
Surah al-Saaffaat (Surah 37: Revelation Order 56)

Oath of God

  • By the angels who line up in rows (37:1). And the angels who drive devil (37:2). And the angels who recite a message (37:3).
    Note: This is an oath of God referring to 3 different categories of angels: (1) al-saaffaat, (2) al-zaajiraat and (3) al-taaliyaat based on their job assigned by Him, while some translators of Quran fail to interpret it as an oath of God.

Our god is One who is Lord of  the heavens and the earth and the easts

  • Indeed, your god is surely One (37:4), Lord of the heavens and the earth, and what is between them, and Lord of the easts (37:5). Indeed, we have adorned the lowest heaven with an adornment of the stars and planets (37:6). And a guard against every rebellious devil (37:7). They cannot listen to the High Society, and are bombarded from every side (37:8), being repelled; and for them there is an eternal punishment (37:9). Except who has snatched of the theft, then has followed him a piercing burning flame (37:10).
  • Note: By taking oath referring to 3 different categories of angels, God affirms for us that our god who we worship is One, Lord of the heavens and the earth as well as what is between them and the easts, and He has adorned the lowest heaven with stars and planets while He has protected the High Heaven from every devil. It is also noteworthy that all the stars rise at the east and set in the west.

Warning for the disbelievers of resurrection and a day of judgment

  • So you shall ask them, “Are they a stronger creation, or whom we have created?” Indeed, we have created them from the adherent clay (37:11). Nay, you have wondered, while they mock (37:12). And when they have been reminded, they do not receive admonition (37:13). And they have seen a sign, they mock (37:14). And they have said, “This is not but a clear magic! (37:15). When have we been died and have we been dust and bones, indeed, would we surely be raised ones? (37:16). And do our ancient ancestors?” (37:17). Say, “Yes, while you are the humiliated ones.” (37:18). So indeed, it would be a single cry, then they will be looking (37:19). While they have said, “Woe to us! This is a Day of the Judgment.” (37:20). This is a  day of the Judgment, which you have done to deny with it (37:21).
  • Note: Those who disbelieve in resurrection and a day of Judgment mock a reminder and a sign comes to them from God, while they fail to reflect it a simple matter for Him being just a single sound.

Both leaders and followers will taste the painful punishment

  • (O the angels) Gather those who have done wrong and their spouses, and what they have done to worship (37:22), other than God, then guide them to the path of the Hellfire (37:23). And stop them; indeed, they are to be questioned (37:24). “What is for you that you do not help one another?” (37:25). Nay, today they are the submitters (37:26). And has approached of them to other to question one another (37:27). They (followers) have said, “Indeed, you have done to come to us from the right side.” (37:28). They (leaders) have said, “Nay, you would not be believers (37:29). And it has not been any authority for us over you; nay, you had been a people of transgressors (37:30). So it has proved truth our Lord’s word against us; indeed, we will surely taste (37:31). That we have led you astray; indeed, we have been strayers.” (37:32). So indeed, that day they are sharers in the punishment (37:33). Indeed, thus that we deal with the criminals (37:34). Indeed, they have done when there has been said to them, “There is no god except God”, they turn arrogant (37:35). And they say, “Would we be surely abandoners of our gods for a crazy poet?” (37:36). Nay, he has come with the truth, and has confirmed the sent ones (37:37). Indeed, you are those who will taste the painful punishment (37:38). And you will not be compensated except what you have done to accomplish (37:39).
    Note: Those who have done wrong worshiping other than God will be gathered to drag them to Hell, and on their way to the Hell, they will be allowed to ask question one another. Leaders will say to the followers that you were not believers and as we were astray how could we guide you, now we have to share the painful punishment. Thus, God will deal with the criminals who were arrogant when they had been said that there is no god except God (laa-ilaaha illaa allah), which is a warning for those who have corrupted God given shahaadah adding Muhammad name as God’s  messenger and insist people to follow it expecting his intercession on a day of the Judgment.

