
Math design confirms to establish salat prayer in a right way

Religious rites first given to Abraham

We are aware of many corrupted practices of our religious rites given by God but the most corrupted practice of the God given rites is the salat prayer. It is not only full of misconceptions but it is also concocted with innovations and additions that are believed and practiced by the majority of Muslims all over the world. Even, there is a greater blasphemy about the salat prayer that Prophet Muhammad negotiated with God going back and forth to Him to get 5 times of Salat a day from 50 times of Salat a day originally prescribed by Him being it a fairy tale, while he was commanded in the Quran to follow the religion of Ibrahim (16:123, 4:125, 6:161, 22:78) what he learned how to practice it from the people who practiced it at his time as we do not see in the Quran that he disobeyed God’s order or he recited anything to the people other than God’s revelations (62:2). However, the prophets and messengers before him also practiced it as well (10:87, 19:31, 19:55, 19:59, 21:73), while God’s religion is the one and the same for the entire humanity what has been updated from time to time for fitting it to the generations of people (42:13) with the advancement of human civilization (27:82):

[16:123] Then we have inspired to you (Muhammad) that you shall follow a religion of Abraham, Monotheism; he has not been with the idol worshipers.
[4:125] And who has better religion than one who has submitted himself to God, and he is a good-doer and has followed a religion of Abraham, monotheism? And God has chosen Abraham as a friend.
[22:78] And you all shall strive for God with His due striving. He has chosen you and has placed no hardship on you in the religion, a religion of your father Abraham. He (God) has named you submitters before, and in this that the messenger may be a witness among you, and you may be witnesses among the people. So, you shall establish the salat prayer and shall give the zakat, and shall hold fast to God; He is your Protector, is the best Protector and the best Supporter.
[62:2] He is One who has raised a messenger in the gentiles from them to recite His revelations to them, and to purify them, and to teach them the scripture and the wisdom, even though they have been surely in clear astray before.
[10:87] We inspired to Moses and his brother. “You shall settle for your houses in Egypt, and shall make your houses as place of worship, and shall observe the salat prayer, and you shall give good news to the believers.”
[19:31] “And He has made me (Jesus) blessed wherever I am, and has enjoined me with the salat prayer and the zakat for as long as I am alive.”
[19:55] He (Ismail) used to enjoin his family with the salat prayer and the zakat, and his Lord was pleased with him.
[19:59] Then generations came after them who lost the salat prayer, and they followed the desires. So, they will see the consequence.
[21:73] We made them (Isaac, Jacob) imams who guided in accordance with our commandments, and we taught them how to work righteousness, and how to observe the salat and the zakat. To us, they were devoted worshipers.
[42:13] He decreed for you the same religion decreed for Noah, and what we inspired to you, and what we decreed for Abraham, Moses, and Jesus: “You shall uphold this one religion, and do not divide it.” The idol worshipers will greatly resent what you invite them to do. God redeems to Himself whomever He wills; He guides to Himself only those who totally submit.
[27:82] And when has fulfilled the punishment upon them (wa-idhaa waqa`a al-qawlu alayhim), we have brought forth for them a creature from the earth to speak to them that the people have been with our revelations do not ascertain.

The practice of Salat including all other religious rites was first given to Prophet Abraham, and has been preserved since then by his followers including any messengers and prophets of God after him. The question is often asked how we can be sure of that. God with His infinite mercy blessed our generation to derive mathematical confirmations from certain numeric properties of the pertinent components based on the number 19, the code of the Quran that every aspect of Salat practice is indeed preserved in accordance with His will:

[2:127] As Abraham raised the foundations of the shrine (Ka’ba), together with Ismail (while they prayed): “Our Lord, accept this from us. You are the Hearer, the Omniscient.
[2:128] “Our Lord, make us submitters to You, and from our descendants let there be a community of submitters to You. Teach us the rites of our religion, and redeem us. You are the Redeemer, the Merciful.
[2:130] Who would forsake the religion of Abraham, except one who fools his own soul? We have chosen him in this world, and in the Hereafter he will be with the righteous.

