God has given us the Quran as guidance, the clear proofs of the guidance and the statute book (2:185). It does not only guide us to the straight path (6:126, 17:9) but also it is a source of details with knowledge, guidance and mercy (7:52) to inquire and address any matters even when we have disputes for any generations of people until the end of the world (18:109 and 31:27):
[2:185] Ramadan is the month in which the Quran was revealed as guidance for the people, and the clear guidance, and the statute book. So whoever among you witnesses the month, then he should fast in it. But whoever is ill or on a journey, then the prescribed number in other days. God wishes for you ease and He does not wish for you hardship and that you can complete the prescribed number and that you can glorify God for what He has guided you so that you may be grateful.
Note: This verse is very special for spelling out the Quran to be our guidance as well as for participating in 3 mathematical confirmations including the inspiration of the whole Quran in prophet’s soul in the blessed night of Ramadan known as the Night of Power at the ultimate point.
[6:126] And this (Quran) is a straight path to your Lord. Certainly, we have explained the revelations for a people who take heed.
Note: This verse also refers to the religion of Islam to be the straight path.
[17:9] This Quran guides to the straightest path, and brings good news to the believers who do the righteous works, that they have deserved a great recompense.
[7:52] And certainly, we have brought to them a scripture which we have detailed with knowledge, guidance, and mercy for a people who believe.
[18:109] Say, “If the ocean were ink for the words of my Lord, the ocean would run out, before the words of my Lord run out, even if we were to bring another like it for (ink) supplement.”
[31:27] And if all the trees in the earth were pens, and the ocean would be (ink), adding seven to it one after another, the words of God would not run out. Indeed, God is Almighty, Most Wise.
Note: These verses assure us that the Quran has everything that we need to observe our religious rites in a right way limiting our search within it resolving any disputes leading us to right destination.
Mathematical confirmation
The above set of 6 verses across 6 suras indicates that the Quran has everything that we need to observe our religious rites in a right way can be mathematically confirmed if the relevant sura and verse numbers are added, the sum is a multiple of 19 => 589 = 19x31 (see details below):
Note: This mathematical confirmation is an explicit proof from a small set of verses that God has taught in the Quran that the Quran has everything that we need to observe our religious rites in a right way having details of knowledge, guidance, and mercy for a people who believe to deserve a great recompense.
In addition, God commanded His prophet more than 1400 years ago to warn people with it to be the winners in the Hereafter if they follow the reminder (36:11), and he was also warned to turn from him who turns away from the reminder (53:29) should not be taken lightly:
[36:11] You (Muhammad) can ONLY warn (innamaa tundhuru) him who follows the reminder (Quran) and fears the Most Gracious in the unseen. So give him good news of forgiveness and an honorable recompense.
Note: This verse is a reference not to have any debate about what we must follow to be qualified for forgiveness of God and an honorable recompense from Him and what prophet used to warn people.
[53:29] So turn from him who turns away from our reminder, and he does not desire except the life of the world.
Note: The prophet was asked not to make any friendship with those who turned away from the message given to him.
Mentioning Muhammad by name in the Quran
Muhammad has been mentioned 4 times by name in the Quran stating that he was a messenger of God and the final prophet to deliver the final scripture but he was like other messengers chosen before him. Those who believed with him as well as after him, and continued to do the righteous works God will forgive their sins and bless them with contentment. The believers can easily be distinguished from the disbelievers as they seek God’s blessings and approval through bowing and prostrating:
[3:144] And Muhammad was no more than a messenger like the messengers before him. Should he die or get killed, would you turn back on your heels? And whoever turns back on his heels, does not hurt God in the least. God rewards those who are appreciative.
Note: Since the believers are required to uphold the message to appreciate God, the presence or absence of the messenger among us does not make any difference.
[33:40] Muhammad was not the father of any man among you but he was a messenger of God and the final prophet. And God is fully aware of all things.
Note: The core message in the verse is the Quran is the final scripture, and absolutely, there is no teaching for us to be proud of Muhammad chosen as the last prophet except an evil behavior while there is no distinction among His chosen whether someone is prophet or messenger, i.e., who is chosen to deliver what or the guidance period, i.e., who is chosen when.
[47:2] And those who believe and do righteous works, and believe in what was sent down to Muhammad, and it is the truth from their Lord – He remits their sins, and improves their situation.
Note: Those who do righteous works believing in the truth that came down to Muhammad God remits their sins and improves their situation.
[48:29] Muhammad is a messenger of God, and those who are with him are harsh against the disbelievers, but merciful among themselves. You see them bowing and prostrating, seeking God’s blessings and approval. Their mark is in their faces as a result of prostrating. Such is their example in the Torah. And their example in the Injeel is like a plant which shoots out and becomes strong and thick and it stands straight on its stem, pleasing to the farmers that He may enrage the disbelievers with them. God promises those among them who believe and do good works a forgiveness and a great reward.
