[2:185] Ramadan which is a month has been sent down in it the Quran as guidance for mankind and clear proofs of the guidance and the statute book. So, whoever has witnessed the month from you, then he should fast in it and whoever has been sick or on a journey, then a specified number from other days. God does intend the ease for you and He does not intend the hardship for you, and that you may complete the specified number; and that you may glorify God through which (Quran) He has guided you, and that you may appreciate.
[39:23] God has sent down a scripture of the best Hadith being consistent to each other. The skins of those who fear their Lord shiver from it (scripture/Quran), then their skins and their hearts soften up to God’s message. That is God’s guidance; He guides with it (scripture/Quran) whomever He wills, and whomever God lets go astray, then there is no guide for him.
[33:40] Muhammad has not been a father of anyone of your men, but has been a messenger of God and a seal of the prophets. And God has done as Knower of everything.
[6:114] Is there then other than God should I seek as judge, while He is One who has sent down to you the scripture is a detailed one? And those whom we have given them the scripture know that it is a sent down from your Lord with the truth. So, do not be with the doubtful ones.
- Islam in Arabic meaning Submission i.e., Submission to God is practices of His religion of Monotheism, a complete set of it was first given to Abraham for true striving in His cause honoring him as a father of Islam and those who have established these practices are Submitters (muslimeen in Arabic commonly known as Muslims). Thus, God has confirmed us that who has better religion than whoever has submitted himself to God and has followed a religion of Abraham, Monotheism, but whoever turns away from his religion has fooled himself, and who is better in utterance than whoever has invited to God and has done righteous deeds proclaiming that he is a Submitter (muslim in Arabic):
[22:78] And you all shall strive in God of His true striving. He has chosen you and has not made any difficulty upon you in the religion, a religion of your father Abraham. He (God) has named you submitters before and in this that the messenger would be a witness over you, and you would be witnesses over the people. So, you shall establish the salat prayer and shall give the zakat, and shall hold fast to God; He is your Protector, so has been the excellent Protector and has been the excellent Supporter.
[4:125] And who has better religion than whoever has submitted himself to God, and he is a good-doer (muh’sinun) and has followed a religion of Abraham, Monotheism? And God has chosen Abraham as a friend.
[2:130] And who turns away from a religion of Abraham except whoever has fooled himself? And certainly, we have chosen him in the world, and indeed, he is in the Hereafter surely will be with the righteous.
[41:33] And who is better in utterance than whoever has invited to God, and has done as righteous (saalihan), and has said: “Indeed, I am one of the Submitters.”
- Islam is a simple religion easy to practice, which belongs to God, and whoever seeks any religion other than it will not be accepted from him and he will be a loser in the Hereafter, even He has warned us not to divide it:
[3:19] Indeed, the religion with God is Submission; and has not differed those who have been given the scripture except after what has come to them the knowledge out of jealousy between them. And whoever disbelieves in God’s revelations, then indeed, God is swift in the reckoning.
[3:83] Do they then seek other than God’s religion? While to Him has submitted whatever in the heavens and the earth in willingness and unwillingness, and to Him they will be returned.
[3:85] And whoever seeks other than Submission as religion, will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter, he will be with the losers.
[42:13] He has decreed for you of the religion what He had enjoined Noah with it, and which we have inspired to you (Muhammad), and what we had enjoined Abraham, and Moses, and Jesus of it that you shall establish the religion and not dividing in it. It has been difficult for the idolaters which you (Muhammad) call them to it. God chooses to Himself whomever He wills and He guides to Himself whoever turns.
- Thereafter, God has chosen prophets and messengers down the generations on the event the people had diverted them from Islam to religions other than it to bring them back to it to continue it as Submitters:
[2:132] And Abraham had enjoined his children with it, and Jacob: “O my children, indeed, God has chosen the religion for you; so you do not die except, while you are Submitters.”
[2:133] Or had you been witnesses when the death had come to Jacob; when he said to his children, “What will you worship after of me?” They said, “We will worship your god; god of your forefathers: Abraham, and Ismail, and Isaac – One god. And to Him we are Submitters.”
