
Review instances of haneefan and millat in the Quran


We have confirmed from the details of the instances of deen, haneefan, islaam and muslim that God has given Monotheism as a religion for mankind being Islam is its practices not knowing details from the instances of millat. Hence, the instances of millat in the Quran are reviewed here to better understand that the message coded in its instances is different from the message coded in the instances of deen, and that Abraham did not introduce any religion, but a complete set of practices of Monotheism was first given to him to practice, while the instances of millat refer to what the people practice either given by God or innovated by themselves. This review may also make clear that Islam being a verbal noun is not a name of a religion, and God has perfected it with respect to practices confirming what is lawful and unlawful for the people completing His blessing upon them through the revelation of the Quran. However, the instances of haneefan and millat are reviewed together below:

Details of instances of haneefan

There are 12 instances of haneefan in the noun form including 2 instances of hunafaa-a in plural form found in 12 verses across 9 surahs are detailed below to confirm their meanings in different contexts, while we know that the Arabic word may have different meanings in the different contexts:

[2:135] And they said, “You shall be Jews or Christians to guide.” Say, “Nay, (we follow) a religion of Abraham – Monotheism (haneefan); and he has not been with the idol worshipers.
Note: The Jews and the Christians said to those who follow a religion of Abraham – Monotheism that they had to be Jews or Christians to be guided, while God has assured that those who belong to a religion of Abraham – Monotheism are the guided ones.

[3:67] Abraham has neither been a Jew, nor a Christian; but he had been a Submitter of Monotheism (haneefan), and he had not been with the idol worshipers.
Note: God has made it clear that Abraham has been a Submitter to God belonging to a religion of Monotheism, instead of a religion of Judaism, or Christianity or Polytheism.

[3:95] Say (Muhammad), “God has declared truth that you shall follow a religion of Abraham – Monotheism (haneefan), and he had not been with the idol worshipers.”
Note: Muhammad has been commanded to tell the believers to follow a religion of Abraham – Monotheism, and he has not been with the idol worshipers.

[4:125] And who has better religion than whoever has submitted himself to God, and he is a good doer and has followed a religion of Abraham – Monotheism (haneefan)? And God has taken Abraham as a friend.
Note: God has defined a religion for all of us, which is a religion of Abraham – Monotheism being a submitter to Him.

[6:79] “Indeed me (Abraham), I have turned myself to the One who has created the heavens and the earth for the sake of Monotheism (haneefan), and I am not with the idol worshipers.”
Note: Abraham was first who had explored, then he had established monotheism for himself submitting to Creator of the heavens and the earth, while he had declared that he was not with the idol worshipers.

[6:161] Say (Muhammad), “Indeed me, my Lord has guided me to a straight path, an established religion, a religion of Abraham – Monotheism (haneefan). And he had not been with the idol worshipers.”
Note: Muhammad declared that God has guided him to a straight path, an established religion, a religion of Abraham – Monotheism, and he was not with the idol worshipers.

[10:105] And that you (Muhammad) shall establish yourself to the religion of Monotheism (haneefan), and you do not be with the idol worshipers.
Note: God has commanded Muhammad to establish himself to the religion of Monotheism not to be with the idol worshipers.

[16:120] Indeed, Abraham had been a community of Monotheism (haneefan) being obedient to God, and he was not with the idol worshipers.
Note: Abraham and his people belong to a community of monotheism, and they were obedient to God.

[16:123] Then we have inspired to you (Muhammad) that you shall follow a religion of Abraham – Monotheism (haneefan); and he had not been with the idol worshipers.
Note: God has inspired Muhammad to follow a religion of Abraham – monotheism, which is a clear indication that he has practiced the rites revealed to Abraham and has followed the Quran what has been revealed to him, confirming Islam being the practices of God’s religion of Monotheism.

