
Satan is our ardent enemy caused our descent to the earth


Those who believe in God and in the Hereafter should know that there is only one God (Allah in Arabic) and they are to submit to Him and to be obedient to His system (religion) and laws to lead a righteous life. But there is a disaster in the earth when we see about 4,300 religions or religious faiths around us according to, and the people of every faith believe that they are in the right direction to be rewarded by God. But if they could reflect to the logic that when there is only one God, then how come there will be so many ways to please Him. Is it not surprising to those who think about God as well as His guidance and system, and expect something better in the Hereafter? It is unfortunate that if someone or a group invites to the straight path of God using His given guidance, they either ignore it or become arrogant just to stay in their paths considering them to be part of the majority as their justification or following man-made doctrines, even which does not make any sense if they could use their common senses.

Review of pertinent verses

However, let us derive the right answer from the the Quran, the final and the most authentic scripture among the existing scriptures in the world sent down as guidance for the people, clear proofs of the guidance and the statute book. God has warned us in the Quran that the Satan is our great enemy so that we can make our efforts to keep us away from him and his allies to stay in His straight path. There are 11 instances of ib’lees (إِبْلِيس) that can be translated to Satan while there are also 88 instances of shayṭān (شَيْطَٰن) in singular and plural form that can be translated to Satan, devil or devils. However, here are details of the verses having the instances of ib’lees (Satan) including the verses centering these instances to better understand Satan to be our great enemy to make us losers in the Hereafter :

[2:34] When we said to the angels, “Fall prostrate before Adam,” then they fell prostrate, except Satan (ib’leesa); he refused, and was arrogant and became the disbeliever.

[2:35] And we said, “O Adam, live you and your wife in Paradise, and eat therefrom generously, as you please, but do not approach this tree, lest you will be among the wrongdoers.”

[2:36] Then the devil (al-shaytaanu) duped them, and got them out from what they were in, and we said, “Go down as enemies of one another, and for you in the earth shall be habitation and provision for a while.”

[2:37] Then, Adam had received from his Lord words, so He redeemed him. Indeed, He is the Redeemer, the Merciful.

[2:38] We said, “Go down from here, all of you. When guidance comes to you from Me, then whoever has followed My guidance, then they will have no fear, nor will they grieve.

[2:39] And those who have disbelieved and have denied in our revelations, they will be companions of the Fire; they will be in it as dwellers forever.”

Note: Descent of human being from Heaven to earth as habitation and provision for a while being deceived by Satan but with an assurance from God that those who follow His guidance will not go astray nor will they suffer while those who disbelieve and reject it will be dwellers of Hell. There is also reference of both specific words and guidance that we may think about.

[7:11] And certainly, we created you, then we shaped you, then we said to the angels, “Fall prostrate before Adam.” Then they fell prostrate except Satan (Ib’leesa); he was not with those who prostrated.

[7:12] He (God) said, “What prevented you that you did not prostrate when I commanded you?” He (Satan) said, “I am better than him (Adam); You created me from fire and You created him from clay.”

[7:13] He said, “So, go down from here as you are not to be arrogant herein. So get out, indeed, you are disgraced.”

[7:14] He (Satan) said, “Give me a respite until the Day they are resurrected.”

[7:15] He (God) said, “You are given a respite.”

[7:16] He (Satan) said, “Since for that You have sent me astray, surely, I will block for them Your straight path.

[7:17] “Then I will come to them from before them and from behind them, and from their right and from their left, and You will find that most of them are not grateful.”

[7:18] He (God) said, “Get out from here, despised and banished. Certainly whoever follows you among them, surely, I will fill Hell with you all.

[7:19] And we said, “O Adam, live and your wife in Paradise, and eat from wherever you please, but do not approach this tree, lest you will be among the wrongdoers.”

[7:20] Then the devil (al-shaytaanu) whispered to them to reveal what was concealed from them of their shame. And he said, “Your Lord did not forbid you from this tree, except that you become angels or you become immortals.”

[7:21] And he swore to them, “Surely, I am a sincere advisor of you both.”

[7:22] So he misled them with deception. Thus, when they tasted the tree,
their shame became visible to them, and they began to cover themselves with the leaves of Paradise; and their Lord called them: “Did I not forbid you from that tree, and tell you that the devil (al-shaytaana) is your ardent enemy?”

Note: Descent of human being on earth from Heaven being deceived by Satan who acted as a sincere advisor and promised to make most of them ungrateful to God in the earth.

