
Review instances of islaam and muslim in the Quran


The review of instances of “aslama” confirms that people are invited to submit to the will of God and obey His law to become a submitter while the review of instances of “Islaam” confirms that submission (Islam) is a religion given by God and He will not accept any religion from anyone other than submission. Whoever He wishes to guide, he opens his heart to it and whoever opens his heart to it will be on a light from Him. However, here is the review of instances of “Islaam” and “Muslim” in the Quran for clear understanding of the relation between submission and submitter taught by God to find the right path for us and stay in it along with the verses frequently referred as support to understand that those who meet certain requirements mentioned in the Quran will receive their recompense from God:

  • There are 8 occurrences of “إِسْلَٰم” (Islaam) meaning “Submission” in the verbal noun form found in the following verses of the Quran.

[3:19] Indeed, the religion with God is Submission (al-islaamu), and had not differed those who have been given the scripture except after what has come to them the knowledge out of jealousy between themselves. And whoever disbelieves in God’s revelations, then God is swift in reckoning.

[3:85] And whoever seeks other than Submission (al-islaami) as a religion, will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be with the losers.

[5:3] Forbidden upon you the dead animal, and the blood, and the meat of pig, and what was sacrificed to other than God; and that which has been strangled, and that which has been beaten to death, and that which has fallen from a height, and that which has been gored, and that which the wild animals have attacked except what has been slaughtered (before it dies), and what has been slaughtered on the alters, and that you divide by the arrows of chance – that are all abominable. Today, those who disbelieved have given up from your religion, so do not fear them, but fear Me. Today, I have perfected your religion for you, and have completed My blessings upon you, and have chosen Submission (al-islaama) as religion for you. So, whoever is forced by severe hunger and not being willful to sin, then God is Forgiving, Merciful.

[6:125] So whoever God wishes that He guides him extends his breast for the Submission (lilislaami); and whoever He wishes that He lets him go astray makes his breast tight and constricted as if that he is climbing in the sky. Thus that God places the evil upon those who do not believe.

[9:74] They swear by God that they did not say, while they said a word of disbelief and they disbelieved after their Submission (islaamihim), and they planned of what they could not attain; and they could not take revenge except that God and His messenger had enriched them from His bounty. If they repent, it will be better for them, but if they turn away, then God will punish them a painful punishment in this world and the Hereafter, and they will have no protector nor a helper in the earth.

[39:22] Is he whom God has expanded his chest to Submission (lilislaami) that he is on a light from his Lord? So woe to the hardened – their hearts from remembering God. Those are in far astray.

[49:17] They consider a favor to you (Muhammad) that they have submitted. Say, “Do not consider your Submission (islaamakum) a favor on me. No, God has bestowed a favor upon you that He has guided you to the faith, if you are truthful.”

[61:7] And who is more evil than one who has invented lies about God, while he is invited to Submission (al-islaami)? And God does not guide the evil people.

  • There are 39 occurrences of “مسلم” (Muslim) in the active participle (noun) form meaning “submitter” while there are other 3 instances in the active participle (adjective) form: “مُسْلِمَةً” (Muslimatan), “مُسْلِمً” (Musliman) and “مُسْلِمَاتٍ” (Mus’limaatin) meaning “submissive” found in the following verses of the Quran:

[2:128] “Our Lord, and make both of us submitters (mus’limayni) to You, and from our descendants a community of submitters (mus’limatan) to You. And show us our practices and turn to us. Indeed, You are the Redeemer, the Merciful.
Note: This verse has 2 instances of “Muslim”: 1 instance of (mus’limayni) in the masculine dual noun form translated to submitters and 1 instance of “Muslimatan” in the feminine adjective form translated to submissive.

[2:132] And Abraham enjoined his sons and Jacob with it: “O my sons, God has chosen the religion for you, so you should not die except while you are submitters (mus’limuuna).”

[2:133] Or had you been witness when the death came to Jacob, when he said to his sons, “What will you worship after of me?” They said, “We will worship your god; god of your fathers Abraham, Ismail, and Isaac- one god, and to Him we are submitters (mus’limuuna).”

