
Review instances of iimaan/mu’min in the Quran part IV


There are 812 instances, which are closely related in the verb (537), verbal noun (45) and active participle (230) forms as shown in the table below: 45 instances of īmān meaning “faith/belief” in the verbal noun form have been reviewed to understand the message in different context while 230 instances in the active participle form are being reviewed gradually that we may clear understanding from the Quran that we can be the true believers in God and His revelations.

Note: The above table is populated with data obtained from the However, there is an instance of mu’min in 9:128, which is not included in the above table as the verse does not belong to the Quran as the last two verses, 128 and 129 of sura 9 in the Quan were added as suggested by one of the scribes to honor the prophet when the Quran was copied from the original during the reign of Khalif Uthman.

Instances of mu’min

Out of 229, 111 instances of mu’min meaning “believer(s)” found in 101 verses across 16 suras in the Quran have already been reviewed while another 59 instances found in 54 verses across 11 suras are described here:

[20:75] And whoever comes to Him as a believer (wa-man yatihi mu’minan), he has certainly done the righteous deeds, then those for them are the highest ranks.

[20:112] And whoever does of the righteous deeds, and he is a believer (wa-man ya`mal mina al-saalihaati wa-huwa mu’minun), then he should not fear injustice nor deprivation.

[21:88] So we responded to him (Jonah) and we saved him from the distress. And thus, we save the believers (wa-ka-dhaalika nunjee al-mu’mineena).

[21:94] So whoever does of the righteous deeds, and he is a believer (wa-man ya`mal mina al-saalihaati wa-huwa mu’minun), then there is no rejection of his effort and indeed, we are recorders for him.

[23:1] Indeed, who has succeeded of the believers (qad aflaha al-mu’minuuna).

[23:38] “He (Noah) is not but a man who has invented a lie about God, and we are not with believers for him (wa-maa nahnu lahu bimu’mineena).”

[24:2] The adulteress and the adulterer that you shall lash each of them one hundred lashes, and you should not take you any pity with them in God’s religion if you have believed in God and the Last Day. And that a group of the believers should witness their punishment (wal-yash’had adhaabahumaa taaifatun mina al-mu’mineenea) .

[24:3] The adulterer will not marry except an adulteress or an idolatress, and the adulteress will not marry except an adulterer or an idolater. And that has been forbidden for the believers (wa-hurrima dhaalika `alaa al-mu’mineena).

[24:12] Why not when you heard it (rumor of sexual accusation), has thought of the believing men and women for their own good (zanna al-muminuuna wal-mu’minaati anfusihim khayran) and said: “This is a clear lie!”

[24:17] God warns you that you return to like of it ever, if you have been believers (in kuntum mu’mineena)

[24:23] Indeed, those who accuse the chaste unaware believing women (inna alladheena yarmuuna al-muh’sanaati al-ghaafilaati al-mu’minuuna), have been cursed in the world and the Hereafter, and for them there is a great punishment.

[24:30] Say to the believing men (qul lil’mu’mineena), they should lower their gaze and should guard their chastity; that is purer for them. Indeed, God is Cognizant of what you do.

[24:31] And say to the believing women (wa-qul lil’mu’minaati), they should lower their gaze and should guard their chastity, and should not display their beauty (zeenatahunna) except what has become visible of it; and they should cover with their covers over their chests. And they should not display their beauty (zeenatahunna) except to their husbands, or their fathers, or fathers of their husbands, or their sons, or sons of their husbands, or their brothers, or sons of their brothers, or sons of their sisters, or their women, or their (male) dependents, or the attendants from the men who have no sexual desires, or the children who do not become aware of private matters of the women. And they should not strike with their feet that makes known what they conceal of their body (zeenatihinna). And you all shall turn to God, O the believers that you may succeed (ayyuha al-mu’minuuna la’allakum tuf’lihuuna).

[24:47] And they say: “We have believed in God and in the messenger, and we have obeyed.” Then a party turns away from them after that, and those are not with the believers (wa-maa ulaaika bil-mu’mineena).

[24:51] Only the believers’ statement has been (innamaa kaana qawla al-mu’mineena) when they have been invited to God and His messenger that which judges between them is that they say: “We heard and obeyed.” And those who are the successful ones.

[24:62] Only the believers are those who believed in God and His messenger (innamaa al-mu’minuunal alladheena aamanuu billahi wa-rasuulihi), and when they have been with him for a group action, they do not leave him until they ask his permission. Indeed, those who ask your permission, those are the ones who do believe in God and His messenger. So when they asked your permission for some of their affairs, then you shall give permission to whomever you have willed, and shall ask forgiveness of God for them. Indeed, God is Forgiving, Merciful.

[26:3] That you are blaming yourself that they do not become believers (allaa yakunuu mu’mineena).

[26:8] Indeed, in that there is surely a sign, while most of them have not been believers (wa-maa kaana aktharahum mu’mineena).

[26:51] Indeed, we hope that our Lord will forgive us our sins, as we have been first of the believers (an kunnaa awwala al-mu’mineena).”

