
Quran establishes relation between Monotheism and Islam


The present picture of Islam all over the world with regard to understanding and practicing it is worse than ever before being hijacked by the ignorant scholars and their puppets who never think about their consequences when they meet their Lord as the Satan has made fair-seeming their deeds to them to make them losers. They are presenting it focusing on paganism and personality cult corrupting and injecting into its practices based on assumptions, lies, man-made teachings, laws and rituals. Thus, what is seen around the globe among the people who claim themselves Muslims are on festivities, show offs and crowding to the Masjids, even to the Ka’bah instead of practicing God given rites following His words in the Quran to remember and please Him dedicating prayers and practices to Him Alone to be successful in the Hereafter. Thus, if we understand the relation between Monotheism and Islam according to the Quran may help us to avoid those people and the corruption made to Islam to prepare ourselves for the Hereafter knowing that mere practicing being blind will not help us to achieve the goal.


God has decreed Monotheism as a religion for mankind as His instinct on which mankind has been created that they would worship one God being sincere to Him and would not associate partners with Him to nullify their deeds, while there is an indication that a complete set of practices of Monotheism was first given to Abraham, who had turned himself to God who has created the heavens and the earth for Monotheism, and he had never been an idol worshiper:

[2:135] And they (the people of Israel) said, “You shall be Jews or Christians to guide.” Say, “Nay, (we follow) a religion of Abraham, Monotheism; and he has not been with the idol worshipers.

[3:67] Abraham had neither been a Jew, nor a Christian; but he had been a Submitter of Monotheism, and he had not been with the idol worshipers.

[3:95] Say (Muhammad), “God has declared truth that you shall follow a religion of Abraham, Monotheism, and he had not been with the idol worshipers.”

[4:125] And who has better religion than whoever has submitted himself to God, and he is a good doer and has followed a religion of Abraham, Monotheism? And God has taken Abraham as a friend.

[6:79] “Indeed me (Abraham), I have turned myself to the One who has created the heavens and the earth for Monotheism, and I am not with the idol worshipers.”

[6:161] Say (Muhammad), “Indeed me, my Lord has guided me to a straight path, an established religion, a religion of Abraham, Monotheism. And he had not been with the idol worshipers.”

[10:105] And that you (Muhammad) shall establish yourself to the religion of Monotheism, and do not be with the idol worshipers.

[16:120] Indeed, Abraham had been a community of Monotheism being obedient to God, and he was not with the idol worshipers.
Note: Abraham and his people had been a community of Monotheism being obedient to God.

[16:123] Then we have inspired to you (Muhammad) that you shall follow a religion of Abraham, Monotheism. And he had not been with the idol worshipers.

[22:31] Monotheists belong to God, not those who associate partners with Him; and whoever associates partner(s) with God, then it is like that he had fallen from the sky, then the bird snatches him, or the wind blows of him to a far-off place.

[30:30] So, you shall establish yourself for the religion of Monotheism – an instinct of God, which on it He has created mankind. There is no change for God’s creation. That is the established religion, but most of the people do not know.

[98:5] And they have not been commanded except that they would worship God being sincere to Him in the religion as monotheists, and would establish the salat prayer and would give the zakat. And that is the established religion.


Islam is a complete set of practices of Monotheism was first given to prophet Ibrahim who had found his Lord and submitted himself to Him, which came down to us what we see in the Quran, even steps of certain practices are not in sequence except spreading out throughout the Quran found in multiple surahs and verses need to assemble them to practice in a right way, while the Satan and his allies, the ignorant scholars take advantage of this to mislead many of us to accept sources other than Quran and their opinion to make losers, but we are so happy and proud being a community that we are being guided to a path of our Lord:

[22:78] And you shall strive for God true striving of Him. He has chosen you and has not made any difficulty upon you in the religion (Monotheism), a religion (Submission) of your father Abraham. He (God) has named you the Submitters before and in this (Quran) that the messenger would be a witness over you, and you would be witnesses over the people. So you shall establish the salat prayer and shall give the zakat, and shall hold fast to God. He is your Protector that He has been the excellent Protector and has been the excellent Supporter.

[3:68] Indeed, best are the people of Abraham those who have followed him and this prophet (Quran), and those who have believed; and God is a Protector of the believers.

[3:19] Indeed, the religion with God is Islam; and had not differed those who have been given the scripture except after what has come to them the knowledge out of jealousy between themselves. And whoever disbelieves in God’s revelations, then indeed, God is swift in the reckoning.

[3:83] Do they then seek other than God’s religion while to Him has submitted whatever is in the heavens and the earth in willingness and unwillingness, and to Him they will be returned?

[3:85] And whoever seeks other than Islam as religion, will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter, he will be with the losers.

[2:208] O you who have believed, you shall enter into total Islam, and do not follow the footsteps of the Satan; indeed, he is for you an open enemy.

