
Muhammad was inspired to follow a religion of Abraham


The whole Quran was inspired into prophet Muhammad’s soul once, while it has been revealed from his soul to his heart over a period of 23 years to read it to the people; and he was commanded to practice the religion being forbidden from worshiping what he used to call, but was inspired to him to worship One god for his own good as well as to preach it to the people. Moreover, in order for him to practice it in a right way he was inspired to follow a religion of Abraham who was not an idol worshiper but a true monotheist. Hence, there is a clear evidence from the Quran that the religion what we practiced today was not introduced at the time of Muhammad eliminating any doubt about it even not to be the subject of debate. However, the religion was powered by the Quran describing it Islam (Submission) and completing it including specific details of its existing practices, while there were updates as required being our guidance and mercy as only source of our religious laws and teachings.

But there is a prevalent myth in the western world that prophet Muhammad was the founder of Islam while the critics of the Quran claim that he was a false prophet, and Quran is man-made being Islam is a fallacious religion. Even the majorities who call themselves Muslims believe that prophet Muhammad instituted the practices of Islam and they practice what came down through practicing of the people of subsequent generations. Islam has been corrupted with many man-made innovations and traditions over the period of time while they make him their idol without knowing what is in the Quran.

Religion what was inspired to prophet Muhammad

God has decreed religion for all of us what He enjoined for Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus while He inspired it to prophet Muhammad who had no knowledge of the scripture and the faith. What He inspired to him is to follow a religion of Abraham – Monotheism being the perfect religion from Him. Thus, what we understand from this that he learned the religious practices existed around him from his contemporaries to start practicing of it. And while he continued with his practices, he had the opportunity for him to perfect his practices validating from certain details given in the Quran being revealed to him as well as reflecting to the updates given in it, and also for those who believed with him upon completion of the revelation of the Quran. However, he was commanded to follow a religion given to Abraham and also to share it with others. Even he was taught to be thankful to Him for being guided to an established religion given to Abraham who was not an idol worshiper but a true monotheist:

[16:123] Then we inspired to you (Muhammad) that you shall follow a religion of Abraham – Monotheism, and he had not been with the idol worshippers.
[42:13] He has decreed for you (all) the religion what He had enjoined for Noah, and what we have inspired to you (Muhammad), and what we had enjoined for Abraham, Moses, and Jesus that you shall uphold the religion, and do not divide it. Hard for the idol worshipers is that to which you call them. God chooses to Himself whomever He wills and He guides to Himself whoever turns (towards Him).
[42:52] And thus that we have inspired to you (Muhammad) an inspiration by our command. You had not done to know what the scripture was, nor the faith was. But we have made it (Quran) a light; we guide with it whomever we will of our servants. And indeed, you (prophet) surely guide to a straight path.
[3:95] Say, “God has proclaimed the truth, so you (the believers) shall follow a religion of Abraham – Monotheism, and he had not been with the idol worshippers.”
[6:161] Say (prophet), “Indeed me (Muhammad), my Lod has guided me to a straight path – an established religion, a religion of Abraham – Monotheism; and he had not been with the idol worshipers.”

He was inspired to worship One god

History indicates that Muhammad was chosen as a prophet from a group of people who were idol worshipers (93:7) and was given a messenger of God and the final scripture of God (33:40), while God inspired him to worship One god forbidding him from worshiping idols. Thus, he was commanded to follow the Quran as well as to worship One god turning away from the idol worshipers otherwise all of his works would be nullified:

[6:56] Say (prophet), “Indeed me (Muhammad), I have been forbidden that I worship those whom you call other than God.” Say (prophet), “I do not follow your desires; certainly, I would have gone astray then, and I would not be with the guided ones.”
[6:106] You (prophet) shall follow what has been inspired to you from your Lord that there is no god except He and shall turn away from the idol worshipers.
[17:39] That is from what was revealed to you (prophet) from your Lord of the wisdom. And do not make any other god with God, lest you will be cast into Hell, blameworthy, abandoned.
[40:66] Say (prophet), “Indeed me (Muhammad), I have been forbidden to worship those whom you call other than God when there had come to me the clear proofs from my Lord, and I have been commanded to submit to Lord of the worlds.”
[6:19] Say, “Which thing is greatest in testimony?” Say, “God is a Witness between me (prophet) and you, and this – the Quran has been revealed to me that I may warn you with it and whomever has reached. Do you indeed surely testify that there are other gods with God?” Say, “I do not testify; He is only One god, and indeed me, I am free from what you associate.”
[6:164] Say: “Is there other than God I can seek as lord, while He is Lord of everything?” And every soul cannot earn except for itself, and any bearer of burden cannot bear a burden of another. Then to your Lord is your return and He will inform you of what you had done to differ in it.
[39:65] And certainly, it has been inspired to you (prophet) and to those from before of you (prophet) if you have associated partners, surely, He will make worthless of your deeds, and surely, you will be with the losers.

