
Surah al-Ma`aarij (Surah 70: Revelation Order 79)

Punishment of disbelievers from the event of end of the world

  • A questioner has asked about a punishment of event (70:1). For the disbelievers, there has been no preventer of it (70:2). From God, Possessor of the ways of ascent (70:3). The angels and the Spirit ascend to Him in a day has been its measure to fifty thousand-year (70:4).
  • Note: Punishment of disbelievers on a day the world will come to an end cannot be prevented as it comes from God in the highest height, and the angels and the Spirit travel fifty thousand-year to reach Him in one way, and those who can reflect to such Highness of God will never even think of associating anyone or anything with Him as partner during His worshipping and remembrance.

Occurrence on a day when the world will end

  • So, you shall be patient with a good patience (70:5). Indeed, they see it far (70:6). While we see it near (70:7). A day the sky will be like a molten copper (70:8). And the mountains will be like the wool (70:9). A friend will not ask for a friend (70:10).
  • Note: The disbelievers see the end of the world far while our Lord knows it is near when the sky will turn to molten copper and the mountains to wool, and there is no help for the disbelievers even from their closest friends, which also eliminates the misconception about any intercession.

The disbelievers would wish to save them ransoming by their dearest

  • They will be made to see them; the criminal would wish, if he could ransom by his children from a punishment of that day (70:11). And his spouse and his brother (70:12). And his nearest relative who shelters him (70:13). And whoever in the earth all, then it could save him (70:14). No; it is a flame of Fire (70:15). Burning for the skin (70:16). Inviting whoever has turned back and has turned away (70:17). And has gathered and has hoarded (70:18).
  • Note: The end of the world will be difficult for the disbelievers when they would wish to save them ransoming by their children, spouses, brothers, near relative, even whoever in the earth but the flame of the Fire will burn them for whatever they had done.

Inconsistent behavior of human being

  • Indeed, the human has been created anxious (70:19). When the evil has touched him is in distress (70:20). And when the good has touched him is in stingy (70:21). Except the observers of salat prayer (70:22).
  • Note: Human being is anxious by nature but God wants him to be patient when the evil has touched him and to be charitable when the good has touched him, and exception are those who observe salat.

Criteria specified by God to fulfill to be in gardens

  • Those who – they are consistent at their salat prayer (70:23). And those who have in their wealth a known portion (70:24). For the beggar and the deprived (70:25). Those who accept truth of a day of the Judgment (70:26). And those who – they are fearful from their Lord’s punishment (70:27). Indeed, their Lord’s punishment is not secured (70:28). Those who – they are protectors of their chastity (70:29). Except with their spouses, or what has possessed of their right hands, then they are not blameworthy (70:30). So whoever has sought beyond that, then those – they are the transgressors (70:31). And those who – they are for their trusts and are observers of their promise (70:32). And those who – they are firm in their testimony (70:33). And those who – they are protectors of their salat prayer (70:34). Those will be honored in gardens (70:35).
  • Note: Here are the criteria specified by God for us to fulfill to be honored in gardens of Bliss: (1) establishing salat prayer consistently, (2) paying a known portion from the wealth to the poor and the needy on a regular basis (3) accepting a day of the Judgment, (4) being fearful from Lord’s punishment, (5) not just assuming being secured of Lord’s punishment, (6) being protectors of chastity except having sex with spouses, (7) being trustworthy and keepers of promise, (8) being truthful in testimony and (9) being protectors of salat prayer. However, there is an indication that God wants His believers to give topmost priority to two religious practices: Salat and Zakat, while He has established right of the poor in the wealth of the rich that they pay a known portion to the beggar and the needy from their wealth, which is 2.5% came down to us from the past. Thus that perfect practicing of these two rites are forefront for us to make us successful in the Hereafter and any negligence will put us in jeopardy.

Consequence of the disbelievers

  • So what is with those who have disbelieved are hastening to you (70:36)? Groups are on the right and on the left (70:37). Does every person of them expect that he will be entered a garden of Bliss (70:38)? No, we have created them from what they know (70:39). So nay, I swear by Lord of the easts and the wests that we are surely Able (70:40). Upon that we can replace better than them and we are not to be failed (70:41). So, you shall leave them to talk in vain and to play until they meet their day, which they are promised (70:42). A day they will come out of the graves in hurrying, as if they were hastening to a goal (70:43). Down are their eye sights covering them humiliation. That is the day which they had been promised (70:44).
  • Note: The disbelievers hasten to disbelieve and wish that every one of them will be entered gardens of Bliss but they are distinct being included in the group on the left. If God had willed, He would have replaced them but they are left to talk in vain and to play until their meeting with their Lord what they are promised. On that day they will be coming to Him being raised from the graves putting their heads down covering their humiliation.


  • No preventer for the punishment of the disbelievers on a day when the world will end as it comes from God, Possessor of the ways of accent.
  • That the angels and the Spirit travel a distance of fifty thousand-year to reach Him in one way.
  • The disbelievers see the end of the world is far but God see it near when the sky will turn to molten copper and the mountains to wool.
  • There is no friendship on the day and a closet friend will not ask for his friend.
  • The criminal would wish to be saved from Hell ransoming by his children, spouses, brothers, and closet relative, even all in the earth.
  • But the flame of Hell will burn whoever has turned back and turned away for what he had done.
  • The human being is anxious by nature. When the evil has touched him, he is in distress.
  • But when the good has touched him, he is in stingy except those who are observers of salat prayer.
  • Observing Salat prayer and giving from the wealth are two rites God has prioritized for the believers that they may practice them in a perfect manner to make them successful in the Hereafter.
  • While He has established right for the poor in the wealth of the rich to pay a known portion, which is 2.5% came down to us from the past.
  • He has also specified for us: accepting a day of the Judgment, protectors of chastity, becoming trustworthy and keepers of promise, truthful in testimony, and protectors of salat prayer to be in gardens.
  • The disbelievers hasten to disbelieve wishing that every one of them to be in gardens but God will gather them on the left to suffer in Hell.
  • While the believers will be on the right and they will be honored in gardens of Bliss.
  • If God had willed, He could replace the disbelieving people with better people.
  • The disbelievers are allowed to speak in vain and to play until a day of their meeting with Lord.
  • On that day they will be coming out of the graves and will be hurrying to their goal putting their heads down covering their humiliation.

In brief, al-Ma’aarij (The Ways of ascent) is a short surah consisting of 44 verses mentioning a distance of fifty thousand-year, the angels and the Spirit travel in one way to reach God from the earth. He has not only informed us that He is the High and the Great (2:255) as well as glory is His, and He has been so High above what they associate (39:67) but He has given us a measure as a factual of His Highness that we can reflect not to even think of associating anyone or anything with Him in His worshipping and remembrance. God has confirmed the end of the world and a day of the judgment that everyone can be rewarded what he had done. The criteria what have been specified by God for the believers in the sura are also consistent with some of them what have been mentioned in Surah al-Mu’minuun (The Believers). And those who have fulfilled those criteria given by Him being Possessor of the ways of accent are fortunate who will be honored in gardens of Bliss being on the right, while those who have exceeded these limits are the transgressors. The disbelievers are left to talk in vain and to play until their meeting with Him followed by the end of the world. On that day they will be hurrying to their Lord being raised from the graves putting their heads down in humiliation. The transgressors and the disbelievers will be included in a distinct group on the left for suffering in Hell and they cannot save them from it, even ransoming by their children, spouses, brothers, near relative, or even all in earth what they would wish, nor for them they would have any friendship or intercession to help them.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (03/05/2021).