Today, we experience faster processing of information that even we do not think in the last century. However, our concern is about how to understand different aspects of our life and its interaction with everything what is happening around us, even what will happen when we return to our Lord through our death. It is a fact that we are mortal but our soul is immortal and we get back to God leaving our body on earth when our interim on earth comes to an end without any exception. Hence, we receive interim compensation from the day of our death until a Day of the Judgment while we will be paid our exact compensation without least injustice followed by the end of the world as well as resurrection (20:15, 15:85, 3:185). Let us reflect to the event studying the relevant verses of the Quran to better understand how it is made practical for billions of people as well as to avoid misconceptions around us such as the dead are asked in the graves about their Lord (rob), religion (deen) and messenger (rasuul) while the dead will not come back until a Day of the Resurrection (81:7) as well as believing in intercession (shafaa’at) on a Day of the Judgment.
God manages everything
Those of us who believe in God and trust Him should know that there is no coincidence, myth or superstition about our lives from the worldly life to the life of the Hereafter. Thus, anything that happens to anyone of us or to the earth or to the universe is according to His plan and systems. Here is a small set of straightforward verses from the Quran that can be examined to understand that His systems capture everything to manage in a faster manner with least effort:
[65:12] God is the One who created the seven heavens and the earth, as like of them. The command flows among them that God is powerful over all things and that God is fully aware of all things.
[2:117] The Initiator of the heavens and the earth, and when He decrees a command, He only says to it: “Be” so it is.
[3:109] And to God belongs what in the heavens and what in the earth, and to God all matters will be returned.
[16:12] And He has committed for you the night and the day, and the sun and the moon, and the stars are committed by His command. Indeed, in that there are signs for a people who use intelligence.
[36:40] The sun is not permitted for it that it overtakes the moon, nor does the night outstrip the day; each of them is floating in an orbit.
[6:59] With Him is the knowledge of the unseen; none knows them except He. He knows what is in the land and in the sea. Not a leaf falls without His knowledge; nor a seed in the darkness of the earth; nor anything moist or dry, but is in a clear record.
[6:95] God is the One who causes the grains and the seeds to crack and germinate. He produces the living from the dead, and the dead from the living. Such is God; how could you deviate!
[35:11] And God created you from dust, then from a drop, then He made you pairs. And no female conceives, nor gives birth except of His knowledge. And not anyone’s life is extended, or his life is shortened, but is in a record. Indeed, that is easy for God.
[41:47] To Him is the knowledge of the Hour (the end of the world).
And no fruits emerge from their sheaths, nor does any female become pregnant or give birth, except of His knowledge. And on the day He asks them: “Where are My partners?” They will say: “We let You know, there is no witness among us.”
[34:3] And those who disbelieved say: “The Hour will not come upon us!” Say: “Yes, by my Lord, it will surely come to you; He is the Knower of the unseen, not even the weight of an atom or smaller than that or larger can be hidden from Him, be it in the heavens or in the earth, all are in a clear record.”
[10:61] And you are not in a situation, nor do you recite from the Quran, nor do you do anything, except we are witnesses over you when you are engaged in it. Even not of an atom’s weight in the earth nor in the heaven is hidden from your Lord, nor smaller than that or larger, but is in a clear record.
[57:22] No disaster can strike in the earth, or in yourselves, except that in a record before we bring it about. Surely, that is easy for God.
Mathematical confirmation
Here is a small set of 12 straightforward verses across 11 suras to mathematically confirm to strengthen our hearts that God has extremely efficient systems used to manage everything in a faster manner. If the relevant sura and numbers are added, the sum is a multiple of 19 => 893 = 19x49 (see details in the table below):
Note: This mathematical confirmation may be an opportunity for some of us to explore God’s system to understand it better concentrating to a very small set of verses from the bulk dealing with the matter in the Quran.
Reckoning and equitable judgment
God has assured us equitable judgment for all of us when we will meet Him, which indicates that judgment will take place according to a set of laws and systems so that no soul suffers least injustice. Thus, God has sophisticated reckoning systems which capture all our activities from birth to death, and these records are used to pay us interim compensation starting at the moment of our death until a Day of the Resurrection while the exact compensation on a Day of the Judgment followed by the destruction of the world and the resurrection.
