
Analysis of Surah al-Muddaththir (Surah 74:The Hidden one)


God has taken a covenant of the prophets that He will send a messenger upon delivery of all the scripture, which has been mentioned in all scripture including the Quran (33:7) confirming it in the Quran (3:81) being the final edition of God’s scripture (33:40). He has fulfilled His covenant in 1974 through His messenger to unveil the 19-based mathematical coding of Quran (74:30) upon fulfilment of related prophecy to bring people back to His revelations through emerging a creature from the earth (27:82) and promise to be Protector of the reminder as He has revealed it (15:9). Thus, what we should think and reflect that can provide us the first-hand knowledge to understand the mathematical coding of Quran being a message destined to unveil through a messenger of the covenant comes from the messages and the fact of the verses of the Quran shown in the table below:

Note: This mathematical confirmation is an explicit proof that the messenger of the covenant has unveiled the mathematical coding of Quran by God’s leave upon fulfilment of the related prophecy and promises.

It is about 45 years the message is around us but the details of the message, the messenger and his duties are not clear to many of us even those who have accepted the messenger and the message based on the mathematical miracles in the Quran. But if we can associate the universal covenant with sura 74 (al-Muddaththir – The Hidden one), we should not have any difficulty to have details about the messenger and the message while the surah name itself indicates that there is something hidden in it:

  • There is clear indication in the beginning of the sura to glorify our Lord removing the uncleanliness to purify garments. The purification will be done through appearance of someone while the Quran, our beliefs and practices are allegorically referred to be our garments (74:1-6):

Note: The mathematical confirmation from a small set of verses dealing with the purification of garments through appearance of someone is an explicit proof that the purification will be done by someone chosen by God according to His will.

Thus, our Lord should be glorified through upholding the purified message as well as practicing the authorized and purified practices corrupted over the period of time due to innovations, traditions, politics and false doctrines, and the purification will be done by someone chosen by God but not exceeding the limits.

  • Every effort is to be made for remembering our Lord being patient to save us on the day when the trumpet will be blown to end the world, and the day will be very difficult for the disbelievers (74:7-10):

It has been predicted that the world will survive until 1709 A.H. as calculated from gematrical values of the 7 pairs (Quranic initials) of the great Quran (15:87), which are signs of the scripture and a clear Quran (15:1). Therefore, the world will end in the year 1710 AH = 19x90 or in the year 2280 AD = 19x120 while both the corresponding predicted year is a multiple of 19, a code of the Quran. Thus, the end of the world is not too far from now and those who truly believe it will prepare them as they should be prepared for the Day as it would be a very difficult day especially for the disbelievers.

The specific details of the individual chosen by God to accomplish His mission including his behavior and activities as well as  accomplishments and mistakes, and his intellectual punishment for making mistakes referring to Saqar that it will stay with him even when he will not be among us, are reflected in the verses (74:11-29):

Note: The mathematical confirmation from 2 sets of verses dealing with the purification of garments and the specific details of the messengeras shown in the above table is an explicit proof of establishing a close relation between mission and messenger to strengthen our hearts eliminating any doubt:

Even there is no direct mention about the chosen individual to be a messenger of God but the description of the individual with God’s support to accomplish His mission is a clear indication that the chosen person is a messenger of God while to associate him with a universal covenant leave no room to confuse to be a messenger of God. However, the messenger is chosen to deliver a specific message (reminder) to a particular generation of people and any mistakes made by any messenger do not disqualify him to be a messenger of God as the messenger is a simple minded human being, and this is the case that came down from the past (22:52).

  • The message along with a sign given to a person is only way to know him to be a messenger of God, which is precisely described  consisting of: (1) the number 19 is a code, which is a common denominator for Quran’s numerical figures derived from the Quran, (2) a reminder for the humans, (3) a great sign to support the messenger followed by an oath of God and (4) a warning for the people who will stay behind (74:30-37):

Note: This mathematical confirmation from a set of verses as shown in the table above is an explicit proof of the message and sign given to the messenger that eliminates any doubt from our hearts.

God has not sent any messenger in the past without a sign or miracle from Him while He has stopped sending a visible sign (miracle) from the time of Prophet Muhammad (17:59) and the miracle given to him is embedded in the message given to him (29:51), which is consistent with a God’s messenger of the covenant being his sign in the message given to him (74:30).

Here is additional mathematical confirmation from 2 sets of verses dealing with details of the messenger (74:11-29) and the precise message given to him (74:30-37) as shown in the table below:

Note: This mathematical confirmation is an explicit proof indicating a close relationship between the messenger and the message to reflect that the messenger has been sent with the well defined divine message not to have any doubt about the messenger and the message has been given to him.

The deniers would know the cause of their punishment when judgment is declared on a Day of the Judgment as well as when every soul will be compensated what it has earned. They are destined to Hell while they may have practiced but their beliefs and practices were not in accordance with the will of God. They would realize that they did not pay proper attention to the warning and turned away from it like the frightened zebras from a lion when it came to them. They would also realize that they were not certain about a Day of the Judgment as they should be certain. Even they would not find any intercessor to help them as they had expected (74:38-56):

Note: The mathematical confirmation from 2 sets of verses dealing with the message and the consequences of the deniers of the message as shown in the above table is an explicit proof of establishing a close relationship between the message and the consequences of the deniers of the message to strengthen our hearts eliminating any doubt.

Here is an additional mathematical confirmation including 3 sets of verses dealing with details of the messenger, the precise message given to the messenger and the consequences of deniers of the message (74:11-56):

Note: This mathematical is an explicit proof that the verses are sequentially placed in the surah for better understanding with a land mark to identify each pertinent component while our priority is to focus on the message, which has always been as a means to restore perfect beliefs and practices corrupted with innovations, tradition, misconception, and misinterpretation.


In pursuant to God’s covenant with all the prophets surah 74 (al-Muddaththir – The Hidden one) is central to make our focus to have details of the messenger and the message given to the messenger that we can accept the message as a gift from God. The surah covers the relevant aspects: (1) purification of garments, (2) warning about the end of the world, (3) specific details of the individual chosen by God, (4) precise message along with sign and (5) consequences of deniers of the message. Moreover, every aspect of it indicates a close relation with a universal covenant while the instruction in the sura is sequential to have details about garments purification, the messenger and the message, and consequences of deniers of the message reflecting to the end of the world not being too far.

The concept of mathematical coding of Quran supported by the facts derived from the Quran along with the confirmation of the messenger providing with the gematrical value of the messenger’s name is around us for a while. While the message has been pointed to several verses associating with the Arabic word, dhik’r in the Quran without providing clear evidences as well as making no distinction between the message and the miracle given to the messenger. Hence, the message sent with the messenger is not fully understandable to many of us for lack of clarity and specific details. While this review confirms direct connection between the covenant and surah al-Muddaththir (The Hidden one), which has provided us every details of the messenger and message including consequences of the deniers being a God given opportunity for us to perfect our beliefs and practices to be the winners in the Hereafter avoiding centuries long misconceptions, misinterpretation and unauthorized practices introduced by tradition and the so-called scholars.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (8/21/2020).