[12:38] And I (Joseph) have followed a religion of my forefathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. It has not been for us that we associate anything with God. That is from God’s grace upon us and upon the people, but most of the people are not grateful.
[10:84] Moses said, “O my people, if you have believed in God, then upon Him put trust, if you have been Submitters.”
[10:87] And we had inspired to Moses and his brother that you shall settle houses in Egypt for your people and shall make your houses as places of worship, and shall establish the salat prayer, and shall give good news to the believers.
[3:52] Then when Jesus had perceived the disbelief from them (the children of Israel) he said, “Who are my helpers to God?” The disciples said, “We are helpers of God, we have believed in God, and you (Jesus) shall bear witness of that we are Submitters.
[3:53] Our Lord, we have believed in what You have sent down and we have followed the messenger (Jesus); so, record us with the witnesses.”
[6:161] Say, “Indeed me (Muhammad), my Lord has guided me to a path to straight, an established religion, a religion of Abraham – Monotheism. And he (Abraham) had not been with the idol worshipers.”
[16:123] Then we have inspired to you (Muhammad) that you shall follow a religion of Abraham, Monotheism; and he (Abraham) had not been with the idol worshipers.
The people of the scripture down the generations had diverted them from Islam turning to Jews, Christians, Muhammedans deserting the messages given to them through their prophets and messengers, even disputing about Abraham, father of Islam, but claiming themselves that they uphold the divine scripture given to them and are God worshipers expecting their reward from Him when they meet Him:
- God has addressed the Jews and the Christians who had not followed a religion of Abraham, Monotheism, instead they advocated to follow Judaism and Christianity, even their forefathers: Abraham, Ismail, Isaac and Jacob had neither been Jews nor had they been Christians:
[2:135] And they said, “Be Jewish or Christians to be guided.” Say, “Nay, a religion of Abraham – Monotheism, and he had not been with the idol worshipers.”
[2:140] Or do you say that Abraham, and Ismail, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the Patriarchs had been Jews or Christians? Say, “Are you better knower or God?” And who is more unjust than whoever has concealed a testimony with him from God? And God is not unaware of what you do.”
- God has addressed the Jews, the Christians and the followers of the Quran not to worship except God as well as not to associate partners with Him, while He has ensured that the people of Abraham who had followed him and those who have believed in the Quran and have followed it are the best ones, and He will be their Protector:
[3:64] Say, “O people of the scripture (Jews and Christians), come to a fair agreement between ourselves and between yourselves that we do not worship except God, nor do we associate partner anything with Him, nor does take of us to other as lords other than God.” Then if they have turned away, then say, “You shall bear witness of that we are submitters.
[3:65] O people of the scripture (Jews and Christians), why do you argue about Abraham, while there had not been sent down the Torah and the Gospel except after of him? Do you not then use intellect?”
[3:66] Here you are those who have argued about what for you any knowledge of it. Then why do you argue about what has not been for you any knowledge of it? And God knows, while you do not know.
[3:67] Abraham had neither been a Jew, nor a Christian; but he had been a Submitter of Monotheism, and He had not been among the idol worshipers.
[3:68] Indeed, best are the people of Abraham those who have followed him and this prophet (Quran), and those who have believed; and God is a Protector of the believers.
- A group from a people of the scripture (Jews and Christians) who have made efforts to mislead the believers but God knows they have misled themselves denying God’s revelations they have witnessed and confounding the truth with the falsehood that they know:
[3:69] A group of a people of the scripture (Jews and Christians) had wished, if they could lead you (the believers) astray, and they do not lead astray except themselves, while they do not perceive.
[3:70] O people of the scripture (Jews and Christians), why do you disbelieve in God’s revelations, while you bear witness?
[3:71] O people of the scripture (Jews and Christians), why do you confound the truth with the falsehood and conceal the truth, while you know?