A. God is efficient in reckoning
Quran assures us that God is efficient in reckoning and He has recorded everything for each of us from our birth to the death, which will be used to requite every soul on a Day of the Reckoning:
[2:202] Those of them is a share of what they earned; and God is swift in reckoning.
[3:19] Indeed, the religion with God is submission, and those who received the scripture did not dispute except after the knowledge came to them out of jealousy between them. And whoever rejects God’s revelations, then God is swift in reckoning.
[3:199] And surely, among the people of the scripture who believe in God and what was revealed to you and what was revealed to them being humble to God, do not trade with God’s revelations for a cheap price, those of them will have their reward with their Lord. Indeed, God is swift in reckoning.
[5:4] They ask you what is made lawful to them, say: “All the good things are made lawful for you, and what you have taught of the hunting animals to hunt, you teach them of what God has taught you.” So eat from what they have captured for you and mention God’s name upon it and fear God. Indeed, God is swift in reckoning.
[40:17] Today, every soul will be requited for what it had earned. There is no injustice today. Surely, God is swift in reckoning.
[38:16] They said: “Our Lord, hasten for us our retribution, before a Day of the Reckoning.”
[38:26] O David, we have made you a ruler on earth. Therefore, you shall judge among the people equitably, and do not follow your personal opinion, lest it diverts you from the path of God. Surely, those who stray off the path of God incur severe retribution for forgetting a Day of the Reckoning.
[38:53] This is what you have been promised on a Day of the Reckoning.
[40:27] And Moses said: “I seek refuge in my Lord and your Lord from every arrogant one who does not believe in a Day of the Reckoning.”
[50:16] And we have created the human and we know what he whispers to himself, and we are closer to him than his jugular vein.
[50:17] When two recorders (angels), on the right and on the left are constantly recording.
[50:18] Not a word does he utter without having a recorder.
[57:22] No disaster can strike in the earth, or in yourselves, except that in a record before we bring it about. Surely, that is easy for God.
B. Interim compensation
The life of the Hereafter starts with the death, which is a peaceful event for those who believed in their Lord while it is a terrible event for those who disbelieved in their Lord. Even, two different groups of angels are given responsibility to terminate the lives of people on earth. The angels those who terminate the lives of the righteous are referred to al-naashitaat while the angels those who terminate the lives of the unrighteous are referred to al-naazi’aat. The righteous are invited to enter Paradise while the unrighteous are invited to taste the retribution of the blazing fire:
[79:2] (I swear) By the angels who take (the souls of the righteous) gently.
[16:32] Those whom the angels take them in a state of righteousness say: “Peace be upon you, enter Paradise for what you have done.”
[36:26] It was told, “Enter Paradise.” He said, “Oh, I wish my people knew.
[36:27] “That my Lord has forgiven me, and made me honorable.
[79:1] (I swear) By the angels who snatch (the souls of the unrighteous) forcibly.
[8:50] And if you could only see when the angels take those who have disbelieved, striking their faces and their backs, and (saying): “Taste the punishment of the blazing.”
[47:27] So how will it be when the angels put them to death, striking their faces and their backs?
[23:99] When death comes to one of them (transgressors), he says: “My Lord, send me back.
[23:100] So that I may do righteous deeds in what I have left behind.” No, it is but a word he speaks, and there is a barrier before them until the day they are resurrected.
[63:10] And you shall give from what we have provided you before the death comes to you, then he says, “My Lord, if You could delay me for a short while, then I would be charitable and be among the righteous.”
[63:11] But God never delays for any soul when its term has come. And God is Cognizant of what you do.
C. Precise compensation
God will redefine our compensation based on the same records used to define our interim compensation attached to our necks on a Day of the Judgment or Decision followed by the Hour and resurrection, which is a day of the inevitable that are reflected in the following verses to make it clear how every soul will be recompensed exactly without least injustice on the day:
The Hour (the end of the world)
[15:85] And we have not created the heavens and the earth, and what is in between them without the purpose (illa bil-haqqi). And indeed, the Hour is surely coming, so overlook what is seemingly attractive (fa-is’fahi al-safha al-jameela).
[20:15] “The Hour is coming, I am keeping it almost hidden, so that every soul will be recompensed for what it strives.”
