
Review instances of sammaa & its related forms in Quran


There are 50 instances of sammaa and its related forms in the Quran can be grouped into 3 grammatical forms as shown in the table below are reviewed to better understand their meanings in different contexts even keeping in mind that the Arabic words may have different meanings in the different contexts:

Note: The above table is populated with data obtained from the

Details of instances of sammaa

There are 8 instances of sammaa in the verb form II meaning “to name” found in 8 verses across 7 surahs are detailed out below:

[3:36] Then when she had delivered her, she said, “My Lord, indeed, I have delivered her a female,” while God is Knower of what she has delivered and it has not been the male like the female. “And that I have named her Mary (wa-innee sammaytuhaa maryama) and that I seek refuge for her in You and her offspring from the Satan, the rejected.”

[7:71] He (Hud) said, “Certainly, has fallen curse and anger upon you from your Lord. Do you argue with me about names you have named them (sammaytumuuhaa) – you and your forefathers, God has not sent down any authority to them? Then wait; indeed, I am with you among the waiters.”

[12:40] You do not worship other than Him except names you have named them (sammaytumuuhaa) – you and your forefathers; God has not sent down any authority to them. None but to God belongs the judgment. He has commanded that you do not worship except Him alone. That is the established religion, but most of the people do not know.

[13:33] Is then He whoever a Maintainer of every soul for what it has earned, while they have made partners to God. Say, “You shall name them (sammuuhum) or you may inform Him of what He does not know in the earth, or of being apparent of the words?” Nay, it has been made fair-seeming their plotting to those who have disbelieved, while they have been hindered from the path. And whomever God lets go astray, then there is no guide for him.

[22:78] And you (the believers) shall strive in God of His true striving. He has chosen you and has not made any difficulty upon you in the religion – a religion of your father Abraham. He has named you the Submitters before (huwa sammaakumu al-mus’limeena min qablu) and in this (Quran) that the messenger would be a witness over you, and you would be witnesses over the people. So you shall establish the salat prayer and shall give the zakat, and shall hold fast to God. He is your Protector that He has been the excellent Protector and has been the excellent Supporter.

[53:23] These (Allat, Aluzzah and Manat) are not but names you have named them (sammaytumuuhaa) – you and your forefathers. God has not sent down any authority to them. They do not follow except the conjecture and what desires the souls, and certainly, has come to them the guidance from their Lord.

[53:27] Indeed, those who do not believe in the Hereafter; surely, they name the angels (la’yusammuuna al-malaaikata) with the female naming.

[76:18] A spring therein is named Salsabil. (`aynan feehaa tusammaa salsabeelan)

Details of instance of is’m

There are 39 instances of is’m in the noun form meaning “name” found in 36 verses across 25 surahs are detailed out below:

[1:1] In the Name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful (bis’mi allahi al-rahmaani raheem).

[2:31] And He had taught Adam the names of their all (wa-`allama aadama al-asmaa-a kullahaa). Then He had displayed them to the angels, then He said, “Inform Me names of these (anbiuuni-i bi-asmaai haaulaai), if you have been truthful.”

[2:33] He said, “O Adam, inform them of their names (anbia’hum bi-asmaaihim).” Then when he had informed them of their names (falammaa anbaa-ahum bi-asmaaihim), He said, “Did I not say to you that I know unseen of the heavens and the earth, and I know what you reveal and what you have done to conceal?”

[2:114] And who is more wicked than whoever has prevented from God’s masjids to be remembered His name in them (mimman mana`a masaajida allahi an yudh’kara feehaa us’muhu) and has strived for their destruction? These – it has not been for them that they enter them except being fearful. For them there is a disgrace in the world and for them there is a great punishment in the Hereafter.

[3:45] When the angels said, “O Mary, indeed, God gives you good news with a word from Him – his name is the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary (us’muhu al-maseehu `eesaa ub’nu maryama) to be honor in the world and the Hereafter, and of those who are brought near.

[5:4] They ask you (Muhammad) what has been made lawful for them; say, “It has been made lawful for you the good things, and what you have taught of the hunting animals, as trainers you teach them of what God has taught you.” So you shall eat from what they have caught for you, and shall mention God’s name upon it (wa-udh’kuruu is’ma allahi `alayhi), and shall fear God. Indeed, God is swift in the reckoning.