Note: The Quran is the basis of achieving righteousness while the Torah and the Gospel were the basis of achieving righteousness before it.
Strengthening the prophet
The prophet was surrounded by enemies like the messengers sent before him. They frightened him to evict him from the land. Some of his contemporaries tried to mislead him and almost diverted him to fabricate something other than what was revealed to him to consider him their friends. But God strengthened him to stay in a right track when he almost leaned towards them even letting him know that His favor upon him has been great pointing to the message given to him being His wondrous creation as well:
[4:113] And if it were not God’s grace upon you (Muhammad) and His mercy, some of them would have misled you. But they would not have misled you except themselves, nor will they harm you in anything. And God has sent down to you the scripture and the wisdom, and He has taught you what you never knew. Indeed, God’s grace upon you has been great.
[11:12] So perhaps you (Muhammad) may wish to ignore some of what is revealed to you, and you are depressed by it, because they say: “If only a treasure was sent down with him, or an angel had come with him!” You are but a warner, and God has control over all things.
[17:73] And they almost diverted you from which we revealed to you (Muhammad) that you fabricate about us other than it, and then they would surely take you as a friend!
[17:74] And if it were not that we strengthened you (Muhammad), you almost leaned towards them a little.
[17:75] Then we would have made you (Muhammad) taste double the retribution in this life, and double after the death, then you would not have found any helper for you against us.
[17:76] And they were about to frighten you of the land that they will evict you from it, and then they would not have stayed after you except for a while.
[17:77] Such is (our) system with whom we sent our messengers before you (Muhammad), and you will not find any change in our system.
[17:86] And if we willed, we would take away which we revealed to you (Muhammad). Then you would not find for you about it any protector against us.
[17:87] This is but mercy from your (Muhammad) Lord. His favor upon you has been great.
[17:88] Say, “If the human and the Jinn were united together to bring a Quran like this, they could not bring one like this, even if they were helpers of one another.”
Supporting the prophet
God was aware of prophet’s strength and weakness while He did not keep hidden from us what is the truth about His prophet. He found him astray but He guided him in the straight path leading a righteous life. He supported him along with His angels and asked his contemporary believers as well to support him for successful delivery of the message given to him as mercy and reminder for the sake of guiding humanity in the right direction. We may also reflect to the indication of his excellent moral character in the earlier revelation to be a positive hint to be chosen as the final prophet even being an idol worshiper. He had been also encouraged with an assurance of better reward in the Hereafter through his achievement:
[6:56] Say, “I (Muhammad) am forbidden from worshiping those whom you call upon other than God.” Say, “I do not follow your desires, (if I do) then I would certainly go astray and I would not be among the guided ones.
[40:66] Say: “I (Muhammad) am forbidden from worshiping those whom you call upon other than God when the clear proofs have come to me from my Lord, and I am commanded to submit to the Lord of the world.”
[39:65] And certainly, it has been revealed to you (Muhammad) and to those before you, if you associate partners, your works will be nullified and you will be with the losers.
Note: Not only from the history but also found in the Quran that Muhammad was an idol worshiper and he was forbidden from worshiping those idols he used to do otherwise all his works would be nullified. God has warned all of us to avoid idol worshiping found in the verses (4:16 and 4:48) while he was warned to avoid it in the verse (39:65).
[22:52] And we did not send before you (Muhammad) any messenger, nor a prophet, without having the devil interference in his wishes. God then nullifies what the devil has done. God perfects His revelations. God is Omniscient, Most Wise.
Note: God supported him to withdraw the verses mistakenly recited by him being the satanic inspiration with interference of the Gabriel.
[33:38] The prophet is not committing an error by doing anything that is made lawful by God. Such is God’s system since the early generations. God’s command is a sacred duty.
[33:56] God and His angels support the prophet. O you who believe, you shall support him, and regard him as he should be regarded.
Note: God has informed us that He and His angels supported him and it was also the duty of the contemporary believers to support him as well, and the support what has been mentioned here is the physical support such as to help him with money and participating in the war to practice God given religion freely, and this support was only when the prophet was alive.
[68:1] (By) NuN and the pen, and what they write.
[68:2] You (Muhammad), by the grace of your Lord is not crazy.
[68:3] And indeed, there is sufficient reward for you (Muhammad).
[68:4] And indeed, you (Muhammad) are of a great moral character.
Note: God has informed us of Muhammad to be a man of excellent moral character even taking an oath referring to three items including the Quranic initial that we may reflect to God’s wisdom of selecting him to be the final prophet being an idol worshiper who had no knowledge of scripture and faith (42:52).
[93:1] By the forenoon.
[93:2] and the night when it falls.
[93:3] Your Lord has not abandoned you, nor is He displeased.
[93:4] And the Hereafter is far better for you than the first.
[93:5] And soon your Lord will give you (enough), then you will be pleased.
[93:6] Did He not find you an orphan, then He gave you a shelter?