[81:10] The records have been made known.
[81:14] Every soul will know what it had brought.
A Day of the Resurrection
[3:185] Every soul will taste death, and you will be paid your exact compensation on a day of the Resurrection. Then whoever is protected from the Fire and admitted into Paradise, then he has indeed succeeded. The life of the world is not but the enjoyment of worthlessness.
[16:111] The day will come when every soul will be pleading for itself, and every soul will be paid in full for what it had done, and they will not be wronged.
[17:13] And we have tied every person’s fate to his neck, and we bring forth for him on a day of the Resurrection a record which he will find open.
[17:14] Read your record! Sufficient is for yourself today as a reckoner of your own.
[21:47] And we will establish the scales of justice for a Day of the Resurrection, so no soul will be wronged in the least. And even the weight of a mustard seed, we will bring of it. And we are sufficient as the reckoner.
[22:10] That is of what your hands have sent forth, and that God does not wrong to His servants.
[99:6] On that day, the people will be brought out in throngs to be shown their works.
[99:7] So whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it.
[99:8] And whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see it.
A Day of the Judgment
[82:17] And do you know what a Day of the Judgment (yawmu al-Deen) is?
[82:18] Then, do you know what a Day of the Judgment (yawmu al-Deen) is?
[82:19] The day when no soul will have any power for any other soul, and all decision on that day belongs to God.
[83:9] A written record.
[83:10] Woe on that day to the deniers.
[83:11] Those who deny in a Day of the Judgment.
[83:20] A written record.
[83:21] It is witnessed by those who brought near.
A Day of the Decision
[78:17] A Day of the Decision is at an appointed time.
[37:21] This is a Day of the Decision that you used to deny in it.
[44:40] Surely, a Day of the Decision is the appointed time for them all.
[77:38] This is a Day of the Decision when we have gathered you including the earlier people.
A Day of the Inevitable
[69:3] And do you know what the inevitable (al-Haaqqah) is?
[69:18] That day you will be exposed, none of your secret remains hidden.
[69:19] Then as for him who is given his record in his right hand will say: “Come, read my record.”
[69:25] And as for him who is given his record in his left hand will say: “Oh, I wish I had not been given my record,”
[84:6] O human, you are going back to your Lord with work so as to meet Him.
[84:7] Then as for him who is given his record in his right hand.
[84:8] Then he will soon have his easy reckoning.
[84:9] He will return to his people joyfully.
[84:10] And as for him who is given his record behind his back.
[84:11] Then he will soon invoke destruction.
[84:12] And he will burn in a blazing fire.
Mathematical confirmation
A set of 60 verses across 29 suras is isolated from the Quran to understand that God has established systems for reckoning and ensuring equitable judgment for all of us without least injustice. If the relevant sura and verse numbers are added, the sum is a multiple of 19 => 3211= 19 x 169 as shown in the table below:
Note: This mathematical confirmation is from the relevant verses centering to God being efficient in reckoning, the Day of Reckoning, the Hour, the Day of Resurrection, the Day of Decision and the Day of Inevitable. However, the verse numbers highlighted yellow in the table indicate interim compensation from the moment of our death until resurrection.
In the review, 12 verses across 11 suras teach us that God has highly sophisticated systems to manage everything in a faster manner (2:117) while 60 verses across 29 suras teach us that God’s reckoning systems is to ensure equitable judgment capturing our activities throughout our life for our interim compensation as well as exact compensation on the Day of Judgment. However, the set of verses that deal with God is efficient in reckoning, interim compensation and the precise compensation on the Day of Judgment followed by the Hour fits to the reckoning systems.
The review of verses related to our interim and exact compensation, even with a mathematical confirmation is an opportunity to be certain about our interim compensation at the time of our death as well as what will be paid as exact compensation on the Day of Judgment. Thus, God has made it clear that we enter the Hereafter followed by death with our records which are used to define our interim compensation either Hell or Paradise, which is precisely redefined for both the righteous and the unrighteous on the Day of Judgment to continue their compensation followed by the Hour and Resurrection. While there is no interim compensation for those who will witness the Hour except exact compensation based on their records, which is either Hell to enter through any of its seven gates for the unrighteous or Heaven to enter any of the two Heavens for the righteous. Now, we know that our righteous works could only contribute to our good records through perfect beliefs and practices to enter Paradise at the time of our death as well as to have our records at right hands on the Day of Judgment to continue our precise compensation wherein there is no room of intercession.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (3/9/2018).