[6:118] So, you shall eat from that God’s name has been mentioned upon it (mimmaa dhukira us’mu allahi `alayhi), if you have been believers in His revelations.

[6:119] And what is for you that you do not eat from that God’s name has been mentioned upon it (mimmaa dhukira us’mu allahi `alayhi), while certainly, He has explained in detail for you what He has forbidden upon you except what you have been compelled upon it? And indeed, many surely mislead with their desires without knowledge. Indeed, your Lord – He is Knower of the transgressors.

[6:121] And you do not eat from that God’s name is not mentioned upon it (mimmaa lam yudh’kari us’mu allahi `alayhi), and indeed, it is surely an abomination. And indeed, the devils surely inspire to their allies that they dispute with you; and if you have obeyed them, indeed, you surely are idolaters.

[6:138] And they said, “These livestock and crops are forbidden; none can eat them except whomever we will,” by their claim. And livestock – their backs are forbidden, and livestock –  they do not mention God’s name upon them (laa-yadh’kuruuna is’ma allahi `alayhaa) are invention against Him. He will recompense them for what they have done to invent.

[7:71] He (Hud) said, “Certainly, has fallen curse and anger upon you from your Lord. Do you argue with me about names (a-tujaadiluunai-i fee asmaain) you have named them – you and your forefathers, God has not sent down any authority to them? Then wait; indeed, I am with you among the waiters.”

[7:180] And to God belongs the graceful names (wa-lillahi al-as’maau al-hus’naa); so, you shall call upon Him with them and shall disregard those who deviate from His names (wa-dharuu alladheena yul’hiduuna fee as’maaihi). They will be recompensed what they have done to achieve.

[11:41] And he (Noah) said, “Embark in it in the name of God (ir’kabuu feehaa bis’mi allahi), is its sailing and of its anchoraged. Indeed, my Lord is Forgiving, Merciful.”

[12:40] You do not worship other than Him except names (maa-ta`buduuna min duunihi illaa as’maa-an) you have named them – you and your forefathers; God has not sent down any authority to them. The judgment is not but belongs to God; He has commanded that you do not worship except Him alone. That is the established religion, but most of the people do not know.

[17:110] Say (Muhammad), “Call on God or call on the Gracious. Whatever you call on, that to Him belongs the graceful names (fa’lahu al-as’maau al-hus’naa).” And do (Muhammad) not be loud in your salat prayer, nor do you be silent in it, and you shall use a path in between that.

[19:7] “O Zachariah, indeed, we give you a good news of a boy – his name is John (bi-ghulaamin us’muhu yah’yaa), we do not give name to it (anyone) before.

[20:8] God: there is no god except He. To Him belong the graceful names (lahu al-as’maau al-hus’naa).

[22:28] That they may witness benefits for them, and they may remember God’s name (wa-yadhkuruu is’ma allahi) in a specified days over what He has provided them of the four-footed livestock. That you shall eat from it and shall feed the needy deprived ones.

[22:34] And for each community we have made a rite that they may remember God’s name (li’yadhkuruu is’ma allahi) over what He has provided them of the four-footed livestock that your god is One god. So, to Him you shall submit, and shall give good news to the humble ones.

[22:36] And the livestock we have made them for you one of God’s rites; for you there is good in it. So, you shall mention God’s name upon them in lines (fa-udh’kuruu is’ma allahi `alayhaa sawaaffa); then when are down on their sides; then you shall eat from them and shall feed the poor and the needy. Thus that we have subjected them for you so that you may appreciate.

[22:40] Those who have been evicted from their homes without just, except that they say, “Our Lord is God.” If it were not God’s repelling of the people – one of them by other; surely, it would have been demolished monasteries, and churches, and synagogues, and masjids wherein God’s name is frequently mentioned (yudh’karu feehaa us’mu allahi katheeran) . And surely, God will help whoever helps Him. Indeed, God is surely Strong, Almighty.

