
Reciting surah followed by al-Faatihah nullifies salat prayer


Salat is the prime source of nourishing our soul, but it is the most corrupted practice concocted with innovations and additions, but today its corrupted and distorted practice found all over the world among the majority who claim them Muslims. Even, there is a greater blasphemy about the salat prayer that Prophet Muhammad negotiated with God going back and forth to Him to get 5 times of salat prayer a day from 50 times of salat prayer a day originally prescribed by Him. Unfortunately, what we see now that there are extra salat prayer beyond 5 times a day, even extra Rak’ahs (units) in the prescribed 5 times salat prayer, while there are distorted and extra recitation in its practice. However, this study has addressed the distorted and extra recitation to establish salat prayer with right recitation to be responded by God to have weight of our souls on the Day of Judgment.

Prime source to nourish souls

Salat prayer is the prime source to nourish our souls being it is the greatest for remembering God (14:37, 20:14 & 10:87, 19:31, 29:45 and 62:9):

[14:37] “Our Lord, I (Abraham) have settled a part of my family in an unproductive valley near Your Sacred House; our Lord, that they are to observe the Contact Prayer (al-salata). So let the hearts of the people incline towards them and provide them with fruits so that they may be grateful.”
[29:16] And Abraham when he said to his people: “You shall worship God and fear Him. That is better for you if you knew.”
Note: Abraham called upon his Lord for his family that they are to observe the Contact Prayer to the Sacred House and that they would be guided and provided with provision, and Abraham was first given this rite including other rites that we practice today. He also asked his people to worship God and fear Him, which is better for them.

[20:14] Indeed Me, I am God; there is no god except I. So, you (Moses) shall worship Me, and shall observe the Contact Prayer for My remembrance.
[10:87] And we had inspired to Moses and his brother that you shall settle your people in houses of Egypt and shall make your houses into places of worship, and shall establish the Contact Prayer. And you (prophet) shall give good news to the believers.
Note: Moses was commanded to observe Salat while both Moses and his brother were asked to observe Salat with their people at their houses even if the designated places of worship were not found in Egypt.

[19:31] “And He made me (Jesus) blessed wherever I have been, and enjoined me with the Contact Prayer (Salat) and the obligatory charity (Zakat) as long as I have been alive.
Note: Jesus was commanded to observe Salat as well as to pay Zakat, and he did those as long he had been alive.

[29:45] You (Muhammad) shall recite that which has been revealed to you of the scripture, and shal observe the Contact Prayer (Salat). Indeed, the Contact Prayer prevents from the vice and the evil deeds while certainly, God’s remembrance is the greatest. And God knows whatever you (all) do.
Note: Muhammad was commanded to observe Salat that prevents from the evil and vice being the greatest to remember God.
[62:9] O you who believed, when a call has been made for the Contact Prayer on a day of the Friday, then you shall hasten to remembrance of God, and shall leave the business. That is better for you, if you know.
Note: The Friday Congregation Prayer is one of the Salat Prayers on a day of the Friday, which has a great importance for the observant of daily 5 times Salat prayer. Hence, the commandment is to hasten to remember God even leaving the business.

Recitation in the Salat Prayer

Salat is not just a prayer but a special prayer as scheduled by God, the Opener at specific times a day to make contact with Him each and every day (4:101 & 103) being reverent and dedicated to Him (23:1- 2 & 6:92) using words given by Him (7:23 & 2:37). Hence, imploring Him for something else reciting extra words at any positions cannot be part of the Salat prayer:

[4:101] When you traveled in the land, then it has not been any blame upon you that you shorten of the Contact Prayer (Salat) if you have feared that those who have disbelieved may attack you. Surely, the disbelievers have been an open enemy for you.
[4:103] When you have done the Contact Prayer (Salat), then you shall remember God while standing, sitting or (lying) on your sides. But when you have been secure, then you shall observe the Contact Prayer; indeed, the Contact Prayer has been a decree on the the believers at specified times.
Note: This commandment is for the believers when they were in war with the disbelievers but the core message in the verse is for all of us to observe Salat at specified times. However, we can shorten our prayer if we fear that the disbelievers may attack us.

[23:1-2] Certainly, have succeeded the believers, those who are humbles at their Contact Prayer (salatihim).
[6:92] This scripture we have revealed it is blessed, confirming which was of its before, and that you may warn mother of the cities and whatever its around. And those who believe in the Hereafter, believe in it (Quran) and they are on their Salat prayer to guard.

[7:23] They (Adam and his wife) said, “Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves, and if You do not forgive for us and have mercy on us, certainly, we will be with the losers.”
[2:37] Then, Adam received words from his Lord, so He redeemed him. He is the Redeemer, the Merciful.
Note: There is indication in these verses that the recitation in the Salat prayer is God given specific words.
[48:23] Such is God’s system which is from the past, and you will find no change in God’s system.
Note: There is a consistency between the redemption of Adam and his wife, and ours being Adam and his wife our parents.

