Death around us is a visual proof that this world is not a permanent abode of human arising the final judgment with God (1:4), and to Him is the final destiny with never ending reward for those who have believed it and have done the righteous deeds (95:6), but many of us have denied in this judgment (95:7) even being aware that God is the just Judge (95:8):
[1:4] Master of a day of the Judgment.
[95:6] Only those who have believed and have done the righteous deeds, that for them there is never ending reward.
[95:7] Then what does cause you (the human being) to deny in the judgment after?
[95:8] Has it not been God with just of the judges?
However, from the religious and non-religious perspective there is a concept of the future event of the global catastrophe that would cause permanent human extinction from the earth, which is often called the end of the world. There are variations in the concept of the end of the world among different religious groups and scientific community. Even though there is no direct indication of when this event will happen, but there is specific mention about the event and the Judgment Day in the Bible as well as in the Quran. However, here are details from the Quran about the end of the world including the predicted year of this event.
The Promised Day (Day of Destruction/Resurrection/Gathering)
The earth is adorned with everything for the people to test them and distinguish those among them who work righteousness (18:7) and everything on it will be wiped out leaving it completely barren (18:8). Thus, the Day of Destruction will definitely happen (77:7) and it is surely coming and no force can stop it (52:7-8). The day will be a terrible day, especially for the disbelievers (74:9-10). It will be so terrible that even a nursing mother will discard her infant, and a pregnant woman who witnesses the day will abort her fetus (22:2), and there is no escape from it (75:10-11), while there is no doubt about it that God will gather the people before Him (3:9):
[18:7] We have adorned everything on the earth (`alaa al-ardi), in order to test them, and thus distinguish those among them who work righteousness.
[18:8] Inevitably, we will wipe out everything on it (`alayhaa), leaving it completely barren.
[77:7] What is promised will come to pass.
[52:7-8] Indeed, your Lord’s punishment is surely coming. There is no preventer of it.
[74:9-10] That will be a difficult day. For the disbelievers, not easy.
[22:2] The day you witness it, even a nursing mother will discard her infant, and a pregnant woman will abort her fetus. You will see the people staggering, as if they are intoxicated, even though they are not intoxicated. This is because, God’s retribution is so awesome.
[75:10-11] The human being will say on that day, “Where is the escape?” No, there is no refuge.
[3:9] “Our Lord, You are a Gatherer of the people on a day there is no doubt in it. Indeed, God does not break the promise.”
What will happen on the Promised Day
This is the promised day when the horn has been blown (50:20). When the horn will be blown once (69:13), the earth will be leveled ejecting all its contents as like as eruption (84:3-4) and the mountains will be wiped out (52:10). The heaven will crack, and fall apart (69:16).The sun and the moon will crash into one another (75:9). The terrible sound will be heard because of crashing of the heavenly bodies into each other (52:9). Followed by the second blow (79:7), the people will come out like swarms of butterflies (101:4) and will be gathered before God (3:9) to receive their recompense for their works (16:111). The stars are put out (77:8) but the earth will shine with the light of its Lord and everyone will be judged equitably without least injustice (39:69). The angels will be around to carry out various commands (79:3-5), and a new earth and new heavens will replace the present earth and heavens (14:48):
[50:20] There has been blown in the trumpet; that is the promised day.
[69:13] Then when there has been blown a single blast in the trumpet.
[84:3-4] And when the earth has been leveled. And there has cast out what is in it and has become empty.
[52:9-10] A day the heaven will shake a violent shake. And the mountains will move away by a faster movement.
[69:16] The heaven has split as it has been frail on that day.
[75:9] And there has been crashed the sun and the moon.
[101:4-5] A day the people will be scattering like butterflies. And the mountains will be fluffed up like the wool.
[79:6-7] A day will quake the quaking one. There will follow it the subsequent one.
[16:111] A day will come every soul will plead for itself, and every soul will be paid in full what it had done and they will not be wronged.
[77:8] Then when has been obliterated the stars.
[39:69] And the earth has shone with a light of its Lord, and has been placed the record, and has been brought of the prophets and the witnesses, and has been judged between themselves with the truth and they will not be wronged.