[26:67] Indeed, in that there is surely a sign, while most of them have not been believers (wa-maa kaana aktharahum mu’mineena).

[26:102] “So, if that for us there is a return, then we could be with the believers (fa-nakuuna min al-mu’mineena).”

[26:103] Indeed, in that there is surely a sign, while most of them have not been believers (wa-maa kaana aktharahum mu’mineena).

[26:114] “And I am not with the one who drives away the believers (wa-maa anaa bi-taaridi al-mu’mineena).”

[26:118] “So judge between me and them a judgment, and save me and who is with me of the believers (wa-najjinee wa-man ma`iya min al-mumineena).”

[26:121] Indeed, in that there is surely a sign, while most of them have not been believers (wa-maa kaana aktharahum mu’mineena).

[26:139] Then they denied him (Hud), so we destroyed them. Indeed, in that there is surely a sign, while most of them have not been believers (wa-maa kaana aktharahum mu’mineena).

[26:158] So the punishment seized them (Thamud). Indeed, in that there is surely a sign, while most of them have not been believers (wa-maa kaana aktharahum mu’mineena).

[26:174] Indeed, in that there is surely a sign, while most of them have not been believers (wa-maa kaana aktharahum mu’mineena).

[26:190] Indeed, in that there is surely a sign, while most of them have not been believers (wa-maa kaana aktharahum mu’mineena).

[26:199] Then he (Muhammad) recited it (Quran) to them, they had not been believers in it (maa-kaanuu bihi mu’mineena).

[26:215] And you (Muhammad) shall lower your wing for anyone who follows you of the believers (limani ittab`aka mina mu’mineena).

[27:2] Guidance and good news for the believers (hudan wa-mubush’raa lil’mu’mineena).

[27:15] And certainly, we gave David and Solomon knowledge, and they both said: “Praise be to God who favored us over many of His servants of the believers (al-hamdu lillahi alladhee faddalanaa `alaa katheerin min `ibaadihi al-mu’mineena).”

[27:77] And indeed, it (Quran) is surely a guidance and a mercy for the believers (wa-innahu la’hudan wa-rahmatun lil’mu’mineena).

[28:10] And heart of Moses’ mother’s became despair, that she had been near that she discloses about him, if not that we had strengthened of her heart that she may be with the believers (lawlaa an rabatnaa `alaa qablihaa litakuuna mina al-mu’mineena).

[28:47] And if not that a disaster strikes them for what their hands had sent forth, then they can say: “Our Lord, why not You have sent a messenger to us that we would follow Your revelations, and we would be with the believers (fa-nattabi`a aayaatika wa-nakuuna mina al-mu’mineena).”

[29:44] God created the heavens and the earth with the truth. Indeed, in that there is surely a sign for the believers (inna fee dhaalika la’aayatan lil’mu’mineena).

[30:4] In a few years. For God is the command of before and of after, and on that day the believers will rejoice (wa-yaw’ma-idhin yafrahu al-mu’minuuna).

[30:47] And certainly, we sent of your before messengers to their people, so they came to them with the clear proofs, then we took revenge of those who committed crimes, and it has been obligation on us help to the believers (wa-kaana haqqan `alaynaa nasru al-mu’mineena).

[32:18] Is then one who has been a believer same as one who has been disobedient (a-fa-man kaana mu’minan ka’man kaana faasiqan)? They are not equal.

[33:6] The prophet is closer to the believers than themselves and his wives are as their mothers (al-nabiyu awlaa bil-mu’mineena min anfusihim wa-azwaajuhu ummahaatuhum). And possessors of relationship are closer to one another in God’s scripture than the believers and the emigrants except that you do to your friends as kindness. That is a decree in the scripture.

[33:11] That is when the believers were tested (hunaalika ub’tuliya al-mu’minuuna) and were shaken by a severe shake.

[33:23] There are men among the believers who have fulfilled what they promised to God on it (mina al-mu’mineena rijaalun sadaquu maa `aahadu allaha `alayhi). So, someone of them has fulfilled his vow (through death), while someone of them is waiting; but they have not changed any change.

[33:25] And God turned back those who disbelieved in their rage, they gained no good. God has sufficed the battle for the believers (wa-kafaa allahu al-mu’mineena al-qitaala). And God is Powerful, Almighty

[33:35] Surely, the submitting men and the submitting women, and the believing men and the believing women (wal-mu’mineen wal-mu’minaati), and the obedient men and the obedient women, and the truthful men and the truthful women, and the patient men and the patient women, and the humble men and the humble women, and the charitable men and the charitable women, and the fasting men and the fasting women, and the men who guard their chastity and the chaste women, and the men who commemorate God frequently and the commemorating women; God has prepared for them forgiveness and a great recompense.

[33:36] And it is not for a believing man or a believing woman (wa-maa kaana limu’minin wa-laa-mu’minatin), when God and His messenger have decided a matter that they should have the choice of their decision, and whoever disobeys God and His messenger, he has gone far astray.

