- Alif Laam Meem (29:1).
Note: The statement in 29:1 is an oath of God consisting of Arabic letters ‘Alif’ ‘Laam’ and ‘Meem’ known as the Quranic initials at the very beginning of the surah, which affirms subsequent statements. However, the qur’anic initials are also the lower level physical proofs of the numerical structure of Quran, and the total occurrence of these letters ‘Alif’ ‘Laam’ and ‘Meem’ in the Arabic text of 6 surahs: 2, 3, 29, 30, 31 and 32 is a multiple of 19 = 8944 (Alif with Hamza) + 6494 (Laam)+ 4436 (Meem) = 19874 = 19 x 1046.
- Do the people think that they will be left as they say, “We have believed,” and they will not be tested? (29:2). And certainly, we had tested those who were before themselves, then surely, God will make known those who are truthful, and surely, He will make known the liars (29:3). Or do those who commit the evil deeds think that they can escape from us? It has been evil what they decide (29:4). Whoever has been to hope meeting God, then a term of God is surely coming. And He is the Hearer, the Knower (29:5). Whoever strives, then he only strives for himself. Indeed, God is Self-Sufficient from the people of the world (29:6). Those who have believed and have done the righteous deeds, surely, we will remove their sins from them, and surely, we will reward them best for what they have done to achieve (29:7).
Note: By taking oath God has confirmed that the test is mandated for all generations of people to expose the liars and the truthful. The appointed time for the meeting with God is surely coming and there is no escape from Him for those who committed evil deeds, while for those who strived in the cause of God, He will reward them best for their righteous deeds.
- And we have enjoined the human being goodness with his parents, and if they strive against you that you associate partners with Me, what you have not any knowledge of it, then you do not obey them. To Me is your return, then I will inform you of what you have done to accomplish. (29:8). Those who have believed and have done righteous deeds, we will certainly admit them with the righteous (29:9).
Note: We must avoid idol worshipping even if our parents force us to do that when we do not have thorough knowledge about its consequence. The believers who have done righteous works will admit with the righteous.
- Among the people whoever says, “We have believed in God,” then when he is harmed in the cause of God, he has considered an oppression of the people as a punishment of God. And surely, if there has come a victory from your Lord, surely, they say: “Indeed, we have been with yourselves.” And has not God been in knowing of what is in the breasts of the people? (29:10). And surely, God will make known those who have believed, and surely, He will make known the hypocrites (29:11). And those who have disbelieved said to those who have believed, “Follow our way, and we shall bear of your sins,” while they will not be bearers any of their sins. Indeed, they are surely liars (29:12). And surely they will bear their burdens and burdens with their burdens, and surely, they will be asked on a Day of the Resurrection about what they had done to invent (29:13).
Note: The hypocrites consider any affliction in the cause of God to be His retribution instead of test while they are only with Him when they have a blessing from Him. The disbelievers make efforts to divert others saying that we will carry your sins if you follow us. They will carry their sins as well as the sins of those who followed them, and will be punished for their invention.
- And certainly, we had sent Noah to his people, so he stayed among them one thousand years less fifty years. Then the flood seized them as they were wrongdoers (29:14). Then we had saved him and the people on the ship, and we have made it a sign for all the people (29:15). And Abraham, when he said to his people, “You shall worship God and shall fear Him. That is better for you if you have done to know (29:16). You only worship idols other than God, and you create falsehood. Indeed, those whom you worship other than God do not possess any provision for you; so, you shall seek the provision with God and shall worship Him and shall be grateful to Him. To Him you will be returned” (29:17).
Note: Noah stayed with his people for longer time but still they were wicked, eventually the flood overtook them. Abraham said to his people to worship God and to fear Him as the worshiping of idols is nothing but falsehood and invention. He also said to them to seek provision from God and to appreciate Him as well as their return to Him, while the idols do not possess any provision.
- And if you deny, then certainly, had denied the communities before yourselves, while it is not upon the messenger except the conveyance of the clarifying message (29:18).
Note: God has addressed the contemporary people informing that the denial of His revelations found in all generations of people, while the sole mission of all messengers was to deliver the divine message.