[79:3-5] And (the angels) those who are floating, that those who are racing, that those who are arranging matter.
[14:48] A day the earth will be substituted by the other earth and the heavens, and they have come forth before God – the One, the Supreme.
Signs of the End of the World
God has established the Hour (the End of the World) to gather all of us together before Him and has confirmed that the day will not come to people suddenly except to the disbelievers as He has provided significant signs in the Quran to understand how close we are to it, while the world is approaching towards the event and when the world comes to an end, He will judge the people based on their records:
[13:41] And do they not see that we bring the earth reducing it of its ends? And God will judge; there is no adjuster to His judgment. And He is swift in the reckoning.
1. Sending down of the final edition of scripture
In 609 A.D. God has sent down the Quran in a night of blessing and has clarified in it every wise matter, confirming what has been sent down before it, which is a complete and the final edition of His scripture. Its revelation is a sign that the end of the world is near while there is also mention of certain specific signs in it that we can know now how close we are to the event while He has let us know that He has established the Hour to gather all of us together before Him:
[44:3] Indeed, we have sent down it (Quran) in a night of blessing, indeed, we have been the warners.
[44:4] In it (night), every wise matter is made clear.
[3:3] He has sent down to you (Muhammad) the scripture with the truth confirming that which was before of it; and He has sent down the Torah and the Gospel.
[3:23] Do you not see of those who have been given a part of the scripture? they are invited to a scripture of God that it should judge between them, then a party of them turns away and they are those who averse.
[33:40] Muhammad has not been a father of anyone of your men, but has had a messenger of God and a seal of the prophets, and God has done being Knower of everything.
Even God has not given any knowledge to His prophet to share with the people about the time of the end of the world, which does not mean that He will keep it hidden from the people until the day it occurs, while they will know its time as per His will what He has let us know in the Quran, and has given in it signs that tell us what we may reflect to better prepare ourselves being confirmed about it:
[7:187] They ask you (prophet) about the Hour: “When will be its time?” Say: “Its knowledge is only with my Lord, none can reveal it of its time except He. It is heavy in the heavens and the earth; it will not come to you except suddenly.” They ask you, as if you have knowledge about it! Say: “Its knowledge is only with God, but most people do not know.”
[33:63] The people ask you (prophet) about the Hour. Say: “Its knowledge is only with God, and what will make you know that the Hour is near.
[42:17] God is the One who has sent down the scripture with the truth and the balance, and what make you (prophet) know that the Hour is near.
[20:15] Indeed, the Hour is coming; I will almost hide it that each soul would be compensated with what it strives.
[47:18] So, do they wait except for the Hour that it will come to them all of a sudden? That indeed, its signs have come, so how is for them when their warning has come to them?
2. Emerging of a creature from the earth
[27:82] And when there has fulfilled the punishment upon them, we have brought forth for them a creature from the earth (daabbatin mina al-ardi) to speak to them that the people have been with our revelations do not ascertain.
This verse is a prophecy in the Quran that a creature from the earth will be produced to confirm what people are not sure about God’s revelations. The fulfillment of this prophecy is the first sign that the end of the world is not too far, and the creature is the computer that has intelligence to compute most accurate calculations faster than human being. Hence, the computer was required to unveil the Quran’s numerical code by God’s leave for the authenticity of the Quran to bring people back to His revelations presenting physical proofs.
But it is unfortunate that many of our closed-minded scholars and their puppets are reluctant to accept it to be a creature as prophesied in the verse expecting a mythical grotesque beast consisting with concoction of various body parts of 10 animals without realizing how the ears of elephant will get fit to the head of a bull as described in the hadith book “Allah will cause it to emerge from the earth, which will be brought from Makkah, or from somewhere else. Its head is like the head of a bull, its eyes are like the eyes of a pig, its ears are like the ears of an elephant, its horns are like the horns of a stag, its neck is like the neck of an ostrich, its chest is like the chest of a lion, its color is like the color of a tiger, its haunches are like the haunches of a cat, its tail is like the tail of a ram, and its legs are like the legs of a camel!”
