Oath of God
- Ta.Seen.Meem (28:1). That is of signs of the clarifying scripture (28:2).
Note: By taking oath referring to a set of Quranic initials: Ta.Seen.Meem, God has confirmed that this set is one of the signs of the clarifying scripture, while we know that the Quranic initials have multiple roles. Thus, the total count of this set of Initials found prefixed to 2 surahs along with another two sets of Initials, Ta.Ha and Ta.Seen found prefixed to 2 other surahs having interlocking relationship with another initial, Ha found prefixed to another surah in the Arabic text of 5 surahs is a multiple of 19 => 1767 (19x93) as shown in the table below, which is a lower level factual that the Quran is from God:
Note: The count obtained from https://submission.org while the occurrence of these four Arabic letters is maintained at frequency of 93 in the Arabic text of five surahs, which is a divine guard to exist the pure Quran against an attempt of any distortion as guidance to be the straight path for the believers until the end of the world.
History of Moses and Pharaoh
- We recite to you a news of Moses and Pharaoh with the truth for a people to believe (28:3). Indeed, Pharaoh exalted himself in the earth, and made sects into its people oppressing a group among them to slay their sons and spare their women. Indeed, he had been among the corruptors (28:4). And we want that we would bestow favor upon those who have been oppressed in the earth, and we make them leaders and we make them the inheritors (28:5). And we establish for them in the earth, and we show Pharaoh, Haman, and their troops from them what they had done to fear (28:6). And we had inspired to Moses’ mother that you shall suckle him, then when you have feared for him that you shall throw him into the river, and do not fear, nor do you grieve. Indeed, we will be restorer of him to you, and will be maker of him one of the sent ones (28:7). Then a member of Pharaoh’s family had picked up him that he would be an enemy for them and a grief. Indeed, Pharaoh, and Haman, and their troops had been sinners (28:8). Pharaoh’s wife said, “A comport of eye for me and for you. You do not kill him, it might have been that he may benefit us, or we may take him as a son.” While they do not perceive (28:9). And heart of Moses’ mother had become empty that she has been near to disclose of him, if not that we had strengthened of her heart that she would be one of the believers (28:10). And she said to his sister, “You shall follow him.” So, she watched of him from afar, while they do not perceive (28:11). And we had forbidden for him the nurses before, so she said, “Do I show to you a family of house, they can raise him for you, and they will be sincere for him.” (28:12). Thus, we had restored him to his mother that she may comfort her eye and may not grieve and that she would know that God’s promise is truth, but most of them do not know (28:13).
Note: Moses had been brought up in the family of Pharaoh while God has made His promise truth returning Moses to his mother.
Moses had killed an Egyptian man
- And when he had reached his full strength and had become mature, we gave him wisdom and knowledge. And thus that we reward the good-doers (28:14). And he had entered the city at time of unawareness of its people, then he found two men were fighting each other – one was from his sect and one was from his enemy. Then one who was from his sect had called him for help against one who was from his enemy. Then Moses had struck him, so he killed him. He said, “This is from a deed of the Satan; indeed, he is an enemy as a clear misleader.” (28:15). He said, “My Lord; indeed, I have wronged to myself, so forgive for me.” Then He had forgiven for him. Indeed, He is the Forgiving, the Merciful (28:16). He said, “My Lord, for that You have bestowed favor upon me, then I will not be a supporter of the criminals.” (28:17). Afterwards, in the morning he had been in the city being fearful to be vigilant, then when one who had sought help to him of the previous day cried out for help to him. Moses said to him, “Indeed, you are surely a clear deviator.” (28:18). Then when that he had intended to strike of one who was an enemy to both of them, he said, “O Moses, do you intend to kill me like that you had killed a person yesterday? You do not want except that you would be a tyrant in the earth, nor do you want that you would be one of the reformers.” (28:19). And there had come a man running from farthest end of the city; he said, “O Moses; indeed, the leaders are consulting about you to kill you, so you shall leave. Indeed, I am to you one of the sincere advisors.” (28:20). So he had left from it being fearful to be vigilant. He said, “My Lord, save me from the people of the wrongdoers.” (28:21).