- God has warned the believers of the Quran from the Jews and the Christians from their efforts not to be misguided as guidance does not come from any people or groups except God what He has confirmed through His revelations including the truth should not have any doubt about it while the bounty is with His hand:
[3:72] And a group of a people of the scripture said, “You shall believe in which has been sent down to those who have believed at beginning of the day and shall disbelieve at its end that they may return.
[3:73] And you do not believe except for whoever has followed your religion.” Say, “God’s guidance is the (true) guidance that is given to one like of what has been given to you or they may argue with you about your Lord.” Say, “The bounty is in God’s hand; He gives it to whomever He wills. And God is Encompassing, Knower.”
[3:74] He chooses with His mercy whomever He wills, and God is Possessor of the great bounty.
- The people of the scripture (Jews and Christians) said that the gentiles cannot be trusted with a single dinar distorting the scripture with their tongues is a lie not being it in the scripture. But those who have fulfilled their pledges and have feared God are the righteous, while those who purchase with God’s promise and their oaths for a small price there is no share for them in the Hereafter, even God will not speak to them, nor will He look at them on a day of Resurrection, nor will He purify them, and there is a painful punishment for them:
[3:75] And of a people of the scripture there is whoever, if you entrust him with a lot, he will return it to you, and of them there is whoever, if you entrust him with a single dinar, he will not return it to you except that you have kept standing over him. That is of that they said, “It has not been any obligation upon us about the gentiles. And they say the lie about God, while they know.
[3:76] Nay, whoever has fulfilled of his pledge and has feared (God), then indeed, God loves the righteous.
[3:77] Indeed, those who purchase with God’s promise and their oaths for a small price, those – for them there is no share in the Hereafter, nor will God speak to them, nor will He look at them on a day of the Resurrection, nor will He purify them, for them there is a painful punishment.
[3:78] And indeed, of them surely a group who distort their tongues in the scripture that you may think it, is from the scripture, while it is not from the scripture, and they say, “It is from God,” while it is not from God. And they say the lie about God, while they know.
- God has addressed the Jews, the Christians and the Muhammedans who have not accepted a reminder of the Quran’s mathematical coding to stay behind have neither strengthened their faith, nor have they become sure about perfect practices of Islam to continue it as Muslims:
[74:30] Over it is nineteen.
[74:31] And we have not made guardians of the Fire except angels, and we have not made their number except a warning for those who disbelieved, that it may ascertain those who have been given the scripture (Jews and Christians) and may increase faith of those who have believed (Muslims), and may not doubt those who have been given the scripture (Jews and Christians) and the believers (Muslims). And that may say those in their hearts there is a disease (hypocrites) and the disbelievers, “What has God meant by this allegory?” Thus, God misguides whomever He wills and He guides whomever He wills. And none knows your Lord’s soldiers except He. And it is not except a reminder for the human race.
[74:36] A warning to the human race.
[74:37] For whoever has willed among you to advance, or to stay behind.
- The people of the scripture who have abandoned the practices of a God-given religion or have corrupted it with innovations or have worshiped other than God or have invented a lie about God will meet the evil, while He has cited an example indicating corruption in His religion with a story of the youths who took shelter in the cave stood up and said that they would not call any god other than God. However, those who have repented and have believed as well as have done the righteous deeds will inherit Gardens of Eden, which has been promised to them:
[8:35] And it has not been their salat prayer at the House except playing and amusing. So, you shall taste the punishment for what you had done to disbelieve.
[18:10] When the youths had taken shelter to the cave, then they said, “Our Lord, grant for us mercy from You and help us with our affair to the right path.”
[18:11] So, we had sealed on their ears in the cave for a number of years.
[18:12] Afterwards, we had raised up them while we know which of the two parties had a best calculation of time for what they had stayed.
[18:13] We narrate to you their story with the truth. Indeed, they were youths who had believed in their Lord, and we had increased them in guidance.
[18:14] And we had strengthened of their hearts when they had stood up, then they said: “Our Lord is Lord of the heavens and the earth. We will never call on any god other than Him. Certainly, had we said (there is god other than Him), then we would be in great wickedness.”
