
The message and miracle given to a messenger of covenant


Islam (Submission) was powered by the revelation of the Quran in the early 7th century to guide humanity to a right direction for its disgrace and deviation, and was co-powered by the unveiling of its mathematical coding in the late 20th century to address the infiltration of corruptions and misconceptions into practices of Islam over the period of time. Thus, the Quran and its mathematical coding are two distinct divine messages destined to reveal for two different guidance periods as mercy and reminder for its people.

The Quran was revealed more than 1400 years ago while the mathematical coding of Quran is around us about half a century but has not got much attention of many people even of those who believe in the Quran. Their leaders disregard it claiming that Muhammad was the last messenger (which is a misconception) as well as saying that they do not need it and continue with their corrupt beliefs and practices to make them and their blind followers losers in the Hereafter. They fail to realize that the message from God is a gift from Him for humanity to find the right way for them required for its disgrace and deviation while they ignore the reminder in the message that it will strengthen their faith. This review may help the true believers of God and His scripture to accept the message sent with God’s messenger of the covenant knowing details about the message and the miracle given to him being the basis of recognizing someone whether he is a messenger of God or a false claimant.

The mathematical coding of Quran

The concept of mathematical coding of Quran supported by very basic proofs from the Quran is around us for a while but the message sent with the messenger is not fully understandable to many of us for lack of clarity and specific detailed. It has been pointed to several verses associating with the Arabic word, dhikr in the Quran without providing clear evidences distinguishing the message and the miracle given to him. In fact, the miracle is embedded in the message given to the messenger as it has been found in case of prophet Muhammad who delivered the Quran, a reminder for the world until the end of the world. However, the message and the miracle given to the messenger of covenant are precisely defined in the following verses of surah Al-Muddaththir – The Hidden one (surah # 74) of the Quran:

[74:30] Over it is nineteen.
Note: Here is a hint of 19 to be the code of the Quran as well as a prophetic sign for the messenger chosen to unveil the mathematical coding of Quran.

[74:31] And we have not made guardians of the Fire except angels, and we have not made their number except a warning for those who disbelieved, that it may ascertain those who have been given the scripture (Jews and Christians) and may increase faith of those who have believed (Muslims), and may not doubt those who have been given the scripture (Jews and Christians) and the believers (Muslims). And that may say those in their hearts there is a disease (hypocrites) and the disbelievers, “What has God meant by this allegory?” Thus, God misguides whomever He wills and He guides whomever He wills. And none knows your Lord’s soldiers except He. And it (hiya) is not except a reminder (dhikraa) for the human race.
Note: Both it (hiya) and a reminder (dhik’raa) in the last phrase of the verse are in the feminine form. According to the basic Arabic grammar rule, masculinity is by default and for femininity, it has to be something special to reflect this gender, and the reminder indicates the mathematical coding of Quran being distinct from the Quran, a reminder in the masculine form.

[74:32-34] Absolutely, (I swear) by the moon. And the night as it passes. And the morning as it shines.
Note: This is an oath of God consisting of 3 elements to strengthen our hearts to reflect on the sign and the reminder.

[74:35] Indeed, it is undoubtedly one of the great (reminders).
Note: The reminder is confirmed to be a great one given to the messenger followed by an oath of God and the sum of the digits of surah and verse # i.e. 74:35 is 19 [7 + 4 + 3 + 5].

[74:36-37] A warning to the human race. For whoever among you has willed that he may advance or he may stay behind.
Note: The reminder (message) mentioned in 74:31 being it a warning will be either accepted or rejected by the people when it comes to them, while the consequences are detailed out in the subsequent verses of the surah.

Diagrammatic representation

The message consisting of 8 verses has 5 parts: (1) number 19 is a Quranic code and the miracle to support the messenger, (2) a reminder for the humans, (3) an oath of God, (4) a great reminder and (5) a warning for the human race. The five components in the message are illustrated below to make it clear to be certain of the message and the miracle given to the messenger of covenant:

Fig: miracle and message given to the messenger of covenant

Note: In the illustration, the precise message consisting of 5 components found in 8 verses of sura 74 connected with the left and right down arrows depicts the miracle and the message given to the messenger affirmed followed by an oath of God being the miracle embedded in the message while 19 is a miracle as well as the common denominator of the mathematical coding of Quran.

Mathematical confirmation

Even the literary description of the message has also a mathematical conformation found in 8 verses of surah 74. The sum of the relevant surah and verse # is a multiple of 19 => 342 = 19x18 (see details in the table below):

Note: This is not only an explicit proof of both the message and the sign (miracle) given to the messenger precisely coded in a specific set of verses in the Quran but also an exact answer for the common question of many Muslims who ignore the divine message saying that if the messenger has come to us what is the message sent with him.

