Shahaadah, profession of faith that every submitter (Muslim in Arabic) bears witness to the Oneness of God by reciting the creed “There is no god except God” ( laa-ilaaha illaa allah in Arabic) while Muhammad’s name is appended to it as a messenger of God (laa-ilaaha illaa allah muhammadun rasuul allah) to corrupt the Shahadah by the followers of the corrupt version of submission (Islam in Arabic) but they are proud to claim them to be Muslims. They also want others to mention Muhammad’s name next to God and say that you are not a Muslim if you don’t. They accuse you of not respecting and loving the prophet. How about respecting God and what He says? Isn’t respecting God also respecting Muhammad? Isn’t respecting God also respecting all His prophets and messengers who have preached to us the importance of worshiping God alone? Who should we respect and love the most? However, some Islamic scholars may also point out that it is the form of the Shahadah that handed down to us from the past by adding the names of the respective prophet aligned to the time of guidance period: ‘Ibrahim Khalil Allah’, ‘Musa Kareem Allah’, ‘Jesus Rahul Allah’ etc. to justify the corrupt form of Shahaadah.
However, let us confirm the shahaadah as given by God, which on it He has created mankind reviewing the relevant verses in the Quran to avoid the obvious idolatry that nullifies all our works:
Precise statement of our faith
Shahaadah is also known as the First Commandment as it is the first of the ten commandments given to Moses in Mount Sinai through two tablets each consisting of five commandments, which is “Thou shall not worship except One God.” This commandment being obligatory for all came down to the people of the later generations through the message given to other messengers including the final edition of God’s scripture, the Quran. The Quran has included the precise statement of it repeating in a number of verses to avoid any corrupt form of it as well as to prevent us from falling into idol/figure worshipping to nullify our all deeds:
[3:18] God has borne witness that there is no god except He, and so has done the angels and possessors of the knowledge established with the justice: there is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise.
Note: God Himself has borne witness that there is no god except He, and He has also taught it to the angels and the possessors of knowledge established with justice: There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise. Thus, God is the One who has prescribed all religious rites and laws for us to do the righteous deeds, has also confirmed the shahadah in the Quran.
[37:35] Indeed, they have done when has been said to them: “There is no god besides God,” they were arrogant.
Note: The reference has come in respect with the contemporary idol worshipers but the same behavior can also be noticed when this statement is shared with the traditional Muslims.
[47:19] So, you (Muhammad) shall know that there is no god except God; and you shall ask forgiveness for your sin and for the believing men as well as the believing women. And God knows (all) your return and reward.
Note: The Shahadah what was taught Muhammad, also taught all of us, which is very clear in the verse, the Quran being the final edition of God’s scripture as well as a reminder for the world. Thus, there is no reason to put Muhammad’s name next to God, even if he uttered his name next to God, it would not be just silly for him but he would go against the Quran, and would be idol worshipper.
[63:1] When has come to you (Muhammad) the hypocrites, they said: “We bear witness that you are surely a messenger of God.” And God knows that you are of course His messenger and God bears witness that the hypocrites are surely liars.
Note: Though statement is not precise in the verse but there is an indication that mentioning of Muhammad’s name as a messenger of God next to God is the shahaadah of the hypocrites. Thus, those who recite shahaadah adding Muhammad as a messenger of God belong to the hypocrites. But it is unfortunate that the majority Muslims ignore this fact and insist on mentioning “Muhammad is a messenger of God” in the shahaadah precisely stated by God in the Quran as well as the previous scripture.
Worshiping God alone
All prophets and messengers of God have preached to humanity to worship Him alone so that we all can avoid idol worship that nullifies our all works. This commandment found in the following verses of the Quran that must be taken seriously to ensure our safe return to God.
[7:70] They said: “Have you (Muhammad) come to us that we worship God alone (allahu wahdahu) and abandon what has done to worship our forefathers? Then bring us of what you promise us if you have been with the truthful ones.”
Note: At the time of revelation of the Quran people used to associate idols in their worship while the majority who believes in God now associate prophet, messenger, saint or even the religious leaders as idols in their worship, and the adding of Muhammad’s name next to God’s name in the Shahadah is a critical example of that.