[22:31] Monotheists (hunafaa-a) belong to God, not being those who associate partners with Him; and whoever associates partner(s) with God, then it is like that he had fallen from the sky, then the bird snatches him, or the wind blows of him to a far-off place.
Note: Monotheism belongs to God but not polytheism. Thus, those who associate partners with God, they nullify their all deeds.

[30:30] So, you (Muhammad) shall establish yourself to the religion of Monotheism (haneefan) – an instinct of God, which on it He has created mankind. There is no change of God’s creation. That is the established religion, but most of the people do not know.
Note: God has commanded every one of us to establish the religion, which is Monotheism being it of His instinct on which He has created mankind and that is the established religion. Thus, we are born with a religion of Monotheism, i.e., with a belief that there is one God whom we would worship, while God has warned us that most people will not be able to reflect that.

[98:5] And they have not been commanded except to worship God being sincere to Him in the religion as monotheists (hunafaa-a) and to establish the salah and to give the zakah. And that is the established religion.
Note: The people of the previous scripture who have divided them had been commanded to worship God being sincere to Him in the religion of Monotheism as well as to establish the salat prayer and to give the Zakah being part of the established religion.

In brief what we can reflect is God has confirmed the guided ones who belong to a religion of Abraham – Monotheism, and Abraham has been a submitter of Monotheism; He has inspired Muhammad to follow a religion of Abraham, Monotheism, while He has guided him to a straight path, an established religion, a religion of Abraham – Monotheism; He has commanded every one of us to establish a religion of Monotheism being it His instinct on which He has created the human.

Even though the Arabic word, haneefan in the Quran has been translated to “upright” by most translators, but its interpretation to “monotheism” is more appropriate to express the precise message in different contexts, while the Arabic word, hunafaa-a can be interpreted to “monotheists” being in plural form but what is important for us to understand that God has decreed Monotheism, a religion for mankind, which is an in-born instinct that the human would worship one God being sincere to Him and would not associate partners with Him to nullify their deeds. Thus, Monotheism is a God given religion for the human, and Submission is its practices were first given to Abraham.

Details of instances of millat

There are 15 instances of millat in the female noun form found in 15 verses across 11 surahs in the Quran, which are detailed below to confirm their meanings in different contexts, while we know that the Arabic word may have different meanings in the different contexts:

[2:120] And neither the Jews, nor the Christians will please from you (Muhammad), unless you follow their religion (millatahum). Say, “Indeed, God’s guidance is the true guidance.” And surely, if you have followed their wishes after what has come to you of the knowledge, there is no protector nor supporter for you from God.

[2:130] And whoever turns away from a religion of Abraham (millati ib’raaheema), except whoever has fooled himself? And certainly, we have chosen him in this world, and indeed, he surely be with the righteous in the Hereafter.

[2:135] And they said, “You shall be Jews or Christians to guide.” Say, “Nay, (we belong to) a religion of Abraham (millata ib’raaheema) – Monotheism; and he had not been with the idol worshipers.
Note: The Jews and the Christians said to those who belong to a religion of Monotheism that they had to be Jews or Christians to be guided, while God has assured that those who belong to a religion of Abraham – Monotheism are the guided ones.

[3:95] Say (Muhammad), “God has declared truth that you shall follow a religion of Abraham (millata ib’raaheema)  – Monotheism; and he had not been with the idol worshipers.”
Note: Muhammad has been commanded to tell the believers to follow a religion of Abraham – Monotheism, and he has not been with the idol worshipers.

[4:125] And who has better religion (deenan) than whoever has submitted himself to God, and he is a good doer and he has followed a religion of Abraham (millata ib’raaheema) – Monotheism? And God has taken Abraham as a friend.
Note: God has defined a religion for all of us, which is a religion of Abraham – Monotheism being a submitter to Him.

[6:161] Say (Muhammad), “Indeed me, my Lord has guided me to a straight path, an established religion (deenan qiyaman), a religion of Abraham (millata ib’raaheema)  – Monotheism. And he had not been with the idol worshipers.”
Note: Muhammad declared that God has guided him to a straight path, an established religion, a religion of Abraham – Monotheism, and he was not with the idol worshipers.