Note: When Moses had become mature, he killed an Egyptian man who was fighting with a man of his sect. Then He left and asked God to save him from the wrongdoers.
Marriage of Moses
- And when he traveled towards Madyan, he said, “it might have been that my Lord will guide me to the right path.” (28:22). When he had come to Madyan’s water, he found on it a group of people watering and found beside them two women keeping back. He said, “What is matter with you?” They said, “We cannot water until get away the shepherds, and our father is an old man.” (28:23). So he had watered for them, then he turned back to the shade when he said, “My Lord; indeed, I am in need of whatever good you send to me.” (28:24). Then there had come to him one of the two women walking upon shying. She said, “My father calls you to pay you a reward for that you have watered for us.” So when he had come to him and had narrated the story, he said, “Do not fear. You have escaped from the people of the wrongdoers.” (28:25). One of them (two sisters) said, “O my father, you shall hire him. Indeed, he is a best one; you have hired the trustworthy strong.” (28:26). He said, “Indeed, I wish to get married you one of these two daughters of mine on that you serve me for eight pilgrimage period of time; while if you complete ten, then it is from yourself, and I do not wish to make difficult for you. You will find me, God willing of the righteous.” (28:27). He said, “That is between myself and yourself. Whichever of the two terms I have completed, then there is no injustice upon me, and God is a Witness over what we say.” (28:28).
Note: He traveled to Madyan and married one of the two daughters of an elderly man on condition that he will serve him for eight pilgrimage period of time but if he had completed ten, it would be from himself.
Moses with God at Mount Sinai
- Then when Moses had fulfilled the term, and he traveled with his family, he had seen a fire from a direction of the Mount. He said to his family, “Stay here. Indeed, I have seen a fire that I can bring to you of a news from it, or a burning wood from the fire so that you may be warmed up.” (28:29). Then when he had come to it, he had been called from the right side of the valley in the even place of the blessed from the tree that O Moses; indeed Me, I am God, Lord of the worlds (28:30). And that throw down your staff. Then when he had seen it moving like it a snake, he turned in fleeing and did not come back. “O Moses, come near; do not fear. Indeed, you are among the secure (28:31). Place your hand into your cloak; it will come forth white without any harm and draw your hand to you against fear. So these are two proofs from your Lord, to Pharaoh and his elders. Indeed, they had been a disobedient people.” (28:32). He said, “My Lord; indeed, I have killed a person of them, so I fear that they will kill me (28:33). And my brother Aaron is more eloquence than I in speech. So send him with me as a helper to confirm me. Indeed me, I fear that they will deny me.” (28:34). He said, “We will strengthen your arm with your brother and we will make for both of you an authority that they will not reach to both of you. With our signs, you two and whoever has followed both of you will be the dominant.” (28:35).
Note: When Moses had been at the valley of Mount Sinai, he saw a fire, and when he had been near a fire, God called him, “O Moses, I am God, Lord of the words.” He received two proofs from Him to go to Pharaoh and his elders who were disobedient having his brother as an assistant.
Moses and his brother with Pharaoh
- Then when Moses had come to them with our clear signs, they said, “This is not but a magic of invented one. And we have not heard of this from our forefathers of the previous generations.” (28:36). And Moses said, “My Lord knows best of whoever has come with the guidance from Him and whoever would be for him a good end of the Hereafter. Indeed, the wrongdoers will not succeed” (28:37). And Pharaoh said, “O you elders, I have not known for you any god other than me. So kindle for me O Haman upon the clay to make a lofty tower for me so that I may look at god of Moses. And indeed, I surely think he is one of the liars.” (28:38). And he had been arrogant – he and his troops in the earth, without the truth, and they had thought that they would not be returned to us (28:39).