- Do they not see how God initiates the creation, then He repeats it? Indeed, that has been easy for God (29:19). Say, “Travel in the earth, then you shall see how He had initiated the creation. Then God will create the final creation. Indeed, God has power over all things” (29:20). He punishes whomever He wills, and He shows mercy whomever He wills. And to Him you will be returned (29:21). And you are not to be of escaping ones in the earth or in the heaven, nor is there any protector or helper other than God for you (29:22). And those who have disbelieved in God’s revelations and His meeting, those have despaired of My mercy; those for them there is a painful punishment (29:23).
Note: The disbelievers of God’s revelations should find proofs in the creation and recreation around them if they could reflect, while they will be returned to Him and there is no escape for them. On a day of the Judgment they will have no protectors or helpers and will have a painful retribution being deprived of His mercy.
- Then there has not been any response from his people except that they said, “You shall kill him, or shall burn him.” But God had saved him from the fire. In that, there are signs for a people to believe (29:24). And he said, “You have only taken idols other than God out of love between yourselves in the life of the world. Then a day of the Resurrection will deny of them to other and will curse of them to another, while your abode will be the Fire, and for you there will be no helpers.” (29:25). Then Lot believed with him and said, “Indeed, I am an emigrant to my Lord. Indeed, He is the Almighty, the Wise.” (29:26). And we had granted to him Isaac and Jacob, and we had placed in his descendants the prophethood and the scripture, and we had given him his reward in the world, and indeed, in the Hereafter he will surely be with the righteous (29:27).
Note: The response of the people of Abraham was to kill and burn him when he said to them to worship God instead of idols but God saved him. He also said to them that you took idols other than God out of love between yourselves but on a day of the Judgment you will deny and curse one another while just Lot believed him. God granted Abraham Isaac and Jacob as well as gave prophethood and scripture in his descendants, and he has been rewarded in the world, while in the Hereafter he will surely be with the righteous.
- And Lot when he said to his people, “Indeed, you surely commit the immorality has not preceded anyone with it among a people of the world (29:28).You practice sex with the men, you commit highway robbery, and you bring all kinds of vice in your society.” The only response from his people was that they said, “Bring us God’s retribution, if you are truthful.” (29:29). He said, “My Lord, grant me victory over the corrupted people.” (29:30). And when there had come our messengers to Abraham with the good news, they said, “We are going to destroy a people of this town; indeed, its people have been wrongdoers.” (29:31). He said, “But Lot is in it.” They said, “We are knower of whoever is in it. Surely, we will save him and his family, except his wife; she has been among those who remain behind.” (29:32). And when that our messengers had come to Lut, he has been distressed and has felt uncomfortable with them, while they said, “Do not fear, nor do you grieve. Indeed, we are savers of you and your family except your wife; she has been with those who remain behind (29:33). We will bring down upon the people of this town a punishment from the sky because of that they have been to be disobedient.” (29:34). And certainly we have left from it a clear sign for a people to reflect (29:35).
Note: The people of Lot (Sodom) were destroyed except him and his family but not his wife with the punishment from the sky for practicing homosexuality and highway robbery.
- And to Madyan their brother Shu`aib who said, “O my people, you shall worship God and expect the Last Day, and do not roam the earth being corrupters.” (29:36). But they denied him, so, the earthquake took them; then they were left dead in their homes(29:37).
Note: The people of Shuaib (Madyan) were destroyed with the earthquake for rejecting him when he said to them to worship God and expect the Last Day.
- And Aad and Thamud, and certainly, there has become evident to you from (destruction of) their dwellings, while the Satan had made fair-seeming to them their deeds, then had diverted them from the path, even they had been possessors of vision (29:38).
Note: Also Aad and Thamud were destroyed as the Satan had made fair-seeming to them their works and had diverted them from the right path.
- And Qarun, and Pharaoh, and Haman. And certainly, Moses had come to them with the clear signs, while they had been arrogant in the land, and they had not been foremost ones (29:39).
Note: The people of Pharaoh were destroyed as they became arrogant when Moses went to them with the clear signs.
- As each (community) we seized with its sins, so is of them whom we sent upon it a violent storm, and of them whom the awful cry seized it, and of them whom we caused the earth to swallow it, and of them whom we drowned. And God was not to wrong them but they were to wrong themselves (29:40).