[15:28] And when your Lord said to the angels: “I am creating a human from clay of altered black mud.

[15:29] So when I have designed him, and have breathed into him from My spirit, then you shall fall prostrate before him.”

[15:30] So the angels all of them together fell prostrate.

[15:31] Except Satan (Ib’leesa). He refused to be with those who prostrated.

[15:32] He (God) said, “O Satan (yaaIb’leesu), what is the matter with you that you are not with those who prostrated?”

[15:33] He (Satan) said, “I am not to prostrate to a human, whom You created from clay of altered black mud.”

[15:34] He (God) said, “Therefore, you must get out of here as indeed, you are expelled.

[15:35] “And indeed, the curse will be upon you until the Day of Judgment.”

[15:36] He (Satan) said, “Then my Lord, give me respite until the day they are resurrected.”

[15:37] He (God) said, “Then indeed, you are given respite.

[15:38] Until the day of the appointed time.”

[15:39] He (Satan) said, “My Lord, because of whom You have sent me astray, I will surely adorn straying for them in the earth, and I will surely mislead them all.

[15:40] Except Your servants among them to be the sincere ones.”

[15:41] He (God) said, “This is the straight path to Me.

[15:42] Indeed, you have no power over them who are My servants except those who follow you of the strayers.

[15:43] And indeed, Hell is definitely the promised place for them all.”

Note: Satan has no power over the sincere ones but those who follow him are promised by God to place them all in Hell.

[17:61] When we said to the angels, “Fall prostrate before Adam,” so they fell prostrate, except Satan (ib’leesa). He (Satan) said, “Shall I prostrate to one You created from clay?”

[17:62] He said, “Do You (God) see this whom You have honored him (Adam) over me? If You respite me till the Day of Resurrection, I will surely ruin (all) his descendants, except a few.”

[17:63] He (God) said, “Go, then whoever follows you (Satan) among them; then certainly, Hell is requital for you all, a fair requital.

[17:64] You may entice them with your voice, and mobilize all your forces and all your men against them, and share them in the wealth and the children, and promise them. And the devil promises nothing but delusion.

[17:65] Indeed, you have no power over them who are My servants. Your Lord suffices as an advocate.”

Note: Satan has promised to mislead all of us except a few and God has promised Hell to be a requital for those who follow him (Satan) while he has no power over God’s servants as He is sufficient for them.

[18:50] And when we said to the angels, “Fall prostrate before Adam.” Then they fell prostrate except Satan (ib’leesa). He became a jinn. Thus, he disobeyed the order of His Lord. Will you then take him and his descendants as protectors other than Me, while they are enemies to you? What is a miserable substitute for the wicked!

Note: Iblis was an angel who became a jinn for disobeying the order of His Lord while God has warned us not to take him and his descendants as protectors other than Him to become the wicked.

[20:116] And when we said to the angels, “Fall prostrate before Adam.” Then they fell prostrate, except Satan (ib’leesa); he refused.

[20:117] Then we said, “O Adam, this is an enemy to you and to your wife. So do not let him drive you out from Paradise, lest you would suffer.

[20:118] “Indeed, you will have no hunger therein, nor will you go unclothing.

[20:119] And that you will not suffer from thirst therein, nor will you expose to heat.”

[20:120] But the devil (al-shaytaanu) whispered to him, he said: “O Adam, shall I direct you to the tree of eternity and a kingdom that will never end?”

[20:121] As they ate from it, so their shame became visible to them, and they began to cover up themselves from the leaves of Paradise. And Adam disobeyed his Lord and erred.

[20:122] Then his Lord chose him and turned towards him, and guided him.

[20:123] He said, “Go down from here all, as enemy of one another. Then when guidance comes to you from Me, then whoever follows My guidance, then he will not go astray, nor will he suffer.

Note: Descent of human beings from Heaven to earth being deceived by Satan but with an assurance from God that those who follow His guidance will not go astray nor will they suffer.

[26:91] Hell will be brought into being for the strayers.

[26:92] And it will be said to them, “Where is what you used to worship.

[26:93] other than God? Can they help you or help themselves?”

[26:94] Then they will be thrown in it, they and the strayers.

[26:95] And soldiers of Satan (ib’leesa) all together.

Note: The strayers are to be thrown into Hell along with the soldiers of Satan upon bringing Hell into being on the Day of Judgment.

