6:93). And certainly, you have come back to us as individual like that we have created you first time, and you have left behind your backs whatever we had bestowed on you. And we do not see with you your intercessors those whom you had claimed hem partners in you. Indeed, there has severed between yourselves and has lost from you what you had done to claim.” (6:94).
Note: The disbelievers do not value God as He should be valued, while those who invent lies about God and claim that they can reveal the same what God has revealed will suffer a humiliating punishment on a day of the Resurrection when they will meet God as individual without intercessors.
Signs in the nature to understand God’s system
- Indeed, God is a Splitter of the grain and the date seed. He brings the living from the dead, and He who brings forth the dead from the living. That is God; then how are you deviated (6:95) Cleaver of the day breaking and He has made the night for rest, and the sun and the moon for count. That is designing of the Almighty, the Knower. (6:96). And He is One who has made the stars for you that you may be guided by them in the darknesses of the land and the sea. Certainly, we have made clear the signs for a people who know (6:97). And He is One who initiated you from one person with a place of dwelling and destination. Thus, we have explained the signs to a people who understand (6:98). And He is the One who has sent down water from the sky, then we have brought forth plants of every kind with it, then we have brought forth green plant from it, we bring forth from it grain – a thick clustered, and from the date palm of its spathe clusters of dates being hanging low, and gardens of grapes, and the olives, and the pomegranates being similar and not being similar. Look at its fruits when it has borne and its ripening. Indeed, in that there are signs for a people to believe (6:99). And they make partners for God the jinns, even He has created them, and attribute sons and daughters to Him, having no knowledge. Glory is His and He has exalted too high what they attribute (6:100). The Initiator of the heavens and the earth. How can He have a son, when He never had a mate? He created all things, and He is knowledgeable over all things (6:101).
Note: God has created all things and He is knowledgeable over all of them as well. He has also given us many signs in the nature to understand His system.
God is our Lord and god being Creator of everything
- That is God your Lord, there is no god except He, Creator of everything. So, you shall worship Him, and He is Guardian over everything (6:102). No visions can encompass Him, but He encompasses all visions. He is the Compassionate, the Cognizant (6:103). Certainly, there has come to you enlightenments from your Lord, so whoever has seen, then is for himself, and whoever has been blind, then is against himself, and I am not over you of a guardian (6:104). Thus that we explain the revelations, and that they may say, “You have studied”, and we will make it clear for a people to know (6:105). You (Muhammad) shall follow what has been inspired to you (Muhammad) from your Lord: there is no god except He, and shall turn away from the idol worshipers (6:106). If God had willed, they would not have associated partners (with Him). And we have not made you (Muhammad) a guardian over them, nor are you of an advocate over them (6:107).
Note: Enlightenments have come in the Quran from our Lord, so whoever has seen, does so for his soul, but whoever is blind, does so against his soul. Thus, those who believe in God and the Hereafter worship Him without associating partners with.
God controls our hearts and vision
- And you (believers) do not insult those who call on other than God, lest they insult God in enmity without having knowledge. Thus that we have made fair seeming their deed for every community. Then to their Lord is their return when He will inform them of what they have done to accomplish (6:108). And they have sworn by God having stronger their oaths that if a miracle had come to them, that they would surely believe in it. Say, “The miracles are only with God; and what makes you know that if it had come, they would not believe (6:109)? And we turn their hearts and their sight like that they did not believe in it first time, and we leave them in their transgressions to wander (6:110). And if that we had sent down the angels to them, and the dead would have spoken to them, and we had gathered everything face to face before them; they would not have done to believe except that God wills. Indeed, most of them to be ignorant (6:111).
Note: The disbelievers are blind to the proofs as the Satan has adorned their deeds for them.
Warning for prophet and his contemporaries not to accept conjecture
- And thus that we have made an enemy for every prophet devils from the human and the jinn to inspire of them to other the fancy word for deception; and if your Lord had willed, they would not have done it. So, you all shall disregard them and what they invent (6:112). And that there inclines to it hearts of those who do not believe in the Hereafter, and that they please with it, and that they commit what they are committing (6:113).
Note: Here is the warning for the prophet and his contemporaries for disregarding fancy words and their fabricators as the history indicates that at prophet’s lifetime many so-called hadiths were collected being satanic trick and the prophet had told them to burn them.