Note: The destruction of the people of the previous generations is the warning for the people of the subsequent generations. Hence, the Quran contains warnings for the disbelievers and guidance for the believers. Since the messengers deliver the warnings as well, they are often referred to warners in the Quran.
- An allegory of those who have taken protectors other than God is like a house the spider has taken. And indeed, the weakest of the houses is surely a house of the spider, if they have done to know (29:41). Indeed, God knows what they call anything other than Him, and He is the Almighty, the Wise (29:42). And that is of the examples we set forth for the people, and none can understand it except the knowledgeable (29:43). God has created the heavens and the earth with the truth. In that there is a sign for the believers (29:44).
Note: Taking protectors other than God is like the weakest house of the spider and calling upon beside God is nothing for not contributing anything to the souls, while God has created the heavens and the earth with proofs for the believers.
- You shall recite what has been revealed to you of the scripture, and shall establish the salat prayer; indeed, the salat prayer forbids from the immorality and the evil deed, while surely, remembering God is greatest. And God knows what you (all) do (29:45).
Note: This commandment is for the prophet but those who have believed in God and Quran should study the Quran while they should give the topmost priority to practice the salat prayer to remember God and to keep them away from the evil as well.
- And you do not argue with a people of the scripture except with that which is best, except those who have have done wrong from them and say: “We have believed in that which has been sent down to us and which has been sent down to you, and our god and your god is One, and to Him we are submitters.” (29:46). And thus that we have sent down to you the scripture. So, those whom we have given the scripture believe in it, and some of your people also believe in it. But none deny our revelations except the disbelievers (29:47). And you have not done to recite any scripture of its before, nor do you write it with your own hand; in that case, surely the falsifiers would have doubted (29:48). Nay, it is clear revelations in the chests of those who are given the knowledge, and none reject our revelations except the wicked (29:49). And they said, “Why has not been sent down miracles to him from his Lord!” Say, “Indeed, the miracles are with God, and I am only a clarifying warner.” (29:50). And does it not suffice them that we have sent down to you (Muhammad) the scripture is being recited to them? Indeed, in that, there is surely a mercy and a reminder for a people to believe (29:51). Say, “It has sufficed with God between me and you as a Witness. He knows what is in the heavens and the earth. But those who have believed in the falsehood and have disbelieved in God, those – they are the losers.” (29:52).
Note: Here is an example for us how we should argue with the people of the scripture and also there is a hint in it how the authenticity of the Quran has been maintained. It has been confirmed that it is clear in the chests of those who are given knowledge and none reject it except the wicked. The disbelievers wished to see the miracle to believe in Quran while the Quran itself is the miracle as there are a mercy and a reminder in it for the people to believe. However, the believers in falsehood and the disbelievers in God are the great losers on a Day of the Judgment.
- They ask you to hasten of the punishment. And if it were not for an appointed term, surely, there would have come to them the punishment; and surely, it will come to them all of a sudden, while they do not perceive (29:53). They ask you to hasten of the punishment, and indeed, Hell will surely surround the disbelievers (29:54). On a day the punishment will cover them from above of them and from beneath their feet; and He will say, “Taste for what you had done to accomplish.” (29:55). O My servants who have believed; My earth is spacious, so alone Me that you shall worship Me (29:56).
Note: The disbelievers wanted to see the retribution but they would see it if its time could not be set to come. It will come as set by God when they have to taste the painful retribution for their disbelief while the believers who worship God alone will be saved.
- Every person will be tasting of the death, then to us you will be returned (29:57). And those who have believed and have done the righteous deeds; surely, we will settle them in lofty mansions of the Paradise flowing the rivers of their underneath as dwellers therein forever. It has been excellent a reward of the workers (29:58). Those who have been patient and upon their Lord they put trust (29:59).
Note: Our return to God has been confirmed through death. The righteous will be rewarded and Paradise is their abode wherein they will live forever.
