There are couple or more concepts on Pillars of Islam around us founded on the primary obligations to communicate Islamic teachings and practices in a concise way covering its basic requirements and their fulfillments. But the 5-pillar concept is more popular among Muslim community, academicians, people of other religions and other people all over the world. The pillars that are included in the concept are: 1. Confession (shahaadah), 2. Salat Prayer (al-salata), 3. Zakat Giving (al-zakata), 4. Fasting (siyaam) and 5. Pilgrimage (Hajj).
We do not know exactly when these five pillars were defined but it is one of the assumptions about Islamic history that the five pillars were already set and in place at the time of the Prophet’s death in 632 C.E. This is not a good assumption that we may realize from later discussion and consequences like the assumption around us that prophet Muhammad was a founder of Islam. However, let us examine the pillars of the present concept to make sure whether it is well defined including all required major components or there is anything missing in it that need to be complemented to make it more clear and complete. Below discussion is an attempt to learn about overall Islamic teachings to include anything in the concept if it is missing to share the fundamentals of Islam with the people for better understanding of Islam as well as to prevent them from practicing a corrupted form of Islam in the disguise of Islam around the globe.
The Arabic word, al-deen can be translated to “religion” in English, while the word “religion” comes from the Latin word “religio” meaning “to bind together.” Therefore, the idea that comes first to our mind what it binds together are theology, philosophy and spirituality. Literally, theology deals with truth, philosophy with reasoning and spiritually with religious ideas. However, these three ingredients of religion improve the morality of humankind and elevate society in three different ways – theology through fear, philosophy through logic and spirituality through love. Islam, by the grace of God, has accommodated all them in correct and rightful proportions and God has placed the monotheism, the natural instinct into the people to uplift moral and social values:
[2:256] There is no compulsion in the religion. Certainly, it has made distinct the right from the wrong. So, whoever disbelieves in the false deities and believes in God, then certainly, he has grasped with the strongest bond, there is no break of it. And God is Hearer, Knower.
[3:19] Indeed, the religion with God is Submission; and has not differed those who have been given the scripture except after what has come to them the knowledge out of jealousy between them. And whoever disbelieves in God’s revelations, then indeed, God is swift in the reckoning.
[3:83] Is there then other than God’s religion that they can seek? While to Him has submitted whatever is in the heavens and the earth in willingness and unwillingness, and to Him they will be returned.
[3:85] And whoever seeks other than Submission as religion, then will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter, he will be with the losers.
[30:30] So, you shall establish yourself for the religion of Monotheism, an instinct of God, which on it He has created mankind. There is no change of God’s creation. That is the established religion, but most of the people do not know.
Submission (Islam in Arabic) is a practice of God’s religion of Monotheism given by God (Allah in Arabic) who is our god (Elaaha in Arabic) being our Creator, Lord, Protector and Master, and its foundation is to ‘Worship God Alone’ and therefore, all worship has to be devoted absolutely to God alone. Islam is an Arabic word comes from the root word “Aslamu” means ‘submit’ or ‘surrender’, and Islam is a verbal noun according to Arabic grammar. By definition, anyone who submits or surrenders to God voluntarily and devotes his worship to Him Alone is a Submitter (Muslim in Arabic). God has created us as well as has introduced religion for us as He knows what is good for us and what need to be done by us to improve us. Thus, one can only be a submitter by his heart and soul through appropriate beliefs and perfect practicing of its rites as given by Him being aware of His teachings and laws leading a righteous life as prescribed through His statute Book which is complete, perfect, explained in detail having a best explanation to guide us in the straight path until the end of the world. Therefore, there is no way for us to think or rely on any other sources or to follow any laws or teachings other than God to be part of His perfect religion to nullify our all praise and prayers being idol worshipers:
[2:62] Indeed, those who have believed, and those who have been Jews, and the Christians, and the Sabians – whoever has believed in God and the Last Day, and has done the righteous deeds, then for them there is their reward with their Lord, and there is no fear for them, nor will they grieve.
[3:19] Indeed, the religion with God is Submission; and has not differed those who have been given the scripture except after what has come to them the knowledge out of jealousy between them. And whoever disbelieves in God’s revelations, then indeed, God is swift in the reckoning.