God is Judge of believers who follow what He has sent down with truth
- Is there then other than God should I seek as judge, while He is Who has sent down to you the scripture is a detailed one? And those whom we have given them the scripture know that it is a sent down from your Lord with the truth. So, do not be with the doubtful ones (6:114). And your Lord’s Word has completed truth and justice. There is no modifier of His words, and He is the Hearer, the Knower (6:115). And if you obey a majority whoever is in the earth, they will mislead you from God’s path; they do not follow except the conjecture, nor do they do except guess (6:116). Indeed, your Lord, He is Knower of whoever strays from His path, and He is Knower of the guided ones (6:117).
Note: The believers must follow a sent down from their Lord, which has completed truth and justice with His words, while they are committing a horrendous crime seeking a judge other than God as well as following the conjecture. God has warned us not to follow the majority in the earth, and what we see now that not only prophet’s lifetime attempts were made to invent hadiths but also despite God’s warning volume after volume hadith books were invented down the generations when the prophet is not among the people any more and most people who claim them Muslims follow those invented hadiths assigning them to him instead of what has been sent down to him, but He knows whoever has gone astray and whoever is guided one.
You shall mention God’s name before you eat
- So, you shall eat from that God’s name has been mentioned upon it, if you have been believers in His revelations (6:118). And what is for you that you do not eat from that God’s name has been mentioned upon it, while certainly, He has explained in detail for you what He has forbidden upon you except what you have been compelled upon it? And indeed, many surely mislead with their desires without knowledge. Indeed, your Lord – He is Knower of the transgressors (6:119). You shall avoid obvious sins, as well as the hidden ones. Those who have earned sins will be punished for what they have committed (6:120). And you do not eat from that God’s name is not mentioned upon it, and indeed, it is surely an abomination. And indeed, the devils surely inspire to their allies that they dispute with you; and if you have obeyed them, indeed you surely are idolaters (6:121).
Note: God has detailed out what He has forbidden for us but we should mention God’s name when we eat otherwise we will be allies of the Satan who is unappreciative to God.
Criminals from every community plot against their messengers
- Is one who has been dead and we have given life to him, and we have made light for him to walk with it among the people, as one whoever by example of him is in the darkness has been one not coming out from it? Thus that has been made fair-seeming to the disbelievers what they have done to accomplish (6:122). Thus that we have made in every city leaders of its criminals to plot in it. And they do not plot except against themselves, while they do not perceive (6:123). And when there has come to them a proof, they said, “We will not believe until we are given like what has been given to God’s messengers.” God is best Knower of where He should place His message. There will afflict those who have committed crimes – a humiliation from God and a severe punishment for what they have done to plot (6:124).
Note: When a proof has come to them they do not believe but claim that what is given to God’s messenger should be given to them as well, while they plot against their messenger without realizing that they are plotting against themselves being deprived of God’s guidance.
Practicing Islam is a straight path to our Lord
- So whomever God wishes to guide him extends his breast for the Submission; and whomever He wishes to let him go astray makes his breast tight and constricted as if that he is climbing in the sky. Thus that God places the evil upon those who do not believe (6:125). And this is a straight path to your Lord; certainly, we have detailed the revelations for a people to take heed (6:126). For them there is a home of the peace at their Lord and He is their Protector for what they have done to accomplish (6:127).
Note: Thus, God guides whomever He wills and He lets go astray whomever He wills, and He has given Islam as His path being straight detailing the revelations to have the final home for those who believe in them and follow them to practice the given rites of Islam in a right way.
The wicked allies of humans and jinns will witness against themselves on a day of Judgment
- And a Day He will gather them all: “O tribe of the Jinn; certainly, you have had many from the human.” Their allies from the human said: “Our Lord, there has benefited of us with other, and we have reached our term which You have appointed for us.” He said: “The Fire is your abode as dwellers in it, except what God has willed.” Indeed, your Lord is Wise, Knower (6:128). Thus that we make ally of the wrongdoers to other for what they had done to earn (6:129). O group of the jinn and the human, did there not come to you messengers from you to narrate My revelations to you and to warn you this – a meeting day of you? They said, “We have borne witness against ourselves.” And the life of the world has deluded them, and they have borne witness against themselves that they had been disbelievers (6:130). That is not that your Lord was Destroyer of the cities for wickedness, while their people were unaware (6:131). And for everyone there will be ranks for what they had done, and your Lord is not of unaware about what they do (6:132). And your Lord is the Rich, a possessor of the mercy. If He wills, He could remove you and bring after you whom He wills like that He has raised you from the descendants of other people (6:133). What you are promised is surely coming, and you will not be of escapers (6:134). Say, “O my people, work for your best; indeed me, I am a worker; then you will know who would have in end the best home for himself; indeed, it is not the wrongdoers will succeed.” (6:135).