However, it takes more than a century to build computer in accordance with God’s will and the prophecy is fulfilled with the first commercial computer introduced by IBM on April 7, 1953. This equipment helped us to find the right path to save our souls in the Hereafter through interpreting, understanding and accepting the message in His final scripture. Now this creature, i.e., instrument is even an essential house-hold article almost all over the world and its contribution together with software and internet makes an important distinct era of human civilization called “Information Age”.
Explanation 1: In addition to the text in the verse 27:82, the context in the verses, 27:81 (before) and 27:83 (after) indicates that the phrase “wa-idhaa waqa`a al-qawlu `alayhim” in the 27:82 refers to the Hour or the Day of Destruction being the literal expression “And when has fulfilled the punishment upon them”:
[27:81] Nor can you be of a guide for the blind from their astray, nor can you make hear except whoever believes in our revelations, so they are submitters.
[27:83] A day we will gather from every community a group of whoever denies in our revelations so they will be set in rows.
Explanation 2: It is found in the other verses where the two words “creature” and “earth” are connected that talk about “creature in the earth” Not “creature on the earth”. Here are couple of examples to clarify straightforward translation “a creature from the earth” in the verse (27:82) for better understanding of the phrase deriving appropriate message coded in the verse:
[6:38] And there is not of a creature in the earth (wa-maa min daabbatin fee al-ardi) nor a bird flies with its wings, but are communities like you. We have not left anything out of the scripture; then to their Lord they will be gathered.
[11:6] And there is not a creature in the earth (wa-maa min daabbatin fee al-ardi) its provision is except on God. And He knows its dwelling and resting places; all is in a clear record.
Literary, the expression ‘we live on the earth’ may not be incorrect that we see in some translations but scientifically, we all live in the earth as we live within the earth’s atmosphere, and the earth’s atmosphere extends up to more than 6,000 miles altitude according to NASA, being part of the earth. This clarification might help those who misinterpret that this creature will emerge from the earth, i. e., will come out beneath the earth because of the phrase, “daabbatin mina al-ardi “. However, the following verse confirms that the phrase “fee al-ardi” means in the earth Not on the earth as we see in the other verse:
[44:56] They do not taste death therein (“feehaa”, haa is a feminine pronoun of “al-ardi”) except the first death, and He has spared them the retribution of Hell.
Therefore, we may apply “in the earth” for the phrase “fee al-ardi”, “from the earth” for the “mina l-ardi” and “on the earth” for the phrase “`alaa al-ardi” in the Quran to make simple and straightforward to understand and maintain consistency in the message.
Explanation 3: Let us compare the Arabic text of 24:45 and 27:82 that talk about the creation of creature (daabbah, a feminine indefinite noun derived from the root word “dabba” (verb) means to go slowly) to understand whether the creature as prophesied in the 27:82 verse is divine or man-made:
[24:45] And God has created every living creature from water (wa-allahu khalaqa kulla daabbatin min maain). So, of them whoever walks on its belly, and of them whoever walks on two legs, and of them whoever walks on four. God creates whatever He wills. Indeed, God has power over everything.
[27:82] And when has fulfilled the punishment upon them (wa-idhaa waqa`a al-qawlu `alayhim), we have brought forth for them a creature from the earth (akhrajnaa lahum daabbatan mina al-ardi), speaks to them that the people have been with our revelations do not ascertain (tukallimuhum anna al-naasa kaanuu biaayaatinaa laa-yuuqinuuna.
The difference between the wording in the Arabic text, especially the subject and verb but the object “creature (daabbah)” being the same in the above two verses confirms that the creature as mentioned in the verse 27:82 is a prophecy for producing a creature from the earth would be a man-made one in accordance with God-given knowledge and His will, which is fulfilled with the discovery of the computer, an instrument capable of counting thousands of figures and performing complex calculations faster accepting logic.
Explanation 4: If we add up the digits of the sura and its verse number, we get 19 [2 + 7 + 8 + 2], which indicates that this creature will be used to unveil the 19-based miracle of the Quran (74: 30 & 35) and may be accepted as another proof by the present and subsequent generations of people witnessing the development of human civilization, and understanding Islam being a very progressive religion of God.