[3:83] Is there then other than God’s religion that they can seek? While to Him has submitted whatever is in the heavens and the earth in willingness and unwillingness, and to Him they will be returned.
[3:85] And whoever seeks other than Submission as a religion, then will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter, he will be with the losers.
Pillars of Islam
By definition pillars are the fundamentals on which Islam is established. Upon careful review, it is found that the 5-pillar concept of Islam is incomplete as one of the major components is missing in the concept, which leaves a room for the Islamic religionists to shape it incorporating alleged prophet’s hadiths and sunnah, even fatwas according to their opinions or consensus to divert themselves as well as their blind followers from Islam to the corrupted belief and practices in disguise of Islam all over the world. Islam is a God’s religion and no one is authorized to add anything to it or remove anything from it, and this is the system which is continuing from the past. Hence, the vast majority those who claim them that they follow Islam or are Muslims have corrupted beliefs and practices based on their own version of Islam. The following primary obligations that each Muslim must fulfill in his or her lifetime to do the righteous deeds to be eligible for the reward from God are:
1. Scripture (Quran)
Being Muslims, the very first thing that should come to our minds is the Quran being guidance, statute book, wisdom, truth, mercy, healing, instruction, straight path, good news, warning and a complete and detailed scripture, which is not included when the five pillars concept of Islam was defined by our old scholars, while the Quran teaches us that the scripture and the religion are two handles to hold fast to God. Shahadah is our commitment and confession, while our beliefs need to be instilled in our hearts and the practicing of religious rites as given by God need to be perfected that can only be done by studying and learning details from the Quran being the only source of all our religious laws and teachings from God (2:185 and 25:1), otherwise we will end up disputing and dividing ourselves (3:103).
The five pillars concept of Islam passed down to us but the Quran revealed through prophet Muhammad as the final edition of scripture (33:40) completing and perfecting religion for us (5:3) has not been included in the concept. Hence, there is legitimate reason to include the Quran to be the first pillar in the pillar concept to duly present the fundamentals of Islam to the world as well as to give the structure and function of Islam providing the definite boundary for the believers. This can be justified from the teachings of God who is an author and teacher of the Quran (10:37, 55:2) that we should read it cover to cover (73:4) as well as every day as much as we can (73:20) to know His word and follow His laws (17:9, 29:45, 6:106, 7:3).
We have also mathematical confirmation of Quran to be our guidance. The word “Quran” is mentioned in the Quran 58 times but one instance refers to “another Quran” which has no existence (10:15). Thus, the “Quran” which has been revealed is mentioned in the Quran 57 times which is multiple of 19 => 57 (19 x 3).
2. Confession (Shahaadah)
Shahaadah is the second pillar of Islam that every Muslim bears witness to the oneness of God by reciting the creed “There is no god except God” or “laa-ilaaha illaa allah” in Arabic found in the Quran (3:18, 37:35, 47:19). Muhammad’s name as a messenger of God is appended to corrupt the Shahadah by the followers of the corrupt version of Islam who claim them to be Muslims.
This is the confession that God is the One and Only God, that God alone is worthy of worship, and that God alone is the sovereign Lord who does whatever He wills, which need to be established in our hearts through our works (49:14-15).
The mathematical confirmation of ‘God Alone’ eliminates any trace of doubt from the hearts of the true believers. The 5 instances of “Wahdahu” (Alone) which refer to God are found in 4 suras of the Quran. The sum of sura and verse numbers is a multiple of 19 =>7 + 70 + 39 + 45 + 40 + 12 + 84 + 60 + 4 = 361 (19 x 19). This mathematical analysis also confirms that 19 is not only the common denominator being the Quran’s code but it is also another name of God in numeric form in addition to One (Waheed). It is noted that the gematrical value of the Arabic word, Waheed (in pronunciation) is 19.
3. Salat Prayer (al-salata)
The Arabic counterpart of Contact Prayer is ‘Salat’ which comes from the root word ‘Sila’ means make connect or contact. As such, we make direct contact with God 5 times a day through the Contact Prayers for redemption of our sins as well as for growth of our souls to stand before the physical presence of God on the Day of Judgment. We observe Salat to nourish our souls knowing it to be the prime source of nutrient for our souls (29:45) through remembering God (20:14).