Note: Moses and his brother went to Pharaoh and his elders with clear signs from God but they denied them considering the signs given from God invented magic. While Pharaoh ordered to build a lofty tower to see Moses’ God and called him a liar. Thus he had been arrogant and thought that he and troops would not be returned to God.
Consequences of Pharaoh and his troops
- So, we had seized him and his troops that we threw them into the sea. So how had been an end of the wrongdoers (28:40). And we have made them leaders to invite to the Fire, and a day of the Resurrection they will not be helped (28:41). And we have made them follow a curse in this life of the world, and a day of the Resurrection they will be with the despised (28:42).
Note: Pharaoh and his troops were drowned in the sea and made them leaders to invite to the Fire on a day of the Resurrection. Thus, they have been cursed in the life of the world and on a day of the resurrection they will be with despised.
Moses and what has been given to him is a lesson for later generations
- And certainly, we had given Moses the scripture as enlightenments for the people, and a guidance and mercy so that they may take heed after what we had destroyed the former generations (28:43). And you had not been on the western side, when we had decreed the commandment to Moses, and you had not been among the witnesses (28:44). But we had brought forth the generations that it had extended the life for them. And you (prophet) had not been a dweller among a people of Madyan to recite our revelations to them. But we had been Senders (28:45). And you had not been on the side of the Mount when we called (Moses). But it is a mercy from your (prophet) Lord that you warn a people had not come to them a warner before yourself that they may take heed (28:46).
Note: Even we were not present at the time of Moses, but God has made his story and the scripture given to him prominent and a good lesson for the people of the subsequent generations to find the right path for them highlighting that the scripture has been given as enlightenments, guidance and mercy for the people.
God strikes the people with a disaster not to follow His revelations
- And if not that a disaster strikes them for what had sent of their hands that they would say, “Our Lord, why not You have sent a messenger to us that we would follow Your revelations, and would be among the believers?” (28:47). Then when the truth had come to them from us, they said, “Why not has been given like what had been given to Moses?” Did they not disbelieve in what had been given to Moses before? They said, “Two magicians have supported each other.” And they said, “We are disbelievers in everyone.” (28:48). Say, “Then bring of a scripture from God, which is a better guide than both of them (Torah and Quran), I (Muhammad) will follow it, if you have been truthful ones.” (28:49). So if they cannot respond to you, then you shall know that they only follow their desires; and whoever is far astray than whoever has followed his own desire without guidance from God? Indeed, God does not guide the people who are the wrongdoers (28:50). And certainly, we have conveyed the word to them that they may take heed (28:51).
Note: It is God’s system to send messenger with His revelations before a disaster strikes the people while the disbelievers follow their own desires being far astray disregarding a guidance from Him. Thus, God does not guide the wrongdoers.
There are believers among the people of every generation
- Those whom we have given them the scripture before of it (Quran), they believe in it (28:52). And when it is recited to them, they said, “We have believed in it. Indeed, it is the truth from our Lord. Indeed, we have been submitters before of it.” (28:53). Those will be given their reward twice of that they have been patient and they repel the evil with the good, and from what we have provided them, they spend (28:54). And when they had heard the vain talk, they turned away from it and said, “For us is our deeds and for you is your deeds. Peace upon you. We do not seek the ignorant.” (28:55).
Note: There are believers in every generation of people who accept the truth from their Lord when the scripture is recited to them and they do the righteous deeds and turn away from that when they hear the vain talk.
God guides but disbelievers do not follow guidance given by Him
- Indeed, you (Muhammad) cannot guide whom you have loved, but God guides whoever He wills, and He is best Knower of the guided ones (28:56). And they said, “If we follow the guidance with yourself (Muhammad), we would be wiped out from our land.” Have we not established for them a secure sanctuary, is brought to it every kind of fruits as a provision from us? But most of them do not know (28:57).
Note: God guides while He has given us the guidance but the disbelievers does not follow it being fearful from their people.