[7:88] The leaders of those who had been arrogant among his people said, “Surely, we will drive you out, O Shu`aib, and those who have believed with you from our town, or you must return to our religion (millatinaa).” He said, “Even if have we been haters?”

[7:89] “Certainly, we would have invented a lie about God if we have returned in your religion (millatikum) after when God has saved us from it. And it would not be for us that we return in it except that God, our Lord wills. Our Lord has encompassed everything in knowledge. Upon God we put trust. Our Lord, open between us and between our people with the truth, and You are a best of the openers.”

[12:37] He (Yusuf) said, “It does not come to both of you food you are provided with, except I will inform both of you of its interpretation before that it comes to both of you. That is of what my Lord has taught me. Indeed, I have abandoned people’s religion (millata qawmin) who do not believe in God, and they are the disbelievers of the Hereafter.

[12:38] “And I (Yusuf) have followed a religion of my forefathers (millata aabaai-i): Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. It has not been for us that we associate anything with God. That is from God’s grace upon us and upon mankind but most of the people do not appreciate.

[14:13] And those who had disbelieved said to their messengers, “Surely, we will drive you out of our land, or surely, you will return in our religion (fee millatanaa).” So their Lord had inspired to them: “Surely, we will destroy the wrongdoers.”

[16:123] Then we have inspired to you (Muhammad) that you shall follow a religion of Abraham (millata ib’raaheema), Monotheism; and he had not been with the idol worshipers.
Note: God has inspired Muhammad to follow a religion of Abraham – monotheism, which is a clear indication that he has practiced the rites revealed to Abraham and has followed the Quran what has been revealed to him, confirming Islam being the practices of God’s religion of Monotheism.

[18:20] “Indeed, if they come to know about you, they will stone you, or will return you in their religion (fee millatihim), and you will never ever succeed.”
Note: A story about youths who were saved from returning in the religion corrupted by their fellow people.

[22:78] And you shall strive for God true striving of Him. He has chosen you and has placed no hardship on you in the religion (al-deen), a religion of your father Abraham (millata abeekum ib’raaheema). He has named you the submitters (al-mus’limeena) from before and in this (Quran) that the messenger may be a witness among you, and you may be witnesses among the people. So, you shall establish the salat prayer and shall give the zakat, and shall hold fast to God; He is your Protector, the best Protector and the best Supporter.
Note: God has confirmed the perfect practice done by Abraham what was given to him. So, he as a messenger and the believers from the people, who have also done perfect practice will witness that there was no hardship to practice Islam, while those who have done perfect practice of Islam are Muslims.

[38:7] We have not heard of this in the religion (fee al-millata) from the previous people. This is not but a fabrication.”
Note: When God has sent messengers to warn the people who are practicing their religion to practice God’s religion, they had denied it saying it a fabrication.

Even though both the Arabic words in the Quran, deen and millat can be translated to religion while deen indicates the religion that God has introduced for mankind and millat indicates the practice of religions in the world by the people they have invented except the practice of Abraham which was given to him by God being practice of His religion and those who follow his religion. There is a solid proof from when messengers are sent to remind the people to practice God’s religion, they have disbelieved in it and has made their efforts to return them in their religions what they have invented. So, prophet Muhammad and those who had believed with him were commanded to follow a religion of Abraham when the Quran was revealed confirming that Abraham had never been an idol worshiper.

Thus, the review of the instances of millat confirms that the practice of a large number of religions in the world even giving names to them are innovations including Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism etc. being their wishes, even Islam in fact, is not a name of a religion but are practices of God’s religion of Monotheism, which is also corrupted with innovations. This review also strengthen our hearts to understand that God has given us a religion, which is Monotheism and its practices, which is Islam, were perfected confirming what is made lawful and unlawful for us through the revelation of the Quran, and its perfect practice makes us Submitters to be successful in the Hereafter.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (10/14/2022).