3. Splitting of the moon
The prophecy of spitting the moon is not literal but a metaphor as well, which has fulfilled upon landing of human on the moon in July 1969 is a sign that the end of the world is getting closer. In it there is not only certainty of the event to come but there has come a news of a warning with perfect wisdom indicating to the unveiling of 19-based mathematical coding of Quran if we can disregard a hadith based reporting on the future event that Muhammad split the moon by pointing at it with his finger, even claiming that half of the moon felt in the backyard of Ali to make us fool being a satanic trick:
[54:1] The Hour has come closer and the moon has split.
[54:2] Even if they see a sign, they turn away and say: “No news!”.
[54:3] And they denied (the news), and followed their desires, and every matter is as usual.
[54:4] And certainly, there has come to them the news wherein there is a warning.
[54:5] Perfect wisdom but make no use of the warnings.
[54:6] So, you shall turn away from them; the day will come when the caller announces a terrible event.
[54:7] Their eyes are humbled; they come out of the graves like scattered locusts.
[54:8] Racing towards the caller, the disbelievers will say: “This is a difficult day.”
Note: This has already fulfilled in June 1969 when man landed on the moon and brought back moon rocks. People in the earth can go now to many museums, colleges and observatories to look at pieces of the moon.
4.1 Advent of God’s messenger of covenant
[3:81] And when God has taken a covenant of the prophets: “Surely, whatever I have given you of scripture and wisdom, then has come to you a messenger confirming that which is with yourselves. You must believe in him and must support him.” He said: “Have you affirmed and taken My covenant on that?” They said: “We have affirmed.” He said: “Then you shall bear witness, and I am with you among the witnesses.”
[33:7] And when we have taken from the prophets their covenant, and from you (Muhammad), and from Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus the son of Mary. And we have taken a solemn covenant from them.
The advent of a messenger is a covenant of God with all prophets upon delivering all the scripture as indicated in the above verses of the Quran was fulfilled with a delivery of the reminder, “Quran’s mathematical coding” supported by one of the great miracles, “The number 19”, which is the code of the Quran being a common denominator of the Quran’s mathematical analysis:
Moreover, the name of this messenger being Rashad Khalifa is mathematically coded in the Quran. According to him this prophecy was fulfilled in Zul-Hijjah 3, 1391 A.H (Dec 21, 1971), while the details and true significance of this event was not clear to him until Ramadan, 1408 A.H but his declaration to be a messenger of God would not come to public until 1989 except sharing Quran’s miracles with the people around him.
However, the Muslim scholars accepted the Quran’s mathematical miracles immediately but it was difficult for them to accept him as a messenger of God for holding Muhammad in a great honor, most likely to be the final messenger as well as the final prophet, because of the misinterpretation of the following verse, which has coded the message given to him, the Quran is a messenger of God and a seal of the prophets “wa-laakin rasuula allahi wa-khaatama al-nabiyeen” being a seal associated with the scripture but not with the person:
[33:40] Muhammad has not been a father of anyone of your men but has been a messenger of God and a seal of the prophets (wa-laakin rasuula allahi wa-khaatama al-nabiyeen). And God has done being Knower of everything.
4.2 Conveying of the reminder of Quran’s mathematical coding
[74:30] Over it is nineteen.
[74:31] And we have not made guardians of the Fire except angels, and we have not made their number except a warning for those who disbelieved, that it may ascertain those who have been given the scripture (Jews and Christians) and may increase faith of those who have believed (Muslims), and may not doubt those who have been given the scripture (Jews and Christians) and the believers (Muslims). And that may say those in their hearts there is a disease (hypocrites) and the disbelievers, “What has God meant by this allegory?” Thus, God misguides whomever He wills and He guides whomever He wills. And none knows your Lord’s soldiers except He. And it is not except a reminder for the human race.
[74:35] Indeed, it is undoubtedly one of the greatest (signs).
[74:36-37] A warning for the human race. For whoever has willed among you that he may advance or he may stay behind.