The great achievement for those who will be in gardens of the Delight

  • Except God’s servants of those who are the devoted ones (37:40). Those for them a provision is determined (37:41). Fruits, and they will be honored (37:42), in gardens of the Delight (37:43), will be on thrones facing to one another (37:44), will be served among them a cup from the flowing spring (37:45). White, delicious for the drinkers (37:46). Neither there is bad effect in it, nor do they intoxicate from it (37:47). With them there will be good looking companions (37:48). As if they are well protected eggs (37:49). That has approached one of them to other to question one another (37:50). One of them has said, “I have been a friend for me (37:51). He would say, “Are you indeed, surely one of those who have confirmed? (37:52). When have we been died and have we been dust and bones, indeed, would we surely be those who are brought to judgment? (37:53), He said, “Will you be looking ones.” (37:54). Then he has looked, so he has seen him in midst of the Hellfire (37:55). He said, “By God, that you had almost done to ruin me (37:56). And if it were not for my Lord’s blessing, surely, I would have been with those who have been brought forth (37:57). Are we not then be with dead? (37:58). Except our death the first, and will we not be with the punished ones?” (37:59). Indeed this, surely, it is the great achievement (37:60). For like of this let him work of the workers (37:61).
    Note: Those who will be in gardens of the Delight will enjoy delicious food and drinks having good looking companions. They would know that they have made it as they had been able to avoid their criminal friends who are in the Hell now. God has honored them as He does not give them death like the criminals except the first death, which is also a warning that the religious leaders are ruining their followers. Thus, every one of us should work avoiding them to have a great achievement.

Provision for those who will be in Hell

  • Is that better as hospitality, or a tree of Zaqqum? (37:62). Indeed, we have made it a warning for the wrongdoers (37:63). Indeed, it is a tree that grows in the bottom of the Hellfire (37:64). Its sprouts as if it is the devils’ heads (37:65). So indeed, they will surely eat from it that they fill the bellies from it (37:66). Then indeed, for them on it there is surely a mixture of boiling water (37:67). Then indeed, their return is surely to the Hellfire (37:68). Indeed, they have found their parents astray (37:69). So they were on their footsteps being hastened (37:70). And certainly, has gone astray before themselves most of the previous people (37:71). And certainly, we have sent warners to them (37:72). So see how has been an end of those who are warned (37:73). Except God’s servants of the devoted ones (37:74).
    Note: The provision for those who will be in Hell is a tree of Zaqqum grown in the Hellfire and a mixture of boiling water as they had followed the footsteps of their parents even they found their parents astray and had not received admonition of the warners sent to them.

God had responded to Noah’s call

  • And certainly, Noah has called us, then surely, we have been best responders (37:75). And we had saved him and his family from the great disaster (37:76). And we have made his offspring who are the survivors (37:77). And we have left from him among the later generations (37:78). Peace upon Noah among the people of the world (37:79). Indeed, we thus that reward the good doers (37:80). Indeed, he is one of our servants of the believers (37:81). Then we had drowned the others (37:82).
    Note: God had responded to Noah’s call and saved him and his family from the great disaster but drowned the others. Thus, He rewards the good-doers that we can reflect to this historical event being a sign for us to make efforts to be with the good-doers.

Abraham with his father and his people who worshiped idols

  • And indeed, of his successor was surely Abraham (37:83). When he had come to his Lord with a whole heart (37:84). When he said to his father and his people, “What do you worship? (37:85). Is there falsehood – gods other than God you desire? (37:86). So what do you think of Lord of the worlds? (37:87). Then he had looked a glance at the stars (37:88). Then he said, “Indeed, I am sick.” (37:89). So they had turned away from him being departed ones (37:90). Then he had turned towards their gods, then said, “Do you not eat? (37:91). What is for you that you do not speak?” (37:92). Then he had turned upon them striking with the right hand (37:93). Then they had advanced towards him to hasten (37:94). He said, “Do you worship what you carve? (37:95). While God has created you and what you make!” (37:96). They said, “Build for him a furnace, then throw him into the blazing fire.” (37:97). So they had intended a plot with him, but we made them the lowliest (37:98). And he said, “Indeed, I am turning to my Lord; He will guide me (37:99).
  • Note: Abraham said to his father and his people not to worship idols as they cannot eat or speak, and supported with a logic that why you worship what you carve instead of God who has created you and what you make, but they turned away from him. Then he broke those idols with his hand when they had a plot to build a fire to throw him into it but God made them the lowest.