[2:136] Say: “We have believed in God and what has been revealed to us and what had been revealed to Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the Patriarchs, and what had been given Moses and Jesus, and what had been given the (other) prophets from their Lord; we do not make a distinction between any of them and to Him we are submitters (mus’limuuna).”

[3:52] Then when Jesus perceived the disbelief, he said, “Who are my supporters towards God?” The disciples said, “We are God’s supporters, we have believed in God and bear witness with that we are submitters (mus’limuuna).”

[3:64] Say: “O people of the scripture, come to a fair word between us and you that we do not worship except God, nor do we associate anything with Him, nor do we take each other as lords other than God.” Then if they have turned away, then say: “You shall bear witness with that we are submitters (mus’limuuna).”

[3:67] Abraham has neither been a Jew nor a Christian, but he has been a submitter (mus’liman) -monotheism, and he has not been with the idol worshipers.

[3:80] Nor can he order you that you take the angels and the prophets as lords. Can he order you in the disbelief after when you are submitters (mus’limuuna)?

[3:84] Say: “We have believed in God and what has been revealed to us and what had been revealed to Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the Patriarchs, and what had been given Moses and Jesus, and what had been given the prophets from their Lord, we do not make a distinction between any of them and to Him we are submitters (mus’limuuna).”

[3:102] O you those who have believed, you shall fear God true fearing of Him, and do not die except while you are submitters (mus’limuuna).

[5:111] And when I inspired the disciples that you shall believe in Me and My messenger; they said: “We believe, and bear witness that surely, we are submitters (mus’limuuna).”

[6:163] He has no partner, and in that I was commanded, and I am the first of the submitters (al-mus’limeena).

[7:126] And you cannot persecute us just for that we believed in the proofs of our Lord’s when they came to us. “Our Lord, bestow patience upon us and let us die as submitters (mus’limeena).”

[10:72] “But if you turn away, then I have not asked you any reward while my reward is only with God. And I have been commanded that I am with the submitters (al-mus’limeena).”

[10:84] And Moses said, “O my people, if you have believed in God, then put your trust on Him, if you are submitters (mus’limeena).”

[10:90] And we took the Children of Israel cross the sea, then Pharaoh and his soldiers followed them in rebellion and enmity until the drowning overtook him when he said: “I believe that there is no god except the One in whom the Children of Israel believe, and I am with the submitters (al-mus’limeena).”

[11:14] Then if they do not respond to you, then know that it was sent down with God’s knowledge, and that there is no other god except He. Then will you be submitters (mus’limuuna)?

[12:101] “My Lord, you have given me authority, and taught me the interpretation of the events. Initiator of the heavens and the earth, you are my Protector in this world and the Hereafter. Let me die as a submitter (mus’liman) and join me with the righteous.”
Note: The instance of “Musliman” in the masculine noun translated to submitter to reflect the message.

[15:2] Maybe those who disbelieved will wish that they were submitters (mus’limeena).

[16:89] And a day we will raise a witness in every community over them from themselves, and we have brought you as a witness of these people. And we have sent down to you the scripture as a clarification of everything, and as a guidance and mercy and good news for the submitters (lil’mus’limeena).

[16:102] Say, “The Holy Spirit (Gabriel) has brought it (Quran) down with the truth from your Lord to strengthen those who believe, and as a guidance and good news for the submitters (lil’mus’limeena).”

[21:108] Say: “It is inspired to me that your god is One god, then will you be submitters (mus’limuuna)?”

[22:78] And you shall strive in the cause of God as you should strive for His cause. He has chosen you and has placed no hardship on you in the religion – the religion of your father Abraham. He named you the submitters (al-mus’limeena) from before and in this, that the messenger may be a witness among you, and you may be witnesses among the people. So, you shall establish the salat prayer, and shall give the zakat, and shall hold fast to God; He is your Protector, so has been the excellent Protector and has been the excellent Supporter.

[27:31] “Do not be arrogant and come to me (Solomon) as submitters (mus’limeena).”