He was commanded to advocate worshiping of One god

He was not only inspired to worship One god but he was also inspired to preach it to those who expect to meet their Lord. They need to do righteous works without associating anyone in the worship of their Lord and shall take a straight path asking His forgiveness while it is regret that the idol worshipers are the losers:

[10:104] Say, “O the people, if you have been in doubt of my religion, then I do not worship those whom you worship other than God, but I worship God, the One who causes death to you, while I have been commanded that I would be with the believers.”
[13:30] Thus that we have sent you to a community certainly has passed away communities from before of it that you may recite to them what we have revealed to you, while they may disbelieve in the Gracious. Say: “He is my Lord; there is no god except He. Upon Him I put trust, and to Him is my return.”
[18:110] Say, “I (Muhammad) am only a human being like yourselves; it is inspired to me (prophet) that your god is One god. So, whoever has committed to hope a meeting of his Lord, then he shall do deeds as righteous and will not associate anyone in worship of his Lord.”
[21:25] And we have not sent from before of you (prophet) any messenger except that we inspire to him that there is no god except I, so you shall worship Me.
[21:108] Say (prophet): “Indeed, it is inspired to me that your god is One god; so, will you be Submitter (to Him)?”
[41:6] Say (prophet), “I (Muhammad) am only a human being like yourselves; it is inspired to me (prophet) that your god is One god. So, you shall be straight to Him and shall ask His forgiveness, and woe for the idol worshipers.”

He was strengthened to stay in the right path

He was a human being and to make mistakes or to incline to fabricate something was not unusual to be considered a friend of his own people. But God strengthened him to stay in the right path and to recite what he was supposed to recite disregarding his own people to serve as just warner, and if it would not be the case, the revelation what was revealed to him would be taken away from him:

[11:12] Then that you are giving up a part of what is revealed to you, while your chest is straitened with it that they say: “Why has not been sent down a treasure for him, or an angel has come with him!” You are but a warner, and God is an Advocate over all things.
[17:73] And that they had almost done to tempt you (Muhammad) from that which we have revealed to you that you invent about us other than it, and then surely, they would have taken you as a friend!
[17:86] And surely if we had willed, surely we would have taken away of that which we have revealed to you (prophet). Then you would not find for you any protector against us with it.
[18:27] And you (prophet) shall recite what has been revealed to you from your Lord’s scripture. None can change in His words, and you will not find any refuge other than Him.

What he followed to stay in the straight path

He was told to recite to the people what was revealed to him as guidance and mercy for all, and also to warn them with it. But those who did not expect to meet their Lord asked him to change it while he did not disobey his Lord being afraid of the retribution of a great day. Even, it was prohibited for him to hasten with what was being revealed to him before its completion. Hence, he held fast what was revealed to him informing people that he had no knowledge about the future of his own or others as he was just a warner. In fact, he followed what was revealed to him being patient and asked Him to increase his knowledge to stay in the straight path:

[7:203] And when you do not bring them a sign, they say: “Why have you not got it?” Say: “I (Muhammad) only follow what is revealed to me from my Lord. This is enlightenment from your Lord, and guidance and mercy to a people who believe.”
[10:15] And when recited our revelations to them as clear proofs, said those who do not expect a meeting of us: “Bring a Quran other than this, or change it!” Say (prophet): “It is not for me that I can change it from my own accord. I do not follow except what is revealed to me. Indeed me, I fear if I have disobeyed my Lord – a punishment of a great Day!”
[10:109] And you (prophet) shall follow what is revealed to you and shall be patient until God gives judgment. And He is the best Judge.
[20:114] So high above all is God, the King, the True. And you are not to hasten with the Quran before that its revelation is completed to you (prophet), and say, “My Lord, increase me of knowledge.”
[21:45] Say: “I (Muhammad) only warn with the revelation.” And the deaf do not hear the call when they are warned.
[29:45] You shall recite what has been revealed to you (Muhammad) of the scripture, and shall establish the Salat Prayer. Indeed, the Salat Prayer prevents from vice and evil deeds, and surely, the remembering of God (through it) is the greatest. And God knows what you (all) do.
[33:2] And you (prophet) shall follow what is revealed to you from your Lord. Indeed, God is Cognizant of what you do.
[34:50] Say: “If I (prophet) have gone astray, then I will go astray for myself. And if I have been guided, then with that my Lord reveals to me. Indeed, He is Hearer, Near.”
[43:43] So you (prophet) shall hold fast to that which has been revealed to you; indeed, you are on a straight path.
[46:9] Say: “I (prophet) am not different from the messengers, and I do not know what will be done with me or with you. I do not follow except what is revealed to me, and I am not but a clear warner”