[18:15] These, our people had taken gods other than Him. Why do they not come to them with a clear authority? Then who is more wicked than whoever has invented a lie about God?”
[18:16] And when you had left them and what they worship other than God that you shall take shelter to the cave, your Lord will extend His mercy upon you and will help you in your affair with ease.
[18:25] And they had stayed in their cave three hundred years, and they had added nine.
[18:26] Say, “God is best Knower of that they had stayed. To Him belongs the unseen of the heavens and the earth. You see of it and You hear. For them there is no protector other than Him, nor does He share anyone in His judgment.”
[19:59] Then there has succeeded after of them successors, they have abandoned the salat prayer and have followed the lusts that they will meet evil,
[19:60] except whoever has repented and has believed, and has done as a righteous, then those will enter the Paradise and they will not be wronged in anything.
[2:62] Indeed, those who have believed, and those who turned to Jews, and the Christians, and the Sabians; whoever has believed in God and the Last Day, and has done as righteous, then for them, there is their reward with their Lord; and there is no fear for them, nor do they grieve.
[5:69] Indeed, those who have believed, and those who turned to Jews, and the Sabians, and the Christians; whoever has believed in God and the Last Day, and has done as righteous, then there is no fear for them, nor do they grieve.
[19:61] Gardens of Eden, which the Gracious in the unseen has promised to His servants. Indeed, it has been His promise is to come.
[19:62] They will not hear any vain talk in it except peace, and for them in it there are their provisions day and night.
[19:63] That is the Paradise, which we make inheritance to our servants whoever has been righteous.
In conclusion, what we have learned from the Quran that the scripture has always been a source of knowledge and guidance for the people to perfect their beliefs and to practice a religion of God in a right way as well as to do the righteous deeds to receive their reward with Him, but it is unfortunate that the people have corrupted or abandoned practices of His religion deviating from the scripture and have made them losers denying His messages with a plea when had come to them as a blessing from God down the generations.
The history tells us that after Abraham down the generations the people of scripture who had diverted themselves from the Torah turned them to Jews, the people of scripture who had diverted themselves from the Torah and the Gospel turned them to Christians, and the people of scripture who had diverted themselves from the Quran turned them to Muhammedans. Thus, they have invented religions for themselves are Judaism, Christianity and Muhammedanism not found in any scripture, even they claim themselves that they practice a God given religion being the followers of the divine scripture and His worshipers, which is not except their wishful thinking what their egos desire. Thus, the people of the scripture who are practicing religion deviating from a religion of Abraham will be the losers on a day of Reckoning.
In fact, among the people of the scripture who had turned them to Jews denied the Gospel(s), who had turned them to Jews and Christians denied the Quran, and who had turned them to Jews, Christians and Muhammedans denied a reminder of the Quran’s mathematical coding to follow their invented religions instead of Islam, even disputing about Abraham, who has been honored to be a father of Islam. Thus, the practices of Islam are lost or corrupted down the generations among the people of the scripture, even God has sent down messages to bring them back to His religion giving them an opportunity upon turning to Him and His religion to become Muslims perfecting their beliefs and practices. Now we are not far from the end of the world to be predicted in 2280 A.D. and God has given us a reminder of the Quran’s mathematical coding upon fulfillment of a major covenant placed in all scripture (3:81) specially referring to 5 of His prophets: Muhammad, Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus who have been given the scripture (33:7) to bring them back to His religion. This reminder is a gift from God for the believers including the Jews, the Christians and the Muhammedans as well as for the people of any faiths to become Muslims practicing Islam in a right way upon verification reflecting to the facts derived from the Quran as explicit proofs having no doubts in their hearts when we are living in the highest height of the human civilization. Thus, God has not only given us the scripture and the religion, which are two handholds to hold fast to Him to make the strongest bond with Him, but He is also being merciful upon us has left a room for any of us to inherit His Paradise perfecting his beliefs and practices upon repentance and reforming.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (5/31/2024).