Distortions and extra recitation at glance

There may be lots of corrupt beliefs and practices of Salat in regard to the recitation according to various sects/sub-sects but here are the very common ones that are practiced as of to date down the generation on the basis of recommendations from different scholars and imams or following parents blindly:

  1. The recitation of a short sura or a part of a long sura upon completing sura 1 (Al-Fatehah), including in the first 2 Rak’ahs (units) of prayer if it is a 3-unit and 4-unit prayer.
  2. The recitation of the word “Aaaameen” at the end upon completing sura 1 (Al-Fatehah).
  3. The recitation just after returning to standing from bowing before making a move to prostration (Rabbanaa Lakal- Hamd).
  4. The recitation between two prostrations (Allahumma Aghfir Lee warHamnee wa-Ehdinee war-Zuqqnee).
  5. The recitation of the Tashahhud at the sitting position appending Muhammad’s name as a messenger of God.
  6. The recitation of the Darud at sitting position asking blessing for Muhammad and Ibrahim as well as their families.
  7. The recitation of the Salaam to end the prayer appending mercy of God (As’salamu Alaykum wa-Rahmatullah).

Validation of corrupt practice with extra surah/verses

Salat is not just recitation of some words at certain positions, but it is more than that. We are to concentrate on what we are uttering so that it is observed being reverent to God reflecting to our hearts, i.e., our souls. Thus, the recitation must be in a befitting manner so that it helps us develop our souls to be responded by God. Since to understand the corrupt practice with the distorted/extra recitation at certain positions other than extra surah/verses with Al-Fatehah is very straightforward, let us have thorough discussion about reciting of extra surah/verses with Al-Fatehah to understand its recitation is a corrupt practice of Salat being an extra recitation. The recitation of a surah or a part of a long sura after completing Surah 1: Al-Fatehah is an extra recitation because of the following:

  1. Surah 1: Al-Fatehah is especially designed and given us as specific words for our prayer being the Children of Adam, and there is an indication of it in the following verses. Adam and his wife asked forgiveness of God for their sins as reflected in 7:23 being the surah 7 is the 39th revelation while He redeemed them as reflected in 2:37 being the sura 2 is the 87th revelation. The connection of these events can also be confirmed by adding the sura (chapter) number and verse number of these two verses from the sum being the same, which is 12:
    [7:23] They (Adam and his wife) said, “Our Lord, we have wronged our souls, and unless You forgive us and have mercy on us, we will be losers.”
    [2:37] Then, Adam received words from his Lord, so He redeemed him. He is the Redeemer, the Most Merciful.
    Note: The redemption of the sins of Adam and his wife occurred followed by asking for forgiveness.
  2. Surah 1: Al-Fatehah is given us as specific words consisting of 28 words in 7 verses while the rest of the Quran, i.e., from Sura 2 to Sura 114 is given us as our guidance, which has reflected in the following verses, and the initial, Alif.Laam.Meem is a gateway between specific words and words of guidance while the Quranic initials do play crucial roles in the words of guidance being signs of the wise scripture:
    [2:1] Alif.Laam.Meem.
    [2:2] This book wherein there is no doubt, is a guidance for the righteous.
    31:1] Alif.Laam.Meem.
    31:2] That is of signs of the scripture, the wise.
    31:3] A guidance and a mercy for the good-doers.
    Note: 30 Quranic initials prefixed to 29 suras in the Quran do not have any meaning to the so called Muslim scholars is a clear indication of their ignorance.
  3. In the Salat prayer, we cannot give guidance to God reciting a short surah or a part of any long sura that belongs to the words of guidance. It can be clear from a simple logic that we need God’s guidance but God does need not our guidance. It always moves down but not moves up.
  4. The position of sura Al-Fatehah and sura Al-Baqarah in the physical composition of the Quran (Mushaf) plays a crucial role while sura Al-Fatehah is the 5th revelation and sura Al-Baqarah is the 87th revelation as well as an initialed sura and the longest sura in the Quran.
  5. There are 6 Alif Lam Meem prefixed surahs in the Quran: 2, 3, 29, 30, 31 and 32 in the Quran. But surah 2: Al-Baqarah whose 2nd verse has the mention of Quran to be guidance for the righteous is placed in the 2nd position in the composition of the Quran just after surah 1:Al-Fatehah to affirm us that the rest of the Quran, i.e., from surah 2 to surah 114 is our guidance to be followed to become righteous.
  6. The placement of sura Al-Fatehah in the 1st position of the physical composition of the Quran and its content along with its numeric properties makes it different from the rest of the suras of the Quran, being our guidance.
  7. a. When surah Al-Fatehah is recited, our upper and lower lips touch 19 times where there are Baa and Meem in the Arabic words.
    b. The surah is composed of 28 words in the 7 verses. The total of the digits of the verse numbers is also 28 (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7). Thus, the sum of verse numbers in the sura is equal to the total number of words in the surah has made it unique including the position in the Mus’haf.
  8. Since there is conformity in the God’s system, God has given us specific words in the surah 1: Al-Fatehah for our redemption being the Children of Adam as He gave Adam and his wife specific words for their redemption that has reflected in the following verses of the Quran:
    [7:23] They said, “Our Lord, we have wronged our souls, and unless You forgive us and have mercy on us, we will be losers.”
    [2:37] Then, Adam received words from his Lord, so He redeemed him. He is the Redeemer, the Most Merciful.
    [48:23] Such is God’s system which is from the past, and you will find no change in God’s system.
  9. We often hear that short suras specifically earlier Meccan suras are given us to recite after completing surah 1: Al-Fatehah in the Salat prayer while the short suras that are usually recited after completing sura Al-Fatehah do not make any sense if we reflect to the messages in the suras. Here are a few English translations of such suras cited as examples to reflect to their messages to confirm that such words cannot be used in the Salat prayer except by those who have been overtaken by the Satan to nullify their works:

    a. Surah 105: Al-Feel (The Elephant)

    [105:1] Have you not seen how your Lord behaved with the people of the elephant?
    [105:2] Did He not cause their plan to go astray?
    [105:3] And He sent upon them swarms of birds.
    [105:4] Striking them with stones of baked clay.
    [105:5] Then He made them like chewed up hay.
    Note: The message in the sura is a historical event, and should we inform God who has informed us of the history?

    b. Surah 112: Al-Ikhlaas (Absoluteness)

    [112:1] Say, “He is God, the One.
    [112:2] “God, the Absolute.
    [112:3] “He does not beget, nor is He begotten.
    [112:4] “And none is equal to Him.”
    Note: God has informed us of His Oneness and Absoluteness. Should we inform Him who has informed us of His Oneness and Absoluteness?

    c. Surah 108: Al-Kawthar (Bounty)

    [108:1] Surely, we have given you (Muhammad) plenty.
    [108:2] So, you shall pray to your Lord and sacrifice.
    [108:3] Indeed, your rival will be the loser.
    Note: God has given His prophet a plenty and he should be grateful to Him disregarding his enemy.

    d. Surah 109: Al-Kaafiruun (The Disbelievers)

    [109:1] Say (Muhammad): “O the disbelievers.
    [109:2] “I do not worship what you worship.
    [109:3] “Nor are you worshipers of what I worship.
    [109:4] “Nor am I worshiper of what you have worshiped.
    [109:5] “Nor are you worshipers of what I worship.
    [109:6] “To you is your religion, and to me is my religion.”
    Note: The message in the surah is to inform the prophet to avoid the contemporary disbelievers.

    e. Surah 111: Al-Masad (The Palm Fiber)

    [111:1] The hands of Abu Lahab had to perish and he is perished.
    [111:2] His wealth and whatever he earned will not help him.
    [111:3] He will be burnt in the Blazing Fire.
    [111:4] And his wife, the wood carrier.
    [111:5] Around her neck will be a rope of the palm fiber.
    Note: Abu Lahab was Muhammad’s uncle who was the leader of opposition. The message in the sura is the description of consequences of Abu Lahab and his wife both in this world and in the Hereafter.

    f. Surah 97: Al-Qadr (The Night of Power)

    [97:1] Indeed, we (royal 1st person plural) revealed it (Quran) in the Night of Power.
    [97:2] Do you know what the Night of Power is!
    [97:3] The Night of Power is better than a thousand months.
    [97:4] The angels and the Spirit (the Gabriel) descend therein by their Lord’s leave with every command. 
    [97:5] Peace it is until the advent of the dawn.
    Note: God in this sura has described the completion of the process of inspiring the whole Quran into prophet’s soul in a single night involving the Gabriel and the angels of the event that took place on the night of 27th Ramadan at 13 B.H (609 A.D).
  10. We also hear from the so called scholars that they practice what came down to them from the prophet and his companions (sahaba in Arabic) after him as witnessed by many people while they cannot imagine any infiltration of corruptions and distortions between then and now. God cannot ask His prophet to believe and practice something what does not make any sense according to His teachings given in the final scripture and the reminder for the people of the world. In fact, these are the false claims just to continue with the corrupt beliefs and practices being the wicked and allies of the Satan. Thus, they are misguided and also misguide others who follow them blindly imposing burdens, shackles and a blazing fire on themselves as well as on those who follow them.