The prayers as decreed by God based on time for the believers are Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha. The first prayer is at dawn and the last one at night. In addition, Friday congregational prayer is also required instead of Dhuhr prayer. Although Salat can he performed alone, it is meritorious to perform it with another or with a group and someone in the group who is more knowledge and righteous to be selected to lead the congregational prayer as leading a prayer is higher responsibility but a female is not permissible to lead a prayer of the mixed group of male and female. It is permissible to pray at home, at work, or even outdoors; however it is recommended that Muslims will perform their Salat in a mosque, especially the Friday Congressional Prayer.
There are many corrupted practices of the religious rites given by God but the most corrupted one is the Salat Prayer. It is full of misconceptions, and innovations and additions that are practiced by the so called Muslims all over the world. There are extra Rak’ahs and extra Salat, even there is a fairy tale among traditional Muslims that prophet Muhammad negotiated with God going back and forth to Him to get 5 times of Salat Prayer a day from 50 times of Salat Prayer a day originally prescribed by Him. There is not a greater blasphemy than this about the Salat Prayer.
God’s commandment to establish the salat prayer is found in 67 instances of 63 verses across 28 surahs in the Quran. If we add the relevant surah and verse numbers, the total is divisible by the code 19 of the Quran => 4674 (19 x 246). In addition, there are also other instances of ‘Salat’ in other verses of the Quran, which are opportunities for us from God to perfect our Salat through practicing it over the period of time.
4. Zakat Giving (al-zakata)
God’s commandment of the obligatory charity (Zakat) is an important gift for our souls (7:156, 6:141, 2:43, 2:177, 4:162, 5:12). The vital importance of Zakat is reflected in God’s law: “My mercy encompasses all things, but I will specify it for the righteous who give Zakat” (7:156).
Zakat is due “on a day of the harvest” (6:141). Hence, whenever we receive “net income” we must set aside 2.5% (70:24) and give it to the specified recipients – the parents, relatives, orphans, the poor, and the traveling alien, in this order (2:215).
Zakat must be carefully calculated and given away on a regular basis whenever we receive any income. Government taxes should be deducted, but not other expenses such as debts, mortgages, and living expenses. If one does not know needy persons, he or she may give the Zakat to a mosque or charitable organization with the distinct purpose of helping poor people. Charities given to mosques or hospitals or organizations cannot be considered Zakat.
There are also misconceptions and corruptions in Zakat such as to be paid from excess after deducting all expenses at the end of the year, pay Zakat Al-Fitra etc.
God’s commandment of zakat found in 26 verses of 14 suras in the Quran God has precisely commanded us for giving Zakat (Obligatory Charity), and if the relevant verse and sura numbers are added, the sum is a multiple of 19 => 1976 = 19 x 104. This mathematical confirmation is also a physical fact that salat and zakat are twin sister for participating instances of both salat and zakat together. There is another mathematical confirmation of Zakat (including instances of Haq) from 31 instances in 19 suras, and if we add the relevant sura numbers and verse numbers, the total is divisible by the code 19 of the Quran => 2394 = 2394 (19 x126). In addition, there are also other instances of ‘Zakat’ in other verses of the Quran being the traits of a righteous which are opportunities for the righteous given by God that can be achieved over time.
5. Fasting (Siyaam or Sawm)
Submitters (Muslims) all over the world fast during the month of Ramadan from the beginning of dawn to sunset, which is obligatory to them. In addition, they may also fast in the event of violating any laws to rectify themselves, which is optional to them. During fasting, Submitters abstain from eating, drinking and sexual activity as commanded by God in the Quran. If a person is unable to fast for some reason, God gives him or her other options. Therefore, those who are sick, pregnant, elderly, or traveling, can make up an equal number of days later in the year. If they are physically unable to do this, they can feed a needy person for every day missed. Apparently, fasting seems to be hardship for us but God did not reveal His law if it would be hardship for us (3:108). In fact, God’s commandment of fasting for us is for our spiritual and physical benefits.
Many medical professionals recognize that fasting is beneficial to our health. It provides a break in the cycle of rigid habits and gives some of our internal organs much-needed rest. However, in our emphasis on refraining from food, drink, and marital relations during the daylight hours, we should not forget many other important aspects of this sacred time. Perhaps, it would help us to remember not only the physical act of fasting, but also its underlying purpose.