The Quran is mathematically composed and the truth is now known to many who have real concern of God, Islam and the Quran unless they ignore it or are blind to it. The number “19” is the common denominator of numeric analysis of Quran. 19 is a part of modern 10-base (Indo-Arabic) number system while people have been using the number systems since ancient times. Before the discovery of the 10-base number system, the Roman number system was extensively used in the past; even still we see it is being used in some cases. However, the gematrical number system was in practice when the Quran was revealed. These numerals were the values of the letters of the Arabic alphabet as each Arabic letter was assigned a numeric value. The participation of these gematrical values of Arabic letters in the mathematical expression serves as the physical fact to eliminate any doubt from our hearts resolving disputes around certain matters. The other notable gematrical numerical systems that we are aware of are the Hebrew and Aramaic numerical systems.

Surah al-Faatihah given us as specific words

Table 1: Numeric properties of Surah al-Faatihah
47 The history of descent of Adam and Eve from Paradise to earth is well known to us. However, when Adam and Eve transgressed God’s order being duped by Satan, they deeply repented to God and earnestly asked His forgiveness for their sins that has reflected in the following verse:

[7:23] They said, “Our Lord, we have wronged our souls, and unless You forgive us and have mercy on us, we will be losers.”

Then God gave specific “words,” to Adam and Eve and sent them down to the earth to give them a chance to be redeemed for their sins. They used those words and God redeemed them that has reflected in the following verse:

[2:37] Then Adam received from his Lord words, so He redeemed to him. Indeed, He is the Redeemer, the Merciful.

a. According to the above verses the redemption of Adam and Eve in plain English involves the following steps:

Step 1: Adam and Eve repented to God and asked His forgiveness for their sins.
Step 2: God accepted their repentance and gave them specific words.
Step 3: They recited those words given to them to be redeemed by God.
Step 4: As a consequence, God redeemed them.

Here are some mathematical relationships of the steps of their redemption process described above based on the verses (7:23) and (2:37) along with Surah al-Faatihah:

b. Numeric properties and relationship between the verses (2:37) and (7:23):

1. Both verses are made up of the same digits: 2,3 and 7.
2. Therefore, if the Sura (Chapter) number and verse number of these two verses are added, the sum is the same (12).

(2:37) ⇒ 2 + 3 + 7 = 12
(7:23) ⇒ 7 + 2 + 3 = 12

The above mathematical relationships indicate that although these verses are revealed in different times and included in separate suras, they are interrelated with Adam and Eve as well as our redemption process.

3. These two verses (2:37) and (7:23) can also be represented by the following digits:

(2:37) ⇒ 237
(7:23) ⇒ 723

Today, the words we use in the Contact Prayer are in Chapter 1 of the Quran. The chapter titled Sura Al-Fatehah or The Key consists of specific words given to us by God to redeem ourselves. The verses of The Key are divinely coded and play a crucial role in the mathematical evidence telling us that the words are specifically designed by God for our nourishment and redemption. The following are some properties of The Key and its relationship with the verses, 7:23 and 2:37.

c. Numeric properties of al Faatihah and its relationship with these verses, (7:23) and (2:37)

4. Both the number of words in al-Faatihah and the sum of digits of its 7 verses is 28 (see table above)

Let us represent the al-Faatihah with 28, the specific number of words that God gave us in this chapter and 723 to represent (7:23) and 237 to represent (2:37) to show the mathematical relationships between the al-Faatihah and the verses, 7:23 and 2:37.

5. 723 237 28 = 19 x 3806512
6. 723 + 237 + 28 = 988 = 19 x 52

Here is the mathematical interpretation of the first and second steps of redemption process of Adam and Eve as described above, In the relation, 723 is used before 237 as the Sura 7 was the 39th revelation to indicate that Adam and Eve first repented to God and asked His forgiveness for their transgression per (7:23) while the Sura 2 was the 87th revelation to indicate that God gave them the specific words to recite for their redemption per (2:37).

