
Islam is a universal religion introduced by God for mankind

The precise number of religions in the world is not known, but available estimates show the number to be about 4,300, according to, while there is another estimate around us to be approximately 10,000 religions in the world. Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism are some of the most widespread religions in the world in terms of global population percentage, while Judaism makes up a smaller percentage of the population. Hinduism is claimed  to be an ancient religion and Buddhism is a variant of it not being God is the only worshiper of the followers, while Judaism, Christianity and Islam are known to be based on the scriptural support claimed being God is the only worshiper of the followers. However, our focus is to make to understand the right religion that God has given us based on the existing scripture to make our journey simple and easy by understanding His religion as dictated by Him and follow what makes sense to us befitting to the generation we are living now.

Comparative study and analysis made by Dr. Maurice Bucaille substantiate that the Seventh century text had more likelihood of coming down to us unaltered than other texts that are as many as fifteen centuries older. It is made more to excuse the alternations made in Judeo-Christian texts in the course of centuries than to underline the notion that the text of the Quran, which was more recent, had less to fear from being modified by man. The clear proof of the authenticity of the Quran being confirmed from how it came to be written that the process involved with it. In the case of Old Testament, the sheer number of authors who tell the same story, plus all the revisions carried out on the text of certain books from the pre-Christian era, constitute as many reasons for inaccuracy and contradiction, while for the Gospels, nobody can claim that they invariably contain faithful accounts of Jesus’s words, or a description of his actions strictly in keeping reality, but have been found how successive versions of the texts showed a lack of definite authenticity, and moreover that their authors were not eyewitnesses.

  • With God there is one scripture for mankind, and He has sent down a reminder from it from time to time to control His religion being the Quran is the final scripture.

[43:4] And indeed, it (Arabic Quran) is in the Mother Scripture with us, is surely High, Wise.

[21:2] Not a reminder comes to them from their Lord being new, except that they listen to it paying no attention.

[42:13] He has decreed for you the religion what He had decreed for Noah, and what we has inspired to you (Muhammad), and what we had decreed for Abraham, Moses, and Jesus: “You shall uphold the religion, and do not divide it.” Hard for the idolaters is that to which you call them. God chooses to Himself whomever He wills and He guides to Himself whoever turns.

[33:40] Muhammad has not been a father of anyone of your men, but has been a messenger of God and a seal of the prophets. And God has done as Knower of everything.

  • With God there is only one religion, which is Monotheism being it of His instinct on which He has created mankind distinguishing it from idol worshiping. Monotheists belong to God, not being those who associate partner(s) with Him. Thus, we are born with a religion of Monotheism, i.e., with a belief that there is one God whom we would worship, while God has warned us that most people will not be able to reflect that.

[16:120] Indeed, Abraham has been a community of Monotheism being obedient to God, and he was not with the idol worshipers.

[16:123] Then we have inspired to you (Muhammad) that you shall follow a religion of Abraham – Monotheism; and he has not been with the idol worshipers.

[22:31] Monotheists belong to God, not being those who associate partners with Him; and whoever associates partner(s) with God, then it is like that he had fallen from the sky, then the bird snatches him, or the wind blows of him to a far-off place.

[30:30] So, you (Muhammad) shall establish yourself to the religion of Monotheism, an instinct of God which on it He has created mankind. There is no change of God’s creation. That is the established religion, but most of the people do not know.

  • God had given a complete set of practices of Monotheism to Abraham and named those Submitters who have practiced them but have fooled themselves who have turned away from them, while he had neither been a Jew nor a Christian but a Submitter of Monotheism:

[22:78] And you all shall strive in God of His true striving. He has chosen you and has made no difficulty upon you in the religion, a religion of your father Abraham. He (God) has named you Submitters (Muslimeen in Arabic) before and in this that the messenger would be a witness over you, and you would be witnesses over the people. So, you shall establish the salat prayer and shall give the zakat, and shall hold fast to God; He is your Protector, so has been the excellent Protector and has been the excellent Supporter.

[2:130] And who turns away from a religion of Abraham except whoever has fooled himself? And certainly, we have chosen him in the world, and indeed, he is in the Hereafter surely, will be with the righteous.

[41:33] And who is better in utterance than whoever has invited to God, and has done as righteous, and has said: “Indeed, I am one of the Submitters.”

[2:135] And they said, “You shall be Jews or Christians to guide.” Say, “Nay, (we follow) a religion of Abraham – Monotheism; and he had not been with the idol worshipers.

[3:67] Abraham has neither been a Jew, nor a Christian; but he had been a Submitter of Monotheism, and he had not been with the idol worshipers.

[3:68] Indeed, best are the people of Abraham those who have followed him and this prophet (Quran), and those who have believed; and God is a Protector of the believers.

  • God has defined a Submitter (Muslim in Arabic) whoever has submitted himself to God, while Submission (Islam in Arabic) is a religion that belongs to Him and He makes it prevail over any other religions:

[4:125] And who has better religion than one who has submitted himself to God, and he is a good-doer and has followed a religion of Abraham, Monotheism? And God has chosen Abraham as a friend.

[3:19] Indeed, the religion with God is Submission; and had not differed those who have been given the scripture except after what has come to them the knowledge out of jealousy between themselves. And whoever disbelieves in God’s revelations, then indeed, God is swift in the reckoning.

[3:83] Do they then seek other than God’s religion while to Him has submitted whatever is in the heavens and the earth in willingness and unwillingness, and to Him they will be returned?