[39:45] And when has been mentioned God alone (wa-idhaa dhukira allahu wahdahu), has shrunk in aversion hearts of those who do not believe in the Hereafter, and when has been mentioned those other than Him, then they rejoice.
Note: Indeed, if the mention of Muhammad’s or any other messenger’s name next to God’s name is what pleases us, we may not be believers in the Hereafter in the true sense. That is a terrible tragedy, and something to take seriously according to the Quran.
[40:12] That is because of that when has been called God alone (allahu wahdahu), you have disbelieved, and if are associated partners with Him, you believe. So, the judgment belongs to God, the High, the Great.
Note: The Quran teaches that those who associate anything or anyone with God are the disbelievers.
[40:84] So, when they have seen our punishment, they said: “We have believed in God alone (allahu wahdahu), and we have disbelieved in what we had made partners with Him.”
Note: Even though we cannot realize that we are associating with God adding Muhammad’s name next to His name now but we will be able to do that when we see the retribution from God.
[60:4] Indeed, there has been a good example for you in Abraham and those with him, when they said to their people, “Indeed, we are disassociating from you and from that which you worship other than God. We have disbelieved in you, and there has come an animosity and hatred between us and you forever until you believe in God Alone (allahu wahdahu),” except Abraham’s saying to his father, “Surely, I ask forgiveness for you but I do not possess any power of anything for you from God.” “Our Lord, upon You we put our trust, and we have turned to You and to You is the final return.
Note: Abraham and those who believed with him set an example to worship God alone and there is a lesson in it for us how to disassociate from the idol/figure worshipers while adding anything or anyone next to God’s name in the Shahaadah is an idol/figure worshiping.
Mentioning of Muhammad 4 times by name in the Quran
There are numerous references of Muhammad in the Quran but he has been mentioned 4 times by his name in the Quran. God knows exactly where he should be mentioned by name. So mentioning him by name in any other places does not have His approval.
[3:144] And Muhammad is not but a messenger, certainly has passed away the messengers before himself. So, if he has died or has been killed, have you turned back on your heels? And whoever turns back on his heels, then he will not harm God in anything. And God will reward the grateful ones.
Note: The believers are required to uphold the message sent with the messenger at his lifetime as well as when he is no more among them to be thankful to God to be qualified for His reward.
[33:40] Muhammad has not been a father of anyone of your men, but he has had a messenger of God and a seal of the prophets, and God has done being Knower of everything.
Note: The message in the verse points that who was Muhammad and what he delivered, i.e., he delivered a messenger of God being the final edition of God’s scripture.
[47:2] And those who have believed and have done the righteous deeds, and have believed in what has been revealed through Muhammad, and it is the truth from their Lord, He has removed their evil deeds from them and has improved their situation.
[48:29] Muhammad, a messenger of God and those who are with him are stern against the disbelievers, but merciful among themselves. You see them bowing and prostrating, seeking God’s bounty and pleasure. Their mark is in their faces as an evidence of the prostration. That is their example in the Torah. And their example in the Injeel is like a seed brings forth its shoots, then has strengthened it, then has become thick, then has stood on its stem, pleasing the farmers that He may enrage the disbelievers with them. God has promised those who among them have believed and have done the righteous deeds a forgiveness and a great reward.
Note: The believers will maintain a strong relation among themselves and strive in the cause of God to deserve forgiveness and a great reward from Him.
No distinction between any of His messengers
God has commanded us not to make a distinction between of any of His messengers to avoid idolatry focusing on any of His messengers. This commandment is very crucial for us, which has been repeated 4 times in the Quran so that we do not miss it or we have not taken it lightly. The verses that are directly associated with this commandment are stated below:
[2:136] Say, “We have believed in God, and what has been revealed to us and what has been revealed to Abraham, Ismael, Isaac, Jacob, and the Patriarchs; and what has been given to Moses and Jesus, and what has been given the prophets from their Lord. We do not make distinction between any of them. And to Him we are submitters.”
[2:285] The messenger has believed in what has been revealed to him from his Lord and the believers. All has believed in God, and His angles, and His scriptures, and His messengers. We do not make a distinction between any of His messengers. And they said: “We have heard and obeyed. Your forgiveness, our Lord and to You is the return.”