There are also misconceptions and corruptions in Ramadan fasting such as to start and end fasting upon moon sighting, Tarawih, Eid Al-Fitr prayer at the end of Ramadan, to pay Zakat Al-Fitra, annual observance of a night of the Power etc.
We have two mathematical confirmations of fasting including Ramadan fasting mentioned in 4 verses in 1 surah of the Quran, and if the surah and verse numbers are added, the sum is a multiple of 19 => 741 = 19x39, and both obligatory (Ramadan) and optional fasting mentioned in the 10 verses of 5 suras in the Quran, and if we add the relevant sura and verse numbers, the sum is multiple of 19 => 1387 (19 x 73).
6. Pilgrimage (Hajj)
This is the pilgrimage to Mecca (3:96, 22:26, 22:27). It is an obligatory duty for those Muslims who are financially able to meet the cost for the journey to Makkah and are physically able to complete all the rituals involved with it (3:97). Since the Hajj is usually once in a lifetime, a Muslim may consider the spiritual growth of his or her soul as well before intending to fulfill this obligation.
The 12th month of the Islamic calendar is called Zul-Hijja and it is the first of the four consecutive months 12th , 1st , 2nd and 3rd during which God decreed the Hajj. The birth of the new moon of the month of Zul Al-Hijja signals the beginning of the four months of Hajj.
A normal Hajj has two parts: Umrah and Hajj, and a pilgrim follows a series of rituals in a sequential order that are found in the Quran such as Ihraam (wearing Ihram Garments), ‘Tawaaf’ (circling the Ka’ba), Sai (traversing Safa and Marwah), visiting and filing together (Arafat), visiting and night halt (Muzdalifah), and symbolic stoning of Satan (at 3 stations) and Animal Sacrifice staying minimum couple of days at Mena. Talbiyah is recited throughout pilgrimage: “labbayka allaahumma labbayk labbayka laa-shareeka laka labbayk” (I have responded to You, My God, I have responded to You; I have responded to You, You have no partners, I have responded to You).
There are many corruptions in Hajj. The corrections like mingling of regular months with sacred months, and the selection only the month of Zul Al-Hijja for performing Hajj are very significant ones. If Hajj is spread over the four months as commanded by God in the Quran all the millions of Muslims who wish to make it to Hajj would have a fair chance to do so. The overcrowding with all its multiple problems and difficulties will be eliminated.
There is a set of 41 verses across 8 suras in the Quran in connection with Hajj and Umrah. If the relevant sura numbers and verse numbers are added, the total is a multiple of 19 => 4047 = 19x213. This mathematical interpretation confirms that the able Muslims are required to fulfill this obligation during their lifetime following a prescribed manner, and any disputes regarding the Hajj can be resolved reviewing these verses carefully.
God has introduced religion for humans to help them to improve their beliefs as well as to provide them clear teachings for their better understanding, proper practicing of religious rites and leading a righteous life. The scripture or any other forms of divine message as sent to the humanity had always been crucial to shape His religion. Thus, He sent down the Quran to give the framework of Islam as He did the same for the previous communities by sending down other scriptures in the past as well. Thus, the Quran through which Islam is completed with its revelation through prophet Muhammad for the people of the world (5:3). Since we cannot imagine God’s religion without His scripture, the popular 5-pillar concept of Islam as defined excluding the Quran could not be complete or perfect. Therefore, the first pillar to be the Quran being only source of God’s laws and limits, while the statement of faith to be the second pillar found in the Quran, which is the first commandment of ten commandments given to Moses, would complete or perfect the concept of pillar.
There is no doubt that the absence of the Quran in the concept was a satanic trick to make a room for the so called Islamic religionists to take the control of Islam in their hands and shape it by adding many religious rules and rituals to it based on alleged hadith and sunnah as well as according to their opinions or consensus. They divert themselves as well as their blind followers from correct beliefs and practices of Islam found in the Quran to corrupt beliefs and practices as prescribed by them to be essential part of Islam. Thus, Islam founded on the concept of six pillars including Quran being its first pillar may be an appropriate way to communicate basic understanding of Islam to the believers as well as for the awareness of Islam among other people all over the world to know the true Islam and its practices.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (3/4/2016)