[3:85] And whoever seeks other than Submission as religion, will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter, he will be with the losers.

[9:33] He is the One who sent His messenger with the guidance and the religion of truth to prevail it over any other religion, even if the idol worshipers dislike (it).

[48:28] He is the One who sent His messenger with the guidance and a religion of the truth to make it prevail over any other religion. And God is sufficient as a witness.

[61:9] He is the One who sent His messenger with the guidance and a religion of the truth to make it prevail over any other religion, even though the disbelievers dislike (it).

  • God has given us religion what we should practice being sincere, devoted it to Him to prepare ourselves for the day to receive full recompose from Him, while He wants His worshipers to be intelligent who will research and study, then they will follow their sincere convictions verifying with their own intelligence given by Him:

[39:2] Indeed, we sent down to you (Muhammad) the scripture with the truth; so you shall worship God being sincere, devoted the religion to Him.

[39:11] Say, “I (Muhammad) have been commanded to worship God being sincere, devoted the religion to Him.”

[39:14] Say, “I (Muhammad) worship God being sincere, devoted my religion to Him.”

[40:14] So, call upon God being sincere, devoted the religion to Him, even though the disbelievers dislike (it).

Note: Even though references found addressing the prophet but are equally applicable to all the believers.

[16:111] The day will come when every soul will be pleading for itself, and every soul will be paid in full for whatever it had done, and they will not be wronged.

[39:18] They are the ones who examine all words, then follow the best. These are the ones whom God has guided; these are the ones who possess intelligence.

[16:78] And God has brought you out of your mothers’ wombs while you knew nothing. And He has given you the hearing and the eyesight and the understanding, so that you may be thankful.

[17:36] And do not follow that which has not for you any knowledge of it. Indeed, the hearing, and the vision, and the understanding – each of those has made to be accountable of it.

[23:78] He is the One who has given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the understanding. Rarely are you appreciative.

  • God has sent down the Quran being it the last reminder for the world (12:104, 38:87, 68:52, 81:27), and has placed certain promise and prophecies in it, which are destined to fulfill at the right time to guide the humanity in the right direction. The mathematical coding of the Quran (74:30-37) being a reminder (74:31) to provide physical proofs to purify the God given practices corrupted over the period of time being unveiled by His messenger through the fulfillment of the connected divine promise and prophecies in it (3:81, 33:7, 15:9, 27:82, 44:13) supported with a sign of 19 (74:30) to bring people back to His revelations as well as to guard every aspect of the revealed Quran against any human intervention to continue to exist a pure text until the end of the world:

[12:104] And you do not ask them any wage for it. It is but a reminder for the world.

[38:87] It is but a reminder for the world.

[68:52] It is but a reminder for the world.

[81:27] It is but a reminder for the world.

[74:30] Over it is nineteen.

[74:31] And we have not made guardians of the Fire except angels, and we have not made their number except a warning for those who disbelieved, that it may ascertain those who have been given the scripture (Jews and Christians) and may increase faith of those who have believed (Muslims), and may not doubt those who have been given the scripture (Jews and Christians) and the believers (Muslims). And that may say those in their hearts there is a disease (hypocrites) and the disbelievers, “What has God meant by this allegory?” Thus, God misguides whomever He wills and He guides whomever He wills. And none knows your Lord’s soldiers except He. And it is not except a reminder for the human race

Note: The mathematical coding of the Quran is a reminder for the human race.

[74:32-34] Nay, (I swear) by the moon, and the night when it has departed, and the morning when it brightened.

[74:35] Indeed, it is surely one of the great (reminders)

Note: The coding of the Quran is a great reminder, which has been affirmed followed by an oath of God referring to 3 items in the oath.

[74:36-37] A warning to the human race. For whoever has willed among you to advance, or to stay behind.

Note: The reminder is a warning to accept to advance or to reject to stay behind when comes to them.

[3:81] And when God had taken a covenant of the prophets: “Surely, whatever I have given you from a scripture and wisdom, then there has come to you a messenger confirming that which is with yourselves. You must believe in him and you must support him.” He said: “Have you affirmed and taken My covenant on that?” They said: “We have affirmed.” He said: “So, you shall bear witness, and I am with you among the witnesses.”

[33:7] And when we had taken from the prophets their covenant, and from you (Muhammad), and from Noah, and Abraham, and Moses, and Jesus, son of Mary. And we had taken from them a solemn covenant.

[15:9] Indeed, we have sent down the reminder; and indeed, we are surely protectors of it.

[27:82] And when the punishment has fulfilled upon them, we have brought forth for them a creature from the earth to speak to them that the people have been with our revelations do not ascertain.

[44:13] How was for them the reminder, and certainly, there had come to them a clarifying messenger.

Abraham had been given a religion of Islam as a complete set of practices of God’s religion of Monotheism honoring him to be a father of Muslims, and he had been a community of Submitters. Thus, the prophets and messengers after him down the generations and their followers would have practiced Islam. But it is unfortunate that the people of scripture have turned themselves to Jews, Christians and Muhammedans deviating from a religion of Abraham inventing Judaism, Christianity and Muhammedanism as their religions, not found in any existing scripture, even though they show up and claim themselves that they practice a God given religion being the followers of the divine scripture, which is not except their wishful thinking what their egos desire. God is most merciful and has given the people the final reminder and the most authentic scripture with an opportunity to return them to perfect faith and practices when there are disputes, even having facts not to have any doubts.

Peaceful Friday,

salaam and God bless.

Tafazzal (09/27/2024).