Today, we experience faster processing of information that even we do not think in the last century. However, our concern is about how to understand different aspects of our life and its interaction with everything what is happening around us, even what will happen when we return to our Lord through our death. It is a fact that we are mortal but our soul is immortal and we get back to God leaving our body on earth when our interim on earth comes to an end without any exception. Hence, we receive interim compensation from the day of our death until a Day of the Judgment while we will be paid our exact compensation without least injustice followed by the end of the world as well as resurrection (20:15, 15:85, 3:185). Let us reflect to the event studying the relevant verses of the Quran to better understand how it is made practical for billions of people as well as to avoid misconceptions around us such as the dead are asked in the graves about their Lord (rob), religion (deen) and messenger (rasuul) while the dead will not come back until a Day of the Resurrection (81:7) as well as believing in intercession (shafaa’at) on a Day of the Judgment.
God manages everything
Those of us who believe in God and trust Him should know that there is no coincidence, myth or superstition about our lives from the worldly life to the life of the Hereafter. Thus, anything that happens to anyone of us or to the earth or to the universe is according to His plan and systems. Here is a small set of straightforward verses from the Quran that can be examined to understand that His systems capture everything to manage in a faster manner with least effort:
[65:12] God is the One who created the seven heavens and the earth, as like of them. The command flows among them that God is powerful over all things and that God is fully aware of all things.
[2:117] The Initiator of the heavens and the earth, and when He decrees a command, He only says to it: “Be” so it is.
[3:109] And to God belongs what in the heavens and what in the earth, and to God all matters will be returned.
[16:12] And He has committed for you the night and the day, and the sun and the moon, and the stars are committed by His command. Indeed, in that there are signs for a people who use intelligence.
[36:40] The sun is not permitted for it that it overtakes the moon, nor does the night outstrip the day; each of them is floating in an orbit.
[6:59] With Him is the knowledge of the unseen; none knows them except He. He knows what is in the land and in the sea. Not a leaf falls without His knowledge; nor a seed in the darkness of the earth; nor anything moist or dry, but is in a clear record.
[6:95] God is the One who causes the grains and the seeds to crack and germinate. He produces the living from the dead, and the dead from the living. Such is God; how could you deviate!
[35:11] And God created you from dust, then from a drop, then He made you pairs. And no female conceives, nor gives birth except of His knowledge. And not anyone’s life is extended, or his life is shortened, but is in a record. Indeed, that is easy for God.
[41:47] To Him is the knowledge of the Hour (the end of the world).
And no fruits emerge from their sheaths, nor does any female become pregnant or give birth, except of His knowledge. And on the day He asks them: “Where are My partners?” They will say: “We let You know, there is no witness among us.”
[34:3] And those who disbelieved say: “The Hour will not come upon us!” Say: “Yes, by my Lord, it will surely come to you; He is the Knower of the unseen, not even the weight of an atom or smaller than that or larger can be hidden from Him, be it in the heavens or in the earth, all are in a clear record.”
[10:61] And you are not in a situation, nor do you recite from the Quran, nor do you do anything, except we are witnesses over you when you are engaged in it. Even not of an atom’s weight in the earth nor in the heaven is hidden from your Lord, nor smaller than that or larger, but is in a clear record.
[57:22] No disaster can strike in the earth, or in yourselves, except that in a record before we bring it about. Surely, that is easy for God.
Mathematical confirmation
Here is a small set of 12 straightforward verses across 11 suras to mathematically confirm to strengthen our hearts that God has extremely efficient systems used to manage everything in a faster manner. If the relevant sura and numbers are added, the sum is a multiple of 19 => 893 = 19x49 (see details in the table below):

Reckoning and equitable judgment
God has assured us equitable judgment for all of us when we will meet Him, which indicates that judgment will take place according to a set of laws and systems so that no soul suffers least injustice. Thus, God has sophisticated reckoning systems which capture all our activities from birth to death, and these records are used to pay us interim compensation starting at the moment of our death until a Day of the Resurrection while the exact compensation on a Day of the Judgment followed by the destruction of the world and the resurrection.