The messenger of covenant

The mathematical coding of Quran has been unveiled in 1974 through a messenger of God upon fulfillment of a universal covenant accompanying the related prophecies and promise in the Quran, which are detailed out below in the pertinent verses of the Quran based on three contexts to be certain about the message, indeed was delivered by God’s messenger of covenant:

  • “Indeed, we have sent down the reminder (al-dhik’ra), and indeed, we will certainly be protectors of it –15:9”:

[74:30] Over it is nineteen.
Note: The hint of mathematical coding of Quran, the number 19 being the code (common denominator) and the sign (miracle) to support the messenger.

[15:9] Indeed, we have sent down the reminder, and indeed, we will certainly be protectors of it.
Note: The divine promise to protect the Quran from any distortions is directly connected to the unveiling of the Quran’s code, which also serves as an evidence to avoid the myth around the traditional Muslim arena that the invisible force will come down to protect it when any extraneous materials are attempted to inject into it.

[27:82] And when has fulfilled the punishment upon them, we have brought forth for them a creature from the earth, speaks to them that the people have been with our revelations do not ascertain.
Note: The prophecy in the Quran to produce a creature from the earth for authenticity of the Quran to bring people back to the Quran when the majority people are away from God’s revelations.

[3:81] And when God has taken a covenant of the prophets: “Certainly, whatever I have given you of scripture and wisdom, then has come to you a messenger confirming that which is with yourselves. You must believe in him and you must support him.” He said: “Have you affirmed and taken My covenant on that?” They said: “We have affirmed.” He said: “Then, you shall bear witness, and I am with you among the witnesses.”
Note: The covenant in the Quran is a confirmation, which has been revealed in all previous scripture to send a messenger after delivering all the scripture is destined to unveil the code of the Quran by God’s leave upon fulfillment of the covenant.

[33:7] And when we have taken their covenant from the prophets, and from you (Muhammad), and from Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, son of Mary. And we have taken a solemn covenant from them.
Note: The covenant as mentioned in 3:81 has also been revealed in the Quran, the final scripture given to Muhammad is a landmark of the fulfillment of the covenant anytime after that.

Mathematical confirmation

The messenger of covenant prophesied in the Quran can be mathematically confirmed in the context from the 5 verses of 5 suras supported by the number 19 (sign), and the sum of the relevant sura and verse # is a multiple of 19 =>361 = 19x19 (see details in the table below):

Note: This mathematical conformation is an explicit proof of the messenger sent with the message supported with the number 19 followed by the fulfillment of the related prophecies is destined to purify the reminder as well as the religious practices in the event of their distortions.

  • “He (messenger of covenant) saw him in the high horizon – 81:23” and “If only miracles would come down to him (prophet) from his Lord!” – 29:50”:

[74:30] Over it (`alayhaa) is nineteen (tis’`ata `ashara).
Note: A hint of 19-based mathematical coding of the Quran as well as a sign for the messenger who has been chosen by God to unveil the mathematical coding of the Quran.

[81:15] That I swear by the galaxies.
[81:16] They run in their orbits.
[81:17] And the night when it passes.
[81:18] And the morning when it breathes.
Note: This is an oath of God consisting of 4 statements and should not be confused to be statements of a human messenger.

[81:19] Indeed, this is an utterance of an honorable messenger.
[81:20] Powered (dheequwwatin) by Possessor of the established Throne.
[81:21] He shall be obeyed being trustworthy.
Note: Here is a confirmation that the Quran is delivered through an honorable messenger who shall be obeyed and trusted, which means that it must be read, understood and followed.

[81:22] And your friend (Rashad) is not crazy.
[81:23] And he saw him in the high horizon.
Note: Here is a prediction in the Quran during its revelation that the messenger of covenant to be taken to the high horizon to support his messengership.

[81:24] And he is not a withholder of the future.
[81:25] And this is not an utterance of a rejected Satan.
Note: There is no falsehood in the Quran as it is not an utterance of a rejected Satan followed by an oath of God.

[29:49] In fact, these revelations are clear in the chests of those who are given the knowledge, and none reject our revelations except the wicked.
[29:50] And they (the wicked) said, “If only miracles would come down to him from his Lord!” Say, “All miracles belong to God, and I (Muhammad) am just a warner.”
[29:51] Is it not enough for them that we sent down to you (Muhammad) the scripture, which is recited to them? In that (Quran), there is indeed, a mercy (la-rahmatan) and a reminder (wa-dhik’raa) for a people who believe.
Note: The statement in the verse, 29:51 is a response to the miracle demanded by the wicked in the previous verses that they wished to see it to come down with the prophet, wherein there is an indication of the mathematical coding of Quran being a mercy and a reminder for a people who believe what we witness after 1400 years of the revelation of the Quran.