By God’s grace, Dr. Rashad Khalifa is the discoverer of the Code 19 and the year of discovery was 1974 which means that the message, “The Quran is mathematically composed” was fulfilled in 1974. The discovery was incidental when he was trying to understand the meaning and significance of the mysterious Quranic initials prefixed in the Arabic text in 29 suras of the Quran. The code 19 provides strong evidences for the existence of God and the authenticity of the Quran as well as serves as an effective tool for removing all the corruptions from our practices and beliefs occurred over the period of time. This number 19 is mentioned in a chapter (sura) known as “The Hidden One” the 74th chapter of the Quran. Juxtaposing these two numbers yields 1974, exactly the year in which the code was deciphered, the calendar based on the birth of Jesus and the solar year accepted by the Quran as units of calculating time (19:33, 43:61 and 6:96). Besides, the solar calendar based on the birth of Jesus commonly used calendar in the world, if we multiply these two numbers, 19 and 74 (19x74), we get 1406 which is the number of lunar years between the revelation of the Quran and the discovery of the code. Hence, this prophecy was fulfilled in 1974.
5. The smoke in the sky to strike people
The prophecy of punishment to come, the great strike followed by a smoke in the sky that will cover people is not literal but metaphor. The punishment from a smoke in the sky enveloping people has fulfilled after the delivery of the message given to a messenger of covenant. God’s messenger of covenant has delivered Quran’s mathematical coding in 1974, which is a reminder and warning for the human race. But most people rejected him as they found him astray detecting madness in him while there is a clear indication to send a messenger after prophet Muhammad based on a covenant placed in all the scripture including the Quran. When the people have witnessed the painful punishment from a smoke in the sky enveloping the people for disregarding God’s message, they have asked God for relieving the retribution claiming them believers. He has relieved the retribution letting them know that the greater punishment is coming soon, Thus, the punishment from a smoke in the sky to strike people is the world-wide outbreak of COVID-19 that we are witnessing now and the big strike, which is coming is the end of the world indicating that we are in the end time should not have any doubt being confirmed from a circumstantial evidence of the future event:
[44:5] It is a command from us; indeed, we have been senders of messengers.
[44:6] It is a mercy from your Lord. He is the Hearer, the Knower.
[44:7] Lord of the heavens and the earth, and what is between them if you have been ascertainers.
[44:8] There is no god except He. He gives life and causes death – your Lord and Lord of your parents, the ancestors.
[44:9] Nay, they are in doubt to pay attention.
[44:10] So you shall watch for a day the sky will bring of a profound smoke;
[44:11] enveloping the people; this will be a painful punishment.
[44:12] “Our Lord, remove the punishment from us; indeed, we will be believers.”
[44:13] How can be the reminder for them, when certainly, had come to them a clarifying messenger?
[44:14] Then, they had turned away from him and said, “An educated, a mad!”
[44:15] Indeed, we are relievers of the punishment for a while; indeed, you will be returning.
[44:16] A day we will strike the greatest strike; indeed, we are avengers.
6. Appearance of Yajuj and Majuj
There is a prophecy of Yajuj and Majuj to come, which is not literal but metaphor, who will attack the believers at the end time while Dha al-Qarnain will protect the believers until certain time and the end of the world to happen, which will be a terrified day for the disbelievers for their wrongdoing being heedless to God’s revelations and promises:
[18:92] Then he has followed a path.
[18:93] Until when he has reached between the two mountains, has found a people between them, they do not understand (what he is) saying.
[18:94] They said, “O Dha al-Qarnain, indeed, Yajuj and Majuj are corruptors in the earth. So, do we make a payment for you on that you make a barrier between ourselves and themselves?”
[18:95] He said, “What my Lord has established me with it is better. So assist me with strength, I will make a barrier between yourselves and themselves.
[18:96] Bring me the iron sheets” until when he has levelled the two cliffs; he said, “Blow,” until when he has made it fire; he said, “Bring me molten copper, I will pour over it.
[18:97] That they have not been able to scale it nor have they been able any penetration to it.”
[18:98] He said, “This is mercy from my Lord that when my Lord’s promise comes, He has made it level, and my Lord’s promise has been truth.”
[18:99] And that day we have left them to surge over others, and it has been blown in the trumpet, then we have gathered them all together.
[21:96] Until when it has been exposed Yajuj and Majuj, and they descend from every height.
[21:97] And the promise of the truth has approached, then when it is staring eyes of those who had disbelieved: “Woe to us! Certainly, we had been in heedlessness of this; yea, we had been wrongdoers.”
