God’s path is to believe in what has been sent down to Muhammad
- Those who have disbelieved and have turned away from a path of God, He has let go waste of their deeds (47:1). And those who have believed and have done the righteous deeds, and have believed in what has been sent down to Muhammad and it is the truth from their Lord – He has removed their evil deeds from them and has improved their situation (47:2). That is of that those who have disbelieved, have followed the falsehood, and that those who have believed, have followed the truth from their Lord. Thus that God cites their examples for the people (47:3).
Note: God has made a clear distinction between the disbelievers and the believers citing as examples through what has been sent down to Muhammad that the disbelievers have followed the falsehood to turn away from God’s path while the believers have followed the truth from Him to stay in His path and have done the righteous deeds.
God has given victory to the believers over the disbelievers
- So, when you have encountered those who have disbelieved, is striking on the necks until when you have defeated them. Then you shall take as the captives, then either is a favor afterwards or a ransom until the war lays down its burdens of that. And if God had willed, surely, He could have given victory from them; but that is to test of you by other. And those who have been killed in a path of God, then He will not let go waste of their deeds (47:4). He will guide them and will improve their situation (47:5). He will admit them into the Paradise, has made it known to them (47:6).
Note: God has given victory to the believers over the disbelievers and has admitted them into the Paradise through testing by fighting, even striking them on their necks until to defeat them. Those who have killed in God’s path, He will not make their deeds to go waste as He has guided them and has improved their situation.
God is Protector of the believers but not of the disbelievers.
- O you who have believed, if you support God, He will support you and will make firm your feet (47:7). And those who have disbelieved, then is loss for them, and He has let go waste of their deeds (47:8). That is of that they have hated what God has sent down, so, He has made worthless their deeds (47:9). Then do they not travel in the earth that they can see how had been the end for those of their before? God has destroyed them and for the disbelievers has its likeness (47:10). That is of that God is Protector of those who have believed, and that the disbelievers – there is no protector for them (47:11).
Note: God has supported the believers who support Him and has made their deeds not to go waste. On the other hand, He has made worthless the deeds of the disbelievers who have hated what He has revealed. Thus, God is Protector for those who have believed and there is no protector for the disbelievers who have been destroyed in the past being an example for the later generations and the end of those can be found traveling across the land.
Both Paradise and Hell are allegorically described in the Quran
- Indeed, God will admit those who have believed and have done the righteous deeds into gardens, flowing the rivers of their underneath, while those who have disbelieved, will enjoy and eat like the cattle do, and the Fire is an abode for them (47:12). How many of a town was much stronger in power than your town which has driven you out. We have destroyed them when there is no helper for them (47:13). Then has whoever been on a clear proof from his Lord like whoever has been made attractive an evil deed to him, while they have followed their desires (47:14)? An allegory of the Paradise, which has been promised for the righteous, in it there are rivers of water not polluted, and are rivers of milk – does not change their taste, and rivers of wine – delicious for the drinkers, and rivers of purified honey, and for them in it there are all kinds of fruits and forgiveness from their Lord; like whoever he will be abiding forever in the Fire, and they have been given to drink boiling water, has cut into pieces their intestines (47:15)?
Note: The believers who have done the righteous deeds will enter the Paradise and will abide therein forever whereas the disbelievers who have followed their desires will be in the Fire and will abide therein forever as well while both Paradise and Hell are allegorically described.
The disbelievers expect that the Hour will come to them suddenly
- And among them whoever listens to you, until when they have departed from you, they said to those who have been given the knowledge, “What has he said just now?” Those – they are the ones God has placed a seal around their hearts, and they have followed their desires (47:16). And those who have been guided, He has increased them in guidance and have given them their righteousness (47:17). Do they then wait except for the Hour that it would come to them all of a sudden? Then certainly, there has come its signs. Then how is for them when there has come to them reminder of them? (47:18).
Note: Those who listen to God’s words but cannot accept them as they follow their desires and God has placed a seal upon their hearts while those who have accepted His guidance, He increases their guidance giving them their righteousness while the Hour will come to the disbelievers suddenly, even though its signs are around us that it is very closer.
Shahaadah for Muhammad and those who believed with him
- So, you (Muhammad) shall know that there is no god except God, and shall ask forgiveness for your (Muhammad) sin and for the believing men and the believing women. And God knows all of your return and all of your reward (47:19).
Note: Declaration of our faith (shahaadah) in Arabic is: laa-ilaaha illaa allah meaning there is no god except God, has been corrupted by appending Muhammad’s name to it being a satanic trick.
Sending down surah mentioning fighting in it
- And those who have believed say: “Why has not been sent down a surah?” Then when a precise surah has been sent down, and the fighting has been mentioned in it, you have seen those who have a disease in their hearts are looking at you – a look of fainted one from the death on him, so is nearer for them (47:20). Obedience and a right word, then when the matter has been determined, then if they had been truthful to God, surely, it would have been better for them (47:21).
Note: Those who had awaited to reveal a sura mentioning fighting in it but when it did happen then there has been a look of fear on them from the death that it is closer exposing those who were hypocrites having a disease in their hearts while it had been better for them to be faithful to God.