Abraham’s dream to sacrifice Ismail and a good news of Isaac

  • My Lord, grant me one of the righteous.” (37:100). So we had given him good news of a forbearing child (37:101). Then when he had reached the working age with him, he said, “O my son, indeed, I see in the dream that I am sacrificing you. So, you shall look what you see?” He said, “O my father, you shall do what you are commanded; you will find me, God willing, one of the patient.” (37:102). Then when both of them had submitted, and he put him down for the forehead (37:103). And we called him that O Abraham (37:104). Certainly, you have fulfilled the vision.” Indeed, we thus that reward the good-doers (37:105). Indeed, this was the clear test (37:106). And we had ransomed him with a great sacrifice (37:107). And we had left for him in the later generations (37:108). Peace upon Abraham (37:109). Thus that we reward the good-doers (37:110).
    Note: God had accepted Abraham’s prayer and gave him a son. When his son, Ismail grew up, he said to his son, “I see a dream to sacrifice you.” Then he had agreed with his father to be sacrificed for the sake of God. When both of them were about to do that, God called Abraham that he had fulfilled the vision, which was a clear test. Then He had ransomed Ismail with an animal sacrifice and left it for the later generations, which is a practice for the pilgrims to fulfill during their pilgrimage to Makkah staying at Mina. Even the commandment of this practice is very clear being associated with a specific rite at specific place, but there is a misconception about this practice among the Muslim community all over the world.
  • Indeed, he was one of our servants of the believers (37:111). And we had given him a good news of Isaac, a prophet among the righteous (37:112). And we had blessed upon him and upon Isaac. And of their offspring there is good-doer and clear wrongdoer to his soul (37:113).
    Note: Abraham was acceptable to God being a devoted believer and He responded to his prayer giving him a good news of a righteous son, Isaac to be a prophet, while there has been both good-doers and wrongdoers from their offspring. There is a dispute between Muslims and Jews about Abraham’s son who was to be sacrificed, has been confirmed here to be Ismail not Isaac.

History of Moses and Aaron

  • And certainly, we had bestowed favor upon Moses and Aaron (37:114). And we had saved both of them and their people from the great disaster (37:115). And we had supported them that they would have been the winners (37:116). And we had given both of them the clear scripture (37:117). And we had guided both of them to the path, the straight (37:118). And we had left for both of them in the later generations (37:119). Peace upon Moses and Aaron (37:120). Indeed, we thus that reward the good-doers (37:121). Indeed, both of them were our servants of the believers (37:122).
    Note: God had saved both Moses and Aaron, and their people from the great disaster. He had supported them to be winners against the magicians, and had given them the clear scripture. God had made Moses and Aaron successful leaving their history in the later generations to reflect,  while He rewards His servants being the believers and the good-doers.

History of Ilyas

  • Indeed, Ilyas was surely one of the sent ones (37:123). When he said to his people, “Will you not fear (God)? (37:124). Do you call Baal (statue) and forsake the best Creator? (37:125). God; your Lord, and Lord of your forefathers!” (37:126). Then they had denied him that indeed, they will surely be brought into account (37:127), except God’s servants being the chosen ones (37:128). And we had left for him in the later generations (37:129). Peace upon Ilyas (37:130). Indeed, we thus that reward the good-doers (37:131). Indeed, he was our servants of the believers (37:132).
    Note: Ilyas said to his people to fear God being the Creator, but they had denied him, and God will bring them into account. But He had made Ilyas successful leaving his history for the later generations to reflect, while He rewards His servants being the believers and the good-doers.

History of Lot

  • And indeed, Lot was surely one of the sent ones (37:133). When we had saved him and all his family (37:134), except an old woman among those who remained behind (37:135). Then we had destroyed the others (37:136). And indeed, you surely pass by them of the morning (37:137), and of the night. Then will you not reflect? (37:138).
    Note: God had saved Lot and his family except his wife being with those who remained behind, as He had destroyed those who had remained behind that the people pass by day and night to reflect.

History of Jonah

  • And indeed, Jonah was surely one of the sent ones (37:139). When he had escaped to the laden ship (37:140). Then he had drawn of lots that he has been with the losers (being thrown into the sea) (37:141). Then the fish had swallowed him, and he was a blameworthy (37:142). Then if not that he had been one of those who glorify (God) (37:143), he would have stayed in its belly until a day they are resurrected (37:144). So we had cast him to the shore, while he was sick (37:145). And we had made to grow a plant of gourd for him (37:146). Then we had sent him to a hundred thousand, or more (37:147). That they had believed. So we had given them enjoyment for a while (37:148).
    Note: Jonah has been one of the sent ones, who was thrown into the sea by lottery being the blameworthy and the fish swallowed him. But he glorified God from inside the belly of fish and He cast him to the shore and saved him supporting with provision growing an edible plant in the desert. Then he has been sent to a people who had believed him. Thus, He rewards His servants being the believers and the good-doers.

The disbelievers assign daughters to God

  • So you (Muhammad) shall ask them, does your Lord have daughters, while for them there are sons?” (37:149). Or have we created the angels females, while they have been witnesses? (37:150). No doubt; indeed, from their falsehood they surely say (37:151), “God has begotten a son.” And indeed, they are surely liars (37:152). Has He preferred the daughters over the sons? (37:153). What is for you? How do you judge? (37:154). Then will you not reflect? (37:155). Or is there any clear evidence for you? (37:156). Then come with your book, if you have been truthful ones (37:157). And they have made a relationship between Him and the jinns, and certainly, the jinn know that they will surely be brought into account (37:158). Glory to God, far above what they attribute (37:159), except God’s servants being the chosen ones (37:160). So indeed, you and what you worship (37:161), cannot be tempters of you from Him (37:162), except whoever he is one burn in the Hellfire (37:163).
    Note: The disbelievers who assigned daughters to God without any proof will be brought into account to suffer the painful punishment but they cannot tempt God’s servants being the chosen ones. Even here is an indication to reflect the scripture being a source of proof.