7. Advent of Dha al-qarnain
There is also a prophecy of Dha al-Qarnain to come in the Quran, which is not literal but a metaphor, is the final sign of the end time. God has given Dha al-Qarnain authority to protect the believers from the attack of Yajuj and Majuj until certain time but at certain point the protection will be broken when the horn will be blown to happen the end of the world to gather all of us before our Lord, while there is mention in the New Testament about the last battle on a hill of Megiddo between good and evil before a Day of the Judgment:
[18:83] They ask you about Dhee al-Qarnain. Say, “I will narrate to you a message about him.”
[18:84] Indeed, we have established him in the earth and have given him means of everything.
[18:85] So he has followed a path.
[18:86] Until when he has reached a setting place of the sun, he has found it setting in a spring of dark mud and has found a people near it. We said, “O Dha al-Qarnain, either that you can punish or that you can accept goodness in them.”
[18:87] He said, “As for whoever has wronged that we will punish him. Then he will be returned to his Lord that He will punish him a terrible punishment.
[18:88] And as for whoever has believed and has done as a righteous that for him there is a good reward; and we will speak to him with our ease command.”
[18:89] Then he has followed a path.
[18:90] Until when he has reached a rising place of the sun, has found it to rise on a people, we do not make any shelter for them other than it.
[18:91] Thus that, and we have certainly encompassed information of what with him.
[18:92] Then he has followed another path.
[18:93] Until when he has reached between the two mountains, has found a people between them, they do not understand saying.
[18:94] They said, “O Dha al-Qarnain, indeed, Yajuj and Majuj are corruptors in the earth. So, do we make a payment for you on that you make a barrier between ourselves and themselves?”
[18:95] He said, “What my Lord has established me with it is better. So assist me with strength, I will make a barrier between yourselves and themselves.
[18:96] Bring me the iron sheets” until when he has levelled the two cliffs; he said, “Blow,” until when he has made it fire; he said, “Bring me molten copper I will pour over it.
[18:97] That they have not been able to scale it nor have they been able any penetration to it.”
[18:98] He said, “This is mercy from my Lord that when my Lord’s promise comes, He has made it level, and my Lord’s promise has been truth.”
[18:99] And that day we have left them to surge over others, and it has been blown in the trumpet, then we have gathered them all together.
Unveiling of the time of the End of the World
Even the end of the world is inevitable but it was unknown to many generations of people when the world will come to an end. It is God’s plan to keep it hidden for a certain period of time (20:15) and then to be unveiled through His chosen one, which is His system (72:26-27) as the prophet had not given any knowledge of its time except to share with his contemporaries that it is near (33:63 and 42:17), while it will always remain unknown to the disbelievers (43:66). The year of the end of the world has been calculated from the information as coded in the Quran related to the birth calendar of prophet Jesus who has been mentioned in the Quran as a marker to serve the End of the World (43:61), relation between lunar and solar calendar from the duration for staying of the seven sleepers in the cave (18:25) and the gematrical value of the seven pairs of the Quranic initials prefixed to 29 surahs (15:87):
[15:87] And certainly, we have given you seven from the pairs (Quranic initials), and the great Quran.
[18:25] They stayed in their cave three hundred years, increased by nine.
[20:15] Indeed, the Hour is coming; I will almost hide it that each soul would be compensated with what it strives.
[33:63] The people ask you (prophet) about the Hour. Say: “Its knowledge is only with God, and what will make you know that the Hour is near.
[42:17] God is the One who has sent down the scripture with the truth and the balance, and which makes you know that the Hour is near.
[43:61] And he (Jesus) is a sign for the Hour. So you should not doubt about it and you shall follow Me; this is a straight path.
[43:66] Do they wait except for the Hour that it should come to them suddenly, while they do not perceive?
[72:26] A Knower of the future, while He does not reveal of His future to anyone,
[72:27] except whomever He has permitted from a messenger; then indeed, He reveals an unknown from his past and from his future.