- There is many a creature that does not carry its provision, God provides for it, as well as for you. He is the Hearer, the Omniscient (29:60). And if you ask them, “Who created the heavens and the earth, and put the sun and the moon in service,” they will say, “God.” Why then did they deviate? (29:61). God increases the provision for whomever He chooses from among His servants, and withholds it. God is fully aware of all things (29:62). And surely, if you had asked them, “Who has sent down water from the sky, then has given life to the earth with it after its death,” they would say, “God.” Say, “All praise belongs to God, but most of them do not understand.” (29:63).
Note: We must work for our provision but should not worry too much about it as God provides for all creatures. Since He provides for all, and has created the heavens and the earth and put the sun and the moon in service, and sends down water from the sky and gives life to the land after its death, then we should not have any trace of doubt in our hearts that God is able to do and aware of all things. Thus, these should be sufficient proofs for us so that we do not deviate from His path.
- This worldly life is no more than play and amusement, while the abode of the Hereafter is the real life, if they only knew (29:64). Then when they have embarked in the ship, they call God being sincere to Him in the religion. Then when He has delivered them to the shore, then they associate partners (29:65). Let them deny what we have given them, and let them enjoy, but they will come to know (29:66). Do they not see that we have made a secure sanctuary while all around them the people are in constant danger? Do they then believe in falsehood and disbelieve in God’s favor? (29:67). Who is more evil than whoever has invented a lie about God, or has denied in the truth when it has come to him? Has there not been in Hell an abode for the disbelievers? (29:68).
Note: The Hereafter is our real life, then we should use our worldly life to prepare ourselves for the Hereafter instead of just taking it to be a place of our play and amusement. The retaliation of the disbelievers is Hell wherein they will suffer the painful retribution because of their setting up partners with God, rejecting God’s revelations, believing in falsehood and disbelieving in God’s favor. Thus, the disbelievers are those who deny the truth when it comes to them.
- And those who strive for us, surely, we will guide them to our paths. And God is surely with the good-doers (29:69).
Note: Those who strive in the cause of God, He will guide them to His path as well as will be with them on a Day of the Judgment.
The surah begins with a statement of God’s oath consisting of Arabic letters ‘Alif’ ‘Laam’ and ‘Meem’ known as the Quranic initials at the very beginning of the sura, which affirms that the test is mandated for all generations of people to expose the liars and the truthful. The appointed time for the meeting with God is surely coming and there is no escape from God for those who committed evil works while for those who strived in the cause of God will be generously rewarded for their righteous works. However, the qur’anic initials are also the lower level physical proofs of the numerical structure of Quran, and the total occurrence of these letters ‘Alif’ ‘Laam’ and ‘Meem’ in the Arabic text of 6 suras: 2, 3, 29, 30, 31 and 32 is a multiple of 19 =>8944 (Alif with Hamza) + 6494 (Laam) + 4436 (Meem) = 19874 = 19 x 1046
There are 69 verses in sura al-`Ankabuut (The Spider) and the most significant aspects that are covered in the sura under oath are: (1) test to expose liars and truthful, (2) avoid setting up partners with God, (3) exposes hypocrites and disbelievers, (4) a short history of Noah and Abraham, (5) disbelievers will be deprived of God’s mercy, (6) God saved and rewarded Abraham, (7) destruction of wicked people of previous generations, (8) allegory of spider’s house for those who take protectors other than God (9) importance of studying and practicing salat, (10) Quran is clear in the chests of the blessed ones, (11) retribution will come according to appointed term, (12) compensation for righteous works, (13) God provides for all creatures, (14) Hell is a just place for the disbelievers, (15) God is with the good-doers.
God has warned us citing an allegory of the spider’s house for those who take protectors other than God as well as mentioning of calling upon anything beside God is nothing for not contributing anything to the growth of the souls, while God has created the heavens and the earth with proofs for them to reflect to base their firm beliefs and perfect their practices on truth instead of falsehood.
The Hereafter is the real life for both the disbelievers and the believers. For the disbelievers their retaliation is Hell, the worst place wherein they will suffer the painful retribution because of their associating partners with God, rejecting God’s revelations, believing in falsehood and disbelieving in God’s favor, while for the believers who need God’s guidance to ensure the best place therein, buying His guidance with the expense of striving in the cause of Him, which is accepted from them as the advance payment for His Paradise.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (7/22/2016).