Angels have specific role

  • And there is no one among us (angels) except for him there is a specific position (37:164). And indeed, we are surely the arrangers (37:165). And indeed, we are surely the glorifiers (37:166).
    Note: Angels are God’s soldiers and He has assigned them a specific role confirming it referring a group of angels and they are always ready to carry His command, while they glorify their Lord.

Consequence of the disbelievers in the Quran

  • And indeed, they have done surely to say (37:167), “If that with us there was a reminder from the previous people (37:168); surely, we would have been God’s servants being the chosen ones.” (37:169). But they have disbelieved in it (Quran), so they will surely know (37:170). And certainly, has preceded our decision for our servants being the sent ones (37:171). Indeed, they are surely made the victors (37:172). And indeed, our soldiers surely, they are the winners (37:173). So you shall turn away from them for a while (37:174). And you shall see them; so they will see (37:175). Is it then our punishment they hasten? (37:176). So when it descends on their territory, then it has been evil the morning for those who were warned (37:177). So you shall turn away from them for a while (37:178). And you shall see them, so they will see (37:179). Glory to your Lord of the Honor far above what they attribute (37:180). And peace upon the sent ones (37:181). And all praise to God, Lord of the worlds (37:182).
    Note: Those who have said that if they had a reminder from God, they would have been God’s servants being the chosen ones but when a reminder (Quran) had come to them, they disbelieved in it being it is the basis of their beliefs and practices. The disbelievers will be punished being the warned ones, while God’s sent ones and His soldiers (angels) have always been the winners. So, the prophet has been commanded to turn away from the disbelievers knowing that God’s sent ones are successful and all honor and praise belongs to God, Lord of the worlds.

Surah al-saaffaat (Surah 37: The Arrangers) can be reviewed reflecting that the surah begins with a statement of God’s oath referring to 3 different categories of angels based on their duties assigned to them; by taking oath God has affirmed a crucial command that our god is One who is Lord of the heavens, the earth and the easts; the disbelievers of the resurrection and a day of the judgment mock a reminder and a sign comes from God; leaders and followers on the way to Hell will be allowed to question one another while leaders said to their followers that how could we guide you as we were on astray and we have to share the punishment while they were arrogant when said to them there is no god except God; delicious food and drink as provision for those who will be in the Paradise; a tree of Zaqqum and a mixture of boiling water as provision for those who will be in Hell; God responded to Noah’s call and saved him and his family from a great disaster; Abraham presented a logic to his father and his people not to worship idols and destroyed the idols as they could not eat or speak, while they plotted to throw him in a fire; Abraham’s attempt to sacrifice Ismail to please God has been substituted with an animal sacrifice as ritual for the later generations; Abraham was acceptable to God being a devoted believer and He gave him a good news of a righteous son to be a prophet while there were both good-doers and wrongdoers from their offspring.

The review of the surah may help us to avoid many misinterpretation, misguidance and disputes around us confirming our god is One to worship God being our Lord. He has given sufficient proofs to believe in resurrection and judgment. Conversation between leaders and followers on their way to Hell confirms that many Muslims will be in Hell for following their leaders taken religion as profession, even corrupting shahaadah, laa-ilaaha illaa allah adding Muhammad’s name to it. Animal sacrifice is a ritual for the pilgrims not for the non-pilgrims. Abraham attempted to sacrifice Ismail not Isaac eliminating a dispute between Muslims and Jews about it. Thus, we must believe and practice according to God’s guidance, not following our parents nor footsteps of the previous generations nor religious scholars and leaders blindly, if anyone expects to see in better place in the Hereafter.

This surah can also be reviewed reflecting to the history of the sent ones by God to their respective community including the disbelievers who have assigned daughters to God without any proof will be brought into account and will burn in Hell; His sent ones who convey His reminders and His soldiers who have specific role are always ready to carry out His command are always the winners; source of proof is a reminder from God, is a warning for those who accept proofs from other sources; the disbelievers are the losers for not believing a reminder from God, nor acting according to it; and all honor and praise belong to God, Lord of the worlds that we must pray and praise God putting our trust upon Him as our Protector. However, the history of sent ones from God in this surah is a lesson for us that we should reflect like what He has mentioned in other surahs as well.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (01/21/2022).