God has cursed those who spread corruption in the earth
- So, have you been if you have given authority that you would spread corruption in the earth and would cut off your ties of kinship (47:22)? Those – they are the ones God has cursed them that He has made them deaf and has blinded their vision (47:23).
Note: If people have been given any authority, they would spread corruption in the earth and cut their ties from their kinship, and God would curse these people and He would make them deaf and blind.
Satan has enticed those who have turned back from the Quran
- Then do they not study the Quran? or are there locks around (their) hearts (47:24)? Indeed, those who have turned back, after that what has become clear to them of the guidance, the Satan has enticed to them and has extended hope for them (47:25). That is of that they said to those who have hated what God has sent down, “We will obey you in part of the matter.” And God knows their conspiracy (47:26). Then how will it be when has caused them death the angels, striking their faces and their backs (47:27)?
Note: Those who have studied the Quran but have turned back and have hated what God has revealed is a satanic trick, and their consequence is the death by the angels striking their faces and their backs.
Consequence of what they have followed has angered God
- That is of that they have followed what has angered God and has hated His please. So, He has made worthless their deeds (47:28). Or have those who there is a disease in their hearts thought that God will not bring forth their hatred (47:29)? If we will, surely, we have shown them to you that surely, you have known them by their marks; and surely, you will know them in tone of the speech. And God knows your deeds (47:30). And surely, we will test you until we make evident of those who strive among you and the steadfast ones, and we will test your endeavors (47:31).
Note: Turning back from the Quran has angered God, and He has made worthless their deeds while they may think that He will not bring forth a disease what is in their hearts. They have been known by their marks and voices as has been tested until to be evident those who strive and the steadfast ones.
God makes worthless deeds of those who have turned away from God’s path
- Indeed, those who have disbelieved and have turned away from God’s path, and have opposed the messenger after that what has become clear to them of the guidance, they will not harm God in anything, and He will make worthless their deeds (47:32). O you who have believed, you shall obey God and shall obey the messenger, and you do not nullify your deeds (47:33). Indeed, those who have disbelieved and have turned away from a way of God, then they have died while they are disbelievers, then God will never forgive for them (their sin) (47:34). So, you do not weaken and call to the peace, while you are the superior, and God is with yourselves and He will not deprive you of your deeds (47:35).
Note: Those who have disbelieved and turned away from God’s path and have opposed the messenger after the clear guidance comes to them, God has made worthless their deeds and He will not forgive them when died as the disbelievers while He will not deprive the believers of their deeds.
The life of the world is like a play and an amusement
- The life of the world is only a play and an amusement, and if you believe and fear, He will give you your rewards, and He will not ask you for your wealth (47:36). If He would ask you for it and would press you, you might withhold, and He would bring forth your hatred (47:37). Here are you – these are called to spend in God’s path that there are among you whoever withholds, while whoever withholds, then he only withholds from himself. And God is the Rich while you are the poor. If you turn away, He will replace a people other than you, then they will not be like yourselves (47:38).
Note: Whoever can reflect to the worldly life being interim and the Hereafter is everlasting may help him to believe and fear God and spend for himself in His path to succeed in the Hereafter. There are people who may not turn to God but there are people who will turn to Him.
- God has made a clear distinction between the disbelievers and the believers citing as examples.
- The believers who have done the righteous deeds will enter the Paradise abiding therein forever.
- The disbelievers who have followed their desires will be in the Fire abiding therein forever as well.
- He has tested the believers through fighting and has given victory to them over the disbelievers.
- God has given allegorical description of both Paradise and Hell as our recompense in the Hereafter.
- He increases guidance of those who accept it, and places seal upon those who follow their desires.
- The Hour will come to the disbelievers suddenly, even its signs around us that it is very closer.
- Shahadah, laa-ilaaha illaa allah is confirmed for Muhammad and those who believed with him.
- A revelation of sura about fighting caused a look of fear from the death of those who expected it.
- God has cursed those who would spread corruption in earth and have cut ties from their kinship.
- The Satan has enticed and has extended hope for those who have turned back from the Quran.
- Those who have hated what God has revealed, has angered God, their death caused by the angels striking their faces and their backs, while He will not forgive those who have died as disbelievers.
- He has made worthless their deeds while they thought He will not bring forth what is in their hearts.
- Those who have disbelieved and opposed the messenger, has been made worthless their deeds.
- Those who have believed and obeyed God and the messenger will not be deprived of their deeds.
- The life in the world is interim while the life in the Hereafter is everlasting, which may help people to believe and fear God that they can do the righteous deeds based on what He has revealed.
- Those who spend in God’s path spend for themselves as God does not need anything from people.
- There are a people who may not turn to God while there are other people who will turn to Him.
In conclusion, Surah Muhammad named according to the word in the 2nd verse of the surah confirming the revelation of the Quran through Muhammad mentioning him by name that what has been revealed through him is the basis for the believers to do the righteous deeds, not he or his words. While those who have turned back from it, their death by the angels striking on their faces and backs, and God will not forgive those who have died as disbelievers. Thus, this surah is a blessing for us to succeed in the Hereafter making a clear difference between the truth from God and the falsehood being their desires.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (11/13/2020).