[27:82] And when has fulfilled the punishment upon them, we have brought forth for them a creature from the earth, speaks to them that the people have been with our revelations do not ascertain.
Note: The prophecy in the Quran to produce a creature from the earth for authenticity of the Quran to bring people back to God’s revelations when the majority people are away from His revelations.

[3:81] And when God has taken a covenant of the prophets: “Certainly, whatever I have given you of scripture and wisdom, then has come to you a messenger confirming that which is with yourselves. You must believe in him and you must support him.” He said: “Have you affirmed and taken My covenant on that?” They said: “We have affirmed.” He said: “Then, you shall bear witness, and I am with you among the witnesses.”
[33:7] And when we have taken their covenant from the prophets, and from you (Muhammad), and from Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, son of Mary. And we have taken a solemn covenant from them.
Note: The covenant revealed in all the previous well as in the Quran to send a messenger after delivering all the scripture is destined to unveil the code of the Quran by God’s leave upon fulfillment of the covenant accompanying the related promise and prophecies.

Mathematical confirmation

The messenger of covenant prophesied in the Quran can be mathematically confirmed in the context from the 18 verses of 6 suras supported by the number 19 (sign), and the sum of the relevant sura and verse # is a multiple of 19 =>817 = 19x43 (see details in the table below):


Note: This mathematical conformation is an explicit proof of the messenger supported with the number 19 followed by the fulfillment of the related prophecies saw him in the high horizon to strengthen our hearts to believe him as a messenger to accept the reminder sent with him.

  • “Our Lord, relieve this retribution for us; we are believers” – 44:12 when the rejecters of the messenger sent with the reminder (dhikraa) will see the painful retribution:

[44:10] Therefore, watch for the day when the sky brings a profound smoke.
[44:11] It will envelop the people; this is a painful retribution.
[44:12] “Our Lord, relieve this retribution for us; we are believers”.
[44:13] How can be the reminder (al-dhik’raa) for them when had come to them a clarifying messenger?
[44:14] Then, they had turned away from him and said, “An educated, a madman!”

[74:31] And we have not made guardians of the Fire except angels, and we have not made their number except a warning for those who disbelieved, that it may ascertain those who have been given the scripture (Jews and Christians) and may increase faith of those who have believed (Muslims), and may not doubt those who have been given the scripture (Jews and Christians) and the believers (Muslims). And that may say those in their hearts there is a disease (hypocrites) and the disbelievers, “What has God meant by this allegory?” Thus, God misguides whomever He wills and He guides whomever He wills. And none knows your Lord’s soldiers except He. And it (hiya) is not except a reminder (dhikraa) for the human race.

Mathematical confirmation

The messenger sent with the reminder can be confirmed from a set of 6 verses of 2 suras, and the sum of the relevant sura and verse # is a multiple of 19 =>209 = 19x11 (see details in the table below):

Note: This is an explicit proof of a messenger (44:13) sent with the reminder (74:31), the mathematical coding of Quran, being connected with the Arabic word, dhik’raa in the feminine form but most people rejected him as they found him astray and invented foolishness in him.


Review and inquiry of 31 verses across 8 suras in the Quran provides us enough evidences to believe that the Quran and its mathematical coding are two distinct divine messages destined to reveal for two different guidance periods. The mathematical coding of Quran was unveiled in 1974 through fulfillment of a universal covenant accompanying the related prophecies and promises to address the infiltration of misconceptions and corruptions occurred around the beliefs and practices of Islam over the period of time bringing people back to God’s revelations. But it is unfortunate that the majority fail to reflect that the divine message is a gift for humanity to find the right way to practice His religion to be rewarded by Him and the one way journey to meet their Lord. And the so called Islamic scholars ignore it claiming Muhammad to be the last messenger, which is an erroneous claim as well as saying that they do not need it and continue with their corrupt beliefs and practices to make them and their blind followers losers in the Hereafter to suffer the retribution.

We are blessed to have explicit proofs of the messenger from the details of 3 critical contexts and of the message including the miracle given to the messenger from the details and illustration of 8 verses in sura 74 is a befitting way for the generation we live now. Hence, there is no way for those who put trust upon God and have certainty in the Hereafter to disregard the mathematical coding of Quran given as mercy and reminder just to stay with the majority or out of jealousy or being ignorant or arrogant while those who turn away from this reminder sent with the messenger will say “Our Lord, relieve this retribution for us; we are believers” when they see the retribution but there is no escape from it.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (6/15/2018).