[33:37] And you (Muhammad) said to whom God has bestowed favor on him and you have bestowed on him: “You shall keep your wife to yourself and shall fear God.” And you concealed within yourself what God was to disclose, and you feared the people, while God is worthy that you should fear Him. So, when Zaid ended his relationship from her, we wished you to have her as spouse that there is no wrongdoing for the believers for the wives of their adopted sons (likay laa-yakuuna `alaa al-mu’mineena harajun fee azwaaji ad`iyaaihim) when they have ended relationship from them. And God’s command has to be done.

[33:43] He is the One who helps you and (so do) His angels, to lead you out of the darkness into the light. And He has been merciful to the believers (wa-kaana bil-mu’mineena raheeman).

[33:47] And you (prophet) shall give the believers good news (wa-bashiri al-mu’mineena) of that there is a great blessing for them from God.

[33:49] O you who believed, when you marry the believer women (idhaa nakahtumu al-mu’minaati), then you have divorced them before that you have touched them, then you do not have to count any waiting period on them for you. So, you shall provide for them and shall release them a fair release.

[33:50] O you prophet, we have made lawful for you your wives whom you have given their bridal reward and those who are rightfully yours whom God has given to you, and the daughters of your father’s brothers, and the daughters of your father’s sisters, and the daughters of your mother’s brothers, and the daughters of your mother’s sisters who have emigrated with you, and if a believing woman who gives herself to the prophet (wa-im’ra-atan mu’minatan in wahabat nafsahaa lilnnabiyyi), if the prophet wishes to marry her, is only for you not for the believers. Certainly, we know what we have made obligatory for them (believers) about their wives and whom they rightfully possess that there should not be any discomfort for you. And God is Forgiving, Merciful.

[33:58] And those who harm the believing men and the believing women (wa-alladheena yu’duuna al-mu’mineena wal-mu’minaati), for not having what they have earned, then certainly, they bear false accusation and a gross sin.

[33:59] O you prophet, say to your wives, and your daughters, and the women of the believers that they should cover them with their garments (wa-nasaa-i al-mu’mineena yud’neena `alayhinna min jalaabeebihinna). That is more appropriate that they can be recognized and are not harmed while God is Forgiving, Merciful.

[33:73] That God will punish the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women, and the idolatrous men and the idolatrous women while God will turn to the believing men and the believing women (wa-yatuuba allahu `alaa al-mu’mineena wal-mu’minaati). And God is Forgiving, Merciful.


  • The summary of 59 instances of mu’min found in 54 verses across 11 suras in the Quran.
  • whoever is a believer has done righteous deeds or whoever has done righteous deeds is a believer.
  • God saves the believers and has recorded their effort, and they are those who have succeeded.
  • The adulteress and the adulterer shall be lashed in presence of a group of believers to witness it.
  • The adulteress and idolatress or the adulterer and idolater have been forbidden for the believers.
  • The believing men and women say it a clear lie when they heard a rumor of sexual accusation.
  • The believing men and believing women should lower their gaze and should guard their chastity.
  • The believing women should not display their body except what is open while they should cover their chests, and should not display their body except in presence of their family members.
  • They should not strike with their feet that may make known of what they conceal of their body.
  • Those who believed in God and His messenger but turn away after that are not with the believers.
  • Those who have been first of the believers may hope that their Lord will forgive them of their sins.
  • Mentioning destruction of the previous nations was a sign but most people were not believers.
  • Those who were misled, if that there is a return for them, they would be with the believers.
  • Quran is surely a guidance and a mercy for the believers, if they heard and obeyed as it judges.
  • God sent messengers from time to time that the guilty cannot say when a disaster strikes them for their wrongdoings that we could follow Your revelations and we would be the believers.
  • God created the heavens and the earth with the truth, and in that there is a sign for the believers.
  • Messengers came before with the clear proofs, but God took revenge those who committed crimes.
  • There is a clear distinction between the believers and the disobedient, and thus, they are not equal.
  • The prophet was closer to the believers than themselves and his wives were as their mothers.
  • The believers those who have fulfilled what they promised to God on it and never change it.
  • When God and His messenger have decided a matter, then the believers should have no choice.
  • Those who turned back were the disbelievers while God sufficed the battle for the believers.
  • There is forgiveness of God and a great recompense for the righteous men and righteous women.
  • A reminder for the prophet to fear God when he was to marry the divorced wife of his adopted son.
  • It is God’s mercy that He and His angels help the believers to bring them out of darkness into light.
  • Prophet was asked to give good news to the believers of a recompense for them from God.
  • No waiting period for the divorced women who have not been touched before breaking of marriage.
  • Certain groups of women who emigrated were made lawful for the prophet but not for the believers.
  • Those who harm the innocent believing men and women bear false accusation and a great sin.
  • An order for prophet’s wives and daughters, and wives of the believers to cover them appropriately.
  • God is forgiving and merciful for the believing men and the believing women while He will punish the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women, and the idolatrous men and the idolatrous women.

In conclusion, we may reflect that God reminded the prophet to obey His command while Quran is a guidance, mercy and good news for the believers having details of the appropriate covering of women’s body.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (1/17/2020).