What he implored God for his own good

He was told to practice a religion of Abraham – Monotheism to be guided in a straight path dedicating his all praises prayers to God, the Lord of the universe. He was also enjoined to recite the Quran at dawn as well as to reflect with it at night to earn extra to be raised to a higher status at Him and to call on Him for an honorable admittance followed by an honorable departure. God has also let us know that He has left a room for any believer to achieve an honorable position calling on Him to raise his/her position at Him not being jealous on someone who has been chosen to warn us as well as to give us a good news:

[6:161] Say, “Indeed me (Muhammad), my Lod has guided me to a straight path – an established religion, a religion of Abraham – Monotheism; and he had not been with the idol worshipers.”
[6:162] Say, “Indeed, my salat prayer, and my dedication, and my life and my death, are for God, Lord of the worlds.
[6:163] There are no partners for Him. And along with that I have been commanded, and I am a first of the Submitters.”
[6:164] Say: “Can I seek lord other than God when He is Lord of everything?” And each soul cannot earn except for itself, and any bearer of burden cannot bear a burden of another. Then to your Lord is your return and He will inform you of what you had done to dispute in it.

[17:78] You (Muhammad) shall establish the salat prayer at declining of the sun towards a darkness of the night, and shall recite a Quran at the dawn; indeed, reciting a Quran at the dawn has been witnessed.
[17:79] And of the night that you shall meditate with it (Quran) as extra for you; it may have been that your Lord may raise you to a higher status.
[17:80] And say, “My Lord, admit me an honorable admittance, and depart me an honorable departure, and grant me from You a powerful support.”
[17:81] And say, “The truth has come and the falsehood has vanished; Indeed, the falsehood has been vanish.”

[10:2] Has it been a wonder for the people that we have revealed to a man from among them that you (prophet) shall warn the people and shall give good news to those who have believed that for them there is an honorable rank at their Lord? The disbelievers said: “Indeed, this is surely an obvious magician!”


The religion as well as worshiping of One god was inspired to prophet Muhammad for his own good as well as to preach it to others. In order for him to practice it in a right way he was inspired to follow the religion of Abraham who was not an idol worshiper but a true monotheist. Hence, the religion was not introduced at his time but was powered by the Quran providing the ways and means required for humanity to lead a righteous life. But there is a prevalent myth in the western world that Muhammad was the founder of Islam, even the majorities who call themselves Muslims believed that prophet Muhammad instituted the practices without knowing from the Quran.

God inspired him to follow the religion of Abraham being the perfect religion from Him. Thus, what would be logical to believe that he learned the religious practices that existed around him from his contemporaries to start practicing. And while he continued with his practices, he had corrected his practices with certain details in the Quran and also to reflect to the updates in the Quran including those who believed with him. However, the specific details of the rituals in the Quran not only helped him and his associates to perfect their practices but also are parameters for the people of subsequent generations to find right way to practice the God given rituals avoiding any innovations.

He was not only inspired to worship One god but he was also inspired to preach it to those who expect to meet their Lord. They need to do righteous works without associating anyone in the worship of their Lord and shall take a straight path asking His forgiveness while it is regret for the idol worshipers who are the losers. However, he was a human being and to make mistakes or to incline to fabricate something was not unusual for him to be considered a friend of his own people. But God strengthened him to stay in the right path and to recite what he was supposed to recite disregarding his own people to serve as just warner, and if it would not be the case, the revelation what was revealed to him would be taken away from him.

Now we know from the history as well as from the Quran that Muhammad was an idol worshiper and he was forbidden from idol worshiping when he was chosen as a messenger of God and the final prophet. He was warned to turn away from the idol worshipers otherwise all of his works would be nullified. However, he warned the people with what was being revealed to him but those who did not expect to meet their Lord asked him to change it while he did not disobey his Lord being afraid of the retribution of a great day. Even, he was prohibited to hasten with what was being revealed to him before its completion.

As a warner he recited to the people what was revealed to him informing them that he had no knowledge about the future of his own or others. He also followed it being patient and asked God to increase his knowledge to stay in the straight path while he practiced the religion of Abraham to be guided in a straight path dedicating his all praises and prayers to God, the Lord of the universe. He was enjoined to recite the Quran at dawn and to reflect with it at night to earn extra to be raised to a higher status at Him including calling on Him for an honorable admittance and an honorable exit.

The review is an opportunity for us to confirm that the prophet is innocent of what the so called Muslim scholars attributed to him being his sayings and deeds. But what is a good news for all of us is God has left a room for every believer to be raised to an honorable position at Him leaving no reason for us to be jealous on him who has been chosen to warn as well as to give us a good news, or not to turn us idol worshipers for making excessive focus on him as a person instead of a prophet turning our God given religion to be a personality cult or paganism.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (8/10/2018).