A. God is efficient in reckoning
Quran assures us that God is efficient in reckoning and He has recorded everything for each of us from our birth to the death, which will be used to requite every soul on a Day of the Reckoning:
[2:202] Those of them is a share of what they earned; and God is swift in reckoning.
[3:19] Indeed, the religion with God is submission, and those who received the scripture did not dispute except after the knowledge came to them out of jealousy between them. And whoever rejects God’s revelations, then God is swift in reckoning.
[3:199] And surely, among the people of the scripture who believe in God and what was revealed to you and what was revealed to them being humble to God, do not trade with God’s revelations for a cheap price, those of them will have their reward with their Lord. Indeed, God is swift in reckoning.
[5:4] They ask you what is made lawful to them, say: “All the good things are made lawful for you, and what you have taught of the hunting animals to hunt, you teach them of what God has taught you.” So eat from what they have captured for you and mention God’s name upon it and fear God. Indeed, God is swift in reckoning.
[40:17] Today, every soul will be requited for what it had earned. There is no injustice today. Surely, God is swift in reckoning.
[38:16] They said: “Our Lord, hasten for us our retribution, before a Day of the Reckoning.”
[38:26] O David, we have made you a ruler on earth. Therefore, you shall judge among the people equitably, and do not follow your personal opinion, lest it diverts you from the path of God. Surely, those who stray off the path of God incur severe retribution for forgetting a Day of the Reckoning.
[38:53] This is what you have been promised on a Day of the Reckoning.
[40:27] And Moses said: “I seek refuge in my Lord and your Lord from every arrogant one who does not believe in a Day of the Reckoning.”
[50:16] And we have created the human and we know what he whispers to himself, and we are closer to him than his jugular vein.
[50:17] When two recorders (angels), on the right and on the left are constantly recording.
[50:18] Not a word does he utter without having a recorder.
[57:22] No disaster can strike in the earth, or in yourselves, except that in a record before we bring it about. Surely, that is easy for God.
B. Interim compensation
The life of the Hereafter starts with the death, which is a peaceful event for those who believed in their Lord while it is a terrible event for those who disbelieved in their Lord. Even, two different groups of angels are given responsibility to terminate the lives of people on earth. The angels those who terminate the lives of the righteous are referred to al-naashitaat while the angels those who terminate the lives of the unrighteous are referred to al-naazi’aat. The righteous are invited to enter Paradise while the unrighteous are invited to taste the retribution of the blazing fire:
[79:2] (I swear) By the angels who take (the souls of the righteous) gently.
[16:32] Those whom the angels take them in a state of righteousness say: “Peace be upon you, enter Paradise for what you have done.”
[36:26] It was told, “Enter Paradise.” He said, “Oh, I wish my people knew.
[36:27] “That my Lord has forgiven me, and made me honorable.
[79:1] (I swear) By the angels who snatch (the souls of the unrighteous) forcibly.
[8:50] And if you could only see when the angels take those who have disbelieved, striking their faces and their backs, and (saying): “Taste the punishment of the blazing.”
[47:27] So how will it be when the angels put them to death, striking their faces and their backs?
[23:99] When death comes to one of them (transgressors), he says: “My Lord, send me back.
[23:100] So that I may do righteous deeds in what I have left behind.” No, it is but a word he speaks, and there is a barrier before them until the day they are resurrected.
[63:10] And you shall give from what we have provided you before the death comes to you, then he says, “My Lord, if You could delay me for a short while, then I would be charitable and be among the righteous.”
[63:11] But God never delays for any soul when its term has come. And God is Cognizant of what you do.
C. Precise compensation
God will redefine our compensation based on the same records used to define our interim compensation attached to our necks on a Day of the Judgment or Decision followed by the Hour and resurrection, which is a day of the inevitable that are reflected in the following verses to make it clear how every soul will be recompensed exactly without least injustice on the day:
The Hour (the end of the world)
[15:85] And we have not created the heavens and the earth, and what is in between them without the purpose (illa bil-haqqi). And indeed, the Hour is surely coming, so overlook what is seemingly attractive (fa-is’fahi al-safha al-jameela).