[3:84] Say, “We have believed in God, and what has been revealed to us and what has been revealed to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, and the Patriarchs, and what has been given to Moses, Jesus, and the prophets from their Lord. We do not make distinction between any of them, and to Him we are submitters.”
[4:152] And those who have believed in God and His messengers, and they do not make a distinction between any of them, those – He will give them their rewards. And God has been Forgiving, Merciful.
Note: God has commanded us not to make a distinction between any of His messengers referring to both prophet and messenger in the above verses, and the minute level of clarity is only possible as God is the author of the Quran. If we can interpret the commandment appropriately and obey His order, we will not be deprived of His reward and mercy.
Consequence of Idol-worship
God warns us that idol worship is an unforgivable sin if it is maintained until death. If we do fall into idol worship by ignorance, we must repent for it when we realize it before it is too late, otherwise all our works will be nullified (4:48 & 116). Even, God has warned His messengers either not to fall into idol worship (6:88 & 39:65). God thus has made this practice very clear in His revelations so that we all make our utmost efforts not to fall into idol worship setting up partners with Him in any circumstances not to be with the losers in the Hereafter:
[4:48] Indeed, God does not forgive if is associated partners with Him, and He forgives what is other than that for whomever He wills. And whoever associates partners with God, then indeed, he has fabricated a great sin.
[4:116] Indeed, God does not forgive if is associated partners with Him, and He forgives what is other than that for whomever He wills. And whoever associates partners with God, then certainly, he has strayed a far astray.
[6:88] That is God’s guidance, He guides with it (Quran) whomever He wills of His servants. And if they had associated partners, then He has made worthless for them what they had done to achieve.
[39:65] And certainly, has been inspired to you (Muhammad) and to those before yourself; surely, if you have associated partners, surely, He will make worthless your deeds; and surely, you will be with the losers.
Note: God has warned His messenger including followers not to fall into idol worshipping to become worthless their deeds being a Satanic trap.
Idol-worship is Satan’s trap
It is Satan who does not want people to worship God alone. He promised to use his powers to lead people astray and to have them set up idols beside God. He does not care if the idol we set up beside God is Jesus, Muhammad, Ali or anyone. He does not care if the idol we set up is our business, property, children or money. He does not mind if our idol worship is obvious or subtle. All he wants from the believers in God, is that we nullify all our works by falling into some sort of idol worship, and being unappreciative of God is also equivalent to it:
[17:62] He (Satan) said, “Have You (God) seen this (Adam) whom You have honored over me? If You have respited me till a Day of the Resurrection, surely, I will flaw his descendants except a few.”
[7:17] “Then surely, I (Satan) will come to them before themselves, and behind themselves, and of their right, and of their left, and You will find their majority are not the grateful ones.”
Note: Satan is our great enemy and his utmost effort is to make us idol worshipper to nullify our all works, even who have believed in God and the Hereafter.
Mathematical confirmations
We are also blessed to have a 3-fold mathematical confirmation derived from the Quran as God in His infinite mercy has mathematically coded the First Commandment, the precise statement of shahaadah in it as detailed below. This mathematical confirmations have been derived from what is in the Arabic text of the Quran done specifically and deliberately that we can avoid any corrupt form of shahaadah and use the correct one as confirmed to declare our faith without having any traces of doubt in our hearts.
(a) The Arabic statement لا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا اللَّهُ “laa ilaaha illaa allah” (There is no god except God) consists of 12 letters. These Arabic letters (written and read from right to left) in the order of occurrence are:
ل ا ا ل ہ ا ل ا ا ل ل ہ
The gematrical (numerical) values of these letters associated with them are 30, 1, 1, 30, 5, 1, 30, 1, 1, 30, 30 and 5. Now if we write these numbers together, the resultant number is a 17-digit number, which is a multiple of 19=>30113051301130305= 19 x 1584897436901595.
Note: This mathematical confirmation is a stamp of God on this statement clearly indicating to us that this is the correct statement, and this amazing stamp leaves no doubt about our shahaadah.