1. Pinpoint the year 2280 from the seven pairs in the Quran
God has not only created the heavens and the earth but He also knows when the world will come to an end, and has given seven pairs in the Quran as a hint that we may know when it will come to an end according to His will:
[15:85] And we have not created the heavens and the earth and what is between them except with the truth. And indeed, the Hour is surely coming. So you shall overlook the excessive achievement.
[15:86] Indeed, your Lord is He who is the Creator, the Knower.
[15:87] And certainly, we have given you seven of the pairs, and the great Quran.
Gematrical values of Quranic Initials
The total of gematrical values of “The Seven Pairs” of Quranic Initials is 1709, which indicates that the Quran will survive until 1709 AH (After Hijra). Therefore, the world will end in the year 1710 AH and the number is a multiple of 19 => 1710 = 19x90.
These seven pairs or the 14 sets of Quranic initials are not only the foundation of the authenticity of the Quran from God but the total of the gematrical values of these Quranic initials are also the foundation to pinpoint the year of the end of the world to be in the year 1710 A.H. In addition, a set of Quranic initials, Alif.Laam.Meem is the gateway between specific words, surah 1 (al-Faatihah) and words of our guidance from surah 2 (al-Baqarah) to surah 114 (al-Naas) while surah 1 (al-Faatihah) as our specific words specially designed and given us to make our contact with our Lord 5 times a day.
It is noteworthy that the verse, 15:85 states: “…The end of the world will surely come to pass“. The next verse, 15:86, tells us that “Your Lord is the Creator, the Knower” and of course, He knows when it will end. Hence, the following verse, 15:87 tells us when the world will end that we can derive from “We have given you the seven pairs and the Great Quran“.
2. Staying of seven sleepers in the cave
The staying of seven sleepers in the cave is connected with the end of the world having coincidence between the lunar and solar Calendar in calculating the year the world will come to an end (18:21 and 18:25). The dwellers were the young Christians who followed the teachings of Jesus but fled away from the prosecution of the neo-Christians who proclaimed a corrupted Christianity, the Trinity doctrine followed by the Nicene Conference at 323 A.D. after the death of Jesus. Franz Miller, an Austrian archeologist discovered the tomb of the dwellers of the cave located in Ephesus about 200 miles south of ancient Nicene, and 30 miles south of Izmir in Turkey in 1928:
[18:21] And thus that we have made known to them that they would know that God’s promise is true and the Hour there is no doubt in it. When they had disputed among themselves of their affair, then they said, “You shall build a structure around them. Their Lord is a best knower of them.” Those who had prevailed of their matter said, “Surely, we will make a place of worship around them.”
[18:25] And they had stayed in their cave three hundred years, and increased by nine.
The unveiling of the end of the world took place in the year 1400 AH, which is 309 years before the prophesied end of the world (1709-1400 = 309). The number 309 is a Quranic number (18:25), and is connected with the end of the world (18:21). The peculiar way of writing 309 in 18:25, “Three hundred years, and increased by nine”, indicates that 300 is solar years and 309 is lunar years and there is 9 years difference between lunar and solar years. The year of this discovery, 1400 A.H, coincided with 1980 A.D, and 1980 plus 300 solar years is 2280, also a multiple of 19 => 2280 = 19x120 like the lunar 1710 (19x90). Thus, the world will end in the year 1710 A.H or 2280 A.D.
3. Birth of Jesus is a marker
[43:61] And indeed, he is a sign for the Hour (the end of the world), so you should not doubt in it, and you shall follow Me. This is a right path.
I. We know that between the birth of Jesus and the birth of Muhammad there is 570 years. The number, 570 is a multiple of 19 and the product is 19 x 30. The numbers 19 and 30 are very significant within the miracle of the Quran as we know that the code of the Quran, 19 is mentioned in the verse 30 of surah 74.
II. This number of years between the birth of Jesus and the birth of Muhammad, which is 570, confirms the calculations on the end of the world. The world will end in the year 1710 A.H., which corresponds to the year 2280 A.D. Both 1710 and 2280 are not only multiples of 19=> 1710 = 19x90 and 2280 = 19x120 but are also multiples of 570 => 2280 = 570 x 4 and 1710 = 570 x 3.