Let us represent the al-Faatihah with the sequence of verse numbers, 1234567 as recitation and 723 to represent (7:23) and 237 to represent (2:37) to show a mathematical relationship between the al-Faatihah and the verses, 7:23 and 2:37.

7. 723 1234567 = 19 x 380591293
8. 1234567 237 = 19 x 64977223

Here is the mathematical interpretation of the third and fourth steps of redemption process of Adam and Eve as described above. In the relation, we place the representation of The Key (1234567) after 723 and before 237 to indicate that they recited these specific words given by God (7:23), whereby God redeemed them (2:37).

In the first mathematical relation (5) and (6), the numbers are divisible by 19. This can represent the fact that Adam and Eve repented and asked God’s forgiveness (7:23). God accepted their repentance and gave them the specific words (Sura 1 represented by 28 words). In the second mathematical relation (7) and (8), the numbers are also divisible by 19. This can represent the fact that Adam and Eve recited those specific words (Sura 1 represented by 1234567) asking God for their forgiveness to be redeemed by Him (7:23), whereby God redeemed them (2:37).

It is noteworthy that Adam and Eve would not have been redeemed unless they used those words that were given to them by God nor if they changed the words given to them by their Lord.

Finally, if the Sura number which is 1 and the sequence of its seven verses are placed next to each other, the number is a multiple of 19 which confirms the position of Surah al-Faatihah (The Key) being the no. 1 Sura in the physical composition of Quran and the specific words given to us to be recited for our forgiveness and redemption, i.e., in the salat prayer.

9. 1 1234567 = 19×591293

Participation of Surah 1, al-Faatihah (its numeric properties) with the verses (7:23) and (2:37) in the above mathematical arrangement confirms the importance of its number of words (28)representing as given while the sequence (1234567) representing as recited. God gave Adam and Eve specific words for their redemption, and similarly, He has given us mathematically coded words to establish contact with Him to redeem our souls as well, which is God’s system has passed down and there is no change in it:

[2:138] God’s religion, and who has better than God’s religion? And we to Him are worshipers.
[48:23] God’s system which has certainly passed down from before, and you will not find any change in God’s system.

The above analysis is a mathematical proof which confirms that Surah al-Faatihah is a gift of God for us to redeem our sins and develop our souls as children of Adam. Sura 1 (Chapter 1) is given to us to recite it in our Salat Prayers while the remaining chapters 2 to 114 in the Quran are given to us for our guidance, but not for recitation in the Contact Prayers. The mathematical evidence together with the logical conclusion has undoubtedly proved that we must recite al-Faatihah without any change or even the slightest modification to these specific words given to us as children of Adam. We must submit to God totally and perform the Salat using the precise words (al-Faatihah) God gave us.

Both the physical arrangement and the chronological order of revelation of the Quran are meaningful and equally important to us, as the literary mathematical composition and the chronological order of revelation of the Quran play a crucial role in the mathematical expression. We cannot but appreciate God’s preservation of His final revelations (15:9) and His giving us the knowledge of the mathematical proof He has embedded in the Arabic text of His final scripture:

[15:9] Indeed, we have sent down the reminder and indeed, we will certainly be protectors of it.

Daily 5 times 17 units of prayer

Table 2: Numeric properties of Salat
48 The total units (Rak’ahs) of the five daily Salat prayers is 17: 2 at dawn, 4 at noon, 4 in the afternoon, 3 at sunset, and 4 units at night. The physical facts as derived from certain numeric properties of sura al Faatihah given us as specific words as well as based on the number 19, the code of the Quran that the units of the Salat prayers are indeed preserved in accordance with His will:

Fact1. Surah 1: al-Faatihah is a God’s gift to us, to establish contact with Him (Salat),which is composed of 7 verses that is required for us to recite at every unit during the prayer. If we put sura no which is 1 and the number of verses in the sura which is 7 next to each other, we get 17, the total number of units in the 5 daily prayers.

