God has given us the Quran to guide to a straight path, which means to us that if we study and examine His words in it, we can remove any confusion that we might have or about what we have been made to confuse, even we may derive factual that may help us to strengthen our hearts eliminating any doubts from our hearts. Here are details of 5 sets of verses from Quran that we can reflect considering them special may help us remember God with His given words as He wills to be grateful to Him dedicating our remembrance for Him ignoring misconception, falsehood or fabrication around us:
- God has sent messages to humanity from time to time through His messengers to guide them to a right direction and has commanded us to believe and follow what has been revealed to them as well as has commanded us not to make any distinction between any of them. But it is unfortunate that we have failed to obey His command dividing ourselves into different communities being followers of certain messengers making them greater than others or preferring one over others, even He has made it clear not to make a distinction between any of His messengers as reflected in the following verses of Quran:
[2:136] Say, “We have believed in God and what has been revealed to us and what has been revealed to Abraham, and Ismail, and Isaac, and Yaqub, and the patriarchs, and what has been given to Moses, and Jesus, and what has given to the (other) prophets from their Lord. We do not make distinction between any of them, and we are submitters to Him.
[2:285] The messenger has believed in what has been revealed to him from his Lord and the believers. Everyone has believed in God, and His angels, and His scriptures, and His messengers. We do not make distinction between any of His messengers. And they said, “We have heard and we have obeyed. Grant us Your forgiveness our Lord and to You is the return.”
[3:84] Say, “We have believed in God, and what has been revealed on us, and what has revealed on Abraham, and Ismail, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the Patriarchs, and what has been given to Moses, Jesus, and the prophets from their Lord. We do not make distinction between any of them, and to Him we are submitters.”
[4:150] Indeed, those who disbelieve in God and His messengers, and they wish that they make distinction between God and His messengers, and they say, “We believe in one and disbelieve in other.” And they wish that they accept a path between that.
[4:152] And those who have believed in God and His messengers, and they do not make distinction between any of them; those – He will give them their reward. And God has been Forgiving, Merciful.
[6:90] Those are ones whom God has guided; so, you (Muhammad) shall follow of their guidance. Say, “I (Muhammad) do not ask you any reward for it. It is not but a reminder for the people of the world.”
Note: Here is a reference that there is mention of 18 names in the verses from 83 to 86 of surah 6 starting with Abraham and ending with Lot, while the verse 89 confirms that all these 18 who are mentioned are prophets of God, and the verse 90 confirms that they were truly guided by God, and Muhammad is advised to make efforts to achieve the guidance at their level; and there is also mention of a reminder for the people of the world to be a hint of the mathematical coding of Quran in it which has not been revealed to him.
Mathematical confirmation
Note: This mathematical confirmation is an explicit proof not to have any room to make a distinction between any of God’s messengers, being it an idol worshiping for focusing on certain messengers that nullifies all deeds of the believers.
- God has given the Quran being a powerful scripture assigning 4 of His own attributes to it: great (azeem), wise (hakeem), glorious (majeed) and honorable (kareem) as well as 14 sets of Quranic initials prefixed to its 29 surahs out of 114 surahs, which play multiple roles providing factual for many critical matters including a gateway between specific words and the words of guidance:
[41:41] Indeed, those who have disbelieved in the reminder (Quran) when it has come to them, and indeed, it is surely a powerful book.
[15:87] And certainly, we have given you the seven pairs (Quranic initials), and the great Quran.
[36:1-2] Yaa.Seen. And the wise Quran.
[50:1] Qaf and the glorious Quran.
[56:77] Indeed, this is surely an honorable Quran.
[85:21] Indeed, it is a glorious Quran.
Mathematical confirmation
Note: This mathematical confirmation is an explicit proof not to have any room to doubt about Alif.Laam.Meem, a Quranic initial to be a gateway between specific words and words of guidance.
- God has given us a wonderful Quran, which has confirmed that He has sent a messenger who has revealed from his past as well as has unveiled from his future being permitted by Him to practice His religion having factual from His words using the message conveyed by the messenger:
[72:1] Say (Muhammad), “It has been revealed to me that a group of the jinn has listened (Quran),” so they said, “Indeed, we have heard a wonderful Quran.
[72:7] And that they had thought like you have thought that God would not raise anyone (as messenger).
[72:26] A Knower of the future, while He does not reveal of His future to anyone,
[72:27] except whomever He has permitted of a messenger; then indeed, He reveals an unknown from his past and from his future.
Mathematical confirmation
Note: Here is a proof that a wonderful Quran leaves no room for its believers to have any doubt that there is a reference of a messenger God has selected to reveal Quran’s mathematical coding, which is of his past as such coding does exist in the Arabic text of the Quran since its revelation, and to unveil when the world will end, which is of his future permitted by Him, and it has been predicted that the world will come to an end on 1710 A.H. (2280 A.D).