Quran is the source of knowledge

Those who have distorted the Salat practice over the period of time and those who observe the corrupt practice of Salat are the followers of the final scripture (33:40) revealed in the early 7th century (609-632) as guidance for the people (2:185) and a reminder for the whole world (12:104, 38:87, 68:52 and 81:27), which has everything that we need to lead a righteous life exposing all distortions and corruptions in our beliefs and practices (18:109, 31:27):

[33:40] Muhammad has not been a father of your men but has been a messenger of God and a seal of the prophet, and God has done being knower of everything.
[2:185] Ramadan is the month in which the Quran was revealed as guidance for the people, clear proofs of the guidance, and the statute book. So whoever among you witnesses the month, then he should fast in it. But whoever has been ill or on a journey, then the prescribed number in other days. God wishes for you ease and He does not wish for you hardship, and that you can complete the prescribed number, and that you can glorify God for what He has guided you so that you may be grateful.
Note: The Quran is the final scripture to humanity and guidance for the people until the end of the world.

[12:104] And you (O prophet) do not ask them any wage for it; it is but a reminder (dhik’run) for the worlds (lil`aalameen).
[38:87] It is but a reminder (dhik’run) for the worlds (lil`aalameen).
[68:52] It is but a reminder (dhik’run) for the worlds (lil`aalameen).
[81:27] It is but a reminder (dhik’run) for the worlds (lil`aalameen).
Note: It has been repeated 4 times in the Quran, the Quran to be a reminder “dhik’run” for the world, and both Quran and “dhik’run”, a derived form of “dhik’r” are in the masculine form according to Arabic grammar to eliminate any confusion.

[18:109] Say, “If the ocean had been ink for my Lord’s words, certainly, the ocean had run out before that my Lord’s words ran out, even if we brought of like it as ink supplement.”
[31:27] And if that whatever in the earth of trees were pens, and the ocean were (ink), adding to it of its after were seven oceans, God’s words had not run out. Indeed, God is Almighty, Wise.
Note: Not anything is missing from the Quran nor is anything left out of it being the source of knowledge for the believers to establish perfect belief and to do the righteous deeds, as well to have the answer of any of their questions or concerns when that may arise and to get rid of the infiltration of any distortions and corruptions from our beliefs and practices.


The practice of Salat is very old, which was first given to Abraham including other rites that we practice today. He asked his people to worship God and fear Him, which is better for them, and called upon his Lord for his family that they are to observe the Contact Prayer to the Sacred House that they would be guided and provided with provision. Moses was commanded to observe Salat while both Moses and his brother were asked to observe Salat with their people at their houses even if the designated places of worship were not found in Egypt. Muhammad was commanded to observe Salat informing that it prevents from the evil and vice being the greatest to remember God. The Friday Congregation Prayer is one of the Salat Prayers on the day of Friday, which is to observe to remember God even dropping all business.

It has been confirmed from the Quran that there is infiltration of corruptions and distortions in what the majority of Muslims recites at different positions in the Salat prayer but some distortions are easily detectable based on its sole purpose to remember God. Thus, the corrupt practice of Salat with the distorted/extra recitation at certain positions other than extra sura/verses with Al-Fatehah is very straightforward. However, to understand the recitation of extra sura/verses with Al-Fatehah is a corrupt practice of Salat has been examined and explored inquiring into the final scripture, a valid and only source to resolve any disputes of Islamic beliefs and practices. The order of revelation of Quran, the physical composition of Quran (Mus’haf), the initialed suras and their placement, the wording of sura Al-Fatehah and its physical properties, reflection on the redemption of Adam and his wife for their sins to get back to Heaven, reflection to the messages of certain suras usually recited with Sura Al-Fatehah and misguidance from the so called scholars, mullas and imams are clues to confirm the recitation of a sura or a part of a long sura after completing Sura Al-Fatehah in the Salat prayer is an extra recitation being satanic trick to make us losers in the Hereafter.

This study reveals that a sura or part of a long sura is an extra recitation other than Al-Fatehah in the Salat prayer, entered stealthily may not be known to many of us when they are accustomed to a corrupt practice for a sufficient period of time for becoming normal to them while they feel secure staying with the majority. However, those who can realize that Salat is the prime source to nourish their souls but corrupt practice does not contribute to the growth of their souls would take initiatives to do it right way to save their souls if God guides them.

Salat is not just recitation of some words at certain positions, but it is more than that. We are to concentrate on what we are uttering so that it is observed being reverent to God reflecting to our conscious minds. The recitation must be in a befitting manner to be responded by God so that it helps us develop our souls. There is a clear indication in the Quran that Sura Al-Fatehah has a special design from Him to be our specific words to recite it in the Salat prayer for our redemption for sins as well as growth of our souls.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (12/7/2018).