Fact 2. If we add the digit of the total verse no in the Sura (7) and the digits of total no of words in the sura (28), we get 17 [7 + 2 + 8], the total number of units in the 5 daily prayers.

Fact 3. Surah 1: al-Faatihah has 28 words in the 7 verses and their ratio is 2:3:4:8 (see table 1). If we add the digits of the ratio, we get 17 [2 + 3 + 4 + 8], the total number of units in the 5 daily prayers.

Fact 4. The units of universally accepted daily 5 times Salat prayers are 2, 4, 4, 3 and 4, and their total is 17 [2 + 4 + 4 + 3 + 4].

Fact 5. The total number of Arabic letters in the names of 5 times Salat prayers is 17 (see table 2), which is the exact same number as the total number of units in the 5 daily prayers.

Fact 6. From Table 2, if we add the total of gematrical value (3362), the total number of units (17), the total number of letters (17) and times of prayers a day (5), the total is multiple of 19 => 3362 + 17 + 17 + 5 = 3401 (19 x179). The digits of multiplier, 179 also add up to 17 [1 + 7 + 9].

Fact 7. The gematrical value of 13 letters (without repeating letters) used in the names of the Salat Prayers is 2692. If we add the gematrical value (2692), times of prayer (5) and sura no (1), the total is multiple of 19 => 2692 + 5 + 1 = 2698 (19 x 142). The digits of the product also add up to 17 (1 + 9 + 1 + 4 + 2). This total number, 2698, is not only a multiple of 19, but it is also the number of times that the word, God (Allah) is mentioned in the Quran!

Fact 8. If the units of 5 prayers are placed side by side the resulting number is 24434 which is multiple of 19 => 24434 = 19 x 1286. The digits of multiplier, 1286 add up to 17 (1 + 2 + 8 + 6), the total number of units prayed each day.

Fact 9. The units of daily Salat prayers followed by the sequence number of the prayer is also a multiple of 19 =>2 1 4 2 4 3 3 4 4 5 = 19 x 112759655.

Fact 10. The long number consists of the sura no that we recite in the 5 prayers (1), followed by the number of the first prayer (1), then the number of “Keys” that we recite in this prayer (2), then the number of bowings (Ruku’) (2), then the number of prostrations (4), then the number of Tashahhud (in the sitting position) (1), then the number of the second prayer (2), then the number of “Keys” that we recite in this prayer (4), then the number of bowings (Ruku’) in this prayer (4), then the number of prostrations (8), then the number of Tashahhud (2), then the number of the third prayer (3), and so on to the last prayer, is a multiple of 19, and this confirms the minutest details of the prayers, even the numbers of Ruku’, Sujood, & Tashahhud.

The figure derived from these attributes and its product => 1|12241|24482|34482|43362|54482 => 11224124482344824336254482 = (19 x 590743393807622333487078).

Fact 11. The total number of units prayed each day is 17. However, on Fridays the Congregation Prayer replaces the Noon prayer. This prayer has only two units instead of the usual 4 units of Noon prayer, because of the Friday sermon. Thus, the total units prayed on Friday is 15. Now, let us take every day of the week, from Saturday to Friday (assuming Friday being the last day of the week), and write down the number of units prayed each day. The resultant number is a multiple of 19 as shown in the table below:

Fact 12. Let us insert the number of the day before the units of prayer in each day. The resultant number is also a multiple of 19 as shown in the table below:
Fact 13. The same as Fact 12, except take Friday as the first day of the week, instead of the last day. The resultant number is also a multiple of 19 as shown in the table below:
Fact 14. The same as Fact 12, replace every 17 by 24434 which represents the individual units of daily prayers for Saturday through Thursday, and replace 15 by 22434 which represents the individual units of prayers for Friday. The resultant 42-digit number is also a multiple of 19 as shown in the calculations below:
Resultant number and its product => 124434224434324434424434524434624434722434 = 19 x 6549169707069707074970238128138128143286.