(b) There are 5 instances of “wahdahu” (Alone) which refer to God are found in 4 suras of the Quran. If the relevant sura number and verse numbers are added, the sum is a multiple of 19 => 361= 19 x 19 (see the table below for details):
Note: This mathematical analysis of ‘God alone’ “allahu wahdahu” exactly tells us that the association of anything or anyone with God from His creation would be idolatry. Hence, there should not be any doubt in the hearts of the true believers that the correct statement of faith is “There is no god beside God” (in Arabic, laa-ilaaha Illaa allah).
(c) There are 3 distinct sets of verses: the first set of 4 verses in 4 suras deals with the precise statement of shahadah, the second set of 4 verses in 4 suras deals with mentioning Muhammad 4 times by his name and the third one of 4 verses in 3 suras deals with no distinction between any of His messengers. If the relevant sura # and verse # are added, the sum is a multiple of 19 =>1235 = 19 x 65 (See table below for details):
Note: This mathematical confirmation comes from a direct relationship of the verses covering three pieces of information to confirm that the correct statement of faith is “There is no god except God” (in Arabic, Laa-Ilaaha Illaa Allah). It is noted that the numeric figure of mentioning Muhammad 4 times by his name in the Quran also participates in the mathematical confirmation that Muhammad was a messenger of God like Musa or any other messengers, which is also an indirect proof that any messenger’s name should not be appended to the statement of shahaadah to corrupt it.
God has not only confirmed our Shahadah in the Quran but it is also His mercy that He has detailed out it in the Quran to strengthen our hearts with both logical and physical proofs. There are 4 pieces of information: (1) precise statement of faith, (2) worshipping God alone, (3) mentioning of Muhammad 4 times by his name in the Quran and (4) no distinction between any of His messengers, which are coupled together to confirm the statement of faith. Though the verses connected to each piece of information give us a sufficient proof but they all together contribute to confirm it to eliminate any traces of doubt from our hearts so that we can avoid any corrupt form of it. However, idol worshipping nullifies all our works being Satan’s trap has also been highlighted to be aware of the consequences if anyone of us fails to declare the correct form of Shahadah.
In addition, there is a 3-fold mathematical confirmation including even letter level confirmation of the statement of faith as derived from what is in the Arabic text of the Quran done specifically and deliberately, wherein there is no mistake, nonsense or contradiction. Hence, there is irrefutable proof that our shahaadah is “There is no god except God” (laa-ilaaha illaa allah in Arabic), and any addition to this statement nullifies the mathematical coding of Quran and God’s approval.
Shahadah is the confession but if we spell it out, it means that God is the One and Only God, that God alone is worthy of worship, that to Him alone belongs all praise, and that He is sovereign. These convictions are to be established in our hearts along with striving in the cause of God with our works, wealth and lives (49:14-15) keeping in mind that God is our Protector as well as the best Helper (3:150) to be with the righteous in the Hereafter:
[49:14] The Arabs said: “We have believed.” Say: “You have not believed, but you shall say: we have submitted”, and not yet enter the faith into your hearts. And if you obey God and His messenger, He will not deprive you of anything of your deeds. Indeed, God is Forgiving, Merciful.
[49:15] The believers are only those who have believed in God and His messenger, then they do not doubt, and have strove with their wealth and their lives in God’s path. Those – they are the truthful ones.
[3:150] Nay, God is your Protector (mawlaakum) and He is best of the helpers (khayru al-naasireen).
From this study, we do not have just learned that the correct statement of our shahaadah is “There is no god except God” (laa-ilaaha illaa allah in Arabic), we have the confirmation of it from the Arabic text of the Quran and its mathematical coding. While there should not be any doubt among any of us that adding a phrase “Muhammad is a messenger of God” to it is its corrupt form. Now, not only the so called Islamic scholars but also all the people of the world are banded together to oppose the correct form of shahaadah would not able to divert the true believers of God and the Quran from declaring the correct form of shahaadah to make them idol worshipers (mushrik in Arabic) or hypocrites (munaafiq in Arabic) to nullify their all works. However, those who preach the corrupt form of shahaadah to the people or those who accept it would suffer the consequences when they meet their Lord but God willing, we are fortunate not to be one of those.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (4/28/2017)