[27:38] He (Solomon) said, “O advisors, which of you can bring me her (Sheba) throne (palace), before they come to me as submitters (mus’limeena)?”

[27:42] So when she came, it was said: “Is your throne like this?” She said: “It is like as it were.” “And we were given the knowledge before her, and we have been submitters (mus’limeena).”

[27:81] Nor can you guide the blind out from their misguidance, nor can you make hear except those who believe in our revelations and they are submitters (mus’limuuna).

[27:91] I (Muhammad) have been commanded that I worship the Lord of this town, the One who has made it a safe sanctuary, and He possesses all things. And I have been commanded that I am with the submitters (al-mus’limeena).”

[28:53] And when it is recited to them, they will say, “We believe in it. Indeed, it is the truth from our Lord. Even, we were submitters (mus’limeena) before it.”

[29:46] And do not argue with the people of the scripture except with which that is the best, but those who have wronged among them, and say: “We believe in what has been revealed to us and what has been revealed to you, and our god and your god is One; and to Him we are submitters (mus’limuuna).”

[30:53] Nor can you guide the blind out from their misguidance, nor can you make hear except those who believe in our revelations and they are submitters (mus’limuuna).

[33:35] Surely, the submitter men (al-mus’limeena) and the submitter women (al-mus’limaati), the believer men and the believer women, the obedient men and the obedient women, the truthful men and the truthful women, the steadfast men and the steadfast women, the reverent men and the reverent women, the charitable men and the charitable women, the fasting men and the fasting women, the chaste men and the chaste women, the frequently commemorating God men and the commemorating women -God has prepared for them forgiveness and a great recompense.
Note: This verse has two instances of “Muslim” – one instance in the masculine noun form and the other one in the feminine noun form.

[39:12] “And I have been commanded that I am the first submitter (al-mus’limeena).”

[41:33] And who is better in utterance than whoever has invited to God, and has done righteous deed, and said, “Indeed, I am one of the submitters (al-mus’limeena)?”

[43:69] Those who believed in our revelations, and they were submitters (mus’limeena).

[46:15] And we enjoined the human being to honor his parents. His mother bore him with hardship and gave birth to him in hardship. His bearing and weaning is until thirty months. When he reaches his maturity and reaches forty years, he says: “My Lord, direct me to appreciate the blessings You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents, and to do the righteous works that please You. And make my children be righteous as well. Indeed, I have repented to You, and indeed, I am one of the submitters (al-mus’limeena).”

[51:36] But we did not find in it except one house of submitters (al-mus’limeena).

[66:5] If he (Muhammad) divorces you (his wives), his Lord will substitute other wives in your place who are better than you: submissive (mus’limaatin), believing, obedient, repentant, worshiping, fasting, either previously married, or virgins.
Note: The instance of “mus’limaatin” in the feminine adjective is translated to submissive.

[68:35] Then shall we treat the Submitters (al-mus’limeena) like the criminals?

[72:14] And that of us we are the submitters (al-mus’limeena), and of us we are the unjust.” So whoever has submitted, then those have sought a right path

Here is the summary where the occurrences of “Muslim” found that teach us to understand the behavior of a submitter who does righteous works to be eligible for the recompense from God:

  • Abraham together with his son asked God to make them submitters to Him and a community of submitters from their descendants, and to teach them religious rites and have mercy on them.
  • Abraham and Jacob enjoyed their sons not to die without being submitters.
  • When Jacob was on the death bed, his sons assured him that they would worship one god to become submitters.
  • God has commanded us to believe in Him and in what was revealed to the prophets and not to make any distinction between any of His messengers to be submitters.
  • God has commanded to argue with those of the people of scripture in a best way, who are unjust but not arrogant letting them know that your god and our god is the same and we all are submitters to Him.
  • The disciples of Jesus who supported him were the submitters when he sensed disbelief.
  • Those who believe in God and His messenger would bear witness that they are submitters.
  • The prophet was inspired not to associate partners with God and was commanded to be the first of the submitters and to worship the Lord of the city, the One who has made it a safe sanctuary and possesses all things.
  • Those who believed in the proofs of their Lord when came to them asked Him to bestow patience on them and to cause them die being submitters at the event of persecution.
  • Moses said his people to believe in God and trust on Him if they were submitters.
  • When the drowning overtook Pharaoh, he believed in one god and wished to be with the submitters.
  • Joseph prayed to his Lord to let him die as a submitter and join with the righteous.
  • God has sent down the scripture to clarify everything as well as a guidance, mercy and good news for the submitters.
  • Those who believe in God’s revelation are the submitters. Even, those who disbelieve may wish that they are submitters.
  • The submitter men and women deserve forgiveness and a great recompense from their Lord.
  • Who has a better word than who invites to God, does righteousness and says he is a submitter.
  • When the human being reaches his maturity and reaches the age of forty should make commitment to be a submitter.
  • God will not treat the submitters like the criminals.

Mathematical confirmation

Out of 42, 41 instances of “Muslim” both in noun and adjective form participate in the mathematical confirmation with 8 instances of “Islaam”. 49 instances found in 47 verses across 28 suras participate in the mathematical confirmation. The total of the relevant sura and verse number is a multiple of 19 =>3914 = 19x206 (see the table below for details):


Note: This mathematical confirmation establishes a direct relationship between the instances of “Islam” and that of “Muslim” while there is an indirect relationship between the instances of “Muslim” and that of “aslama” to understand that how we should behave if we are submitters. The instances of “Islam” are highlighted yellow in the table while the presence of more than one instance in the same verse is highlighted orange.

  • Quran teaches us that those who fulfill the following three criteria: (1) believing in God and (2) in the Last Day, and (3) leading a righteous life will receive their recompense from their Lord, what we often reflect referring to the following verses of the Quran:

[2:62] Surely, those who believed, those who were the Jews, the Christians, and the Sabians; whoever believed in God and in the Last Day, and did righteous works, will receive their recompense from their Lord. They have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve.
[5:69] Surely, those who believed, those who were the Jews, the Sabians, and the Christians; whoever believed in God and in the Last Day, and did righteous works, then they have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve.
[22:17] Surely, those who believed, those who were Jews, the Sabians, the Christians and the Zoroastrians, and those who were the polytheists, God is the One who will judge among them on the Day of Resurrection. God is witness over all things.


Note: This mathematical interpretation from the 4 verses including the instance of “Musliman” in 3:67 in the adjective form is a high level confirmation that people of all periods of guidance are to believe, recognize and uphold God’s words as well as to meet certain requirements to receive their recompense from their Lord while it doesn’t matter what they called their religion or the communities.


Abraham together with his son asked God to make them submitters to Him and a community of submitters from their descendants. Jacob enjoined his children not to die without being submitters and asked them to worship one god to become submitters. Joseph prayed to his Lord to let him die as a submitter and join with the righteous. Moses said his people to believe in God and put trust upon Him if they were submitters. The disciples of Jesus who supported him were the submitters. Muhammad was inspired not to associate partners with God and was commanded to be the first of the submitters and to worship the Lord of the city and Possessor of what is in the heavens and in the earth.

God has commanded us to believe in Him and in what was revealed to His prophets and messengers, and not to make any distinction between any of His messengers to be submitters. He has sent down the scripture to clarify everything as well as a guidance, mercy and good news for the submitters. Those who believe in God and His messenger would bear witness that they are submitters while the submitters are those who believe in God’s revelation.

God and His allies invite people to become a submitter using His source while the Satan and his allies also do the same but using the different source, i.e., man-made source. Now the choice is ours to shop which would be good for us. This review accompanied mathematical confirmations may serve as diffusion analysis to better understand that believing in God and His messenger as well as recognizing and upholding His words in each divine message given to the people of the respective period of guidance while Quran, the confirming and consolidating as well as the final message is given us to achieve the goal of becoming submitters to God to be eligible for recompose from Him.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (11/17/2017)