Fact 15. The same as Fact 14, except again take Friday as the first day of the week, instead of the last day. The resultant number is also a multiple of 19 as shown in the calculations below:
Resultant number and its product =>122434224434324434424434524434624434724434 = 19 x 6443906549174970232864974970243391301286.

Fact 16. This fact is based on the number of Contact Prayer each day, the number of units (rakats) on regular day (Saturday through Thursday) as well as on Friday i.e., throughout the week (7 days). The resultant number as calculated from the figure as shown in the table below is a multiple of 19, which is an overall confirmation of 17 units of prayer on regular day and 15 units on Friday.

No of Contact Prayer each day 5
No of total units in 5 times on Friday 15
No of total units in 5 times other than Friday 17
No of the remaining days in a week other than Friday 6

​Resultant number and its product => (5 + 15) x 1 + (5 + 17) x 6 = 20 + 132 = 152 (19 x 8).

The above overwhelming mathematical analysis does not leave any question or doubt about daily 5 times 17 units of prayers reciting just Surah 1: al-Faatihah at every unit in the heart of any believer except the deaf, dumb and blind who will fail to return (2:18) and will be in darkness there, and they will not be allowed to borrow any light from the believers (57:13). Hence, there are mathematical proofs of daily 5 times 17 units of prayer on regular day and 15 units on Friday but many of us may not see or realize it because of not to behave themselves (62:5):

[2:18] Deaf, dumb, and blind; they fail to return.
[57:13] On that day, the hypocrite men and women will say to those who believed, “Please allow us to absorb some of your light.” It will be said, “Go back behind you, and seek light.” A barrier will be set up between them, whose gate separates mercy on the inner side, from retribution on the outer side.
[62:5] The example of those who were given the Torah, then failed to uphold it, is like the donkey carrying great works of literature. Miserable indeed is the example of people who rejected God’s revelations. God does not guide the wicked people.

What we recite in the Salat prayer

Table 3: Numeric Properties of Recital in the daily 5 times Salat prayer

​We observe our Salat reciting surah al-Faatihah including 6 other Arabic phrases in different positions as shown in the above table. The below are the physical facts derived from their numeric properties to precisely confirm what we must recite to observe the Salat in an effectual manner:

Fact 1: This physical fact confirms the words to be uttered during the Salat prayer including the method i.e., steps and order based on gematrical values of each component placing next to each other. If we place the gematrical values of what we recite at different positions side by side, we get a 25-digit number which is a multiple of 19 => 289 10143 1383 413 474 1145 300 = 19 x152158648096533407428700.

Fact 2: This physical proof confirms the words to be said based on gematrical values and the number of their occurrences in the Salat on a day other than on a Friday. Hence, any other recitation at any step is either corruption or distortion. Insert the total number of occurrences in the Fact 1. If we add total # of all recitation and their gematrical values, we get 94 + 289 + 17 + 10143 + 17 + 413 + 17 + 1383 + 34 + 474 + 9 + 1145 + 10 + 300 and their sum is a multiple of 19 =>14345 = 19 x 755.

Fact 3: This physical fact confirms every word that we utter during 5 times Salat other than Friday is a correct and appropriate utterance. Just insert # of Arabic letters between total # of occurrences and gematrical values in Fact 2.If we place total # of recitation, total # of letters and gematrical value side by side for all what we recite during 5 times Salat and add those numbers we get, 948289 + 1713910143 + 17141383 + 1715413 + 3414474 + 9301145 + 108300 which is a multiple of 19 =>1746539147 = 19 x 91923113.