- God has given us a scripture with best and unchangeable words that has completed truth and justice, and the words that we need to remember Him through our appropriate beliefs and practices:
[18:109] Say, “If the ocean had been ink for my Lord’s words, surely, the ocean would have run out before that my Lord’s words would run out, even if we had brought with like of it as (ink) supplement.”
[31:27] And if that whatever in the earth of trees were pens, and the ocean adding to it after of it were seven oceans (of ink), God’s words would not have run out. Indeed, God is Almighty, Wise.
[6:115] And your Lord’s word has completed truth and justice. There is no modifier of His words, and He is the Hearer, the Knower.
[21:10] Certainly, we have sent down to you (all) a scripture, in it (Quran) is your remembrance. Do you not then understand?
[39:23] God has sent down a scripture of the best Hadith being consistent to each other. The skins of those who fear their Lord shiver from it (Quran), then their skins and their hearts soften up to God’s message. That is God’s guidance; He guides with it (Quran) whomever He wills, and whomever God lets go astray, then there is no guide for him.
Mathematical confirmation
Note: This mathematical confirmation leaves no room for us to have any doubt that God has not only given us the words we need but has given us best words that we can use to remember Him to be the grateful ones to Him.
- God has given us a scripture with an exact number of unchangeable words that has completed truth and justice, and the words that we need for our beliefs and practices to remember Him:
[18:109] Say, “If the ocean had been ink for my Lord’s words, surely, the ocean would have run out before that my Lord’s words would run out, even if we had brought with like of it as (ink) supplement.”
[31:27] And if that whatever in the earth of trees were pens, and the ocean adding to it after of it were seven oceans (of ink), God’s words would not have run out. Indeed, God is Almighty, Wise.
[6:115] And your Lord’s word has completed truth and justice. There is no modifier of His words, and He is the Hearer, the Knower.
[21:10] Certainly, we have sent down to you (all) a scripture, in it is your remembrance (dhik’rikum). Do you not then understand?
[72:28] That He knows that indeed, they (messengers) have conveyed messages of their Lord, and He has encompassed of what has been with them, and He has counted number of all things.
Mathematical confirmation
Note: This mathematical confirmation leaves no room for us to have any doubt that God has not only given us the words we need but has given us exact words that we can use to remember Him to be the grateful ones to Him.
- God has given us exact number of words, and of them He has specified the words which are best for us to remember Him that we should recite from starting to ending in salat being the prime practice for His remembrance, while He knows what we do (29:45). Thus, in Salat there are 7 components having 50 words that consist of 228 letters we recite to remember Him making it simple for us that we can fulfill our obligation, and He will respond, if we can please Him with our salat:
a. Start the prayer: Allahu Akbar (God is Great):
1. Allah (God- proper noun)
2. Akbar (Great – adjective)
b. Recitation of Al Faatihah:
A. Bis’mil- Lahir- Rahmaanir- Raheem (In the Name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful) – This is the first verse of Al Faatihah as well as of the Quran, and the first word has the peculiar spelling for absence of “alif” in the word is made up the first verse with 19 letters to be a proof of the mathematical coding of the Quran being 19 its code):
3. Bism (In the Name: Bi –> in/with – preposition, Ism (Alif-Seen-Meem) –> name, noun but Alif is absence in the spelling).
4. Allah (God, proper noun)
5. Al-Rahmaan (The Gracious, adjective)
6. Al-Raheem (The Merciful – adjective)
B. Al-Hamdu Lillahi Rabbil- `Aalameen (All praise to God, Lord of the worlds) – Here our concern is about our lives being involved with the worlds of the Beforehere (the first life before the earth), Here (on the earth) and the Hereafter (after the earth getting into it through death):
7. Al-Hamdu (All Praise, noun)
8. Li-llahi (Li–> to/for, Preposition, Allah -> God, noun)
9. Rab (Lord, noun)
10. Al-`Aalameen (the worlds, noun)
C. Ar-Rahmaanir- Raheem (The Gracious, The Merciful):
11. Al-Rahmaan (The Gracious, adjective- an attribute of God)
12. Al-Raheem (The Merciful – adjective – an attribute of God)
D. Maaliki Yawmid- Deen (Master of a Day of the Judgment):
13. Maalik (Master – noun)
14. Yawm (Day – noun)
15. Al-Deen (the Judgment- noun)
E. Iyyaka Na’budu wa-Iyyaka Nas’ta-een (You alone we worship and You alone we ask for help) – the verse having 19 letters is a factual that we only trust upon our Lord and Master of the Judgment day, who can give us what we need eliminating association of anyone with Him from our hearts:
16. Iyyaka (You alone – 2nd person singular pronoun)
17. Na’budu (we worship – 1st person plural imperfect verb)
18. Wa-Iyyaka (and You alone: Wa -> and – conjunction, Eyyaka -> You alone – 2nd person singular pronoun)
19. Nas’ta-een (we ask for help – 1st person plural imperfect verb)
F. Ih’dinaas- Siraatal- Mustaqeem (Guide us to the straight path):
20. Ih’dinaa (Guide us: Eh’d from root word, Hadaa -> to guide – imperative verb, Naa -> us – 1st person plural relative pronoun)
21. Al-Siraat (the Path – noun)
22. Al-Mustaqeem (the straight – adjective)
G. Siraat Alladheena An’`amta `Alayhim; Ghyril- Maghduubi `Alayhim wa-laad-Daalleen (The path of those You have bestowed favor on them, not of those who have incurred wrath on them nor of the strayers):
23. Siraat (Path – noun)
24. Alladheena (those who – pronoun)
25. An’`amta (You have bestowed favor: An’`am -> bestowed favor – verb, Ta -> You – pronoun)
26. `Alayhim (upon them: `Alay -> upon – preposition, Him -> them – pronoun)
27. Ghayr- (Not – noun)
28. Al-Maghduub (those who have earned wrath – passive participle)
29. `Alayhim (upon them: `Alay -> upon – preposition, Him -> them – pronoun)
30. wa-laad-Daalleen (nor of the strayers: wa –> and – Conjunction, laa –> not – negative particle, Daalleen –> the strayers – active participle)
c. At bowing: Subhaana Rabbiyal- `Azeem (Glory to God, the Great):
31. Subhaana (Glory, noun)
32. Rab (Lord, noun)
33. Al-`Azeem (the Great- adjective, an attribute of God)
d. Returning to standing from bowing: Sami-`a Allahu Liman Hameedah (God responds to him who praises Him):
34. Sami-`a (to Hear – verb)
35. Allah (God, proper name)
36. Liman (whoever – pronoun)
37. Hameedahu (Praise Him: Hameedah –> Praise be – noun, hu -> Him – pronoun)
e. At prostration: Subhaana Rabbiyal- `Alaa (Glory be to God, the High):
38. Subhaana (Glory – noun)
39. Rab (Lord – noun)
40. Al-`Alaa (the High – adjective, an attribute of God)
f. At sitting: Ash’hadu An laa-Ilaaha Illaa Allah, Wahdahu, laa-Shareeka Lah (I bear witness that there is no god except God. He alone is god; He has no partner) we dedicate our salat to God who has no partner except owner of it being Lord of the worlds and Master of a Day of the Judgment:
41. Ish’haduu (I bear witness – verb)
42. An (that – conjunction)
43. laa-Ilaaha (no god: Laa -> not – negative particle, Ilaaha -> god – noun)
44. Illaa (except – exceptive particle)
45. Allah (God – proper noun)
46. Wahdahu (He Alone – Adjective, an attribute of God, Hu -> He – 3rd person singular pronoun)
47. laa-Shareeka (no partner: Laa -> not – negative particle, Shareek -> partner – noun)
48. Lahu (He has: La -> to – preposition, Hu -> He – 3rd person singular pronoun)
g. End the prayer: As’salaamu `Alaykum (the Peace be upon you):
49. Al-Salaam (the Giver of Peace – adjective, an attribute of God which occurs once in the Quran)
50. `Alaykum (`Alaa -> upon – preposition, Kum -> you – 2nd person plural pronoun)
Mathematical confirmations
Even the 7 components of 50 words consisting of 228 letters that we recite in our Salat can also be mathematically confirmed deriving simple facts not to have any doubt in our hearts that God has given us these words to remember Him in Salat:
Table 1: The table provides factual of number of Salats and units (rakats) through the week
Note: This mathematical confirmation is an explicit proof that God has given us 5 times Salat. So, we should establish 17 units of Salat from Saturday through Thursday and 15 units on Friday, while on Friday 4 units of Zahur Salat is replaced with 2 units of Friday Salat and 2 parts of sermon.
Table 2: The table provides factual for exact number of words and letters recited at Salat
Table 3: The table provides factual for number of times words and letters recited at Salat
In conclusion, God has introduced religion for the human to improve him, and has sent down the guidance and the religion of the truth (9:33, 48:28, and 61:9) and has given him exact means to practice it in a right way to remember and please Him to be grateful to his Lord. But His religion of Monotheism (30:30) being Islam is its practices (3:19, 3:85) has evolved over the period of time as He wills to make it fit to the people of the respective generation. Thus, He has given us the Quran, the final edition of His scripture (33:40) with the truth and justice to remove our evil deeds and to improve our condition (47:2) to bring us out of the darkness into the light to admit ourselves into gardens that we can abide therein forever with good provision (65:11).
The messages in the verses of the Quran as detailed and the words as specified to recite in the salat prayer supported by the factual leave no room for the believers to have any doubt that God has given us the best and exact words to remember Him through the salat prayer in a right way not corrupting it with adding any innovated words.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (03/11/2022).