[34:18] And we placed between them and between the towns that we blessed, towns that were easy to see; and we measured the journey between them: “Travel in them by night and day in complete security.”

[34:19] But they said: “Our Lord, make the measure between our journeys longer,” and they wronged themselves. So we made them history, and we scattered them into small groups. Indeed, in that are signs for everyone patient, grateful.

[34:20] And certainly, Satan (ib’leesu) found true his suggestions about them as they followed him except a party of the believers.

[34:21] And he had no power over them except that we might know who believed in the Hereafter from those who are doubtful about it. And your Lord has control over all things.

[34:22] Say: “Call on those whom you claim other than God. They do not possess an atom’s weight in the heavens or in the earth, nor do they possess any partnership in them, nor is there any supporter for Him in them.”

Note: Satan makes his efforts to make all of us idol worshipers while our Lord has cited examples not to fall into such idol worshiping for the people of subsequent generations indicating that the idols they claim possess nothing in the heavens or in the earth.

[38:71 When your Lord said to the angels, “I am creating a human from clay.

[38:72] So when I have designed him, and have breathed into him from My spirit, then you shall fall prostrate before him.”

[38:73] So the angels all of them together fell prostrate.

[38:74] Except Satan (ib’leesa); he refused and became the disbeliever.

[38:75] He (God) said, “O Satan (yaaib’leesu), what prevented you from prostrating to whom I created with My hands? Are you arrogant or are you the exalted one?”

[38:76] He (Satan) said, “I am better than him. You created me from fire and You created him from clay.”

[38:77] He (God) said, “Then get out of here, so indeed, you are accursed.

[38:78] “And indeed, My curse is upon you until the Day of Judgment.”

[38:79] He (Satan) said, “My Lord, then give me respite until the Day they are resurrected.”

[38:80] He (God) said, “Then you are given respite.

[38:81] “Until the day of the appointed time.”

[38:82] He said, “Then by Your majesty I will surely mislead them all.

[38:83] Except Your servants from them of the sincere ones.”

[38:84] He (God) said, “So is the truth, and the truth I say.

[38:85] “I will surely fill Hell with you (Satan) and whoever follows you among them all.”

Note: Since Satan has been expelled because of human being, he promised to mislead all of them except a few if he is given a respite until the Day of Judgment while God has also promised as well to fill Hell with those who follow him informing that he will have no power over His sincere servants.

Mathematical confirmation

There are 73 verses across 9 suras that make a clear picture of Satan to be our ardent enemy to not have any doubt about it. If the pertinent verse and sura numbers are added, the sum is a multiple of 19 => 4218 = 19x216 (see details in the table below):

Note: This mathematical confirmation provides a sufficient proof to believe that these verses are closely connected to depict a clear picture of Satan to be the enemy of humans in Heaven as well as in the earth to make them losers. The verses having the instances of iblees (Satan) are highlighted orange in the table.


73 verses across 9 suras are reviewed to understand that Satan is our ardent enemy, even supported by the mathematical confirmation can be summarized as follows:

  1. When the angels were commanded to prostrate Adam, they all obeyed their Lord except Iblis.
  2. He was arrogant and became a jinn for disobeying the order of his Lord.
  3. Iblis was expelled from the angels but he was given a respite until the Day of Judgment.
  4. Expelling him because of humans made him opponent to them to divert most of them to be ungrateful to God to make them losers on the Day of Judgment.
  5. Satan has no power over the sincere ones except those who follow him.
  6. Satan caused the descent of human being from Heaven to earth as a habitation and provision.
  7. Adam and his wife was sent down to the earth with specific words from God including an assurance of sending His guidance, and whoever follows it will not go astray, nor will he suffer.
  8. Satan and his soldiers make their efforts to make us strayers as well as idol worshipers.
  9. The strayers and Satan with his soldiers will be thrown into Hell wherein they will abide forever.

However, Satan caused our descent from Heaven to earth while he and his allies surround us in the earth as well to deceive and divert us from the path of God. Hence, what is apparent to us as a disaster in the earth is the effect of the strongest bond between fraud (scholars) and fool (common observant) mediated by the Satan and his soldiers keeping us away from His guidance. This review may help us to understand this disaster and bonding, which can be broken just following His guidance as indicated even at the time of our descent from Heaven to earth to stay in the right path avoiding painful suffering but expecting something better in the Hereafter being guided by God.

Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless. Tafazzal (9/7/2018).