Note: The wicked allies of humans and jinns will enjoy in the life of the world, but will not succeed on a day of the Judgment.
Make efforts to avoid any kinds of idolatry
- And they have made a share for God from what He has produced from the crops and the livestock, while they have said, “This is for God,” by their claim, “and this is for our partners.” So what has been for their partners does not reach to God, and what has been for God that it reaches to their partners! It has been evil what they judge (6:136). And thus that has made fair seeming to many of the idolaters of their partners in killing their children that they may ruin them and that they may make confused their religion for them. And if God had willed, they would not have done it. So you shall leave them and what they invent. (6:137). And they said, “These livestock and crops are forbidden; none can eat them except whomever we will,” by their claim. And livestock – their backs are forbidden and livestock – they do not mention God’s name upon them are invention against Him. He will recompense them for what they have done to invent (6:138). And they said, “What is in wombs of these livestock being exclusive for our males, and has been prohibited for our spouses, while if it would be dead, then they are partners in it.” He will recompense them for their fabrication; indeed, He is Wise, Knower (6:139). Certainly, has lost those who have killed their children in foolishness without knowledge, and have forbidden what God has provided them inventing against God. Certainly they have gone astray and they have not been guided ones (6:140). He is the One who established gardens, trellised and untrellised, and palm trees, and crops with different tastes, and olives, and pomegranate – fruits that are similar and not similar. Eat from their fruits when they ripen, and give its due on the day of harvest, and do not be extravagant. He does not love the extravagant (6:141).
Note: We should eat what God has made lawful for us, while upholding any other inventions would be setting up partners with Him, and should give what is due on the day of harvest without being extravagant.
Details of dietary prohibition
- And from the livestock there are burden and meat. You shall eat from what God has provided you and you are not to follow the footsteps of the Satan; indeed, he is an open enemy to you (6:142). There are eight pairs – of the sheep two, and of the goats two. Say, “Are the two males He has prohibited, or the two females, or what has carried the two females’ wombs? Inform me of knowledge, if you have been truthful” (6:143). And of the camels two, and of the cattle two. Say, “Are the two males He has prohibited, or the two females, or what has carried the two females’ wombs? Or had you been witnesses when God had enjoined you of this? So who is more wicked than whoever has invented a lie about God to mislead the people without knowledge? Indeed, God does not guide the wicked people.” (6:144). Say, “I (Muhammad) do not find in what has been revealed to me being forbidden for an eater to eat it except that it would be deed, or being poured forth blood, or a flesh of pig as indeed it is for contamination, or what has been dedicated to other than God in disobedience with it, while whoever has been forced not being disobedient, nor of transgressors, then indeed, your Lord is Forgiving, Merciful (6:145). And for the Jews we have forbidden all that have claws; and from the cattle and the sheep we forbade their fat except what is attached to the back, or entrails, or mixed with bone. That is a punishment for their rebellion, and we are truthful (6:146).
Note: God has prohibited 4 kinds of animal products: (1) dead animal, (2) blood, (3) the meat of pig due to its contamination and (4) the animal which is dedicated to other than God.
Criteria that need to fulfill to be guided by God
- If they deny you, then say: “Your Lord has infinite mercy, but His wrath will not be turned away from the guilty people” (6:147). Those who have associated partners will say: “If God had willed, we would not have associated partners, nor would have our fathers, nor would we have forbidden anything.” Like that those who have denied before themselves, until they have tasted our wrath. Say, “Is there with you of any knowledge, then you may produce it for us? You do not follow except the conjecture, nor do you except guess” (6:148). Say, “With God is the irrefutable argument; if He had willed, surely, He would have guided you all.” (6:149) Say: “You shall bring forth your witnesses – those who bear witness that God has forbidden this.” Then if they have borne witness, then you do not bear witness with them, nor do you follow desires of those who have denied in our revelations, and those who do not believe in the Hereafter; while they make equals with their Lord! (6:150) Say: “Come, I will recite to you what your Lord has forbidden upon you that you do not associate anything with Him; and being good with the parents; and you do not kill your children out of poverty, we provide for you and for them; and you do not come near the lewdness, what has been apparent of them or what has been concealed. And you do not kill the life which God has forbidden, except (for the sake) of the justice. That He has enjoined you with it that you may think.” (6:151). Do not touch the wealth of the orphans except what is best until they reached their maturity and give full measure and weight equitably. We do not burden a soul except by what it can bear, and if you speak, then be just even if he is one of your relatives; and fulfill the pledge made to God that He has enjoined on you so that you may be appreciative.” (6:152). And that this is My path, a straight one, so you shall follow it, and you do not follow the other paths that they part of you from His path. That He has enjoined you with it that you may fear (6:153).