God has not been a destroyer until raising a messenger in a community
- And how many a town have we destroyed, has exulted with its livelihood? So, that is of their homes does not inhibit after them, except a few. And we have made the inheritors (28:58). And your Lord has not been a destroyer of the towns until He raises a messenger in their mother towns to recite our revelations to them. And we have not been a destroyer of the towns except, while their people are wrongdoers (28:59). And whatever you have been given of thing is an enjoyment of the life of the world and its adornment, while whatever is with God is far better and everlasting. Do you not then understand? (28:60). Is then he whom we have promised him a good promise, then he is in its meeting, like one whomever we have provided him an enjoyment of the life of the world, then he is on a day of the Resurrection will be presented? (28:61).
Note: God has not destroyed any town until its people had become wicked after sending a messenger to guide them while they will be punished for their wrongdoing on a day of the Resurrection for what they have done to commit.
Punishment for those who misled and those who associated with God on a day of Resurrection
- And a day He will call them, then will say, “Where are My partners those whom you had done to claim?” (28:62). Those whom against them the word (punishment) has justified said, “Our Lord, these are those we have misled. We have misled them as we had gone astray. We have declared our innocence to You. They had not done to worship us any way.” (28:63). And it has been said, “Call your partners.” Then they have called them, but they do not respond to them. While they have seen the punishment, if that they had been to be guided (28:64). And a day He will call them, then will say, “What have you answered to the sent ones?” (28:65). Then it has been obscure the information on them on that day as they could not ask one another (28:66). Then as for whoever had repented, and had believed, and had done as a righteous, then it has been that he would be with the successful ones (28:67).
Note: Those whom had been associated with God listening to them and those who had associated partners with Him will claim them innocent on a day of the Resurrection. However, those who have repented and have believed, and have done the righteous deeds obeying to the sent ones will be successful on that day.
Glory to God Who has created everything and has exalted Himself so High
- And your Lord creates what He wills and chooses; there has not had the choice for them. Glory to God and He has exalted so High above what they associate (28:68).
Note: God has created everything and all glory to Him Who has exalted so High leaving no room, even not to think of associating anyone or anything with Him.
All praise belongs to God in the life of the world and in the life of the Hereafter.
- And your Lord knows what conceals their hearts and what they declare (28:69). And He is God: there is no god except He. To Him belongs all praise in the first life and the Hereafter. And to Him belongs the judgment and to Him you will be returned (28:70). Say, “Have you seen if God had made the night perpetual for you until a day of the Resurrection? Which god other than God could bring you of light? Would you not hear then?” (28:71). Say, “Have you seen if God had made the daylight perpetual, until a day of the Resurrection? Which god other than God could bring you of a night to rest in it? Would you not see then?” (28:72). And it is from His mercy He has made the night and the day for you that you may rest in it and that you may seek from His bounty that you may appreciate (28:73). A day He will call them, then will say, “Where are My partners you have done to claim?” (28:74). And we have brought forth from every community as a witness, then we said, “Bring your proof, then they have known that the truth belongs to God and have lost (their souls) from them what they had done to invent (28:75).
Note: God is god and there is no god except He. As we all will return to Him and judgment belongs to Him, all praise belongs to Him in our worldly life as well as in the life of the Hereafter while He has done all favors being merciful upon us that we can appreciate Him but those who have associated partners cannot show any proofs to God but will know that the truth belongs to Him while they have lost their souls.