[6:125] So whomever God wishes to guide him extends his breast for Islam; and whomever He wishes to let him go astray makes his breast tight and constricted as if that he is climbing in the sky. Thus that God places the evil upon those who do not believe.

[6:126] And this (Islam) is a straight path to your Lord. Certainly, we have detailed the verses for a people to take heed.

[6:127] For them there is an abode of the peace at their Lord and He is their Protector for what they have done to accomplish.

[31:4] Those who establish the salat prayer and give the zakat, and they ascertain about the Hereafter.

[31:5] Those are on guidance from their Lord, and those – they are the successful ones.

[22:36] And the livestock, we have made them for you one of God’s rites, for you there is righteousness in it. So you shall mention God’s name upon them in the line, then when are down on their sides; then you shall eat from it and shall feed the poor and the needy. Thus that we have made subjected them so that you may appreciate.

[22:37] Neither their meat nor their blood reaches God, but there reaches Him is the righteousness from you. Thus that He has subjected them (livestock) for you that you may glorify God through which He has guided you and shall give good news to the good doers.


By comparative study and analysis found that the Quran is the most authentic among any other existing scripture around us being confirmed from how it came to be written that the process involved with it, which is also true in the case of the Quran and the Hadith literature when the same principle is applied, while a large number of hadiths were made public in the decades following the death of Muhammad, just over two hundred years. As regards their origins, both Gospels and Hadiths have one point in common, which is that neither of them was compiled by an author who was eyewitness of the events he describes. It might be a wonder for many of us about the appearance and authenticity of hadiths how Muhammad reported on the subjects from himself when there was written revelation from his time being it a detailed one having clarification of everything to worship God being sincere to Him in the religion.

[21:10] Certainly, we have sent down to you (all) a scripture, in it is your remembrance. Do you not then understand?

[39:2] Indeed, we have sent down to you (Muhammad) the scripture with the truth; so you shall worship God being sincere to Him in the religion.

[39:18] Those who listen to the Word (Quran), then they follow best of it; those are whom God has guided them; those – they are possessors of the understanding.

[16:64] And we have not sent down to you (Muhammad) the scripture except, that you make clear to them that which they have differed in it, and a guidance and mercy for a people to believe.

[16:89] And a day we will raise a witness in every community over them from themselves, and we will have brought of you (Muhammad) as a witness over these people; and we have sent down to you (Muhammad) the scripture as a clarification of everything, and a guidance, and mercy, and good news for the Submitters.

[2:185] Ramadan which is a month, has been sent down in it the Quran as a guidance for mankind, clear proofs of the guidance and the statute book; so, whoever from you has witnessed the month, then he should fast in it, and whoever has been ill or on a journey then the prescribed number from other days, God wishes ease for you and He does not wish hardship for you, and that you may complete the prescribed number; and that you may glorify God through which He has guided you, and that you may appreciate.

[17:9] Indeed this, the Quran guides to that which is exact straight and gives good news to the believers those who do the righteous deeds that for them there is a great reward.

[6:114] Is there then other than God should I seek as judge, while He is One who has sent down to you (all) the scripture is a detailed one? And those whom we have given them the scripture (the people of Israel) know that it is a sentdown from your Lord with the truth. So, do not be with the doubtful ones.

[39:23] God has sent down a scripture of the best Hadith being consistent to each other. The skins of those who fear their Lord shiver from it (scripture), then their skins and their hearts soften up to God’s message. That is God’s guidance; He guides with it (scripture) whomever He wills, and whomever God lets go astray, then there is no guide for him.

[31:6] And among the people whoever accepts the baseless Hadith to mislead from a path of God without knowledge and takes it as mockery; those, for them there is a humiliating punishment.

[31:7] And when is recited our revelations to him, he has turned away being arrogant as if he did not hear them, as if there is deafness in his ears. So, you shall inform him of a painful punishment.


God is our Guide and Helper Who has instituted religion and its rites for us, while He has sent down a scripture with the clear proofs as a guidance there is no doubt in it that we can guide ourselves to a straight path following His words as well as to remember and appreciate Him being obedient to Him without being lost that we do not have to suffer in the Hereafter, while He has warned us that those who have turned away from His revelations being arrogant or those who accept any other sources, for them there is a terrible punishment. Thus, the decision is ours what we will do as there is no compulsion in the religion reflecting that God is Protector of the believers Who brings them out of the darkness to the light and the evils are protectors of the disbelievers who bring them out of the light to the darkness.

[2:256] There is no compulsion in the religion. Certainly, there has become distinct the right from the wrong. So, whoever disbelieves in the false deities and believes in God, then certainly, he has grasped with the strongest handhold, there is no breaking of it. And God is Hearer, Knower.

[2:257] God is Protector of those who have believed. He brings them out from the darkness to the light. And those who have disbelieved, their protectors are the evil ones, they bring them out of the light to the darkness. Those are companions of the Fire, they will be dwellers in it forever.

Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (10/11/2024).