[24:36] In houses, God has ordered that His name to be raised and mentioned in them (adhina allahu an tur’fa`a wa-yudh’kara feehaa us’muhu). Glorifies for Him in them in the mornings and the evenings.

[27:30] Indeed, it is from Solomon, and indeed, it is in the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful (bis’mi allahi al-rahmaani al-raheemi).

[49:11] O you who have believed, a people should not ridicule any other people, it may have been that they may be better than them, nor should any women ridicule any other women, it may have been that they may be better than them. And you do not insult yourselves, nor do you call each other by the nicknames. It has been evil is the name of disobedience after the faith (bi’sa al-us’mu al-fusuuqu ba’da al-eemaani). And whoever does not repent, then those – they are the wrongdoers.

[53:23] These (Allat, Aluzzah and Manat) are not but names (in hiya illaa asmaaon) you have named them – you and your forefathers. God has not sent down any authority to them. They do not follow except the conjecture and what desires the souls, and certainly, has come to them the guidance from their Lord.

[55:78] Blessed is your Lord’s name (tabaaraka us’mu rabbika), Possessor of the Majesty and the Honor.

[56:74] So you shall glorify with your Lord’s name, the Great (fa-sabbih bi-is’mi rabbika al-`azeemi).

[56:96] So you shall glorify with your Lord’s name, the Great (fa-sabbih bi-is’mi rabbika al-`azeemi).

[59:24] He is God: the Creator, the Initiator, the Designer. To Him are the graceful names (lahu al-as’maau al-hus’naa). Glorifies for Him whatever is in the heavens and the earth. And He is the Almighty, the Wise.

[61:6] And when Jesus, son of Mary said, “O Children of Israel, indeed, I am a messenger of God to you with a confirmation of that which was before me of the Torah and a bearer of good news of a messenger to come after me – his name to be Ahmad (wa-mubashiran bi-rasuulin yatee min ba’di-i us’muhu ah’madu).” Then when he had come to them with the clear proofs, they said, “This is a clear magic.”

[69:52] So, you shall glorify with your Lord’s name, the Great (fa-sabbih bi-is’mi rabbika al-`azeemi).

[73:8] And you (prophet) shall remember your Lord’s name (wa-udh’kuri is’ma rabbika) and shall devote to Him a sincere devotion.

[76:25] And you shall remember your Lord’s name morning and evening (wa-udh’kuri is’ma rabbika buk’ratan wa-aseelan).

[87:1] You shall glorify your Lord’s name, the High (sabbihi is’ma rabbika al-a`laa).

[87:15] And he has remembered his Lord’s name (wa-dhakara is’ma rabbihi), while he has prayed.

[96:1] Read in your Lord’s name, Who has created (iq’ra bi-is’mi rabbika alladhee khalaqa).

Details of instances of samiyy

There are 2 instances of samiyy in the noun form meaning “name” found in 2 verses in one surah, are detailed out below:

[19:7] “O Zachariah, indeed, we give you a good news of a boy – his name is John, we do not give name to it (anyone) before (lam naj’al lahu min qablu samiyyan).

[19:65] Lord of the heavens and the earth, and whatever between them; so, you shall worship Him and shall be steadfast in His worship. Do you know any name (title) for Him (hal ta`lamu lahu samiyyan?

Details of instance of tasmiyat

There is 1 instance of tasmiyat in the verbal noun form meaning “naming” found in 1 verse in one surah, is detailed out below:

[53:27] Indeed, those who do not believe in the Hereafter; surely, they name the angels with the female naming (la’yusammuuna al-malaaikata tasmiyata al-unthaa).

In brief, review of 50 instances of sammaa and its related forms may give us an opportunity to confirm that the believers will attend God’s masjids to remember Him, Abraham is a father of Muslims, God has given us details of what is lawful for us to eat mentioning His name upon it, the animal sacrifice is one of God given rites for pilgrims, to God belong the graceful names, He is a Maintainer of souls and we should worship Him being steadfast to Him as Lord of the heavens and the earth avoiding worship of those whom they have named them, Jesus was a messenger of God to the people of Israel, who informed them of a messenger to come after him, but when he had come to them they ignored him.

Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless. Tafazzal (6/9/2023).