Qarun’s wealth could not help him to be victorious in the Hereafter
- Indeed, Qarun had been from a people of Moses, while he had oppressed on them, and we had given him of the treasures which indeed its keys surely would burden of a company possessors of the great strength. When his people said to him, “Do not exult; indeed, God does not love the exultant. (28:76). And you shall seek through what God has given you the abode of the Hereafter, while you do not forget your share of the world. And you shall do good as God has done good to you, and you do not seek corruption in the earth. Indeed, God does not love the corruptors.” (28:77). He said, “I have only been given it because of knowledge with me.” Does he not know that God certainly has destroyed before himself of the generations who – they were much stronger than he in strength, and greater in accumulation? And the criminals will not be asked about their sins (28:78). So he has gone forth to his people in his adornment. Those who desire the life of the world said, “Oh, if that for us like what has been given to Qarun; indeed, he is a great fortunate.” (28:79. And those who have been given the knowledge said, “Woe to you, a reward of God is better for whoever has believed and has done as righteous.” And it is not granted except the patient (28:80). Then we have caused the earth to swallow him and his home. Then it has not been for him any group to help him other than God; and he has not been with the victorious ones (28:81). And has begun to say of those who had wished his position of the day before, “Ah, that God extends the provision for whomever He wills of His servants and restricts it. If not that God had favored upon us, He would have caused to swallow with us. Ah, that the disbelievers will not succeed.” (28:82). That is the abode of the Hereafter we reserve it for those who do not desire exaltedness in the earth, nor (do they commit corruption), and the end is for the righteous (28:83). Whoever has come with the good, then for him there will be better from it, and whoever has come with the evil, then there will not be compensated those who have done the evil except what they have done to accomplish (28:84).
Note: Qarun has been set an example for us that the wealth will not save us from the punishment in the Hereafter while our knowledge and wisdom can do it being believers and doing the righteous deeds that God wants us to reflect. Thus, those who have exulted themselves and have done corruption in the earth cannot succeed in the Hereafter while those who have not desired exaltedness and have not done corruption in the earth their end as the righteous. Whoever has come to God with good deed will be given more than that, and whoever has come to Him with the evil deed will be given equivalent to it
Quran has been decreed upon prophet to get back to a place of return and to invite to God
- Indeed, Who has decreed the Quran upon you (Muhammad) is surely taking of you back to a place of return. Say, “My Lord is best Knower of whoever has come with the guidance, and whoever he is in far astray.” (28:85). And you had not done to expect that there would be sent down to you the scripture, except for a mercy from your Lord. So, not to be a helper of the disbelievers (28:86). Nor to avert you from verses of God, after when has been sent down to you, and you shall invite to your Lord, and not to be with the idol worshipers (28:87). Nor to call another god with God; there is no god except He. Everything is ending except He Himself. To Him belongs the judgment and to Him you will be returned (28:88).
Note: God has decreed the Quran upon the prophet to get back to a place of return and has been sent down it to him as a mercy from Him to invite people to Him with it and to worship Him alone without associating partner(s) with Him, and that he does not assist the disbelievers, while He knows whoever has come to Him with guidance or misguidance, and to Him belongs the judgment.
Surah al-qasas (Surah 28: The History) can be reviewed reflecting that God has made prominent the history of Moses with his people including of his bringing up in Pharaoh’s family, his marriage on the condition to serve an elderly man for eight pilgrimage period of time, facing Pharaoh – a great tyrant of the world, his direct conversation with God at Mount Sinai and having great signs from Him for facing Pharaoh and his advisors. Pharaoh being powerful and Qarun being the richest in the world could not escape the punishment in the world as well as in the Hereafter would be a great lesson for the people of the subsequent generations and God had given a scripture to Moses as enlightenments for the people, and guidance and a mercy that they may take heed making it a lesson for the people of the subsequent generations that the scripture has always been a guidance for the people from the past and a disaster strikes the people when they do not follow God’s revelations.
There are believers among the people of every generation who have followed God’s guidance while the disbelievers do not follow His guidance. God has not been destroyer of any nation until raising a messenger from them to guide them while the disbelievers will lose their soul on a day of the Resurrection. All praise belongs to God while there is no god except He. Those who misled from a path of God and those who associated partners with Him will claim themselves innocent and when those whom have been associated with God are called would not respond to them. Power and wealth would not help escape punishment except knowledge, while the crucial message is God has decreed the Quran upon us to get back to a place of return and has sent down it to invite to Him with it and to worship Him alone without associating partners with Him.
Peaceful Friday, salaam and God bless.
Tafazzal (12/10/2021).