III. The number of years between the birth of Jesus and Muhammad (570) is the same as the number of years between the end of the world in Solar calendar (2280) and Lunar calendar (1710), which is connected to the hijra (immigration of Muhammad to Medina not his birth). The difference between the birth of Muhammad and Jesus is 570 years [570 – 0 = 570] while the difference of the end of world between solar year and lunar year is 570 years [2280-1710 = 570]. Hence, Jesus birth and Muhammad immigration to Medina is connected with the year the world will come to end.
4. Appearance of Yajuj and Majuj in 1700 A.H.
[21:96] Until when it has been exposed Yajuj and Majuj, and they descend from every height.
[18:94] They said, “O Dha al-Qarnain, indeed, Yajuj and Majuj are corruptors in the earth. So, do we make a payment on for you that you make a barrier between us and them?”
Since Yajuj and Majuj are mentioned in 18:94 and 21:96, if we count the verses from 18:94 to the end of Surah 18, i.e., 18:110, we get 17 while if we count the verses from 21:96 to the end of Surah 21, i.e., 21:112, we get 17 as well, which indicates that Yajuj and Majuj will appear in 1700 A.H. and their appearance will be 10 years before the year the world will end.
5. A hint from the historical perspective
History indicates that there was a conversion between the prophet and the Jews of Medina about the life span of his religion. The Jews said, “Your Quran is initialed with A.L.M., and these Initials determine the life span of your religion. Since ‘A’ is 1, ‘L’ is 30, and ‘M’ is 40, this means that your religion will survive only 71 years.” Muhammad said, “We also have A.L.M.S.” They said, “The ‘A’ is 1, the ‘L’ is 30, the ‘M’ is 40, and the ‘S’ is 90. This adds up to 161. Do you have anything else?” The Prophet said, “Yes, A.L.M.R.” They said, “This is longer and heavier; the ‘A’ is 1, ‘L’ is 30, ‘M’ is 40, and ‘R’ if 200, making the total 271.” They finally gave up saying, “We do not know how many of these initials he was given!”, and this event was published in Al-Suyooty’s famous reference, Itqaan.
6. Scientific prediction
There has also been scientific prediction that the year 2280 A.D. would be the year of the end of the world. According to NASA there is a possibility that asteroid could hit the earth about 50 years from now and if the earth survives at this time, the asteroid would hit the earth again on March 16, 2280 A.D., even though their prediction is changing from time to time.
It is required for us to believe that this world will come to an end and the people will be gathered before their Lord for judgment to receive their recompense for their works followed by this event. The Quran has provided us with various signs to know how close the end of the world is or when the world will come to an end. What we know now that only two signs: (1) appearance of Gog and Magog, and (2) advent of Zul-Qarnain are yet to be fulfilled to happen this event. However, Gog and Magog are allegorical names of two villainous communities who will oppress and attack the believers of God while Zul-Qarnain is an allegorical name of God chosen one who will protect and save the believers from their oppression and attack until certain time but ultimately cannot protect them when the world will come to an end in accordance with God’s will.
The Quran has also provided us knowledge to use the foundation of authenticity of Quran to pinpoint the year of the end of the world. The event will happen according to God’s will when what we believe the gravitational force pulling on every other object in the universe is to be taken off by Him to crash the heavenly bodies into each other. Now we know that the world will end in the year of 1710 A.H, which corresponds to 2280 A.D. It is good for us to know when the event will happen but not required; but what is required for us is prepare ourselves expecting the event to avoid the retribution of the day and to receive good reward from God upon equitable judgment.
However, on that day followed by the judgment, those who have disbelieved in their Lord’s revelations and His meeting, their abode is Hell (18:105-106), while those who have believed and have done the righteous deeds, their abode is gardens of the Paradise being dwellers therein forever (18:107-108):
[18:105] Those are the ones who have disbelieved in their Lord’s revelations and His meeting. So it has been vain of their deeds, and we will not grant for them any weight on a day of the Resurrection.
18:106] That is their recompense is Hell, for that they have disbelieved and have taken My revelations and My messengers in ridicule.
[18:107] Indeed, those who have believed and have done the righteous deeds, there have been gardens of the Paradise as abode for them;
[18:108] being dwellers therein, they would not wish for any move from them.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (12/25/2015)