[93:7] And He found you (Muhammad) astray, then He guided you.
[93:8] And He found you poor, then He made you rich.
Note: God has informed him as well as us that prophet Muhammad had been supported in many ways taking an oath as well referring to two items including the forenoon and the night when he was being criticized by many of his contemporaries.
[108:1] Indeed, we have given you (Muhammad) abundance.
[108:2] So you shall pray to your Lord and sacrifice.
[108:3] Indeed, your enemy is the loser.
Note: Prophet should appreciate his Lord for what given to him, was not given to any of his enemies so that he could disregard their ridicules.
Opportunity for the prophet to raise his status with Him
Muhammad had been blessed with the Quran which was his opportunity as well to observe and reflect with it to raise his rank at God. He was told to implore Him using His words for honorable admittance and exist as well as to proclaim that the truth has come and the falsehood has vanished. The prophet was also advised to ask Him to increase his knowledge to better understand the message given to him and communicate the given message to the people especially to his contemporaries while his practices based on it was the opportunity to raise status with Him as well:
[17:78] You (Muhammad) shall observe the Contact Prayer when the sun declines towards the darkness of the night and the Quran at dawn. Indeed, the Quran at dawn is witnessed.
[17:79] And of the night, you shall reflect with it (Quran) as extra for you (spiritual gain), that your Lord may raise you to a higher status.
[17:80] And say, “My Lord, admit me an honorable admittance, and let me depart an honorable departure, and grant me from You a powerful support.”
[17:81] And say, “The truth has come and the falsehood has vanished; Indeed, the falsehood is to vanish.”
[20:114] So High above all is God, the King, the True. Do not hasten with the Quran before its revelation is completed to you (Muhammad), and say, “My Lord, increase my knowledge.
Mathematical confirmation
There are 40 verses across 15 suras consisting of 4 sets to know the truth about Muhammad being a messenger of God and the final prophet. If the relevant sura and verse numbers are added, the sum is a
multiple of 19 => 2375 = 19x125 (see details in the table below):
Note: This mathematical confirmation is an explicit proof of direct relationship of 4 sets of verses including Muhammad by name 4 times to know the truth about him to make appropriate focus on him avoiding tons of misconceptions around him among the traditional Muslims over the globe.
The Quran is spelled out with guidance, clear proofs and laws while the Quran along with the religion defined in it has been made the straight path to bring good news of an honorable recompense from God for those who follow it. Hence, He has given everything in it that we need to observe our religious rites in a right way including opportunity of resolving any disputes limiting our investigation into it lead us to the eternal happiness when we will meet our Lord. However, the verses dealing with (a) mentioning Muhammad by name, (b) strengthening the prophet, (c) supporting the prophet and (d) raising prophet’s status with God are carefully reviewed to know the truth about him to avoid all misconceptions around him including what has been assigned to him being his sayings and deeds.
There are numerous references of Muhammad as messenger, prophet and both in the pronoun forms in the Quran while he has been mentioned 4 times by name including as a messenger of God as well as a messenger of God and the final prophet. His such designation has associated him with the message given to him. Thus, those who believe the message given to him and lead a righteous works will be blessed by God while excessive focus on him as a person would not be a right way for us to practice our given religion to be blessed by Him except being idol worshiping to nullify our all works.
The prophet was surrounded by enemies from the people of his own tribe and outside of it who frightened him to evict him from the land. Even some of his contemporaries tried to mislead him and almost diverted him to fabricate something other than the message revealed to him to consider him their friends. Hence, when he leaned towards the people of his own tribes to go astray God strengthened him to stay in the straight path even with a severe warning.
He found him astray but He guided him in the straight path leading a righteous life. He supported him along with His angels while his contemporary believers were also asked to support him for successful delivery of the message given to him as mercy and reminder for the sake of guiding humanity in the right direction. He had been also encouraged with an assurance of better reward in the Hereafter through his achievement to disregard the ridicules of his contemporary opposition.
Prophet Muhammad had been blessed with the Quran which was his opportunity as well to observe and reflect with it to raise his rank at God. He was told to implore Him using His words for honorable admittance and exist as well as to proclaim that the truth has come and the falsehood has vanished. The prophet was also advised to ask Him to increase his knowledge to better understand the message and communicate it to the people especially to his contemporaries while his practices based on it including reflecting with it was the opportunity for him to raise his status with Him.
This review supported by explicit proofs may help those who truly believe in God and are certain in the Hereafter to understand that (1) what has been made after the death of the prophet until today by the so called scholars based on their own opinions are false doctrines, (2) what helped prophet Muhammad to stay in the straight path leading a righteous life including being opportunity of raising his status with God may also help us all to do the same if we can follow it and (3) we may reflect to the fact that righteousness and higher status with God can only be achieved through perfect beliefs and practices along with making efforts to get closer to Him, even for His prophets and messengers blessed with divine messages to guide humanity in right direction at different guidance periods.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (8/31/2018).