Fact 4: This mathematical interpretation not only confirms what we recite 5 times a day other than Friday during Salat prayer but also eliminates any extra Salat prayer or extra Rak’ahs from our 5 times daily Salat prayer. Just insert 5 and remove the gematrical values of all utterances from Fact 3 i.e., inserting 5 before total # of occurrences and # of Arabic letters for all what we recite during 5 times Salat prayer on a day other than Friday. If we add 5 with the total # of all recitation and total # of letters in all recitation placing side by side, we get 5 + 94 8 +17 139 + 17 14 + 17 15 + 34 14 + 9 30 +10 8 => 25973 = 19×1367.

Fact 5: This mathematical interpretation is an overall confirmation what we recite 5 times a day other than Friday during Salat prayer but also eliminates any extra Salat prayer or extra Rak’ahs from our 5 times daily Salat prayer. If we add the total # of all recitation, total # of all Arabic letters and total # of gematrical value, we get 198 + 228 + 14147 and their sum is a multiple of 19 => 14573 = 19×767.

Thus, the above physical facts are so precise and strong being the word, even the letter level confirmation as proofs of what we must recite in each step during the Salat including method of observing Salat disregarding all the corruptions and distortions that occurred in the practice of Salat over the period of time stealthily being the satanic tricks.

It is noteworthy that the physical facts on recitation are confirmed except the recitation of Friday being a special day of the week. The Friday Congregation Prayer replaces the Noon prayer and is observed at God’s masjid or at home if such masjid is not found. A two-part sermon (khutbah) as an opportunity for us to update our religious knowledge is given followed by a prayer of two units that equals 4 units but the total units of Salat prayer on Friday is 15:

[7:31] O Children of Adam, you shall have your nice dress at every masjid. And you shall eat and drink, and you do not be extravagant. Indeed, He does not love the extravagant ones.
[9:107] And those who have taken a masjid for harm, and disbelief, and division among the believers, and as a station for whoever has warred God and His messenger before. And certainly, they swear: “We do not wish except the good!” while God bears witness that indeed, they are certainly, liars.
[9:108] You do not ever pray in it. Certainly, a masjid has been founded on the righteousness from a first day, is more worthy that you pray in it. In it, people love to purify them, and God loves the purified ones.
[10:87] We inspired to Moses and his brother. You shall settle for your houses in Egypt, and shall make your houses as place of worship, and shall establish the salat prayer, and you shall give good news to the believers.
[62:9] O you those who have believed, when a call has made for the salat prayer on a day of the Friday, you shall hasten to God’s remembrance, and shall leave the business. That is better for you, if you have been knowing.


God has mathematically designed every aspect of Salat and given to us and the above analyses are confirmations of that. God has not only made Salat simple, easy and short for us but has also blessed our generation with the knowledge to mathematically confirm its major aspects including our specific words, units of prayers on regular day as well as on Friday, what to be recited during the prayer and the correct method to observe it extracting from the concoction of man-made innovations and additions having extra Salat, Rak’ahs and recitation. Thus, the mathematical confirmation is an exact answer of the question is often asked how we can be sure of that, even though the details of Salat first given to Prophet Ibrahim are lost but preserved in the other form.

Is it not a wonder for us how precisely God Almighty has encoded our prayers in the Quran for our forgiveness and development of soul and how blessed our generation is to decode it to eliminate any doubts from the hearts of the believers? Now if we can reflect to God’s infinite mercy and wisdom for His giving and practice it, and lead a righteous life, we can reserve our room in the Garden of bliss as promised by Him (10:9, 68:34) as the correct practices of worship will make our souls stronger and protect from Satan, so that he (Satan) does not get any chance to dupe us again:
[10:9] Indeed, those who have believed and have done the righteous deeds, their Lord guides them by their faith to be in Gardens of the Bliss flowing the rivers of their underneath.
[68:34] Indeed, for the righteous at their Lord are Gardens of the Bliss.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (11/20/2015)