Note: People are required to fulfill certain criteria to be guided by God,People are given scripture to follow it to do the righteous deeds
- Then we had given Moses the scripture, is complete for who has done good and an explanation for all things, and a guidance and mercy that they may believe in meeting of their Lord (6:154). And this scripture (Quran) we have sent down it is a blessed one. So you shall follow it and shall fear (God) that you are given mercy (6:155). That you say: “The scripture has only been sent down to two groups before ourselves, and indeed, we have surely been unaware of their study.” (6:156) Or you say: “If that the scripture had been sent down to us, surely, we would have been better in guidance than them.” So, certainly, there has come to you a clear proof from your Lord, and a guidance and a mercy. Then who is more wicked than whoever has denied in God’s revelations and has turned away from them? We will recompense those who turn away from our revelations an evil punishment for what they have done to turn away (6:157). Are they waiting that comes to them the angels or comes your Lord, or comes some signs of your Lord? it will not benefit a soul for its faith, had not believed from before, or had earned any good through its faith. Say, “Wait, indeed, we are the waiters.” (6:158). Indeed, those who have divided their religion and have become sects, you have not been with them in anything. Their matter is only with God, then He will inform them of what they have done to commit. (6:159). Whoever has come with the good deed, then for him is like ten of it, and whoever has come with the evil deed, then he will not be recompensed except like of it, and they will not be wronged (6:160).
Note: Those who have followed it (Quran) and have done the righteous deeds will receive God’s mercy, while those who have denied it and associate partners with God cannot escape His punishment.
God guided Muhammad to a straight path of established religion of Monotheism
- Say (Muhammad), “Indeed me, has guided me my Lor to a straight path, an established religion, a religion of Abraham – Monotheism. And he had not been with the idol worshipers.” (6:161). Say (Muhammad), “Indeed, my salat prayer, and my any practice, and my life, and my death are dedicated to God, Lord of the worlds (6:162). There is no partner for Him, and in that I have been commanded;” and I am first of the Submitters (from the idol worshipers) (6:163). Say, “Is there other than God should I seek as lord, while He is Lord of everything?” And no soul can earn except for itself, nor can it bear a burden of another as a bearer of burden. Then to your Lord is your return when He will inform you of what you have done to differ in it (6:164).
Note: God guides His prophet to a straight path, an established religion – a religion of Abraham: Monotheism that he can appreciate his Lord dedicating his praise and prayers to Him alone being informed that every soul will return to his Lord with what it has done to achieve and no soul will bear any burden of another soul.
The earth is a testing place for us
- And He is Who has made you inheritors of the earth and has raised of you above other in ranks, that He may test you with what He has given you. Indeed, your Lord is swift in the punishment, and indeed, He is surely Forgiving, Merciful (6:165).
Note: God has made us inheritors of the earth with all to test us that we may make our all efforts for successful return to Him.
In summary, there are 165 verses in the surah al-An’`aam and the most significant aspects that are covered in the surah are: (1) sufficient signs around us to believe in the sovereignty of God, (2) God is our Protector, (3) polytheists deny their polytheism, (4) rejecting God’s messengers is a human tragedy, (5) deaf and dumb reject God’s revelations, (6) role and responsibilities of the prophet, (7) God controls all matters through His system, (8) not to take religion to be play and amusement, (9) God’s guidance is the true guidance, (10) the debate of Abraham with the polytheists, (11) prophets who are mentioned by name were truly guided by God, 12) God should be honored as He should be honored, (13) signs in the nature to understand God’s system, (14) God is our Lord and god being Creator of everything, (15) God controls our hearts and sight, (16) follow what has been given from God instead of any conjecture, (17) warning for the believers not to follow the majority, (18) remembering God’s name is required when we eat, (19) criminals from every community plot and scheme against their messengers, (20) practicing rites of Islam is a path of our Lord being straight, (21) make efforts to avoid any kinds of idol worshiping, (22) details of dietary prohibition, (23) criteria that need to fulfill to be guided by God, (24) God guides His prophet to an established religion of Monotheism, and (25) the earth is a testing place for the human being.
Enlightenments have come in the Quran, which is a straight path for us to our Lord. Now if we follow it, we may successfully return to our Lord being guided by Him as well as to avoid any painful retribution on the Day of Resurrection confirming all our praise and prayers dedicated to God.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (7/8/2016).