[20:15] “The Hour is coming, I am keeping it almost hidden, so that every soul will be recompensed for what it strives.”
[81:10] The records have been made known.
[81:14] Every soul will know what it had brought.
A Day of the Resurrection
[3:185] Every soul will taste death, and you will be paid your exact compensation on a day of the Resurrection. Then whoever is protected from the Fire and admitted into Paradise, then he has indeed succeeded. The life of the world is not but the enjoyment of worthlessness.
[16:111] The day will come when every soul will be pleading for itself, and every soul will be paid in full for what it had done, and they will not be wronged.
[17:13] And we have tied every person’s fate to his neck, and we bring forth for him on a day of the Resurrection a record which he will find open.
[17:14] Read your record! Sufficient is for yourself today as a reckoner of your own.
[21:47] And we will establish the scales of justice for a Day of the Resurrection, so no soul will be wronged in the least. And even the weight of a mustard seed, we will bring of it. And we are sufficient as the reckoner.
[22:10] That is of what your hands have sent forth, and that God does not wrong to His servants.
[99:6] On that day, the people will be brought out in throngs to be shown their works.
[99:7] So whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it.
[99:8] And whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see it.
A Day of the Judgment
[82:17] And do you know what a Day of the Judgment (yawmu al-Deen) is?
[82:18] Then, do you know what a Day of the Judgment (yawmu al-Deen) is?
[82:19] The day when no soul will have any power for any other soul, and all decision on that day belongs to God.
[83:9] A written record.
[83:10] Woe on that day to the deniers.
[83:11] Those who deny in a Day of the Judgment.
[83:20] A written record.
[83:21] It is witnessed by those who brought near.
A Day of the Decision
[78:17] A Day of the Decision is at an appointed time.
[37:21] This is a Day of the Decision that you used to deny in it.
[44:40] Surely, a Day of the Decision is the appointed time for them all.
[77:38] This is a Day of the Decision when we have gathered you including the earlier people.
A Day of the Inevitable
[69:3] And do you know what the inevitable (al-Haaqqah) is?
[69:18] That day you will be exposed, none of your secret remains hidden.
[69:19] Then as for him who is given his record in his right hand will say: “Come, read my record.”
[69:25] And as for him who is given his record in his left hand will say: “Oh, I wish I had not been given my record,”
[84:6] O human, you are going back to your Lord with work so as to meet Him.
[84:7] Then as for him who is given his record in his right hand.
[84:8] Then he will soon have his easy reckoning.
[84:9] He will return to his people joyfully.
[84:10] And as for him who is given his record behind his back.
[84:11] Then he will soon invoke destruction.
[84:12] And he will burn in a blazing fire.
Mathematical confirmation
A set of 60 verses across 29 suras is isolated from the Quran to understand that God has established systems for reckoning and ensuring equitable judgment for all of us without least injustice. If the relevant sura and verse numbers are added, the sum is a multiple of 19 => 3211= 19 x 169 as shown in the table below:

In the review, 12 verses across 11 suras teach us that God has highly sophisticated systems to manage everything in a faster manner (2:117) while 60 verses across 29 suras teach us that God’s reckoning systems is to ensure equitable judgment capturing our activities throughout our life for our interim compensation as well as exact compensation on the Day of Judgment. However, the set of verses that deal with God is efficient in reckoning, interim compensation and the precise compensation on the Day of Judgment followed by the Hour fits to the reckoning systems.
The review of verses related to our interim and exact compensation, even with a mathematical confirmation is an opportunity to be certain about our interim compensation at the time of our death as well as what will be paid as exact compensation on the Day of Judgment. Thus, God has made it clear that we enter the Hereafter followed by death with our records which are used to define our interim compensation either Hell or Paradise, which is precisely redefined for both the righteous and the unrighteous on the Day of Judgment to continue their compensation followed by the Hour and Resurrection. While there is no interim compensation for those who will witness the Hour except exact compensation based on their records, which is either Hell to enter through any of its seven gates for the unrighteous or Heaven to enter any of the two Heavens for the righteous. Now, we know that our righteous works could only contribute to our good records through perfect beliefs and practices to enter Paradise at the time of our death as well as to have our records at right hands on the Day of Judgment to continue our precise compensation wherein there is no room of intercession.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (3/9/2018).